Home Steering Tuning ban in Russia: new law. Tuning of lighting equipment: what is possible, what is not. What is the fine for tuning

Tuning ban in Russia: new law. Tuning of lighting equipment: what is possible, what is not. What is the fine for tuning

A request from an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by power of attorney) to our testing laboratory for a preliminary technical examination about the possibility of this tuning of the car.

Required documents:

  • A simple application with a description of the planned tuning (download the application form);
  • A copy of the vehicle passport (PTS) and vehicle registration certificate (COP);
  • Any additional materials (if available). For example - a photo of a similar car or similar installed components / parts.

Result: Conclusion of preliminary technical expertise.

Stage 2

Appeal of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by power of attorney) to the territorial division of the traffic police, performing the functions of technical supervision, regardless of the place of registration (in the traffic police).

Required documents:

  • Application for changes in the vehicle design (download the application form);
  • The identity document of the owner, or, for legal entities - a certificate of state registration and a certificate of registration with the tax authority, as well as a power of attorney, agreement or other document certifying the applicant's authority;
  • Registration documents of the vehicle (TCP and COP);
  • Conclusion of the preliminary technical examination of the vehicle structure;
  • Providing a vehicle for inspection.

Result: The traffic police resolution on the application for changes in the design of the vehicle.

Stage 3

Car tuning work in accordance with the "Conclusion". At the same time, if it is envisaged to make changes in the design of the vehicle in the conditions of a certified enterprise, the applicant receives from the manufacturer of the work a "Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of work performed" (download the form) (hereinafter referred to as the statement-declaration) and duly certified certificates for the services rendered ... If the "Conclusion" allows the independent production of work, the registration of the "Application-Declaration" is carried out by the owner. It is also necessary to collect duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark).

Result: Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of the work performed.

Stage 4

Checking the technical condition and structure of the vehicle after the car tuning work. In this case, the vehicle is checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety at SSTO or PTO.

Result: Diagnostic card.

Stage 5

Checking the safety of the structure and drawing up a protocol of technical expertise after making changes to the structure (tuning the car) in our accredited testing laboratory ("Protocol").

Required documents:

  1. Statement from the traffic police;
  2. Vehicle passport (PTS) on both sides (not required if provided upon receipt of a preliminary report);
  3. Documents certifying ownership of spare parts; interior layout (before / after conversion); etc. depending on the type of conversion;
  4. Copies of certificates of conformity certified in accordance with the established procedure for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark;
  5. Diagnostic card;
  6. Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of the work performed;
  7. A copy of the service certificate with the decryption of service codes;
  8. Photos of the vehicle after making changes to the design. (Engine compartment before and after, all signs and general view)

Result: Protocol for checking the safety of the vehicle structure after the changes made to it.

Stage 6

Receiving SKTS by the owner of the vehicle in the traffic police department. For this, a vehicle is provided for inspection and the following documents, which are the basis for registering a change in the design of a vehicle:

  1. Declaration statement;
  2. Copies of certificates of conformity certified in accordance with the established procedure for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark);
  3. Protocol;
  4. Diagnostic card;
  5. Proof of payment of the state fee.

Result: Certificate of compliance of the vehicle with changes in its design to safety requirements.

Stage 7

Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents and inspection of the vehicle, the traffic police department draws up, registers and issues a certificate to the applicant and makes a note in the TCP about the changes made and, if necessary, issue a new certificate of registration of the vehicle.

Result: The owner has SKTS in his hands, in the PTS and COP, the necessary entries are made in special marks and he can operate

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation decided to toughen up the fight against tuning. Officially, this is explained by the increased accident rate due to the installation of inappropriate parameters on the car.

The new law banning car tuning came into effect on July 21, 2016, but most car owners believe that the law was introduced in order to replenish the treasury through fines and fees for legalizing tuning.

Who will be affected by the innovation

According to the adopted law, tuning is understood as a change in technical characteristics, uncertified design of automotive equipment, which is considered illegal.

Cars and other vehicles that have undergone even minor modifications will fall under the law. In accordance with the law on the prohibition of tuning, car inspectors can restrict the possibility of operating a vehicle that has been tuned by obliging the car owner to pre-legalize the changes made or to dismantle elements that are not included in the factory package. If the owner of the car neglects the points of the law, he may face various measures of restraint, ranging from a fine to the removal of the vehicle from the registration register.

Also read about and.

The legislation applies to the following elements that have undergone partial or complete modification:

  • car seats;
  • suspension;
  • elements of the suspended structure;
  • steering center;
  • exhaust distribution mechanisms and its elements;
  • spoilers placed on the car body;
  • external lighting;
  • additional roof rack mounted on the car roof;
  • halogen lamps;
  • a threshold not declared in the configuration;
  • modified wheel arches;
  • yoke construction;
  • leith boxes located on the roof of the vehicle;
  • monitors or panels for broadcasting advertising information;
  • even primitive gas equipment is banned.

The listed modifications of non-standard equipment are only part of a massive list that has been banned. From this extensive list, it becomes clear that cars that, for one reason or another, have undergone changes that do not fit the factory parameters, are doomed to become victims of the law prohibiting tuning.

The active discussion on the ban on tuning passenger cars and SUVs, as well as off-road vehicles in 2019 is due to the popularity of this among car owners, both budget and premium cars.

A few years ago, under the ban (ban on tuning) was such a tuning option as toning. The traffic police inspectors, like the "holy inquisition", actively fined those who like to hide from prying eyes, the dimming of the tint film of which exceeded the permissible standards. In addition, the owners of such vehicles had to rid their "iron horses" of the tint film right at the traffic police posts.

One thing is for sure: among the owners of tuned cars, the law is perceived unfriendly, since now they have to certify the changes made. Of course, if we are talking about stickers that you can get rid of at the traffic police post, there is nothing critical, but if more radical modifications are made, it will be more difficult.

Tuning certification

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, various modifications of the basic parameters, supplemented in the basic design of the car, are subject to mandatory certification, which must be documented in the traffic police. Initially, you need to carry out two expert assessments in the certification specialized centers - they will confirm the safety of tuning for all road users. After that, if the decision of the examination is in favor of the owner, it will be necessary to document all modifications in the traffic police.

The most terrible thing for car owners of tuned vehicles is the fact that the representative offices of certification centers that legalize car modifications are located only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Those. if the owner of the car permanently resides in Vladivostok and falls under the law, and does not want to part with the tuning, he will have to visit one of the two capitals, while driving the car will be prohibited. How much tuning will cost him in this case, as well as how long it will take for the entire legalization process, is difficult to say.

In the near future, the number of certification centers will increase. They will open in million-plus cities, but so far there are only two of them in the largest country in the world! It's scary to even think about the queues that will be in certification centers.

It must be remembered that the traffic police do not directly certify tuning modifications, as well as other modifications that complement the overall design of the car. Based on the current legislation, the traffic police are empowered to issue official regulations governing the design of additional elements of the car.

Preventive measure

Based on Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative and Legal Responsibility of the Russian Federation, the operation of a vehicle in the presence of faulty elements, as well as in accordance with the basic rules for admitting a car to operation is unacceptable. Traffic police officers, in accordance with their official duties, must prohibit the operation of the vehicle.

Many may have a misunderstanding for what reason article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is applied, since it does not have a single mention of car upgrades.

The article includes a list of faults, on the basis of which the movement of vehicles on motor roads is prohibited. Modifications added to the design of the vehicle without the certification of the permitting authorities that ensure the safety of all road users entails a ban on the vehicle's movement on roads.

The new law states that modifications to the vehicle design must be made in accordance with the governing legislation. If the law is not observed, the car owner may be brought to administrative responsibility, imposing prohibitive measures for the operation of the vehicle on highways.

Many car owners are wondering what the penalty is for non-compliance with the law.

Failure to comply with the law provides for liability in the form of an administrative fine, the amount of which is 500 rubles. In addition, restrictive measures are imposed on the operation of the car. Most often, traffic police inspectors prescribe resolutions on violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, corresponding to this offense, and also establish certain instructions to eliminate the violations committed within a given period.

Of course, street racers are in the throat not only of the traffic police, but also of normal drivers. All sane people understand perfectly well that there should be no anarchy on the roads. And it is obvious that the cheerful morning trip of the "prodigy" Ruslan Shamsuarov and his company in Moscow and the game of catch-up with the traffic police became the last straw that overflowed the patience of the road guards. Everything is clear and seems to be correct. However, the impetuosity with which the drivers were disciplined is completely confusing, confusing and confusing.

Tightening the nuts

In May, the government decided to include the term "dangerous driving" in the traffic rules, but the punishment for it has not yet been determined. But the Public Chamber came out for the introduction of criminal liability for repeated insubordination to traffic police officers. And it seems to be correct - the "racers" are completely unbelievable. But won't unscrupulous traffic cops (and they still exist) abuse such power? And then the PCA began to prepare a new coefficient for adherents of dangerous driving, that is, those who are fined five times a year or more often. According to insurers, this is only 5% of drivers, so law-abiding citizens seem to have nothing to fear. Although a neat driver can pick up five fines per year.

At the same time, and this is the most important thing, recently a message appeared on the Internet that the traffic police has increased its attention to cars with non-standard equipment. Such cars are stopped, protocols and fines are written out (the size depends on the equipment), the cars are sent to the impound parking lots, canceling the registration ... In extreme cases, they may even incriminate disobedience to police officers.

Now let's see what is meant by such non-standard equipment. These are mufflers, bumpers, spoilers, steering wheels, seats, suspension elements, gas-discharge light sources, additional external lighting devices, also not provided for in the design, "kenguryatniki", metal bumpers, headlights of "working light" on the roof, "lightboxes" and monitors for advertising broadcasts, "fins" and "teapots", modified interior layout, gas equipment, refrigeration units, body lengthening, sideboard superstructure on trucks, not provided for by the vehicle design. The list is such that it allows you to brake almost every third - at least for additional external lighting devices. For gas equipment or non-standard steering wheel and seats - every fifth. And send them to the impound. According to law.

Hold on, street racers! And others

Interestingly, this tightening affects not only street racers, of which there are many, but also law-abiding citizens who drive quite safely, but ... not on asphalt. Or on the so-called asphalt.

We have whole regions where there are almost more tuning cars than standard ("stock") cars. For example, the entire Russian Far East, Sakhalin, Kamchatka. You haven't forgotten that this is also Russia? What is the stock there! If at least sometimes you get out into nature (and everyone does this), equip the off-road vehicle with an elevated suspension, large wheels, a snorkel, power bumpers, an additional tank and winches. And not for the sake of beauty, but in order not to be helpless in front of nature, hundreds of kilometers from housing. However, in many regions of our country you cannot drive away from the doorstep in an unprepared car. And there is no money for a standard cross-country with the same parameters and never will be. I will not open a secret if I say that even decent off-road wheels cannot be put on a car without changing the suspension. And "chandeliers" on public roads in a sober mind are never turned on by anyone, but they help a lot in the dark on rough terrain.

Search and rescue volunteers are now outlawed. Those who take tourists to remote and hard-to-reach places (there are many of them, for example, in the same Crimea) ... You can still feel sorry for the sellers of additional equipment and mechanics who specialize in their installation. Amateur motorsport may be affected partly - first of all, the same off-road vehicles. Well, you can simply forget about such events as the Moscow Tuning Show or Unlim 500+.

These are just particular examples - the tightening in one way or another affects the interests of many people. It is not surprising that Internet users immediately drew up a petition to Rostekhnadzor, the Ministry of Transport and the President of the Russian Federation to cancel the registration of unauthorized changes in the design of cars. Within a few days, she collected 24,300 signatures.

How are people signing the petition guided? Here are a few statements:

"The special services and the Ministry of Emergency Situations ask for help first of all to the owners of prepared cars, and with such laws there will be no one to help them", - Veniamin Ilyin, Kazan.

“I strongly doubt that larger wheels and a walkie-talkie increase the accident rate on the roads and create an obstacle to other road users, but meter-by-meter pits scattered all over the road in 6-9 meter increments do not. Start with yourself! " - Dmitry Misharin, Nizhny Novgorod.

“We are encouraged to actively travel around Russia ... But it is simply impossible to get to many places without making changes to the design of the car. Do not deprive us of the opportunity to see Russia with our own eyes! " - Svetlana Menshova, Moscow.

“I subscribe, because otherwise the traffic cops on the road will have an extra reason to extort money, which is not enough now,” - Vladimir Yasyrev, Yekaterinburg.

“I don’t have extra money for ill-conceived laws”, - Sergey Khrupakov, Moscow.

"An extra reason for the" gay people "to fill their pockets" - Dmitry Kadochnikov, Petrozavodsk.

Unfortunately, it is obvious that this decision literally pushes people to commit crimes, forces drivers to offer bribes, and traffic cops (that's exactly how) take them. And the sums will be considerable. After all, the offense is considered serious, and the punishment is quite severe.

What has changed?

They say that such severity is temporary, and that one of its reasons is the forthcoming reform of the technical inspection institute. Another reform. This we will find out, we will see. In the meantime, if you do not want problems, it is better to remove everything non-standard and try to legalize the alterations. But I warn you, it will be unbearably difficult.

Officials who make such decisions, I would like to advise to listen to a reasonable public, and not only to those who yell "hey!" on any occasion, as well as consult with experts who look at the issue not one-sidedly, but from different points of view. It would not hurt to simplify the procedure for legalizing a converted car, instructing accredited organizations to make decisions about the safety of a particular tuning, and not traffic police officers who do not trust experts and endlessly double-check the legality of their actions and conclusions. Believe me, this process has nothing to do with road safety.

What you need to do to formalize the car re-equipment

  1. Submit an appeal of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by power of attorney) to an accredited testing laboratory with the provision of documents. For example, NAMI-PTIA.
  2. Conduct a preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design in an accredited organization. If the result is positive, get a conclusion.
  3. Contact the territorial traffic police department, which carries out the functions of technical supervision with the provision of documents.
  4. Get a traffic police resolution (required!).
  5. Carry out conversion work in accordance with the conclusion. At the same time, if it is envisaged to make changes in the design of the vehicle in the conditions of a certified enterprise, the applicant receives from the manufacturer of the works a "Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of the work performed" and duly certified certificates for the services rendered. If the conclusion allows independent work, the registration of the "Declaration Statement" is carried out by the owner. It is also necessary to collect duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for the components and items of equipment used for the conversion, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with the conformity mark). The technical condition and design of the vehicle after the changes made are checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety at SSTO or PTO. Based on the results of the check, a diagnostic card is issued for the vehicle, which is issued to the owner of the vehicle.
  6. Contact an accredited organization to check the safety of the structure and draw up a technical examination protocol after making changes.
  7. Submit to the traffic police the vehicle and documents that are the basis for registering changes in the vehicle design.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Almost every car owner over time carries out some modifications and improvements to his "iron horse".

For some, the changes are very minor, for example, replacing the nipple caps with colored ones. Other motorists approach the improvements more thoroughly and make changes to the engine, suspension, car body. All of these changes relate to the tuning (fine-tuning) of the vehicle.

In this article, we will talk about what fines await the owner of a car for illegal tuning.

Varieties of car tuning

First of all, let's highlight the common types of tuning, which are widespread in Russia:

  • or in the headlights.

All these changes are massive, so each of them is discussed in a separate article. We will not dwell on them in detail today.

As for other types of tuning, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Improving the appearance of the car. This group includes, for example, the installation of non-standard bumpers and spoilers on cars.
  • Improving the technical characteristics of the machine. In this case, we are talking about making changes to the car's engine, suspension or other structural elements.
  • Improving the cross-country ability of the vehicle. Preparing a car for off-road driving includes the installation of additional equipment, for example, a winch or snorkel, as well as finalizing the design of the car itself.

In general, design changes affect a fairly large group of car owners.

Penalty for tuning a car in 2019

Fines for changing the design of a vehicle are provided for:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the obligations of road safety officials, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2-7 of this article , -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

So, the driver will receive a fine in the amount of 500 rubles for most of the design changes.

There are a few exceptions that are subject to more severe penalties:

  • Installation of headlights with red lights on the front of the car - deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (part 3 of Article 12.5);
  • Installation of special light (flashing lights) or sound signals - deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (part 4 of Article 12.5);
  • Installation of the sign "Disabled" - a fine of 5,000 rubles (part 4 1 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of color schemes for operational services - deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (part 6 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of a color-graphic scheme for a passenger taxi - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

All of the above design changes are illegal and do not raise questions for drivers. Within the framework of this article, we are interested in those changes that do not fall into the specified list. It is required to understand in which case a fine in the amount of 500 rubles can be imposed, and in which not.

And for this you need to figure out what types of tuning are related to design changes.

Note. In the event of a change in the design of the vehicle, the traffic police may cancel the registration of the vehicle:

What applies to vehicle design changes?

Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code refers to. The full text of this document is not required, you just need to study its appendix:

In this document, the final paragraph 7.18 refers to tuning:

7.18. Changes have been made to the vehicle design without the permission of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

After reading this paragraph, the question arises, what exactly refers to changes in the design of the vehicle, for which you can get a fine of 500 rubles.

The concept of "changes in the design of a vehicle" is given in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "":

making changes to the design of a vehicle - the exclusion of components and items of equipment provided for or installation not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle, carried out after the release of the vehicle into circulation and affecting road safety;

This definition does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what exactly refers to the components and equipment that affect safety:

"vehicle safety" - a state characterized by a combination of design parameters and technical condition of a vehicle, ensuring the inadmissibility or minimization of the risk of harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment;

However, the technical regulation contains Appendix No. 9, which, among other things, contains a list of individual (not all) design changes:

  • Replacement of the truck body type.
  • Installation of additional fuel tanks.
  • Installation of hoists and winches on trucks.
  • Installation of special equipment.
  • Installation and dismantling of LPG.
  • Replacement of external lighting devices (including the installation of xenon or diode lamps).
  • Re-equipment of the car for people with disabilities.

All of the above items are guaranteed to relate to modifications to the vehicle. If you do them without permission, you can get a fine of 500 rubles.

With regard to the installation of other equipment, it remains unclear in what cases it should be attributed to changes in the design of the vehicle.

For example, the installation of non-standard bumpers made of a different material (metal instead of plastic). Obviously, this tuning option affects the safety of the car in the event.

Another example. Installing the DVR on the windshield of the car. On the one hand, the installation is elementary and should not affect safety. On the other hand, if the airbags are deployed, they can "pull" the power supply wire of the recorder, tear it off the glass and send it "fly" around the cabin.

If the additional equipment that you installed has the necessary documents (manufacturer, manufacturer), then you do not need to additionally enter information about it in the registration documents.

Good luck on the road!


Installed a body of the same type, awning,

but the awning van is longer than the frame by<1метра, это нарушение, к чему могут привлечь. (стопы и номер остались на раме) спасибо.

I replaced the steering wheel of a smaller diameter with a fret viburnum with EUR, the employee said that I made changes to the design of the car, is he right? No fine issued

Sergey if you do not have documents for the new steering wheel, confirming that it is intended for your car, then the traffic police officer could impose a fine.

Subsequently, you can try to challenge the fine, but I cannot guarantee a successful result, since so far, none of the readers have reported such an experience.

Good luck on the road!

Good day! On a UAZ car with the specifics of my work (driving on strong off-road) I put wheels of a larger diameter with other rims (with a departure) than a meeting with an employee will turn out for me

Hello everyone! Guys, please tell me who knows, I have a mark in the TCP and STS that additional ones are installed. pedels, a "U" sign and an additional mirror, in fact there is nothing (there used to be a car from a driving school). What threatens me for this? And how do you officially remove data from the docks? I would be very grateful for the answer (advice)!


In this case, it turns out that the actual design of the vehicle does not correspond to what is indicated in its documents. Those. a fine for design changes is possible (500 rubles).

The exclusion of information about changes from the car documents is exactly the same procedure as the usual introduction of changes. That is, you need to obtain permission, and then contact the traffic police to amend the registration documents.

In any case, I recommend that you call the local traffic police and clarify whether it is necessary to undergo additional technical examinations and obtain permits when returning the car to factory condition. Please report the results here.

Good luck on the road!


I put the winch inside the body of the gazelle, they wanted to be fined. Can it or not?

Sergey, in practice, traffic police officers can impose a fine. However, if you do not agree with him, then you can challenge him in court.

It is not clear from your description whether the design was changed when the winch was installed. If you simply loaded the winch into the body, this is not a design change. But if you drilled additional holes in the body / frame and secured the winch through them, then this is a design change.

Good luck on the road!


Hello, I want to install a sunroof, do I need to bring it into the TCP? And I also wanted to know about the spoiler for the classic "duck tail" is it legal?

Hello, can I make changes to the car's structure by tinting the front windows higher than 70%? thanks

Azamat, Hello.

If the tinting does not comply with the legal requirements, but for such a design change, permission will not be issued.

Good luck on the road!


Hello!!! Lancer 10, would like to set the angel eyes white instead of dimensions how?

Basil, Hello.

If you want to change fixtures just for looks, then it's not worth it. the costs of effort, time and finance will be large.

Good luck on the road!

Please tell me when installing the following on the Prado 120, what can cause problems with the traffic police?

Wheel arches

Laser brake light, fog light and Star distance limiter

Metal arches (double) on the rear bumper (see photo)

Hello, a convertible was made from an old car, I wonder if the traffic police officers will be able to pick it up at the impound parking lot or only a fine of 500 rubles?


Changes in design are subject to fines and cancellation of registration. The parking lot does not apply to the situation.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! Today a policeman made me remarks on the trunk that is installed on the body of a VAZ 2107 car, is it possible to install a trunk on the car?

Nizami, describe in more detail what kind of trunk you mean.

In any case, if the documentation of the car allows you to use such a trunk, and there are documents on the trunk itself, then there should be no problems with its use.

Good luck on the road!

Good night. Is it possible to remake the exterior of a VAZ 2109 to a VAZ 2114 without making any changes?

Good afternoon. Without making changes, no.

The traffic police say that I do not have children's shelves on the Gazelle for transporting children, the Gazelle passed to me without shelves from another organization. DPS says there will be a fine. Please explain what the fine is for and whether they can impose it.

Good day! Tell me, the car has already installed lambod doors, which recline upward, but they have two positions, opens like a regular door to the side and folds up, now we will put the car on record, but this modification is not registered in the TCP, what will be the fine and is considered Is it a violation at all? In fact, the doors remained factory-made, only the hinges were replaced.

Not so long ago, all the owners of modified and converted cars were horrified by the news, which spoke about the intention of the traffic police to fight illegal tuning. There is a need to figure out what an illegal car alteration is. The question is rather complicated and should be accompanied by quotations from the laws, but the problem is that the legislation in this area is too vague. Some experts and lawyers can prove that certain alterations are absolutely legal, even if the law states otherwise. To begin with, many began to remove the factory xenon and install conventional halogens on cars that were equipped with improved light from the factory. You don't have to change anything from the factory, you don't have to. Such re-equipment can be carried out only at your request.

That is, if xenon is installed in the car from the factory, calmly operate the car with this type of optics. It is best to carry with you confirmation that the xenon lamps are installed at the factory. This could be a brochure or a printout of your vehicle's equipment. Likewise, you do not need to install rear seat belts or Isofix child seat anchorages if you did not originally have this in your car. You are not obliged to add to or change the factory equipment, and there are certain references to this in the law. But there is also another side of the coin. On the roads, traffic police officers can very strongly grapple with the driver of a car on which prohibited xenon is installed. And then you will have to go through living hell, proving your case. Let's figure out what is better to remove from the car today.

Lighting fixtures - starting a war with xenon

For the first time, in the new amendments to the traffic rules, it was prescribed that the use of gas-discharge lamps of working optics is unacceptable on the territory of Russia. So now it will not be possible to drive with illegally installed xenon and prove to the traffic police that they are wrong. But that's not all, now it is worth considering the following features:

  • you can not install the light on the roof of the car, any lighting fixtures and equipment for special purposes must be dismantled from the wrong places;
  • too bright light is unacceptable, there are also requirements for adjusting the headlights, which are clearly spelled out in the traffic rules - their failure to comply can cause serious consequences;
  • additional lighting equipment in the form of DRL or PTF, which is not provided for by the design of the car, must be dismantled, the cover will not work;
  • changes in the technical characteristics of lighting equipment may be prohibited, the brightness and beams of light from powerful lamps will attract the attention of the traffic police on the roads of Russia.

It must be admitted that some of the features and interpretation of the proposals in the SDA are not entirely clear. So drivers will have to consult with lawyers to get the answers they need. However, as always, it will be very difficult to prove your case in court. Therefore, it is better to observe the technical equipment of the lighting equipment as it was at the factory.

Additional mufflers, body kits and kenguryatniki - into the firebox

If you need additional equipment options for an off-road vehicle, buy a ready-made factory version with all the winches and other things. Put a bump stop made of chrome-plated metal pipes on the car; at the very first traffic police post, they can send the car to an impound parking lot. More specifically, the following additions are prohibited:

  • mufflers of a different design, different from the factory ones, as well as covers for mufflers that increase the sound effects or change the sound of the unit;
  • metal bumpers and kenguryatniks, which cause an increased risk of injury when traveling on cars, in the event of an accident, other cars suffer;
  • add-ons of boards on pickups is a very controversial issue, but this point is also prohibited if the design from the factory does not provide for any special solutions;
  • structures for lengthening the body, lifting the car, increasing ground clearance and changing other technical characteristics - all this becomes prohibited.

It is interesting that these provisions of the traffic rules are far from new, they have existed for a long time. Today, they simply put the legislation in order and began to observe the truths written long ago. So it is not worth the risk, since the consequences and various problems from non-compliance with the laws will be very harsh. Let's not forget the rule of 5 fines per year for disqualification.

Gas equipment and refrigeration units

This is another very controversial and unpleasant point that will force many motorists to take money and documents and go to the traffic police. HBO today is in many cars, almost no one makes out this modification. And the registration procedure is quite complicated. And if installing refrigeration equipment is really not worth it, then there may be various issues with HBO. The main problems are as follows:

  • indeed, improperly installed gas equipment becomes a hazard factor, so it really needs to be banned or legalized;
  • at good service stations, you are offered professional installation in compliance with all the qualities and requirements of reliable operation, so problems should not arise;
  • when refitting, the technical characteristics change, the environmental friendliness of the car changes, so the traffic police should be aware of such changes, the government believes;
  • the installation of wasteful and unreliable LPG installations, such as the second generation, should be prohibited, for example, they should be taken out of use altogether.

Given such initiatives, one in ten drivers in Russia can be hurt by traffic police officers. At the same time, they can not only write out a protocol on violation of traffic rules with a considerable amount, but also take the car to the penalty area, and additionally remove it from registration. The reasons for these dramatic changes are still unknown.

Seats and steering wheel surprise for drivers

One of the most unexpected points that no driver knew about, despite studying traffic rules at a driving school, is a ban on the installation of non-standard steering wheels, seats and other significant elements of the cabin. Redevelopment cannot be carried out in the interior, trucks cannot be converted into passenger ones. The main problems of this item are as follows:

  • many cars have already been converted, owners will have to spend very significant amounts of money to buy original interior parts;
  • sometimes it is impossible to find original parts at all, since the car is old, what to do in such cases, the law does not yet give any answers to such questions;
  • Non-native seats are also sometimes safer than the original ones, so the issue of changing interior elements should be revised, many drivers believe;
  • it is not necessary to equalize all cars, it is necessary to differentiate the rules and provide more freedom in these points to the owners of old cars.

The government shrugs off such initiatives, as it is necessary to remove old cars from the used equipment market. This is an important moment for the state, but terrible news for half of the car owners in the country. So such drastic moves can significantly increase resistance to the new rules. However, they have a grain of rationality, since many alterations are truly surprising and shocking.

How to register and legalize all changes in the car?

Due to the fact that on the roads of Russia, the traffic police began to actively stop cars with converted parts, it is worth clarifying how to legalize. If you want to supply gas-discharge xenon lamps or a kenguryatnik, then you cannot legalize it in any way. If the issue of re-equipment concerns other details, it is worth carrying out the following procedure:

  • before carrying out the conversion, bring the car to the traffic police, put it on the site for inspection and write a statement asking to authorize the conversion;
  • then you are issued (or not issued) a permit, they inspect the car or accept documents from reputable service stations certified for MOT;
  • then you must carry out the refurbishment at the station with official documents, get all the necessary papers and expert opinions;
  • with the conclusions received, you again come to the traffic police, put the car on the site for inspection, provide a package of papers to the registration window.

You will also have to spend money on replacing the registration certificate, if necessary, or on making changes to the data about the car. In any case, such a procedure will take a lot of money and time. So not every motorist will decide on such actions. However, many simply will not have another choice. We offer a short video about HBO and the reasons for the need to modernize its installation system:

Summing up

Like all changes in our state, the fight against illegally converted cars begins far from where it should start. The traffic police actively catches "violators", some cars have even lost their registration, are on the penalty areas. Experts and drivers believe that in this situation there should first be a warning, information about new requirements, and then a trial period, during which the owners will have time to eliminate illegal elements. This is very important for any normal society.

For the time being, the state is choosing a way to fine everyone who did not manage to do anything and does not know about new legislation at all. This is a profitable method for the government, but not at all acceptable to every person. So after reading this article, go to your car with a list of prohibited items of equipment. It is better to remove all unnecessary devices and return the factory equipment, so as not to provoke any unpleasant situations. What do you think about the innovations regarding the ban on a number of equipment on cars?

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