Home Food Owners of owners. "The more you study" BESUKA ", the more you look towards the new" state employee ". Opinion of the owner Renault Sandero vulnerable places of the running Renault Sandero

Owners of owners. "The more you study" BESUKA ", the more you look towards the new" state employee ". Opinion of the owner Renault Sandero vulnerable places of the running Renault Sandero

Modification: 1.6i (82hp) 2016

I bought a new Renault Sandero in 2016, the package is the simplest. At the moment, Mileage is 45 thousand. Made the first one on the service, and then only changed the oil itself and the filter. It also replaced the candle.

Modification: 1.6i (102hp) 2014

I will start your feedback from the description of the strengths of Sandero 2. Auto topped, the PRIVELEGE equipment. The layout of the machine is convenient for the city. Sit high, it is clear. Pubs work fine, the suspension "eats" all the Colds. Light headlights - just super. Capacity is decent, there is enough space and in front of the front.

Modification: 1.6i (82hp) 2014

He took Sundero in configuration "Confort", that is, with all sorts of additional. Options (Electropacket, Air Conditioning, Heated, ABS, Height Adjustment, Pillows, Music). Oh, walk, so walk! The machine is generally satisfied. And under the hood I do not even look. Once I was looking for minutes 5, where the wash washed, the very shame. By the way, there is a tank for washes probably for 5 liters, grabs half a year. So forgotten.

Modification: 1.6i (84hp) 2013

When choosing a car revised a lot of new cars. The main criterion was reliability, clearance, a spacious interior. For all criteria, Renault Sandero came up, which I bought with a little mileage.

Modification: 1.4i (75hp) 2011

I will start your feedback from the appearance. Sandero has something from Logan, but in contrast with polo and solaris looks restrained. It was painted qualitatively, for a year and a half of the year nothing got out, did not swell.

Modification: 1.6i (102hp) 2013

Took for 490 thousand rubles. With ABS, two airbags. Magnitol installed independently, because it is necessary - to connect to the wires. I will not describe the first admiration and disappointment, I will go right away to those moments that should be expected to the owners after 1-2 years of operation.

Modification: 1.6i (102hp) 2011

Renault Sandero became my favorite, and therefore I decided to write about him a review, although the car is not deprived of the flaws. There are few of them, so they will begin with them. Sliply naked steering wheel requires skill. There is a small roll (as on the Niva) on the bold. When the air conditioner is turned on, there is a loss of engine power, but so many cars.

Modification: 1.6i (84hp) 2010

So I finally became the owner of Sandero after 6 months of waiting. For his life, no car changed, I was difficult to surprise me with a new car, and I did not feel the puppy delight from buying cars, so the review was objective.


Renault Sandero.) From those machines about which they say: cheap and angry, due to the affordable price and European assembly, the car was very in demand among motorists. A few years ago, there were turns behind this car, now there is no excitement, and there has been quite a lot of offers on an affordable price. As you know, any used car has its drawbacks, but what are the Renault Sandero, now and try to find out.

A bit of history:

In 2007, Renault introduced the new hatchback - Sandero, built on the basis of the "B0" platform, essentially, Renault Sandero is a five-door version, with a more attractive design. The debut of the novelties first took place in the Brazilian market, and a month later, the car was presented at the Geneva Motor Show. A little later, his serial release was launched under the brand name "Dacia", in Romania, and a year later - in South Africa. In mid-2009, the car began to sell on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. In the same year, the production of small trains at the Moscow Plant "Autoframos" was established. There is another popular modification of this car - Renault Sundero Stepway, the front-wheel drive hatchback of the class "D", but is perceived and it is positioned as a crossover.

Advantages and disadvantages of Renault Sandero with mileage

Renault Sandero is positioned as a calm family car, and the line of motors of this is confirmation: 1.4 (75 hp), eight-flaped 1.6 (89 hp) and sixteenthly smeared Motor 1.6 (105 hp). There are also diesel engines 1.5 (68 - 90 hp), these motors are reliable and economical, but, unfortunately, in our market there are practically no found. As the domestic operating experience has shown, the power units do not deliver any problems, the only thing to do the owner is to change the oil once every 10 - 12 thousand km and the timing belt with POMPE, once every 60 thousand km. Drivers do not always have 75 strong engines, and often, to improve the speakers, it is started twisted, as a result - the motor is faster. Of course, not all owners do that, but to know how the car was exploited - it is impossible, so not to risk, in second hands it is better to take a car with a 1.6 liter engine.

A more powerful engine 1.6 is unlikely to make a sports car from the car, but it is quite enough to move around the city. The maximum of speakers gives a sixteenthlylated motor, in reliability such an engine is no worse than his fellow. Of the disadvantages, compared with the elevated power units, it is possible to mark more expensive maintenance and increased fuel consumption. In the city, the flow of 8 valve motors 1.4 and 1.6 is up to 8 liters per hundred, 16 valve - up to 10 liters, on the highway - 6-7 liters. Some owners numbered that the thermostat of the cooling system, candles and high-voltage wires fails to quickly quickly.


The Renault Sandero establishes the five-speed mechanics, automatic transmission (dorestayling) and a robotic transmission with one clutch. The installed mechanical gearbox has the same problem as many other brand cars are a fuzzy gear shift. During the operation of the mechanic, there may be extraneous sounds, according to the official dealer, this feature is considered the norm and does not affect the reliability of the aggregate. Also, in large speeds (more than 3000) from the box on the body can be transmitted vibration. According to the manufacturer's allegations, the oil in the box is designed for all lines of the unit of the unit, however, many servicemen recommend changing it at least once every 100,000 km. The details of the clutch even in the hard operation mode are 50 - 60 thousand km, and if the car belongs to the car, the grip will last 100,000 km and more.

If we talk about automatic transmission, then machines with such a type of transmissions are not often found, perhaps because many have already heard about the possible problems of this aggregate. This automatic transmission is well known for many models not only Renault Concern, but also Nissan. The main problem of automatic transmission is connected with the fact that it is prone to overheating with subsequent expensive repairs, on average, such a transmission serves 100,000 km. After restyling, the automatic transmission replaced the robot with one clutch. And if you do not want to invest in the repair of the box, then you should not consider the option with a robotic transmission. Main problems: fuzzy work (jerking when starting from place, especially at the reverse gear and under the hill), quick failure failure, and this is expensive repair every 50 - 70 thousand km.

Vulnerable places running Renault Sandero

An independent suspension of MacPherson type is installed in front, a semi-dependent beam. It cannot be said that the main elements of the suspension have a large resource of work, but by virtue of the simplicity of the design and inexpensive parts, you can count on very acceptable sons on the content of the chassis. The steering rail can start knocking on 70,000 miles of run, fortunately, the rail is maintainable and the sleeve can be changed in it (repair will cost 100 - 150 cu). It is worth noting that it is not worth repairing the rail to the official dealer, there will not be repaired there and simply will be replaced by a new one, and it costs a lot of money. Another problem, the elimination of which will cost no cheap, these are corrosion of the exhaust system (repair will cost about 200 cu).

  • The stabilizer bushings on average will serve 25 - 30 thousand km.
  • Depending on the style of driving, shock absorbers and support bearings will have to be changed at 60 - 80 thousand km.
  • Ball supports - up to 80,000 km.
  • The tips of the steering is 70-80 thousand km, traction to - 150000 km.
  • Levers - up to 90,000 km.
  • Hub bearings - 80-100 thousand km, non-original can serve less than 1000 km.
  • The front pads need to be changed every 30-40 thousand km, the rear - 50-60 thousand km.

Renault Sandero is difficult to call a bright and dynamic car capable of attracting a young audience. But if you need a practical, reliable car, for quiet and comfortable movement, and you are ready to close your eyes on some technical and design miscalculations, then you will like this car. When choosing Sandero, you need to be very attentive, since most of these machines are used as traveling transport (taxi, sales representatives). And as is known, in such cars in 99% of cases before selling mileage twists.


  • Reliable power units.
  • Comfortable suspension
  • Moderate fuel consumption.
  • Big clearance (175 mm)


  • Weak overclocking dynamics.
  • The quality of the interior trim materials.
  • Automatic and robotic transmission.
  • Noise isolation.

If you are the owner of this car model, please describe the problems that you have to face during the operation of the car. Perhaps it is your feedback that will help readers of our site when choosing a car.

Sincerely, the editors of the vehicle

Renault Sandero is a compact budget class car from 2007, a five-door hatchback is produced in the body. This machine is inexpensive, also does not hit the pocket and service of the vehicle. Externally, Sundero resembles Renault Logan, but the design of the hatchback is more attractive.

For the first time, the French model was presented in Brazil, and a little later is shown at the Geneva Motor Show. In Romania, Sandero is known under the Dacia brand, in 2009 the car began to be sold in Belarus and Ukraine.

In late 2009, the Hatchback assembly began to be carried out on the Moscow Automobile Plant "Renault Russia", car created on the Nissan B platform. There is also a version of Renault Sandero Stepway, which differs from the standard model of increased road lumen (by 20 mm), more impressive wheel arches and roof rails.

Many details installed on Sundero are borrowed from Logan, so typical characteristic diseases Hatchback took over from his prototype. In 2012, the world was presented with an updated version of Sundero Stepway, and the Sandero second generation was debuted at the Paris Motor Show.

Body and paintwork

On Renault Sandero, the body is galvanized, the body itself is strong enough. Rust these cars rarely, mostly corrosion arises if the car visited the accident. The paint coating of the body is not bad, chips first appear on the wheeled arches, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thresholds.

What disadvantages have engines

There are no powerful engines in the Sandero power units line, and it does not have to count here. The most popular is the four-cylinder motor of 1.4 liters and a capacity of 72 or 75 horsepower (8 valves).

Also, the car is installed on the machine of 1.6 liters in two modifications:

16-valve - 84 liters. from.;

8-valve - 106 liters. from.

The 1.4 L engine is somewhat weak, its thrust is missing for a relatively heavy machine. Often this motor works at the limit, and from the load resource of power unit significantly reduced. The 8-valve internal combustion engine of 1.6 liters also do not differ in high power, but it is enough for trips around the city. With a 16-valve dynamics of Sandero, sufficiently, but the car is noticeably more fuel consumed.

Timing belt on 16-CL. The K4M engine is recommended to change every 60 thousand km of run, the replacement of the parts of the gas distribution mechanism is better to produce a set (belt, water pump, tension rollers).

In the model range, the Renault Sandero engines also contains a diesel 1.5 DCI, depending on the modification, its power ranges from 80 to 90 liters. from. Diesel power unit K9K is distinguished by high efficiency and good tight, but in Russia cars Sandero with dieselms are rare.

Gasoline motors installed on Sandero are quite reliable, but some problems still have them. One of the characteristic "diseases" - Enchanting the thermostat, with such a defect motor can overheat or, on the contrary, operate in low temperature mode. Not too long "live" candles and high-voltage wiresThey often break into a lot of dampness.

Sundero gasoline engines have a very good resource, with proper care and careful operation serve 500 thousand km And more than overhaul.

Weak places in transmission units

Only two types of transmission are installed on the hatchback:

5-speed MCPP;

4-speed automatic transmission.

The box-machine goes paired with a 16-valve motor of 1.6 liters, "Mechanics" is put together with an 8-valve engine.

Mechanical box sufficient noisyBut at the same time no defects in it are detected - the transmission switches smoothly, without jerks, speeds are not flying away. While the engine revolutions, three thousand and more on the body a vibration appears, it goes precisely from the MCPP.

The replacement of oil in the "mechanics" is not provided by the manufacturer, the lubricant must be enough for the entire service life of the CAT. But if transmission already passed 100 thousand km, oil in the unit is better to replace, it will not be worse.

Four-stage "automata" are not special reliability, automatic transmission mainly fail due to overheating. The automatic box frequently requires repair on a run of about one hundred thousand kilometers, the oil replacement in the automatic transmission should be made in 50 thousand km.

Chassis and sores in the suspension

Rear suspension on Sandero - Ballery, front - Standard MacPherson. The design of the chassis of the car is quite simple, so the elements of the suspension fail in a whole infrequently. Spare parts for the car are relatively inexpensive, the repair of the running great difficulty does not represent.

First on Renault Sandero "Rent" sleeves and stabilizer racksThey, on average, serve 50-60 thousand km. The rear and front shock absorbers are sensitive to the quality of the road surface, begin to quickly leak if the car is often exploited on a bad road. But in any case, the resource of these parts is at least forty thousand kilometers, the original shock absorbers (70-80 thousand km) go longer.

Steering Reika Not too "alive", first of all plastic sleeve beveling. The manufacturer for Recking Remkomplektov did not provide, but the details can be delivered from another car model, for example, from BMW. Before repairing the steering mechanism, it is necessary to check the hopes in the lugs and traction, the resource of which is 60-70 thousand km.

Life time The front brake pads are standard - an average of about 30-40 thousand km. If you smear the guides of the front calipers, the pads can pass and longer, the resource of parts largely depends on the driving style.

Vehicle interior

The inner interior of Renault Sandero does not represent anything special - the salon looks gray and somewhat sad. But the space inside the car is enough, but the trunk of the machine is small (320 liters), although if you decompose the rear seats, it becomes quite spacious (1200 l). The plastic salon is not too high-quality, but "Sandero" still belongs to the budget class, and therefore it is not worth expecting the best of the salon decoration.

This Renault Sandero Andrei acquired in the middle of 2012. For five and a half years, the car overcame 100,000 km. What was the choice determined, does the owner do not regret it? He will tell about it himself:

So sundero appeared

The fact is that I fond of cars for a very long time, among my friends seems to be an expert. I helped to sell cars a lot, focusing in these things. And often do absolutely not like most. Suppose, in 2011, when everyone gave the last money for the "meal" (the excitement in front of the "big customs clearance" was really very washed by the used market of proposals abroad), I entered otherwise. I sold my own, I took the cheapest 1998 at the Father (as they say, then there were still real cars), and for the remaining money I tried to put it in order. But the time takes its own: after bringing to mind to the mind of the external state of the car, they began to remind themselves the same elderly nodes and aggregates ...

So in 2012 I came to buying a new car - long before the "state employees" came to us from Russia. And at that moment everyone was against the "state employees". But I understood that there are no other acceptable options for me. I did not want to take a loan both in the literal sense of the word, and in the portable: the purchase of a used car is also a kind of loan. I did not want to contact the old cars anymore, because I wanted to give a family time, not the gland. And the new always has a new one. You rolling the car yourself, you know exactly what and when I changed when what costs are coming.

To the question of choice approached pragmatic. A tablet was drawn up: from the cheapest in the market of the Daewoo Matiz model to more expensive options, ending with the Polo sedan. But he was noticeably more expensive, besides, I was afraid of the engine, although I didn't know about the knocks of CFNA.

And here is the most modest motor 1.4 in the gamma. But the equipment is not the simplest: there is air conditioning and two pillows. In the basic execution of Logan was much more modest. Yes, Logan, we initially were going to take it. But while he walked, the dealer suggested Sandero with the same engine and in a similar configuration. And most importantly - at the same price (the price list just corresponded). So they took not a sedan, hatchback.

For all occasions

Yes, the trunk is less than that of Logan, but it is better, because it is more practical: more opening, the back of the sofa is folded. And in general, the car itself is very universal, it is enough for all occasions of life: the overall cargo to transport, to rinse on the curb, to drive it easy off-road. The machine is lightweight, there is steel engine protection, ground clearance like some "PARCATHERS". On good rubber, she has a very good. In the "Javier" even all-wheel drive cars on the cable buried, because they are heavy, and I slipped the move!

Those who buys "state employees" are sometimes disappointed because they are waiting for something special. Yes, this is a new car, but these are A la Passat B3 technologies. Checked, but far from fresh. And taking into account the price, the corresponding level of comfort and driving qualities. In general, it is just a means of movement from point A to point B, until you manage to buy a car you want, but you have to take what you have access to finance. I objectively understand that there are no particular options for this money, and this car worked for all 300 percent.

I used to know the possibilities of the car and squeeze everything out of it, for which it is capable. Take the same engine. Yes, he has a volume of 1.4 liters and a capacity of 75 horsepower. But I'm not afraid to turn it until the cut-off and do it periodically. And in response I get a normal dynamics. Even on the track. Helps a "short" box and a "turbo" button, which turns off the air conditioner, - without it the car goes better.

Yes, at high speeds, the engine has to be twisted, but it does not "eat" any oil. Is that fuel consumption increases. In general, "appetite" depends on the style of the ride. If you calmly go through the unloaded streets, it is 7-8 liters, if you press the "gas" or "push" in the oppatics, then it can reach 10 liters. On the highway 6 liters, and if you quickly go, then 7. Now we normally refuel the 95th gasoline, if it does not work (the fuel drop or the line is large), then I don't see the 92nd - I do not see a special difference.

Places in the cabin enough. Freight opportunities for their dimensions are also good. When traveling on vacation, the trunk shelf is removed, the luggage loads to the ceiling - there are no problems. Cable cabinets up to 2.3 meters drove, racks, plinths and other similar to 2.8 meters - with a closed trunk lid, three bikes with removed front wheels. Just fold the back seat, passenger push forward and lower the back to the downstream - and ship.

Disadvantages? Not without it, of course. Well, the button is not located there, when the air conditioner is turned on, the engine power decreases, sound insulation is not the best - what did you want for this money? You can still find fault with an uncomfortable landing and short front chairs, which is especially felt on long journeys. In winter, side glass splashes with mud on the highway. I understand that these are features of aerodynamics. In winter, there are not enough filing of warm air to the legs, especially when flows are directed simultaneously down and on the glass.

Light here bright. The first year-aventh of the oncoming drivers are the fact and the fact of the blink - thought that I drove on the far. Headlights, if that, adjusted, I can use the correct corrector. It is believed that the lamps of the head light on the Logan / Sandero do not serve for a long time. Perhaps it is somehow connected with the design. I always drive with my neighbor light. Previously changed about once a year, now less often why - I do not know. The replacement of lamps is difficult, but it is necessary to do this once, and there is no problem further with this procedure.

The battery is still "native", although five years have passed. You're already starting about him: it is not serviced. But from how you exploit the car and keep it behind it depends on its reliability.

I try to take the "original"

Maintenance must be carried out every 15 thousand kilometers or once a year. With my runs, I can travel for a year twice. Until the end of the warranty, everything did everything from the dealer, after that, some work I can give off an independent hundred, but I still take the spare parts from the dealer.

Let's say you can do it at the dealer. On average, it costs $ 100, with the exception of large ones on a run of 60,000. In another place will not be much cheaper. Oil and "consumables", many details have sane prices. But some works can cost unexpectedly expensive.

For example, a couple of years ago I changed the front pads. The details were then accounted for by rubles forty, but for the work they wanted something about $ 100. I counted that it was too expensive, and did everything at another station. But I did not put the "original", but "license" - and I did not like these blocks. Therefore, I try to buy the details at the dealer after all. In addition to the light bulbs (they can be bought 2-3 times cheaper), wiper brushes, and so on.

The most expensive then accounted for a mileage of 60,000 kilometers, where the rules are provided for the replacement of the timing belt. In August 2015, it cost 5.7 million rubles, or about 370 dollars. I had a question on the water pump, but they said that it was not necessary to change it.

There was a replacement of the radiator of the air conditioner under warranty. The problem is that the lattice in the bumper is too large, so everything flies on the radiator. Two times even swallows flew! The radiator was able to change under warranty, but I had to put a fine-piece grid in the bumper at my own expense - it was worth 1.4 million, or 135 dollars.

The rear pads changed with a mileage of 90.000. I didn't really like how the handbrake works: instead of three clicks, it was necessary to pull the lever for 7-8. But when the drums disassembled, it turned out that the pads are still not bad. But since already bought, put new ones. This is exactly the case when the details bought from the dealer, but put on another one hundred.

When carrying out that-6 on the same 90,000 kilometers, I was shown a whole "bouquet" of problems and handed a sheet where a terrible inscription was standing: "the vehicle has defects threatening traffic safety." Indeed, the ball has already rushed hard, the hub bearing buzzing. So soon I came for repairs, I changed the lever, bearing, and at the same time the front shock absorbers.

But almost a month had to wait for support pillows. Moreover, according to the regulations, their replacement is not provided if they are whole. But I insisted to change them too: the second set of shock absorbers would have been "relatives". If once in 5 years, you change the rack, why not replace a penny item? After all, if it is necessary to replace it later, you will have to remove-put the rack and pay for this work.

In general, for three years and 100,000 kilometers almost everything has been brought to scheduled maintenance and replacement of "consumables". Of the more serious - replacement of the air conditioner radiator under warranty, the suspension lever due to the wear of the ball support, the front shock absorbers, the hub bearing. I still demanded the replacement of the "swollen" boot of a shrus.

There are small questions on the body: bubbles appeared on the rear wings - screamed the paint in several places. Apparently, this is a matter of quality painting. But there are no obvious foci of corrosion, the bottom is clean. The first few years the body defended the factory anticorrosive, and in 2015 made additional processing. And while Sandero keeps well done.

When the car was two years old, the dealer suggested passing it to the offset of a new car. Yes, it was already a new Sandero, but, in fact, there has been little in it. Meaning to pay $ 2000 for the same thing? I counted that it is irrational.

And again, I do not want to worry about every scratch or dent. And this car is no longer new, you do not blow up from it, while it is already the price as in the first years, it will not lose. And the exemplary plan for future costs is already known. Including these signs that I lead.

Service costs
date Mileage, km Regulations Cost in equivalent
January 2013 14.800 TO-1. 103$
October 2013 29.560 TO-2 176$
April 2014. n.D. service front calipers 16$
August 2014. 43.750 TO-3. 120$
October 2014. n.D. replacing radiator air conditioner guarantee
setting the radiator protection 135$
May 2015. 52.300 replacing the front brake pads 33$
August 2015. 59.000 TO-4 (including the replacement of timber) 370$
October 2015. n.D. anticorria 120$
February 2016. 67.750 repair of fastening of the muffler 18$
June 2016. 74.800 TO-5. 110$
November 2016. n.D. replacing the front shoes 38$
January 2017. n.D. replacing the rear brake pads 68$
May 2017. 90.400 TO-6 80$
June 2017. 90.640 replacing antifreeze, brake fluid, front shock absorbers, wheel bearing 540$
November 2017. n.D. replacing the front pads and disks 110$

In theory, the budget car could be serviced by himself. But, living in the apartment, not having a garage, with a dense work schedule it is more convenient to use the services of a hundred. In the parking lot in front of the house or office, the oil with a filter will not change, and the skills must periodically find use, otherwise they deteriorate. If I'm not sure about your abilities or the last time I did it 5-7 years old, or even 10 back, do not experiment cheaper, but to entrust work to professionals. And to yourself leave such trifles as the replacement of light bulbs, checking and topping technical fluids, swinging the wheels.


Did after 5 years of exploitation changed about the correctness of the choice in favor of the cheap, but new car? Everything is simple here. The most optimal options for each can be determined by the following factors: For what purposes the car is needed, how often it will be used, who will use it (a circle of persons), which budget for acquisition is available, which budget for maintenance is laid.

With intensive operation, limited budget, both purchase and maintenance, if necessary for the minimum money, have a car with a smallest degree of wear and in a technically better condition of new budget options presented today on the market, it seems to me preferable.

If the runs are average (to work, from work, to school / circle) and you can really find a small operated car of another class, say, under the age of three and with mileage up to 100,000, and the budget for its operation, taking into account the cost of consumables for This model and the possible cost of breakdowns are available, buy used.

I do not plan to change the car at this time, but the second-year-old monitor market has changed a lot over the past two years. I will say this: the more you, having the same notorious 10,000 dollars on your hands, will study the technical condition of the used copies, the more you will have a desire to visit the Salon of the budget car dealer.

Listen and recorded Ivan Krishkevich
Photo by the author

Somehow it creates that the feedback on such (budget) cars turn into a battle between the owners of new cars and the owners of used (more often than Japanese pricks) .. the owners of the Used do not understand how to lay out such money for a simple in general That car, and the owners of new cannot agree that used is better than the new ...

However, each choice is due to something. I will try without unnecessary emotions to write why I chose Renault Sandero (wrote about it in comments, but for some reason I lost it), plus the tenure of the car is already sufficient to give it an assessment without unnecessary emotions (as at the beginning of the recall).

The first, why changed the car:

The old one had to capital, and I did not want to invest money in the old car

If you take another used, then it is not an option that it does not have to capital it, just as I would have to become old, but if you have to change what is the point of changing. You can repair your and further ride (here I know for sure what to do, but you can buy another and you will still dance with a bubble looking for her sores). But I did not want to repair the old one ..

Therefore, the logical conclusion is the only option, buy a new one - she has no sore, and if there are them a guarantee without dancing with tambourines ..

Second, why Renault Sandero:

Needless not expensive in maintenance Machine (service cost within the old)

Need a reliable machine (repairing cars do not like, I need a car to ride and ride without surprises)

Need a car with left steering

Need a car with a body wagon / hachback

Need a car with great clearance (in winter it's not always the roads clean, on work you have to go to areas where instead of roads - some directions)

Need an economical machine

The car must have a minimum set of options (condyuk, gur, automatic transmission, windows) and front-wheel drive

Need a machine adapted under our conditions (cold start in frost, engine protection, powerful akum (or so that it can be put))

Landing should be high, because The spin began to hurt and screamed into the Corolla turned into torture, and the process of embrojoyment from the car turned into an even greater torture.

The glove box should be big to at least enter, without bending, the sheet A4 ...

In the car should not be needed to finish, finish, etc.

Under these requirements, only Renault Sandero approached these requirements (plus a lot of Logan reviews, as a reliable car both in the internet and among friends) .. more interesting cars, suitable for my requirements go for 800 rubles ..

Plus, Sundero gives a preferential loan (from 0 to 10% depending on the term of the loan), which finally affected the purchase decision.

In general, at the time of buying the best options than Sandero simply did not exist .. Therefore, Sandero ..

Now the pros:

The quiet salon, the crickets are practically no (the panel creaks on the frozen car, it warms it - disappears, sometimes vibrations are manifested for 3 thousand turns, but it seems to be less, it may soon come to no, here in general, and all crickets, whereas On the Corolla constantly put on some rags, something shifted, etc.)

Suspension (wrote about it a lot, I will not repeat)

Appearance (externally, like a car without any compromises)

Light (Finally, the headlights are shining where it is necessary, without unnecessary perversions with light bulbs and stickers, plus tumankas illuminate the road in front of the machine, overlapping the natural "blind" spot before the nose)

For almost 2 months of winter, never about glass

Heated seats (option, not intrusively imposed by the manager quite by the way in the morning, when you sit in the frozen car, heats up almost instantly)

Soft seats themselves and comfortable (who writes about "wooden" seats, do not believe - lie)

The trunk is always closed from the first time without effort.

The engine is quite a trap, the feature of the box is that on overtaking it does not switch to the highest speed (if you go to 6.5 thousand turns in the floor, the engine is spinning up to 6.5 thousand revolutions) - on the highway it helps to quickly overtake, there was no problem with overtaking in general

When moving along a very dusty road, the salon remains clean

Well, and cons:

The design of the front bumper and the radiator grille is not too successful - straight snowsellator, and honeycombs are too large (the bumper IMHO is low, it would be possible to do, although it was never clung to them)

Buttons, switches are not beautiful and located in unusual places (although on the other hand - "the beautiful" concept is subjective, and in a month or two "beautifulness" you do not see - you see only functionality, and they have normal functionality)

Not beautiful (OE?) Torpedo (although again the thing is subjective, I read one review, where the appearance of the torpedo was one of the determining parameters when buying a car - I liked it very much), but not dust, and easily rubs ("beautiful" again You will finish notice after a month or two ownership of the car - only functionality remains)

The steering wheel is distant (needed either adjustment by departure, or the "removal" of the wheel in the direction from the steering wheel to the driver, in general, so that the wheel itself was closer than the central part of the steering wheel)

No automatic closure / opening mode driver

Orange backlight of the instrument panel (I like it more or white, or green)

Engine power 103 hp - neither there either here .. would have done 98 or 100 (insurance would be less) or 120 - not so insulting for insurance

I have not received the expected consumption (I was hoping for 8-9, and on the fact of 10-11 liters in the city)

In general, objective advantages it turns out more .. and the minuses mostly IMHO .. In general, I want to say than the more car in use, the more positive emotions cause.

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