Home wheels What is OSAGO? What is OSAGO and Casco in simple terms? Correct actions in case of an accident

What is OSAGO? What is OSAGO and Casco in simple terms? Correct actions in case of an accident

Everything you need to know about compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

OSAGO is a motor third party liability insurance for a driver. The object of insurance is the property interests of the driver. In the event of an accident, the OSAGO policy will cover losses caused to a third party.

What is OSAGO?

OSAGO or "autocitizen" is a policy that a driver acquires in order to protect property interests. By purchasing insurance, you protect yourself from material losses associated with compensation for damage caused to property and health of third parties. In simple words, thanks to this policy, the driver will not have to pay for car repairs and treatment of people injured in an accident that happened through your fault.

If, on the contrary, you were injured in an accident, the damage will be compensated by the OSAGO of the guilty party. At the same time, the absence of a policy from the perpetrator of the incident is not a reason for refusing to compensate for losses.

Making OSAGO is not a driver’s right, but an obligation prescribed in Law No. 40-FZ “On OSAGO”. If you have to pay a fine, the amount of which in 2018 is 800 rubles. The entire list of fines associated with the insurance policy for the car,. It is important to understand that this is not the worst thing that can happen in the absence of a policy.

Issuing a policy

There are two ways to purchase an OSAGO policy:

  1. By contacting any insurance company.
  2. On the website of the insurance company.

Insurers do not have the right to refuse to issue a policy, but in practice there are situations when a company, pointing to the lack of forms or a non-working computer, does not sell insurance. In this case, the driver can complain about the work of the insurer to the prosecutor's office, the Central Bank or the PCA.

To issue a policy, you will need the passport of the insured (for whom the insurance will be issued), a driver's license, STS and PTS. Based on these documents, the cost is calculated. The price of the policy depends on several parameters:

    type and power of the vehicle;

    driving experience of the insured;

    the number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle;

    region of operation of the car;

    the presence or absence of accidents that occurred through the fault of the insured for the past periods.

The average cost of OSAGO in Moscow in 2018 is 8,000 rubles, in the regions - 6,000 rubles. At the same time, there is a so-called "price corridor", which sets the minimum and maximum cost of the policy. Within this corridor, insurers can change tariffs at their discretion.

Many are interested in how OSAGO is issued if the owner does not have a driver's license? In this case, the owner becomes the policyholder, and in the paragraph "drivers allowed to drive the vehicle" the persons who can drive the car are indicated. Accordingly, they must have valid rights. You can also choose unlimited insurance. It allows you to trust the driving of any person who has rights.

Issuance of an electronic OSAGO policy

In the last 3 years, drivers have the opportunity to issue OSAGO online, without contacting the office of the insurance company. The purchase is made on the website of the selected insurer with subsequent online payment. This is how an electronic version of the "car citizen" is acquired, which has full force along with the paper version.

After registration, it is recommended to print it out, stamp it at the insurer's office and keep it with you. But it is also not considered a violation to use a policy saved in a phone or mobile application. The main thing is the very fact of having insurance.

Do I need OSAGO if there is CASCO?

Another popular question is whether an OSAGO policy is needed if there is a CASCO? CASCO insurance is not mandatory. The car owner may refuse to purchase this policy, but there is no OSAGO. "Autocitizen" is mandatory, therefore, penalties are provided for its absence.

In the event of an accident, the CASCO policy will cover the damage caused to your car. This happens in one of two ways:

  1. If you became the culprit of an accident, then the damage caused to the injured party will be reimbursed under OSAGO, and the insurer will allocate money for the restoration of your car, in accordance with the terms of CASCO.
  2. If another driver became the culprit, then you can choose to use OSAGO or CASCO to compensate for the damage.

A similar situation with the DSAGO policy. This type of insurance is optional. And the presence of the DSAGO policy does not relieve the responsibility for the purchase of OSAGO.

When are payments due and not due?

OSAGO payments are due:

    drivers injured in an accident;

    passengers and pedestrians whose health has been harmed.

If the driver injured in an accident does not have an OSAGO policy, then he can also count on compensation for the damage caused. Only you will have to apply not to your insurance company, where the policy was previously bought, to the company where the culprit of the accident is insured. They cannot refuse to pay in situations where the culprit of the accident does not have OSAGO. You will need to contact your insurance company.

Payments are not due in two situations:

  • The cause of the accident has not been identified.
  • Both drivers do not have a valid OSAGO policy.

The amount of compensation is determined individually, depending on the damage received. But there are certain limits. In 2018 they are:

    drivers are paid no more than 400 thousand rubles to restore the car;

    affected people are paid no more than 500 thousand rubles. for everyone.

If the specified amount is not enough to fully cover the losses caused, the difference is paid by the guilty party from his own pocket. But that's only possible in a court of law.

Please note that you should contact the insurance company within 5 days after the accident if the accident site is drawn up according to the Euro protocol and within 15 days if the protocol was drawn up by the traffic police.

Non-standard situations

The standard situation, when the injured party can freely apply to his insurance company for compensation, includes accidents in which four basic conditions are met:

  • Both drivers have a valid OSAGO policy.
  • No people were injured in the accident.
  • Two vehicles were involved in the accident.
  • The culprit of the accident has been identified.

In other cases, compensation issues are resolved through the PCA.

Lack of OSAGO

As already mentioned, a fine of 800 rubles is the minimum liability for the absence of a policy. Much more serious losses will have to be incurred in the event of an accident through your fault. There are three possible outcomes here:

  • Amounts of 400 thousand rubles. is not enough to cover the damage caused to the other driver. You will have to pay the difference out of your own pocket. And if you run into some late-model Lamborghini, the costs will be very high.
  • The injured driver also does not have an OSAGO policy. And he can go to court to recover from you the damage caused. In this case, the amount of compensation can be hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  • You became the culprit of an accident, but the injured party has an OSAGO policy. In this case, the insurer has the right to sue you and recover the amount paid to the injured party by recourse.

As you can see, an OSAGO policy worth 5-10 thousand rubles, purchased once a year, can save the family budget from serious losses.

Popular questions and answers

Can I continue to use the former owner's insurance after buying a used car if it is unlimited?

No, before registering a vehicle in your name, you must purchase an OSAGO policy in which you will appear as the owner. The traffic police inspectors must verify the data of the policy and the STS - so that one owner is listed on the document.

If during the insurance period I got into an accident, and another driver was found to be the culprit, will this affect the cost of the policy in the next period?

No, KMB () decreases only if the accident occurred through the fault of the insured.

Do I have to renew OSAGO in the company where the policy was originally purchased?

You can choose the insurance company of your choice. If you are not satisfied with the tariffs of the current insurer, then try to make a calculation in another company.

Is it possible to refuse OSAGO?

You can opt out of auto citizenship at any time. But only within 7 days from the date of purchase of the policy there is a "cooling off period" when the entire amount is returned to the policyholder. After this period, it is already problematic to return the insurance premium. It will be returned, but taking into account the elapsed period, the cost of processing the document, etc.

How long does it take for the insurer to pay compensation?

The insurer must pay compensation or send the car for repair within 20 days from the date of application. If the company does not meet the deadlines, you can write a complaint to the PCA or the Central Bank.

What to do if the insurance company refuses to pay compensation?

Read and assert your rights.

What is OSAGO?

The OSAGO policy is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance (the popular term is "auto citizen"). The OSAGO policy insures the risk of liability of the owner of the vehicle for causing harm to the life, health or property of the victims when using the vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The maximum insured amount of the OSAGO policy paid to the victims is 400 thousand rubles for one insured event. Of these, 240 thousand are for compensation for harm to health and 160 thousand for compensation for damage to property. If there is only one victim, then the maximum amount of payments is 160 and 120 thousand rubles, respectively. When the damage exceeds the established "ceiling" of payments, the remaining part of the compensation is paid by the perpetrator himself or covered by the additional insurance program, which is concluded separately.

The cost of an OSAGO policy depends on the type of vehicle and its power, driving experience and age of the car owner, region, and the availability of insurance payments under previous contracts.

How to choose the right insurance company to buy OSAGO?

Choosing an insurance company to buy an OSAGO policy is not as complicated as choosing a company to buy a CASCO policy. Firstly, because the affected party will receive payments under the OSAGO policy. Usually, the rules, conditions and cost of an OSAGO policy in all companies are approximately the same. In this regard, when choosing an insurance company to purchase an OSAGO policy, pay attention to the company's license and specifically this type of insurance activity. However, despite this, it is categorically not recommended to purchase an OSAGO policy from the first counter insurer. By purchasing an OSAGO policy in our insurance agency, you will not only receive reliable guarantees of your insurance, but also become a participant in free programs that are regularly held in our company for customers. To learn more about the free programs of our company, you should click on the name of these programs, the links to which are highlighted in blue.

What factors affect the cost of an insurance policy?

The cost of an OSAGO insurance policy depends on a number of factors, including: driving experience and the age of persons allowed to drive a vehicle. Engine power, number of years since the last accident and place of residence - these factors are also among the factors that determine the cost of an insurance policy.

What is the amount of the discount for the purchase of an OSAGO insurance policy will be provided in the case of break-even insurance?

If for the period of the past year no insurance payments were made under your insurance policy, then you are given a discount on the re-purchase of an OSAGO insurance policy in the amount of 5%.

What is the difference between OSAGO insurance policies that are sold through an insurance company or through an independent insurance agency (insurance broker)?

By purchasing an OSAGO insurance policy from a verified independent insurance agency, you will receive guarantees from the insurance company that the agency represents for the same money that you would have to pay if you bought the policy directly from the insurance company. The advantage of buying an insurance policy from an independent insurance agency is that the policy will be delivered to you as soon as possible at a time and place convenient for you. You do not have to travel across the city to purchase an insurance policy from an insurance company.

When buying an OSAGO insurance policy, are there any benefits?

According to the current legislation on compulsory insurance of civil liability, disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War are entitled to receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the total cost of the OSAGO insurance policy.

How can you avoid a multiplying coefficient for insurance payments made under an OSAGO insurance policy last year?

Now, in order to avoid the increasing coefficient of insurance payments for the past year, it is enough to change the insurance company where you purchase the OSAGO insurance policy. Having issued a new, in another company, an OSAGO agreement as the original one (without increasing / decreasing coefficients for emergency / accident-free driving), you will be able to avoid increasing the coefficient.

Is the break-even ratio for the past year maintained when changing the insurance company and switching to other insurers?

Regardless of whether you decide to renew your insurance in the same company or decide to conclude an agreement to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy in another insurance company, your break-even ratio remains the same. In the event that you decide to change the insurer company, be prepared for the fact that the employees of the new insurance company may require you to provide a certificate that the last year was actually break-even in relation to your OSAGO insurance policy. A number of insurance companies do not require such a certificate. In this case, your OSAGO insurance policy will contain a note that the discount was given to you based on your words. If you deceived an employee of an insurance agency, then during the investigation of an accident your deceit may be revealed, in such cases, the company has the right to refuse to pay you under the insurance policy, thereby recognizing the agreement on the purchase of insurance as invalid.

Can I purchase an OSAGO insurance policy from two insurance companies at once?

According to the current legislation, you cannot purchase several OSAGO insurance policies for one vehicle at once, both in one insurance company and in different insurance companies.

Is it possible to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy in installments?

Installment payments in the current law on civil liability is not provided.

Is the liability of drivers admitted to driving under the OSAGO insurance policy allowed?

In almost any insurance agency or company, you can voluntarily expand the limit of liability under the OSAGO insurance policy. For example, expanding the limit of liability to 10,000 USD will cost you from 20 to 50 USD. depending on the tariffs of an individual insurance agency or insurance company. When buying an OSAGO insurance policy in our insurance agency, you will make your life much easier, because our team will collect all the necessary certificates from the traffic police for you, and moreover, if necessary, deliver a package of documents to the insurance company, the policy of which was purchased by the perpetrator of the accident. All these additional services in our company are carried out completely free of charge. In addition, as a gift from our insurance agency, you will receive an extension of the responsibility of the DSGO.

What is the maximum number of drivers that can be included in an OSAGO insurance policy?

There is no fixed limit in the relevant legislation regarding the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle. However, only five columns are provided on the OSAGO insurance policy form, in which drivers of a motor vehicle can be entered. In this regard, you will be able to specify no more than five people allowed to drive the vehicle. If this option does not suit you, then you will have to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy, under the terms of which, the number of people allowed to drive a vehicle is not limited. However, in this case, you must remember that such an OSAGO insurance policy will cost you twice as much as usual.

Is it allowed to add a person to the OSAGO insurance policy? What needs to be done for this?

You can add a person to an insurance policy. To do this, you will need to come with the necessary documents to the nearest representative office of the insurer. Employees of the insurance company will make the required changes to the insurance policy. However, keep in mind that if the required changes may increase the risk, then the insurance company may require you to pay a certain sum insured, which is calculated in proportion to the degree of risk.

Is it allowed to “transfer” an OSAGO insurance policy to a new car?

Alas, unfortunately, there is no credit for the balance of your insurance policy on a new car. To do this, you will need to terminate the contract (in this case, you will lose 23% of the contract amount) and renegotiate the insurance contract for a new car.

What documents do you need to submit to conclude an agreement for the purchase of an OSAGO insurance policy?

To apply for an insurance policy, you will need the following documents:

  • - passports or passport details (including registration) of the owner of the vehicle and the insured;
  • - original/copy of title or registration certificate (technical passport);
  • - original / copy of the rights of persons admitted to management.
  • After passing the OSAGO insurance procedure, which documents remain in my hands, and which documents do I need to carry with me?

    After purchasing an OSAGO insurance policy, you must receive the following documents:

  • - OSAGO policy (original);
  • - receipt of payment of the cost of the insurance policy;
  • - sticker (sticker);
  • - insurance rules;
  • - a list of representatives of the insurance company in all regions of Russia;
  • - Accident notice forms.
  • For unhindered movement on a motor vehicle, you must always carry only the OSAGO insurance policy with you. The rest of the documents are not required for constant availability during the journey by motor vehicle. On the other hand, we strongly recommend that you carry other documents with you, it is especially important to have accident notification forms, because they describe in detail the procedure in case of an accident, in addition, such a form must be filled out in the event of an accident.

    For how long can I purchase an OSAGO insurance policy?

    According to the current legislation, citizens of the Russian Federation can only insure their car for a period of one year. On the other hand, the period of validity of the insurance policy can be from six months to one year, depending on the choice of the client. The insurance coefficient for an insurance policy lasting six months is 0.7. In other words, when purchasing an OSAGO insurance policy for six months, you will have to pay 70% of the cost of the annual insurance policy for it. At the same time, keep in mind that if you decide to extend the insurance policy up to one year, you will need to pay another 30% of the total cost of the insurance policy. An insurance policy with a duration of less than six months can only be purchased for a motor vehicle in transit. In this case, you will not be able to get up to teach in the traffic police.

    Is it possible to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy on the basis of a handwritten power of attorney from the car owner?

    Yes, such an option to purchase an insurance policy is possible.

    Is it allowed to conclude an OSAGO agreement now, with the condition that it will come into force later ...?

    Allowed. However, it should be borne in mind that the insurance policy may take effect no later than one month after the date on which the policy was issued.

    Is it possible to purchase an insurance policy for an auto citizen in Moscow, for a vehicle registered in another city, and at what tariff will it be insured?

    An OSAGO insurance policy can be purchased in any subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of that. Where exactly is the vehicle registered. In this case, the territorial coefficient of insurance will be determined based on where the owner of the vehicle is registered.

    Is it necessary to inspect a vehicle to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy?

    To purchase an OSAGO insurance policy, no inspection of the insured vehicle is required.

    Is it possible to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy for a vehicle without MOT?

    Yes, it's possible. However, remember that without an OSAGO insurance policy, your vehicle will not pass MOT.

    Is the OSAGO insurance policy valid if the vehicle has not passed MOT?

    According to the current legislation, the effect of the CTP insurance policy is in no way connected with the presence or absence of MOT. So if your vehicle is overdue for inspection, then the OSAGO insurance policy still continues to operate in full. By the way, this is a positive difference between mandatory and voluntary auto insurance. But remember that without an OSAGO insurance policy, you will not be able to pass an inspection.

    What to do if the engine power is not marked in the documents for the car?

    The engine power of the vehicle is agreed separately with the insurance company in each specific case. The specialist of the insurance company will be guided by the technical characteristics of the vehicle declared by the manufacturer.

    I have two cars, only I drive both, how many OSAGO insurance policies do I need to have - one or two?

    The OSAGO insurance policy is issued with reference to a specific car, so you will have to purchase two separate policies, one for each car.

    What exactly do the letters and numbers mean on the sticker (sticker) that is issued when purchasing an OSAGO insurance policy along with the policy?

    By the letter on the sticker, you can easily determine what type of policy you have:

    "O" - a limited number of persons are allowed to drive a vehicle. A specific list of permitted persons is indicated in the OSAGO insurance policy;

    "N" - there are no restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle;

    "T" - transit, such stickers are issued for cars with transit numbers, as well as for cars of foreign citizens temporarily imported into Russia.

    The number carved on the sticker marks the month when the insurance contract expires.

    Is it necessary to stick a sticker on the windshield of a car?

    No, stickers are not required.

Every car owner knows what is OSAGO. In simple terms, this is compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The driver is obliged to purchase this policy before registering the vehicle, but no later than 10 days after its purchase.

If a person neglected the rules that are the same for everyone, at the first stop, the traffic police will issue him penalty for not having OSAGO.

Back in 2014, for such a violation, the driver was legally deprived of the opportunity to drive a vehicle ( TS), this ban was put into effect by removing the license plate. But due to increased cases of fraud ( number theft), it was decided to refuse such a measure.

Therefore, in 2015, driving an uninsured vehicle is subject to a fine of 800 rubles, and in some cases the driver may only receive a warning.

Deciphering the abbreviation OSAGO speaks for itself: having received this insurance policy, the driver, in the event of a traffic accident with his fault, prevents the costs that he could incur when indemnifying the victim.

OSAGO rules, which were amended in 2015, state that the maximum amount of compensation for losses under the concluded insurance contract is 500,000 rubles.

It is also worth mentioning the main point, which explains well, what is the difference and OSAGO. If the execution of the first insurance policy will allow the driver to receive compensation for the damage that he suffered as a result of an accident, then the OSAGO insurance will cover the losses of the second driver who became a participant in the accident.

In addition, CASCO registration is not a prerequisite for drivers, which cannot be said about the OSAGO policy.

The procedure for issuing a policy

To date, there are many insurance companies offering to issue a mandatory policy with them. Therefore, a person who has bought a car for the first time and has not previously encountered such nuances has a logical question: where is the best place to insure?

It should be borne in mind that although the cost of OSAGO may fluctuate within a small range, but after acquiring such an expensive purchase as a car, saving each ruble is very important. Therefore, initially you need to work out a lot of options, find out how much does OSAGO cost each insurer and choose the most advantageous option.

  • Vehicle owner's statement. Its compilation usually takes place in the insurance company.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Driver's licenses for all citizens, which will be admitted to the management of the vehicle in the future.
  • A diagnostic card indicating the normal condition of the car. For new vehicles manufactured within the last three years, this requirement does not apply. The validity period of the diagnostic card for OSAGO is as follows: 1 year - if the car is more than 7 years old; 2 years - if 3-7 years have passed since the release of the vehicle.

If the driver has previously been in an accident, he must inform the employees of the insurance company about this, as well as provide information about the payments that were received or paid through his fault.

The documents provided by the owner of the car are carefully checked by the insurance company. If no comments are found, an insurance contract is concluded. Before signing it, you need to carefully read all the points in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

It is also worth noting that return of OSAGO insurance when selling a car is possible, you need to contact the service company and fill out an application, the form of which must be provided by an office employee.

You also need to submit the following additional documents:

  • Passport.
  • An agreement that will serve as confirmation of the sale of the vehicle.
  • Policy.

OSAGO without additional services, video:

Let's take a closer look at the moment where to get a diagnostic card for OSAGO. Each car owner is faced with this issue immediately after buying a vehicle, because it is simply impossible to issue an insurance policy without this document ( unless the vehicle is less than three years old from the date of issue).

Obtaining a diagnostic card allowed only in centers licensed to provide the relevant services. The car is checked on 65 points, the results are entered in the diagnostic table.

OSAGO cost

As mentioned earlier, the prices set by insurance companies may vary slightly. To find out, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rates of insurance rates of companies.

The remaining coefficients taken into account when calculating the cost are the same for each insurer. The lowest base rate indicates that the company provides the most favorable insurance conditions.

Many are interested in the question How much did OSAGO become more expensive in 2015? According to the official statistics of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the price of OSAGO has increased over the past year almost twice.

Such a sharp jump was the result of the reform, the increase in cost was carried out in two stages:

  1. October 2014 - Approximately 30% increase in value.
  2. April 2015 - a price jump of approximately 50-60%.

There are several main reasons for the rise in price:

  • Since the foundation of OSAGO, the basic tariff has not changed. That is, for 11 years, despite inflation and a significant increase in the cost of spare parts for vehicle repair, the price of OSAGO auto insurance has been the same. As a result, insurers often lost money.
  • Changes in the legislation of the country, in particular, increase in OSAGO payments, simplification of conditions for receiving monetary compensation.
  • Economic crisis in the country, depreciation of the ruble.

Before going to an insurance company, it is recommended to independently calculate the amount that you will have to pay for obtaining an insurance policy. Such a responsible approach will help to avoid unreasonable overpayment, because the employees of the insurance company can both intentionally and accidentally make a mistake in their own calculations.

It is enough just to enter the desired query in the search box, and the system will give out a lot of calculators that will make the calculation.

In this case, the user will need to provide reliable information about the insured vehicle, driver and persons who will be allowed to drive in the future. After filling in the required fields, the system will display the estimated cost of issuing the policy within a few seconds.

Policy authentication

Due to the increased incidence of fraud, it will be useful for everyone to know how to check the OSAGO insurance policy for authenticity. The first thing you should pay attention to is the excessive loyalty of the insurance company to the client.

If the cost of the policy is greatly underestimated compared to the offers of other companies, additional free services are offered - you should be vigilant. It would be useful to ask for a license for the right to carry out insurance activities, as well as to make inquiries about this insurance company.

Punishment for fake OSAGO, video:

You can also visually identify a fake:

  • A genuine OSAGO policy is approximately 10 mm larger than an A4 sheet.
  • Watermarks should be clearly visible when the form is held up to the light.
  • The greenish-blue ornament applied on the front side must not be rubbed off or imprinted on other surfaces.
  • A metal strip 2 mm wide must be present on the back of the policy.
  • The policy should have red villi.
  • The number and series of the insurance policy, placed in the upper right corner, must be prominent.

It is also possible to check OSAGO by policy number. For this you need to go to official site Union of Motor Insurers of Russia and in the menu OSAGO select tab "Checking OSAGO policies for belonging to an insurance company".

Then you only need to enter a ten-digit form number, after which information will appear on the screen that needs to be verified with the data on the policy. Information will also be displayed whether the insurance company has a valid license.

How to determine the class of OSAGO insurance?

When a person draws up an insurance policy, a lot of details are taken into account: the base rate for a certain type of vehicle, its brand and model, the client’s place of residence and age, etc. An important indicator that affects the cost of insurance is driver class, which determines which coefficient will be applied when calculating the total amount.

A logical question arises: how to find out the class of the OSAGO driver? Everything is pretty simple.

There are fifteen classes of insurance: М,0,1,2…13, each of which has its own bonus-malus ratio. If the driver takes out insurance for the first time, he is assigned the third class, that is, the coefficient is 1.

Each subsequent year, if the driver does not get into any accident due to his own fault, it gradually increases. At the same time, OSAGO payments, which must be made by the insured person, decrease by 5% annually.

Thus, having received the 13th class of insurance, the price of the policy is halved. Accordingly, if a person gets into an accident through his own fault, the insurance class is reduced.

Correct actions in case of an accident

In order for a person who, through no fault of his own, to receive compensation from an insurance company as a result of a traffic accident, it is important to adhere to the basic generally established rules.

Let us consider in more detail the procedure for an accident according to OSAGO 2015.

First of all, you need stop the vehicle, turn off the engine, turn on the hazard warning lights and place an emergency sign at a distance of at least 15 meters so that other road users are aware of the incident.

Provide first aid to the injured, If there are any. If necessary, call an ambulance.

Call the traffic police to document the traffic accident. While waiting for their arrival, you also do not need to be idle. To have irrefutable proof of one's own innocence, you must: call the insurance company and report the incident; find witnesses willing to testify and record their contact details; just in case, write down the make and number of the car of the second participant in the accident, as well as his contact and passport details; use the camera to record the positions of both vehicles and other details related to the accident. Only after that, if they interfere with the movement of passing vehicles, you need to clear the roadway.

) states that it is not necessary for traffic police officers to visit the scene of an accident if no more than two people were involved in the accident, there are no victims, and there are no disagreements that can only be resolved by involving a third party.

Getting insurance after an accident

Every driver must be aware how to get MTPL insurance after an accident. The first thing to do is to write an application to the insurance company and prepare a package of documents consisting of:

  • Passports and TIN.
  • Driving license.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Certificates from the traffic police and an accident notification form.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Certificates from the hospital, if during the accident there was harm to health.

A complete package of documents can be delivered to the insurance company at the location of the office, either in person or by sending a registered letter.

Many drivers are wondering if how long can you drive if the OSAGO insurance has ended. The answer is quite simple: not at all. Each driver must take care of the extension of its validity in advance.

Many, due to their carelessness, the rest, due to their negligent attitude, ignore the requirements of the law. After all, the fine for overdue insurance is only 800 rubles, today it is a miserable amount.

But it is worth considering how much you will have to spend on compensating the injured party if, due to a violation of traffic rules, an emergency situation is created, as a result of which third parties will suffer.

It is also worth noting that since July 2015, the user has the opportunity to extend the validity of OSAGO insurance via the Internet, and from October even to draw up a new insurance contract in electronic form.

Even an experienced driver is at risk of getting into an accident. Therefore, after purchasing a car, the issue of auto insurance becomes relevant.

In this article, we will talk about what CASCO and OSAGO are in simple terms, what are their principles and cost.


Many decipher CASCO as comprehensive auto insurance. This is an informal explanation of the term, which does not correctly convey its meaning.

In fact, the name is borrowed from the Italian language, in which "Casco" means "board". Already by this word it is clear that it is the car that is supposed to be insured, but not the people in it.

CASCO insurance allows the car owner to protect himself from a whole range of problems. It includes the risks of car theft, its damage as a result of an accident, natural disaster and other events.

CASCO payments are made even if the car owner himself became the culprit of the accident or damaged the car in another situation.

You can also include clauses on protection against insured events of individual components of the car in the policy - the parties discuss them when drawing up the contract.

Basic principles of CASCO:

  • voluntary registration (an exception is the purchase of a car in installments, when credit organizations require full CASCO);
  • transparency of the insurance procedure;
  • providing bonuses in the form of minor repairs without obtaining additional certificates from the traffic police.

In order to guarantee future CASCO payments, when drawing up a policy, it is important to specify in detail the main terms and insured events.

There are also several conditions under which insurance is not paid:

  • intentionally causing damage to the insured car by its owner in order to receive payment;
  • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • the occurrence of an insured event outside the coverage area of ​​the policy.

CASCO policy price is high. It is made up of various factors, including:

Insurance companies often refuse to issue a contract if the car is old or there is not enough security equipment in it. Compensation methods are different - cash disbursement or car repair at the service station, this is prescribed in the contract.

What is a CASCO franchise and what does it give?

This is a certain amount of damage caused, which the insurance company does not compensate for each insured event.

So, at the conclusion of the CASCO agreement, a franchise in the amount of 10,000 rubles was agreed. If the cost of repairing a car after an accident is 40,000 rubles, then the insurer will pay 30,000 rubles, and the car owner will have to add the remaining 10,000.

CASCO franchise reduces the cost of the contract. The higher it is, the lower the price of the policy.


Deciphering the abbreviation OSAGO - compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

By law, every vehicle owner must have such a policy. Therefore, its content will be standard for registration in any company. CMTPL payments provide compensation for damages only to victims.

These are 3 types of expenses:

  • to repair a damaged car belonging to another participant in the accident;
  • for compensation for damage to the health of the driver and passengers of another car;
  • for compensation for harm to the life and health of pedestrians.

The costs associated with damage to the car and causing harm to the life and health of the owner of the OSAGO policy, this type of insurance does not cover.

According to the law "On OSAGO", the maximum amount of payments for the repair of one car is 400,000 rubles, and for compensation for harm to life and health - 500,000 rubles.

OSAGO price does not depend on the insurer company. This type of auto insurance is regulated by law, so the Government approves the base rates and coefficients applied to owners and their vehicles.

The cost of a policy is influenced by various factors. The main ones are:

  1. Type of vehicle (cargo/car, owned by an individual or legal entity).
  2. Territorial binding. Each region has a certain tariff established by the law "on OSAGO".
  3. Driver experience. This indicator is the sum of the age and the number of years behind the wheel.

It also takes into account the engine power, the period of insurance, whether the car owner had previously been in an accident and who was then found guilty.

If a driver has been driving without accidents over the past year, the insurer will provide him with a 5% discount, but this factor will not be taken into account when buying a new car.

In the event of an insured event, OSAGO payments are made in one of the following ways:

  • issuance of cash;
  • by bank transfer to the specified details;
  • payment for the work of the service station that carried out the repair of the machine.

Funds are allocated only after an assessment of all damage due to an accident and the preparation of an appropriate act.

If the owner of the OSAGO policy became the culprit of the accident, then the victims should contact the insurance company. She will assess the amount of damage, and then reimburse other participants in the accident for the treatment and repair of the car.

Although the insured person will not receive anything, he will not have to pay anything to the victims from his own pocket.

If the insurance company paid the maximum amount of 400,000 rubles, but it is not enough to compensate for the damage to the injured party, the car owner will have to pay the missing part from his own funds.

When there are several perpetrators of the accident, the amount of compensation to the participants is determined in court.

If the owner of the OSAGO policy is not guilty of an accident, he himself must contact the insurance company. After assessing the damage, he will receive a payment.

There are also a few caveats:

  1. When determining the amount of damage, the degree of wear of the car is taken into account: the older the car and the more mileage it has, the greater the wear. It is calculated as a percentage using a standard formula.
  2. If the cost of restoring the car exceeds the limit of 400,000 rubles, the victim can recover the difference from the person responsible for the accident through the court.

It is also necessary to file a statement of claim if the policyholder has not applied to the insurance company in a timely manner. Sometimes, by court order, payments are made even for overdue insurance.

This is a situation in which the victim in an accident needs to apply for payment to his insurer.

There are 3 conditions for direct claims settlement:

  1. 2 vehicles were involved in the accident.
  2. There was no damage to human health.
  3. Both participants in the accident have valid OSAGO policies.

In other cases, the victim in an accident must contact the company that issued insurance to the culprit.

What to do if the insurance company becomes insolvent?

In case of bankruptcy, license revocation or termination of the existence of the insurance company responsible for the accident, you can contact the RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers).

This organization is responsible for the obligations of companies that no longer have the opportunity to make payments under OSAGO.

Another option is to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for the accident with a claim for damages.

With both auto insurance policies, the owner of the car can completely protect himself from all risks, since CASCO does not cover civil liability costs.

To do this, you need an OSAGO policy, the presence of which at the same time is mandatory for all car owners.

Nevertheless, many experts have long pointed out the absurdity of the requirement to take out compulsory insurance in the presence of voluntary insurance. Some changes to the existing order have already been made.

So, if 2 cars were involved in the accident and there were no injured people, then the owners of CASCO policies who did not have time to issue OSAGO were allowed to contact their insurance company.

In general, car insurance allows car owners to protect themselves from unexpected expenses.. Although CASCO is expensive, and OSAGO is mandatory from the point of view of the law, experts recommend having both policies.

It's just better to arrange them in different companies. This will reduce the risk associated with the loss of solvency of the insurer, which often occurs in practice.

Pulled into a Mini Cooper in a Lada and don't know if the money from the sale of your car will be enough to repair a dented fender? To prevent drivers from asking such questions, the state obliged them to buy OSAGO policies once a year.

What insures?

The OSAGO policy insures the civil liability of vehicle owners. If you drive into someone, the insurer will pay for the repair of the affected car and the treatment of the driver. The company will also cover the costs if you drive into a storefront, fence, or other property.

OSAGO does not compensate for the cost of repairing your own car and does not pay insurance if the car is stolen. The people call the policy "Auto Citizen". He compensates the expenses of the person responsible for the accident.

How much will they pay?

The maximum payout amount is:

  • up to 500 thousand rubles for causing harm to life and health to each victim;
  • up to 400 thousand rubles for the damaged property of each victim.

Compensation is not divided among all participants in the accident, each is entitled to a separate payment.

How much is insured?

How is it paid?

You can apply for payment to the company responsible for the accident or to your insurer. The insurance company will offer to pay out money or repair the car. The amount of compensation is determined according to the OSAGO formulas, tables of the cost of parts and the work of masters. Compensation for health is calculated according to the table, which shows the cost of each damage.

In order to, you need to prepare certificates from the traffic police about the accident, a certificate from a doctor about the nature of the injuries and an OSAGO policy. In the event of an accident, be sure to call the insurer immediately after you call the traffic police and an ambulance.

What happens if you don't arrange?

The driver does not have the right to drive a car without an OSAGO policy or transfer control to a person who is not included in the policy. If you forgot your insurance at home, the fine is 500 rubles, if you don't have it at all - 800 rubles. It is impossible to prove to the inspector on the spot that you have the form, but it is impossible to lie on the shelf at home, so you will have to pay at the maximum level. Then you can appeal the protocol, but usually no one does this.

The fine for an unregistered driver is 500 rubles.

The amount of the fine is relatively small, so it may seem that during the year it is easier to pay 1-2 times the fine in case of accidents than to buy an expensive policy. This is mistake. If you get into an accident, then each time you will need to compensate for the damage to the victims from your own pocket. We can talk about hundreds of thousands of rubles. That is why it is more profitable to buy OSAGO.

Comparison.ru advice: You can increase the amount of insurance compensation by issuing a DSAGO policy, and to protect yourself from car damage or theft, buy. The cost of these insurances is higher than the classic OSAGO.

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