Home Rack Insure the truck with compulsory insurance for physical insurance. Features of insurance for trucks. Documents for obtaining auto insurance for a truck

Insure the truck with compulsory insurance for physical insurance. Features of insurance for trucks. Documents for obtaining auto insurance for a truck

In the Russian Federation, according to the law, all types of cars are subject to compulsory insurance.

Therefore, obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance for a truck is just as important as for a passenger car; you should not neglect it. Let's look at the features of truck insurance in 2017 on the territory of our state.

Why do you need truck insurance?

There are many reasons why it is important to insure your truck. Of course, the most important reason is the obligation established by the state legislature, but there are other reasons.

Here is a list of the main ones:

  1. The low maneuverability of trucks leads to emergency situations, often with minor damage, but leading to expensive repairs; it is in such cases that compulsory motor liability insurance and CASCO insurance are irreplaceable, since drivers often cannot afford to carry out repairs on their own;
  2. In a collision with a passenger vehicle, it will suffer enormous damage and it is insurance that will help cover it as the culprit of the accident;
  3. Often, trucks belong not to an individual citizen, but to large and small organizations of various kinds; in this case, compulsory motor liability insurance will help specifically for legal entities.

Just as when obtaining an MTPL policy for a passenger car, insurance is issued for trucks after a technical inspection has been completed and when the diagnostic card is already in hand. If the cargo vehicle weighs less than 3.5 tons, then this procedure must be completed every two years. And if you have a larger truck, you will have to undergo a technical inspection every year.

How much does it cost to get truck insurance? Let's look into this issue.

Cost of MTPL for trucks

If the vehicle is used by one driver, then a regular insurance policy is issued, but if it will be driven by several persons, for example, if an organization owns the truck, then unlimited insurance must be taken out. This certainly affects the cost of obtaining insurance.

But what is important is not what type of document is issued, but the tariffs for issuing a policy for trucks.

In the Russian Federation, the price of insurance for trucks is slightly higher than for cars. In addition, the greater the weight of the truck, the higher the price of the policy.

The total price of the insurance policy is calculated from the maximum weight of the vehicle, territorial coefficient, KBM and FAC, as well as other values ​​that each insurance company has its own.

The amount does not include the price of insurance for the trailer, but when filling out the document, you need to inform the insurance company employee that you will be operating a cargo vehicle with a trailer, which will be noted in the insurance policy. This will increase the total price of an insurance policy.

But the main role in determining the price of insurance is played by the category of your vehicle and its weight. For a truck weighing less than 16 tons, it is minimal, but for a total weight of more than 16 tons, it can be several times higher.

What documents are needed to issue a policy?

If you are the only driver with access to the truck, that is, an individual, then you need to provide documents to obtain an MTPL insurance policy.

The package of documents includes the following:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • PTS and STS for your vehicle;
  • statement;
  • driver license;
  • diagnostic card of your car.

For legal entities

If the truck is operated by several persons and is the property of an organization, then you, as a legal entity, need to provide other documentation.

The documents must be the following:

  • registration of your legal entity;
  • power of attorney if your organization is represented by a representative;
  • statement;
  • PTS and STS for the vehicle;
  • as well as a diagnostic card.

If necessary, a list of approved drivers and their driver's licenses must be provided. If you decide to take out unlimited insurance, then you do not need a license or a list of drivers allowed to drive a car.

What is the punishment for driving a truck without compulsory motor insurance?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all vehicles in use, be it a truck or a car, must have a certain list of documents:

  1. Vehicle registration certificate (VRC) and preferably vehicle passport (PTS);
  2. Driver license;
  3. Motor vehicle policy;

If, when your car is stopped by a traffic police inspector, you cannot provide the government official with any of these documents, including the MTPL policy, then you will be required to pay an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles in accordance with Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility.

As we said earlier, the process of obtaining a motor vehicle license for trucks for private and legal entities has its own differences.

Individuals need: a document of ownership of the truck; registration with the traffic police; driving and personal documents; previously issued policies; diagnostic card.

For legal entities: truck purchase and sale agreement; certificates of registration of the enterprise and vehicle with the traffic police; power of attorney for the policy issuer; diagnostic card; register of driver's licenses of private individuals allowed to drive a truck. If you take out unlimited insurance, a driver's license is not required.

Freight transport has a different purpose, unlike passenger cars. Cargo transportation can be carried out for your own needs or commercial deliveries. For this reason, there are two insurance options: MTPL for a truck for an individual and an organization. For private owners of such vehicles, a larger list of insurance cases is also offered:

  • theft and theft;
  • vehicle wear;
  • road accidents (including those caused by a load, but not a car);
  • natural and man-made incidents;
  • vandalism and damage to the van.

If the cost is satisfactory, you can proceed to obtaining an MTPL policy. To do this, fill out an electronic application form on the insurance company’s website with the following information:

  • information about the car (make, model, VIN number, service life, mileage);
  • information about the owner and persons authorized to drive the vehicle (personal data, driving experience);
  • history of previous insurance contracts;
  • term of the contract and insurance cases.

The insurance company can introduce individual restrictions and rules of cooperation with truck owners. However, they are within the framework of the Government Decree, which in turn provides a number of mandatory criteria for insurance. Among the basic rules for insuring freight transport are:

  • The tariff and payment for compulsory motor liability insurance are determined by the brand and type of truck. Semi-trailers and vans have some of the cheapest tariffs, while the most expensive is reserved for refrigerators. Owners of new foreign-made vehicles will also have to pay more, because their tariff is much higher than for domestic used models.
  • According to their carrying capacity, vehicles are divided into two categories - cargo (up to 18 tons) and heavy duty (more than 18 tons). In a single category, cars have the same tariffs.
  • Insurance of certain cargoes does not prohibit the transportation of others. When a vehicle is damaged, for example, during operation during a period not covered by insurance, compensation will be denied under compulsory motor liability insurance. If the truck is damaged while transporting cargo that does not fall under the insured type, the owner has the right to full compensation. In this case, only the cargo is not subject to compensation.

There are other nuances that occur in a particular insurance case, but they are rare.

To issue a policy, you need to make sure that the car is in good condition. For freight transport, the requirements for passing a service station are strict. The main thing is that the machine must be checked by an accredited operator who is in the RSA register. The legislation establishes the deadlines for passing technical inspection:

  • If the vehicle's carrying capacity is less than 16 tons, the owner must begin to carry out a technical inspection after 3 years of operation of the car (provided that the car is new). Vehicles aged from 3 to 7 years are checked every 2 years. Cars older than 7 years – annually.
  • If the truck's load capacity is over 16 tons, a technical inspection is carried out every year.
  • Freight transport for the transport of dangerous goods is inspected every 6 months.

The cost of the policy depends on the carrying capacity of the vehicle. Engine size does not matter; this parameter is not taken into account when calculating the price of electronic insurance. At the same time, the owner receives a discount when re-issuing a policy if the driver’s driving experience exceeds 3 years. The period for which compulsory motor insurance can be purchased is 3 – 12 months.

Our insurance company offers individuals and organizations from Moscow who own freight vehicles to purchase e-OSAGO online. We also issue policies for owners of minibuses and buses.

Registration of an insurance policy for a vehicle is a rather lengthy process and requires a lot of time and attention. Collecting documents sometimes takes a lot of time, which entails not only stagnation in work, but also the loss of potential clients of cargo transportation companies. We will draw up an agreement in a short time according to all the rules so that you can travel without fear.

MTPL truck insurance The insurance company with which you are insured will, in the shortest possible time, reimburse you for repairs or the cost of the truck if it is stolen. Of course, provided that your MTPL policy is drawn up correctly and takes into account all possible risks. How to choose such a company? Contact our company OSAGOiKASKO.NET for help. We will always advise you on insurance issues and help you find out where you can insure your truck and also help you choose a favorable insurance rate.

The specialists of our company OSAGOiKASKO.NET have information about the most famous large insurance companies and we know which of them are reliable in the insurance market. Having information on hundreds and dozens of insurance rates, our company will select the most suitable MTPL and CASCO policy for you.

OSAGOiKASKO.NET specialists will tell you what risks to include in the insurance policy, how to profitably calculate the book value of the truck, and advise you on what to do if an insured event occurs. With our company, car insurance becomes easier!

You can apply for MTPL and CASCO insurance for any brand of car. All you need to do is call us by phone: 7 499 399-34-53 or come to our office: Konkovo ​​metro station, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya street, 111, bldg. 1.

Depending on the storage conditions and accident-free driving record, insurance companies may offer special insurance programs for trucks or, for example: CASCO auto insurance with a deductible.

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Our special “Careful Storage” program provides for parking the vehicle in a closed and guarded area. This type of insurance is popular among fleet owners, because they can receive an additional discount of up to 25% on the amount of insurance payments.

The Confident Driver truck insurance program allows you to save up to 50%. The owner of the vehicle pays the remaining half of the insurance premium only if an accident occurs. However, in case of damage or theft of a car, compensation is paid in full.

To obtain truck insurance, you will need the following documents:

  • Civil passport and driver's license.
  • Power of attorney (if available).
  • Technical passport of the truck.
  • Certificate of registration with the traffic police.
  • Inspection certificate.

If you present last year's insurance policy, you will be able to take advantage of special discounts for regular customers.

The final price of an MTPL insurance policy for freight transport depends on several criteria:

  1. Vehicle service life;
  2. Make and model;
  3. Power unit power;
  4. Place of registration of transport;
  5. Driving experience and age of the owner;
  6. Driving experience, age and number of persons allowed to drive the car;
  7. Duration for which the truck is insured;
  8. Insurance history;
  9. Seasonality of car operation.

Freight transport purchased on credit or leasing must be insured not only under the OSAGO agreement, but also under CASCO insurance. On average, tariffs for large cars are about 2-4%. The highest interest rates for CASCO insurance are provided for mini-trucks, minibuses and vans.

An owner who takes out full MTPL and CASCO insurance for large vehicles protects both himself and the driver of the car from risks associated with accidents, injuries, as well as financial claims and lawsuits. In the event of an insured event, the main material costs will be borne by the insurance company, and not the owner of the vehicle.

In order to insure a truck and obtain an MTPL policy, you must provide the insurance company with the following package of documents:

  1. Technical passport of a large vehicle;
  2. Driver's license, passport and other documents of the car owner;
  3. Vehicle registration certificate;
  4. Previous MTPL insurance policy, if available.

It is quite simple to collect the full package of documents listed above, so the execution of an insurance contract and the issuance of an insurance policy are carried out as quickly as possible. The policy can be calculated directly at the office of the insurance company in order to know the full cost of insurance.

Ask a question to an insurance lawyer and solve your problem!

In order to insure a truck under MTPL for an individual, it is necessary to go through an almost identical procedure to that which is required when taking out a policy for other types of vehicles, including passenger cars, but some differences still exist.

What could be the cost of an insurance policy? If necessary, it is possible to independently calculate the price based on existing formulas, but the best option would be to use a special online calculator, which is posted on the official websites of most insurance companies.

In order to obtain data on the total cost of the policy, you only need to enter the data that will be requested by the system.

Factors and conditions that will affect the cost of the insurance policy are the following:

  • Year of manufacture of the truck;
  • Duration of direct use of the truck;
  • Truck make and model;
  • Vehicle engine power;
  • The region in which the car is registered;
  • The age of the person who is included in the insurance as someone who is allowed to drive the car;
  • The length of time a motorist has been driving a vehicle. In this case, this factor means how long ago he received his license as a result of passing the exam required in such situations at the traffic police;
  • The length of time for which the client wishes the insurance policy to be in force;
  • History of insurance relations with companies.

It is necessary to reflect the fact that those cars that were received for use on the basis of a concluded leasing agreement, in addition to registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, also require the purchase of CASCO insurance - such an action is a mandatory condition of the concluded agreement.

The package of documents required to purchase a motor vehicle license varies depending on the owner of the vehicle.

Individuals are required to provide:

  • passport;
  • documents for the car: PTS or registration certificate;
  • written application (when applying for a policy online, the application is generated automatically);
  • driver's licenses of all people allowed to drive the insured vehicle;
  • diagnostic card, confirming the good condition of the vehicle.

If the car belongs to a legal entity, then you will need:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • power of attorney for a representative;
  • representative's passport;
  • insurance application;
  • PTS or registration certificate for a car;
  • diagnostic card;
  • Subject to a limited list of permitted drivers, copies of all persons' driver's licenses. If insurance is issued for an unlimited list of drivers, then no licenses are required.

A motor vehicle license is issued only after full payment of the insurance premium (policy cost), as evidenced by a check, receipt or payment order.

Every owner of a truck registered or operated in Russia is required to have an MTPL insurance policy that protects the driver's liability.

Legal entities and individuals are insured according to the same rules.

OSAGO is a generally compulsory type of motor third party liability insurance for all types of vehicles. The client chooses independently where to buy a car insurance policy. When contacting a company in person, an individual initially presents all the necessary documents, then signs an agreement, and only then makes payment.

Some insurance companies can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance with a breakdown of payments. However, the client should remember that if he failed to make payment on time, the contract may be invalidated.

READ ALSO: Delivery of the MTPL policy

Accredited insurance companies who are required to have a license to provide this type of service are engaged in issuing compulsory motor liability insurance. Before you buy a policy, you should check on the PCA website to see if the license of the selected company has expired.

Insurance for trucks and cars is calculated in accordance with the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. For calculation, there is a base rate (for trucks from 3509 to 6341 rubles), which is multiplied by coefficients.

Region of residence, driving experience, vehicle technical characteristics, insurance period, number of insured drivers - all these indicators are applied to the truck and will be taken into account when calculating the final price.

The calculation is carried out using a single formula, so you can make an approximate calculation yourself, focusing on tabular indicators. However, not everyone can select the data correctly, so inaccuracies are possible. For more accurate calculations, there are online calculators on insurance websites; in this case, errors are excluded.

The final cost will depend on the following indicators:

  1. Type of truck (with a permissible weight of up to 16 or more than 16 tons).
  2. Availability of a trailer. For a car with a trailer, the cost of the policy will be higher. The contract does not include data about a specific trailer, so different trailers can be attached to the tractor without taking out new insurance or changing the data.
  3. The period for which the policy is purchased.
  4. Region of registration of the insured vehicle.
  5. Number of persons allowed to drive – the more people included in the insurance, the more expensive it is.
  6. Engine power - this indicator does not apply to trucks.
  7. Coefficient of age and driver experience - if the client has no or minimal experience, then the PIC is the highest.
  8. The bonus-malus coefficient is the discount percentage that is provided for accident-free driving and having a certain driving experience.

The make, model and year of manufacture of the car also matters; the insurer requests this data first of all.

The most accurate calculation can be obtained on the RSA website; all data is current in accordance with current government regulations.

Many customers are outraged by the fact that it is possible to insure a truck under MTPL from several companies at different prices. Some are cheaper, others are more expensive - why, if a base rate tariff corridor has been established at the moment, is the difference in price so significant? The bottom line is that many agents impose additional services on clients, this could be life insurance and so on.

Sometimes they even keep silent about enabling this option. In order not to overpay, the policyholder should immediately ask on what parameters the calculation is based on and what is already included in the cost of the service.

For example, you can take the calculation using the PCA calculator and the third-party service of the Reso company. We take a truck weighing more than 16 tons, with a trailer. The contract period is 12 months. The car owner has not previously insured the property (vehicle). Period of use - more than 10 months, region - Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Golitsyno city. A policy without restrictions on the number of drivers is required.

According to the specified parameters, according to the RSA calculator, the contribution can range from 20,211.30 to 24,252.32 rubles. Whereas, according to the given similar parameters according to the Reso company’s calculator, the cost of the policy will cost 22,188.4 rubles.

The price of a policy largely depends on the company with which you insure your car. If you buy insurance for subsequent years from the same company, as a regular customer, the motorist may be offered a discount.

● Favorable prices and discounts

OSAGO for trucks is always much more expensive than insurance for a regular passenger car. But even in this case, you have a real opportunity to save money when contacting InsChoice.

We always have the most current offers from leading Russian insurers at competitive prices. We will also give you a personal discount that no insurance company can provide.

Even if you have a whole fleet of vehicles, the process of purchasing MTPL for trucks will become not only as convenient as possible but also profitable.

● High quality of services and efficiency

As a rule, vehicle licenses for trucks are issued by legal entities for whom this type of transport serves primarily for commercial purposes. Time in this case is the most valuable currency, and we perfectly understand how important high speed is for legal entities.

Our experienced insurance agents will prepare all the necessary documents for you as soon as possible. Even if you have dozens of trucks at your disposal, we will do everything as efficiently and quickly as possible.

● Absolute reliability and legality

When ordering compulsory motor liability insurance, legal entities are especially careful about the legality and officiality of documents. Indeed, the financial risks in business are too high to entrust such an important issue as obtaining insurance to dubious little-known insurers.

The InsChoice company cares about its impeccable reputation and provides its clients with only the highest quality and reliable services for ordering compulsory motor liability insurance for the office. We work with the best insurance organizations in Russia, market leaders.

You can check all received documents for legality at any time by simply going to the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

● Convenient payment system

By purchasing MTPL from InsChoice, legal entities can use the payment method that is most convenient for them at the moment. Both bank transfer and cash payment are available. Choose the optimal solution, taking into account all the personal characteristics and nuances of your business.

● Possibility to obtain a technical inspection

Technical inspection for large and powerful trucks is always a difficult process. Not all service stations are capable of accepting this type of vehicle for diagnostics.

Every vehicle owner knows that MTPL motor insurance is a document that allows you to legally drive on the roads of Russia without fear of fines or financial losses in the event of an accident. It is generally accepted that the procedure for protecting the liability of drivers driving passenger cars is simplified compared to what insurance conditions are put forward for tractors, trucks or trailers.

Of course, there are differences in the design of the “automobile insurance”, but the compulsory motor liability insurance for trucks itself is issued according to a single principle, regardless of who the owner is, as well as what category the vehicle belongs to.

According to the law, every car owner must insure his property under MTPL, otherwise the driver will face punishment in the form of a fine. To apply for a freight transport policy, you need to collect the necessary documents specified by the insurer, fill out an application, pay the insurance premium and pick up the completed form.

But before submitting documents for issuing an MTPL policy for motor vehicles, you must undergo inspection at a specialized service station, where the driver will be given a form (card) about the technical condition of the vehicle and permission to operate it. While this procedure is easy for passenger cars, insurance for trucks is not acceptable without a valid technical inspection.

This rule is explained by the fact that it is heavy equipment, such as a trailer, truck or truck, that more often causes accidents due to malfunction of its components. Consequently, technical inspection checks for such vehicles are carried out more often and more thoroughly.

Owners of trucks must be inspected for their technical condition at the following intervals:

  • Vehicles weighing up to 16 tons are checked at a service station depending on age. So, while the truck is new, it does not need to be checked until it is 3 years old. From now on, in order to obtain a document technically acceptable for driving a vehicle, owners will have to undergo an inspection at a service station once every two years. If the vehicle is older than 7 years, then the inspection is carried out annually.
  • If the vehicle has a maximum weight of more than 16 tons, then regardless of age, a technical inspection is required every year. According to statistics, it is trucks with such a mass that become involved in road accidents, so they must annually purchase compulsory MTPL insurance, and therefore undergo inspection at the same frequency.
  • If the vehicle is operated for the transportation of dangerous goods, then, regardless of age and weight (carrying capacity), maintenance is carried out twice a year (every six months).

What documents are needed

As you understand, MTPL car insurance is impossible without a valid technical inspection, regardless of the vehicle category. Usually, after selling a car, a new contract can be concluded without going through the MOT again, but in this case no one can guarantee your safety. Therefore, if you are re-registering a car in 2019, it is better to go through the inspection again, even if the diagnostic card was issued not so long ago.

To obtain compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for trucks, you must not only have a valid maintenance card, but also collect other necessary papers. Don’t forget that the procedure for purchasing a car insurance policy is the same for all car owners, which means that in order to insure a truck or car, vehicle owners will need a single package of documents. This list differs only for the category of owner, because a car can be registered to both an individual and an organization (company).

Legal entities and individuals have the opportunity to purchase a policy remotely, which significantly saves time on providing documents and is convenient, since it works around the clock compared to the insurer’s office.

To an individual

Surely, many private drivers are familiar with regulatory legal acts, technical inspection of a passenger car and calculation of the price of a “car citizen”. But what is the difference between buying compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck by an individual compared to cars?

At its core, liability protection applies to all types of vehicles, regardless of who is driving it. Of course, trucks owned by individuals are less common than those registered at an enterprise, but private owners still need to obtain a “motor vehicle license.”

In order to purchase compulsory motor liability insurance for freight transport to a private individual, the insurer must provide the following documents electronically or directly in person in the office:

  1. Documents confirming the identity of the driver (foreign or civil passport).
  2. Purchase and sale agreement certifying ownership of the vehicle.
  3. STS for the car, which indicates to whom the car was registered.
  4. Technical passport of motor transport.
  5. A license allowing the driver to drive.
  6. Maintenance card confirming the proper condition of the vehicle.

Legal entity

We have already said earlier that an MTPL policy for a truck registered to an enterprise, firm or organization is much more common than for individuals. But despite this, in order to insure a truck registered on the company’s balance sheet, drivers will need to provide the same list of documents as individuals with minor additions.

So, in order to buy compulsory motor liability insurance for a truck, in addition to the main package of documents confirming ownership and registration of the vehicle, you will need papers confirming the registration of the enterprise. These documents include a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the charter or minutes of the enterprise. This list changes depending on the requirements of the insurer, but basically you just need to confirm that the legal entity is valid and has the right to carry out its activities.

There are no changes for drivers admitted to driving trucks. That is, to purchase an auto insurance policy, they will need the same passport and driver’s license.

How to calculate the cost

Before purchasing compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck, an individual or an enterprise must calculate the amount of the insurance premium. The price for truck insurance is formed on the same principle as for cars. That is, the cost of compulsory motor insurance contains certain indicators that affect the final amount of the premium.

In all cases, without exception, insurance for individuals, even for a tractor, will cost the same as for a vehicle registered to a company. But with passenger transport, the distribution of the basic tariff occurs differently, i.e. legal entities will have to pay more for insurance than private individuals.

To simplify the calculation of the insurance premium, use the MTPL calculator, which calculates the amount based on the entered indicators. Do not forget that the calculation of the cost of the policy includes an indicator responsible for the experience and age of the driver.

Therefore, if you want to buy compulsory motor liability insurance for trucks registered to your company and several drivers with different experience will be allowed to drive, then it is better to use an unlimited type of policy, since in this case data on the driver’s experience are not taken into account and do not affect the amount of the premium.

But the MTPL category, which implies an unlimited list of drivers allowed to drive, is relevant only for large enterprises. If an individual buys an auto insurance policy, then a policy with a limitation will be cheaper.

Otherwise, the price for a truck policy is calculated from the following indicators:

  • Vehicle registration place. Depending on the territory of registration, the Kt coefficient is applied, which is higher in densely populated large regions and lower in villages. You cannot use other cities and towns to reduce the cost, since this data is taken from the STS for the car.
  • Term of motor vehicle insurance. Typically, the contract period is 1 year, but it can be changed if desired.
  • Driver experience. Drivers with more than 3 years of driving experience are more trusted by insurers than an inexperienced driver, and therefore their coefficient will be lower.
  • Using a trailer. The presence of a trailer increases the amount of the insurance premium, as the multiplying factor is taken into account.
  • Number of drivers. In this case we are talking about the type of insurance, limited or unlimited.
  • Load capacity. The greater the weight of the truck, the higher the base tariff used to calculate the cost of the “motor vehicle”.

Registration procedure

We have already said more than once that issuing compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck is as easy as for a passenger car, the main thing is to follow a certain procedure and collect the necessary package of documents.

The entire procedure for obtaining a “motor citizen”, which helps to obtain a policy without any delays, is built according to the following algorithm:

  1. The car owner chooses the company with which he wants to cooperate.
  2. He chooses a time and goes to the company’s office, having previously specified the list of documents.
  3. Then, at the company’s office, the client will be asked to provide the collected papers and write a statement.
  4. After this, an employee of the insurance company will calculate the price of the policy.
  5. The future policyholder pays the insurance premium and receives a receipt.
  6. Then the client is given a form of the insurance contract in his hands.
  7. The issued MTPL must be placed in the car and always have it while driving.

You can also insure your truck remotely. Undoubtedly, OSAGO online is much more profitable than the procedure of obtaining a policy in person in the office, because the policyholder saves not only time, but also money.

Online truck insurance OSAGO

As you know, remote purchasing of goods and services has become very popular. This is due to the opportunity that allows you to insure your truck online without leaving your home. This registration method does not differ from the standard presence of the policyholder at the company’s office. That is, in order to issue an electronic MTPL policy, the car owner will also need a list of documents indicated above, on the basis of which the cost is calculated.

The registration procedure remotely is significantly superior to purchasing policies in offices. So, to buy an electronic MTPL policy, you just need to select an insurer and register on its official website.

Afterwards, you will be required to make a calculation using an interactive calculator, pay the specified amount and receive a file with the form by email. The OSAGO for a truck online itself has the same legal force as its paper counterpart, only getting the first one is much faster and more convenient.

Conditions of truck insurance in different insurance companies

Each MTPL insurance company provides services for the protection of civil liability of truck drivers. But, despite the large selection of companies, the cost of the policy can vary significantly from insurer to insurer.

The ability to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy remotely allows policyholders to calculate the cost of an auto insurance policy online. Therefore, before choosing a company, compare them in terms of insurance prices. Also, do not forget that when choosing a defender, ratings are important, the list of insurance companies in which is distributed according to reliability, payments and attitude towards clients.

Otherwise, the insurance conditions are the same in all companies and change only based on the performance of the car owner and his vehicle. Thus, compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow will cost more for trucks registered in St. Petersburg, since different territorial coefficients are used for them.

The MTPL policy, which was first used in America, is now mandatory for domestic vehicle owners. Its registration is extremely necessary; without this document you simply cannot drive onto the roadway, since there is a danger of not only being fined, but also getting into an unpleasant situation in the event of an accident. Indeed, in the absence of a policy, all responsibility for the damage caused falls on the owner of the vehicle.

You must remember that while driving, you are required to have both documents for the car and license, as well as the original OSAGO policy. Not only passenger cars are subject to registration; compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck is equally important. Driving a large vehicle is much more difficult, and in case of danger it is not always possible to avoid a collision due to the fact that the maneuverability of the truck is much less.

Necessary documents for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance

Regardless of whether you have a privately owned truck or operate as a legal entity, the package of documents that must be provided to obtain insurance is almost the same. You must provide the insurance company with:

  • ID card if you are an ordinary citizen;
  • having legal status persons, it is necessary to indicate the company details in the papers. They must be certified by the signature of the chief executive and wet seals;
  • a passport issued for a vehicle (truck) or a document confirming its registration;
  • if a compulsory motor liability insurance policy was issued previously, it must also be attached to the documents;
  • Other persons may also be authorized to drive the vehicle. If you intend to include them in your insurance, you must provide copies of their driving documents.

The last rule applies to those who wish to take advantage of a limited version of insurance. For legal entities, an unlimited number of drivers can be included in insurance documents.

Insurance for freight vehicles is much more expensive than for passenger cars. Therefore, it is advisable to review the products of several insurance companies to find a better deal. To do this, you need to visit the offices of different companies, meet with insurance agents, etc. That is, it takes time. But you can use another, more modern method - purchase a policy via the Internet.

Where to buy compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck online?

Not long ago it became available to issue a policy via the Internet. The service turned out to be very relevant, since there are a lot of vehicles on our roads, and accordingly, we need to obtain a huge number of policies. Car enthusiasts willingly take advantage of the opportunity to do this much easier and faster using the Internet.

Our company is among the best; we present products from various insurance companies, and also offer you a convenient service for finding an insurance company, studying its conditions and drawing up an insurance document.

Returning to the question of how much OSAGO costs for a truck, we can say with confidence that it will cost less in our country. Firstly, because our website contains the best offers, and secondly, you will spend much less time and receive more extensive information if you use our service. The more companies you know, the wider the options for choosing acceptable insurance conditions will be.


Among the many advantages of our website is such a convenient function as automatically calculating the cost of a policy. To do this, you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields, after which the system will calculate everything and give you the amount due for payment.

The cost of the policy depends on a number of factors. The determining factor for calculating the final amount is the base tariff, which is then multiplied by the territorial coefficient and other parameters. The tariff is set by the state and depends on the status of the car owner and the type of vehicle.

Also, when calculating the price of the policy, the weight of the truck is taken into account. If you take a car that weighs less than 16 tons and one that weighs more, the final numbers will be different. Doing the calculations yourself is quite difficult, and you may not always get an accurate result. Therefore, the ability to calculate the cost of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck automatically makes the task much easier.

Why is it worth buying OSAGO for a truck online from our company? Our advantages

We professionally issue auto liability insurance policies, guarantee our clients modern service, ease of use of the site, as well as the following important advantages:

  • you can issue and buy an insurance document much faster than in the traditional way;
  • the possibility of various overpayments is excluded - the cost of insurance that the calculator will give you is accurate;
  • online help from a professional specialist;
  • absolute reliability of the policy.

With our company, you have an excellent opportunity to save your time, money and protect yourself from the troubles that the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance for freight transport entails.

In accordance with regulatory legislation, among the list of documents that a motorist must have while operating a car, there is also a compulsory motor insurance policy - OSAGO. Motorists driving trucks are no exception in this case. How can an individual apply for compulsory motor liability insurance for a truck, what are the specifics of obtaining it, what is the list of documentation for the purchase, and what might be the cost of this type of insurance for such a car?

In order to insure a truck under MTPL for an individual, it is necessary to go through an almost identical procedure to that which is required when taking out a policy for other types of vehicles, including passenger cars, but some differences still exist.

First of all, I would like to note a frequently occurring situation when, when contacting an insurance company, persons who are the owners of a vehicle, or those who operate it for its intended purpose, periodically receive a refusal - why don’t they insure in such situations? The company may justify such a refusal by the fact that this type of insurance is not actually included in the list of services provided by their company. Such statements are not legal and any organization operating in the field of auto insurance is obliged, if the client wishes, provides all the necessary documentation and the condition of the car meets all requirements, to issue an insurance policy.

The nuances of obtaining an insurance policy for a cargo vehicle

The features of issuing a truck insurance policy are the following factors::

  • You can apply for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a truck at any auto insurance company;
  • Insurance for a truck differs from a similar process for passenger cars in the way the insurance rate is calculated and the actual methodology for calculating the amount required to be paid;
  • When issuing an electronic MTPL policy for a truck, the owner has the opportunity to view and provide information in the form of such a document;
  • Owners of trucks have the opportunity to receive additional discounts on insurance and participate in promotions conducted by insurance organizations;
  • The insurance procedure can simultaneously consist not only of preventing risks in relation to the car, but also to those material assets that are transported in the vehicle itself;
  • Vehicle owners who intend to insure their trucks can expect to receive significant discounts and lower prices compared to rates and prices for passenger cars. This factor is due to the fact that trucks are essentially much less likely to become involved in road accidents and, in fact, insurance companies are rarely required to make insurance payments in relation to such clients;
  • Among all types of vehicles classified as trucks, the highest prices will be observed in relation to those that are operated in conjunction with refrigerated trailers. In opposite situations, if insurance of trailers, tractors or semi-trailers is required, then the persons who own them can count on the lowest possible tariff rates.

When taking out an insurance policy for a cargo vehicle, the client has the right to take into account a certain list of risks, the occurrence of which requires payment of the amount of damage or the maximum possible in a given situation. In particular, the list of such cases may include:

  • Vehicle theft. Despite the fact that such situations, due to the rather large dimensions of the vehicle, occur quite rarely, at a certain cost of the car its owner may be wary of such a factor and, for an additional fee, include it in the list of insured events;
  • Car wear and tear. In this case, insurance is provided against the fact that certain parts or mechanisms of the vehicle become unusable over time;
  • Damage to a vehicle as a result of an accident. In such situations, compensation must be paid by the insurance company whose client, in accordance with the considered facts, testimony and evidence, was found guilty.

It is worth noting that the possibility of a situation in which direct compensation for damage caused occurs is allowed in the case where material damage as a result of an accident was caused to the property of a person who had an issued MTPL policy. In addition, and provided that it was not expired immediately at the time of the traffic accident. In parallel with this, it is necessary to comply with the circumstances - both one participant in the accident and the other must have insurance, regardless of who is at fault.

The principle of determining the cost of the policy

What could be the cost of an insurance policy? If necessary, it is possible to independently calculate the price based on existing formulas, but the best option would be to use a special online calculator, which is posted on the official websites of most insurance companies. In order to obtain data on the total cost of the policy, you only need to enter the data that will be requested by the system.

Factors and conditions that will affect the cost of the insurance policy are the following:

  • Year of manufacture of the truck;
  • Duration of direct use of the truck;
  • Truck make and model;
  • Vehicle engine power;
  • The region in which the car is registered;
  • The age of the person who is included in the insurance as someone who is allowed to drive the car;
  • The length of time a motorist has been driving a vehicle. In this case, this factor means how long ago he received his license as a result of passing the exam required in such situations at the traffic police;
  • The length of time for which the client wishes the insurance policy to be in force;
  • History of insurance relations with companies.

It is necessary to reflect the fact that those cars that were received for use on the basis of a concluded leasing agreement, in addition to registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, also require the purchase of CASCO insurance - such an action is a mandatory condition of the concluded agreement.

When concluding an insurance contract, the owner of the car or a person authorized to do so will need to provide a package of documentation. So, the motorist will need to present the following list:

  • Passport of the car for which the policy is issued;
  • A license to drive a car of the appropriate category - this fact necessarily requires a strict check for compliance by employees of the insurance company;
  • Certificate of state registration of the vehicle;
  • Identity card of the motorist who will be included in the policy;
  • An MTPL policy that was issued a period earlier and is being redone due to expiration or a change in owner (or for a number of other reasons).

Possibility of obtaining a car insurance policy through an online application

How to apply for an insurance policy? If it is necessary to purchase an insurance policy, the owner of the car or an authorized person must visit the company’s office in person or use the online insurance service, which is available by filling out an application on the company’s official website. To do this, you will need to go to the appropriate page and enter the data requested on the page. Where to buy a policy online? The list of insurance companies in which such a procedure can be performed is wide, but among them the following are distinguished:

  • Ingosstrakh;
  • ZHASO;
  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Uralsib;
  • Intouch;
  • MAX.

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