Home Nutrition Institute of Medical Social Rehabilitation. Medical Social Rehabilitation Moscow Institute (MIMSR) know. state accreditation of higher educational institutions" N7092

Institute of Medical Social Rehabilitation. Medical Social Rehabilitation Moscow Institute (MIMSR) know. state accreditation of higher educational institutions" N7092

Further education programs at NOU "MIMSR" The name alone (!): NOU "Moscow Institute of Medical Social Rehabilitation" already deserved serious attention and trust in the educational institution. Attention was also paid to the fact that at the NOU "MIMSR" they accepted with honey. education. Having achieved my training duration of 10 months (!), the choice of place to obtain additional professional training was determined. Without ceasing to reassure future cosmetologists in great demand for employment, we began training in September. There was even a student with a Record Book :) Part of the training: in cosmetology, "theory was intertwined with practice and took place in the cosmetology office of the existing Medical Center on Barrikadnaya. For 8-10 people it was quite cozy there. But by the end of the month we only got ~4 -5 people... How the comfort was replaced by a bathhouse, and we were stuffed with sprats (!) Despite the friendly atmosphere of being in a group of different ages with a diverse audience, with such density (!) someone's absence rather pleased us. The other part was being taught in the auditorium of the MIMSR (Botanical Garden), which calmly allowed us to accommodate the massage therapists at the same lectures, and at the same time not breathe down each other’s necks. Having read a variety of reviews, including a 40-minute delay, or even complete “absenteeism” of the teacher, almost not every lesson (!) I can assure you that at MIMSR, taking into account attendance, as with her, she was strict. I remember the short pre-holiday day and the group shedding of tears lasting = 1st lecture, after which we were sent to the meeting, leaving us an hour early. The high level of pedagogical professionalism present in all teachers without exception was noticeable from the first lectures. They asked us a lot, especially the strict Kharazova Lyudmila... (Anatomy). But her lectures were especially interesting. We enjoyed visiting Psychology. Vanity Maria Kolobova... (cosmetology, dietary supplements) also knew how to get people interested in her subjects. However, that huge volume of dietary supplements that stretched over almost the entire 10 months was of no use to us. We devoted half of our practice to massage, learning from each other. But the demand for the provision of those services that we had only theoretically was much greater. Yes, we were fluent in any massage technique, but this is only 1/10 of what the employer requires. If you can still do without any “little things”: eyebrow correction, eyelash tinting and depilation, you can quickly catch up on your own, but without mechanical cleaning it’s much more difficult! Of the hardware cosmetology “from start to finish” that was present on paper, there was only one darsonval in use, and it was put away in the closet. We were introduced to professional cosmetics through seminars from companies. The diploma issued upon completion (after passing the exams) met all requirements and standards. Special thanks for the qualification awarded to MIMSR! A letter of recommendation was also included. Employment consisted of an “advertisement sheet” issued to the group, where salons required specialists. It looked more like a printout from a general “bulletin board” on the Internet. From a group of 4-5 people who got a job and continue their profession. activities in this area. Not everyone had the patience. I also know that half of the group pushed around, pushed around... And now they are not connected with cosmetology at all. rating - solid "4" my view and my opinion for 2006

In the Russian Federation there are many where you can get higher medical education. One of them is a medical and social one. It is a non-state educational organization. However, studying there is no different from studying in state universities. Students also attend lectures and undergo practical training. As a result, they receive a state-recognized diploma and get a job in their specialties.

Basic information about the university

The named educational institution is a young educational organization in the city. In 2004, a medical and social university appeared. A photo of the university is presented below. Since its creation, the objectives of the educational organization have been to train medical workers. The institute is currently functioning. It offers quality education. At his disposal are:

  • modern computers, technical means necessary in the learning process;
  • medical phantoms, simulators for better studying anatomy and practicing practical skills;
  • medical instruments, consumables.

About 1 thousand students study at the institute. They are not only citizens of Russia. There are many foreigners among the students. Some of them do not know Russian well, so the educational process for them is built in English. During the initial courses, foreign students improve their knowledge of the Russian language. This is necessary, because learning in the future begins to be carried out only on it.

Documents of the educational organization

Upon admission, applicants are interested in whether the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute has all the necessary documents. In 2015, the educational organization was issued a license that allows it to provide services in the field of education.

The university had a certificate of state organization. It was issued in 2015. This document listed the areas of training in which the medical and social institute (St. Petersburg) could carry out its activities.

In 2016, in accordance with the order of Rosobrnadzor, the institute was deprived of accreditation. Checks revealed inconsistencies in the documents. When looking at one student’s passport, they discovered that his name did not match in his record book. Because of this and other violations, the university was banned from admitting students in 2017. The institute reacted calmly to such a decision. Employees noted that they had previously been denied admission, and later their accreditation was restored. The university decided to go to court to resolve the controversial situation.

Structure of the educational organization

The St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, like any educational institution, has a certain structure. It has 10 departments. Each of them combines certain disciplines that are taught to students (for example, departments of natural sciences, internal medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, etc.).

The institute also has faculties. They consist of departments and train students in certain areas. Medical and social has the following:

  • medical;
  • additional professional education.

More about the Faculty of Medicine

Those applicants who wish to obtain a higher medical education at the Medical and Social Institute of St. Petersburg must choose the Faculty of Medicine. In accordance with federal state educational standards, he provides training in the only two specialties in an educational institution - general medicine and dentistry.

The School of Medicine is not just about teaching students. He also carries out scientific research activities:

  • conducts research work commissioned by regional and federal authorities and various companies;
  • attracts students to research work;
  • conducts interdepartmental scientific research.

Introduction to the Faculty of Additional Professional Education

This structural unit, part of the medical and social institute, is engaged in professional retraining and advanced training. Thanks to this faculty, specialists update their theoretical and practical knowledge, gain additional knowledge and skills.

The institute for advanced training offers 5 additional professional educational programs:

  • "Resuscitation and anesthesiology."
  • "Neurology".
  • "Occupational therapy".
  • "Psychiatry".
  • "Problems in modern higher education."

Specialty "General Medicine"

The Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) offers specialties such as “General Medicine” and “Dentistry”. In General Medicine, at the end of their studies, students receive the qualification of a general practitioner. This is a popular specialty. It allows, after receiving a specialist diploma, to receive postgraduate education and become a doctor in a narrower field (for example, a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, oncologist).

The specialty “General Medicine” takes 6 years of full-time study. A wide range of disciplines studied allows you to acquire many different skills and abilities necessary for further work. Here is their list:

  • providing medical care in various situations;
  • diagnosis of diseases and pathologies;
  • prescribing appropriate treatment;
  • conducting medical examinations;
  • performing surgical operations;
  • carrying out rehabilitation activities;
  • carrying out disease prevention;
  • maintaining medical records;
  • work with drugs, medical equipment, equipment and tools.

Specialty "Dentistry"

At the Faculty of Dentistry, the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) also teaches students full-time for 6 years. The schedule (unlike medical practice) initially includes special disciplines. Students study oral diseases, caries, implantology, clinical dentistry, etc. Upon successful completion of the educational program, at the end of the training they are awarded the qualification of a general dentist.

It is worth noting that the medical and social institute does not only provide theoretical knowledge. At the university they teach:

  • carry out dental examinations of adults and children;
  • give recommendations on oral care;
  • administer oral anesthesia;
  • carry out professional oral hygiene;
  • carry out the necessary medical and aesthetic procedures.

Contact Information

Before entering a university, you need to find out all the important contact information about it:

  • where the medical and social institute is located (St. Petersburg): address - Kondratievsky Prospekt, 72a, lit. E;
  • what schedule does it work on (the educational organization operates from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.);
  • what number you can call the university and ask any questions you may have (the telephone number for inquiries can be found on the official website).

Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg): reviews

People speak about the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute in a negative and neutral way. Some people do not recommend enrolling in this university. They point to the low quality of education and the fact that graduates are not in demand. Diplomas issued by the institute are not quoted. Also in the reviews they write that all the advantages that the university indicates on its website are not true. They serve as advertising to attract the attention of applicants.

Those people who speak about the St. Petersburg Institute in a neutral manner have not studied at this university and are not familiar with the essence of the educational process and the peculiarities of conducting classes. However, despite this, they strive to keep applicants from taking the wrong step in their lives - they write that most non-state universities are not trustworthy, they allegedly provide low-quality education, and only strive to earn money from students. Most likely, everything is explained by the fact that doctors are trained by a private educational institution.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that at the moment the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) cannot accept applicants for training. This situation may change after the university goes to court. If the court satisfies the institute's demands, admission will be resumed. To enter here or not is a question to which every applicant will find an answer. When making a decision, you only need to pay attention to the fact that the medical and social institute has lost and the reviews are not only positive.

Rosobrnadzor suspended the state accreditation of the private St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute. Without an accreditation certificate, a university can still conduct educational activities and issue documents on education and (or) non-state qualifications to persons who successfully pass the final certification.

This means that the institute does not have the right to issue a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science and guarantee students a deferment from military service. The Medical and Social Institute became one of 10 universities that were deprived of accreditation within a week based on the results of inspections.

As the rector of the university, Sergei Maltsev, told a Vademecum correspondent, the educational institution has not yet received a decision to suspend accreditation; the order, apparently, has not yet been issued, although it should appear in the coming days. At the same time, as Maltsev explained, the university received a new state license only a month and a half ago. In accordance with legal norms, the educational institution received a certificate of state accreditation on August 4, 2015 after a total inspection. “Since that time, serious violations could not appear,” the rector said.

On November 16-20, the Institute underwent an unscheduled inspection organized by Rosobrnadzor. As a result of this inspection, the university received an order to eliminate violations, which were mainly of a “technical nature” and should not have led to the suspension of accreditation, Maltsev explained. The Institute has already prepared a report on the results of the audit and will soon submit it to Rosobrnadzor, after which accreditation can be restored. According to Maltsev, the department’s actions are related to the task of reducing the number of non-state universities in the country by three times, although there are only three private higher medical educational institutions in Russia.

The St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute has two faculties - medical and additional professional education. 656 students receive full-time education here, and 227 part-time students. According to the university’s report, the number of citations in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers of the institute was 50 times higher than the median level in Russia, the number of articles in scientific periodicals, indexed in the Scopus citation system, per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers is 10 times higher than the median, and according to a similar indicator in the RSCI - 40 times. The university’s income for the year amounted to 49.3 million rubles.

Previously, Rosobrnadzor prohibited the Moscow and Saratov branches of the non-state medical university "Reaviz", which also operates in Samara and St. Petersburg and is considered a competitor of the Medical and Social Institute, from accepting students. The head institute “Reaviz” in Samara has also just completed an inspection by Rosobrnadzor, which in total affected 18 universities. The St. Petersburg branch has not yet been inspected. In addition, in July 2015, Rosobrnadzor accepted students from four medical universities.

St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute is a private educational institution of higher professional education, founded in 2004. The training of doctors of the highest category is carried out by teachers, more than 85% consisting of candidates and doctors of science.

Training for new entrants is carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialties: “General Medicine” and “Dentistry” in full-time and part-time forms of study. The duration of study depends on the chosen form (from 5 to 7 years).

A high level of organization of the educational process at the medical and social institute is ensured through modern equipment and innovative technologies. The information and library fund has electronic and printed publications and is capable of providing more than 25% of students and listeners at the same time. The material and technical base allows us to carry out laboratory, practical and research work at the level of the highest needs.

It provides not only high-quality training in the chosen specialty, but also organizes an interesting and unforgettable student life for its students. Educational teachers, together with student government, regularly organize various cultural events. The Institute adheres to its traditions and rituals associated with them. Students take part in many social activities both at the local and regional level. Physical education is also not lagging behind; the institute promotes a healthy lifestyle and strong physical development. For university students, a sports complex with various training rooms is available for use, and sports competitions are held. Monitoring the condition of students is carried out by the institute’s medical center, and students are also required to undergo a medical commission for admission to practical training.

In addition to basic specialized education, the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute has a faculty of additional professional education, where you can undergo retraining, advanced training courses, and master effective teaching techniques.

The institute has a very loyal payment system. Tuition fees can be paid monthly, semesterly or for a full year of study. A separate category of applicants can count on preferential payment terms (up to 30% of the cost), and deferred payment in specific cases.

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