Home Locks Renault Kaptur: pros and cons of the car. Overview of Pluses and Minuses of the French Crossover Problems with Pendant Renault Captures

Renault Kaptur: pros and cons of the car. Overview of Pluses and Minuses of the French Crossover Problems with Pendant Renault Captures

Operation of autorun.

Because of the rubber convoy, it may not work the autorun capuppope.

There were already repeatedly noted cases that the autorun function of Renault Captures works with failures. As a rule, the problem lies in the fact that the end of the hood under the hood is focused - this is a rubber element in which the ending is resting during the closing of the hood. The reason is not enough rigid rubber composition from which the stop is performed. Because of it, the confusion does not work and, as a result, there are problems with autorun. It is enough just to strengthen this emphasis.

To solve the problem, the conflict will need to strengthen.

You can do everything yourself or go to the diagnostic dealer, although in the salons sometimes do not immediately recognize the case of warranty.

Quality of RTI

Problems with cappa seals become a massive phenomenon.

Rubber products are a clear drawback of Renault Captures. Perhaps the case is as part of rubber.

This is especially noticeable on seals. The defect is manifested in clicks during the door opening. At the rear doors, the seal next to the lower molding is most often problematic. In the opening process, it is climbing, it turns on the front door and turned out, and the field is clinging to the inner side of the molding. Naturally, long this element will not stretch.

In addition, trouble begins with the upper front door seal - during the opening, it hits the element of the back door, as a result of which it is rejected. It is also heard click.

Seals cling and door moldings.

As practice shows, the only solution is to appeal to the dealer center Renault. However, some salons refuse to make warranty replacement, motivating this by the fact that the case is permissible. However, the most interesting thing is that the question is whether the replacement will be carried out if the sealant breaks, also give a refusal, saying that the moment will be considered operational wear.

In this case, only one thing remains to appeal to the Renault Commission with a complaint to the Dealer Center, if the salon refused to replace the warranty.

Sealer in the front doors

Common problem with seals.

Some owners of the car are noting that the seal in the front doors literally "walks." It decreases, it increases in length. Some have such a problem first appear on the passenger, and later on the driver's door, other on the contrary.

Sealer and paint

These troubles may arise.

Some owners sweep up that the lower door seals actively wipe the LCP. The reason is about the design. To avoid in the future the occurrence of corrosion, it is recommended to stick a barrack strip.

Unchanging tires

Incorrect tire pressure is the problem of many capes.

During transportation on auto tomorrow, in wheels Renault Captures deliberately increases pressure for the purposes of greater sustainability of the car. However, in the salons, during pre-sale preparation, surplus the air is often forgotten, so after purchase, it will not be superfluous to check this moment and, if necessary, align the pressure.

Adjust the pressure in the tires is needed with a loan to this sign.

Anthers shrusov

On some machines, anthers of the shruses can be with defects (cracks or breaks). If there are any, you need to contact the replacement dealer, as in this case there is a guarantee on Renault Caps. Therefore, even if the manager insists on a paid replacement, it is recommended to refuse, and if the reaction from the cabin will not follow - to write a complaint.

By the way, the replacement of the anther at the dealer costs about 4,000 rubles, of which the price of the original anther is 1,500 rubles, and 2500 rubles must be given for work.


Sloppy mounted liner.

Sometimes on ughab you can hear characteristic clicks. They arise due to the fact that the plastic fenders falls under the spring of the shock absorber. The reason is a slopeful installation in the dealer center, because these sneakers are purchased as ext. equipment. To solve the problem, it is enough to simply straighten the plastic of the muddle and put it in place, while even there is no need to remove the wheel.

However, it is easy to fix it.

Boots on the steering wheel

Occasionally there is a situation when the steering wheel starts to shake while turning, and the characteristic sounds coming from the steering rack are heard in the cabin. Feelings are similar to those when the gurus lacks performance. At the same time, the owners note that the hanging of the car on the lift does not show anything. If such a problem occurs, you need to contact the dealer. Where, it is quite possible, a request will be made to the Moscow Plant.

Sound can be heard on this video:

Doors closely close

During operation, some notice that the doors can close only after heavy cotton. Moreover, as a rule, the problem arises from any one door, whereas with the rest are usually everything is in order.

Options of action in this situation two. First you need to check how much the door lock loop is installed on the rack. It is possible, it stands with a little distortion. In this case, you need to adjust. If this does not help, it is recommended to try to open and close the door with lowered glass. Many notice that in this case the door closes noticeably easier. If so, you need to open the trunk of the Renault Caps and rejuvenate the ventilation valves located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear arches. Usually after these recommendations are fulfilled, the problem disappears.

Lubricant in doorways

Absolutely nothing serious, but such inaccurability in the work of the masters is clearly not happy.

This "joint" must be attributed rather not to the factory workers, but to employees of dealer centers, which conduct pre-sale preparation, lubricating limiters and locks. Of course, zealing to work is good, as well as what they clearly do not save on Litole. However, it is done too sloppy. The result becomes a lubricant, spread through the doorways. Of course, there is nothing catastrophic in this, because Litol is enough just to erase the tissue, but the precipitate remains ...


The door handle cavity can be stuck in that position.

Sometimes the outer door handle is hired - after closing the door, it does not fit to the body and it has to push it. Sometimes the problem disappears itself, but for funny confidence it is recommended to lubricate the WD-40 liquid.

Opened trunk

It is such a message sometimes appears on the display of multimedia capspace during the movement by reverse, although the trunk lid is reliably closed. Over time, it stops displayed. This message does not interfere with the ride when driving - you just need to wait a bit until the seals take place.

Adjusting the light beam

Checking the light beam on the lens is almost mandatory.

Check the headlight light and the fog will not hurt - often they are simply littered down. As a result, the fog lights shine literally under the front bumper, and the headlight control angle can be different. It is recommended to carry out a full check and setting on the Lens.

Rear glass

In this case, the factory robot is to blame, or rather its adjustments.

This small defect is not visible, if you do not look out. It is that the right side of the glass in the fifth door is slightly littered down. Most likely, the whole thing in small errors of the settings of the factory robot, gluing glass. Do not "bother" at all.

Gaps in Salon

A small error in the assembly.

This is the gap between the flooring and the torpedo in the lever area to open the hood. Between them can be an interval of about 10 mm. Nothing critical, especially since this minus cappure (if any) is practically not visible. Also, some uneven gaps between the torpedoes and doorways - from the driver's side, plastic fit closely, and it is clearly lacking with its passenger.

Deflector blowing

With central deflectors, many have problems.

Sometimes the central blowing deflector ceases to close - the adjusting disk is spinning, but the curtains remain motionless. This moment has become massive for Renault Kaptur. The case is warranty, as the hinge fails, so the repair is carried out at the dealer.

Glove box

Sometimes the "glove" cover simply falls down when driving from vibrations, and during closing there is a skew. In this case, all attachments are whole. If you can't do anything on your own, you need to go to the dealer.

Another 30 - 40 years ago, Soviet people did not suspect that in our country there will be such an abundance of cars - for every taste, color and wallet! Now almost every citizen of Russia can afford to buy a foreign car of any class, depending on the "wallet thickness".

Before you buy a car, you must thoroughly explore the information about the car you like, as well as take a test drive of the selected model of the machine. Let's talk about Renault Kaptur.

NEW from Renault.

Renault Captures is produced in Russia since 2016 and during this time gained recognition among middle-class people. The presented SUV outwardly is very attractive, has many functions that make it possible to feel comfortable for its steering wheel - meaninglessly to list them, as the information on the advantages of this car on the Internet.

The distinguishing features of this model are comfortable seats, great permeability, high ground clearance and much more, which makes you love this car.

The main drawbacks of Renault Captures

  1. Many who have happened to acquire a French iron horse note its high voraciousness - gasoline consumption over 10 liters per 100 kilometers.
  2. Most of the reviews write about the discontent with a small trunk (less than 400 liters), despite the solid view of the car. Most families need not only a beautiful, but also a spacious crossover. It is not clear why the developers of the capacope this fact was considered not to consider.
  3. The operation of the autorun function leaves much to be desired. Automatic startup failures are associated with poor confusion.
  4. It is impossible not to note about the terrible quality of rubber, from which the wiper brushes are made, which is the cause of their freezing in a heavy frost.
  5. Elected-quality seals on the doors of the car make terrible clicks and paint plating of vehicles is rubbed.
  6. Packed tires are found in almost all new Renault Captures due to ensuring car integrity during transportation. But, unfortunately, in the car dealerships ignore this moment and buyers of the new car have to equal pressure on their own.
  7. Another significant disadvantage is the presence of very small outer mirrors, which can be caused by a traffic accident on our roads, and what consequences may be in such an accident - scary to submit.
  8. Poor-quality plastic and not interesting design of the cabin are not combined with the pretty appearance of the SUV.

Weak places Renault Kaptur

After analyzing the reviews of people who had the opportunity to purchase the above-mentioned car, you can mark the most sick places Renault Kaptur.

  1. At the very beginning of the exploitation of the French SUV, its owners are detected by cracks, and sometimes breakfasts of the shrusters, as on the supported cars. Please note that the dealer is obliged to perform repairs at its own expense, because the replacement of the anthers clearly blows the owners on his pocket who did not count on a new car to acquire new details.
  2. Boots when turning the steering wheel - the disease of many new caps. If such a problem appears, we advise you to turn to the official representative of the car.
  3. The problem on many Renault Captures is poorly closed doors, which makes the passengers clap the door so much so that it seems before you old Zhiguli, and not a foreign car.
  4. The weak point is such an additional equipment as a disgusting installation of low-quality dealers of the subsidence, which entails the occurrence of unpleasant clicks on the winding road. The problem is quickly eliminated - it is necessary to pull out plastic and return it to its original position. It does not need to remove the wheel.
  5. The factory malfunction is a huge amount of lubrication in doorways, which may be an unpleasant surprise to the one who is late for a business meeting. After all, you will not like the business suit in front of an important meeting with anyone.
  6. Poorly working sensors in the car that live their lives. If a message appeared on the display that gasoline in the tank ends - this does not mean that it really ends. The same can be said about the display of the message that the trunk is open. I would like to note - this is a significant lack of engineering and very interferes with no cheap car operation.
  7. Unteracted fog lights, perhaps, not so significant " jamb"But I would really like to sit in a new car and go. At the same time, do not think that the car must be brought to mind.
  8. Another flawlessness of the French car industry is to fall out during the ride of the glove box. It is hardly possible to eliminate this problem. It is better to contact the official dealer.
  9. It's a shame, but even Luke, Renault, could not be modified - it quickly loses hermealization during the work and in winter it is very difficult to open it.
  10. The car is very poorly adapted to the harsh conditions of the Russian winter and in -30 is very difficult to start it.
  11. Tesne in the back seat of the car does not match the crossover with a world-famous name. Unfortunately, the second number of seats can be used only for the transport of children. Perhaps, some sedans are spacious, rather than in Renault Kaptur.

Output. Good car for affordable money

Renault Kaptur is a fairly good option for a young family with children, which cannot allow a higher quality crossover. Capture is safe enough, has all sorts of functions that will make ride in a comfortable car.

The advantages are also the fact that the service of such an SUV will afford the drivers of the middle class, and the tough and eternal suspension will allow you to pass the cappur in the most barking roads of Russia.

P.S.: Dear car owners, if you were noticed by frequent problems with this model, please let me know in the comments below.

Flames and main cons Renault Kaptur Was Last Modified: March 26, 2019 by Administrator.

Exterior view of cars.
- Energy intensive suspension. He swallows big irregularities. Comfortable driving. The move, the suspension - moderately soft, I like hard, I like it hard. Orthodiy, pits "swallows" class!
- Informative understandable steering wheel.
- Beach washer capacious.
- Liked the work cruise control.

Frankly weak plastic front panel with excellent design, the designers on the plastic for the front panel at least the mid-quality smelled. To the touch, this is a Kizzy boot, although not to say that there is a phenolic smell in the cabin. Gives glare into the windshield. The joints of the torpedo and the right door do not significantly coincide. The gaps of the panels are not different from the driver's side, but with a passenger explicit, there is not enough gum to overlap the clearance https://www.drive2.ru/l/10578994/
- Oblosts in ergonomics, the absence of cup holders (one which is in the tunnel to horror uncomfortable, disgustingly decorated the console between the driver and the passenger is the most harsh element of the cabin, also uncomfortable in everything, the position of the ACP lever is not highlighted, everything is on the touch, the engine start button And the armrest looks just the orphans. Cruise control key and speed limitations are located very uncomfortable - under the handbrake handle.
- Multimedia from LG, though presented as the necessary functionality, I personally did not like the soul, and then why: the playback quality of MP3 files is very medium, does not play videos, even the photo does not view, frequency adjustments do not change the situation too much. The screen of weak brightness and definition, on a sunny day is perceived no matter, delaying on the rear view camera with a dynamic markup on the screen when switching to "R" mode, stumbled-started all settings are knocked down.
- lack of a normal wide armrest with boxing.
- no case under glasses
- Buttons on the heating of seats with the 1st mode without backlight, located not very well.
- There is no lighting of the mirror adjustment.
- There is no backlight of the keys on the steering wheel.
- On the machine weak dynamics (with a manual "pumpkin" and during the promotion for 4000-5000 there is still a little ride.
- Small tank, I would like a minimum liter on 80 for this car.
- Great fuel consumption.
- Uncomfortable adjustment of central blowing deflectors.
- The front racks are wide and strongly inclined, because of which the "dead zone" is large enough. Yes, and the side mirrors would like more.
- bolts fastening seat belts without plastic caps (even on VAZ they are closed)
- Little place behind.
- Little trunk.
- The area of \u200b\u200bthe rear seat (the rear, where you can see the fastening bolt) did not have enough carpet, as well as where the Hood opening knob (can I only?)
- the rear window is glued not evenly (clearly visible)
- After installing the trailed (removed the bumper to lay the wiring and connection), the plastic wheelboats of the wheel back arches do not get up normally, although everything is in places and all the latches are integers.
- I tried to sleep on the driver's seat ... an hour twisted on it and went further. Than His stronger I lower, the steeper the ledge rests to the lower back. I do not know how to whom, but I have a complete crap. In the Prior, Niva, Grant is better.
- The absence of factory rails (could already be put in the last configuration).
- Alarm is low sensitivity, the closure / opening on the keychain is not displayed, the maximum autorun threshold at a minus temperature -5 gr.

With overwhelming a short breakdown on the territory of the real off-road and having acquainted with the great and terrible, the rubric "Five things for which ..." returns to the cozy territory of "city crossovers". However, is she so cozy? Renault Kaptur which month leads war with another vomit - Hyundai Creta, about which and which was, to put it mildly, not safe ... So what prevents the "French" to take the top?

Hate # 5: Tesne in the back row

When laying a compact crossover, as in principle, when creating any car small dimensions, engineers solve this problem: in favor of what a little more space in the back of the car is the trunk or the rear row of the seats? In Renault Kaptur, the task was solved in favor of the trunk, here it has a completely decent 387 liters in the asset. But if you have more than 180 cm of growth, in the rear sofa you can hardly be destined to stay with duly comfort - places in the knees when landing "for yourself" into the edge. This is not the biggest problem of the capture, but it is celebrated by many owners.

1 / 2

2 / 2

Love # 5: Rich options

But in terms of equipping the options at the capture full order. Yes, there are those who complain about clearly "marketing" configurations, forcing instead of the "middle" to take almost "full minced", but this is perhaps a common place for most car brands of the average price segment. But those who chose rich configuration, invariably praise multimedia, cruise control, as well as powerful heating and blowing windshield. And the price does not fly to the transcendental dashing - per million can be obtained almost the top version. Lot? But the Krett has more or less decent configuration only begin.

Hate # 4: Poor visibility

A rather unexpected disadvantage for a modern crossover, because we all have been accustomed to the wide body racks of the current cars - they are made in the name of passive security. However, in Capture, the front head racks (the so-called racks "A"), apparently, are also extremely unsuccessful in terms of visibility angle - they are roasted to the roof so much that the look in them is resting almost every second car owner - and He writes about this full discontent comment. You complement the picture small and inconvenient side mirrors, with whom Kaptur continues to be an unbearable tradition, laid by Logan ... No, mirrors are completely different, but the squares, according to the owners, is still not enough.

Love # 4: big ground clearance

Maybe not particularly to the place, but again I remember the UAZ Patriot - this is a love for him from us with solid reservations: for any plus of the car, there was some "but". In Capture, everything is not so bad, but here this thought is traced - there are those who declare that the clearance, they say, good, but one could make it more.

Note that these comrades are clearly of those who have moved from Niva or (again he, so what is this, holy holy!) Patriot. But those who owned civilian "puzzles", from the geometric passability of the Capture in complete delight. And indeed, 204 mm of the lumen (albeit passports, with the error) - it is necessary and enough in the conditions of the average Russian city, where the inhibitor is the very place.

Hate # 3: no cup holders

It is impossible to create a coming Russian car if there is nowhere to put a glass in it. And if seriously, with useful volumes and cavities in the cabin, the capture turned out to be a clear miss. In addition to the rattling "Gazelievsky" box with a lid on the "Makushka" of the front panel and rather modest pockets in the doors of the tanks, there is simply no - every everyday little one like flashresses, pens, business cards and coins in the Salon of the Crossover Salon, there is no place to give a decisively.

The only niche to which these functions is assigned is under torpedo, and it is clearly overloaded with the functions - in it and the cigarette lighter, and the puck of the full-wheel drive control (on versions 4x4), and the very notorious cup holder. It is too small, the glasses of any size do not hold in it, but high and interfere with the PPC selector. The cup holder for the rear passengers is nothing better, nothing to put in it will not work.

Love # 3: Informative steering wheel

And here will make a reservation - there are those who do not consider the steering wheel of Capture to properly informative. However, if we take into account the rather civilian image of the car, the big moves of the suspension and not a low center of gravity, it turns out that the steering of the capture is really configured quite well. The electrohydrocessor does not transmit too many road trivia to his hands (an exception is uneven turns at high speeds) and reports the steering wheel rather; The car is not bad on the speed straight. Yes, this is not a sports car, but some rally pad is present in it - thanks to a clear steering wheel and a good suspension (see below).

Hate # 2: cheaply decorated salon

Zador Zador, and the Russian man loves to be treated, and for the lifting price - no matter how neither cool, and from the inside you look at your car 90% of the time. And then the capture gives Mahu - cheap hard plastic salon mark even the most loyal customer buyers of this car. This lack, as it were, continues the previous reason for hatred - with the salon at the capture, everything is not too good, ranging from the texture of plastic and ending with the absence of backlighting important zones and several illogical buttons. Yes, all this is the cost of budget. And let the ergonomics of the indoor space be turned well, the feeling that comfort is a little naughty, visits a fair number of owners.

Love # 2: Successful exterior

But these sophistications are hardly known to passersby - the heads still continue to turn their heads. Introducing the front, laconic feed, harmony in the proportions of silhouette and an interestingly designed lower part of the sidewall, in which the wide molding forms a kind of "waist". Capture looks belonging and very topful - it seems, in the head office, Renault finally realized that it was not even too expensive a car should not look like a parenchy trouser. The successful appearance of the capture is celebrated and men and women are a rather rare case when unisex-design worked as it should.

Hate # 1: Insufficient Dynamics

This appearance and the nature would be to become! An not, judging by the reviews, none of the options "engine + transmission" does not provide sufficient overclocking dynamics. On the sluggish nature of acceleration complains of versions of versions of 1.6 MCP, 1.6 AKP (by itself) and even 2.0 (ACP). Pretty elderly four-band "Avtomat", installed on a capture, struggling to save fuel, the lump sum is already 65 km / h, but it remains voracious, and the combat does not add a car. Appearances are deceptive? Perhaps, in the case of Renault Kaptur it is.

Love # 1: Verified platform

But to put a new one in the stylistics of the "Zabigorny" Captur, the body on the proven "trolley" Duster was an absolutely correct solution to the developers. The suspension, of course, was reconfigured, but she, remaining a little roller in turns, still on the "Hurray" swallows the irregularities of any type. It is dense and very long-pass - this is what lacks most of modern crossovers, and, therefore, this is something that the capture is superior to competitors. There is no excellent suspension settings. And it's great.

Interestingly, for the months of possession of a new car in Capture, as a rule, no significant defects are detected, which is found quite rarely found. At the same Creta, comparisons with which today can not be avoided, the acquired "jambs" is sufficient. However, then the number of small, but sensitive design shortcomings, which has a capture, even a little bit, but outweighs the consumers in the eyes of the consumers, which has powerful motors, a good interior and an equally rich placer options. Today it is valued higher than the absence of corrosion and electronics problems. Perhaps that is why Hyundai Creta today is in the sixth place in the Russian Federation, and Renault Kaptur is only seventeenth ...

But both of these crossovers recently emerged in the market, the "bakery-candy" period of life with their owners from among the first acquirers already approached the end. And there is a feeling that an additional chance of leadership appears on a long distance of the Capture ... Wait - see!

Premiere Renault Captur took place in Geneva in 2013, since the spring of 2016, the car began to be made in Russia, under the modified name Renault Kaptur. Three years required designers in order to transform a car for Russian conditions. From the European Model Renault Captures distinguishes larger dimensions, increased clearance, engine volume (Russian 1.6 and 2.0 against the maximum 1.5-liter European) and the availability of the all-wheel drive version.

According to manufacturers, Renault Kaptur is designed for a person who himself creates a bright world around himself and at the same time loves comfort.

ExternallyKaptur. irresistible. It has something from his creator - the famous designer of Lawrence Wang Den Aker, who is the world in a classic costume and red "adidas".

Coppups are an original bright look, inconspicuous cars concern Renault, producing reliable, but pretty simple, sad-topor externally, cars.

Interesting "chips" of the exterior of the new crossover - two-color painting and glazing 1/3 of the body surface.

Renault Kaptur was waiting for Renault Kaptur, his discussion began long before the production began in Moscow. And after the Russian premiere, the long-awaited auto instantly became a hit.

Of course, Coppups did not escape comparisons with the main competitor - Hyundai Creta, and with the previous model of the Renault crossover, which became the "legend during life," - the duster, which has a single platform in 0.

Now you can already assess those present from the "birth", and the pros and acquired "in the process" pluses and cons of the Russian version of the car.

Pluses of a car

  • Sure, exterior. With its appearance, Renault Captures attracts a look, standing out from the total mass of cars on the road. Spectacular, impressive design.
  • The ability to personalize the car: emphasize the features of the exterior designer elements - graphic stickers-stickers on moldings, mirrors, roof, trunk door and put colored alloy wheels.
  • The ability to select an advanced or all-wheel drive version. Although the four-wheel drive in Renault Kaptur, as in all crossovers, conditional, but most Russian motorists are convinced that with him "Still relveek."
  • High clearance - a huge, undoubted plus in the context of Russian roads. Due to the road lumen in 204 mm, Renault Caps will no longer call the city parquet, this is a full-fledged crossover, which is capable of moving not only on asphalt, but also off-road. Of course, without conquering a virgin, but coping with most of the road trouble - mud, snowdrifts, borders, broken aspirations and other components of the main Russian misfortune. Have Captures Clearance, like its European counterclaim - in 170 mm, would not be so popular in Russia.
  • Insensitive suspension - Duster heritage.
  • Two engine variants - 1.6 liters in 114 horsepower (with a manual gearbox or variator) and 2.0 liters in 143 horsepower (a box-machine or mechanic).
  • Good noise insulation.
  • Inexpensive maintenance.
  • Price.

It is also worth noting a rich basic complete set:

  1. Key card.
  2. Motor button start.
  3. Alloy 16-inch discs.
  4. LED headlights.
  5. Air conditioning.
  6. Audio system with remote control.
  7. ABS is an anti-lock system that allows the driver to keep control over the machine during emergency. Brakes.
  8. ESP is a system that prevents car care into a skid and lateral slip.
  9. HSA - Help system when lifting a mountain, the so-called "anti-parameter"
  10. All electrical stuffed.
  11. Heated mirrors.
  12. 2 airbags.

Not bad. What is there, gorgeous for the crossover worth less than 900,000 rubles. Pluses the Renault Captures a lot, and they are all sufficiently weighty. And how important are the shortcomings?

Cons car

  • Parable in the towns - " lost horses" After the standing stands conducted in Russia, it turned out that the 2-liter motor does not correspond to the stated in the characteristics of 143 horsepower, and "pulls" only 132. The correctness of the test is checked.
  • Hard, uncomfortable suspension. Subjective minus. It depends on what you compare it to.
  • Weak dynamics.
  • Tight, heavy steering wheel - weak amplifier.
  • Little trunk - 387 liters. But the rear seats are folded, increasing the volume of the trunk to 1,200 liters.
  • Little mirrors, an uncomfortable review due to the wide front side of the body.
  • Unfined Ergonomics of the Salon - the buttons are inconvenient, the absence of armrests, cup holders.
  • The interior decoration is cheap plastic. This dissonance is very noticeable - outside the car looks beautiful and expensive, the saving on materials is too striking. But you do not need to forget that Renault Captures is a budget car, and you should not expect height from it in everything. Yes, and the general view of the salon deserves praise.

Renault Captures technical features that can be attributed to advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it platform B0.. No matter how the concern engineers were not called, with all their improvements, it's all the same Loganovskaya "Trolley" is simple, reliable, vigorous.

Drum brakes on the rear axle are less efficient than disc, but more enduring.

A 4-speed pensioner carton on a 2-liter version of the car is too phlegmatic for such an engine, speed switches slowly and basically, but practically does not break.

Here he is, Renault Captures. This state employee has large ambitions, and he has the right to them. Beautiful, practical car. Positioned by the creators, as a resident of the city, but capable of fighting and off-road. The car that has already deserved loving nicknames "Capa", Kapich. Decent respect for the Russian-French crossover RENAULT KAPTUR.

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