Home wheels Do you need insurance when selling a car? Do you need insurance when buying a car? Car insurance upon purchase

Do you need insurance when selling a car? Do you need insurance when buying a car? Car insurance upon purchase

OSAGO is a compulsory insurance policy, without which it is impossible even to register a car with the traffic police. You can buy the policy itself even in the car dealership. If you purchase transport on credit, then some banks may offer their insurance services. The choice depends entirely on you, no one has the right to take away this right. The main thing is to make the right choice, which means that the company must be well-recommended among friends and economically competitive, i.e. policy at least at an average price among competitors. But still, on the forums of motorists, many are wondering: “Is it possible to bypass the law and drive without a policy?”.

Driving without insurance is just as illegal as not registering! In other words, referring to the federal law on OSAGO, we can say the following: “The car owner is obliged to register the car within a period of not more than 10 days from the date of the conclusion of the sales contract or another, as a result of which the fact of ownership of the vehicle occurred.” We can make an unambiguous conclusion: "It is prohibited by Russian law to drive a car without a compulsory OSAGO insurance policy."

Where to buy a policy for a new car

There are several ways, namely:

  • Purchase at the office of the insurance company
  • On the website of insurance companies, intermediaries and partners

But how to do it easier and faster, let's further analyze in detail.

In the office of an insurance company

To purchase an auto citizen in the office, you need to collect a list of necessary documents, as well as allocate time. Indeed, in order to choose a truly responsible insurer, you will need to visit several companies and get acquainted with their requirements, as well as privileges over competitors. It is also worth analyzing the insurance market by price category, because for many this is an important point. As a result, you will spend a lot of time analyzing and searching for a company, and this method is also costly in terms of money.

Online purchase or E-policy

Recently, the most common way to purchase an auto citizen is the Internet. After all, now you can buy E-OSAGO in 15 minutes, while sitting in a comfortable chair with a cup of coffee. To do this, just go to the proven resource sravni.ru and follow just three steps to purchase:

  1. Make a calculation based on the entered information
  2. Select the appropriate insurance company from the list of options. You can take into account the rating, reviews, cost and the proposed discount.
  3. Place an order for an online purchase and pay with a credit card

Having done everything you need, literally in 15 minutes, you will receive an electronic OSAGO policy on your E-mail. The next letter from the company will notify you that the policy is registered and you can use it.

What is the price

As mentioned above, for a more accurate calculation, you can use the "OSAGO Calculator" of the site compare.ru. To obtain information, you will need to enter personal data and driving criteria, for a good example, we will do the following calculation for a new car:

  • Car brand – Honda Pilot
  • Year of issue - 2017
  • Insurance period – 1 year
  • Registration region - Moscow
  • Registration region - Moscow
  • Number of drivers allowed to drive - 1
  • Driving experience (calculated from the date of issue of the license) - 7 years

Based on the result of the request, based on the above criteria, it is proposed to issue an electronic policy in six companies:

How long does it take to issue

All cars, including new ones, must be insured no later than 10 days from the date of the conclusion of the sales contract or other document on the basis of which the ownership was transferred to you. If, when stopped by the traffic police, you do not have a valid policy, a decent fine will be imposed. If you have purchased an electronic policy E-OSAGO, then you should wait for the next letter from the insurer company that the autocitizen is registered. That is why it is strongly recommended not to go on the road until you receive confirmation by e-mail. In the case of buying a vehicle on credit, many banks require the purchase of an OSAGO policy on the day the financial liability agreement is signed. Thus, the bank insures its investment.

online calculator

All websites of insurance companies have an online OSAGO calculator for convenience and to attract potential customers. But for greater convenience, a service was created. Using its calculator, you first of all save a lot of time searching for the best option according to individual criteria. The biggest plus of the service is that all partners, insurance companies, are reliable and tested by thousands of car owners. Also, by entering the minimum data for selection, you will receive a detailed list of companies in your region with the exact cost of the product. This will also play a significant role in the choice. What is the purpose of looking for something else? Such an online OSAGO calculator is the most convenient function, the result of which exceeds expectations. Buying a policy for a new car using an online calculator can save you money on travel, finding the right insurer, and time.

Video: Is it possible to drive without insurance for 10 days when buying a car

Very often cars are sold and bought. But in this case, a completely logical question arises, does the CTP go to the new owner when selling the car or not?

Buying and selling cars takes place in our country every day, as it is a very common transaction. But very rarely the sale of the car occurs without any difficulties. Very often, when carrying out a transaction, both the seller and the buyer must simultaneously delve into and understand a huge number of aspects in order to achieve one common goal - the conclusion of a contract for the sale.

Certain expenses on the part of the buyer that accompany such a transaction are not excluded. First of all, costly moments include determining the fate of insurance in the form, which is a mandatory document. According to the rules, every driver who drives a car must have this policy. If the insurance was issued quite recently, then often buyers want to become its owners so as not to waste their time and money on a new design.

However, sometimes the previous owner does not realize that by leaving such a document to himself, he will not be able to return the money. Consider how you need to act in order to become the owner of funds.
The law provided that in the course of a transaction that involves the alienation of a car from the ownership of one citizen and its transfer to the ownership of another, insurance in the form of OSAGO may be terminated, and the terms of the policy may lose their legal force, which was established earlier. At the same time, the company that issued this policy and is an insurance company must return the money to the former owner of the car that was paid under the contract.

But, unfortunately, as practice shows, such organizations tend to keep any part of the amount, or even the entire amount for themselves, and explain this by the fact that they also incurred costs and significant expenses that can be attributed to the company's losses.

General power of attorney insurance and purchase and sale insurance

A general power of attorney is a document that has enormous legal force. In order to learn more about the execution of such a document, you need the Civil Law. A general power of attorney entitles your representative to carry out any actions within the framework of modern legislation on your behalf. Such a document can only be drawn up by a notary and has practically no restrictions.

In the event that OSAGO was without restrictions, which, unfortunately, is not very popular in Russia, then a power of attorney is not needed. In another situation, if the car has more than one driver, but several at once, for example, all family members take turns driving, then there are two options for issuing an insurance policy.

All available drivers can be entered into it, or vice versa, an open insurance policy is purchased, which is called unlimited insurance. And this means that all persons who have the right to drive a car can sit behind the wheel of it. If your drawn up policy has an unlimited time of use and an unlimited number of people, then in the third paragraph of this document there will be a dash, and it is not necessary to list the persons who can drive the car.

A checkmark is also put together, which indicates who exactly the control is available to. A tick is placed in front of an unlimited number of persons.
The disadvantages of such a policy include a high price. But you see, there are much more advantages. So, for example, having an unlimited insurance policy, any driver can sit behind the wheel of your car. And this means that you automatically avoid difficult life situations.

  1. For example, if at some point the driver became ill, absolutely anyone with rights can give him a ride home.
  2. Also, such insurance will be ideal for transferring the car for temporary use to various courier services, taxi companies and so on.
  3. If you are a beginner and drive for the first time, then issuing an unlimited policy will cost you a little less than indicating your zero experience.
  4. In the event that you are stopped by a traffic police officer and a deprivation of rights occurs, then persons who have the right to drive a vehicle will still be able to use your car.

A power of attorney to drive a car is a written confirmation of the rights of a specific person who is a driver who is allowed to drive a vehicle in the absence of the owner. So, for example, if a car is bought for a family, and only one specific member is its owner, then a power of attorney is issued for the rest of the family members who have rights. After the amendments to the laws, when checking papers, the traffic police officer does not ask for a power of attorney.

Therefore, today the relevance of having a power of attorney is called into question. Why is it needed at all, if it is not worth presenting it when stopping the vehicle. A power of attorney can be issued in a simple written form, which means that you do not need to pay large sums of money for notary services.

  1. Such a document indicates the name of the owner of the car, information about the car, starting with its number, and ending with information from the TCP.
  2. It also contains information about the trustee.
  3. Specifies information about what actions can be performed with the machine.
  4. A deadline is set.
  5. The date is indicated.
  6. The signature is put.

Such a document as a power of attorney can be issued by the owner, but also to those who use someone else's car according to the same document called a power of attorney. However, in order to transfer such a vehicle, it is necessary to notarize such a procedure. A power of attorney is needed if you have insurance without restrictions, however, some still draw up such a document in order to protect themselves from all sides.

The OSAGO policy in the course of the sale and purchase passes to the seller. In this case, the power of attorney loses its legal force. This happens because a new person appears in the case, which means a new owner. It turns out that this person is now the owner of the car, and will decide for himself who has the right to drive this vehicle. The power of attorney in this case is canceled, however, only in the situation if it is indicated in the text. In the event that the power of attorney does not lose its legal force and continues to be valid for the established period, it no longer applies to this particular car.

Reissuance of OSAGO

Re-registration of a car to another person can be done in two different ways. The first way is by donating a car, which may mean that it passes into the wrong hands free of charge. This option does not suit us.

The second option is to draw up a contract of sale or transfer of a car by proxy. When selling a car, the future owner acquires an insurance policy, while terminating the agreement that was valid before the sale, or the current owner enters into the policy of the future.
Having come to a consensus, both parties to the transaction go to the insurance company and report what decision they have made. If you are writing a new owner to your existing policy, then you need to be guided by article 960 of the Civil Code. At the same time, in order to complete such a procedure, you need to attach your passport, the passport of the person who will be included in the insurance, the rights of both parties, as well as the OSAGO policy agreement itself.

If you wish, you can take the contract of sale with you. The second method involves termination. In this method, the buyer does not pay compensation, and does not want to be included in the policy. Therefore, the former owner of the car must come to the office. An application is being made. In case of termination in this way, you will lose about 20% of the cost of insurance, but the rest will be returned to you.
Which way to choose is up to you.. In any case, in order to perform this or that action, you need to correctly form a package of documents.

  1. First of all, a statement is drawn up that you write in relation to your insurance company and demand to terminate the relationship in any way.
  2. The second document is a photocopy of the contract, according to which you ceased to be the owner of the car.
  3. Be sure to make a copy of the PTS.
  4. Attach a document that is your insurance.
  5. If you paid OSAGO, then attach a receipt about this.

At the same time, it is not necessary to certify all documents. You must have your passport and driver's license with you.
The renewal process is quite simple. You must go through the following steps.

  1. First of all, you need to write a statement about the termination of the transaction.
  2. Then you must attach a package of documents for review.
  3. Insurance employees for some time get acquainted with your package of documents, and make a conclusion about the cancellation of insurance.
  4. Compensation is paid for the time in which you did not have time to use the policy. However, a fee of around 25% will be charged on the amount.

If you decide not to terminate the contract, but simply to add your buyer to the policy, then you must first agree with the acquirer on how your costs will be reimbursed.

  1. Be sure to draw up a written agreement and notarize it.
  2. You must write an application with a request to include a person in the policy.
  3. You come to the insurance company, enter the data about the person in the insurance sheet.
  4. Pay the required amount if necessary. This completes the procedure.

Refund for OSAGO

In order, you need to find out which way you would use. If you entered the buyer in the field, then you must claim money from him. If you terminated the contract with the insurance company, you need to come to the office and have the following documents with you.

  1. This is a copy of the insurance policy that you managed to make.
  2. The original and a copy of your passport are required.
  3. OSAGO receipt.
  4. Also, you may have a contract of sale.
  5. Power of attorney if required.
  6. Certificate that the car was removed from the register and so on.

Already on the spot you write an application for a refund. At the same time, it is worth paying special attention to the timing issues. They include 14 days from the date you applied. Sometimes, if the insurance company taught this in the contract, the funds can be returned immediately through the cashier.
If, after the allotted period of time, the funds have not been received, the person has the right to write a complaint against the company or even go to court. However, you must have a document with you that indicates that the insurance company has agreed with your requirements.

Watch a video on how to get a refund for insurance when selling a car:

Illegal 20% of the contribution amount, what to do?

Counting the money received, you can miss 20-25 percent of the amount. They are taken by the insurance company, citing the fact that they are forced to receive compensation for the fact that you did not use the policy for the entire time for which it was issued. In fact, such an action is not legal.

The requirement to provide the sum insured is not spelled out in the legislation, which means that it should not be fulfilled. In addition, there is no such requirement in your insurance contract. However, as they say, "the people just so happened."
Insurance companies very often allow themselves this because they want to make a profit from each of their clients. This will have to be dealt with.

If you want to sue for the remaining 20% ​​of the cost of the policy, then you need to go through more than one paperwork, and, ultimately, having spent on lawyers and litigation, you will lose much more than you gain.
You should also remember that when fighting for these funds, you need to take into account the fact that the insurance company may refuse to pay out the money at all. They have a lot of experience in dealing with recalcitrant customers.

How to get a policy after buying a used car

In the variant, when the new owner purchased his car from hand (with mileage), the very first thing he needs to do is to issue an auto insurance policy. According to the laws, 10 days are allotted for this procedure from the completion of the transaction for the purchase of a car. Without such a policy, it will not work to register the purchased car with the traffic police. And untimely registration, according to current laws, entails the imposition of fines on the new owner. For the first time, it will be from 500 to 800 rubles, and if the car is not registered in the future, then the fine will be either 5,000 rubles, or deprivation of rights for 3 months.

It is for this reason that you should not postpone the execution of an auto insurance policy until later.
In order to obtain this document, you will need to pass a technical inspection or you need a valid diagnostic card. At the same time, an important point is that it is illegal to go to MOT on your own in transport without registration. And although radical penalties for such an act have now been canceled, you can still get a fine. After the inspection is successfully completed, you will need to go to the insurance company in order to issue a policy.

At the same time, you will need to have the following set of documents with you: registration certificate, diagnostic card or technical inspection coupon, passport of the owner of the car and his driver's license, as well as a contract for the sale and purchase of this car
. In an insurance policy, you can issue a policy according to one of the following options: by entering a new owner in an auto insurance contract, altering documents for another vehicle, or terminating the contract. The features of these methods will be discussed below.

Is it possible to insure a car under OSAGO if I am not the owner

Sometimes there are situations when the actual owner of the car and the person who regularly uses it are two different people. For example, the head of the family buys a car, and his wife and children drive it. In this case, it is possible to insure a vehicle even for persons who are not its owners (according to the law, the owner of the car and the insured are two different concepts that do not always coincide).

That is why anyone who has a driver's license and permission to drive this machine can apply for a policy. At the same time, even the personal presence of the person who is the owner, when drawing up the document, is not necessary (but his data must be entered in a separate line of the policy).

That is why the one who has issued an auto insurance policy and paid the necessary contributions will be considered the insured. Even with further changes to the policy or other necessary trips, it is this person, and not the owner-owner, who will take part in the insurance participation. In order to issue a motor insurance policy for a person who is not the owner, the following documents will need to be submitted to the insurance company (in person or through the online service):

  • a power of attorney from the owner to conclude a car insurance contract (not necessarily a general one with notarization, a simple handwritten version will suffice);
  • driver's licenses of all persons who will continue to operate the car;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the owner of the car;
  • original passport of the insured person;
  • documents for the car (registration certificate and title);
  • previous policy (if any).

This set of documents will be enough to easily obtain an auto insurance policy for a person who is not the owner of the car.

Ways to reissue OSAGO

Each of the possible ways of transferring insurance rights from the former owner of the car to its new owner is negotiated between them separately. After the decision has been made, it is possible to implement the reissuance of the policy according to one of the following plans: enter a new person in the current document, terminate the contract before its expiration, or transfer the remaining period to another vehicle.

The first of these methods is permissible only by mutual agreement of the parties - if the old owner is not opposed to the new owner of the car using his auto insurance rights, then such a decision should be sent to an insurance company. With this option, it is necessary to draw up in advance with the buyer a contract certified earlier by a notary, which states that the new owner undertakes to return compensation to the former owner for the period when the latter will not use the car (and auto insurance policy, respectively). This method is very convenient, but only valid if agreed with the buyer.

If after negotiations it was decided to use it for re-issuance, then first you should draw up an agreement that the buyer undertakes to pay the seller a set amount (its amount is determined independently, everything is also by agreement) for the unused period, after which this document is certified by a notary. Then the insured draws up an application with a request to include it in the policy. After that, with all the papers, both the old and the new owners need to go to the insurance company, where the necessary replacement of the insurers will be made.

In the case when the new owner refuses to make concessions and does not support the first option, then it is possible to re-register by terminating the current auto insurance policy. In this case, the insurance company, according to the contract, undertakes to pay funds for the unused period.

In order to receive such a refund, you must apply for termination with the same insurance company that originally issued the policy. Be sure to have an agreement on the completed transaction on the purchase of a car with you. This method is reliable and re-registration in this way occurs without difficulty. However, it is worth considering that in this option, the insurance company will take in its favor about 20% of the total insurance price.

If this option is applied, then a statement is first written that the transaction with the insurance company is terminated. Along with the application, a document on the sale / purchase of the car is provided. Based on these documents, the auto insurance contract is terminated. After that, the former client is compensated for unused periods of time, but a commission of 20 to 23% of the amount is also charged (which is why the first option is more preferable).

The third option is to re-register the policy for another car. This method is used very rarely due to the fact that for its implementation it is necessary to have at least two cars, moreover, registered with one insurer. In this option, the unused insurance time will be automatically “rolled over” from the sold vehicle to another. This allows you to save a lot on the subsequent registration of an auto insurance policy in the same company.

What documents need to be collected when reissuing for the seller and which - for the buyer

When selling his car and carrying out the subsequent re-registration of insurance rights related to it to a new owner, the seller must submit the following package of documents to the insurance company to receive unused funds:

  • statement (it is written in the company itself and contains a requirement to return the unclaimed amount to the client);
  • a photocopy of a document confirming the act of purchasing a car;
  • a photocopy of the car passport;
  • a valid auto insurance policy for which compensation will be carried out;
  • policy receipt.

It is not required to notarize the copies of the above papers required for submission. As a rule, insurance firms do not pay much attention to sales documents and a car passport. The most important thing in this case is the policy itself and the fact of its payment. However, it is still worth attaching these copies to the general list - this will avoid delaying the process and speed up the reissuance process.
In the event that re-registration is carried out by mutual agreement, as described above, then one more document must be added to this list - an agreement certified by a notary on reimbursement of the required amount by the buyer.
As for the person who has become the new owner of the car, he submits the following documents to the insurance company:

  • original passport;
  • a copy of the vehicle purchase agreement.


It would seem that such a complex issue as the fate of the OSAGO policy after the car purchase and sale agreement in practice is quite simple and easily resolved. We hope you understood the content of this article, and when making a transaction, you will be able to use our advice.

OSAGO when buying a car must be issued within the period established by law. If this period is not met, the owner of the car may be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine or deprivation of a driver's license. When to take out insurance if you bought a car from your hands? Are there any peculiarities in obtaining a compulsory liability insurance policy for a used car? How much does insurance cost and what do you need to buy an OSAGO policy?

When to insure a car after purchase?

When selling a car, it is necessary to draw up 3 copies of the contract of sale. The first will remain with the seller, the second - with the buyer and the third - with the traffic police. The contract is drawn up in a simple written form without notarization. Although if one of the parties insists on the participation of a notary in the transaction, the other party cannot refuse. After signing the document, the new owner of the car must insure it and register it in his name.

It is prohibited by law to drive a car after a sale and purchase transaction without permits, including an insurance policy. P 2. Article 4 of the law "On OSAGO" indicates that the owner of the vehicle is given 10 days from the date of purchase of the car in order to insure his liability. Since it is necessary to issue an OSAGO under a sales contract according to standard rules, the driver must register the vehicle with the traffic police before buying insurance. If you purchased a used car for which insurance was already issued, then it will have to be reissued.

For non-compliance with legal norms, the owner of the car may be held administratively liable. For driving a vehicle that is not registered with the traffic police, a fine of 500 to 800 rubles can be imposed in the first case and up to 5,000 rubles in the second case. The fine for the lack of OSAGO will be 500-800 rubles.

The old owner of the car can terminate his insurance contract ahead of schedule and return part of the premium paid. He can also apply to the insurance company to change the data of the OSAGO policy, entering there as a driver allowed to drive, a new owner. But such a procedure will not allow the new owner to carry out registration actions in the traffic police - in this case, he will have to buy an OSAGO policy and conclude an insurance contract as an insured.

Features of insurance for a used car

OSAGO insurance when buying a used car is issued in the same manner and according to the same rules as the policy for a new car. The only difference is the need to provide a diagnostic card with a passed technical inspection - it is not needed for new vehicles. If the old car owner already has a valid technical inspection, then the procedure for buying an insurance policy will become even simpler:

  1. Acquisition of a car (conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement, conclusion of a loan agreement, etc.).
  2. Choosing an insurance company and calculating the cost of the policy.
  3. Conclusion of the OSAGO agreement.
  4. Payment of the policy and receipt of documents.

If the car does not have a valid technical inspection, then in order to pass it, the driver can buy a policy for a period not exceeding 20 days. With such insurance, you can go through MOT and register a car with the traffic police. If the car owner has the money, he can use the services of a tow truck for delivery to the service station and the traffic police without purchasing short-term insurance. If at the time of registration of the insurance policy the owner of the car does not have a state registration plate, then he is obliged to inform the insurance company of his number within 3 days after receiving it. An employee of the insurance company will make changes to the policy and to a single information base.

What documents are required for registration?

The compulsory insurance contract is concluded in relation to the owner of the vehicle, all drivers admitted to driving a car or in relation to an unlimited number of citizens who can drive a vehicle. In order to issue OSAGO after buying a car (both new and used), in accordance with Article 15 of the Law “On OSAGO”, you must provide a number of the following documents:

  • Passport of the insured, if it is an individual and a certificate of registration, if it is a legal entity;
  • Driver's license of all drivers allowed to drive;
  • Diagnostic card with TO;
  • Vehicle registration certificate.

In the application, the form of which is established by the Regulation of the Central Bank No. 431-P, the policyholder must indicate his data (full name, date of birth for an individual and place of registration, TIN for a legal entity), address, telephone number, owner data, information about the vehicle, purpose of use , data of all drivers who have the right to drive a car, period of use. If desired, the car owner can indicate the name of the service station where it will be necessary to carry out repairs in case of damage to the car in an accident.

How much does an OSAGO policy for a used car cost?

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the base rate and coefficients of a particular driver. All coefficients are determined by the Directive of the Central Bank No. 3384-U. The cost of the OSAGO policy will be affected only by the place of registration of the driver, his age and experience, the power of the car, the class of the driver, the number of persons allowed to drive and other coefficients.

An example of calculating the cost of an OSAGO policy for a car

An individual has entered into a sale and purchase agreement for a 2015 Audi A4 car. To purchase OSAGO, the new owner of the car turned to the Ingosstrakh insurance company. An insurance company employee used the maximum base rate of 4,118 rubles and calculated the cost using the following coefficients:

  • CT (Moscow) = 2;
  • KBM (driver class 3) = 1;
  • KO (one driver is allowed to drive) = 1;
  • FAC (driver 29 years old, his experience is 7 years) = 1;
  • KM (car power 190 hp) = 1.6.

The cost of the insurance policy is 4,118 x 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.6 = 13,177.60 rubles. Even if the car were new, the cost of insurance would not change with the same driver coefficients.

Depending on the base rate chosen by the insurance company, the cost of the OSAGO policy will also change. Instructed by the Central Bank No. 3384-U, a tariff corridor has been established, within which insurance companies can set the price for insurance. The tariff varies from 3,432 to 4,118 rubles. The year of manufacture of the car will not affect the cost, since you can apply for OSAGO when buying a used car at the same rates that apply to new vehicles.


Thus, the sale of OSAGO for a used car is carried out according to the same rules as for a new one. It is impossible to drive a car without OSAGO only with a sales contract, this is fraught with fines from traffic police officers. The cost of insurance will not depend on the year of manufacture of the vehicle. The price of the policy is calculated according to that general formula and using the coefficients established by the insurance market regulator - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - in the regulatory documents.

OSAGO when selling a car passes to a new owner? The operation of any vehicle in one sense or another poses a threat not only to its driver, but also to all road users on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is in connection with this fact at the state level, it was decided to introduce a compulsory liability insurance policy vehicle owners and other persons driving the vehicle.

On a note. The OSAGO policy itself implies the insurance of all risks and liability that may arise when driving.

Therefore, we conclude that when buying a car, an OSAGO policy is mandatory. But is it necessary for the sale? When selling a car that was already in the control of another person, the OSAGO policy is not required. However, if it is still there, then the previous owner has the full right to contact the insurer in order to terminate the contract ahead of schedule and receive part of the insurance premium. Learn more about whether it is possible by law to conclude a contract of sale for a car without a policy, as well as learn about additional nuances.

Transfer to the new owner is not carried out, as The policy is issued for a person, not a car. However, Article 955 of the Civil Code says that changes can be made to the current OSAGO policy. To do this, you need to submit a written application to the office of the insurance company.

Article 955 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Replacement of the insured person

  1. In the event that under the insurance contract for the risk of liability for causing harm () the liability of a person other than the insured is insured, the latter has the right, unless otherwise provided by the contract, at any time before the occurrence of an insured event, to replace this person with another, notifying the insurer in writing.
  2. The insured person named in the personal insurance contract may be replaced by another person by the policyholder only with the consent of the insured person and the insurer.

What to do with the policy?

When you decide to buy or sell a car, the question remains unclear what to do with an already issued OSAGO policy, especially if it has only recently entered into force. Let's deal with this issue so that neither the buyer nor the seller loses in this case.

Re-registration by agreement of both parties, record of a new owner

Article 955 of the Civil Code allows making appropriate changes to the insurance policy, and, accordingly, to the contract with the insurer. In this case, it becomes possible to reissue the policy, but only when such an action is in the interests of both the buyer and the seller.

The consent of the insurer is also required, however, in the event that if the charter of the company or the contract does not provide for such an opportunity, it will not be possible to change the charter.

Reference. In order to enter a new owner, it is necessary to generate the necessary package of documents. Be sure to come to the office of the insurance company, not only to its client, but also to the future owner of the car.

In this case, the one who sold does not lose money, and the policy passes to the new owner, which means that he will immediately be able to drive without fear that a traffic accident will occur.

Early termination of the contract

If the buyer does not want to conclude a contract with an insurance company or change it, but prefers his trusted insurer, then the seller can terminate the insurance contract and receive the remaining funds(Find out if a refund of OSAGO money is possible when selling a car).

This also requires:

  1. Come to the office of the insurance company.
  2. Take a passport, OSAGO insurance policy, as well as a service agreement.
  3. Draw up an application for termination of the relationship.

Re-registration of OSAGO for another vehicle

Not all citizens can resort to the option of reissuing a contract for another car. As a rule, these are people who own another vehicle. They must have an insurance contract with the same company.

In fact, not every insurance company can help in such a case, and also, some nuances must be observed. For example, if the price category of cars does not differ from each other, then re-registration is, in principle, possible.

Important! When it comes to reissuing insurance for a car that differs in value, then, most likely, the insurance company will issue a refusal.

Also, a refusal may follow when more than half of the term has passed since the moment of issuing the policy.

Find out more nuances about reissuing OSAGO insurance for another car at.

The process of transferring to a new owner

If you want to renew insurance for a new owner, you need to use the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to agree with the future owner of your car that the insurance will be renewed.
  2. Collect a package of documents that is necessary for re-registration.
  3. Go to the insurance company and file an application for renewal.
  4. An employee of the insurance company will consider the possibility of reissuing, and then make a decision.
  5. The decision turned out to be positive - you can proceed to further actions.
  6. So, your documents are accepted, a new contract is signed.
  7. Changes are made to the database.
  8. After that, the buyer of your car becomes the new owner of the policy.

Early termination of the insurance contract by the seller

If the buyer did not want to reissue the policy, the seller can earn additional money by terminating the contract. The sale of the vehicle is a valid reason for terminating the agreement.

  1. It is necessary to collect a package of documents for termination.
  2. An application is made according to the model of an insurance company.
  3. The insurance client must come to the office where he originally took out insurance.
  4. Submit paperwork and application.
  5. The paperwork and the possibility of refusal are being considered.
  6. If there are no grounds for refusal, a recalculation takes place.

Note! Within a few days, a citizen can receive the balance of the policy, which is directly proportional to the unused period of its validity.

The process of transferring to another car

  1. Prepare a package of documents. Basically, it will include papers that will characterize the technical features of the vehicle, in exchange for which the OSAGO policy will be registered.
  2. You need to write an application for renewal. Go to the office of the insurance company. The employee will get acquainted with the package of documents. If necessary, an inspection of the car will be carried out, in exchange for which you want to renew the policy.
  3. A decision will be made on the possibility or impossibility of such an action. If it is necessary to make an additional payment to the employee, they will recalculate.
  4. After that, you will be offered to reissue the contract by adding the changed data to it.
  5. The OSAGO form is changing.
  6. Changes are made to the database.
  7. After that, you receive new documents, and a new contract.

What documents are needed and is a technical inspection required?

In order to complete a car purchase and sale transaction, you will need several important documents:

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When carrying out a sale and purchase transaction, it is necessary to pay due attention to the insurance document, even considering that this document is not necessary. First of all, insurance is a confirmation of your concern about the vehicle. And this, of course, will be appreciated by its future owner.

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At the time of purchasing a car, the question arises of the need to purchase an insurance policy. The only correct answer is “Yes, insurance is required”. The conclusion of an insurance contract is stipulated in the legislative documents of the Russian Federation. Let's figure out what kind of insurance program is provided for when buying a vehicle, what time limits are set.

The operation of the vehicle carries the risk of harm to everyone involved in road traffic. It is often impossible to provide material compensation to victims. That is why, at the legislative level, compulsory insurance of the liability of citizens guilty of an accident is provided. This type of insurance is commonly called OSAGO. Payments in the event of an accident are made to third parties. Tariffs for OSAGO are regulated at the state level. CASCO insurance policies are voluntary insurance, in the event of an accident, insurance payments are due to the driver and owner of the car. Each insurance company develops its own program, sets its own tariffs, using coefficients calculated on the basis of accident statistics. In the SDA, in the description of the general duties of the driver, it is said that the driver of the car, in addition to the driver's license, the registration document for the vehicle, is required to have available, as well as submit to the police for verification a signed agreement on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the car owner, if required by federal law. The most important document indicating the need for car insurance upon purchase is the Federal Law “On OSAGO”. In paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of the second chapter on the obligations of car owners to insure civil liability states that after receiving the vehicle into possession, the car owner is obligated to purchase an insurance policy for his civil liability even before registering the vehicle. The period allotted for obtaining the policy is 10 days. If the car owner refuses to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law "On OSAGO", i.e. deliberately refrains from civil liability insurance, then the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2, article 12.37.) provides for an administrative fine. If you decide to buy a car on credit, then you should be prepared for the fact that the creditor bank, in order to reduce its risks, will oblige you to insure the vehicle with a CASCO policy. And until the borrower closes the loan completely, if an insured event occurs, then the recipient of insurance payments is the bank.

Thus, when buying a car, you should provide for additional costs for the OSAGO policy and calculate the time so as to meet the deadlines established by law. The purchase of a CASCO policy is carried out at the request of the car owner.

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