Home Steering Analysis of the resource of the engines "Hyundai-Solaris. Mythical and real problems of the engine Hyundai and Kia how much engine goes 1.6 solaris

Analysis of the resource of the engines "Hyundai-Solaris. Mythical and real problems of the engine Hyundai and Kia how much engine goes 1.6 solaris

No one will argue that most modern cars are programmed to aging. And for a sudden. If the Solaris engine is not subject to repair, why, who is to blame for that, in this case, do and what to do to prevent the accelerated wear of the motor, let's try to figure it right now.

Anyone who produces cars is interested in selling them as much as possible as possible, with minimal investments. Höndai is not an exception, especially for budget solaris. In the design of the car there are many fairly cheap solutions, inexpensive materials and technologies.. This engine concerns, including.

Official opinion

Officially, Höndai gives a guarantee on the engine without hinged equipment one hundred thousand miles or about 180 thousand km, and this is about five years of operation. Of course, it is far from the fact that the engine will scatter on the 181st thousand, because we know people who go on solaris 250-300 thousand, but there is one factor that cannot be avoided by anyone.

On solaris installed engine Gamma G4fa. Volume 1400 Cubo in or G4FG-G4FC. With volume 1.6 L..

A distinctive feature of motors of the development of the early 2000s is considered to be widespread use of aluminum, in particular, the use of this metal for the manufacture of the foundation of any motor - the cylinder block.

Engine Gamma G4FC.

On the one hand, aluminum is much easier cast iron, which is already practically not used to build blocks, it has excellent thermal conductivity. On the other hand, Aluminum is very plastic and less wearless than cast iron. It is precisely this that makes doubt on the possibility of holding overhaul, which will be relevant on mileage under 200 thousand km.

How do the engine overhaul on the Solaris?

High degree of wear when contacting two aluminum parts (piston and cylinder walls) cause engineers to invent all new means to prevent rapid wear.

Often the cast-iron sleeve is pressed into the cylinder blockwhich wear out more slowly aluminum. But there are other methods, for example, on expensive high-forsted cylinder wall engines are subjected to chemical treatment with nickel and silicon carbide to obtain a durable wear-resistant surface or rolling the cylinder mirror and the surface with a high silicon content is obtained.

The impossibility of boring

These are very effective, but expensive techniques, besides, it is often impossible to settle such a cylinder under repair size.

Gelzovka block of cylinders.

Engine Gamma. received aluminum block With stipulated in it thin-walled cast iron sleeves. It would seem that this is the same technology that should have been allowed to spend the capitals with time - settling the cast-iron sleeve under the repair size, install a repair kit from the pistons and rings of a larger diameter and wind the kilometers further with the renovated block.

Engine problems on Hyundai Solaris

The problem is that the wall thickness of the sleeve does not allow a boring, the sleeve is almost impossible to get from the block and replaced (it is flooded with aluminum at the production stage), and Hyundai did not provide for the possibility of producing repair spare parts, rings and pistons.

Ideally, each block of cylinders with wet sleeves (surrounded by a water jacket) have the ability to replace the sleeve, and the Gamma motor is dry, that is, tightly fixed in the block.

Repair "in theory"

Already crushed cylinders under the sleeve.

Theoretically, the replacement of the sleeves in our motors is possible, there are car services that are taken for it, the whole thing in price. After all, you can buy a new block of cylinders and it will cost in the amount comparable to buying a quarter used solaris.

The question arises about the feasibility of buying a solaris in the secondary market - in any case, sooner or later the cylinders are extended and then the engine will again light up the capital.

When the engine is not subject to repair at a solaris?

Diagnose the motor status is quite simple. This will tell both the mileage on the odometer and quite objective symptoms:

Simplicate "Disposable" engines

To some extent, the Gamma engine is still disposable, but it is not alone. Motor of the first Skoda Fabia, atmospheric Brz. 1.2-1.4 liters, also uses aluminum block and thin-walled cast iron sleeves, recent volkswagen Motor EA211 TSI It is necessary to understand the same technologies and manufacturers - they are little interested in reliability and half-million runs, they need to sell maximum techniques at a minimum cost.

Video about the lack of engine Hyundai Solaris

The owners do not remain anything except to closely monitor the state of the engine, use high-quality fuel and oils, sparing the motor in the heat and in winter, do not pull with the adjustment of the valves and comply with the service regulations. Only so you can maximize the engine resource. Durable all run and smooth roads!

Hyundai Solaris is a subcompact car, the first generation of which appeared on sale in 2011. This car due to its excellent performance characteristics and affordable cost is very popular with buyers. Economical and unpretentious in maintenance Engine Hyundai Solaris had a fairly simple design, which simplified his subsequent repairs.

Two Motors of the GAMMA series with a working capacity of 1.4 and 1.6 liters were installed on the car.

Engines Hyundai Solaris have proven themselves as quite reliable and economical. They were easy to maintain and did not require frequent. In the technical recommendations of the automaker indicated service operations with a motor, and also stipulated which oil to pour into the engine.


The basic 1.4 liter motor has the following specifications:

The motor is installed on Hyundai Solaris, Hyundai I25 and Hyundai Accent.

Buyers are very popular with a powerful 1.6 liter engine Hyundai Solaris, which has the following specifications:

The motor is installed on Hyundai Solaris and Hyundai i25.

Design features

Both of these power units were distinguished by reliability and excellent power, which they managed to remove from a small volume of the engine.

With relatively compact sizes, the motor had a piston stroke of 85 millimeters. The engines were distinguished by unpretentious in operation, which allowed in them inexpensively semi-synthetic engine oil.

Of the features of these power units, you can allocate:

  1. Location of the catalyst in the front of the engine and the chain drive timing. The latter saved the car owner from the need to regularly replace the drive.
  2. The timing chain drive, which was used on the Hyundai Solaris engines, is rare on small motors. This prerogative is mainly large in terms of engine volumes from leading automakers.
  3. We also note the lack of valve gap hydrocompensators, which simplified the design of the motor, and at the same time provided a smooth and stable engine operation.
  4. It must be said that a similar motor was installed on Hyundai Accent. Economical Engine Hyundai The emphasis was distinguished by simplicity in maintenance and reliability. This motor does not eat oil, so these service work can be carried out with an interval of 15 thousand kilometers.
  5. Hyundai Solaris engines are equipped with a point fuel injection system, which in turn increased the power of power units. It should be noted that the motor with a volume of 1.4 liters turned out to be highly reduced and the peak of its capacity showed 6300 revolutions per minute. Whereas a lack of thrust was noted on low revs. The version of the engine with a volume of 1.6 liters was completely absent. He had an explosive character and excellent car car with this engine showed already from 3.5 thousand revolutions per minute.
  6. A distinctive feature of the power units of the GAMMA series from their numerous precursors is the reverse location of the intake manifold. If the exhaust manifold together with the catalyst is located standard behind the motor, the intake manifold is located in front. Such a layout made it possible to reduce the operating temperature of the motor, which affected the reliability of the unit and oil consumption. Cold air enters the cylinders through the collector, which improves fuel moistening.
  7. Another advantage of such a layout is to save space in the processionate space. All this made it possible to significantly simplify access when repairing most of the main components of the car.
  8. To reduce the friction of the piston about the cylinder wall, its axis was shifted relative to the axis of the crankshaft for ten millimeters. All this made it possible to do the work of the engine more even and quiet. Motor does not eat butter and does not require any serious service. At the same time, there is no vibration and inertia is reduced.
  9. The cylinder block is made of light and rigid aluminum. In the production of a block of cylinders, a pressure casting technology was used. This made it possible to reduce the mass of the power unit by 11 kilograms, and, at the same time, the power part retained the strength and rigidity they needed.
  10. The motor does not have problems with overheating, and the Hyundai engine itself showed itself as a fairly reliable and durable. The motor does not require the use of expensive lubricants, so the car owner may not even think about the question: "What oil pouring" into your car, they are all available and listed in the operating instructions.
  11. The use of chain drive timing delivered a car owner from the need to regularly replace the belt and engine oil. Thus, the simplicity of motor maintenance increases, and the risk of chain break is minimized. It must be said that many car owners are confident that the "eternal" chain does not require any service. However, it is not. Usually it is stretched to run 300 thousand kilometers, which requires the GDG adjustment. It is located in the total block.
  12. In later versions of the motors of this family, two hydraulicers appeared, which were eliminated from the need to maintain a chain drive.
  13. A gas distribution system is located on the graduation shaft. The exhaust camshaft rotates depending on the rotor of the motor. Thereby ensures high-quality gas-dynamic supervision, which is responsible for the thrust and engine power. In particular, the use of such a dynamic system of gas distribution allows you to improve car traction on low and medium engine speeds.
  14. The valve drive does not have hydrocompensators, which made it possible to significantly simplify the design of this mechanism. At the same time, it is not required to produce any valve adjustment. Regardless of the quality of the fuel used, the flap of valves is completely absent.
  15. The intake manifold is made with a plastic resonator that reduces the pressure and noise of air. The absence of intake pulsation made it possible to improve the smooth operation of the power unit. A set of revolutions is always smooth and even, which in turn gives small Hyundai Solaris with excellent indicators of the car dynamics.
  16. The exhaust manifold is made of stainless pipe, and its profile and length were designed in such a way that it provides optimal engine cylinders.
  17. Another feature of Hyundai Solaris power units is the change in the location of the attached aggregates. The generator is located at the top of the engine, which allows you to simplify the repair of this node, and protects it from watering with water when driving on the puddles.
  18. Air conditioner compressor changed space with a hydraulic power pump. The latter is now in the rear of the car, and the compressor is located in front of the motor.
  19. Hyundai Solaris became one of the first cars of the South Korean manufacturer, which uses the electronic gas pedal control system. That is, there is no mechanical connection of the engine and pedals. This made it possible to introduce various electronic systems that respond not only for the security of the car control, but also improved the operation of the idle motor.
  20. The mode of operation of the generator has changed, which dynamically changes its power, depending on the rotor of the engine and the position of the gas pedal.
  21. The engine cooling system was also upgraded, which received a double thermostat. This allowed not only to increase the engine cooling efficiency, but also provides the most rapid heating of the motor after a long car parking.

Engine breakdowns and ways to eliminate them

The appearance of the knock when driving the engine.Similar evidence of wear
valve pushers or their incorrect
adjustment. In this case, it is necessary
Open the motor and replace valve pushers.
Floating idle turns and strong vibration on a cold car.The problem may be in defective candles.
Ignition and coils. Recommended
check the original candle clearance,
make them replace and replace coils
Characteristic whistling generator from under the hood.It is necessary to check the tension of the roller or
Replace the generator belt.
The emergence of problems with engine warming.Fault in the cooling system.
It is recommended to replace the thermostat or
Cooling fluid pump.

Hyundai Solaris Motor Tuning

Currently, there are several ways to increase engine power by car Hyundai Solaris:

  • The simplest hardware tuning implies a change in the engine control program. The advantage of this option is the possibility of obtaining ten percent of power growth, without changing the reliability of the power unit. The cost of such a hardware tuning ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. All work occupies 30 minutes from the strength, after which the Hyundai Solaris engine gets the necessary power gain, improving the dynamic indicators of the machine.
  • Also popular with chip tuning, which implies the installation of an additional box with an engine operation control unit. Such actions do not represent difficulties, which makes it possible to carry out all the work of the car owner independently. It only takes him to buy the chip block itself, and its connection to the engine does not represent much difficult.
  • There is a possibility of deep motor tuning with a volume of 1.6 liters. In this case, the car owner can get an increase in power of 30%, but the engine resource is reduced. Such an engineering tuning implies a comprehensive work on the installation of a new lightweight crankshaft, cylinder boring and the installation of a new flowing flywheel. Simultaneously with the change in the mechanical part, the engine control unit is reconfigured. Lambda probe is removed, the zero pressure filter is set. It is also possible to replace the standard exhaust system on the forward flow.

It must be said that such an engineering tuning has not received proper popularity today, which can be explained by a number of reasons. First of all, it is a high cost of work that can make up half of the cost of the entire car. You should also consider problems with the reliability of the engine, the resource of which after conducting such events is significantly reduced.

  • Separate tuning specialists offer the installation of a turbine and balloon equipment with a nitrogen zakin, however, we would recommend to refrain from such extreme tuning options. First of all, the car itself is not intended for such high engine power, so it becomes uncontrollable and simply unsafe. Yes, and the resource of the motor with such interference is reduced to a minimum. It is not uncommon when, after installing the turbine, the power unit was able to hold only a couple of thousand kilometers, after which he exploded, which led to the need for expensive car repair.

Since 2010, Hyundai Solaris is equipped with 1.4 and 1.6 liter gasoline engines. At first it was G4FA and G4FC, later G4LC. Their power ranges from 100 to 123 horsepower. Engines are working in a pair with MCPP or automatic transmission. The first mechanics on Solaris with the M5CF1 marking had 5 steps and was performed on the basis of a two-chart, a few years after the start of production, a six-speed mechanic M6CF1 became available. As for the machine, the originally Korean manufacturer used the four-stage automatic transmission A4CF1. After restyling 2014, a six-speed machine was developed for versions with a motor for 1.6 liters, but the A4CF1 box is still available for Hyundai Solaris with a 1.4-liter motor.

Technical Features of Engines Hyundai Solaris

The Gamma Motor Series, designed for Hyundai Solaris and other concern models, came to the Alpha series shift and has characteristic features:

  • The cylinder block is cast from aluminum, lightweight design has high rigidity. So that the cylinder does not abrade the piston, use a thin cast-iron sleeve, which is fed into the part. This layout reduces the weight of the motor, to achieve quick warm-up and efficient cooling of the power plant. In parallel with this drops fuel consumption.
  • Collectors are designed on the basis of the reference scheme: the catalyst and the exhaust manifold are located between the motor shield and the engine, the intake manifold is in front. This scheme enabled capacity, simplify maintenance, injection system repair.
  • In the drive of the gas distribution mechanism, a chain is used to stretch the hydraulic tensioners.
  • A system that changes the phases of gas distribution, which improves the axis of the car is introduced.
  • No hydrocompensators.
  • Hinged units, in particular, the generator, pump GUR, air conditioning compressor, are located more competent than in the Alpha series engines.

Constructively Motors G4FC and G4FA, despite different volumes, similar. A chain, which runs 150-180 thousand km, is used as a drive of the gas distribution mechanism. Every 100 thousand km is recommended to adjust the valves. These engines Solaris are unpretentious and economical. Although quite noisy, especially until they warm up.

The resource of the Solaris engine depends on the standard factors: quality of service, driving manner, compliance with operational norms. The manufacturer issues a guarantee for cars - 150 thousand km. But Hyundai Solaris power units will no longer go to 200-300 thousand km. And what after? After repair is required. And since the block is made of aluminum, it can be considered "disposable", that is, after wear of the cylinders, it is subject to replacement.

In Russia, there are workshops in which they have developed their own recovery techniques, but the fact remains: strictly verified factory repairs technology does not exist, the engineers have created a lightweight, high-tech block of cylinders, sacrificing its maintainability.

Then how do motorists come? They remove the blocks, grind crankshafts and CBC, remove and change cast iron sleeves. But the complexity is that the wall of the sleeve is very thin, and she herself is "filled" aluminum - fused to the block. And in view of the fact that strength, corrosive resistance, aluminum and cast iron are characterized by other, more subtle repair operations, which are not far from every wizard.

Therefore, it makes sense to strictly observe the service standards, changing the oil and the oil filter every 7.5-10 thousand km (the manufacturer recommends the oil viscosity 5W20 or 5W30), and also additionally use the composition for impact repair and flushing, which will extend the resource of the power unit. Treatment with the repair and recovery makeup is desirable to do before the characteristic signs of engine malfunctions will appear:

  • Fall compression.
  • Engine vibration and rolver jumps.
  • Elevated oil consumption.
  • A strong noise due to the wear of KSM, elements of the cylinder-piston group.

What will the injecting repair of the engine Solaris?

Hyundai Solaris car processing 2011. Mileage 140000, elevated oil consumption and knock on a cold engine. Endoscopy of the engine showed the presence of scaling:

Results of adding an additive RVS Master on re-endoscopy:

  • metal-ceramic layer formation
  • troubleshooting
  • elimination of "Mased"

RVS-Master additive is a friction geomodifier that restores worn parts by increasing the metal ceramics layer. This occurs only where the reaction of the substitution of the FE atoms of the MG atoms is possible. In the engines of Hyundai Solaris, the metal ceramics layer is formed on cast iron sleeves. The remaining surfaces of aluminum are cleaned from Nagara. Engine processing gives the following results:

  1. The extension of the resource (this is critical for the engine Hyundai Solaris, the restoration of which is technically difficult, and not every wizard is ready to guarantee the result of the work done).
  2. Increasing the elasticity of rubber seals, which minimizes oil leaks.
  3. Reducing fuel consumption - up to 15%.
  4. Minimizing noise and vibrations Engine Hyundai Solaris.
  5. Simplifying starts at minus temperatures.

For the processing of the engine of solaris with a volume of 1.6 liters, the additive is suitable, as in this motor 3.7 liters of oil. The same composition will be needed for a 1,4-liter engine, in the lubricant system of which 3.3 liters of oil.

Note with the intensive operation of Hyundai Solaris, it is necessary to combine the regulatory replacement for oil with a flushing of the additive system. This is especially true in cases where the car is operated in a metropolis with frequent dashing in traffic jams. Flushing will remove Nagar and other deposits from the inner surfaces of the power unit.

If unexpected violations appeared in your solaris, or the ignition coil was faced, the ignition coil should be more carefully taken to the selection of gas stations.

Most likely, you were protected by poor-quality gasoline. To continue to protect yourself from similar consequences, use the additive. It will increase the octane gasoline indicator by 3-5 units, optimizes the process of its combustion, reduce the probability of freezing.

Mechanical and automatic boxes Hyundai Solaris

Classical mechanics and automatic are available for Hyundai Solaris. The car was completed in two different automatic transmissions: four- and six-speed. Moreover, the six-speed box with the labeling A6GF1 is more economical, pleases with smooth operation, but grieves the mediocre reaction to the press of the gas pedal. The A6GF1 fits from 7.3 to 7.8 liters of ATF.

Although the plant does not provide for the replacement of oil into the automatic transmission, it follows to do it every 80-100 thousand km. After all, the A6GF1 box is sensitive to the quality and pressure of the oil, the integrity of the glands, gaskets. If you neglect the service, probably critical wear, failure of solenoids, frictional. Restore the automatic gearbox and prevent its wear will help additive.

Five- and six-speed mechanical boxes Hyundai Solaris are quite reliable, which confirms the experience of their operation on Elantra and other Korean models. Among the factory shortcomings of the 5th is an increased noise, the root when moving by reverse. The defect manifested itself on cars issued until 2012.

In mechanical transmissions, we recommend changing the oil every 50-60 thousand km. And to extend the box resource, use. Thanks to the additive, it will be possible to extend the resource of the parts, compensate the wear on the friction surfaces to achieve easier switching, reduce the noise of the transmission and restore the gear.

For a configuration of a fairly popular brand of car, two engines are used, the volume of which is 1.4 and 1.6 liters. Engine Hyundai Solaris is made by the Chinese division of Hyundai. The technology of assembly and control over the process of production is carried out by Korean engineers, so it is safe to say that the engine Hyundai Solaris is Korean, simply produced and assembled at an external production site.

The solaris engine is aggregated with a mechanical 6-speed gearbox or with a 5-step automaton. Both engines used to configure the car belong to the Gamma series.


The G4FA engine is used on Solaris cars, Kia Rio and Kia LED. It is not surprising, as the cargo brand of cars KIA belongs to Hyndai Corporation. The gamma series is the second generation of modern Motors of dimension of 1.4-1.6 liters, which came to the change of the Alfa series in 2007

The 1.4 G4FA engine is a row gasoline four with a top arrangement of camshaft. The camshaft drive is made with a chain transmission. Classic L4 SOHC engine scheme. Engine volume of 1399 cubes. Maximum power 100 hp ..

The maximum torque value of 13.4 nm Motor issues at 4000 rpm. The engine power curve is practically linear and depends on the revolutions. In the mode of urban ride with an average mode of 3000 rpm Motor issues about 50 hp Maximum is achieved at 6000 rpm.

The torque curve has a constant value mode ranging from 2500 to 3000 rpm and actually operating mode is located above 12 Nm in the entire range of work.

Factory stated service life of 180,000 km.


Motor G4FC is a continuation of the development of the Gamma series. It has the same block as G4FA. The increase in the volume of the combustion chamber was achieved due to the use of another crankshaft and connecting rods, which made it possible to increase the course of the piston, and accordingly the volume. The working volume was increased to 1600 cm3. This led to an increase in power and torque that were 111 hp. and 15.4 nm, respectively.

The engine's design scheme has not changed and remained the same L4 SOHC, which implies the use of the 8-valve cylinder head. The drive is also a chain that does not require replacement during operation.

Motor resource 180,000 km. This corresponds to the maximum duration of the engine. The restriction is laid on the constructive level and is determined by the resource of the cylinder block. Depending on what oil is inserted into the engine, you can increase or decrease the claimed resource.

Applied fuel

The gamma series engines are designed to use fuel with an octane number of not lower than 92. The use of ethyl gasoline is not allowed. Capacity of the fuel tank of the solaris of 43 liters.

Oil system

The oil for Hyundai Solaris is used on the semi-synthetic and synthetic bases. The volume of the oil system is 3.3 liters, but when replacing it is necessary to pour into the engine 3 liters. This is explained by the presence of a unbearable residue, which remains on the walls of the highways and surfaces of the CPG. To determine which oil to pour into the engine, you will need to turn to the instruction manual.

What oil pour on viscous indices is influenced by climatic operating conditions, driving mode, operational load. It is almost impossible to formulate the answer to the question - what engine oil is better for use in a particular car.

If the engine is often unchecked to maximum revolutions, or a car is used in highland, which implies frequent protracted lifts, then it is better to use synthetic engine oils with increased protective characteristics and a viscosity of 0W50 or 5W50.

For normal urban exploitation, it is sufficient to use synthetic 5 W30 or 10W30. Although according to its decisions, the engine can normally work on semi-synthetic oil. The use of mineral lubricants is not allowed.

That engines

Maintenance of force aggregates is recommended to produce every 15,000 km of run. The actual operation before the engine is determined by the operating conditions. When using a car in highly dusty conditions, hard operation, implying mountain serpentines, the operation of a car with a frequent full load requires a reduction in the intersavice interval by two times.

With the standard, the oil and oil filter changes, the filter of the incoming air. The chain does not change, as its resource is comparable to the total life of the engine. The service life of the spark plug is 30,000 km, and the fuel filter must be changed every 60,000 km.

The structure of the power unit does not provide for the installation of hydrocomathers, so every 90,000 km of mileage requires adjustment of the Hyundai Solaris valves. Valve adjustment is a fairly complex technological process, so it is better to entrust this work to technical specialists of a certified service center.

Repair of Solyaris engines

Overhaul of the engine Solaris is not provided. Cast-iron sleeves, fused into the aluminum block, are quite thin and do not suggest any additional mechanical processing. The boring of the block is not laid constructively.

In addition, the manufacturer does not supply the repair dimensions of the pistons and the rings, implying that by developing a resource it is necessary to purchase the so-called short block unit, i.e. Cylinder block with crankshaft and mounted elements of the CPG. As an option for the repair of a "disposable" block, a plasma spraying of the material followed by a boring under the nominal size can be applied.

Such repairs can restore the resource values \u200b\u200bof the operation of the engines. Repairs on this technology have shown a good result, while not only the walls of the cylinders, but also the crankshaft necks are restored.

Major malfunctions Hyundai Gamma series

The most common problem is the noise or knock caused by the chain. But this manifestation of a malfunction passes when driving the engine. If the knock does not leave, the valves should be adjusted, since the incorrect gaps are the second cause of the knock.

The gamma series is very arrogant to the quality of the air supplied. The throttle pollution can affect the stable operation of the engines in idle mode. In addition, contamination may affect the stability of revolutions when driving.

Another fault is a whistle. But this sound is not a manifestation of a malfunction of the motor, and signals the wear of the tensioner roller bearing, after replacing the roller, the noise disappears.

Problems often include vibration that appears in approximately around the area of \u200b\u200boperation mode of 3000 rpm. Benhable motor tests show the absence of such vibration. This manifestation is associated with the frequency characteristics of the engine-body system, which is included in the resonant state at these crankshaft rotation frequencies. Raising or reducing revolutions in motion eliminates this annoying feature of the car.


Tuning Engine Hyundai Solaris with the use of another camshaft, changes in intake and final collectors, turbines, as well as making any constructive changes to the CPG in conditions of simple daily operation is not particularly common.

A simple way to tuning the DVS Hyundai is to make changes to the software block software. Cancellation of restrictions, according to the environmental class, allows you to add 10-15 hp.

Many motorists are interested in the resource of the engine Hyundai Solaris 1.6. After all, it is from this indicator that the service life of the car directly depends. There are 2 types of this indicator. One is called the factory resource of the engine. Under this value implies the estimated service time of the engine. Another indicator is an actual resource, and it depends directly from the features of operation. In practice, one owner can depart without problems 200-300 thousand kilometers, and the other will threaten the engine for 50 thousand.

Therefore, the factory resource can only be viewed as on the reference material. You can find out the resource of a particular power unit from the technical characteristics published by the manufacturer.


Hyundai Solaris 1.6 engine resource is one of the indicators of the technical characteristics of this car. In general, the power unit, installed on this model, is quite reliable. In the process of operation, it practically does not cause any complaints. Engine breakdowns practically do not occur. With normal maintenance of the power unit, its resource is at least 180,000 kilometers. This indicator is specified in the car's operational book. But, after all, the drivers first of all always draw on other technical characteristics of the motor:

  • Motor volume - 1,591 liters;
  • Valves - 16;
  • Engine power - 122 hp at 6000 revolutions;
  • Torque (maximum) - 155 HXM / 4200 revolutions.
As you can see from this list, the engine installed on Solaris has good technical specifications. He enters the Gamma series. All engines from this line are characterized by quite high reliability and good indicators. The power unit with a volume of 1.6 liters is equipped with a distributed injection system. For work is used.

Particularly in detail should be considered the system of gas distribution. The mechanism is used here Dohc.. The use of such a gas distribution scheme made it possible to make the engine more hardy and reliable. The system has a special mechanism of two tensioners, which make it impossible to slip the chain, even with its strong stretching. The lifetime of the chain is designed for the entire resource period of the power unit.

From other features, you can mark the location of the collectors from different sides of the engine. The intake is made of special plastic, it is located on the front of the engine, which facilitates the maintenance of the injector. Also for powering the engine there is a fence of cold air, which allows you to increase the engine power practically. The exhaust manifold is located on the back of the aggregate. This made it possible to make a release system easier.

There is also some more positive features that increase the reliability of the engine and its units. The axis of cylinders is slightly shifted relative to the crankshaft, it allows you to reduce the load on the piston skirt. The cylinder block is made of aluminum rigid alloy. This made it possible to make it simultaneously light and durable.

Engineers abandoned valve hydrocompensation. Unlike previous versions of engines installed on Hyundai Solaris, this motor will not knock valves when starting. Also a positive feature was raised by attached elements. In particular, now the generator practically does not suffer even when driving quite large puddles.

How to raise a motor resource?

Judging by the factory resource, then the life of the engine is small. But, with competent care, you can extend the resource of this unit to sufficiently long time. Even if you do not plan to use the car all this time, the correct operation will reduce the risk of breakdowns.

The most important work to maintain the health of the engine in an adequate state, becomes the oil change. Use always high-quality lubricants recommended by the manufacturer. Also consider the climatic features of operation. The oil must match the season, otherwise you can get problems with the engine. It is also important to replace the oil and air filters in a timely manner. Do it simultaneously with the fill of the new oil.

It should be refueling, only on verified gas stations. This will guarantee the quality of fuel, which in turn extends the service life of the motor.

Do not constantly drive the engine at high speed. Operation of the power unit in modes close to the limit, leads to increased wear of parts and premature failure of the motor.

Conclusion. The life of the power unit of any machine depends on the technical characteristics and features of operation. Hyundai Solaris 1.6 engine resource is relatively small, but, with proper use of the car, it is possible to extend it significantly.

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