Home Engine Is it mandatory to put a child sign in the car? Is it legal to issue a fine for the absence of a “Child in the car” sign and other identification stickers? What is a "Child Restraint"

Is it mandatory to put a child sign in the car? Is it legal to issue a fine for the absence of a “Child in the car” sign and other identification stickers? What is a "Child Restraint"

There are probably no drivers left now who carry their children in a car and do not know the basic rules for transporting them. The fact that the baby must be in a special device is known to everyone without exception. But is it necessary to attach a special sign that will tell everyone around you that there is a valuable passenger in your car?

Required signs?

Since the mandatory sign Ш, indicating the use of studded tires, was abolished, drivers are required to use the following stickers on their cars:

  • an exclamation mark, which indicates that the driver is a novice driver;
  • a sign indicating the transportation of large cargo or dangerous luggage;
  • a sign that indicates that the car is being driven by a motorist with a hearing impairment.

These are traffic rules requirements. We see that most drivers have no obligation to stick a special sign indicating that there are children in the car. True, there are a few exceptions.

Who should put up the “Transportation of Children” sign?

If you look at paragraph 7.15 of the List of faults under which the vehicle cannot be operated, the driver may be prohibited from driving a car or bus that does not have a special “Transportation of Children” sign. This is a rectangular sticker with a yellow background and a red border, on which the guys are depicted.

What cars does this ban apply to? The sticker is required if the driver transports more than 8 passengers under 18 years of age in an organized manner. And this is not a minibus or other public transport. In fact, this requirement applies if the bus is registered and takes children to a camp, theater, school, etc., that is, it is engaged in the organized transportation of children.

Obligated or not?

If an ordinary driver wants other road users to know that there is a child in his car, he can stick on an identification sign in the hope that surrounding drivers will be more careful towards him. But this, as you understand, is not a guarantee of safety.

At the end of last year, traffic police and legislators discussed the need to introduce a unified sign indicating that there are children in the car. The fact is that according to traffic police statistics, in 60% of road accidents with fatalities, the victims were minor passengers. And the accidents are terrible - with driving into oncoming traffic or speeding. The traffic police is in favor of introducing a unified sign for cars with children. But this is still under discussion. So there is no mandatory requirement yet, as well as a single, approved sign for all cars. Therefore, whoever wants, sticks it on.

Photos from Internet resources

You can also find out information about this sticker and the fine for its absence in this video:

Sign "Spikes":

"Disabled person"

This sign is also indicated by a yellow square. There is a black 8.17 traffic rules sign on it. The width of the sides should be 150 mm.

Sign 8.17 “Disabled”:

It should be emphasized that it can only be used by drivers of the first and second disability groups. It also applies to cases of transportation of disabled people or children of disabled people. Find out about the fines for violating the rules for transporting passengers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any changes in current legislation are dictated by the realities of everyday life. If distinctive signs have been developed, then they have a useful component for society.

And if parliamentarians have established financial liability for violating the rules for their use, it means that society is not yet able to independently understand the full importance of these signs. To ensure safety, it is necessary to discipline motorists, and what can be used as a lever of influence on a person if not a blow to the pocket.

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The main document regulating the rules of behavior on the road is the traffic rules. As for children, the significant sign is “Caution Children” 1.23 according to traffic rules. Compliance with the rules is very important, because otherwise, irreparable consequences may arise for which the offending driver will be legally punished.

Drivers should pay no small attention to the traffic rules sign, which warns motorists about the possible appearance of children in the area.

Where is it installed?

The road sign, beware of children, is classified as a warning sign, and it must be installed where there is an increased likelihood of children appearing.

These are, as a rule, places on the road near which children's institutions will be located, be it schools, kindergartens, sports clubs and other organizations for children and adolescents. In addition, the sign can be installed in other places where it has been noticed that children often cross the roadway, but there is no pedestrian crossing on the site.

And according to the traffic rules, along with this warning sign there must be an additional sign that will indicate the area over what extent the sign will be valid.

But it is worth noting, since the sign is only a warning measure, it does not oblige the driver to any restrictions.

In this case, the motorist only needs to pay increased attention on the road and reduce his speed so that, if necessary, he can quickly react and stop his vehicle.

If on a section of road in a populated area, there is a possibility that children may be crossing the road, the sign should be installed no less than 50 meters from the beginning of the dangerous section.

But any driver must understand that children do not always follow the rules and treat their behavior on the road with responsibility and understanding, therefore, even if there is no picture of a child, do not forget to be careful. Staying alert on the road can save someone's life.

Designation when transporting children on a vehicle

If group transportation of children is planned by motor transport, the rules establish special requirements for this. First of all, this is the presence of special signs, both in front and at the back of the vehicle, which will indicate that children are passengers. Also, each child must have a separate seat. And of course, a mandatory requirement will be the presence of an adult accompanying person who is with small passengers in the vehicle.

The plate attached to the vehicle will look like a yellow square with an image of two running children in a red border.

Moreover, the size of the rear sign should be larger than the front sign.

Requirements for the driver and car

And the driver of a vehicle with such signs will be subject to a number of restrictions, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory:

  • First of all, it is a low speed, namely, no more than 60 km/h;
  • When children are being dropped off or picked up on the roadway, vehicles must have their hazard lights on. It is necessary to warn other road users about small passengers, so other drivers need to be especially careful;
  • Even before the start of the journey, the entire route must be drawn up and agreed upon. It is prohibited to make any changes to it during the journey;
  • In addition to children, their personal belongings and hand luggage, there should be no foreign objects or cargo in the cabin of the vehicle;
  • It is prohibited for the driver to leave the vehicle until the last child gets out of it;
  • If children are transported in a convoy of several cars, overtaking is prohibited;
    Such vehicles with a warning about transporting children are not allowed to drive in reverse.

This sign, which warns of the possibility of children on the road, namely “Caution Children,” was adopted by the UN convention in Vienna, and it is valid throughout the world.

The only thing distinctive about it will be the design of the sign itself. If in Russia this is an image of two running children, then, for example, in Burma, this is a picture of a grandmother pulling a baby behind her.


So, every driver should know what this sign looks like, since he will be held responsible for an accident on the road with his vehicle and a minor pedestrian.

Transporting children in a car is a responsible matter. First of all, the driver who carries children must be attentive. But sometimes he wants (or must) warn other road users about small passengers. For this purpose, signs “Child in the car” and “Transportation of children” are used in practice.

“Child in the car” and “Transporting children”: the difference

  • who uses it and when;
  • what it looks like;
  • where to glue;
  • Is it absolutely necessary?
  • consequences if there is no sign.

This sign can often be found on passenger cars. It is used by parent motorists to notify others that they are transporting children.

However, let us immediately emphasize that the “RvM” sign is not mentioned in the Road Traffic Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Traffic Rules). That is, at the level of law this sign does not exist. It turns out that “RvM” is just one of the “words” in the informal “language of drivers” (like, for example, a short flashing of an emergency light, meaning “Thank you”).

According to traffic regulations, the basic requirements for transporting children in a car are a child seat and a seat belt. There is no obligation to put a special sign on the car. And if so, then there is no fine for not having a sticker.

Appearance of the sign “Child in the car”

Since the “RvM” sign is not regulated by law, there are no requirements for its appearance. There are “RvM” signs of any shape, color, with any images and inscriptions. For the same reason, you can place the sign anywhere. The main thing is that it does not interfere with your view while driving. If the sticker gets in the way - a fine of 500 rubles under Art. 12.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offences).

The appearance of the “Child in the car” sign can be anything

Is a “Child in the Car” sign necessary?

By law, a sign is not required. But no one forbids using it. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether he needs the “RvM” badge on his car.

I was wondering what car enthusiasts think about the “RvM” sign. I asked my fellow motorists. Most people think that a sign is needed. They say that there are plenty of inappropriate individuals on the road, and the “RvM” sign is a warning for people to be more careful. Someone added that when he sees the “RvM” sign on a car, he tries to drive more carefully, keep his distance, and let people pass.
But there were opinions that the sign was not needed. Firstly, because it is not in the traffic rules. Secondly, it does not carry a semantic load. One friend compared the “RvM” sign with the “Beginner Driver” sign, which is obligatory for beginners: “If I see the “Beginner Driver” sign, I understand that everything can be expected from this driver, which means I need to be more careful and keep my distance. And the “RvM” sign is pasted - so what? Many children are carried in the car. There's no point in talking about it."

This sign is provided for by Russian legislation, information about it is clearly stated in the traffic rules. It is only applied to buses that transport organized groups of children (ages 6 to 16 years). Moreover, the presence of a sign is a mandatory requirement for such vehicles. This is stated in paragraph 22.6 of the traffic rules. A nuance: the “PD” sign is used when traveling around Russia; For foreign trips the rules are different.

Sign “Transportation of children”: what it looks like

The appearance of the “PD” sign is specified in clause 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation”. It looks like this: a yellow square with a red border, inside the square there is a black image of children (as on the road sign 1.23 “Children”). The size of the sign can be different: 25 cm by 25 cm or 40 by 40 cm. The proportions of the border are always the same - one tenth of the side of the square. In numbers this is: 2.5 cm in the first case, 4 cm in the second.

Requirements for the appearance of the “Transportation of Children” sign are specified in the Traffic Regulations

One bus must have two signs: one, smaller, in front, the other, larger, in the back. They are glued to the front and rear windows so as not to limit the driver’s view. In addition to the “PD” sign, “CHILDREN” is usually written on the sides of the bus in large red letters, and on the rear window there is a “Speed ​​limit to 60 km/h” sticker.

According to traffic regulations, groups of children must be transported in buses marked with special signs

Fine for not having a “Transportation of Children” sign

If a bus with children does not have a “PD” sticker, then the driver, and along with him the transportation organization, will be held administratively liable under Part 4 of Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offences. The penalty for violation will be a fine: the driver - 3,000 rubles, the organization - 100,000 rubles.

Payment of fines at a discount

The fines mentioned in the article are subject to the discount provided for in Part 1.3 of Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offences. So, if you pay a fine in the first 20 days after an offense, then you need to pay not the entire amount of the fine, but only half.

The traffic rules provide for only one “children’s” sign - “Transportation of children.” Bus drivers are required to use it when transporting groups of children. There is a fine for missing a sign. Drivers of passenger cars inform other road users that there are children in the car, if they wish, using the “Child in the car” sign. The law does not provide for a fine for the absence or presence of this sticker.

As summer begins, more and more children appear on the streets. Many children have already left the cities for children's camps, to stay with relatives and to the sea. Children walk and play almost everywhere. It is often carefree, so adults need to take a responsible approach to safety. Let's pay attention today to - “Caution, children!”

"Caution children" sign

"Children" is a special sign

1.23 – like all warning signs, the “Children” sign complies with the UN Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, which determines the appearance of road signs. Since the introduction of new traffic rules on January 1, 2006, 24 new signs have appeared in Russia and 18 have changed, compared to previous editions.

The regulatory documents, namely GOST-R 52289-2004, say that sign 1.23 “Children” must be placed on sections of roads running along schools, kindergartens, etc., as well as near places frequently crossed by children, regardless of the presence there pedestrian crossings. A repeat sign is installed with plate 8.2.1, which serves to clarify the length of this section, and outside cities and villages 1.23 should be placed at least 50m from the “children’s” section.

The “Transportation of Children” sign itself is a yellow square with a red stripe along the outline, which depicts running children (sign 1.23). Sign dimensions: 250mm – for placement on the windshield, 400mm – for placement on the stern.

If you have placed a sign on your glass “Caution, children!” - do not forget about the speed, according to the Rules, the speed of movement is limited to 60 mph (section 10 of traffic rules)

Instilled transportation of children

When boarding children on a bus with the “Transportation of Children” badge, the driver of this vehicle is simply obliged to follow the rules, namely turn on the emergency lights. Otherwise, a fine - as discussed in Part 1, Section 12.23 (“Violation of the rules for transporting people...”).

The duty of other drivers is to slow down and let children exiting or about to enter (Section 14.7 of the Traffic Regulations).

In Russia, there are “Methodological recommendations for the safety of transporting groups of children by road.” The Recommendations - one document summarizes the safety requirements for transporting children; this document will be useful for all legal entities and individuals involved in the transport of children's groups.

"Caution for children" sign in the USA

There were also such options

Yes, there is the UN Vienna Convention, and many countries. But, how interesting it is to observe the variations of the sign “Caution, children!” in different countries.

In the USSR there was a standard GOST 10807-78 (approved by the resolution of the USSR State Standard of August 30, 1978) - in it “Children” has a different number - 1.21.:g., now GOST R 52290-2004 is in force, now the sign has the designation 1.23.

In the USSR and Russia, in addition to the canonical version, where two people vaguely similar to children are running somewhere, a more artistic version was also noticed - one in which a boy (in a trouser suit) and a girl (in a dress and with bows) are clearly visible running. , with briefcases on their backs, running, most likely from school.

In Poland, a variant of the sign was noticed on which a larger boy (he is in a trouser suit) walks next to a little girl (skirt, bows)

In Israel, there is a sign that depicts a girl running away, but a woman not keeping up with her.

In Greece, the “Children” sign is the same as in Russia, but has a red outline and a dark orange background, on which it is clearly visible as a girl (a girl, not a mother - because with bows, on the sign from Greece - she is in a dress, and she is a little larger than the other child) leads the child (he is smaller) by the hand.

In Germany: until 1992, the “Children” sign was used, which depicts a mother (namely a woman - in a formal dress, without bows) leading her son (short haircut and trousers) by the hand. At the moment - the picture has changed - now the standard for German signs is a picture that shows two guys running (without gender divisions).

In the UK, there are widespread signs showing children running backwards, from left to right - remember the Russian version, where they run from right to left!

In Burma, the “Children” sign is an orange diamond on which a grandmother (a woman with a specific hairstyle and clothes that is preferred by older citizens) pulls the child’s hand, she pulls precisely because he is resisting, and the grandmother is already a little ahead.

In Bangalore (India) there is also a “Children” sign: the authorities installed 2 signs in front of schools, the authorities were most likely guided by the rules for crossing railway tracks (in the Russian Traffic Regulations these are signs 1.4.1.-1.4.6 “Approaching a railway crossing ").

The first one shows a running child, but he looks very much like a thief who has just stolen a bag - in his hands, and he is running away at breakneck speed. On the second sign there is a pair of figures, one of which resembles a guy, and this figure grabs the hand of the second figure, which looks like a girl.

In Norway, a sign was seen showing a girl helping a blind man cross the road - the man leaning on the girl's shoulder.

Switzerland - a sign was noticed that was more suitable for a sports relay race - it is the man who runs after the running woman.

Czech Republic - a girl on a walk with her grandfather.

Bulgaria – a football boy takes a robot girl to recharge. And also another option - the children of workers (they are wearing caps) run away (most likely they did some mischief and are now running away from their parents)

Belgium – a man saves a girl loaded with bags after shopping from under the wheels of a car.

Denmark – children run so fast that they are depicted in fragments on the Danish sign.

France – there are a lot of artistic “Children” signs or paintings with warnings to drivers.

The bus is like a sign

The most striking and widespread image of the “Children” warning sign is, of course, a School Bus from the USA. For Russia, the use of specially created school buses is still a novelty, because until the 2000s we did not have buses, we simply used regular ones - with the installation of identification marks “Transportation of Children”. Since 2001, the production of specially designed buses began in the Russian Federation - one of the bus factories produced just this one - it has seat belts for all children, emergency doors. Which corresponds to GOST-R 51160-98, which came into force in 1999, which is called “Buses for transporting children. Technical requirements".

Let's return to the yellow buses of the USA. As you know, special buses painted yellow are used to transport schoolchildren in America. Such buses have been used in America since the 30s, and the specific yellow color was specially developed by one well-known chemical company. Such a bright bus is clearly visible under any conditions. School buses in the USA are very richly equipped for safety purposes - many lights, including retractable ones, or, as on some models, there is even a small barrier in the front - all for safety.

School buses have been used in the USA for a long time, it is worth talking about the advantages they have when moving. The law is strict against drivers who endanger children; in the US, drivers must stand until red lights are flashing on a school bus - fine otherwise $1,000 - all cars around must stop, this even applies to cars on the opposite side of the road ( only if there is no continuous center line).

"Baby in the Car"

Baby on Board is an unofficial sign favored by drivers, usually mounted on the back of the window or on the trunk. This symbol became known in 1984 and can still be seen on cars today. The sign itself shares a common design with UK warning signs - it is a yellow diamond with a thin black border and bright black lettering.


The "Children" sign warns us drivers that there are Children here! Be careful on the road, dear colleague.

Video: take care of children (it will be useful for children to watch)

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