Home Transmission How much is the fine for stopping? Parking is prohibited. “No Stopping” sign: fine – how much will you have to pay for an offense and is it possible to avoid the fine? What to do when you receive a fine

How much is the fine for stopping? Parking is prohibited. “No Stopping” sign: fine – how much will you have to pay for an offense and is it possible to avoid the fine? What to do when you receive a fine

But they are not allowed everywhere. Road rules are strictly regulated in this part. In order not to run into trouble along the way, you need to carefully study all the traffic rules requirements on this topic.

What counts as a stop?

It is important to know the difference between stopping and . A stop is an intentional temporary cessation of vehicle traffic along its route for up to five minutes. The only exceptions are stops for the purpose of:

  • disembarkation and pick-up of passengers for minibuses or buses;
  • carrying out loading and unloading operations.

Everything else is parking. And the difference is not so much in their names, but in the different rules of application and penalties for violating them.

  • You can stop cars as close to the curb as possible and always parallel to the roadway or street.
  • Stopping at an angle is only possible on those sections of the road where this is indicated by a sign or special markings.
  • In other cases, this is a violation.

Now we’ll talk about the coverage area of ​​the “Stopping and Parking Prohibited” road sign, when it is prohibited to stop moving, and similar nuances.

In what cases is it prohibited?

Even for such a short time as five minutes, you can’t stop everywhere and not always. The “No Stopping” sign is quite common. You cannot stop within its range of action. Sometimes it is equipped with information signs that regulate the operation of the sign:

  • by time (for example, during the day or night);
  • by type of transport (only official transport is allowed);
  • area of ​​responsibility (before the sign or before and after the sign).

In addition to the impossibility of stopping under a sign, the rules also stipulate other cases of prohibition:

  • If the interval between the slowed down car and the dividing strip (solid line) or, in the absence of them, the opposite edge of the road is less than three meters.
  • At bus stops, minibuses and taxi stands. If they are marked with a sign or marking, then fifteen meters on both sides of the sign or marking.
  • On a bike path, if available.
  • On engineering road structures: bridges, overpasses, overpasses and below, under them. This option also includes tunnels.
  • On a street or road (except for the side of the road) with poor (no more than 100 meters) visibility in the direction of travel.
  • You cannot stop on tram tracks or near them if this may create interference on the route.
  • Stopping within five meters of intersections is prohibited, with the exception of T-shaped intersections with continuous markings. In this case, stopping is only allowed in front of the side siding.
  • It is prohibited to stop not only on, but also in the right-of-way, which is marked by traffic lights or barriers.
  • It is strictly forbidden to stand at pedestrian crossings and at a distance of five meters in front of them on both sides.
  • It is prohibited to stop in places where it will block the movement of other cars or interfere with pedestrians.
  • If the car blocks the view of other drivers (road signs and traffic lights), you must not stop.

This video will explain why drivers quite often violate the requirements of a stop sign:

In what cases is it always allowed?

In all of the above situations, only a forced stop is allowed, caused by reasons that objectively do not allow you to drive further or may contribute to the occurrence of an emergency:

  • an obstacle that suddenly appeared on the road;
  • breakdown or technical malfunction of the vehicle;
  • driver's ill health.

In this case, you should mark the stopping place with an emergency sign and try to remove the obstacle as quickly as possible.

We will tell you further about the size of the traffic police fine for stopping under a “Stopping is prohibited” sign and other types of prohibited parking according to traffic regulations.

Fines and punishments for the “No Stopping” sign

So, what is the penalty and how much is the fine for a “No Stopping” sign? Let's find out.

Penalties imposed on violators depend on the severity and danger of the offense they committed. This varies in different cities and is possible (if it poses a threat and obstruction to traffic). In monetary terms it looks like this:

  • a simple violation of the prohibition to stop, which does not create threats or hinder other drivers, is fined in a sum of money from 500 rubles to 1,500 in federal cities;
  • with interference to others: 1500 – 3000 rubles;
  • when stopping at a pedestrian crossing, or the driver will pay 1000 rubles;
  • in the area of ​​railway tracks - 1500 rubles;
  • and violating the ban at a passenger transport stop will cost you 1000 rubles.

Now it is possible online. Having a foreclosure is important. and stopping is also possible.

A specialist will talk about penalties for stopping in a prohibited area in the video below:

And finally, some tips on applying the rules governing the operation of a stop sign:

  • If there are no informational restriction signs on the sign, then it is valid until the end of all restrictions or until the first intersection, and the turn gap in the dividing strip is not considered an intersection.
  • If the traffic controller's signals contradict the instructions of the sign, follow the traffic controller's instructions.
  • The sign does not apply to passenger carriers only if the stopping place in its area is marked with a special sign or marking.
  • Information one-way or two-way arrows show the sign's coverage area (before or after the sign).
  • Don't stop and...
  • And yes, if you do not agree with your parking ticket, you can try it.

This video will tell you what to do if you have been unfairly issued a fine for violating stopping rules:

The “No Stopping” sign suggests that in its coverage area the driver cannot stop driving and leave the car. Otherwise, the vehicle may be evacuated. In addition, violation of the requirements of a stop sign is prohibited, subject to a fine of 500 rubles. in the regions and up to 3000 rubles. in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

How does the sign work?

Sign 3.27 prohibits stopping the car. This action is understood as a conscious cessation of movement for up to 5 minutes or for a longer time if passengers are disembarking/embarking or loading/unloading a vehicle (Traffic Regulations, clause 1.2.). This does not include cases where the stop is forced (for example, there is a need to let other road users pass).

The prohibition area is determined in different ways:

    to the nearest intersection;

    if there is no intersection - to the end of the settlement;

    until sign 3.31, which terminates all restrictions.

Stopping under a sign may be prohibited within the distance indicated by the signs.

If there is no sign: when stopping is still prohibited

Temporary cessation of traffic, according to clause 12.4 of the traffic rules, is prohibited in a number of places, even in the absence of a sign. Among these areas:

    pedestrian zebra crossing and zones within 5 m in front of it;

    tram tracks and places next to them (if a car interferes with the passage of the tram);


    places where, as a result of stopping, the view of signs and/or traffic lights is blocked;

    bike paths;

    places near doors, gates of any structures located in courtyards;

    places where the entry or exit of other cars is blocked;

    parking area for disabled vehicles;

    railway crossings;

    places where the distance between the opposite edge of the road, dividing strip or solid marking line and a stopped car is less than 3 m;

    lawns and sidewalks;

    taxi parking area, public transport stops and areas within 15 m from them;

    places near dangerous turns with insufficient visibility;

    places closer than 5 m from the edge of the road being crossed;

    overpasses, bridges, overpasses and areas under them.

Thus, the driver does not have the right to stop the car or park it in places where he will interfere with other road users.

Penalty for violation

In case of violation, the following penalties are provided:

    when stopping at a place for a disabled person - 5,000 rubles. (Part 2 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code);

    when stopping at a pedestrian crossing, as well as closer than 5 m in front of it - 1000 rubles. (Part 3 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles. (Part 6 of the same article);

    when traffic stops at public transport stops, taxi stands and closer than 15 m from them - 1000 rubles. (Part 3.1 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles. (Part 6 of the same article);

    when creating obstacles or stopping in a tunnel - 2000 rubles. (Part 4 of the same article), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles. (Part 6 of the same article);

    when stopping on railway tracks - 1000 rubles. or deprivation of rights for up to six months (Part 1 of Article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) in case of repeated violation - deprivation of driving license for up to a year (Part 3 of the same article);

    in other cases - a warning or 500 rubles. (Part 1 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 2,500 rubles. (Part 5 of the same article).

In what cases can punishment be avoided?

The only exception to the described cases is the forced cessation of movement. A fine for stopping under a “Stopping Prohibited” sign and on other sections of the road is not imposed if there are valid reasons. According to clause 1.2 of the traffic rules, they can be:

    machine malfunction;

    driver's health condition;

    the passenger's health condition;

    danger in the form of an obstacle on the road;

    danger created by the transported cargo.

Thus, motorists must clearly know the coverage area of ​​the “No Stopping” sign, and also identify places where stopping traffic is impossible even in its absence. Otherwise, the traffic police inspector may impose a fine and even tow the car if the decision to park was not caused by emergency circumstances.


The approved Traffic Rules define parking as a specially designated or equipped place that is used for the purpose of paid/free parking of any vehicles.

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Places may be directly adjacent to the roadway, sidewalks and other structures.

In the case of parking and in some cases stopping a vehicle, the driver may be subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine.

Over the past few years, the fine has been subject to several adjustments. According to Russian legislation, the largest amount of recovery in the capital and St. Petersburg is twice as high as in other regions.

Let's take a closer look at when a stop can lead to a fine, and how to appeal the Resolution.

General points

Before considering the main issue, it is initially recommended to study general information about parking, as well as familiarize yourself with Russian legislation.

This will allow you to have all the necessary knowledge about parking in the wrong place and may be able to protect you from illegal actions in the future.

Important Concepts

A parking fine means leaving a vehicle in the wrong place.

The rules for determining places where parking is prohibited largely depend not only on the region, but also on the time of day.

For example, in some regions you can find road signs that signal that parking is prohibited only at certain times of the day.

In addition, in addition to specific traffic regulations, today local governments have the legal right to independently decide on how to establish rules for parking vehicles in certain places.

For example, in the capital they are subject to revision annually. This consists of adjusting the rates for parking lots and places where you can leave a vehicle for free for a certain time.

At the same time, it is necessary to recognize that the definition of parking in Russian legislation has not yet been fully regulated. Because of this, there are loopholes that allow you to avoid punishment.

Who has the right to fine

The ability to fine vehicle drivers is under the jurisdiction of traffic police inspectors. The fine may be determined:

  • installed CCTV cameras;
  • in case of direct violation by traffic police inspectors.

If liability is imposed in accordance with the detected offense on the camera, then in addition to the Resolution itself, the driver must receive documentary evidence.

This could be a photograph from the scene of the violation. In the second case, the Protocol is formed immediately at the scene of the incident.

For your information, regardless of how exactly the offense was discovered, the Protocol can be appealed within the time limits established by Russian legislation (within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Protocol).

Current standards

The main regulatory documentation is considered to be the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The key articles that regulate liability for illegal parking are:

These legislative acts are the main ones. It is in them that the mechanisms for bringing to justice in case of ignoring parking rules are displayed.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that if parking/stopping in the wrong place leads to serious consequences, for example, an accident, then the offender may face criminal liability.

According to the Criminal Code, the driver may face a penalty of up to 9 years in prison (if the accident resulted in death or serious health impairment).

The size of the traffic police fine for stopping in the wrong place

According to Russian legislation, in particular the Administrative Code, the fine for parking in the wrong place is:

Additionally, it is necessary to remember that, for example, if a vehicle interferes with the movement of other vehicles, the fine may be increased. For example, from 1.5 thousand rubles to 3 thousand.

Payment with a 50% discount on the collection amount

Every offender has the right to pay an administrative fine with a 50% discount. To do this, it will be quite enough to pay it within the first 20 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Resolution.

You can make a payment:

  • using the official portal of State Services;
  • using the Internet banking service;
  • by paying at the cash desk of any banking institution.

The offender has the right to independently choose the most optimal payment option for himself.

What are the penalties in Moscow?

The administrative liability for parking in the wrong place in the capital is 1.5 thousand rubles.

In some situations, the amount of the penalty can reach 3 thousand rubles. According to Article 12.16, in particular Part 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the maximum fine is 5 thousand rubles.

How can I appeal (challenge)

There are several options for appealing an administrative penalty, namely:

If 10 days have already passed since the preparation of the Protocol, then it is necessary to additionally draw up a petition to restore the appeal period.

Without exception, all material evidence must be attached with the completed complaint.The package of necessary documentation can be submitted to:

  • with one's own hand;
  • via email.

In order to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies and at the same time not spend money on paying administrative penalties, it is extremely important to comply with the adopted Traffic Rules.

At the same time, you need to remember that if the stop was forced and at the same time unexpected, then appealing the fine will not be difficult.

If a situation arises due to which the driver is forced to stop urgently, and there is no specially equipped place nearby, he still has the right to stop without violating traffic rules.

To do this you need:

  • be sure to turn on the hazard warning lights;
  • Don't forget to put out the warning triangle.

When answering questions from the traffic police inspector regarding the reasons for the stop, it is necessary to refer to the state of fatigue, which could jeopardize the safety of other road users.

If the forced stop was due to poor health, then you can notify the inspector about this fact.

Video: No parking! What is the fine for someone who parks their car in a disabled parking lot?

You need to be prepared for the fact that the inspector will call an ambulance - if the doctor does not identify any health problems, such actions by the driver may be regarded as attempts to deceive.

In a situation where a violation report is nevertheless drawn up, but the driver of the vehicle does not agree with it, then you can try to appeal this decision.

To do this, it will be enough to formulate and submit a complaint to the territorial traffic police authority, attaching to it a package of accompanying documentation, namely:

  • photographs from the place where the vehicle was stopped (including any prohibiting or permitting signs);
  • a written statement regarding the consideration of the complaint;
  • other additional evidence.

Upon completion of the review, the driver will be given a written decision, in which everything should be described in detail.

Finally, I would like to note that parking in the wrong place is one of the most common traffic violations by vehicle drivers.

Of course, such an offense does not pose a particular danger to the life and health of other road users, but it may entail various other inconveniences not only for vehicles, but also for pedestrians.

Reading time: 3 min.

What is the fine for stopping under a “No Stopping” sign in 2020? The answer is in this article from the specialists of the site "Traffic Police Fines"

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Penalty for stopping behind a no-stop sign (sign 3.27) in 2020

– 500 rub. for the Russian Federation and 2500 rub. for Moscow and St. Petersburg

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.19

Definition of “stop”

Stop - This is a deliberate (purposeful) stop in the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for longer if this is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers, or loading or unloading a vehicle.

In defining the concept of stop, two concepts (words) are important:

  1. “Intentional” - this concept tells us that braking to zero speed due to a breakdown, health problems and other extraneous reasons is not a stop and the fine issued to the driver in this case can be appealed.
  2. “Time up to 5 minutes” - from this piece of the definition it becomes clear that we are not talking about long-term storage of a car in one place, but about a short period of time.

What does the “no stopping” sign prohibit (sign 3.27)?

The sign prohibits the vehicle from stopping behind it. The sign can be combined with other signs to indicate the time of the ban, the type of car that is prohibited from stopping in a given place and sanctions (for example, evacuation of a vehicle). As a rule, it is duplicated by yellow markings, which can be applied both on the roadway and on the curb.

Area of ​​operation of the stop sign is prohibited

The sign is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed. In the absence of other signs, it is valid 24/7 for all types of vehicles. Validity area, without combination with other signs – until the next intersection (including T-shaped). If a sign is installed in a small settlement without intersections, the sign is valid throughout the entire settlement.

The combination of a stop sign is prohibited with other traffic rules signs

A prohibited stop sign can be combined:

  • With a locality sign. In this case, the sign is valid either until the beginning of the populated area (sign of the beginning of the populated area), or until the end of the populated area (sign of the end of the populated area),
  • With sign 3.31 (end of restrictions sign) – before the end of all restrictions sign,
  • With sign 8.22 (distance sign) – stopping is prohibited from the sign and at the distance indicated on the sign,
  • With sign 8.4.1-8.4.8 – stopping is prohibited for the type of vehicle indicated on the sign,
  • With sign 8.18 - stopping is prohibited for everyone except vehicles for disabled people,
  • With sign 8.2.4 – indicates the sign’s coverage area,
  • With sign 8.2.3 - indicates the end of the stop sign.

What is the fine for stopping under a “No Stopping” sign?

The fine for stopping under a sign is regulated by article 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1. "Violation of the rules of stopping or parking vehicles."

The penalty for stopping behind a “No Stopping” sign is as follows:

Fine for Russian motorists 500 rubles.

Fine for motorists in Moscow and St. Petersburg 2,500 rubles.

The fine for this violation can be paid on our website by entering your data in the form below and checking it. A 50% discount applies to fines for stopping in the wrong place.

Let us remind you that stopping a vehicle is prohibited not only under a no-stop sign. Stopping is also prohibited:

  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • in adjacent areas where it will interfere with the passage of residents.
  • in parking lots for the disabled;
  • at public transport stops;
  • tram and railway lines;
  • on sidewalks; on lawns; on children's playgrounds;

» 3.27. Recently, inspectors began recording this fine on video recording devices, and then sending “chain letters” to the violators. Judging by the reviews on the forums of dissatisfied drivers, a fine for an incorrect stop is very often recorded in residential areas, because There are not enough parking spaces for everyone.

Many car owners are accustomed to leaving their cars directly under signs and in areas prohibited by traffic regulations. As a rule, at this moment they turn on the emergency lights and go about their business. In many cases, drivers do this consciously, but sometimes it is out of despair, because... In the city, especially in the center, parking spaces become significantly smaller every year.

In any case, the culprit will be held accountable. The fine for an illegal stop is regulated by Section 12.19 of the Violation Code.

So, the fine for violating a “no stopping” sign in 2018 is 500 rubles for car drivers or, alternatively, a warning. For violators from Moscow and St. Petersburg, rubles.

This article of the Code of Administrative Offenses has many exceptions and additions when the size of the fine can increase significantly. So, let's consider other possible cases of violation of stopping rules and the corresponding fines for them:

  • If the parking space is intended for disabled drivers, then it will be 5 thousand rubles;
  • In case of stopping in special places where city buses should stop, as well as at crossings intended for people to cross - 1 thousand rubles;
  • If due to a driver who violated the “no stopping” sign and at the same time created a traffic jam, as well as in the case of stopping anywhere in the tunnel - 2 thousand rubles;
  • If the driver stopped on the tram tracks or directly in the middle of the road, in the second row and further from the curb on the right - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Regions such as Moscow and St. Petersburg were not spared by legislators. So, for drivers from these cities who violate the stopping rules, the fine will be much larger, namely 3 thousand rubles.

The limits and area of ​​operation of such an established sign as stopping is prohibited begin in the area immediately behind it. This sign “Stopping is prohibited” means that the stop is for all types of vehicles, excluding the city fleet of minibuses, buses and the trolleybus fleet.

The prohibition zone for stopping vehicles ends immediately after the nearest road intersection. If there is no such intersection, then this sign will extend its effect directly to the end of the residential area.

The action area may also end after such an established sign as “end of all restrictions”. After this sign, stopping will be allowed.

An established prohibition sign for stopping cars can be mounted together with additional road signs of a common type. For example, there are signs with white arrows pointing up or down. These arrows will indicate the direction of places where stopping is prohibited.

  • So, for example, if there is an arrow pointing down, this will mean that it is allowed to stop before and after it;
  • if the arrow is directed upward, then, accordingly, the sign will begin immediately behind it;
  • the arrow can be directed in both directions at once, respectively, the car is in the area of ​​effect of the sign.

Along with the arrows, the distance over which it will operate can be indicated. These combinations are very often installed and can be found in many cities.

There are often times when a car breaks down right in a place where it is forbidden to stop. In this case, the driver can avoid a fine. In order to avoid misunderstandings in this situation with traffic police inspectors, you should immediately install an emergency sign. All passing vehicles will be informed of the breakdown.

So, in order to avoid fines in places where stopping is prohibited, drivers should be careful and remember the traffic rules.

Express your opinion whether it is worth breaking the rules of stopping in the city. Leave your reviews and comments below!

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