Home Rack Who makes Peugeot what country. PEUGEOT models that cannot be bought in Russia. Peugeot in Russia

Who makes Peugeot what country. PEUGEOT models that cannot be bought in Russia. Peugeot in Russia

PSA - PEUGEOT CITROEN - headquarters in Paris, France.
The history of the company Peugeot as a automotive enterprise goes to its origins in the distant 19th century.

"Brothers and Sons Peugeot" is a family firm in the middle of a last century production of hardware products, details for horse crews, bicycles. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe automotive was caught fire by Arman Peugeot after exploring the Daimler's notorious Gottlib.
1889, he saw the light of the first car Peugeot with a steam engine.
In 1891 - the first peugeot with a gasoline motor Daimler.
1895 - released and sold 72 cars Peugeot.
1896 - the basis of the company "Society of cars Peugeot".
1899 The production of cars is growing, and Peugeot company sells more than 300 copies.
At the beginning of the 20th century, an outstanding designer and an E. Bugatti engineer is working in Peugeot, it starts to produce cheap Bebe Peugeot ("Baby Peugeot").

Bebe Peugeot.

The company Peugeot in Europe begins a conveyor assembly of cars.
In 1915, after leaving Arman Peugeot, his business continues other family members. During the first world history of Peugeot, the company continues to produce almost all types of weapons, the company becomes the main supplier for the French army. Bellanger (Bellerger) and Deon-Bouton (De Dion-Bouton) are poured into the business of the company. The company focuses on the release of inexpensive cars designed for customers with average sufficiency.

Peugeot 201.

1929 The company produces the cheapest car for the France market - Peugeot 201. The main models of the 30s of the 20th century were: peugeot 202, peugeot 302 and peugeot 402.
During World War II, the Peugeot company passed under the control of the German concern Volkswagen.
At the end of the war, the history of Peugeot company as a car manufacturer continues. Production begins to work in 1946 and the company produces pre-war models.

Peugeot 203.

1948 - Premiere of the first post-war model Peugeot 203.
1958 - Peugeot cars begin to be sold in the United States.
The European automotive market continued to grow a year from year, Peugeot company issued a novelty for a novelty. Appeared "Beauty" Peugeot 504 Coupe. High competition led French to the need for joint developments of new engines, nodes and aggregates - cooperation with Renault and Volvo began.

Peugeot 504 coupe

In 1974, Peugeot bought a 30% stake in French Citroen, and in a year in 1975 completely swallowed the company. As a result, the PSA Peugeot Citroen concern is created.
At the beginning of the 80s, difficult time for PSA comes, sales go badly, the profit falls.
1983 - the appearance of Peugeot 205 - the car saved a car giant from the collapse, his successful sales allowed PSA to resist afloat and reorganize.

Peugeot 205.

1984 - Opening of a joint venture in China (Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën Automobile).
1991 - Peugeot leaves the Market of North America.
In the early 90s, the history of Peugeot company continues the release of a wide range of passenger cars: Peugeot 106, Peugeot 205, Peugeot 309, Peugeot 405, Peugeot 605, Peugeot 806.

Peugeot 405.

In the 21st century, the French concern Peugeot entered a confident step. The company cooperates in terms of technical developments with Fiat, Ford, Renault, Toyota, BMW, Mitsubishi, GM. Production of the French Concern PSA car is located in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and a number of other countries. In Russia, together with Mitsubishi PSA Peugeot Citroen produces cars on the automobile plant in Kaluga.

Peugeot 307.

Peugeot cars tried three times in the competition "European Car of the Year":
1969 - model PEUGEOT 504
1988 - model PEUGEOT 405
2002 - model PEUGEOT 307

Sports success Peugeot is no less significant for the company. Peugeot sports history: Participation in WRC, 24 hours in Le Mans and of course Rally Paris-Dakar, Peugeot Car Reviews Notes that the company has four years in a row, since 1987 to 1990, became winners.

Peugeot - Winner Rally Paris Dakar
Peugeot rcz.

Today, in the car dealerships of Russia, Peugeot cars are sold: Peugeot 107, Peugeot 208, Peugeot 308, Peugeot 3008, Peugeot 4007, Peugeot 4008, Peugeot 508, Peugeot 5008, Peugeot Rcz, Peugeot Partner Tepee, Peugeot Bipper Teppee.

PEUGEOT French Corporation Cars often become a reasonable choice among the proposals of the current car industry. Low cost, relatively modern technologies and good appearance make cars of this concern popular around the world. Already quite a long time, the corporation belongs to the Joint French concern Peugeot-Citroen, and also works closely with the Japanese manufacturer of Mitsubishi. In the past ten years, the joint work of the French with Ford has become noticeable.

Concern Peugeot-Citroen is one of the most common enterprises. Country of Peugeot manufacturer until the 1990s was alone - France. To date, the Corporation's plants work on four continents, their assembly is present in every major country, which helps buyers to significantly save on the purchase of French transport.

Geography of the distribution of refugee plants

Spraying enterprises around the world gives buyers of Peugeot machines one big plus - a decrease in value, due to the absence of increased taxes. If the car from France was brought to Brazil in the assembled form, Peugeot would cost just incredible money in Latin America. The only two continents that do not have Peugeot are North America and Australia.

South America, China, Russia, some countries of Africa, Spain and Portugal, France and Italy, as well as Turkey - in all these countries there is a production of the French concern. Often the company is cooperated with other manufacturers to create a plant. For example, production in Russia was created in conjunction with Mitsubishi. The benefits of such widespread for the company are as follows:

  • the possibility of reducing the tax burden on the company's budget;
  • national assembly is important for many countries that build up patriotism and good attitude towards domestic production;
  • assembly in most countries is much cheaper than in France;
  • the quality of the machine assembly is controlled by automatic technologies;
  • a wide network of enterprises opens up many opportunities for international cooperation.

The presence of factories in Italy and Spain allows the company to fruitfully cooperate with FIAT and SEAT companies. Cooperation with other manufacturers is often becoming the basis of the growth of the corporation and the acquisition of quality positions in the market. For example, mutually beneficial cooperation with Mitsubishi is the basis of the appearance in the modern model line of the company PEUGEOT 4008.

There are other examples of interesting cooperation, which is not known to a simple man in the street. Today in the model line of the French corporation there is only part of real authentic machines, a large number of models are joint developments.

Problems and prospects for the development of the company Peugeot

Exchange of experience and technologies is the basis for the development of all European and other world car manufacturers. Nevertheless, Peugeot-Citroen Corporation in 2014-2015 is experiencing not the best times. The company has a lot of problems that do not allow to develop further fully.

Among the most serious tasks and problems arising in recent years, the following aspects of the corporation work can be allocated:

  • the staff in recent years has decreased to 200,000 people (8 thousand were reduced);
  • new developments of the French concern only the appearance of machines - in technical terms, cars remained last decades;
  • a huge number of loans for the construction of new plants immersed a company in the Ukrainian debt;
  • financial obligations to the partners led to a serious crisis within the Company;
  • the demand for French cars remains high only in France;
  • the corporation refused some models in Africa, which brought a stable profit than the financial decline aggravated.

Nevertheless, the management of the Corporation takes a lot of positive steps to save the corporation. For example, today, Peugeot cooperates with the six world corporations for the production of cars. In cooperation with Toyota, the French produce Class A Cars, several prototypes of excellent engines with small emission indicators have been developed with BMW. Mechanical and automatic transmissions are manufactured in conjunction with Renault from 1966 to today.

Such cooperation makes it possible to stay afloat and get more opportunities to distribute your car. Nevertheless, in many countries, the demand for Peugeot cars in recent years falls. The corporation is forced to raise the cost of cars, therefore competition becomes more rigid.

The Peugeot assembly today is almost completely robotic, but this is only the first step towards success in the market.


Sweep the results

Despite the difficult financial situation, the company participates in fact in each major world car salon, the presentation of the prototypes of future cars. Judging by the conceptual work, there are many plans for the corporation. Today, work on the development of SUVs and large crossovers is underway, family cars are constructed and prototypes of class and cars for Europe are created.

If the company has enough funds to fully update the technical arsenal of current technology, Peugeot has every chance to capture a serious market share and get more loyal buyers. Today, Peugeot remains a spare option for many buyers.

If you go to Peugeot, leave your feedback on the specific model of the company below in the comments.

In 1990, the company noted his century as a motor-consuming firm. But the complete adventures "The History" Peugeot "began far earlier: her first period was the era of pioneers, which in about 1810 was marked by the opening of the first metalworking plant, then the production of tools and striking success with bicycles was followed.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, cars appear on the scene. Peugeot acquires fame as one of the founders of the department of automotive industry and immediately attracts the sympathies of many thanks to the amazing feats of fearless young people who manage carants without horses. So humanity enters the era of speed.
After the First World War for the car, now it is already mature, the modern era begins: from the handicraft manufacturer "Peugeot" turns into a real industrial enterprise. "Peugeot" still amazing the imagination on racing routes and contributes to the fact that for many people a dream to have a car becomes everyday reality.
However, clouds are constructed, the second world-class conflict is approaching. These times are destined to become an era of restrictions. In the dark years "Peugeot" involved in resistance. When freedom again enthusiasm, "Peugeot" survives in the changed world, and the story continues.
In the atmosphere of demographic boom and post-war optimism, a new europe arose, prone to consolidation and discovered consummism. This is the era of progress and prosperity. Therefore, PEUGEOT becomes one of the world leaders in the automotive industry and provides millions of people around the world with machines.

The era of pioneers.

The Peugeot brothers occur from the Mukomolov family, which lived near Montbeliard in the French Department of Oak. In 1810, these young people came up with turn their mill to a metal processing factory and began to supply springs by local watchmakers.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century in England, a steam car and carriages without horses are inherent. These strange vehicles resemble equestrian crews, but there is one small difference: they are driven by cunning machines. From this era came to us the concept of "horse force" used to this day to determine the engine power.

Between 1824 and 1882, new Peugeot plants are gradually created, products are diversified: springs, tools, mechanisms for the manufacture of corsets, coffee grinders (1840) and sewing machines (1867).
Around 1860, an internal combustion engine appears on the light. Initially, it works on a gas-air mixture, which explodes alternately from different sides inside the cylinder, forcing the piston to move back and forth. Fuel flammives from the ignition candle (Lenoara Motor, mounted on a small machine in 1863).

1876: German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Nicaus Otto are developing a four-stroke internal combustion engine.

IN 1882 The year appears first bikes, in which wheels of different sizes are used (1.86 m front, 0.40 m rear). Bicycle production "Peugeot" quickly gains tempo.

IN 1884 The year of the Frenchman Eduar Dellamar-Debutville represents the first sample of the car. In 1886, Karl Benz creates a gasoline tricycle car capable of developing an incredible speed - 15 km / h. This is the first real car. The Frenchman Emil Levassor becomes an exclusive agent for Safe Motors Daimler in France. It delivers them to such manufacturers like Panhard-Levassor and Peugeot.

IN 1889 Year at the World Exhibition in Paris, the main attraction is a three-wheeled car "Serpollet-Peugeot" ("Serpolet-Peugeot"). But at the beginning of next year, Peugeot masters the internal combustion engine and begins to produce a four-wheel car with a daimler motor.

The car is in everyday life, but the main type of mechanical transport is still a bike. "Peugeot" is the largest manufacturer of this two-wheeled apparatus - turns on in sports: in 1891 The year, one of the first four-wheeled bikes "Peugeot" model "Type-3" is involved in the first cycling race from Paris to Brest and passes 2100 kilometers for 139 hours!

IN 1892 The year "Peugeot" produces 29 four-wheeled bikes brand "Type-3". For Bay Tunisia, a unique model is created, called "type-4", decorated with a traditional Tunisian ornament.

IN 1894 The journalist of French "Petit Journal" organizes "Competitions of wagon without horses, which are driven by mechanical force." The total number of participants - 21, "Peugeot" puts six cars at competitions. As a result, the first place was divided "Peugeot" and "Panhard-Levassor".

Next year, PEUGEOT is again different, winning the race Paris-Bordeaux Paris, the first in the history of the automotive race for a while. However, the story perpetuates the fact that on the "Peugeot" machine, called "L'Eclair" (literally - "Lightning" due to the tendency of the car to zigzags) for the first time the pneumatic car tires supplied by the Michelin brothers.

IN 1896 The year Arman Peugeot creates the "Societe Des Automobiles Peugeot") in Upenkur). In the same year, Baron Juliena disappears from the garage, this event was the first in the history of the car's car - the car brand "Peugeot"!

1898: Paris Louis Lepin prefect introduces the first rules governing the automotive movement, and sets the speed limit of 12 km / h.

In Italy B. 1899 Giovanni Anueli creates Fiat.

At the turn of the centuries "Peugeot" becomes a major automotive industry: in 1899, 15 models are included in the Peugeot catalog, from 2-seater to 12-seater machines. IN 1900 The year produced 500 cars and 20 thousand bicycles.

1902: The birth of "Cadillac" in the USA.

1903: Paris-Madrid's race was interrupted in Bordeaux after an accident, which killed several drivers and spectators. Young automotive sports will be required for several years to recover after this first tragedy.

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Rumors about the appearance of a Peugeot 308 sedan went for a long time, because in China, the model "408" is successfully sold - the same "three hundred eighth sedan", only with a stretched 10 cm base and original appearance. And spreading success to other export markets is a completely natural desire, especially since the Russians love sedans no less than the Chinese.

European Gamma Peugeot almost twice the wider Russian. And there are also export markets in different parts of the planet, where unprecedented or long-forgotten modifications of cars are sold ...

The legendary and superpopular all over the world, the smallness continued its life in a changed look. Having received the appearance and interior in the style of Peugeot 207, the compact urban hatchback remained the faith of the 1998 sample design and is still sold in a three-and-five-door body even in Western countries. The choice is offered two gasoline engines 1.1 (60 hp) and 1.4 (75 hp) and one diesel 1.4 (70 hp), everything is only with a manual gearbox. Basic price in France: about 483 000 rubles.

In our country, Hatchback Peugeot 206 was also popular thanks to a low price, reliability, good driving characteristics and inexpensive maintenance. But the reliability of the 206th sedan of the Iranian assembly, which appeared in Russia in 2007, unfortunately, severely chrome. I failed to agree with Iranian manufacturers about improving quality, the leadership of Peugeot ceased the supply of this model, including the Russian market.

In Russia, the appearance of Peugeot 206+ did not take place on one single reason - the price of this car would not give up more modern Peugeot 207.

Compact, but very stylish versatile on the basis of the 207th model in Russia was waiting. After all, 206 SW we have sold, although in very limited quantities. A stretched base, an enlarged trunk and a greater supply of space over the head of the rear passengers made from a compact urban hatchback, a practical and yurt car. A well-tuned chassis could give enough pleasure from 207 SW management with any of the five engines offered. In Europe, there is even a pseudo-road version called Outdoor, characterized by increased road lumen and plastic body kit along the body circuit.

But the miracle did not happen to the same financial considerations. The basic cost in the region of 590,000 rubles in Russia would be invaded to the "price area" Peugeot 308.

Compact "heel", standing on one class step below Peugeot Partner Tepee. Moreover, the design of the car is descended, rather, in the PEUGEOT Boxer style, which emphasizes, exposed forward, front bumper and vertical door handles.

But in practicality, the compact "heel" can be equal to the older "partner", yielding to him only in volumes. The cabin of the car is emphasized, but is comfortable and completely comfortable. Under the hood, the old good gasoline "eight point" 1.4 (75 hp) or the same power of a 1.3 liter turbo diesel engine. The gearbox is only mechanical. Basic price in France: about 545,000 rubles.

In Russia, this machine could well be sold, only in the case of a retirement released since 1997, the classic Peugeot Partner, which is now going to Turkey and is sold in Russia as partner Origin.

The mid-sized passenger minibus, which is between Peugeot 807 and the PEUGEOT Boxer passenger version. Although the car and has roots of commercial vehicles, the expert is still significantly more comfortable than Peugeot Boxer. In Russia, he would have made a good competition to such cars as Volkswagen Multivan, Hyundai H-1 and Toyota Hiace. The European EXPERT TEPEE market exists in a short and elongated body and equipped with only diesel engines 90, 120 and 163 horsepower. The price of the basic version in France: about 1,185,000 rubles.

Given the high cost and the low demand for a similar class of cars, the French did not take risks and excluded the Peugeot expert from the lists of the Russian model range.

China is the main export market for Peugeot cars. And in the Asian model range you can meet very curious machines of this brand.

Peugeot 307 who has familiar to the Russian residents of Peugeot 307 who has lost the place of the next generation model, continues to live and health. Having gained kitty from an unpainted plastic and roof rails, the French golf class hatchback began to resemble a small crossover, like Suzuki SX4.

True, stuffing 307 Cross, compared with the source, not changed: 110-strong gasoline engine 1.6 only the front wheels are activated.

This is a miracle, which appeared thanks to the insane love of the Chinese to sedans, does not frighten their appearance only internships. Experiments on the transformation of the hatchback in the sedan never indulged in harmonious design. And 307 sedan bright confirmation.

Although, two thirds of the body repeat the design of the hatchback, the fodder part of the car is original, and that there is a sin there, frankly terrible. But the volume of the trunk exceeds 500 liters. The car is equipped with two gasoline engines: 1.6 (110 hp) and 2.0 (143 hp), each of which can be equipped with both 5-speed mechanics and 4-range machines.

But the popularity of this model contributed to the emergence of the 308th sedan, when creating the French, the French took into account all the blunders, including the designer. So 308 sedan, which in Russia is expected in the summer of 2012, it looks quite decent.

For particularly devotees, but the poor fans of Peugeot, even a three-wheeled rickshaw with a motorcycle motor is gathering in China. Of course, nothing to do with the concern PSA Peugeot Citroen does not have a vehicle, but it causes a sincere smile.

Iran - a storehouse of a warmary automotive classics once produced in France under the Logo Peugeot. It was from here that Peugeot 206 Sedan came to us, and not gaining popularity in Russian expanses. Directly to Peugeot Iranian cars with a lion on the hood attitude are mediocre. All cars are issued exclusively under license by Iran Khodro, which independently makes constructive changes and follows the quality of its products.


Variation on the topic of the entire 206th sedan, producing under the IKCO brand. The original front and the back of the body could not hide the sidewalls of the usual peugeot 206. But nothing left of the student's interior.

Interesting Motor Gamma Runna. In addition to the "French" engine 1.6 (110 hp), under the hood you can detect the engine 1.7 (114 hp), which is capable of working in addition to gasoline, also on natural gas. Both motor work in a pair with a five-speed mechanical checkpoint.

Yes Yes. The best car of 1988 in Europe is still produced in Iran! Moreover, the exterior of the 405th is left in immunity, with the exception of updated headlights. Those who misses the automotive interiors of the mid-1980s of the last century - welcome to the salon. Basic GLX package completely repeats the decoration of the original Peugeot 405, and the more expensive version of SLX is distinguished by repainted brown-beige plastic and the new steering wheel.

Under the hood - an ancient engine 1.8 (97 hp) responding to Euro-2 eco-2 and, by the way, an overclocking sedan to 100 km / h in 10 seconds. The same motor, fastened by natural gas weaker - 83 horsepower.

The version of Peugeot 405 with a more eco-friendly engine 1.7 (87 hp) that meets Euro-3 standards, sold in Iran under the brand of Peugeot Roa.

And on the top of the evolution of Peugeot 405, there is a restyled version of Peugeot Pars, which in addition to the above engines is equipped with a relatively modern engine 1.6 (110 hp) and even a four-stage "automatic machine" Al4.


If you think that Peugeot 405 is the oldest of the produced cars of the French brand, then mistaken. The same enterprise produces a Pickup Bardo, which is nothing other than the Peugeot 504 Pick-Up model of the 1980 sample.

In motion, the workhower leads the engine 1.6 with a capacity of 67 horsepower, capable of feeding in gasoline with octane number 87. In a pair of this "dinosaur", no less ancient four-stepped mechanical transmission is downtreated.

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in the wonderful country of Brazil, (where many-many wild monkeys), Peugeot cars are also sold, and there there is also one interesting model that does not have analogues (and clones) in other markets.

This is a pickup, built on the basis of the restyled version of Peugeot 206 SW, which in turn, in Brazil is called Peugeot 207 SW. In how! There is this model in two versions: the more simple is called HOGGAR X-LINE, and with plastic body kit, aggressive-off-road bumper, roof rails and with a good list of equipment - Haggar Escapade.

Two gasoline engines 1.4 (80 hp) and 1.6 (110 hp) are capable, in addition to gasoline, eat and ethanol. The cost of the basic version in Brazil: about 624,000 rubles.

For grinding salts, spices and coffee. The plant was equipped with three mechanical blacksmith hammers and seven machines for cold rolling metal. The brand name of the company was a lion. The emblems were three. By 1886, the company established the serial release of Bisikletov (so in those days they called bicycles), and three years later, in 1889, a three-wheeled ferryobil called serpollet-peugeot from the goal of the company.

First car peugeot

Photo: Trading House "Victory" was one of the largest in the Russian capital

Pepeot bikes

Much earlier cars in Russia appeared bicycles brand Peugeot, or, as they were then called, bisciles. The first began to sell them, to the enormous pleasure of the "pedaling" public, someone A. Averst, who kept the bicycle warehouse and a store in St. Petersburg at the corner of the Simeon street and Fontanka in the house number 1-32. Advertising this commercial institution is often found in Russian sports magazines of the late XIX century. It was worth cars, depending on the model and configuration, from 175 to 230 rubles and, apparently, enjoyed our compatriots popularity. This is evidenced by at least the fact that in 1898 trade of Peugeot biscoles was produced not only in the capital, but also in other major cities of the Russian Empire. Over time, not only bicycles began to be delivered to Russia, but also Peugeot motorcycles. They were sold to the same addresses and under the same conditions as the bisciles, however, a pledge under the preliminary order was no longer 50, and 100 rubles

The era of a car

At the very beginning of the 90s of the XIX century, the Russian Empire entered the community of automotive powers, with all the ensued consequences. Gradually, the number of cars in the country grew. In 1898, the first store traded by cars and motorcycles was opened in St. Petersburg. And since the tone in the automotive business was asked French producers, then the establishment is, of course, was French. She belonged to Cleman-Gladiator-Phube.
In 1900, a new section "The importation of cars and their parts" appeared in the customs statistics of Russia, in which it was noted when, how many and what machines were imported into the limits of the Empire. Thanks to the preserved customs documents it is clear that the leading suppliers of motor crews in our country were France and Germany. So began in Russia the era of the car

Military cars

Taking cars to Russia, Peugeot did not remain outside the interests of official government circles. When the military department in 1912 decided to conduct a test mileage of passenger cars, wanting to identify the "most suitable samples for army needs", Peugeot cars were among the participants and showed well.
In the same year, a cargo test mileage took place, the purpose of which was the selection of cars suitable for use in army parts. Peugeot sent two cars for tests. These were three-ton machines equipped with 22 liters with four-cylinder motors. from. Shortly before the start of the war, the car has experienced a military uniform.

Automotive exhibitions in Russia

The center of the automotive life of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, undoubtedly was the capital of the empire - St. Petersburg. There were many cars through the streets of the city, and many major European and American plants considered it necessary to keep their shops and representative offices there. It is not surprising, therefore, that the first in Russia, a specialized car exhibition took place in the capital.
Many manufacturers reacted with caution, since the automotive market in Russia was still still formed. The cars were quite expensive - from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. The demand for cars remained rather modest, although Russia was already considered among foreign manufacturers a very promising market.
Peugeot participation in the first Russian automotive exhibition did not accept. But at the next exhibition, the products of the "lion brand" could be seen on the stand.

Sports achivments

A large help in advertising was sports achievements Peugeot. In the advertising prospect of the beginning of the century, it was noted that the cars of this brand were winning the victory in a number of large international competitions, such as Grand Prix de Dieppe in June 1912, Grand Prix de France in Le Mana in September of the same year, on Mont Ventoux mountain races and Val Suzon, auto racing in Brookland and a number of others.
Peugeot cars and Russian competitions participated. So, in the car races in Simferopol, held on May 27, 1912 (according to the old style) under the auspices of the local gymnastic society, Mr. Obukhovsky was launched on Peugeot with a capacity of 12 liters. from.

Russian emigrants in France

In the enterprises of Peugeot in France, a lot of Russians worked in the 20s and 30s. According to statistics, in the first years after the revolution, Russia was forced to leave over a million people. Some of them were in France. According to the data given, in 1921 there were more than 65 thousand Russian refugees in the country, most of whom were refuge in Paris and its surroundings. Many of these people turned out to be deprived of any livelihood. Former soldiers, officers, doctors, entrepreneurs and lawyers were looking for any work that could feed them and their families themselves.
In cars, which came from the gate of Peugeot plants at that time, there was a clock of labor and immigrants from Russia.

Peugeot in the USSR

After the revolution of 1917, the company's connections with Russia were interrupted, but "lion cars" continued to work in the country. It is interesting to trace the story of some of them. Take, for example, PEUGEOT cars from Nikolai II garage. After the February Revolution and the renunciation of the emperor from the throne, the garage was reorganized into the automotive base of the temporary government, and all the cars located there were new owners.

The story of one bebe.

Everyone who at least once visited the Moscow Polytechnic Museum automotive department, probably remembers the small green PEUGEOT BEBE car, modestly standing in the exposure. This is the oldest car in our country, from those that are in private collections.
A real legend is hung around it: many believe that this car owned the son of Nikolai II, the heir to the throne, Tsearevich Alexey. Is it so?

After the collapse of the USSR: new relationships

The fracture in relations occurred in the early 90s. After the collapse of the USSR, many foreign car manufacturers began to look at Russia as one of the world's largest potential markets and considered it necessary to take a number of steps aimed at developing this market as soon as possible. Representative offices of the Ministry of Firm appeared in Moscow and the capitals of the former Union republics, as if mushrooms after the rain.

Construction of the plant

The successful development of the Russian automotive market in 2000-2007 convinced the leadership of the concern in the need to create its own production in the territory of the Russian Federation. Such an opportunity was carefully studied by experts for several years, and in the end they came to the conclusion about the feasibility of this step.
In early 2008, a group of employees of the company was arrived in the Russian capital, which was entrusted to the construction preparation mission. Soon in its composition, along with French experts, our compatriots were included.
For preparatory activities it took several months. During this time, PSA Peugeot Citroen and his partner Mitsubishi Motors Corporation found a suitable platform near the city of Kaluga (near the Federal Kyiv Hospital) and signed all the necessary agreements.

Chronicle Peugeot.

XV century Information is preserved that the Peugeot family lived in the Dubs Department in the vicinity of Montbeliari.
1810 Brothers Jean-Pierre and Jean-Frederick Peugeot founded a plant for the production of springs and other metal products in the town of Su Cres.
1819 The Peugeot brothers enterprise began to specialize in the production of products obtained by the cold rolling steel, - Pilted, springs ...
1824 Start exporting products to Switzerland, Italy and Turkey.
1832 Creation of "Societary Peugeot Societe Peugeot Freres Aines) ...

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