Home Heating How points will be awarded in traffic police. How to pass driving around the city to obtain a license without errors? Frequent blunders

How points will be awarded in traffic police. How to pass driving around the city to obtain a license without errors? Frequent blunders

Have you heard the expression "Forewarned is forearmed"? It is the best fit for those who are going to have an exam in the traffic police. If you are going to rent a license, be sure to read this article. Written by one of the best Upstudy instructors... The article tells in detail about the most common mistakes in the city exam in the traffic police. It will help you not only avoid ridiculous blunders, but also set yourself up for the exam correctly.

The exam at the traffic police is not a court, but a filter

Before giving specific examples, let's figure out why and who needs the exam in general.

For a "candidate for drivers" (and this is what the examinees are called: they are no longer students, but not yet "drivers") the answer is obvious - to get "Rights".

For the examiner, the purpose of the exam is to answer the question: can this candidate for drivers be entrusted with independent driving, that is, in the literal sense of the word, make him responsible for his future actions on the road. In this case, the examiner can answer this question only by looking from the outside at the external actions of the examinee. It is by these actions (right or wrong) that you can convince the examiner of what result he should deliver - Pass or DO NOT pass.

The exam is not a verdict, but a filter. Those who are not ready for independent driving should not pass through this filter. At the same time, even if some of those who are objectively ready to drive a car on their own do not pass, then this will not be a problem, unlike the situation if those who are not ready pass this filter.

The traffic police exam is a game, but the road is not!

It is better for a driver candidate to perceive the exam as a game.

On the part of the examinee, the goal of this game is to prevent the examiner from catching him of violating the Rules of the Road - down to the last letter, full stop or comma!

From the side of the examiner - the goal of the game is the opposite - to catch the candidate in violation of some points of the Rules or safety standards on the road.

On the one hand, this game should not release unprepared drivers onto the road, and on the other hand, it should only release those who can objectively be responsible for their actions on the road.

It should be emphasized that the exam is called a game here, but the road is not a game! When a driver candidate gets a license and becomes a driver, things get serious right away. The responsibility is already completely on him, and he must understand this.

What is the main purpose of the exam?

At the exam in the traffic police, there is no goal to get somewhere, and even more so to get somewhere.

The goal is one - to demonstrate compliance with the Rules to the last point and comma, as well as the adequacy of their behavior on the road. Of course, everyone understands (including the examiner) that there is no 100% strict adherence to the rules on the roads, but you need to demonstrate such driving on the exam. This is a guarantee that the person who passed the exam can be responsible for his actions on the road, even if he does not comply with this or that letter or paragraph of the rules.

The main mistakes when passing the traffic police

The purpose of this article is not to retell the methodology for taking an exam or assessing errors in penalty points, the method is known.

I will try to list the most common mistakes that lead to the failure of the third part of the exam (driving around the city), and partially touch on their reasons.

A more detailed analysis can be found in the book by Andrey Barbakadze “I am learning to drive a car. A detailed step-by-step guide for license traders ”.

Mistakes can be divided into stupid and rude. Examples of "silly mistakes":

    • Didn't fasten my seat belt.
    • I forgot to turn on the direction indicator when starting to move or other maneuvers, or forgot to turn it off, and also turned it on or off at the wrong time.
    • I forgot to release the parking brake when starting off or did not put on it after stopping.

Most often, "silly mistakes" are associated with:

    • insufficient technical skill in driving;
    • inattention;
    • excitement that the examinee cannot cope with, which is a must for any driver.

Both that, and another, and the third says that the person is objectively not ready for the road. The examiner sees this and can give a failure in the aggregate of penalty points for a sufficiently large number of minor errors.

Other failures can arise even from one mistake, which is considered gross (although such actions are often found on the road).

Examples of gross mistakes when passing the exam at the traffic police:

    • Do not take the far right position on the far right lane before turning right or the far left position on the far left lane before turning left (U-turn). That is, not to comply with clause 8.5 of the Rules. For example, a meter from the curb or from the center line is too much. It is required to take a position no more than 30-40 cm from the curb, while this must be done in advance and smoothly, which requires the examinee to have a fairly good sense of the dimensions of the car and already tells the examiner a lot about a good level of technical skills, knowledge of the rules and understanding of the situation by the examinee.
    • Turn right without fulfilling the requirement to move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway, that is, turn into the second lane when the first is free at a sufficient distance, and thereby violate the traffic rules, paragraph 8.6 of the second paragraph. (Note that both of these violations are very common in life and are not considered very gross.)
    • Turn left, while aiming at the oncoming lane or the sidewalk.
    • Driving into a solid line when changing lanes or driving straight ahead.
    • Exceeding the speed limit in the area of ​​the "Maximum speed limit" sign.
    • U-turn in a place where it is prohibited (for example, at a bus stop or where the road is not visible for 100 meters).
    • Stopping in the zone of the sign "No Stopping", or at the yellow curb (markings 1.4), or opposite the exits on the left.
    • Sometimes, even due to inattention, they do not notice small intersections at which there was a task to make a turn or a U-turn, and go straight.
    • Inattention or negligence can also include movement between lanes (even if there are no markings).
    • U-turns outside intersections on narrow roads with heavy traffic often lead to mishaps because they interfere with passing or oncoming traffic. Alternatively, you can recommend going to the intersection and turning around on it.
    • When turning on wide roads, the position of the center line is often incorrectly determined if there are no markings.
    • Moving behind the car in front, they do not notice the traffic light and leave at the prohibitory signal at the intersection.
    • Stopping behind a stop line or the edge of the carriageway at an intersection.
    • U-turns at intersections often lead to bad luck too:
    • at small intersections, they cannot calculate the trajectory and turn around in one step, run into the curb, and reverse at intersections is prohibited;
    • at large regulated intersections with heavy traffic they often "hang" - they cannot leave after the changed phase of the traffic light;
    • sometimes, when making a U-turn at an intersection, a part of the U-turn trajectory passes along the "zebra".

In what cases the examiner himself presses the brake

A separate type of "failure" is when the examiner hits the brake faster than the examinee can do. This can happen in various situations:

    • a pedestrian suddenly jumped out onto the road;
    • the offending driver cut off when changing lanes from an adjacent lane or at an intersection when turning or making a U-turn;
    • when approaching an intersection at a red traffic light, you must give way to those who have an advantage. Such failures look very offensive. Those who fail the exam say: "I saw everything and would have slowed down and stopped in time!" But to prove something here is unlikely to succeed. It is advisable to reduce the speed, at least in normal situations that are easy to foresee, in advance and smoothly. Remember that the examiner reacts very negatively to any abrupt and unexpected actions on the part of the examinee. By the way, according to the new regulations for taking exams (from September 1, 2016), a representative of the driving school (instructor) will have to sit in the front ("on the pedals"), and the examiner - in the back. This removes the examiner's responsibility for exam safety and reduces the number of such ambiguous situations.

The most annoying way to fail an exam

Not a very common, but overly offensive failure is the following. The examiner did everything right during the examination trip. In the end, I chose the right place to stop and stopped there correctly. Forgot nothing: turned off the turn signal and transmission, put the car on the handbrake. Received a pass mark and signed by the examiner on the examination sheet. And - to celebrate - he opened the driver's door without looking back! Without missing passing transport! If there is no road traffic accident (and it happened during exams and such!), Then the situation is easily corrected: the particle NOT is placed in front of the SALT mark. Is it a shame? Yes. Is it cruel? No. Humanely! Such a candidate for drivers will not only remember for the rest of his life, but will tell his relatives, friends and all his passengers: look and, before opening the door, make sure it is safe (SDA 12.7)!

Jokes aside, but in fact, the NOT passed exam teaches very well. In this sense, it is more useful than surrendered. I say this in all seriousness.

At first, treat the exam like a game. This will help you deal with the anxiety. Some excitement during delivery is completely normal, but it is important for the future driver to be able to handle it. And the road, I repeat, is not a game!

Secondly, take the exam as a test that is required first of all for you, in order to answer the question - are you ready for the road, can you take responsibility. A driver's license is not so much a right as a responsibility! And please do not try to bypass the exam test with bribes and all kinds of incorrect ways. Those who try to do this are deceiving themselves first of all.

Finally, thirdly: an unsuccessful exam is better than a passed one. He teaches. If you didn’t pass, don’t get upset, but analyze your mistakes. As you know, “experience is the son of difficult mistakes” (A.S. Pushkin). The main thing in case of failure is to understand why this happened. If you don't understand, be sure to ask the examiner or your driving instructor.

Hopefully this article will also help you figure it out. I wish you all good luck in your exams and, most importantly, on the roads!

Passing the exam at the state automobile inspection is preceded by training at a driving school. But not all courses deal with the examination procedure. In 2016, a number of documents came into force, which had been prepared for three years to designate new regulations for the conduct of examinations.

What is tested on the exam?

The exam is needed to test a person's ability to drive a vehicle. Before passing the exam, you must undergo a medical examination. This is necessary in order to prevent dangerous elements of society or people incapacitated in this regard from driving.

The exam is testing basic knowledge and skills that are necessary for safe driving... First of all, this is a theoretical part that tests the knowledge of road signs and a set of rules. The practical part includes testing the skills necessary for adequate driver behavior in urban traffic conditions. In addition, the examinee demonstrates other skills such as parking, etc.

Exam procedure

Driving schools usually provide information on how to administer the exam, but not always. Moreover, even the voiced facts may not be heard or forgotten. So, Driver candidates will have to go through three stages:

  • Theoretical exam of traffic rules.
  • Delivery at the site / autodrome.
  • Riding in an urban setting.


Testing the theory is necessary for the inspection to be confident in the learner's knowledge of traffic rules. It also defines the very admission to the practical part. That is, if you do not pass the first stage, then you will not be allowed to practice. Delivery form - computer testing.

You need to know that there are four groups of questions in total. Each of them contains four dozen thematic blocks. Each option has questions from all blocks, more specifically - five from each. In total you you need to answer 20 questions... There can be only one correct answer.

The time allotted to candidates is twenty minutes.


The next stage is the first of the practical part, that is driving skills test, and just like in the previous one, a negative result will lead to withdrawal from the next stage of practice.

The autodrome is usually used as a site. The provided term, as in the previous part - 20 minutes... This part can be carried out both on the day of the theoretical exam, and on any other.

The order of your actions should be as follows:

  • Getting into the car.
  • Seat customization as well as rearview mirrors.
  • Waiting for the examiner (if he is not already in the car). In no case should you start moving without his permission!
  • Exam.

Regarding the last point - the order of movement on the site can be anything, it all depends on the circuit of the circuit and the instructions of the examiner. Following the latter, you must pass obstacles such as:

  • Slide.
  • Snake.
  • Parallel parking.
  • U-turn.
  • Entrance to the box.

There may also be elements of road markings or signs, for example - a pedestrian crossing. In this case, you need to strictly comply with the established norms. Also, do not forget to turn on the turn signals.


The second stage of practice begins on the streets of the city, i.e. the last part of the exam. The driver candidate has already proven that he is quite capable of driving a car, as well as his knowledge of theoretical material. The need is due to the very fact of traffic, which is not imitated at the autodrome.

During the trip, there can be two or three people in the car. The examiner himself and the instructor, and sometimes the owner of the car that participates in the exam.


  • You should start when the examiner says;
  • Even if everything is set up (in the case of passing two stages in a row), check again and wait for the command;
  • Listen carefully to the examiner as he determines both the route and the assignments;

The list of required tasks may include:

  • Driving along a regulated intersection.
  • Driving along an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads.
  • Turns and U-turns at and outside intersections.
  • Moving across the railroad.
  • Change of lane to another lane.
  • Driving at the maximum permissible speed.
  • Movement along the passages and past public transport stops.
  • Braking and full stop.

Assessment rules for passing the exam

People who have answered all the questions on the ticket correctly, but the examinees are considered to have passed the theoretical part right away. are entitled to two mistakes... This can be either a wrong answer or a lack of it. In this case, an additional ten minutes are provided, as well as the other five questions from the block in which the error was found. Besides, if two incorrect or missing answers are in different blocks, both are provided.

Unsatisfactory marks are given to those who were able to correctly answer less than 18 questions in the given time, or made two mistakes in one block.

It is strictly forbidden to use any materials or technique during the exam. In addition, any fraud detected will result in an immediate end of the exam, so it is strongly advised not to try to cheat.

An “unsatisfactory” grade is also awarded if:

  • Driving outside the control lines.
  • Engine stalled several times.
  • Crossing the STOP line while stopping.
  • Intersections of fixation lines.
  • Reversible reversing.
  • Rollback on the rise to a distance of more than thirty centimeters.

When driving around the city, correctly executed commands will be taken into account. But it is more important to follow the rules of the road. In the latter practice, there is the concept of penalty points. It is they who will determine whether the examinee will receive a driver's license. For a satisfactory assessment, you need to get no more than 5 penalty points.

Penalty points for common mistakes

Errors for which penalty points are awarded fall into three main categories:

  • Small ones.
  • Average.
  • Rough.

For their completion, 1, 3 and 5 points are awarded, respectively.

Common small mistakes:

  • Unfastened seat belt.
  • Untimely use of turning lights.
  • Incorrect position of the vehicle on the road.
  • Driving with excessive or very low speed.
  • Abrupt braking for no reason.
  • Improper use of external light signals.
  • Inattentive attitude to the turn signals of another car.
  • Disregard for mirrors.

Average errors:

  • Breaking the rules while stopping.
  • Ignoring the use of cornering lights during maneuvers.
  • Neglecting "emergency gang" in a necessary situation.
  • Exit to an intersection with obstacles to traffic in the lateral direction.

Common blunders:

  • Interfering with the vehicle with priority.
  • Failure to give priority to a pedestrian / cyclist.
  • Departure into the oncoming lane.
  • Failure to follow a priority traffic sign.
  • Crossing the stop line at a traffic light.
  • Violation of the rules for turning and overtaking.
  • Incorrect turning.
  • Improper reversing maneuvering.

If you failed to pass the exam, then after 7 days you can come for a retake. If you have successfully answered the theory, but made a mistake in practice, then the assessment for the theory will be valid for 3 months. When retaking, you will only go through the practical part.

Recently, the deputies introduced a bill to the Duma, which implies the introduction of a banal system of punishments for ordinary drivers and taxi drivers for traffic violations. The State Duma proposes that the traffic police officers will re-accrue points, and the number of points will primarily depend on the amount of fines issued. Car instructors will tell us when and how such a system will be implemented.

Scoring rules

The deputies believe that a special section should be introduced in the Administrative Code, where all punishments for regular violations of traffic rules will be considered. For example, if a driver has committed three or more car crimes, then he gets 150 points. For this, you can lose the VU for a period of 12 months. The points will most likely be calculated as follows: one point will be equal to 100 rubles of the fine.

Thus, if the minimum fine is 500 rubles, then there will be five points.

According to the deputies, this is a good option to stop those who systematically violate traffic rules, and there are many of them among motorists and even driving instructors. There are drivers who have 20 or even 30 fines, which in most cases ends in a tragedy on the road.

Some people wonder why they decided to return such strict rules? But the authors of the bill reassure motorists: it will not be a "funded" system for absolutely all violations, but only for those that pose a danger to society. These include: driving on a red signal, excessive speeding, driving into an “oncoming lane”, etc.

Such offenses as parking or stopping in the wrong place, movement on the lane allocated for special vehicles will not be taken into account.

Are the three holes coming back?

Experienced drivers have not yet forgotten a similar system that operated in our country about 15 years ago. Surely, many remember the “three holes” rule, when after such a number of “punctures” any driver was deprived of his license for a year. A little later there was a transition to a point system. Today, no one will ever pierce anything. However, all violations on the road will be recorded on special electronic media.

If the driver gains 200 points in one per calendar year (which is equal to a fine in monetary terms of 20 thousand rubles), then the motorist is automatically deprived of the driving license for a year.

Exceeded speed - lost my license

Another proposal submitted for consideration in the Duma is to deprive a person who has greatly exceeded the speed for one year, in particular by 80-90 km / h. For such a violation, a fine of five thousand and deprivation of rights, again for a year, will be provided.

In addition to the point system, the new bill provides for the following sanctions for offenders. So, the amount of the minimum fine will increase from one hundred rubles to 500, as already mentioned above. Another innovation concerns drunkenness while driving. So, for driving a vehicle in a state of alcoholic intoxication (the permissible amount per mille is not yet known), a fine of 50 thousand rubles will be charged at once, plus deprivation of the VU for 3 years. Exactly the same punishment (fine and deprivation) threatens those motorists who transfer their car to another drunk person.

Even in the amendments submitted to the State Duma, the fines for driving without a vehicle have been increased. Today we are talking about an increase to 30,000 rubles!

Video on tougher punishments for offenses on the road:

We wish you good luck on the road and do not break the rules!

The article uses an image from the site tltgorod.ru

To obtain a driver's license. Let's consider what penalty points are provided for students of driving schools in 2020.

Now, instead of 10 exercises in the practical exam, the driver candidate will have to complete 17. 2 minutes are allotted for each exercise on the court. The practical exam in the city has 30 minutes. To successfully pass the exam, it is allowed to score no more than 4 points.

We offer you a complete table of penalty points for the traffic police exam, as amended on September 6, 2017:


Small mistakes (which can be made on the exam no more than 2 times). After the third mistake, the exam will not be passed.

  • 3 or more times knocked down the marking equipment (113.2).
  • 3 or more times allowed the engine to stop (113.7).
  • Passing an examination for categories M, A or subcategory A1, he touched the surface of the court with his foot (s) 3 or more times, when touching is not provided for by the conditions of the exercise. (113.12).

Medium errors (you can only make one mistake per exam).

  • Passing the exam for categories M, A or subcategory A1, he did not give a turn signal 2 or more times in cases when it is provided for by the conditions of the exercise (113.12).

The only average mistake is the lack of a turn signal when passing the exam on a moped or motorcycle.

Serious mistakes (if you make them at least once, you will receive the mark "DO NOT SENT".

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command to start it.

113.3. Drove (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise sections, indicated by road marking lines 1.1. white or 1.4. yellow and marking cones.

113.4. Crossing the "Stop" line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle in cases when the stop before the "Stop" line is provided for by the conditions of the exercise.

113.5. Did not cross the control line with the external dimensions of the vehicle in cases where the crossing of the control line is provided for by the conditions of the exercise.

113.6. Deviated from the specified trajectory of movement, provided for by the conditions of the exercise.

113.8. Stopped before the corresponding marking line at a distance exceeding the control value.

113.9. Carried out the movement in reverse if the movement in reverse is not provided for by the conditions of the exercise.

113.10. Exceeded the total time of the test exercises.

113.11. When passing the exam for the right to drive a vehicle of categories A, M and subcategory A1, he exceeded the time required to complete the element of exercise No. 1 “High-speed maneuvering”.

113.13. When performing the exercise "Stopping and starting movement on the rise", I allowed the vehicle to roll back on the rise by more than 0.3 m.

113.14. When performing the exercise "Passage at a regulated intersection", you passed the intersection (entered the intersection) or crossed the Stop line according to the projection of the vehicle's front clearance when the traffic light is prohibited.

113.15. Left the exam (refused the test exercise).


Gross mistakes (5 points), if you make them at least once, you will receive the mark "DO NOT pass"


Point of traffic rules

Not providing an advantage (interfering) with a vehicle that has an advantage.

3.2, 8.1, 8.3-8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 8.12, 9.6, 11.7, 13.4-13.6, 13.8, 13.9,13.11, 13.12, 15.1, 18.1, 18.3

Not giving an advantage (creating interference) to pedestrians who have an advantage.

8.3, 13.1, 13.8, 14.1, 14.3, 14.5, 14.6

Departure to the lane of oncoming traffic (except for permitted cases) or tram tracks of the opposite direction.

8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.8, 9.12

Passage to the prohibiting traffic light (traffic controller).

6.2-6.4, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10

Failure to comply with the requirements of priority signs, prohibiting and prescriptive signs, road markings 1.1, 1.3, as well as signs of special instructions.

Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 of the SDA

Crossing the "STOP" -line (markings 1.12) when stopping in the presence of a sign 2.5 or when a traffic light signal (traffic controller) prohibits it.

6.13, Appendix No. 2 to traffic rules

Violation of the rules for overtaking.

Violation of the rules for performing a turn.

Violation of the rules for performing a U-turn.

Violation of the rules for driving in reverse.

Violation of the rules for crossing a railway crossing.

Exceeding the set speed.

Failure to take possible measures to reduce speed up to a complete stop of the vehicle in the event of a danger to traffic.

Violation of the rules for advancing the vehicle when passing pedestrian crossings.

Overtaking a vehicle that has special color schemes printed on the outer surfaces with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal, or an accompanying vehicle.

An action or inaction that caused the need to intervene in the vehicle control process in order to prevent an accident.

Failure to complete (ignore) the examiner's task.

Average errors - 3 points


Point of traffic rules

2.1. I violated the rules of stopping, parking.

12.1-12.5, 12.7, 12.8

2.2. Did not give a signal with a turn signal before starting a movement, changing lanes, turning (turning) or stopping.

2.3. Did not fulfill the requirements of road markings (except for markings 1.1, 1.3, 1.12).

Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 to the traffic rules.

2.4. Did not use hazard warning lights or warning signs in specified cases.

2.5. I drove out to an intersection when there was a traffic jam, interfering with the vehicle's movement in the transverse direction.

2.6. Didn't fasten my seat belt.

2.7. Violated the rules for the carriage of passengers.

2.8. I used my phone while driving.

2.9. In established cases, did not slow down or stop.

Minor mistakes - 1 point


Point of traffic rules

3.1. Untimely gave a turn signal.

3.2. Violated the rules for the location of the vehicle on the roadway.

9.3, 9.4, 9.7-9.10

3.3. I chose the speed without taking into account road and meteorological conditions.

3.4. Moved unnecessarily at too low a speed, interfering with other vehicles.

3.5. I braked sharply in the absence of the need to prevent an accident.

3.6. He violated the rules for using external light devices and sound signals.

19.1-19.5, 19.8, 19.10

3.7. Has committed other traffic violations.

3.8. I misjudged the traffic situation.

3.9. Didn't use rear-view mirrors.

3.10. Incorrectly used vehicle controls, did not ensure smooth movement.

3.11. During the exam, the engine stalled.

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