Home Chassis Insure your car with comprehensive insurance. Casco: everything about insurance and more. What payments are made for car insurance?

Insure your car with comprehensive insurance. Casco: everything about insurance and more. What payments are made for car insurance?

Every day the number of car owners resorting to insuring their vehicles under the CASCO program is increasing. Some do this out of necessity (when buying a car on credit, this procedure is mandatory), others - wanting to protect their car as much as possible from all sorts of risks. But, regardless of the reason for purchasing a policy, everyone is only interested in where it is better to get CASCO insurance in 2019.

First of all, it should be noted that you should not be inclined to choose “penny” products from insurers unknown to anyone. Most likely, they will simply collect insurance premiums from a few dozen clients and “close their shop” by declaring bankruptcy. Then, in the event of an insured event, the car owner will simply have nowhere to turn for compensation for damage.

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To prevent the above situations from arising and to make it easier for potential clients of insurance companies to decide where it is better to insure under CASCO insurance in 2019, the following table should be presented. It lists the top 20 insurers that have proven themselves to be the best.

Here you can study information about the number of refusals to compensate for damages:

Name of insurance company Collections, billion rubles Average cost, rub. Average payout, rub. Failure rate, %
29,869 65939 53887 2,84
28,121 63668 48244 3,84
25,069 49009 64912 3,48
14,835 57943 63039 7,84
13,122 58312 67405 3,36
12,615 73659 68537 3,90
9,171 58046 75269 3,04
6,751 64489 72847 5,18
3,982 57045 60888 9,36
ERGO 3,962 71119 80438 6,45
3,457 45059 64814 4,96
Energy guarantor 2,798 72672 65894 9,55
Yugoria 2,210 37439 66916 2,90
Zetta Insurance 2,138 32838 65454 4,19
2,051 48267 54183 3,19
Liberty 1,483 58869 70151 0,76
United 1,381 53680 52501 8,91
1,339 40385 73130 2,69
Transneft 1,320 214110 48280 7,48
Independence 1,266 71643 94130 2,51

But you should not rely only on this rating; it is better to make your own list of the best insurers, relying on the opinions of friends and family, reading reviews on the World Wide Web, etc. By doing this, each potential client will be able to find exactly the offer that will satisfy him in to a greater extent.

Possible flaws in programs

Unfortunately, even the most reliable company can use various tricks in order to save their funds as much as possible. The most common of them is . It can be conditional, unconditional and conditionally unconditional. Its goal is to reduce the cost of the policy. Yes, insurance with a deductible will be much cheaper, but then even if insured events occur, you should not hope to receive large sums.

The second trick of insurance companies is the so-called aggregate sum insured. Choosing such an offer will turn out to be completely unprofitable if a repeat insured event occurs.

Example: the car was insured for 700 thousand rubles An insured event occurred, as a result of which the car owner received a compensation payment in the amount of 100 000 rubles If a second insured event occurs, the insured amount will already be equal to 600 thousand rubles

The third point that you should pay attention to when concluding an agreement with an insurance company is whether the wear and tear of the car is taken into account when paying insurance compensation. In other words, the amount of compensation after the damage received will not be enough to purchase new parts, since their cost was paid to the insurers taking into account their wear and tear.

The fourth trick of insurers is restrictions on car storage. Thus, the contracts of some insurance companies indicate that they do not pay compensation for damage and theft of vehicles that were not parked in a guarded parking lot.

And almost always this type of damage occurs outside such places... Then the question arises: is it worth purchasing such a policy at all or is it better to lean toward choosing a more expensive but reliable product?!

Since insurers have many other tricks and tricks in their arsenal, even before signing an agreement with them, you should carefully study all the clauses of the insurance contract. Perhaps there are a bunch of other subtleties hidden there that the insurance agent didn’t bother to talk about. By doing this only in this way, we can hope that if an insured event occurs, the car owner will receive all the deserved insurance payments.

The most correct option would be to choose an organization with class A++, because then the risk of bankruptcy is reduced to zero

Ratings of where it is better to get CASCO insurance in 2019

The rating of the best insurers of the Russian Federation has already been indicated above. But they were compiled only on the basis of financial indicators, and in the first lines there were not companies that had proven themselves to be the best, but those that had large amounts of collected insurance premiums.

This will be followed by ratings compiled by special agencies and based on consumer opinions. It is better to lean towards the lists of the first ones, since they constitute the “top ten” for many different indicators. This means that the reliability of their information is the highest. Thanks to such agency activities, potential policyholders will be able to quickly select an insurance company that is reliable in all respects.

  1. Rosgosstrakh.
  2. SOGAZ.
  3. Ingosstrakh.
  4. RESO-Garantiya.
  5. AlfaInsurance.
  6. Agreement.
  7. Renaissance Insurance.
  8. VSK Insurance House.
  9. Alliance.
  10. VTB Insurance.

Popular ratings will mostly tell you how the insurance company will behave in the event of an insured event. Therefore, in this case, insurers with friendly employees and polite attitude towards their clients will be on the first lines.

So, the list of companies in this case is in the following order:

  1. Tinkoff insurance.
  2. Zetta Insurance.
  3. Vnesheconomstrakh.
  4. Liberty Insurance.
  5. UralSib.
  6. AlfaInsurance.
  7. RESO-Garantiya.
  8. Agreement.
  9. Antal-Insurance.
  10. MAX.

How can I choose

If you want to buy a CASCO policy, you should first of all find a reliable insurer who will accurately make compensation payments in the event of an insured event. The search for such an insurance company should be done as carefully as possible. After all, there are often cases when a car owner, as a result of an insured event, turns to the place where he purchased the policy and discovers that there is no trace of this company.

To prevent the purchased CASCO policy from instantly turning into a penny piece of paper, you should pay attention to the reliability rating of insurance companies. It is compiled by experts after studying the financial condition of the institution. As a result of their work, each insurance company is assigned its own reliability class.

Their designations are as follows:

A High reliability.
IN Average reliability.
WITH Low reliability.

Sometimes you can find other markings: E and A++. The first implies the process of liquidation of the insurance company, the second – the highest class of reliability of the insurer.

The list of the most reliable companies is as follows:

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Alliance.
  3. VSK Insurance House.
  4. VTB Insurance.
  5. ZHASO.
  6. Ingosstrakh.
  7. Capital.
  8. MAX.
  9. RESO-Garantiya.
  10. Renaissance.
  11. Rosgosstrakh.
  12. RSHB-Insurance.
  13. SOGAZ.
  14. Agreement.
  15. Transneft.

What you need to know

According to statistics in the insurance market, the number of CASCO policies sold by insurance companies has decreased significantly. And this is not surprising: not every consumer can afford to buy them today. Therefore, many car owners are forced to refuse this type of additional protection against vehicle risks.

People started talking about a significant increase in the price of CASCO policies this year back in 2019. Then the reason for such judgments were sharp price increases in the field of auto insurance. Many motorists, having calculated the cost of such insurance policies, stated that the CASCO price has increased by approximately 10-20% from the previous cost.

But there is an objective explanation for this price increase:

  • Some modern service stations allow payment of the cost of car repairs only in foreign currency, which is very unprofitable for insurers due to the sharp fall of the ruble. And services cannot do otherwise, since they themselves are heavily dependent on imports.
  • Insurers have narrowed the list of their offers. It is predicted that the majority of insurers will leave the auto insurance market altogether, since both OSAGO and CASCO are unprofitable areas.
  • The number of fraudulent payments has increased. The ongoing crisis in the country is also to blame for this increase.
  • The number of vehicle thefts has increased, which promises significant losses for insurance companies. After all, in this case they have to pay the full cost of the insured car.
  • The number of sales of new vehicles has decreased.
  • Insurance protection against theft, damage or complete loss of the car;
  • Insurance of additional vehicle equipment;
  • Voluntary civil liability insurance;
  • Insurance of the driver and passengers against accidents;
  • Possibility of receiving payment of the insurance value of the car without taking into account wear and tear (GAP insurance).


High-quality and prompt service for settling claims under CASCO!

You do not need to waste time coming to the insurance company office to submit documents regarding the loss*. When you report a loss, the contact center will immediately offer you a service station where you can get a referral for repairs.

You choose the time that is convenient for you when to arrive at the service station. There you can also:

  • submit the necessary documents;
  • fill out an application for an insurance event;
  • Carry out troubleshooting of the car and put it in for repair;

Thus, the procedure for settling a loss is as simple and efficient as possible.

*subject to a number of conditions regarding vehicle damage received

Repair only from an authorized dealer

We send all cars, regardless of age, to an official dealer for repairs (if there is a dealer in the region).

All policies include options and services

  • emergency commissioner to the scene of a traffic accident and collection of certificates for insurance payment;
  • evacuation from the accident site;
  • replacement or repair of glass and 1 body element without certificates;
  • The insurance territory is the whole world*.
*Territory insurance under the CASCOosnova program – Russian Federation

Additional paid options

  • “Privilege” package: emergency commissioner for any damage to the car and loss settlement manager;
  • Repair without certificates of 2 body parts during the insurance period;
  • Technical assistance on the roads.

Ways to save under CASCO

  • CASCOsnova - CASCO for 2.3% of the cost of the car
  • CASCO installment plan – monthly installment payment
  • 100 for 50 – CASCO at half price
  • CASCOofficial+ - an addition to OSAGO at an attractive price


Part of the insurance compensation that the client pays independently. The franchise amount is established by the terms of the contract upon its conclusion. There are 2 types of franchises available in CASCO insurance company “Soglasie”:

Deductible for each insured event

Allows you to save up to 40% on CASCO costs.

Dynamic franchise

An ideal option for those who want to be sure that they will receive full insurance compensation for the first insured event.

When declaring the first event that has signs of an insured event, no deductible is established. When declaring the second and subsequent events, the amount of the deductible is set as a percentage of the insured amount and is determined depending on the number of insured events that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract, as well as on the serial number of the declared insured event. Unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract, when establishing a dynamic deductible: starting from the date of declaration of the second event that has signs of an insured event, the following deductible amounts are applied - 5% of the insured amount for the corresponding risk (for each year of insurance) for the second event, 7% from the insured amount for the corresponding risk (for each year of insurance) for the third and subsequent events.

If the insurance contract and/or insurance rules for the risks “Theft” and/or “Damage” establish other deductibles, then all deductibles are summed up.

The deductible does not apply if the driver of the insured vehicle is innocent in the accident, but the guilty person is identified. Also, the deductible is not taken into account for damage to glass, headlight/lantern lenses in the event of their repair at a service station instead of replacement.

Special offer

Get up to two additional months of insurance by concluding a CASCO and apartment insurance agreement!

Basic conditions:

  • an additional month of insurance for each contract without additional payment when simultaneously purchasing CASCO and property insurance policies;
  • you can insure not only your apartment, but also the apartments of your parents, relatives or friends;
  • all discounts under the CASCO agreement are preserved;
  • the terms of the promotion apply to all clients who purchased a policy under the Basic CASCO or CASCO 100 for 50 program.

Your benefit

For example, CASCO costs you 79,000 rubles. per year (the cost of 1 month is 6,583 rubles).

To get additional months of insurance without paying a premium, you need to purchase an apartment insurance policy worth RUB 8,200. (this is the cost of insuring an apartment for 1 million rubles and movable property in it for 350,000 rubles)

If you simultaneously conclude an apartment insurance contract and a CASCO insurance contract, you will receive, without additional payment, an additional month of car and apartment insurance:

  • 1 month CASCO insurance RUB 6,583.
  • 1 month of apartment insurance – 683 rubles.

When concluding a property insurance contract in addition to the current CASCO contract, you will receive 1 month of CASCO insurance in addition.

  • The offer is valid upon concluding annual CASCO and personal property insurance contracts under the Apartment-Express insurance product with an insurance premium of RUB 5,000. for Moscow and from 3,000 for other regions. The minimum amount of insurance premium for property insurance depends on the amount of insurance premium for CASCO. If the insurance premium for basic CASCO is 150,000 rubles. and more, the possibility of participating in the promotion is determined individually.
  • The calculation was made for Moscow. For details on calculations in your region, please contact the managers of the Soglasie company.
  • The offer is valid if the date of conclusion of the IFL policy is no later than 10 months after the start date of the insurance period under the CASCO policy. The offer is not valid if the insurance premium under the CASCO agreement is less than RUB 20,000.

How to apply for CASCO insurance?

Just call 8 800 755 00 01 or use one of the options convenient for you:

Soglasie specialists will select the appropriate insurance option for you, inspect the car and prepare all the necessary documents.

Repair under CASCO

Renaissance Insurance

If you are a client of the company and a member of the Renaissance Club, then the approval for CASCO is very quick, communication by e-mail and the response to the OD from the insurance company came 2 days after my letter. Unfortunately, the service station let us down and delayed the repairs, but again, after I contacted Renaissance, I was provided with promotional codes for a taxi as a bonus. It was nice...

Ivan, Moscow

I would like the issues to be resolved faster


I have a CASCO policy. Got into a small accident. I submitted documents to the insurance company and submitted the car for inspection. After 5 days I received a referral from the service station. Then I waited 10 days at the service center for spare parts. As a result, the car was repaired normally and is now running, but I would like it faster.

zakhar, Moscow

Repair under CASCO

Tinkoff Insurance

Good afternoon On May 23, 2019, a barrier crashed down at the Yaroslavl station and damaged a car. I called the insurance company's hotline (the call was answered very quickly). Explained the situation. Within a few minutes, all the necessary documents were completed over the phone. 40 minutes later, the official car service center I had chosen called and scheduled a day to inspect the car. After...

Vladimir, Moscow

Windshield replacement

Renaissance Insurance

I was previously insured and otherwise, then they transferred me to Rennesan since they began to work together, I have comprehensive insurance and insurance in Renaissance and, in principle, I am satisfied because I had a case of replacing the windshield, I applied, they sent me and replaced the carglass in digging, so on the Moscow Ring Road, where it’s warm. The glass seems to be of good quality, but without the Kia nameplate

Yuri, Moscow

quality repairs on time


I thank my manager Yaroslav, as well as the emergency commissioner for quickly arriving at the scene of the accident, for issuing all the necessary certificates and organizing the delivery of the car by tow truck to the service center. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), this is the second time I have encountered an insured event and the repairs under CASCO are carried out efficiently and on time.

Sergey, Moscow

everything is fine in the end


A side mirror was broken and a door was scratched in a shopping center parking lot. At first I was confused, I went to find out about the security service of the shopping center, to ask them for video from surveillance cameras, but as it turned out, they had a lot of dead zones and nothing was recorded. Then I just thought of calling the insurance company. The manager clearly told me the plan of action. I was able to use the service right away. Even in offices...

Avdeev, Moscow

everything was done as expected


The front bumper was repaired at a service station for about a month, we waited a long time for spare parts, but in the end they did a good job. Special thanks to my insurance agent from Soglasiya for helping me quickly fill out the documents and everything went without any delays. I am pleased with the quick resolution of my case regarding repairs, but I was less fortunate with spare parts.

Igor Entin, Moscow

Cashback for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance

Tinkoff Insurance

bought comprehensive insurance + insurance on 06/08/19. The advertised cashback is not transferred to the card (I specially created a debit card) On June 10 I called to find out when it would be transferred, they answered that I had to apply for a CREDIT card. Filed a "claim". SMS are coming from 10.06. that we need another 2-3 days for verification. already 6 pieces from 11.06 to 27.06. This is a service. We paid for repairs at the service


I insured my car in Soglasiya. After the accident I applied for compensation. We were drawing up a European protocol then. I can’t say that there were any problems or delays, no. The only thing is that they didn’t pay me compensation, but simply paid for repairs at the service, but I actually have nothing against it, especially since I was able to choose the service myself. The work was done in 5 days and this includes the delivery of parts...

Repair under CASCO

Renaissance Insurance

If you are a client of the company and a member of the Renaissance Club, then the approval for CASCO is very quick, communication by e-mail and the response to the OD from the insurance company came 2 days after my letter. Unfortunately, the service station let us down and delayed the repairs, but again, after I contacted Renaissance, I was provided with promotional codes for a taxi as a bonus. It was nice...

Ivan, Moscow

I would like the issues to be resolved faster


I have a CASCO policy. Got into a small accident. I submitted documents to the insurance company and submitted the car for inspection. After 5 days I received a referral from the service station. Then I waited 10 days at the service center for spare parts. As a result, the car was repaired normally and is now running, but I would like it faster.

zakhar, Moscow

Repair under CASCO

Tinkoff Insurance

Good afternoon On May 23, 2019, a barrier crashed down at the Yaroslavl station and damaged a car. I called the insurance company's hotline (the call was answered very quickly). Explained the situation. Within a few minutes, all the necessary documents were completed over the phone. 40 minutes later, the official car service center I had chosen called and scheduled a day to inspect the car. After...

Vladimir, Moscow

Windshield replacement

Renaissance Insurance

I was previously insured and otherwise, then they transferred me to Rennesan since they began to work together, I have comprehensive insurance and insurance in Renaissance and, in principle, I am satisfied because I had a case of replacing the windshield, I applied, they sent me and replaced the carglass in digging, so on the Moscow Ring Road, where it’s warm. The glass seems to be of good quality, but without the Kia nameplate

Yuri, Moscow

quality repairs on time


I thank my manager Yaroslav, as well as the emergency commissioner for quickly arriving at the scene of the accident, for issuing all the necessary certificates and organizing the delivery of the car by tow truck to the service center. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), this is the second time I have encountered an insured event and the repairs under CASCO are carried out efficiently and on time.

Sergey, Moscow

everything is fine in the end


A side mirror was broken and a door was scratched in a shopping center parking lot. At first I was confused, I went to find out about the security service of the shopping center, to ask them for video from surveillance cameras, but as it turned out, they had a lot of dead zones and nothing was recorded. Then I just thought of calling the insurance company. The manager clearly told me the plan of action. I was able to use the service right away. Even in offices...

Avdeev, Moscow

everything was done as expected


The front bumper was repaired at a service station for about a month, we waited a long time for spare parts, but in the end they did a good job. Special thanks to my insurance agent from Soglasiya for helping me quickly fill out the documents and everything went without any delays. I am pleased with the quick resolution of my case regarding repairs, but I was less fortunate with spare parts.

Igor Entin, Moscow

Cashback for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance

Tinkoff Insurance

bought comprehensive insurance + insurance on 06/08/19. The advertised cashback is not transferred to the card (I specially created a debit card) On June 10 I called to find out when it would be transferred, they answered that I had to apply for a CREDIT card. Filed a "claim". SMS are coming from 10.06. that we need another 2-3 days for verification. already 6 pieces from 11.06 to 27.06. This is a service. We paid for repairs at the service


I insured my car in Soglasiya. After the accident I applied for compensation. We were drawing up a European protocol then. I can’t say that there were any problems or delays, no. The only thing is that they didn’t pay me compensation, but simply paid for repairs at the service, but I actually have nothing against it, especially since I was able to choose the service myself. The work was done in 5 days and this includes the delivery of parts...

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