Home Heating Is it possible to tint the rear window of a car. Tinted front windows were allowed - right? Checking the degree of shade

Is it possible to tint the rear window of a car. Tinted front windows were allowed - right? Checking the degree of shade

Last year, a new law on car tinting came into force. It refers to the standards for car glazing in the Russian Federation. Drivers treat this innovation in completely different ways. In our article you can find out the standards of the new bill, as well as find out the reviews of motorists about it.

General information about tinting

Recently, many motorists prefer tinting. This tuning is aimed at darkening the glass. Thanks to tinting, pedestrians and other drivers will not see what is happening in the interior of your car.

A significant disadvantage of glass shading is poor color rendering. The new law on tinting was not adopted by chance, because it is this kind of tuning that often becomes the cause of road accidents. This is due to the fact that at night in cars with tinted windows, visibility is significantly reduced. The action of the headlights of the cars in front is also distorted.

The tinting also has a lot of positive aspects. This tuning protects your car from interior burnout. In the summer, tinting will keep you cool and fresh inside the car. Most often, glass tint is used for car design and as protection of the interior from prying eyes.

General information about the bill

The law on tinting came into force on July 1, 2015. Its provisions are based on the standards established by the State Automobile Inspectorate. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the requirements for the front windows are much stricter than for the rear ones.

In general, the law on toning came into effect, or rather, it existed for a long time. Previously, in case of violations, license plates were seized from unscrupulous drivers. Nevertheless, before the bill passed last year, glass tinting did not cause any particular indignation among the employees of the State Inspectorate.

Thanks to a bill passed in 2015, the requirements for observance of glass shading regulations have become much more stringent. Now an unscrupulous driver can not only receive a fine, but also lose his license.

Basic requirements for toning

The new law on tinting provides for a number of requirements for a driver who decides to darken the windows in his car. The State Automobile Inspectorate believes that absolutely everyone should know them. You can find all the features of the bill in our article.

In order not to violate the law on car tinting, you should first of all pay attention to the windshield. Its light transmittance should be at least 70-75%. This is the first criterion that the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate pays attention to. It is worth noting that the percentage of doors can be 65-70%.

Recently, many car enthusiasts prefer to tune their car. Often they apply drawings or inscriptions to the surface of the windshield. The new tinting law categorically prohibits resorting to such a design. The color of the tint film also plays an important role. According to the bill, the use of red, blue, green and yellow dimming on the windshield is prohibited. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you take a responsible approach to the choice of tint film. Color shading can significantly alter the color rendering in a vehicle.

Where can you measure the main criteria for a tinted glass?

There is a wide variety of techniques and types of car window shading. Today, the most popular are spraying and coating with a specialized film. The level of light transmission in the car directly depends on the selected density of the material. If the indicators differ significantly from the norm, then the unscrupulous driver risks getting a fine or even losing his driver's license. Where you can measure the main indicators of toning, not everyone knows.

In order to independently measure the percentage of light transmittance, you need to purchase a specialized device. However, it is quite expensive and is rarely used. If you do not have the opportunity to spend money on useless things, then we recommend that you contact us for help. You can also find out the percentage of light transmission at the nearest traffic police post. It is worth noting that if the norm is exceeded, you may be issued a fine, which is provided by the law on toning.

One way to get around the bill

It is no secret that absolutely any decree has loopholes. Thanks to them, responsibility can be avoided. The auto tinting law is no exception. It is known that in order to find out the percentage of light transmission of glass, employees of the State Traffic Inspection measure it using a special device. Today, tinting is already on sale, the percentage of darkening of which can be changed during operation. This invention is a novelty in the automotive market. Its cost is quite high. On average, it ranges from 20 thousand rubles.

The principle of operation of such tinting is based on new technologies. A special substance is applied to the car glazing. It contains metal oxides. Due to the change in voltage in the car and special sensors, the percentage of dimming can vary significantly. You can control it using the remote control that comes with toning.

The new technology has many benefits. It allows you to easily change the shade level in certain weather conditions. It is thanks to her that you can get around the toning law. The new technology also has disadvantages. The most important is the high cost. Today, not every motorist can afford such a system.

There is a cheaper way to use excessive tinting - this. To apply this method, you will need to install transparent glass on top of the car and tinted glass on the bottom. If necessary, the lower one will only need to be lowered. It should be noted that this method is not prohibited. Surprisingly, the method is patented as protecting a car in a parking lot. This method will allow you to protect the interior of the car from burnout in the summer and keep it cool.

Changes in the bill. general information

The change in the tinting law took place this year. According to the new decree, the fine for violation is from 500 rubles. Already today, the government of the Russian Federation plans to increase the first fine to 5 thousand rubles. If an unscrupulous driver violates the bill again, he risks losing his driver's license for up to six months.

As before, over-tinting of the front windows is prohibited. The law allows the placement of a colored strip on the top of the windshield.

The main provisions of the amended bill

According to the amended decree, a full car is partially allowed. The law is loyal to excessive darkening of the rear glazing. To date, the permitted rate of light transmission of the front glass is 70%. According to the new additions, a protective layer - a polymer coating - must be applied to the back of the tinted glass. The method of both spraying and coating the surface with a tint film is still allowed.

In 2016, drivers are allowed to tint the upper 14 centimeters of the windshield in any way. It is worth noting that mirror shading is strictly prohibited today. Absolutely any driver can place curtains or blinds on the rear window. However, this is permitted if the exterior side mirrors are located on the vehicle body.

General information on penalties

The amendments to the bill were considered in September last year, but came into force only this. It is known that the amount of the penalty has changed significantly. If an unscrupulous driver was fined for the first time, then he will have to pay 1,500 rubles on time. If the violation for tinting is not the first, then the motorist will be charged with the amount of 5 thousand rubles. The term for the secondary registration of the violation is about a year. In some cases, an unscrupulous driver can be deprived of a driver's license for up to two months.

In the future, the government of the Russian Federation plans to introduce punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license for a secondary violation for a long time. We strongly recommend that you check the level of light transmission in advance. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from all kinds of fines and punishments.

Voting motorists to change the norms

Over the past few years, the number of tinted cars has increased significantly. There are a wide variety of reasons for dimming glasses. Someone in this way is trying to change the appearance of the car, and someone so saves the interior from burnout. To date, they are demanding the government of the Russian Federation to soften the bill. To this end, they also created an online poll. One of the activists claims that absolutely any glass does not have 100% light transmission. It is for this reason that 70% tinting is difficult to achieve. It is also noted that if an employee of the State Traffic Inspection has recorded 70% of light penetration on your car glass, then a fine will be imposed on you. In fact, the acceptable level is 71%. The specialized apparatus does not confirm lower indicators and fixes it as a violation. The activists believe that the number of accidents on the roads will not increase from the change in the norms, but the personal belongings of the drivers will be safe.

Car owners love the tinted front windows, as it reduces the amount of sunlight in the cabin and the strength of the rays of oncoming cars. Tinted glass additionally improves the car's appearance and somewhat protects it from prying eyes. Only the President and the head of the Cabinet of Ministers can move with full shading. For the rest of the residents, the standards specified in the legislation apply. What tinting is allowed on the front windows, and which traffic police patrols find fault with, we will consider in the article.

What tinting is allowed on the windshield: we understand the regulations

At the beginning of 2015, the level of permeability into the cabin through the windshield was regulated by GOST 5727-88. During the period of action (from the beginning of the 90s) 4 edits were made. The latest version has been in effect since 2002. According to the legislation, tinting on car door windows and windshields must meet the requirements:

  • the light transmission of the windshields is 75% or higher. In the frontal part, it was allowed to install a light protection strip, its width was also regulated by GOST (calculated by the formula), more often it was less than 15 cm. The calculation was based on the height for the unhindered operation of the wipers, the required viewing angle and regulatory zones;
  • non-wind glasses related to the so-called can be tinted to protect from rays by no more than 30%;
  • for other non-wind glasses, the standards do not have clear recommendations.

Car tinting according to GOST

Starting from 01.01.2015, amendments have been made to the technical regulations, now toning is standardized by GOST 32565-2013. The legislation has reduced the standards of light transmission to 70% (5% lower than the previous figure). Thanks to the change in regulations, it is legalized, which has been especially popular in recent years.

Similar requirements are introduced in another document - the technical regulations of the vehicle. Crossing the border with the countries of the Customs Union, you don't have to worry about fines or problems at checkpoints.

It is worth supplementing the answer with what kind of tint can be used to tint the front windows, since the innovation has a fixed size of the dimming strip, now it is 140 mm. No standards have been developed for light transmission. Additionally, the division of the side windows into:

  • type 1 - create a view from the front;
  • type 2 - create a rear view.

The division into categories is based on the principles of geometric body distribution. The driver's seat must be fitted with an "R-point" (so-called) from the factory. When drawing a vertical line through a point with a perpendicular position in relation to the longitudinal median plane of the car, it is possible to divide the car into 2 parts. The front half with glass belongs to the first category, and the second to class 2.

Light transmission of glass in accordance with GOST

The new standards did not change the parameters of what kind of tint the front windows can be tinted - the amount of light after metering should be 70% or higher. If the design of the car provides 2 outside rear-view mirrors, any film can be applied to glasses of category 2, since the corresponding standards have not been developed.

The SDA allowed the installation of curtains on the rear window of a passenger car or side windows of a bus. It turns out that the permissible rear window tint reaches complete impermeability.

Allowed car window tinting: what is allowed and what is not?

With the change in legislation, the state actually legalized the front window tinting by means of films. In GOST, the designation of glass with a permissible polymer layer is used, but the film is not mentioned. Tinting must comply with 3 documents: traffic rules, technical regulations of the vehicle and GOST 32565. Now we can answer with confidence whether it is possible to tint the windshield - yes, both by spraying and film.

Especially a lot of ambiguities have appeared in relation to mirror tinting. Directly in the GOST it is not indicated what kind of tint can be glued to the front windows, but the TC regulation p 4.5 prohibits the installation of auto glass with a mirror finish. In addition, the ban from the standard continues to operate since 1993, which establishes a list of rules for admitting a vehicle to operation. Tinting side windows or rear glazing with a mirror film leads to the risk of an accident, because the light is reflected from the coating and is dazzling.

It is precisely established what percentage of tint is allowed on the front windows - 70% of light transmission and more. In relation to the sides, the percentage is regulated by the same - 70%. The permissible factor for the rear windows is not indicated, as well as for the rear doors, but when the shade is less than 60%, the film reflects the light somewhat, creating a mirror effect. It is preferable to use a shade of 60% or higher in combination with curtains.

Car tinting with mirror film

Athermal tinting: is it allowed or not?

It's no secret that in the absence of a film, the car gets very hot. Even the presence of climate control does not show sufficient efficiency, passengers sweat expire.

Due to the dissemination of metal particles in the spraying on glass, it is possible to achieve several advantages:

  • the interior heats up more slowly;
  • the need to use an air conditioner is reduced;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • the atmosphere improves due to the reduction in gas emissions.

With a strong blackout, the same effects occur, but there will be problems with the traffic police. When choosing what kind of tint you can tint the front windows, you should take a closer look at the athermal material. When using athermal film, the interior remains highly visible, the amount of transmitted light is about 90%, but it effectively reflects ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which leads to heating.

If an athermal film is glued to the windshield, it is possible to improve the characteristics of the glazing and experience a number of advantages:

  • gluing the film is allowed by GOST, since the permissible percentage of 70% is observed, usually higher - 80-90%;
  • the interior does not experience strong heating from the sun, as a result - the interior retains a new look for a long time;

Athermal tinting Lada Vesta

  • at night, the driver is protected from glare by oncoming cars;
  • tinting improves the aesthetic perception of the car due to the transfusion effect;
  • toning helps to reduce the visibility of the interior from the outside.

An alternative option is to stick one of the varieties of athermal material under the popular name "chameleon". The material changes the level of dimming depending on the lighting, on a clear day the film protects more, and on a cloudy day it retains less light. The selection rules are the same - the main condition is to maintain a permeability of at least 70%.

Why is the permitted percentage of tinting on the front windows reduced in the new GOST?

The light transmission of clean and completely new glass is not 100%, the maximum is 85%. With standard film, most commonly 75% light transmittance. If we take into account both indicators, the result will be: 0.85 * 0.75 = 0.64%. It turns out that film, according to the old standards, has always been illegal.

The highest coefficient for a new film is 80-90%. According to elementary calculations, installing a film on the front glass was initially illegal. Taking into account the fact that as the operation progresses, the indicator decreases to 75-80%, the film always led to overstepping the normal range. To obtain light transmission is possible only when installing a light film (90%) on a new glazing (85%).

Formula: 0.9 * 0.85 = 76.5%.

Car front glass tinting

In fact, it was almost impossible to tint the front windows to reach 75%. The indicator was always below the norm. For this reason, the percentage has been reduced in GOST 32565-2013.

Tinting of the front side windows, like the windshield, is allowed, but a preliminary calculation is made of how much light will pass taking into account the film, glass and deterioration during operation.

How not to be included in the list of fined?

The most effective way to prevent fines from being written out is completely, but this is the extreme. A more conservative method is to lower the front side windows, but this can only be used in summer.

The main problem is that full compliance with GOST standards is not 100% protection against receiving a fine. The risks are especially high for owners whose tinting degree is within acceptable limits, but close to 70%. Devices for measuring light transmission have errors in operation, there is a high probability that the device will determine the glass as not meeting the standards.

There is an option to tint glass with a light transmission of 70-72% and to avoid fines - to carry a permit with you. If there is an expert opinion, the traffic police should not find fault, but there are still no guarantees.

Penalty for tinted car windows

The best way to protect yourself from a fine is to leave a gap of several percent, then the traffic police's suspicions will definitely be dispelled. If employees insist on taking measurements, your task is to require careful observance of all standards for the use of the device. Before checking, the air temperature and humidity level are determined. If the threshold is exceeded, the device will not provide reliable results.

Upon receipt of indicators that violate the requirements, the driver has the right to demand re-measurement using another device. If the employee does not agree to the repeated procedure, a record of this is recorded in the protocol. Additionally, you can clarify the series and number of the device, and then appeal the results during the trial. If the outcome is successful, an independent examination is appointed.

What fine will you have to pay?

Today, a fine is provided for toning outside the norm, which is specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 12.1 of the Administrative Code of 01/01/2012 - 500 rubles. With the next violation, the amount increases to 1000 rubles. Previously, they could have removed the license plates, but since April 1, 2014, the removal of signs has not been made. Even after removing the film on the spot, the fine will still be presented.

What devices measure the light transmittance of glass?

Light transmission measurements are carried out by an inspector. It should be borne in mind that the results always have an error, mostly it is insignificant, but if the rules of use are not followed, the deviation may increase. Results are influenced by temperature, humidity and pressure.

The traffic police are armed with several types of devices:

  • "Light". The light emitter and receiver are equipped with magnets, which makes it easier to use the apparatus. The rules indicate the need for measurements from 3 times. The real indicator is the arithmetic mean of all measurements. The advantage of the device is resistance to low temperatures;

Tonic device for checking toning

  • "Tonic". Both detectors have to be held manually, which often leads to errors. A prerequisite for correct measurement is the strict coincidence of the marks on both sides of the device. Works at temperatures from -10 ° C to 40 ° C;
  • AKL-2M. Violation of the results occurs with a loose fit of the rubber gaskets. The use of the device is permitted only at temperatures above 10 ° C.

The principle in each case is the same, on the one hand the emitter is installed, and on the other - the receiver. When both elements are applied to each other, the indicator should be 100%. If there is glass between them, the result will always be lower.

Correct results for each device can only be obtained when attached to dry glass.

How to tint the front windows correctly?

Most new cars from the factory are produced with glass, which has a light transmission of about 80%. There is no need to apply a film on modern cars. If you stick a film with a permeability of 90% on top of it, the indicators will already be on the permissible edge.

Any tint can be applied to the rear windows. To comply with the standards, it is recommended to hand the gluing and selection of the film into the hands of professionals. At the tinting point, at the same time, they are certified in accordance with the permeability standards.

Nuances you need to know

If you look at the issue objectively, even SP 80-90 will break the law. New glasses are already darkened by 20%, and in a few years the light transmission will decrease by another 5%. When only 10% of light is absorbed by toning, 0.75 * 0.9 = 67.5% is obtained. Over time, the film loses transparency a little, so after 2 years the indicator will drop to 65%.

If the applied film violates technical standards, it should be removed. There are several ways to remove the old tint. To simplify the procedure, use a soap solution and a building hair dryer.

If you want to tint the car, the way out can be. It changes the level of light transmission depending on the wishes of the user. The solution is convenient and effective, but expensive. An alternative would be chameleon tinting, it independently changes the permeability and costs less.

When choosing the types of toning it is preferred, it prevents strong heating and maintains high light transmission.

The essence of the new law is to regulate the level of light transmission of tinted glass.

GOST divides car glass into two types.

  1. Glass for front view.
  2. Glass for rear view.

There are certain coefficients of permitted tinting:

  • windshield tinting - 75%;
  • tinted side front windows - 70%;
  • unlimited tinting of rear windows in the presence of survey mirrors;
  • the upper part of the windshield can be tinted without restrictions, but not more than 140 mm.

The law does not prohibit the use of curtains and blinds for rear windows when mirrors are available.

You can find more detailed information on how it is carried out in the material of our specialist.

Checking the level of light transmission of glasses is checked using a special device - a taumeter. It is worth noting that when checking the tint, the police officer must follow a number of rules.

  1. Light transmission is checked only at stationary police posts.
  2. Do not test during rain and high humidity from 45 to 80%.
  3. Check only on a clean and dry surface.
  4. For reliability, you need to check in three different places.
  5. Before controlling the light transmission, the guardian of the order must measure the level of atmospheric pressure, which should not exceed 795 mm.
  6. Only a police officer who has a special mark on his license can check the glass tint.
  7. The taumeter must have certificates and a seal.
  8. When measuring toning, the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Some motorists believe that it is impossible to carry out checks at night, but this is not the case. In fact, there are no time limits, you cannot check glasses only in dirty and slushy weather.

Every driver should know the smallest subtleties of imposing a fine for improper tinting of a car in order to be able to protect himself from illegal actions by traffic police officers.

  1. A fine is imposed only on the fact of violation of the GOST rules, regardless of the degree of violation.
  2. "Removable" tinting in the form of curtains and blinds on car windows does not exempt the violator of GOST on tinting from a fine.
  3. The law, passed in 2016, says that if a fine is paid within 20 days from the date of the decision on the punishment, it is reduced by 50%. The law also applies to other violations of motorists.
  4. The level of light transmittance of the film is indicated without taking into account the factors affecting the change in these parameters, because after applying tinting on the glass, its light transmittance can significantly decrease. With prolonged use of the film, it is overwritten by wipers, which also deteriorates the light transmission parameters.

Previously, the use of incorrect tinting was punishable by removing the license plate and prohibiting its use until the violation was corrected. Now such measures are not used, however, it is necessary to adhere to the regulation of the law.

There are certain restrictions on the frequency of imposition of fines. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the police officer, when drawing up the protocol, indicates the exact date and time. By law, it is not allowed to impose another fine for toning less than 24 hours after the previous one. If the day has not passed, and the driver was stopped by another law enforcement officer, he must show the existing protocol.

Only a court can impose additional punishments in the form of a fine or arrest. If you disobey the law and drive a car with an incorrect toning after receiving a fine, the court may decide to revoke your rights.

A fine for tinted front windows in accordance with GOST in 2019 in the amount of 1,500 rubles. In case of repeated violation - 5000 rubles. You can try to prevent the issuance of a fine in the following ways.

  1. Tinting can be removed right in front of a police officer, thereby avoiding penalties.
  2. If, while checking the level of light transmission, the police officer violates at least one of the above rules, he must be reported. In case of non-observance of the rules for controlling tinting, the decision can be appealed in court.
  3. In case of incorrect registration of the protocol by the police, you must immediately inform the employee about the error. There is a chance that the guardian of order will not draw up the document again and will release the driver.
  4. Ways to legally tint car windows.

Ways to legally tint car windows

Recently, the concept of a polymer coating has become legal, so glass can be tinted both with a film and with the use of a special spraying. What kind of tint is allowed on the front windows? It can be any, it is only important to observe the light transmission coefficient of the glasses.

Darkening by applying a special spraying is not very in demand among motorists, because it is short-lived and often has low quality. A thin layer of metal is applied to the glass surface without vacuum conditions. Such glass darkening has a mirror effect and looks like factory tinted glass, which is allowed by law; this advantage makes it possible to reduce the nit-picking of traffic police officers.

The most popular are athermal tints that meet the requirements. Distinguish between mirror tinting and "chameleon". Mirror tinting is not prohibited by law, but at the request of technical regulations, the presence of a mirror effect on the car is not recommended. This requirement is aimed at avoiding accidents associated with such tinting.

The vehicle ahead may reflect the headlights in the glass, distracting the driver and impairing vehicle handling. The level of light transmission of mirror tinting should not be lower than 60% in order to avoid the appearance of a mirror effect.

There is also “chameleon” athermal tinting. This type is considered safe, because the level of light transmission of films is usually at least 80%, which does not contradict the requirements of the tinting law. When choosing a “chameleon” tinting, you need to make sure of its quality, a good film does not contradict GOST.

Athermal tinting of front windows has become in great demand, thanks to a large number of advantages:

  1. Does not reduce the level of vision. This tint is completely transparent, green or purple hues may appear.
  2. "Chameleon" reduces the heating of the car from the sun's rays and prevents burnout of parts of the car's interior.
  3. An athermal coating reduces the operation of the air conditioner, thanks to reliable protection from excess sunlight entering the cabin.
  4. This way of dimming glasses does not contradict the requirements of GOST, which allows you to protect yourself from prying eyes without fear of a fine.

You should not save on tint coating, because only a high-quality film will have all of the listed advantages.

A banal question - a banal answer: tinting (or toning) glass - if outside the factory, then this is the application of special materials on it - light filters that change its color and light transmission properties.

How is it done?

There are two types of tinting. One is the sputtering of a thin layer of metal or polymer onto the inside of the glass. And the other one is gluing the glass from the inside with colored films.

What does toning give?

The first is, in fact, for the sake of which it is being done - the darkening of the glass. As a result, the creation of a more pleasant interior atmosphere in the car and less visibility of the interior from the outside, which is also important for many. At the same time, the darkened interior will be less fading from the sun. Do not forget about the aesthetic component.

Finally, tinting with a film further strengthens the glass, preventing the formation of small fragments. This is especially useful when tinting domestic cars, the side windows of which are hardened and in case of an accident they crumble into small crumbs. In sports cars, glass is often specially pasted over with a colorless film - to strengthen it.

What can be tinted?

In the car, you can tint all glass: windshield, rear and side, all optics: headlights and taillights, in addition - mirrors.

Do I need to remove the glass?

When tinting by spraying - it is necessary. When tinting with films - glass is not removed. In some cases, it may only be necessary to dismantle decorative elements, linings and seals.

Can tint be done on glass with heating filaments?

Can. A high-quality film can withstand high temperatures and is not afraid of heating. Spray tinting is a difficult question. Here material shedding is possible along the heating filament due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion.

How does tinting react to frost and heat?

High-quality tinting is not afraid of extreme cold or extreme heat. Does not fade from the sun.

What does "high-quality" or "low-quality" tinting mean?

The quality of tinting is determined by two components: the material and the performance of the work, on which the result ultimately depends. The glass must be completely covered, without any light stripes around the edges. No bubbles, peels or wrinkles in the film. The color should be the same everywhere. There should be no optical distortion and rainbow stains.

How durable is tinting?

The stations give a guarantee on average from 1 to 2 years. But in practice, a well-made tinting can last much longer before scuffs and scratches begin to appear on it.

How much does tinting cost?

Depending on the car - glazing area and glass configuration, the average cost in St. Petersburg is from 5 thousand to 12 thousand rubles per car.

Are there many color options?

When tinting with film, the number of options is very large. The gamut of colors and variations are almost impossible to count. There are blue-violet, smoky, greenish, brown and other tones. There are films with a mirror effect, there are two-color films, and there are pictures.

Who manufactures the tint films?

Well-known manufacturers include such brands as Johnson, LLumar, SunTec.

Can I do the tinting myself?

Spray tinting is not possible, since special equipment is required. Film tinting is theoretically possible. But, as mentioned above, for a high-quality result, skill in toning work, knowledge of nuances is required. So it will not work quickly and simply, and at the same time it is good.

Is it possible to remove the old tint without damaging the glass?

You can - this is called rasoning. When tinting with films, you can always remove the old one. When this is done at the station by "soaking" with a special reagent, the glass is not damaged in any way and its transparency does not suffer. When tinting by spraying, this is a question: most of the sprays are such that they cannot be removed without harm to the glass.

Is tinting allowed by the traffic rules?

From clause 7.2 "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited" and the requirements of GOST 5727 88, the following follows. If there are both exterior mirrors, then on the rear windows (including the side windows), tinting can be of any color and intensity - at least paint over them with paint. But in front - in the so-called. the driver's field of vision - the glass transmission must be at least 75% on the windshield and 70% on the front side windows. Mirror effect is not allowed here. It is believed that the factory glass itself already initially absorbs about 20%.

Therefore, in order to comply with the Rules, only a very "light" tinting can be done in front. Or, if the factory glass is already darkened from the beginning, completely abandon it. And in any case, there is always a question: how to "catch" these percentages and not get out of the GOST.

An honestly working station should always give responsible advice on the issue of toning the front. And if there is no possibility for tinting, they will not impose it.

Who will check?

The whole point of a possible problem is not in the passage of technical inspection and not in the claims of the traffic police inspector. The insurance company will definitely pay attention to the correctness of the tinting when the question arises about the payment of insurance. And if the insurer's expertise recognizes that the tinting is not in accordance with GOST, the payment will be refused on absolutely legal grounds.

More recently, a new bill was submitted to the State Duma to abolish part 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, which provides for a penalty for the light transmission of windshield and front windows. Together with it, the accompanying penalties - requirements and cancellation of the car registration are subject to cancellation. But news spread on the Internet that the tinted glass was supposedly already allowed, since the fine for it was canceled. Is all this true and was tinting allowed in 2019? We will tell you everything about the new law with links to official sources.

Legalization of tinting in 2020 - the whole truth

No. But the main truth is that glass tinting has already been allowed for a long time already - not only for the rear, but also for the windshield. And no new toning law is needed for that. There are only 2 conditions under which you cannot ride with it and you can get a fine. But more on that below.

Let's find out where this news about a change in legislation came from!

From the latest data, relevant as of January 10, 2020, there is a draft Federal Law on the abolition of a fine in the Administrative Code for coatings that impair visibility from the driver's seat.

When will they be allowed?

We have already found out about the stages of the entry into force of the new law on the abolition of punishment. But how long is it? And here we have some not very good news for you. The correct question should still be asked: " Will the tint of the front windows and windshield be allowed at all according to this new law or not, and what is the probability that it will not be rejected? ".

And today, of course, no one has an answer to it. One thing to note is that most projects are rejected most often. And it is far from a fact that a new change on their initiative will be accepted.

We also note that information is being disseminated on the network allegedly that tinting has already been allowed since July 8, 2019. This is also not true. No changes were made to the legislation that day, and part 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code has not been canceled.

How much can I darken the windows for today?

Above, we answered the question of whether tinting is allowed in 2020, which is quite acceptable for ourselves ... But under certain conditions. Let's find out how to correctly issue a fine today and follow the logic of the legislation.

So, tinting is not prohibited, but there are restrictions.

  1. Clause 7.3 of the Basic Provisions of the SDA indicates that it is impossible to drive a car if the windows have coatings that limit visibility from the driver's seat.
  2. But there is also a clear definition of when visibility is limited and when not. This is prescribed by the Technical Regulations in the section on visibility requirements, specifying that for the windshield and front side windows, the light transmission must be at least 70%. That is, the glass must transmit more than 7/10 of the light through itself.
  3. That is, the percentage of toning must be measured in order to write out a fine. Without it, any doubts about the driver's guilt are interpreted in his favor (Code of Administrative Offenses - presumption of innocence).
  4. And only after the measurement with the device, which has a certificate of conformity and a certificate of verification, a traffic police officer can issue a fine of 500 rubles.

But in practice, in 2020, inspectors also write out requirements or orders to eliminate conditions entailing a violation. That is, they demand to remove the film in writing. And for failure to comply with the requirement, they are given up to 15 days of arrest. It's illegal. Why, we found out in our special article.

But the rear windows can be tinted at least with zero light transmission in the presence of side mirrors. There are no restrictions to them.

Can I get a permit for a car?

No. As of 2020, the format and availability of such permits is not regulated by any regulatory legal act.

But even unwritten documents are a thing of the past. Yes, in the middle of the 2000s, it was illegal to issue such permits to special vehicles. But today they are not. And, if you find in any publications data allegedly in new laws that it is possible to issue a cash-in-transit type of car in order to obtain the appropriate legislative approval for dimming over the prescribed 70% of light transmission, then there is no such possibility for this type of car either.

Why allow tinting?

However, the logic of both the motorists themselves and the deputies who initiated the new law in permitting tinting and abolishing the fine for light transmission is, and considerable.

Lawmakers themselves cite more than just blackout excuses, such as:

  • sun protection as a reason to allow tinting,
  • reducing the load on the air conditioner,
  • protection against dazzle by oncoming drivers in the dark,
  • the fact that sticking a film on the windshield and front windows is a worldwide practice ...

But there are also objective reasons that the toning law does not work correctly today:

  • even an attempt to apply an athermal film ends with a light transmission that does not comply with the regulations - less than 70% according to "GOST",
  • the measurement procedure is far from perfect in 2020 - the devices have a perceptible error, and weather conditions, such as humidity and air temperature, significantly affect such an error when measuring,
  • the traffic rules themselves do not even refer to the Technical Regulations, but to the GOST 30 years ago, which has long been

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