Home Food The strongest chassis on the car. The best car suspension. Why do you have to make pendants tougher on sports cars

The strongest chassis on the car. The best car suspension. Why do you have to make pendants tougher on sports cars

Suspension specialists can tell a lot of interesting examples from practice, and I will have to limit ourselves to a brief story about why it is not always tougher chain, but is not always more comfortable. The work of the car suspension is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. They perform many functions that are not quite obvious. I will try to briefly mention the main.

In general, many books are written about the work of the suspension, and most of them are very thick. I will try only "by top" to designate the highlights to meet the format of the cognitive article.

Why not do without suspension

Even very smooth roads actually have a bend in many directions, and the earth itself is little similar to an infinite plane. And so that all four wheels touch the surface, they should be able to move up and down. It is extremely desirable that the running surface of the wheel adjacent to the coating with all its width at any position of the suspension. So the machines that are hard and short pendants are practically doomed to the poor clutch of the wheels with the road, because one of the wheels will always be unloaded.

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Why the suspension should have a compression

To contact all wheels with an expensive, it is not at all necessary that the suspension can shrink, it is enough that the wheels can move only down. But when moving the car in turns there are lateral forces that seek to tilt the car. If, at the same time, one side of the car will be able to rise, and the other will not be able to drop, the center of gravity cars will be very shifted towards the loaded wheel, which in turn will cause many negative consequences.

First of all, there is even greater unloading of the internal wheel in relation to the wheel and an increase in the moment of the roll due to the movement of the center of gravity up relative to the center of the Roll of the suspension (about it below). And, of course, if the wheels do not have a compression stroke, even small irregularities under one of the wheels should cause the body movement, move all the other wheels down with all the associated energy costs to rise and reduce the clutch of the wheels. What, to put it mildly, not too comfortable. And also destructive for body and pendant parts. In general, the suspension must be balanced, have a compression stroke and a passing course for normal operation.

Why the car rolls in turns

Since we have decided that the suspension from the car should have and has the ability to move up-down, then a purely geometrically forms a certain point, the center around which the body of the machine rotates. This point is called the center of the roll of the machine.

And the amount of inertia forces acting on the machine in turn is just attached to its mass center. If he coincided with the center of the roll, then there would be no roll in turn, but it is usually located much higher, and as a result, a painting machine is formed. And the higher the center of the roll is located, the lower the center of gravity, the less. On special racing structures like Formula 1, the center of gravity is placed below the center of the roll, and then the car can roll into the opposite side as a boat on the water.

Actually, the location of the center of the roll depends on the suspension design. And automotive engineers learned to "raise" well well, changing the design of the levers, which in theory could get rid of rolls not only low sports cars, but also high enough. The problem is that the suspension designed to ensure the "unnaturally handled" roll center, successfully fights the tilt of the body, but it does not work well with the main task - damping irregularities.

Why the suspension should be soft

It is quite obvious that the softer the suspension, the smaller the change in the position of the body at the road to irregularity and the load between different wheels is less distributed. So, the grip of the wheels with the road does not deteriorate and the energy is not consumed on the movement of the center of mass machines up-down. What did we find the ideal formula? But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple.

First, the suspensions are limited to compression moves, and they must be coordinated with a change in the axis load when the machine is loaded by passengers and luggage, and with a load arising from the passage of turns and irregularities. Too soft suspension when turning will be squeezed so hard that the wheels on the other hand will break away from the ground. So the suspension should prevent exhaustion of compression stroke on one side and hanging the wheel on the other.

It turns out that too soft suspension is also bad ... The optimal option is a relatively small range of "softness", after which the suspension becomes rigid, but it is more difficult to adjust such a design, the higher the difference between the rigid and soft part of it.

With any redistribution of the load between the wheels, the total clutch of the wheels with the road occurs. The fact is that the device's logo is not compensated for all losses when unloading others. And in the case of hanging unloaded wheels, the increase in the adhesion on the exhausted side does not compensate and half losses.

In addition to the overall clutch deterioration, it also leads to a deterioration of manageability. Fight with this unpleasant factor, changing the slope of the rolling plane of the wheel relative to the road - the so-called collapse. As a result of constructive measures aimed at programming the change in collapse when the machine rolls, it is possible to compensate for the change in the clutch of the wheels during transverse loads in a reasonable range and thereby make the control of the machine easier.

Why do you have to make the suspension tougher on sports cars?

On the controllability of the machine, any changes in the chain installation angles are extremely negatively affecting the rolls of the machine and delay in responses to control exposure due to the bias of the center of gravity. So, it is necessary to make the suspension tougher to turn the rolls in the rotation.

The extreme output is a powerful transverse stability stabilizer - torsion, which prevents the movement of the wheel of one axis relative to the other. But this is not the best way. Yes, it improves the situation with a change in the angles of the installation of the wheels in the turn, but it unloads the inner, with respect to the rotation, the wheel, and overloads the outer. A little better just make the suspension tougher. This is more affected by comfort, but it does not like an inner wheel as it unloads.

Considerable value of shock absorbers

In addition to the elastic elements, gas or liquid shock absorbers are present in the machine suspension - elements responsible for quenching the oscillations of the suspension and output of the energy that the machine spends on moving the center of mass. With their help, you can adjust all the responses of the suspension and squeezing, because the shock absorber can provide in the dynamics much greater rigidity than the spring. At the same time, its rigidity, in contrast to the springs, will be very different depending on the stroke of the suspension and the speed of its movement.

Of course, a completely soft shock absorber will not be able to perform its main task - the extinguishing of oscillations, the car simply will be swollen after passing the irregularity. And the installation of very hard will create the effect, similar to the installation of a very rigid spring, which does not want to shrink and thereby increases the load on the wheel and unloads all the others. But the fine tuning will help reduce rolls in turns and help the springs, reduce the bite of the body during acceleration and braking and at the same time do not interfere with the wheels pass small irregularities. And of course, preventing the "breakdown" of the suspension when driving hard irregularities. In general, the impact on the behavior of the car they are not less than the rigidity of the springs.

A little about the comfort and frequencies of oscillations

It is clear that the car without suspension would have a zero, because all the small irregularities from the road would be transmitted directly to the rides. Br - r. But if the suspension is done very soft, then the situation will be slightly better - the constant routing is also extremely badly affected by people. It turns out that a person does not tolerate fluctuations both with a small amplitude and a high frequency of hard suspension, and with a large amplitude and with a low frequency from soft.

To create comfortable conditions for passengers, it is necessary to coordinate the rigidity of the springs, shock absorbers and tires so that the carriers of passenger fluctuations and acceleration rate remained in a comfortable limits on the most chassis for this machine.

The frequency and amplitude of the suspension oscillations are also important in another aspect - the eigen frequency of the resonance system of the system-suspension machine should not coincide with the possible frequencies of control influences and perturbations from the road. So the task of the designers is also to get around dangerous modes as far as possible, because in case of resonance, you can turn the car, and lose control, and just break the suspension.

So, what should the suspension be?

As it is neither paradoxically, but the softer the suspension, the better the grip of the wheels with the road. But at the same time, it should not allow strong rolls and change the spots of the contact of the wheels with the road. The worse the road, the soul must be suspension to get a good clutch. The lower the clutch coefficient, the silent must be suspension. It would seem that the problem can solve the installation of transverse stability stabilizer, but no, he also has its own negative features, it makes the suspension more "dependent" and reduces the move the suspension.

So the suspension setting remains for the real masters and always requires a lot of time on basic tests. Many factors are intimidately intertwined and, by changing one parameter, you can degrade controllability, and the smoothness of the stroke. And not always the hard suspension makes the car faster, and soft is more comfortable. The controllability also affects the change in the stiffness of the front and rear suspension relative to each other and even the slightest change in the characteristics of the stiffness of the shock absorbers. I hope this article will help more carefully treat the choice of components for suspensions and will prevent thoughtless experiments.

Although the quality of Russian roads in recent years has improved a little, drivers still have to take care of the suspension of their cars. But, as it turned out, owners of models of some brands have even more reasons for concern. The British Insurance Campaign Warranty Direct has published a rating of brands, whose models most often forced to attend services to eliminate breakdowns chassis. Malfunctions of shock absorbers, levers, silent blocks, hinges, bearings, hydraulic and pneumatic suspension elements were taken into account. Did not remain in the side of the drive, differentials and blocking.

10. Volvo - 27.5%.

Swedish brand has been famous for a high level of safety of its cars for many years. However, in matters of health, not all Volvo models look better than their popular rivals. Also came out this time. According to Warranty Direct, Scandinavian cars have a high risk of premature wear of suspension and transmission elements. It is noteworthy that most often problems are found in auto-drive cars.

9. Chevrolet - 27.8%.

A brand that left the Russian market was a cheaper alternative to Opel models with which it was closely connected. As it turned out, it does not mean cheaper. Cars with a cross on the hood cause more often to invest in the repair of suspension and drive elements.

The German model in the segment of small urban cars can be taken by the sample in the area of \u200b\u200bpassive safety of compact structures. Much worse things are the durability of suspension and transmission.

7. Bentley - 29.2%.

The low reliability of the Suspension of the English brand belonging to the Germans is surprising, but it is hardly a great circle of car enthusiasts. In the end, we are talking about cars "From the upper shelf", to which 99.99 percent of the residents of the Earth will never be able to reach. And, nevertheless, the engines of huge power, and the sports ambitions of the owners led to the fact that the suspension of the British brand showed a high percentage of failures.

6. Mercedes - 29.7%.

The German Mark, which in recent years restores its undermined authority, according to British, does not demonstrate progress in the durability of suspension and transmission. Most often, failures occur in models with a full drive system and powerful engines.

5. ALFA ROMEO - 30.7%.

The models of this Italian brand are famous for their beauty and good handling. However, the durability of the suspension has never been assessed well. Thus, if the reliability of Alfa as a whole can still be arranged, then in the truth of the data obtained on the endurance of the suspension and the transmission of doubts no one arises.

4. Land Rover - 31.4%.

The British manufacturer offers one of the best SUVs in the world. But to the deepest regret, the suspension and mechanisms of the full drive system are not always easily transferred to life. It is worth noting that Jeep, whose models, too, sometimes come from asphalt, took the 27th place in the ranking with a result of 17.8 percent of faults in the chassis.

3. Mazda - 32%.

Recently, Mazda admires car enthusiasts with modern design and magnificent engines. And, nevertheless, fans of this brand will have to prepare for the elimination of unexpected faults in the suspension.

2. Suzuki - 34.2%.

In Europe, the Suzuki brand is presented, primarily models of SWIFT and Grand Vitara. The first is a rather durable urban resident, the second is one of those rare modern SUVs, which will not pose away from the asphalt. For a moderate price tag, the Japanese SUV offers a four-wheel drive and the possibility of manual blocking of differential. The running turned out to be the only weak link in brand cars.

1. Subaru - 34.6%.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the list of brands with the most strong suspension was headed by MINI and KIA cars!

Russian roads - the test is not for the faint of heart, and the daily movement on such a coating harms not only human nerves, but also a car. First of all, the suspension suffers, the repair of which costs the current standards of significant money. That is why experts recommend choosing proven models that are able to withstand even the most severe operating conditions. Fortunately, such cars on the market are found in sufficient quantities, and they are not too expensive.

Renault Logan.

The French budget sedan is probably the most popular representative of this list. This car is extremely popular with taxi drivers, thanks to their "survivability". The manufacturer equips the model is a very durable suspension and high-quality engine, which, although it does not differ in modest fuel consumption, but does not require systematic investments and complex repair.

Nissan Almera.

Another budget sedan who enjoys excellent demand in the Russian market due to its availability and reliability, despite the fact that the sale in the Russian Federation has long been stopped. The Japanese suspension deserves special attention. It has a simple design, which is extremely reliable and practically does not fail. In addition to the "unhappy", Almera hodovka is still equipped with an excellent machine gun, which serves as a host for many years.

Skoda Octavia.

Czech car also features a reliable chassis. Critics celebrate its competent design and the items of the highest quality. It is not surprising, because all the elements are made of aluminum, which is known for its longevity. However, it is precisely the metal used at the same time and the disadvantage of the suspension due to its fragility. On serious cords, the details are quickly covered by cracks. So it is not recommended to operate on a serious off-road.

Hyundai Elantra XD.

The Korean car also got into this rating. It is noteworthy that the XD suspension cannot be called very reliable, since the knocks in the inaccurate handling appear quickly enough, but they do not affect the operation of the car in the future. Repair can be closed, which is very valued by our compatriots.

Chevrolet Lacetti.

American suspension is very practical and reliable. She is not terrible pits and blows even with regular operation. As practice shows, 5 years is not a term for Lacetti, so the cost of repairing the running car will be minimal.

Toyota Yaris.

The owners of urban Japanese little bars may be surprised to see in this ranking, because they do not know what they often have to change bearings in "Hodovka". But experts believe that this is the only drawback of the design. The rest of the suspension is very reliable and practical. However, when she really needs repairs, it will cost it a decent money.

Russian roads are the eternal problem of our country, so in choosing a car, the issue of reliability is a priority. If a luxurious Ferrari will become the most attractive option for Europeans with good income, the Russian will choose a practical UAZ. After all, it is not necessary to spend money and nerves on endless repairs to anyone. So, we suggest to understand which of the cars are estimated by experts as the most unnecessary.

For what indicators are determined by the autobability of the car

Reliable car is not afraid of off-road

According to professionals, a non-indulgent machine must correspond to a number of criteria:

  • quality and availability of components;
  • maintainability;
  • duration of the operational period;
  • fuel consumption.

At the same time, specialists, determining the reliability of the car, consider it important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • engine and transmission design. The greatest number of expensive breakdowns occurs in electronic equipment;
  • the rigidity and stability of the body;
  • the work of the chassis;
  • security system.

Top 10 most indestructible cars

The insensitivity of the suspension is especially important when moving around rough terrain

The history of the world auto industry is rich in interesting ideas worthy of attention design solutions. Some projects are aimed at the design, others - on functionality, third - on endurance.

Mercedes C200.

Mercedes's motto - "Best or Nothing"

Of the powerful cars of the suite segment that can withstand the most severe conditions of Russian roads, the most well-deserved reputation for the legendary Mercedes. The traditional quality is perfectly combined in German cars with impeccable design, comfort - with dynamics, and reliability - with safety. The Germans have gained respect for world auto industry quality components: while most famous concerns are forced to optimize costs - for example, using the use of short-lived Chinese parts, the designers of this company do not reduce the level of quality.

Experts note the almost unhappy S200 suspension. This car can often be seen in a taxi: despite the impressive mileage, the suspension retains its qualities for a long time.

Under the hood of the car there is a two-liter motor with a capacity of 163 liters. With., Restyling version of 2012, a four-cylinder turbocharged engine in 201 liters is also offered to choose from. p., working either with a six-speed mechanical, or with a five-speed automatic transmission. The speed limit of the machine is 235 km / h, and even at high speeds, the car behaves confidently on the road and resistant to turns.

Mercedes C200 received the highest appreciation on the crash test of 2012 and earned many positive responses of motorists.

Toyota Camry.

Toyota Camry gives confidence in tomorrow and many kilometers of the road

The Japanese along with advanced Germans always seek to be in the forefront, and the automotive industry industry is one of those industries that they pay special attention. It is not surprising that stylish, dynamic Toyota Camry is also attributed to the rating of the most reliable, durable and endless cars, which will endure almost any tests for strength.

The model is equipped with an excellent power unit. The choice is offered engines with a capacity of 249 to 277 liters. from. Motors are equipped with a six-speed automatic transmission. Experts also note that the electronic sensors of high quality and fail in order to be infrequently, but their repair will certainly be weekly.

This car is the perfect option for drivers who value the combination of gloscopy and drive.Fans of economy should look for something easier.

Porsche 911

The legendary Porsche 911 was presented to the world in 1963

Much among motorists of brightness and style connoisseurs, dynamics and aggressive exterior. Such drivers will surely appreciate the car Porsche 911. The car is not only the genius of design thinking, the perfection of forms and lines, but also practicality, from the point of view of technical indicators. Note that the 911 model is a racing car, and it should be straight, ready for any tests. Under the hood, he has a powerful engine, up to 580 liters. with. working with a six-speed automatic transmission.

Porsche is able to accelerate to fantastic speed of 330 km / h, and hundreds reaches for 2.9 seconds.

In addition, it is quite economical and will serve his owner for a long time without repair. The only disadvantage of this luxury car can be considered its high cost. To date, it fluctuates around 6 to 11 million rubles, depending on the modification.

Lexus GS 300.

Lexus GS 300 was created in January 1993

One of the most respectable brands expressing the status of the owner is Lexus. The combination of impeccable quality and external gloss made a brand megapopular worldwide, including in our country. According to experts, most of the models of this brand, in particular, the luxurious GS 300 are quite suitable for riding on Russian roads.

Unpretentious, reliable, this car also received an excellent assessment on crash tests, showing a high level of security. The suspension is quite mild, creating a feeling of comfort, the gearbox switches smoothly, the engine produces powerful indicators. Fuel consumption is small: from 7 to 9 liters when moving on the track, and up to 16 liters in the city.

Audi A5.

Audi A5 - one of the most beautiful cars in the history of the concern

Mark Audi received fame in the Russian car market in the nineties of the last century. Then this car was a sign of respectableness and high intact. Today, priorities have changed, and Audi is reasonably considered one of the most unnecessary cars that combine adequate cost and excellent technical component.

Regarding the popular model A5 it is worth saying that it is different not only with a good engine and suspension, but also a braking system capable of withstanding the most difficult strength tests. In general, car owners praise the overall assembly of the car, emphasizing that, despite the elegance of the design, the car is characterized by high passability.

The brand is known for high level of service: official dealerships provide a free service warranty for three years.

Ford C-Max

Focus C-MAX was awarded award in the framework of the Brussels International Motor Show for the best design

It is worth noting that the perfection of the lines and the originality of the design is important not for everyone. A significant part of motorists is much more worried about other indicators: capacity, efficiency, and, of course, the reliability of the machine. All these parameters are fully responsible for spacious minivan C-MAX. This is an indiscriminate car for people who are accustomed to send a whole family in a country trip and do not want to spend a lot of time in service centers, paying for the repair bills.

Experts are often referred to as Ford C-Max perfect family car.

The car is completed with gasoline and turbocharged diesel engines in the power range from 100 to 145 liters. from. Basic remained 1,6-liter gasoline and diesel motors with a capacity of 100 and 109 hp. Independent rear suspension Control Blade and a wide wheeler base provide steady car ride.

UAZ Patriot

UAZ Patriot: a full-fledged Rossussian SUV, similar to overseas analogs, and not to army all-terrain vehicles

For drivers who do not have enough sufficient amount to purchase mentioned foreign cars, the domestic auto industry offers an alliance of practicality and good dynamics, endurance and high passability, efficiency and power. The listed advantages characterize UAZ patriot. Just like the brutal appearance, a spacious salon, excellent handling.

The wagon of the patriot is equipped with a 2.7-liter motor with a capacity of 128 liters. with., Mikas-11 controller, significantly improving its characteristics. The engine works with a five-speed mechanic, which eliminates the possibility of breakdown electronic components. The suspension is equipped with telescopic hydraulic design shock absorbers and are able to withstand the highest loads of the high-speed movement on the crossed terrain.

It is worth noting that the designers are consistently working on improving comfort: the updated patriot released in 2015 is offered with air conditioning, parking sensors, heated front and rear seats, with heat glass heated, with multimedia and navigation system.

Lada Kalina

Started to be issued in 2004, Kalina experienced many takeoffs and falls

From the point of view of external design, this is one of the simplest cars, not surprising by technical originality and innovative solutions. But in terms of unpretentiousness, practicality, professional benefits to Russian conditions - the most suitable car. Inexpensive in service that consumes a moderate amount of fuel - 6 liters on the highway and 8-9 liters in the city - the car receives a positive assessment for unhappiness.

Lada Grant Sport

Lada Grant Sport was originally created for racing races on the Lada Granta Cup

About the Lade Grant Opinions Polarly shared. Someone is glad that the Russian auto industry began to get out of the hopelessness tunnel, and Russian designers, even if borrowing ideas of Western colleagues, but still try to create cars of a new sample. Someone is configured pessimistic and looks track of the cons model, but the fact remains a fact: Grant is one of the most suitable cars for Russia. The version of the Grant Sport is equipped with a 120-strong engine with a modernized gearbox and a configured rigid suspension, allowing the car to accelerate to 100 km / h in 9.5 seconds and reach the maximum speed in 197 km / h.

In February 2015, official sales of Lada Grant started with an automated transmission. Production facilities AvtoVAZ allow to produce 150 thousand cars Lada Grant per year.

Lada Largus

Lada Largus - Almost the only budget station wagon in Russia

The car was going on the Renault Logan platform, known since 2006, and borrowed the best characteristics of both the car practicality, and the old Good Zhiguli. It does not have designer research, but it can boast of its insepending, which is noted by the owners of this car. Specialists celebrate in Largus versatility and multifunctionality.

Repair of components Completely, the suspension is very soft and strong. From other advantages, a comfortable interior can be called and a spacious trunk. Completion of the suite has a wide range of functions and includes the protection of the standard lock, the steering shaft block and other options. The choice offers two engines in 8 and 16 valves issuing a maximum speed of 155 km / h.

We hope that our review was useful for you. Of course, what kind of car choose - everyone decides himself. The main thing is that this decision does not disappoint, and the acquired car pleased with reliability and security in any conditions for more than one year.

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