Home Wheels Casco insurance phone. Calculation of motor insurance without a phone. How much does it cost to insure a car?

Casco insurance phone. Calculation of motor insurance without a phone. How much does it cost to insure a car?

Every car owner wants to protect his vehicle from all sorts of troubles. Moreover, this may not only be an accident on the road. The car could be stolen from the garage, or a tree could fall on it in the parking lot - in short, anything could happen. Good insurance will help compensate for the damage in these cases. But it would be nice to know how to calculate CASCO for a car. You will find out in the article what the cost of this policy depends on.

Types of CASCO

First of all, it is worth noting that CASCO is a voluntary insurance that is individual in nature. There are two main types of this policy:

  • Full insurance. It provides payments that cover any losses and damages from theft or damage to the car. This is the case if the terms of the contract are not violated.
  • Partial insurance. It provides for payments exclusively for specific cases that are specified in the terms of the contract. It is not difficult to guess that partial insurance will cost the car owner much less than full insurance. But the final cost will vary greatly depending on the risks chosen.

Components of the CASCO price

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance is clearly established by law and is fixed. Therefore, it will be the same for all insurance companies. The price of a CASCO policy in different organizations can vary greatly. It depends on the current base tariffs and many factors. But still, all insurance companies rely on standard criteria, which are taken into account in the calculations. Typically these are the following coefficients:

  • age and gender;
  • driving experience;
  • bonus-malus;
  • registration area;
  • availability of a franchise and other factors.

Age and gender coefficient

The first thing insurers look at before calculating CASCO for a car is the age and gender of the car owner. Long-term studies have proven that people under 22 and over 65 years of age pose the greatest risk on the road. According to statistics, they are the ones most often responsible for road accidents. Other citizens are considered a more or less reliable category, so insurance is cheaper for them.

The gender of the person driving the vehicle is also of considerable importance. Women are considered to be at risk, but men are considered more experienced drivers. Of course, everyone is different, everyone has their own characteristics, but insurance agents have to generalize.

Experience coefficient

It is believed that the more driving experience, the more experienced a person is on the road. This means that insurance will be cheaper. The minimum coefficient, which is equal to one, is assigned to those who have spent more than three years behind the wheel and whose age is at least 22 years old.

However, here it is worth considering an important condition before calculating CASCO for a car yourself. If an unlimited number of drivers are allowed to drive a vehicle, then the maximum coefficient is taken. If certain people specified in the contract can drive the car, then the agent will make a calculation based on the person who has the least driving experience.

Bonus-malus coefficient

This is a very pleasant criterion that applies to all careful and experienced drivers. It is assigned when drawing up a contract to those who were not involved in an accident. Otherwise, this coefficient is called a discount for accident-free driving.

If insurance payments have not been made within ten years, then the agent can discount half the cost of the CASCO policy. But for those who often cause accidents, the bonus-malus coefficient works in the other direction. It can almost triple the price of insurance.

Territory coefficient

Before you calculate CASCO for a car yourself, it is worth studying the table of territory coefficients. Rates will vary depending on where the vehicle was registered. Each region and city has its own coefficient. Thus, in Sevastopol and Simferopol the minimum value is 0.6, and Chelyabinsk and Murmansk the maximum is 2.1. As you can see, the difference can be very large.

Availability of a franchise

The final cost of a voluntary policy becomes unaffordable for many citizens. One way to purchase insurance much cheaper is to include a deductible in the terms of the contract. This means that the amount of damage will be stated, which will be covered by the car owner at his own expense. At the same time, the cost of insurance is significantly reduced. But you should only buy a franchise if you are willing to take risks.

If you are thinking about how to calculate CASCO for a car so that it ends up being cheaper, consider this option. And the agents themselves often offer their clients to purchase a franchise, despite a significant reduction in the price of the policy. In any case, the company benefits. All minor damage (dents or scratches), which occur most often, will be paid by the owner of the car.

Vehicle Features

Insurers must take into account the make and model of the car. They have access to a database of the number of thefts of certain vehicles. CASCO applies to them.

The cost of the car also increases the price of the policy. If it is used, then the average market price for a similar vehicle is taken. If it was purchased at a dealership, then the agent is obliged to calculate CASCO for a new car, based on the price from the sales contract.

Also, the insurance percentage depends on the age of the car. The newer it is, the more expensive the policy will be. But it is worth considering that once a vehicle reaches a certain age, CASCO is no longer issued for it. Moreover, each company has its own threshold.

Other components of the policy price

When you independently choose the salon where the car will be repaired, approximately 20% of the final cost of the policy is added to the insurance. In order not to increase the price, agents provide their list of recommended service centers. New cars will be repaired under the warranty of an official dealer.

If there are anti-theft devices in the car, the CASCO price also decreases. Moreover, in some companies certain cars are not accepted at all without security systems in order to conclude a contract.

Other factors. Each company has its own additional criteria, on which the cost of CASCO depends. This may be the availability of a paid parking space or garage, valid insurance for other property in this company, installment payments, placement of advertising information on the car and much more. The list of such factors should be clarified with the selected organization.

Is it possible to independently calculate CASCO insurance for a car?

There is an opinion that determining the cost of CASCO insurance yourself is much more difficult than a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. And indeed it is. The fact is that the calculation procedure is complicated by numerous criteria and coefficients that are simply not accessible to the average person, since they are not open information.

You can only calculate the approximate price of the policy, which usually does not exceed 20% of the cost of the car. For more accurate calculations, you will have to call or even visit several insurance companies to choose the best option for yourself. If you are interested in how to correctly calculate CASCO for a car, you will have to thoroughly study the tariffs, coefficients, discounts and promotions of a particular company. Only after this will it be possible to try to determine the final amount of insurance. But even in this case, there is a high risk of making a mistake with the figure, since there are many pitfalls.

A more accurate and easier way to find out the price of CASCO on your own is to use special online services that many companies have. But they will be discussed later.

Formulas for determining voluntary insurance

Speaking about how to calculate CASCO for a car (credit or personal), it is worth noting that insurance agents do this using formulas. Of course, each company will have its own calculations. But there are two most common formulas.

First. (CA) must be divided by the product of all possible coefficients (K), and then you get the amount of insurance.

CASCO = CA / (K1 * K2 * K3…)

Second. This formula will include specific indicators.

CASCO = (Damage coefficient * year of manufacture coefficient * age and experience coefficient * franchise coefficient * installment coefficient) + (theft coefficient * year of manufacture coefficient * installment coefficient * anti-theft system coefficient).

Using these formulas, you can try to calculate the cost of insurance, but in most cases the result will be far from reality. You need to know the exact ratios of a particular company. One thing is certain: for credit cars the CASCO price increases by almost 40%.

Examples of calculations

Let's look at specific examples of how to calculate CASCO for a car using formulas yourself, if the coefficients are known in advance.

Let's say the vehicle has one owner, he is 21 years old. He has a passenger car with an engine power of 110 hp. With. The car is new and has not been involved in any accidents. It was registered in the Moscow region. Driving experience is two years.

CASCO = base rate * engine power * age and experience coefficient * region coefficient * driving limitation * bonus-malus.

We substitute the company's current coefficients and make calculations.

CASCO = 1980 * 1.2 * 1.7 * 1.7 * 1 * 1 = 6,867 (rubles). This is how much a one-year voluntary policy will cost.

Let's consider another case. The car is new with a capacity of 120 hp. s., it is registered in the Krasnodar region. The owner is 35 years old and has 10 years of driving experience. The machine will be operated by several people.

The formula is the same as presented above.

CASCO = 2000 * 1.7 * 1 * 2 * 1.7 * 1 = 11,560 (rubles).

Judging by the examples, determining the size of CASCO insurance is not so difficult. But what to do if you don’t know the formulas and coefficients of a particular company, and they don’t want to share them? No problem - there is a way out!

Calculations using online calculators

To make it easier to independently determine the amount of insurance, many companies create convenient services on their websites designed for this purpose. Using online calculators, you can calculate CASCO for a car from Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, Alfastrakhovanie, Soglasie and other companies. Understanding how this tool works is not at all difficult. The services are accompanied by helpful instructions and a chat where you can ask the consultant all your questions.

In just a few minutes you can find out the final CASCO amount. To do this, you need to fill in all the fields of the proposed parameters. Usually this is the tariff, model and make of the car, year of manufacture and price, gender, age and driving experience of the car owner. Some calculators have a button that can be used to reduce the cost of CASCO insurance. She suggests choosing a franchise or some special products that lower the final price.

However, it is worth considering that the result obtained, although close to the actual one, is still indicative. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, using formulas or an online calculator, you get one amount, and the consultant in the office names another. But in view of the increasing incidence of fraud and inflated insurance prices, it is useful to know how to calculate CASCO for a car yourself.

Unified CASCO cost calculator:

  1. Allows you to calculate and compare CASCO in different companies,
  2. Current cost for 2020, accurate manual calculations,
  3. Benefit up to 25% due to special conditions and discounts from partner insurance companies,
  4. Free consultations our experts will help you make a more informed choice,
  5. Detailed analysis of conditions insurance in a company you are interested in,
  6. CASCO calculation for you does not oblige buy a policy from us or get insurance at all,
  7. Free delivery policy.

Filling out the form takes no more than 2 minutes.
The exact calculation is made manually by an experienced expert. No spam or annoying calls.

You can choose the best offer, pick up a ready-made CASCO car at the office or order free delivery.

We select CASCO manually!

To eliminate calculation errors and offer the best insurance options, CASCO tariffs are calculated only manually by experienced specialists.

You will be offered options for calculating CASCO against theft, full CASCO, CASCO with a franchise and/or CASCO with installment payment, as well as special CASCO programs (50 for 50, 100 for 50, etc.) - at your choice! You can find out the prices for CASCO for credit cars, as well as for new and used cars.

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How the CASCO calculator works

  1. Fill out all fields of the form,
  2. Discuss the details with a consultant,
  3. Receive a calculation with a comparative description of CASCO from different insurance companies,
  4. Choose a tariff that is favorable for you,
  5. Receive your policy in the office or by courier,
  6. Free post-insurance care and service for a year.

Do you need MTPL insurance?
Calculate the cost for

— online calculation of the cost of the policy.

On our website, visitors are given the opportunity select, calculate and purchase a CASCO car insurance policy online. Thanks to this service, you will no longer need to independently visit the offices of insurance companies and study a lot of documentation in search of the optimal solution. Moreover, insurance is one of the most important areas of life, providing confidence in the future and protecting your property from unforeseen situations. This is especially true for car insurance, since it is the car that is exposed to potential danger on the roads every day, and thanks to the CASCO policy, you can protect yourself from material costs in the event of an accident, theft or other insured events.

What is CASCO and why is it needed?

CASCO is voluntary insurance of cars and other vehicles against damage, theft or theft. This policy is useful for drivers who want to protect themselves from any problems; it provides for the repair of the car at the expense of the insurance company in any case (after a traffic accident or damage to the car without an accident), as well as compensation for the cost of the car in case of its complete destruction or in the event hijacking

When can CASCO become mandatory?

Taking out a CASCO policy may be a mandatory requirement when applying for a car loan, so we recommend that you select, compare and calculate in advance the optimal insurance option based on the price and conditions of car insurance.

How to choose an insurance company?

Each insurance company independently determines the price of CASCO insurance and calculates its tariff schedule for the policy. In addition, if the owner of the car does not comply with the requirements mandatory for a certain company (insufficient amount of security equipment on the car, etc.), then the conclusion of the contract may be refused. Therefore, to calculate the cost of CASCO and conclude an insurance contract, a large number of factors and nuances are taken into account.

The process of insurance payments under CASCO also has its own characteristics. First of all, this is a method of compensation, which is specified in the contract and can be carried out in the form of placing the damaged car for repairs at a service station, or by transferring funds to the client’s account. To effect insurance compensation under CASCO, in most cases, a court decision is not required (unlike compulsory motor liability insurance). To receive compensation under CASCO, you must contact the office of the insurance company and prepare the necessary documents.

How to calculate the cost of car insurance online?

When choosing a CASCO policy from various insurance companies the main difficulty lies in the large amount of data, which must be taken into account when calculating. Such data includes:

  • driving experience of the car owner;
  • the number of drivers driving this vehicle;
  • driver age;
  • cost and make of the car;
  • and much more.

Therefore, to save your time, on the website you can quickly calculate the cost and select a CASCO policy only by filling out the fields of the calculator with basic information.

How to use the car insurance calculator?

In addition, our website provides basic calculation options for the most popular brands and models of cars. Calculations were made based on average indicators and allow you to instantly estimate the price of the policy, as well as calculate a more accurate cost by changing some data in accordance with personal information.

Only reliable insurance companies!

You no longer need to ask questions about calculating the most profitable CASCO insurance or how to calculate the cost of insurance for a new or used car - our online calculator knows everything about the offers of leading insurance companies. If you use our service, you will receive an additional discount on CASCO insurance and other benefits.

We offer this profitable solution for quickly and efficiently determining the cost of insurance, choosing a reliable insurance company and the ability to purchase a policy at low rates. Best service for less money. The offers for which calculations are carried out are presented on the page with all CASCO packages, but it is still better to trust the specialists.

In which cities can you get a policy?

You can use our CASCO calculator to make a calculation and find out how much the cheapest insurance policy costs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Tver, Saratov and other cities of Russia, after Why take out a policy at the indicated prices at the nearest office of a suitable insurance company.

Often, full CASCO insurance can be very expensive, especially for luxury brands. Therefore, many experienced drivers choose CASCO against theft and total loss (total) in order to protect themselves from the largest expenses, reserving the right to repair the car for damage. Today, not many insurance companies accept insurance for both risks, due to the increased number of fraudulent actions on the part of the policyholder. According to statistics from one of the insurance companies, such a package of risks turned out to be unprofitable and they completely closed the sale of this product.

Definition of theft and total in CASCO

Hijacking- according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is the unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (Article 166).

Theft in criminal law- a crime consisting of the unlawful gratuitous seizure of someone else’s property and (or) its conversion to one’s own benefit or to the benefit of other persons for personal gain, causing damage to the owner or other holder of this property. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes the following types of crime: theft (secret crime), robbery (open crime, committed without violence or with violence not dangerous to life and health), robbery (attack with the aim of taking property, combined with violence dangerous to life and health, or the threat of such violence), fraud, extortion.

Total- This is a complete loss of the car. If the cost of repair is more than 65% of the cost, then the vehicle is recognized as total or cannot be restored. The percentage varies among different insurance companies and is specified in the insurance rules.

List of companies by CASCO theft/total

Below we provide a list of companies that separately insure theft, damage, and total loss + theft. You can insure your car against damage without theft in all companies.

You can only insure your car against theft with the following insurance companies:

  • Reso-guarantee (risk of theft)
  • Tinkoff
  • Zetta insurance
  • Liberty (MINI CASCO)

CASCO against theft and total loss can be purchased from insurance companies:

  • Ingosstrakh
  • Liberty (with a large damage deductible)
  • Tinkoff
  • Reso-guarantee (with a large deductible for damage)
  • Zetta insurance
  • Renaissance
  • Ergo (with a large deductible for damage)
  • Alfa insurance

As you can see, the list of insurers is not large, but it is quite possible. You can calculate the cost on the insurance company’s website or contact a specialist. And our table below will help you understand where CASCO is best.

Payments under CASCO theft/total loss

As we have already said, payments, standards and payment terms are different for all insurers, and if you have already decided to insure, then you need to know: when they will pay and how much.

We have compiled a detailed table of insurance companies for you.
It indicated the percentage of the cost of the car at which the car is recognized as total. Does every insurance company take into account wear and tear in case of theft and total loss? What happens to the usable remains of a car as a result of total loss, how they are calculated, and what is the payment period after the insurance company (insurance company) recognizes the insured event. GAP is insurance for the full value of the car excluding depreciation. It only works if there is a risk of theft and complete death. That is, for a small amount of insurance you buy the opportunity to receive the full insurance amount under CASCO

Calculate CASCO against theft and total loss

You can calculate CASCO against theft and total loss on the website of insurance companies, but they, as a rule, give a calculation of full CASCO, and for calculations for 2 risks it is easier to contact our specialists. We will manually calculate the cost in all companies and give you a comparative analysis. CASCO insurance through our insurance broker is issued without commissions and with an additional discount from us.

Insurance CompanyDamage percentage for totalWear and tear accountingUseful leftoversPayment deadline (after providing all necessary documents)
Ingosstrakh75% Remain in the UK15 working days
Tinkoff65% 0.05% per day for vehicles up to 1 year; 0.025% per day for vehicles from 1 year and older (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)Your choice: You can leave it at the IC or pick it upIn case of theft and damage 2-3 weeks (maximum period 30 days)
VSK75% Taken into account (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)Remain in the UKFor complete death it takes 2-3 weeks. For theft after the case was closed.
Gyde75% Taken into account (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)Your choiceFor complete loss, the payment period is up to 30 days. For theft after the case was closed. After the closure order is issued, the payment period is 2 months.
Agreement70% It is taken into account. It is not taken into account if you leave usable remains in the insurance company. (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)Your choiceFor theft, payment is made within 45 working days, the Investigative Committee is provided with a coupon notification of the appeal and a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case. Upon complete loss, payment within 45 days
Liberty75% For complete loss, the 1st year of operation is taken into account - 17.5%, 2 - 14.4%, 3 and subsequent - 12%. Theft is taken into account. (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)2 options to choose from: remain in the insurance company for sale, their cost is deducted from the sum insured, or the client sells the valid balances independently and pays the agreed amount to the insurance companyFor theft: After providing a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case within 15 days. For complete loss: 15 days
Reso-guarantee75% It is taken into account. Add. Agreement. The amounts are specified in the policy. (It is possible to purchase additional GAP)2 options to choose fromFor theft: After providing a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case within 15 working days. For complete loss: 15 days
Ergo50% Not taken into accountThey remain with the insurance company and are sold at auction.In case of complete loss, the maximum period is 45 working days to make a decision. In case of theft, 30 days to consider the insurance claim. Payment within 10 working days.
Alpha insurance75% Not taken into accountStay with SKFor theft: After providing a copy of the decision to initiate a criminal case within 15 days. For complete death: 15 days.
Zetta70% Taken into accountOptionally, if the client picks it up, then their cost is deductedFor theft: payment within 20 days after the certificate of closure of the criminal case. For complete loss: payment within 20 working days.
Nasko75% It is taken into account. Up to 1 year, the TC on the date of the insured event is 0.05% for each day the insurance contract is valid. From a year and more than 0.04% for each day.Two optionsPayment within 15 working days.

What affects the cost?

In insurance against theft, the age and experience of drivers will not be taken into account, but the presence of security systems will be taken into account in the first place. Satellite signaling has a strong influence on the downward direction. You can save 15-20% of the cost of the policy. But is it necessary? After all, a satellite costs a lot of money and the service is also paid. It's up to you to decide. But you will decide this if the make and model of your car is not on the list of the most stolen cars.

Each insurance company has different lists of such cars. As a rule, the most expensive, popular and stolen cars are accepted for insurance against the risk of theft only with a companion, and without one the car will not be accepted for insurance.

If you decide to install a satellite, then you should check with your dealer about the possibility of installing a specific make and model of the satellite on your car. If the device is installed incorrectly, the vehicle may be voided from warranty. Conventional sound alarms, mechanical ones on the hood and steering wheel and other marks usually do not greatly affect the cost when calculating CASCO insurance against theft and total loss.

The cost of a theft policy varies from 1 to 1.5% of the value of the car, and with total loss from 2% to 3.5%, depending on the make and model of the car.

When can a CASCO payment be denied in case of theft?

You need to understand that for safety, you need to take your keys and documents with you, and under no circumstances leave them in the car. And the PTS should be kept at home or in a safe deposit box. Especially, thefts are frequent in crowded places: shopping centers, cinemas, stadiums and others. An intruder will steal your keys and you won't even notice. Therefore, put your keys and documents away. If the car is stolen along with the documents, the insurance company may refuse to pay and then all disputes will have to be resolved through court. Ingosstrakh, for example, can accept insurance with the “Theft with keys and documents” option, but for an additional fee. Standard coverage includes “Theft without keys or documents.”

According to statistics, more than 30,000 cars are stolen per year in Russia alone. The most stolen brands are the most common models on the roads. Some are stolen to order to alter documents for the purpose of sale, and some cars are dismantled for spare parts, because... This is a liquid product. Parts often take a long time to arrive from the factory or are even difficult to obtain. Attackers have long learned to steal cars even with satellite alarms, having the latest equipment to disable and “jam” the satellite. They watch the owner of the marked car, formulate a plan and act while you sleep.

In order not to become a victim of such a sad picture and not to lose your “iron horse,” buy CASCO insurance against theft and sleep peacefully. We will always help you with insuring your car.

CASCO is insurance of vehicles against theft, theft or damage. From the definition it is already clear that this type of insurance is more extensive than compulsory motor liability insurance. Unlike compulsory insurance, voluntary insurance covers a variety of cases:

  • Theft of individual parts and components of a vehicle, for example, wheels, bumpers, headlights, hood, etc. If the car has additional equipment, then the insurance coverage also applies to it.
  • Car theft.
  • Various damages as a result of an accident. It does not matter who is at fault for the traffic accident. If the owner is not involved in the accident, the repair of his vehicle is carried out under the MTPL policy.
  • Damage resulting from a natural disaster.
  • Damage caused by third parties (intentional or unintentional damage).
  • Harm to the health of the driver or passengers.

You can calculate CASCO yourself using special online calculators, which can be found on the official websites of insurance companies. In this case, most often, you need to register and enter a phone number and email. However, this can be avoided.

Online CASCO calculator without a phone in 2018

Most car owners, before purchasing a CASCO insurance policy, prefer to shop around and calculate their expenses using online calculators. Today this is especially easy to do, because, in addition to official services, a huge number of portals have been created for all well-known insurance companies, which provide calculations on a calculator without entering a phone number, registration or SMS.

Entering telephone numbers, as well as email addresses on various websites, threatens with constant intrusive calls, SMS and letters from insurers. By choosing a good online calculator without specifying personal data, you can easily and quickly find out the cost of CASCO for your car. For an accurate calculation, you must provide the following information:

  • Car make and model.
  • Year of issue.
  • Date of start of operation of the vehicle.
  • Car modification. In this case, you should indicate the body type and type of gearbox. Some calculators perform calculations without entering such data.
  • Engine power in horsepower. This information can be found in the registration certificate or in the vehicle passport.
  • Approximate cost of the car. This parameter is set automatically by the system, taking into account the data already entered.
  • Is the vehicle on loan or collateral?
  • Availability of anti-theft systems.
  • Franchise.

How to calculate CASCO without SMS and entering a number on the website?

Tired of annoying insurers who require you to enter personal information before making a calculation? On the website of our brokerage agency, using the online calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate the price of your CASCO policy, and also immediately contact a specialist for advice. There are no inputs or messages with codes.

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