Home Rack Homemade agricultural equipment. Homemade mini tractor for household. Video - how to make a circular from a grinder

Homemade agricultural equipment. Homemade mini tractor for household. Video - how to make a circular from a grinder

Homemade agricultural equipment is very popular with farmers in Russia. Such structures are much cheaper than factory. And the flight of creative fantasy masters is not limited. It turns out quite interesting developments used in agriculture.

Homemade agricultural machinery

Many farmers are familiar with the advantages of an ordinary motor-block used in the household. Motor structures usually work on gasoline or diesel engines. The presence of wheels allows many tasks. As a result, a farmer is facilitated by part of land work. What kind of structures use the motoblock?

If the farmer knows how to use a plumbing tool, the motor-block in his hands can turn into a useful unit. It can be used for:

  • plowing land;
  • snow cleaning;
  • transportation of bulk materials;
  • lawn haircuts;
  • planting and cleaning potatoes;
  • as a plow.

All designs made of motoblock can be divided into two groups. In the first case, use hinged equipment, in the second fiberboard is capitally reconstructed.

Capital reconstruction of Motoblok.

If you show persistence and fantasy, you can make a unique homemade agricultural machinery. The main types of aggregates derived from Motoblock:

  • Trailer. This device is based on the creation of an additional trailer design. It is important to take into account the shift of the center of gravity, which will go back. You also need to expand the front axle.
  • Werethod. Motoblock is installed on a 4-wheel frame. The finished design will resemble a quad bike or tractor. It turns out an excellent homemade agricultural machinery for farmers. It is maneuverable and very functional.

  • Celebrator. Almost all farmers are constructed from the Motoblock of the Seine. The design is a welded frame of pipes that are attached to the plate and set back. Front fasten two wheels. It turns out something like a mini tractor.
  • Snowmobile. If you install caterpillars on the motor structure, it turns out excellent transportation for movement in snowy winters.

Homemade potatoes

The potatoes is attached to the tractor. During the movement, the knives cut the earth and collect potato tubers. During vibration from potatoes, an excess earth is shaken. Clean tubers are thrown into the aisle, where they are collected manually. Homemade agricultural machinery represents many variations of this device. Working on this unit, the master can determine the thickness of the iron structures and their strength. The basis is the frame, which is welded from corners and channel. From the iron plates make Lemeh, which is attached to the elevator casing.

Elevantor give a small slope. Rotating shafts and drum are prepared, the reference part. The design is quite complicated, so it does not make it without special technical skills. And in terms of cost such a device will not be cheap.

Homemade agricultural machinery with their own hands - a successful idea for advanced masters with special skills. If there are no such abilities, the farmer can choose any units in the store.

The minitractor is an indispensable agricultural machinery for land processing, planting seeds and harvest assembly. This technique is especially in demand in the village, among the owners of large household plots. The cost of minitractors in the factory execution is sufficiently high. Even new Chinese production techniques are sometimes not for the pocket. Therefore, more and more domestic masters are trying to make a mini tractor on their own using braid materials.

If you decide to collect a minitractor with your own hands, then first you need to pick up a power unit to it. As the latter often use zid engine. This is a four-stroke unit with a volume of 0.52 liters. and with a capacity of 4.5 l / s, which is quite suitable for processing 2-3 hectares of the Earth. The engine is characterized by ease of maintenance, so it is often installed on various homemade techniques, besides, it is easy to buy it on the Internet.

Another option for homemade is . This is a two-cylinder unit having a power of about 12 l / s and a volume of 0.42 liters. Although this type of engines have long been removed from production, there is a large number of offers on the Internet for the sale of this unit. It can be bought for approximately 5,000 - 8,000 rubles.

Often, during the manufacture of self-made masters, motors from cars are used. For example, you can find minitractors with an engine from Oka.

This engine has a power of 29.3 l / s and a volume of 0.649 liters. In essence, this is a Vaza engine (VAZ 21083), only in a lightweight version, since it has 2 times less weight. The distinctive feature of the engine from the eye is a small consumption of gasoline and high efficiency.

More expensive option is engine from "Zhiguli". Motors of the VAZ car line have the engine power from 59 l / s (VAZ 2101) and above. A tractor with a VAZ engine is a fairly powerful unit that is able to cope with almost any agricultural work.

Motoroblock owners make a miniflower for household is the easiest way, since this unit already has all the necessary control nodes. It remains only to make a suitable frame, and the tractor is ready.

What to make a frame

Assembly of a minitractor always begins with framework. The minitractor frame performs the role of the base on which all the nodes and parts of this unit are fixed. The frame should be strong enough and at the same time not very heavy. Usually it is made from metal Corner, Profile Pipe or Schwell. Connect the parts by welding. Frame can be solid or consisting of two parts.

Whole frame Make the easiest way. It is enough to weld a rectangle from a chapellery or corner. The size of the frame is calculated on the basis of the engine size, gearbox and other nodes.

Also among the owners of household plots are greatly popular with minitractor 4x4. This is all-wheel drive minitractor with breaking frame. The word "all-wheel drive" means that the aggregate leads are both bridges, front and rear. An example of such a frame made from Schweller No. 10 is shown in the following photo.

Knot Far Rama Most often made from the car owner of the car, for example, from GAZ-52.

The main advantage of the self-made tractor with a broken frame is a small radius of the reversal of the unit. Due to the high maneuverability, the minitractor is successfully used in small areas, where the turn of a minitractor with a solid frame will be difficult.

Below are the drawings of the frame connected by the hinge.

What makes the running

To assemble a minitractor, you need to prepare its running part. It includes wheels, front and rear axles, transmission elements.

When choosing wheels for a minitractor It should be taken into account the purpose of using the latter. If the unit is constructed for a transfer and dragging of goods, then the diameter of the disks in 16 inches will be enough. When using a tractor in the field, it is better to use more massive wheels having discs with a diameter of 18 to 24 inches.

If the leading bridge in your tractor will be only the rear, then front beam is manufactured quite simple.

To make a homemade front axle, as well as its rear analog for all-wheel drive aggregate, It will be necessary to take 2 identical nodes of the chassis, for example, from a VAZ or Muscovite car, and shorten them. How to shorten the bridge from the car VAZ, you can learn from this video.

Important! Bridges must have the same gearboxes, with the same gear ratio. Otherwise, the front and rear wheels when the tractor moves will rotate at different speeds.

As bridges already have a built-in mechanism for transmitting rotational motion on the axis of the wheels, the homemade gearbox will not need to be manufactured.

Pluses of hydraulics installation

Hydraulics on a minitractor is established to ensure that it works to some of its mechanisms and facilitate the management of this unit. The unit with a hydraulic installed has its advantages.

  1. The car becomes easy-to-control. The steering wheel can be twisted, virtually no effort, one hand.
  2. Hydraulics makes it possible to apply various attachments.
  3. The use of hydraulics allows you to upgrade the brake system. Thanks to the hydraulic cylinders installed on the unit, the braking of the unit occurs instantly.

It is possible to make hydraulics on a minitractor if you have to purchase a ready-made system in the store in advance or use the details from the old agricultural machinery.

Important! When installing hydraulics on a minitractor, it should be borne in mind that some of the engine power goes to maintain this node. Therefore, for tractors with low-power engines, the installation of hydraulics will not bring any benefit.

What is needed for what

Power takeoff shaft (VOM) is designed to bring in the movement of various agricultural mechanisms connected to a minitractor, for example, various cutters for the processing of land, potatoes, mowers, snowbursters, etc.

In may be like dependent and independent. In the first case, the shaft is driven by a transmission transmitting rotational movement to the wheels. Once the wheels stop, it stops rotating. Independent POW gets rotation from the engine crankshaft. Therefore, the higher the engine turnover, the faster the shaft rotates.

In addition, there are tractors with Synchronous type. The speed of rotation of the synchronous shaft directly depends on the gear ratio of the transmission of the moving tractor. Synchronization of movement and rotation is required when an aggregate with sowing equipment is operating.

Production of three-point hitch

The mood is used for connections to the tractor of additional equipment, for example, a plow.

The mood must be movable both in the horizontal plane and in the vertical. In the first case, mobility helps to reduce the departure of the nozzle when piring. The vertical movement of the suspension is required to lower the equipment into the working condition or lifting it to the transport position.

The jacket on the minitractor is made from various parts taken from the old agricultural machinery. Make a description of how to make a three-point hitch at home is quite difficult. Therefore, it will be more correct to use the following videos, which indicates the dimensions of all parts of the device.

Selection and installation of brakes and clutch

The brakes must be installed on the rear wheel pair. The easiest to take finished blocks from car UAZ. Brake pads need to be installed on the wheels of the wheels, and the control is displayed on the pedal or lever installed inside the cab.

To set the clutch to the homemade minitractor, you can also use the finished option from any car. For example, you can use bellen grip from Muscovite or UAZ.

The clutch unit is attached to the gearbox, also taken from any car. How the clutch is installed, you can see in this video.

Installation of the steering

It is quite difficult to produce the steering mechanism yourself quite difficult, and in principle it makes no sense, since all parts can be taken from any passenger car.

When installing the steering mechanism, the steering shaft with the gear is connected to the steering bumps, which are available on the swivel fists installed on the front beam (the manufacture of the beam was considered above).

How to make a cabin for a minitractor

If in a summer period, it is possible to work on a minitractor without a cabin, then with the onset of the autumn-winter period, the use of the unit becomes quite uncomfortable or at all impossible. Therefore, the craftsmen are trying to collect tractors with cabins to use this technique all year round.

Cabin for homemade technology is manufactured from sheet steel According to a predetermined drawing. As the basis of calculations, you can take a cabin from the MTZ tractor. The following photo shows the drawing, based on which, you can make the cabin independently.

Tip! If the sizes of the cabin existing on the drawing are not suitable for the size of your minitractor, they must be changed. But the main thing is that you need to consider when correction of sizes is the size of the windshield and the height of the cab. Its ceiling should be above the head of a person sitting in a 25 cm cabin.

The cab is manufactured as follows.

In general, it is better to understand how the mini tractor is made with their own hands, you can see this video, a kind of allowance for beginners.

Crawler tractor making nuances

Homemade tracked minitractor is a technique, the main feature of which is high maneuverability and good permeability. Also, the tractor on caterpillars creates minimal pressure on the soil, which cannot be said about its wheel analogue.

To make a minitractor on a caterpillar, you will need the following design elements.

  1. Frame. It is made from the profile pipe or chapellor.
  2. Engine. For a caterpillar minitractor, it is better to use a diesel engine.
  3. Main bridge. As with the manufacture of a wheel tractor, a ready-made bridge from an old car can also be used for the caterpillar unit, which should be shortened.
  4. Transmission. The ideal option will be a box from GAZ-53.
  5. Clutch. Suitable clutch block from GAZ-52.
  6. Caterpillars They are made of tires from wheels of large-sized equipment, for example, from the tractor.

For the manufacture of caterpillars You need to take 2 tires from the tractor and cut the side parts on them. Then these tires are dressed on the wheels mounted on the frame, as shown in the next photo.

So that the tractor can turnOn the back bridge you need to install differential, which will turn off the right or left wheel from the drive. Also, each wheel should be equipped with a brake, controlled separately. When you click on the brake pedal and switching the differential, one wheel of the leading bridge stops, and the opposite continues to rotate. Due to this, the tractor unfolds in the right direction.

In this selection, several ideas that can be useful to homemade to develop their own projects that facilitate agricultural work. Video at the end of the article.

A witty lawn driver came up with a unique device in his own way: he simply took three existing lawn mowers, a little modified them to fastened to the minitractor. Now he does not have to walk around the field for hours to treat a large space. The homemade looks funny, but it is quite a workable thing that accelerates exactly three times the chapel of the lawn.

Cultivator automatically bypass trees

Very convenient mechanism. It has not only the work part, but also a sensitive element. The tractor with the cultivator passes through the field,
As soon as the sensitive element, which is issued a little forward, hurts the village, the semi-automatic immediately reacts and leads the cultivator to the side to circumvent the tree. After that, it immediately returns to the working position and continues the processing of the soil. Great idea!

Film bed coating unit

To cover the film all the beds on this field, you will need a few days if the workers manually do all the work.
A small cultivator puts a perforated film in one pass for each bed. At the same time, it forms the edges of the bed.

How the bow is cleaned in Korea. It is folded by a narrow strip.

The unit collects onions immediately from several beds and resets it into one narrow strip. This means of small mechanization is a measure to do small inexpensive mechanisms for harvesting and not buy an expensive combine. See also what they do in Korea with onions after its cleaning. Workers do not have to do too much work. Instead, a robot works on the conveyor. Although, without human mind and skill and do not do here.

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