Home Food The legendary "penny" or how did the first "Zhiguli" did. History "Zhiguli": a symbol of last century VAZ 2101 years of production

The legendary "penny" or how did the first "Zhiguli" did. History "Zhiguli": a symbol of last century VAZ 2101 years of production

45 years ago, in 1970, a car came down from the conveyor in Togliatti, which changed the move of automotive history on the expanses of the USSR. This is the VAZ-2101, "Zhiguli" or - just "penny". I still remember my "penny" with tenderness - my first car, a workhorse.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding an unprecedented large-scale automotive plant was born at the very top. Its initiator was Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin, who supported Brezhnev himself. The country grew the number of money not secured by goods, and the mass car could become the necessary chopstick: the citizens would be willing their accumulations for him. In addition, modern, who has the demand abroad, the car was supposed to fix the export positions of the country, which bought more for the currency than sold.

Soviet delegation examines the Fiat model range, 1966

The search for partners led without unnecessary publicity. Even KGB, in particular L. Kolosov, Izvestia correspondent in Italy, were attracted to this activity, and a part-time of an employee of the All-Fusion Committee. The choice fell on the concern Fiat - he suggested the most favorable conditions. In Italy, with its traditionally strong left movement at that time, a universal strike was going on, and the contract with the Council helped to correct the financial position of the concern. In the USSR, took into account, of course, and the fact that in 1966 Fiat-124 became a car of the year in Europe


The General Agreement was signed on August 8 of the same year in Moscow. Signatures under the documents left the head of Fiat Vittorio Valletta and the Minister of Automotive Industry of the USSR A.M. Tarasov. The plant decided to build on the banks of the Volga (the presence of the river solved many transport problems), in the young city of Tolyatti. Previously, there was partially flooded after the construction of the stepder Stavropol-on-Volga - but the city during autohydrote was built almost anew. One of the reasons for the choice of the site was just the presence of powerful construction organizations.

Soon in the USSR, several Fiat-124 cars were brought, which went to comprehensive tests. They were drove throughout the country, from Crimea to Vorkuta, where they, of course, were delivered by rail. Works led and not until the end of the Dmitrovsky landfill. As a result, Fiat-124R began to be born (R means RUSSIA), differing from the standard "Italian".

Advanced Fiat 124 samples were held at the landfill from November 17 to December 10, 1966 to 12 thousand km (8 thousand - light cobblestone, 2 thousand - heavy and 2,000 more - ground roads)

VAZ has had such importance to the USSR that his general director appointed a deputy minister of the automotive industry. The construction of AvtoVAZ and its equipment filling the state spent from 4 to 5 billion rubles. Almost all components for cars VAZ were produced in place. To do this, equipment has been purchased from their own - 844 Soviet factories, at 900 enterprises in the CEV countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia), as well as in Italy, Germany, England, France and the USA

For its time, the car facility in Togliatti became one of the most modern and advanced enterprises in Europe. The planned volume of production looks rather big and today - 600 thousand cars per year. Although, even such numbers were not eliminated in the USSR deficiency. Behind the Vaz It was necessary to defend in line for years 5. And the first VAZ-2101 was worth 5,500 Soviet rubles

But in the name of the car - "Zhiguli" there was nothing political. So called mountains near Togliatti. He was suggested the designer by the name black. To appear this native name for many motorists, the name written by the original font on the feed of the car (by the way, the font was also invented by the Italians), the journal "driving" announced a reader's competition. About 55 thousand proposals were filed, among which the new model was offered to call even the "violet", "Memorial", "Pierely," and "Directive". It was among the proposals and the name "Lada", which subsequently saved Soviet exports. Foreigners not only could not correctly pronounce the word "Zhiguli", but it also had indecent consonances immediately in several languages. For example, in Arab countries, it was consistent with the word "thief", and in Spain - "Gigolo".

Already on April 19, 1970, the first VAZ-2101 was coming from the VAZ conveyor. Behind the wheel of the first car was sitting by the Italian constructor Benito Guido Savoin, but it was not FIAT 124 in its pure form, although among the owners of VAZ still walks the bike that this was "real Fiat". In fact, the real Fiat 124 on Soviet roads would fall apart fairly quickly. Fiat 124 tests, which in 1966 were held at the Dmitrov Polygon near Moscow, showed that the Italians began to specifically refrigerate after 5,000 km of Soviet off-road

Externally, the VAZ-2101 was different from FIATA with only more massive fangs of bumpers, dried door handles and, of course, emblems. But on the stuffing, the Soviet car was largely different.

Figout-124 and VAZ-2101 drawing. As they say find 10 differences

That is why, in VAZ-2101, Italian engineers, at the request of Soviet, made about eight hundred changes. And from 1966 to 1970, 9 episodes and 35 samples of future VAZ-2101 passed comprehensive tests in us and more than 2.5 million kilometers of tests. According to their results, the body has become much stronger, the suspension design has changed and the clearance has increased (actually the "bad road" package), instead of disk, rear-drum brakes were installed, an outdoor rearview mirror appeared, and the backrest of the front seats began to decay. The engine from the bottom has become Upnyen

VAZ-2101 has become a European-level car. This is also talking about the fact that this model was exported not only to the Sottrand: Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and GDR. Export options for "kopecks" were sold in Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Egypt and Nigeria. These export specimens were the dream of many Soviet motorists. After all, in addition to the richer configuration, export vases were more reliable and better. They took place in the center of imports of 39 stages of additional intermediate check. And then - still checks from local dealers abroad. Not by chance, in Western Europe, the clubs of lovers of VAZ-2101 still function

The export version of the VAZ-2101 was called LADA 1200 and, for example, for the UK produced a car with a tuning roof, a 1.3 liter engine, decorative stripes on the sides, the body was made of thickened metal with antistatic and anti-corrosion treatment, transmission - strengthened, starter - super-reliable, Battery - high capacity

Soviet motorists were able to embody their dream of export vases only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 90s of the last century. From the former social flows were distilled by used vases. In Europe, they were already considered "mammoths" and rumored that "Mammoths die go home"

The production of VAZ-2101 (VAZ-21011 modifications) stopped in 1982. During this time, 2,700,000 copies of this model were released. In total, according to AvtoVAZ, 4.8 million different modifications of "kopecks" were released. And among them were quite very interesting. And sometimes unique

"Kopeika" was a massive, folk car, but some modifications of VAZ-2101 were still not advertised. Moreover - many of them were protected by the state secret
For example, the militia was done by VAZ-2101-94 with a 1.5-liter engine

In early 1971, in advertising and sports purposes, the VAZ-2101 racing series was released, which participated in the "European Tour-71" and even conquered silver. And in the "Tour of Europe-73" Vaza won gold and silver. The availability of the car in Europe made it possible to use it in local sports competitions. In England, even organized Lada Challenge. True, the overwhelming majority of sports versions of vases tunned by expensive imported details, which sometimes were semiably called in the USSR from abroad

For the factory needs of the defective bodies, pickups were traditionally made, with a carrying capacity of 200-300 kg. They were running between the shops of a huge plant in Tolyatti

On a Cuba from the VAZ-2101, limousines were made on a semi-industrial basis, and they were used there as route taxis

VAZ-2101 for many became the first car, the memory of which they carried through the years. 2101 also called the golden penny of the Soviet car industry. This car gave a powerful impetus to the entire industry for many decades. In fact, the 70s, 80s and the 90s and 2000s AvtoVAZ reached the fruits of a successful design and only in 2012 he took off the latest "classic" VAZ-2107, in which there were many parts with marking 2101. ERA "Kopeika "Ended, but so far this car is in demand in the secondary market and can be found daily in the urban stream. But it has been 45 years old!


www.zr.ru/content/articles/484752-istori ja_zhigulej_ochevidnyje_i_neverojatnyje /
www.zr.ru/content/articles/356531-istori ja_zhigulej_simvol_minuvshego_veka /
www.autoconsulting.com.ua/article.php?si d \u003d 33254
www.ria.ru/photolents/2010907/118000062 3_1179995653.html

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Fiat 124. Layout Front, rear-wheel drive Wheel formula 4 × 2. Engine Transmission