Home Rack Kirovets K 4. Dmitry Medvedev appreciated the handling of the tractor "Kiryusha. Main faults repair

Kirovets K 4. Dmitry Medvedev appreciated the handling of the tractor "Kiryusha. Main faults repair

Newspapers "True".

St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, which is part of the Kirov Plant Group of Companies, is one of the few domestic engineering enterprises, which can be successfully competing with foreign manufacturers. Even in the conditions of the economic crisis, tractors of the famous Soviet brand "Kirovets" enjoy sustainable demand in Russia. And they are exported today in 30 countries of the world.

The former Kirov plant is an enterprise with the richest working traditions and the collectivist spirit, which here retained contrary to the "reforms" of liberals and market whistle. The factory often has the leader of the Russian Communists Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov, and during the recent presidential election campaign, answering numerous questions, the CPRF Candidate and People's Patriotic Forces of Russia Pavel Nikolaevich Pader. To come to the city on the Neva and not to visit the St. Petersburg tractor, the people's candidate could not. Everyone was waiting for him here. After all, according to the worldview and attitude to the life of workers, engineers and the management of the plant were and remained by the Soviet people, real patriots, as if there were no decades of the wild market and Gorbachevsky collapse.

Journalists of the Red Line channel came to St. Petersburg Tractor due to the fact that they learned: from the factory conveyor, another novelty comes with the model "Kirovets K-4", a mid-class tractor with an engine of 240 horsepower, a little more than seven meters and overall width; just two and a half meters. Machines precisely with such characteristics today is especially lacking rural producers in Russia. Even relatively recently, the middle-class model was acquired in Ukraine, where they are released by the Kharkov Tractor Plant. But after the Kiev regime began to build a barrier barrier between the Barrier countries, cooperation was impossible. Even with the acquisition of the most simple spare parts from the peasants, irresistible problems arose. So a group of engineers-designers from St. Petersburg Tractor, led by Alexei Gavrilov, took over the development of the domestic model of the tractor "Kirovets K-4" very on time. And the result exceeded all the expectations.

Today, Gavrilov Group closely interacts with colleagues from Germany: those want to provide their company a contract for the production of hydraulic assemblies for new models of Kirovsz. But first, these nodes must be designing - these are engaged in German engineers with the help of their Russian colleagues.

Many foreigners themselves appeal to us because they are interested in cooperation with the plant, "says Alexey Gavrilov. - We are the only enterprise in Russia, where the release of tractors is steadily growing, and everyone knows.

However, three-quarters of component of modern "Kirovtsev" - domestic production. Thanks to this, the machines are well adapted to the Russian conditions, work almost reliable. And cost much cheaper than capricious Western counterparts.

The chief designer of the plant Mikhail Lebedev is behind the computer, as for Kulm. The habit is preserved since that time, when no one heard about any computers for the design of new models of tractors.

But when the unknown before technologists became commonplace, the design of modern tractors went very quickly. Task to design "Kirovets K-4" - "Kiryuch", as in absentia in absentia this model at the factory, the Designer Bureau Lebedev received at the very end of 2016. And it was tightened. January - February - the beginning of drawing, June - July - the issuance of the drawings. In October, the assembly started, and in November the first batch of cars created from scratch had already shipped to customers.

It's very difficult for a person to understand how to design and launch a completely new tractor in a series in a series when banks do not give loans to manufacturers, and the industry deliberately destroyed, half of the suppliers went bankrupt and, most importantly, when the peasants simply have no money for the purchase of equipment .

It is impossible to talk about the development of agricultural machinery in the separation from the development of all agriculture in the country, - explains the director of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant Sergey Serebryakov. - And in the separation from the general credit and financial system and the macroeconomic environment that established in Russia, to argue about the problems of agricultural engineering simply stupid.

There are no answers to most of the economic policy policies of the government and its attitude to the problems of the industry in Sergei Serebryakov today. He does not want to call the chamber of the ministers of the financial and economic block in the pest. And how to call them differently - does not know. Nevertheless, against the background of issues that are not answered, the St. Petersburg plant has put on the fields of Russia, the near and far abroad more than 2,000 Tractors "Kirovets", as well as spare parts for them totaling 12.7 billion rubles. This, the director says, today - one of the best indicators in the industry over the past 25 years.

Assembly shop. Future tractors "Kiryusha" stand in line at the factory conveyor. Every day, several cars go on the finished form on the run. The deputy head of the assembly shop of Nikolai Grigoriev shows journalists of the TV channel "Red Line" the capabilities of the new model:

Here are the keys to control attachments. Previously, when the aggregates hook were difficult: jumped from the cabin to the cabin or needed the second person. Now hanging equipment can one tractor driver literally in some seconds ...

St. Petersburg frost crashes to the bones, but the Grigoriev does not pay attention to bad weather. It is passionately explained from the simple buttons and other little things a competitive tractor consists, in which everything is thought out for the convenience and efficient operation of the mechanic.

Nikolay Lio unfolds the tractor on the factory pen. He says that it is proud of the machines that produce the plant. Not just an abstract plant, but people who work on it.

Grigoriev himself came to St. Petersburg Tractor not so long ago, in 2008. I started the collector. Then he worked as a test driver, in a year he returned to the workshop, became a brigadier, a master. Now - deputy head of the workshop. Very grateful to the veterans of the plant, who convey the experience of young people. They, young, at the factory are the road everywhere.

In the team Alexei Gavrilova, the head of the project "Kirovets K-4", mostly young people. He himself has no forty. The speed with which these young guys work is striking. The design decision is found for counting hours.

The factory is clearly established by the system of interaction between different divisions, "explains the engineer. - No intermediaries. No need to expect a response, approval of changes. Everything happens here very quickly. I went to the shop, discussed, agreed in the morning, in the evening - the result.

Alexey confesses that about his model, "Kirovets K-4", he thinks constantly, "Kiryusha" he even dreams. And how to construct the element of the cooling system of one of the engines, realized when drove into the subway.

It was in the evening, I returned from work, he recalls. - in the morning came to the guys, explained his idea, and we took the drawings.

The fact that the St. Petersburg plant and tractors of the Soviet brand "Kirovets" have a great future, the creator of "Kiryuchi" does not doubt.

We are the only enterprise in Russia, which makes cars of this class, explains the designer. - Agricultural machinery in the country will always be needed. Everyone want to eat. Without tractors, you will not stay. The plant will live and develop. I look very optimistic about it. We will not do this yet!

Special report "K-4. Design Gambit »See on the TV channel" Red Line "to the addresshttp://www.rline.tv .


Licinsky ponds for the town of Likino-Dulevo town near Moscow - the memories of the weaving spinning factory. However, there is nothing to spin. The fate threads are dissolved: bankrupt factory. Ponds are the only thing that remains. In the zero two thousandths it was the place of collecting local drug addicts. Today, the ponds are also of particular interest. Now on this territory a kind of "Leviathan" in the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district: who and who is trying to pick up the land of the former factory and what is the theater community? This is discussed in a special report of Denis Berestov.

In the face of the K-4 tractor developed by St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, Kirovets usually received the younger brother - it is not only younger, but also less and less and in mass, and in size. It is not surprising: the newbie refers to the middle class, in which until recently the Kharkov HTZ dominated undisputed. Now K-4, which at the factory is affectionately called "pigsties", in the Russian market there should be a well-deserved Kharkiv citizen.

In the asset K-4 - a modern Yamoslavl 6-cylinder Diesel of the NMZ-23625 ecological class Stage 3A (with the Stage 3B perspective) with a guaranteed resource of at least 10 thousand hours, automatic transmission of ZF production, very comfortable and unusual spacious by the measurements of domestic tractor equipment Air-conditioned double cabin, five hydrolynes for the rear hide and one for anterior, as well as an overall width of 2.55 m, which allows you to freely move on public roads.

With a length of 7.15 m, the tractor has a rotation radius along the outer wheel of 5.8 m and the operational mass of 9-12 tons depending on the configuration. In the basic version, the engine is developing 240 hp, but over time it is planned to offer customers a modification with the Yaroslavl 190-strong "four". The powerful hydraulic system is equipped with pneumatic or electrical control. Tires dimension 23,1R26 provide ground clearance (under the hinge axis) in 520 mm. The rear mounted device of category III - IV with a hook and, on request, with a pendulum, front mounted device - Categories III. Their carrying capacity on the suspension axis is, respectively, 6.5 and 4.5 tons.

Bridges for configuration K-4 supplies the Belarusian "Amkodor", but the factory workers promise to develop a completely different transmission over time. And there is a certain reason in this: while the tractor is in triggering, while in the designs they catch small shortcomings, their production is carried out by a strife. But in the near future, the car is going to put on the conveyor, because in the opinion of the plant's marketers, the need for various modifications K-4 will be up to 3 thousand per year. In this case, there is really reason to localize the most costly transmission elements.

Dmitry Medvedev arrived in St. Petersburg today to support Russian agricultural machinery producers, and visited the profile exhibition passing there. The premier carefully examined the exposition and even got behind the wheel of one of the exhibits - the tractor K708.4-200 "Kiryusha". Having rolled by car at the exhibition site, the head of government concisely summarized his impressions:

"Well managed. Elegantly. Modern car. "
Of course, the visit of such an important person to the agrarians test drive was not limited. Dmitry Medvedev said that he ordered to additionally allocate 10 billion rubles to support enterprises producing agricultural equipment, and signed a government decree with the rules for providing funds from the federal budget to the participants of industrial clusters. The premiere comment on this is the news agency TASS:
"Subsidies will be reimbursed by part of the costs in the implementation of joint projects for the production of industrial products in order to import substitution. At the expense of this money, industrial cooperation will develop, new highly efficient jobs will be created, improving the competitiveness of our products. "
The head of government also called on domestic producers of agricultural machinery to more active cooperation with colleagues from EAEU countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan), as well as to use the ignition of the ruble as a competitive advantage in export markets, including in Europe.
  • Dmitry Medvedev instructed this week profile departments until February 10, adjust the tariffs in the Plato system.
  • The Prime Minister also managed to go to Togliatti this week, where I participated in the AvtoVAZ manufacturing meeting. There he stated that in 2016 the car industry will receive the greatest amount of subsidies from all civil industries: the total support amount will be 50 billion rubles.

In St. Petersburg, "Kiryusha" is a new tractor "Kirovets" K-708.4 low power
St. Petersburg Tractor Plant (a subsidiary of JSC "Kirovsky Plant") as part of the import substitution program develops a line of agricultural tractors with small (180-240 hp) of power. The firstborn in this row is a 240-strong "Kirovets" K-708.4 - is already ready for testing.

The new "Kirovets" of low power received the nickname "Kiryusha". It was demonstrated in the framework of the exhibition "Import substitution", where the chairman of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev was presented, as well as at a solemn event on the occasion of the release of the 1000th Tractor of the C-744R of the 2015 sample.

Mini-"Kirovtsy" are created by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation as an import-substituting product. The new K-708.4 is built on the basis of domestic components, including power installation, hydraulics and even electronics. The transmission group of the prototype - Joint Russian-Belarusian, however, as the PTZ press service notes, for mass production, the transmission of its own design should be developed.

It is determined that the new series of tractors "Kirovets" will include the cars of the 3rd and 4th traction classes with engines with a capacity of 180 to 240 hp. The market of such tractors in Russia is today about 3,000 units per year, and the technological need, taking into account the need to update the outdated park several times more.

On this project, 50 million Russian rubles were allocated to the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant on this project. But to put the mini-"Kiroves" on the conveyor, it will take about 2 billion. From nowhere, the Piters will take such money until it is not known. Nevertheless, the new Tractor K-708.4 will pass a full test cycle and improvements to be prepared for the production of mass production.

In August 2017, a significant event was held in the history of the St. Petersburg Kirov Tractor Factory and the entire domestic engineering - launch in the mass production of the new model of Tractors "Kirovets". Tractor "Kirovets K-424" became the smallest in the manufacturing program of the enterprise. This model is intended for profitable work not so much in large, as in the middle, as well as in small peasant farms. In the best way, according to experts, "Mini-Kirovets" is able to express itself in the fields ranging from 500 to 2000 hectares. It is assumed that "K-424" will become a "pioneer" of the whole series "K-4", which will include compact tractors of the 3rd and 4th trackers.

Experts of the oldest Russian engineering enterprise hope that this tractor, and in the future - and the whole series "K-4" will be in demand by the market. It is indicated that Kirovets K-424 will take a very promising niche in the market of agricultural engineering, which in Soviet times it occupied an incredibly successful and even indispensable Kharkov tractor "T-150".

In a new time, the Kharkov tractor plant was constantly "likharanidilo", as a result of which he, as they say, "rather dead, than alive." And throughout many recent years, large and medium-sized farmers are forced to acquire either several low-power tractors, or one, but too powerful and dear tractor for them. There is hope that Kirovets K-424 will have to the yard not only in KFH, but also in large landowners and agroholding. There, TDE has tasks of regularly distilled equipment on remote fields, or fields are mainly small.

According to its design, Kirovets K-424, which received a nickname "Kiryusha", is a wheel tractor with a hinged-articulated frame, traditional for the production of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant. The hinge frame has long been known in that it provides the best ravage, cravings, high permeability and maneuverability, even in the most difficult road conditions. The welded frame of the "Mini" Kirovtsian "" K-424 "is made up of two seats: the front and rear, which are connected between them with a hinge device.

"K-424" is significantly more compact by traditional "Kiroves", and also equipped with a less powerful, but more economical diesel engine "YAMZ-53625" with a capacity of 240 horsepower. In a pair, a new generation automatic transmission is working with this engine. The tractor has relatively small overall dimensions that give it the possibility of free movement on the roads of all levels without additional permissions. If necessary, it is possible to drive the wheels.

This model is also noteworthy and the fact that this novelty is the only tractor of the fourth traction class, which is fully produced in Russia. In nine shops of the St. Petersburg tractor plant, casting from metal, and casting out of plastic, as well as machining, welding, testing of nodes and aggregates ... All technological chain is up to the final assembly of technology. The manufacturer provides a guarantee of 1 year or 2000 motor-watches on Kirovets K-424.

Hydraulics "K-424" - a powerful, trailer device pendulum, the traction-hitch is adjustable in height. Due to the presence of a modern unified coupling device, "Kirovets K-424 is suitable for the following types of current agricultural work:

  • Pre-sowing processing and soil preparation;
  • Sowing;
  • Cultivation;
  • Processing of agricultural cells in the aisle;
  • Making fertilizers.

The premiere of the Tractor "Kirovets K-424" on the market of domestic agrotechnology took place a couple of years before August 2017, in October 2015. Until its launch into mass production, the new Leningrad tractor passed intensive field tests in the seven agrarian regions of our country. Also, Kirovets K-424 passed the annual cycle of tests on three engineering testing stations. And on MIS, and in farms, the tractor has established itself exclusively on the positive side.

Modern economical and quiet diesel engine "YAMZ-53625" refers to the undoubted advantages of the new tractor. This is a row six-cylinder engine of fluid cooling with turbocharging and cooled of upgrade air, with electronic injection (CommonRale fuel system) that meets the requirements of the Stage IIIA environmental standard. The engine is certified for compliance with the requirements of the Special Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 031/2012 "On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers to them": UN Regulations No. 24-03, UN Regulations No. 96-02.

  • The operating volume of the engine is 6.65 liters.
  • Rated power - 176.5 kW, or 240 horsepower.
  • Operational capacity is at least 158 \u200b\u200bkW, or 215 horsepower.
  • Maximum torque - 900 N · m, or 92 kgf.m., at 1300 ... 1600 rpm.
  • Specific flow rate of diesel fuel, at rated power no more than 197 hp (145 kW) - 197 g / kW h, or 145 g / hp,; and at operating capacity, not more than 168 hp - 229 g / kW h, or 168 g / hp-h.
  • Capacity of the fuel tank (dual) - 500 liters.

Kirovets K-424 is equipped with a all-wheel drive transmission and an automatic six-speed gearbox with a torque transformer. Leading bridges have blocking differentials. The number of gears is: front - six; Rear - three. Switching gears to "K-424" - electro-hydraulic, without breaking the stream of power, both automatic and in manual modes. In the operating mode, gear shifts occurs from the first to fourth, and in the transport mode - from the first to sixth gear.

In order to exclude the engine overloads when the gearbox is opened in manual mode, in the control system, automatic switching to lower gear is provided when the crankshaft speed is reduced to 1300 rpm. The speed of the tractor movement: forward - the smallest slowdown - 5.8 km / h; The largest working - 14 km / h. The greatest transport speed with a full mass of the standard trailer is 40 km / h. Tractor power selection shaft - independent, two-speed.

Both bridges - leading; The wheel formula of the tractor "Kirovets K-424" - 4x4. Leading bridges are equipped with blocking of differentials. The main transfer consists of a leading and slave conical gear with a circular tooth and self-locking differential. The differential with the driven gear assembly is mounted in the main transmission housing on the conical bearings. The bridge includes the unified transit gearboxes of a planetary type, which consist of a leading solar gear, a fixed epicyclic gear, drove and three satellites.

The rear axle is rigging on the tractor frame. The front axle is attached to longitudinal semi-elliptic springs, with telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers. On Kirovsce K-424, disc brakes with a pneumohydraulic drive are installed.

The hydraulic system of the work equipment and the rotation control on the Tractor "Kirovets K-424" is combined, with a single hydraulician. The work of the tractor hydraulic system provides a tandem pumping station: the axial-piston pump "Bosch" 100 cubic centimeters plus gears 40 cubic centimeters - for steering. The maximum pumping station performance is 210 liters per minute.

The hydraulic distributor is a five-section-section with electronically controlled by half-frame. Consumption through one section of the hydraulic distributor is 95 liters per minute, and through the dual section - 185 liters per minute. There are four independent hydraulic lines, free liquid plums.

The rear suspension with the function of positional and power regulation is included in the basic package of the tractor "Kirovets K-424". The maximum lifting capacity of the rear hide is 6,000 kilograms. The rear attachment of the III category with power and positional regulation is optionally equipped with a multilift, adjustable in height, with a trailer bracket; as well as a pendulum trailer.

The pendulum trailer has a maximum vertical load of 1,700 kilograms. Also as an additional option, the equipment of the Tractor "Kirovets K-424" is provided with a three-point front attachment with a lifting capacity of 4,500 kilograms.

Powerful hydraulics of the Tractor's work equipment and the rear of the third category of the Tractor "KIROVETS K-424" provide fast and reliable aggregation with 3-6 meter disk harrow, 15-21 meter medium tooth harrow, pre-sowing cultivators, sowing complexes and other classical and modern agricultural instruments. .

  • Length - 6.971 m; Width - 2.540 m; Height 3.384 m.
  • The base is 3.1 m. Krug - 1,930 m.
  • Road clearance - 500 mm.
  • The structural mass "K-424" is 9.3 tons.
  • Operation weight, with ballasting - 10.6 tons; With front attachment - 10.9 tons.
  • Percentage distribution of operational mass on the axes - 55% of the load - on the front axle; 45% load - on the rear axle.
  • Radius of rotation - 6.2 meters.
  • Tire size - 23.1 R26.
  • Traction class, according to GOST-27021 - 4th. Nominal traction - 40 kN (+0.3).

Specialists of OJSC "Kirov Plant" it is especially emphasized that the Ergonomics of the Cabin Cabin "Kirovets K-424", its vibration and noise insulation, the climate control system is designed taking into account not tractor, and automotive standards. Indeed, it is not difficult to make sure that the workplace of the mechanizer on "K-424" is quite comfortable, spacious and quiet.

Cabin "Mini" Kirovtsz "is equipped with a built-in protective frame. It is all-metal, double, hermetic, with panoramic glazing and heat-absorbing tinted stools. The cabin is equipped with modern heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The entrance door is one, it is provided on the tractor on the left side. Suspension of the cabin of tractors "Kirovets K-424" is connected to a tearing front bridge, on the rubber-metal AKSS shock absorbers.

Control of coupling devices is simple and functional, it is produced through the joystick; The steering is supplemented and reinforced with hydraulic drive. The back of the mechanizer's seat has the ability to change its configuration.

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