Home Steering What to do if you lost your car insurance. What to do if your compulsory motor insurance policy is lost. How to restore car insurance Lost car insurance how to restore

What to do if you lost your car insurance. What to do if your compulsory motor insurance policy is lost. How to restore car insurance Lost car insurance how to restore

The question of how to restore a policy if it is lost may be relevant for any person who has issued it. This type of document is required to be presented when applying to a medical institution, and it can be easily lost, both in paper form and in the form of a plastic card. Restoring it is not difficult, but it requires time and knowledge of a certain sequence of actions. How, what, why and why we will analyze in our article.

The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance does not prohibit re-obtaining a policy in the event of its loss. It can be freely restored without spending money on the procedure and services provided. Having discovered a loss, you should collect documents on it (the list is given below) and visit the insurer’s office.

It should be said that the process of obtaining a new policy is almost identical to the initial registration. Thus, the procedure lasts for a period of 30 days.

How to restore if lost - procedure

It takes 2 days to submit an application, review it, and issue insurance. If the original is not issued. Then you should leave the insurer’s office with a temporary option. It is identical in legal force to the original and replaces it for 30 days until the desired version is received. Let's look at different recovery methods:

  1. Contacting the insurance company. If at the time of application the applicant does not have a permanent place of work and does not know how to complete the restoration, he should contact his local clinic. They should tell you where to go, which depends on the list of companies with which the contract is concluded, the entries in the card (the insurer must be recorded).

Important! The clinic does not have the right to refer patients to a specific insurance company, which is contrary to legal requirements.

To visit the IC office, you need to have a hospital card with you, registered at the clinic. Based on this information, the identity card, the insurance company should cancel the existing contract, and in its place issue a new one with a new number.

  1. Contact any insurer. According to the law, you can change your insurer, but not more often than once a year. This is beneficial if you are not satisfied with the service in your company and have complaints. When using this opportunity, the application is written not for restoration or issuance of a duplicate, but for obtaining a new insurance contract. For the old company, in this case, the obligations under the previously executed agreement are canceled.
  2. At the place of work. When using corporate insurance in an organization where a person who has lost his policy works, he can contact the department responsible for this issue. An authorized specialist will himself accept the documents, application and send them to request a duplicate. There is no need to go to the insurer personally. When the temporary version, and then the original, arrive at the address specified in the application, delivery will be made. In this case, you must put your signature on the document.

Registration through MFC

Multifunctional public assistance centers (MFCs) do not yet operate throughout the Russian Federation, but if there is one nearby, you can turn to them for help. This organization is an intermediary between the insurer and the client of the service. The operator has the right to accept the application, check its correctness, take copies of documents and transfer them to the Investigative Committee. After receiving the duplicate, he issues the policy to the applicant.

Important! Only a paper version of the compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC.

Electronic variant

The online service can be obtained through the State Services website. A prerequisite is registration on the site and Russian citizenship. Only after this is access to various services, including the restoration of a lost compulsory medical insurance policy. When filling out the application, information from the original documents or their copies is entered. It is important to ensure that all characters are correct, as typos will result in invalidity and denial of service if necessary.

Since you may need to upload a scanned version of your passport, you should scan it first. A notification will be sent to the user’s Personal Account or to the email specified during registration about the stage at which the application is being processed. Another recovery option is to apply online on the insurer’s website. If in this case you can write an application and send copies of documents electronically, then to directly receive the contract in your hands you need to visit the IC office to put your signatures.

How long should I wait

Since the policy production period is about 30 days and the application takes about another day, you should be patient for about 3 days from the moment you write the application until you receive the contract. After the expiration of the thirty-day period, the insurer undertakes to issue the document.

According to customer reviews on this issue, the average period is 14 days.

Application writing sample

An application for a duplicate compulsory health insurance must contain the following information:

  • required policy option: paper, electronic, plastic
  • information about the policyholder: full name, place of birth, citizenship, SNILS data. category
  • information about the representative of the insured person (if the policy is for a child or the application is made by proxy)
  • signature of the applicant and the specialist who accepted the application

List of documents

In different cases, the list of required documents may be different for adults, children, and citizens of other states. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the list for each group.

Important! The restoration procedure involves issuing only a new version of the contract (old ones are no longer issued).

Standard package

Mandatory documents that accompany the policyholder's application during the restoration procedure of the compulsory medical insurance policy include:

  • ID card (civil passport)
  • SNILS, if available
  • a document in which the registration will appear. This is relevant in cases where it is not possible to provide a passport

For a child

Since a person receives a compulsory medical insurance policy immediately after his birth, if it is necessary to restore the paper, the procedure must be carried out by parents or people representing them in accordance with the law. In this case, when applying, they must have their passport.

The list of required documents includes:

  • birth certificate
  • passport of the parent or his representative
  • power of attorney from parents or their official representatives, if they are not the ones applying
  • SNILS (required for the child and optional for parents)
  • ID card if age over 14 years

If in a situation with a fourteen-year-old child he can take out the policy on his own, then for the younger category of children this is not allowed; the parent must take it out.

For a foreign citizen

For nationals of other states - foreigners, the list of documents is more extensive compared to a similar situation for Russians.

When restoring the compulsory health insurance contract, foreigners are required to provide:

  • application (write when applying)
  • passport
  • document. Confirming the legal grounds for being on the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit)
  • registration documents
  • SNILS (as well as for persons with Russian citizenship, not required)

As in the situation with citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners can receive a temporary policy and use it on a general basis for a month until they receive the original or duplicate.

Will there be penalties?

If you lose a paper or plastic compulsory health insurance card, you should not be afraid of financial sanctions or restrictions on insurance coverage. This procedure is free and does not even require payment of state fees. It should be understood that if they demand money, then this is contrary to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and in this case you can complain to the authorized services.

From the above it follows that if you discover that a compulsory health insurance contract is missing, you should carefully search for it, and if attempts are unsuccessful, apply for restoration. You should not delay, because if necessary, there may not be time for this.

Video: Lost medical policy - what to do?

If a driver has lost his MTPL policy, he may face troubles that depend on the circumstances.

Therefore, every person driving a vehicle should know how to restore the form, and what fines are provided for the absence of this document.

What to do if you lose your policy

First of all, an urgent replacement of the MTPL policy is required. You must stop driving a car, because the loss of a paper form is identical to its absence, for which administrative liability is provided (part two of Article 12.3, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Next, you need to contact the office of the organization where the contract was concluded and receive a new document to replace the old one. If the electronic policy is lost, you need to reprint it on a printer from the company’s website.

Is it possible to drive a car if you have lost your compulsory motor liability insurance?

According to clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Regulations, the motorist is required to have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy with him and provide it upon request to the traffic police crew on duty. If a driver loses car insurance and gets behind the wheel, traffic police officers may issue him a fine. Despite the fact that inspectors have the opportunity to check the accuracy of the insurance policy using a single database, the citizen is obliged to have it with him. In addition, not every car owner has an insurance contract number.

Thus, it is impossible to drive a car without compulsory motor insurance. The existence of a single database does not relieve drivers from their obligations.

When an insured event occurs, the presence of a compulsory motor liability insurance form is a mandatory condition for receiving compensation. In some cases, the insurance company may refuse to pay damages if the driver did not have a policy during the accident. To avoid trouble, it is better not to drive until the document is restored.

Responsibility for the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy

Despite the fact that the loss of the policy does not mean its cancellation, there is a risk of the car being stopped by traffic police officers, who may require you to provide compulsory motor liability insurance. In case of his absence, a protocol on the commission of an administrative offense is drawn up with a warning and a fine.

According to part two of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you will have to pay 800 rubles for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance. It is quite difficult to prove the fact of concluding an insurance contract. The traffic police inspector has every reason to draw up a protocol and impose an administrative fine.

Step-by-step recovery instructions

The principle of action in case of loss of electronic and paper policies is slightly different.

Paper insurance

To restore your insurance policy, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Contact the branch of the insurance company where the contract was drawn up.
  2. Provide the necessary documents.
  3. Write an application for re-issuance of the policy due to loss. This can be done by the policyholder indicated in the original form, or by the person who has received a power of attorney from him.
  4. Get a copy of the MTPL for free. Special marks will indicate that it was issued to replace the previous one.

To contact an insurance company you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • driver's license;
  • car registration certificate;

A copy of the policy is issued without charging any money, unless other insurance conditions have changed. In some cases, it will be necessary to recalculate the insurance premium due to an increase in coefficients, for example, when adding a driver with little driving experience.

The insurance organization has the right to set a fee for subsequent issuance of duplicates. Usually it ranges from 300 to 500 rubles.

It is permissible to restore compulsory motor liability insurance through an insurance agent if the lost form was filled out through him as an intermediary.

If the insurance company refuses to issue a duplicate MTPL, you must write a statement to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers about a violation of the motorist’s rights and document the fact. To do this, attach a copy of the organization’s refusal, a driver’s license and STS. You can download the application form for violation of rights on the Internet on the official website www.autoins.ru/ru/appeal/baseform.wbp.

Electronic policy

More and more policyholders prefer to buy policies online. Over the past two years, more than 2.5 million e-OSAGOs have been issued. The first places in sales of electronic forms are taken by Rosgosstrakh, RESO-garantiya, and Ingosstrakh.

It is impossible to lose such insurance, because all the information is in a special database. However, drivers are required to carry a printout of the completed form. If the driver has lost it, proceed as follows:

  • log into your Personal Account on the insurer’s website;
  • visit the “Current Policies” tab;
  • print out the required OSAGO form.

It is also permissible to contact the insurance company office with a request to issue a policy drawn up on a strict reporting form. This applies to any organization, be it ROSNO, Rosgosstrakh or MAX.

The principle of restoring a lost CASCO policy is not much different. You need to contact a representative of the Investigative Committee with an application to issue a second copy. In this case, you are allowed to drive a car provided you have motor liability insurance in hand.

What to do if you forgot which insurer the policy was purchased from

If the OSAGO form is lost and the driver does not remember which company he bought it from, you need to find out the insurer through the RSA database on the Internet. Here you can also get information about KBM - a discount for accident-free driving. To do this you need to follow the link dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/policy.htm and indicate in the section “Information for policyholders and victims” the details:

  • Vehicle VIN;
  • state sign;
  • body and chassis number;
  • request date.

All information is provided free of charge.

If it is not possible to use a computer, all that remains is to go around or call all insurance organizations, giving the PTS details and your data. However, this will take a lot of effort and time.

Do I need to change my policy when changing my last name?

If after marriage a woman’s last name changes, she needs to change not only her passport and driver’s license, but also her insurance policy. To change your personal data, you need to contact the insurance company that issued the MTPL, write an application using the sample and provide a package of documents:

  • identification document;
  • marriage certificate (not always);
  • OSAGO policy.

The insurance agent will make a correction on the policy, certifying it with a signature and seal, or will issue another form with a new name in return.

Lack of up-to-date data does not entail refusal to pay damages in case of an accident. The process of replacing the form does not affect the insurance conditions, premium amount and terms. A similar procedure is assumed when changing the registration data of a vehicle or the number of people allowed to drive it.

According to statistics, every fifth DD participant travels without a valid MTPL policy. There is no need to take risks and avoid meeting with traffic police officers. In addition, no one is insured against a traffic accident. It is worth having a spare copy of the policy and storing it separately from the main one. It is important to promptly change the information on the form to the latest information. If you discover a loss, you must immediately contact the insurer and get a duplicate.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is a mandatory document for every citizen. An insurance policy is required when visiting a medical facility. In the article we will answer the question “what to do if the insurance policy is lost?”

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Why do you need insurance?

The name of the certificate – “compulsory health insurance policy” – speaks for itself. To receive free medical care in a hospital or other medical institution, compulsory medical insurance is required.

When applying to any medical institution, you will first be asked for a medical insurance certificate.

At the registry, a specialist will enter your policy data into the electronic database. This data will be needed in the future to pay for medical services.

Medical institutions bill the insurance company for services provided. Thus, the citizen receives free medical care.

You can find out a list of free medical services by using the directory. In addition, information on the list of services can be obtained by contacting the insurance company's help desk.

You can contact an insurance company specialist using the hotline number of the company serving you.

The list of diseases for which medical care is provided free of charge is established by the Federal Law on compulsory insurance.

Based on the Federal Law on Insurance, employees of medical institutions and executive authorities have introduced a new procedure for registering patients.

Thanks to this procedure, citizens significantly save their time. As the law states, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have an insurance certificate.

In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, free medical care is not provided legally (with the exception of emergency cases).

In addition to rights, the insurance law reveals the main responsibilities of citizens:

  • notify the medical insurance company about the change of place of permanent registration and change of full name;
  • if there is no insurance organization at the new address where you registered previously, you must select a new insurance company.

This information ensures interaction between the Pension Funds and the insurance company. Often citizens are unaware of their rights because they do not read legislative documents.

The Federal Law on Insurance regulates and approves the following rights of citizens:

  • insured citizens have the right to choose a doctor by submitting an application addressed to the head of the medical organization;
  • the opportunity to obtain information about the quality and types of medical services provided from the insurance organization;
  • compensation for damage associated with failure to fulfill obligations in the provision of medical care;
  • protection of legal rights and citizens.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of issue. Employed citizens usually apply for compulsory medical insurance at work, while unemployed citizens sign up for compulsory medical insurance at an insurance company.

To obtain a policy, you must write the application by hand or print it. Insurance company employees are required to provide consultations to citizens on health insurance issues. Another way to apply is to fill out the form online.

This can be done using the territorial fund website. After submitting the online application, you will receive an email indicating the status of your application processing.

Preparation of the policy takes from 1 to 3 days. When the insurance is ready, you will be informed where you can get it.

According to the rules adopted on February 28, 2011, the following documents are required to obtain a policy:

What features does it have?

Last year, information appeared in the news about the need to replace the insurance policy with a new type of certificate. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The bill was planned for a gradual transition to a new type of health insurance document. Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy is not limited by any time frame and is not mandatory.

There are only a few exceptions:

  • if the document contains a note valid until... (month, year);
  • if the owner of the document has changed his last name;
  • if the owner decides to be serviced by another company.

In other cases, according to Federal Law 326, policies issued before 2011 are valid throughout the Russian Federation.

You can replace your policy with any health insurance company. A new insurance policy can be obtained in three forms: in the form of a plastic card, in paper form and in the form of an electronic card.

Sometimes there are cases in which, after presenting your old medical insurance policy at the reception desk, you are denied an appointment with a doctor.

If you are denied because your medical policy is out of date, you should contact the administration of the medical institution.

In addition, you can call the insurance company phone number indicated on the medical policy. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the old-style policy is not limited, so you should be provided with assistance.

The idea of ​​creating a single insurance policy for the entire territory of Russia did not appear by chance. Cases of refusal to provide medical care to citizens arriving from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation occurred quite often. More and more complaints began to be received by medical institutions.

Naturally, this practice forced the government to think about introducing a uniform document for health insurance.

The new policy contains a sixteen-digit citizen identification number. The identification code helps to register citizens in medical institutions.

Previously, there were difficulties with this procedure, since insurance companies in different regions had documents that differed in size, shape and color.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

There are various life situations as a result of which a document may be lost. Let's consider how you can restore your compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost.

In order to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to contact the insurance company or another point of issue of insurance certificates. You should have your passport and SNILS with you.

After writing the application, the insurance company employees will cancel the lost policy and issue a temporary certificate.

Reinstatement of the policy follows the same procedure as obtaining a new policy:

  • you leave an application by presenting originals and copies of the required documents;
  • you are waiting for the production of a new compulsory medical insurance policy, having received a temporary certificate that is valid for 30 days;
  • pick up the finished compulsory medical insurance.

The new insurance certificate will have the same number as the old compulsory medical insurance policy. When receiving a new document, you have the right to receive a certificate about the status of your application for a new policy.

How to restore the policy to a child

It is necessary to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn within 3 months from the date of birth. Remember that the sooner you complete this document, the safer your child will be.

To apply for a policy, you will need the parent's passport and the child's birth certificate. Before applying for an insurance policy, it is necessary to register the child at the place of residence or place of stay.

A temporary insurance policy is issued at the place of stay, which is valid as long as the child is registered at the place of residence. If there is a permanent place of registration, a permanent insurance policy is issued.

To restore the child's policy, parents need to contact the insurance company. A specialist will help you fill out an application for reinstatement of your compulsory medical insurance policy. Documents will be required to clarify information about the citizenship and registration of the parents.

When filling out an application for reinstatement of a child’s policy, you must present the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the parent included in the child’s birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the child’s place of registration.

Required documents

What to do if you lose your compulsory medical insurance policy, which confirms the insured person’s right to receive free medical care in medical organizations?

1. First of all, you need to contact your medical insurance company. Medical services are not provided in the absence of the original compulsory medical insurance policy!

2. You can fill out an application to receive a duplicate directly at the insurance company’s policy issuing point. There is no penalty for losing the policy.

Further, the procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is the same as for the initial application - the insured person is issued a temporary certificate valid for 45 working days, during which a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy is issued, the number being retained.

In case of damage or loss of a temporary certificate (TC), a duplicate is not issued; it is advisable to wait for the issuance of a permanent policy (if a visit to a medical organization is not planned until then). Otherwise, contact your insurance company.

The insured contacts the insurance organization not only if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, but is also obliged to notify of a change in last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details, place of residence within one month from the day these changes occurred in accordance with 326-FZ dated November 29, 2010 "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation."

They ask us for a compulsory medical insurance policy in our clinics when making an appointment with a doctor, the most important medical procedures are carried out under compulsory insurance, they are admitted to the hospital... But what to do if you have lost your medical insurance policy? Don't worry - you can restore it quickly and for free.

Lost medical insurance: what to do?

Let's find out right away who issues the policies. This is not done by ordinary insurance companies (as is the case with VHI), but by HMOs – medical insurance organizations. These organizations are in charge only of issues of compulsory health insurance - they are not entitled to provide any other services.

You can restore a lost medical policy from the health insurance company that issued it to you. You will find its name on the back of the policy form - in the upper right corner, the CMO employee puts a stamp indicating the name, address and telephone number.

If you no longer have a policy and you don’t remember the name of your CMO, it doesn’t matter. You can contact any other organization and apply for a new insurance certificate. In this case, the lost policy will be canceled, and the new one will take effect immediately after issue.

Now let's talk about the recovery procedure in more detail.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy: subtleties and nuances

The action plan is:

  1. If you know the name of your CMO, find its contact number, call and check working hours, break times and head office address. The number is always indicated on the insert with the compulsory medical insurance rules, which is attached to the policy. No insert? Just enter the name of the organization into Yandex or Google. You will definitely find contact information.
  2. Take your passport with you and come to the CMO office. There, explain the situation to the employee and ask them to give you an application form to reinstate the policy.
  3. The employee will accept the completed application and issue you a temporary certificate. This is not a policy yet, but with a certificate you can also receive free medical care.
  4. The policy will be ready within a month. When it is produced, the CMO will notify you by phone or mail. All you have to do is come and pick it up.

If you do not know which CMO issued the policy, choose any other. A list of medical insurance organizations operating in your region is available on the website of the local Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Fundamentally, they are no different: the list of compulsory medical insurance services is the same everywhere, and the policy itself is free. However, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • how long has the insurance company been operating in the insurance market;
  • what reviews do insured citizens leave about it (does the organization help in solving problems with medical institutions, are its specialists competent);
  • How many regions of the country does it work in?

Obtaining a new policy follows the same algorithm as restoring a lost one. You come to the office, submit an application, receive a temporary certificate and wait for the familiar bluish form to be issued. The service of restoring a lost policy or issuing a new one is free, and the insurance rules do not provide for fines or other sanctions.

Medical care without insurance

Without compulsory medical insurance, clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions are not obliged to serve patients free of charge. On the other hand, the number of each policy is entered into an electronic database. Even if you don’t have the form on hand, you can ask the staff of the medical institution to check the number in the database - this is enough for the clinic or hospital to issue an invoice for the services provided to your health care provider. And emergency ambulance services are available to everyone, regardless of whether they have a certificate.

But it’s better not to tempt fate and restore your lost medical policy. Medical workers are not always willing to meet you halfway. What if you need to make an appointment with a doctor or undergo a medical procedure, and they refuse to understand your situation? They have enough other worries too. Take a couple of hours, go to the CMO and forget about problems with insurance. The policy is valid for an indefinite period, and if nothing happens to it, you will not need to contact the insurance company again.

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