Home Nutrition What information can be found by the engine number. How to check a car for theft? How to find out whether the car is stolen or not? What to do if you bought a stolen car

What information can be found by the engine number. How to check a car for theft? How to find out whether the car is stolen or not? What to do if you bought a stolen car

Currently, a procedure such as car theft check, may be delayed for many days, during which law enforcement officers will work to identify the car and reconcile it with their base. However, the hijacking check can be done much faster and at no cost. Such an opportunity is provided by the hijacking check on the basis of this site.

Here is a search form, in which it is enough to fill in all the fields, and literally in a moment you will find out the result. This car theft check carried out in accordance with the database of stolen and found cars available on the website. The base is growing every day, so the theft check becomes more reliable over time.

Each person who has lost his car is ready to wait for any help, and this unites - in our country there are tens of thousands of victims at the hands of hijackers, and if each of them leaves an ad on this site, then checking the car for theft will always give accurate and reliable results. Only by rallying and uniting efforts, we will be able to find stolen cars in the shortest possible time.

Check for theft on autougonov.net - another hope for those whose car has been stolen. And we are trying to do everything so that this hope is not in vain.

Many people want to buy a new car, but most often they fail to do so. In such cases, the question immediately arises, how to find out if a car is stolen or not.

If you don’t want to run into trouble in the future, it’s better to spend a little time checking. Otherwise, you will have to go to court trying to get the money back when the vehicle is seized.

It is important that it is difficult to do this due to the “disappearance of the seller”, after a while there will be no one to file a lawsuit against.

How to check a car for theft?

When a person decides to buy a used car, he first has to learn how to check the car for theft.

Practice shows that this is a must, as cases of deception remain an unpleasant reality... There are now several ways to guarantee accurate information:

  • online database of the traffic police.

Drivers often think that it is enough to check the engine by taking its number, but "interrupting" it is too easy. Let the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for criminal liability for such actions, this does not in the least frighten professionals.

It is better to consider in detail both options, which make it possible protect yourself from terrible surprises.

Visiting the traffic police post

Having wondered how to find out whether a car is stolen or not, a person must first remember about the stationary traffic police posts.

They have computers that allow in a couple of seconds, clarify the owner of the car, as well as the presence of a report of the loss... How to use this method?

  1. Arrive by car to the post.
  2. Place it within sight.
  3. Contact an employee with a request.

Although this method has lost its relevance in 2020, it still remains reliable. Yes, traffic police inspector does not always agree to additional work, but the reason for this is only the lack of payment. If you interest him in this, the service will be provided immediately.

Online database of traffic police

Online database of the traffic police - free way to check the "cleanliness" of the car... Access to it appeared back in 2014, so today a person can independently clarify all the owners of the car. How to do this on the site http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/?

  1. Go to the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  2. Indicate the VIN code of the car.
  3. To get data.

Checking for theft by wine code has become an easy way. The scammers have not yet learned how to change it, therefore, through this data, you can get complete information. The database is regularly updated, so there can be no mistake.

Check the car for hijacking by state number will not work

Also, buyers often try to check the car for theft by the state number.

It's easy to do but the confidence in the absence of deception turns out to be imaginary.

A person believes that he has completed all the necessary actions, and after a while he remains without a vehicle. What is the reason?

When selling an expensive foreign car It is profitable for scammers to get a new number registered for a similar car... It is not difficult to do this, so the driver will have no doubts when signing the contract.

He will calmly hand over the money, not knowing that he has created serious trouble for himself. Cases like this are common because people are reckless. They want to drive, and they are not interested in the banal details of the car's history.

Checking the vehicle before purchasing is a mandatory step. If you do not want to face problems in the near future, it is better to use a simple and reliable method.

Today there are many options, so not worth saving your time... Moreover, later it will most likely turn into a lengthy trial, which will not give positive results.

Video: how to check a car for theft for free?

Any car is identified by the number of the body and engine. Based on this information, the fact of car theft is found out or the relationship of the engine is checked. The vehicle's passport indicates the engine number, and it must be the same both in the document and on the part.

If there is a discrepancy in the data, the buyer who has bought such a product is in trouble, so you need to remember about safety. To avoid problems, we will learn how to check the engine number.

In Russia, the engine number is entered in the vehicle passport. It is a letter code for the motor and a numerical parameter from the factory. The number is fixed between the gearbox and the engine at a dividing seam. It can be found on the gas distribution mechanism, more precisely, on the protective casing.

Having opened the hood, it is enough to find the above place and find a code consisting of 9 characters:

  1. Usually it is 3 numbers and 6 letters.
  2. There are 4 numbers and 5 letters, if the manufacturer has released about 1,000,000 motors or more for sale.

The secondary market is in high demand because most citizens do not have the financial ability to buy new cars.

The purchase of a used vehicle saves money and speeds up the process of receiving the goods.

However, buying on the secondary market is dangerous, because there is a risk of getting a stolen car or with other people's parts.

Therefore, before the sale and purchase transaction, the car is checked by the engine number.

Verification is also necessary when registering a car. Technical inspection specialists will analyze the information in the documents for compliance and, in fact, or will resort to the help of a special database.

In the secondary market, the buyer is not protected from a legal point of view. Crime and back-up cars are a common combination.

When inspecting the machine, you can check the required data yourself. To do this, you will need a plate with a number and a vehicle passport or a certificate of state registration.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We look at the engine number on the case.
  2. We compare the data in the registration certificate or in the TCP with the actual parameters.
  3. When there is no digital code on the engine, we look at the vehicle passport.

Pay attention to the quality of the symbols - erased or can be changed. Theft check is carried out separately. All parameters are compared with records in documents.

Additional analysis is as follows:

  • open the hood and look for the number on the unit body;
  • the engraving is usually located on the metal under the oil level dipstick;
  • often the motor is dirty and it is difficult to see the data, so we prepare a mirror and wet wipes;
  • the number consists of 17 characters - letters and numbers;
  • we carefully look at the symbols, scammers usually change those that are similar, for example, the number 0 and the letter O;
  • the received number must be compared with the documents - TCP or registration certificate;

However, such a check will not be able to certify to the buyer that the car is not being stolen.

To make a good purchase, it is important to know how to punch the engine by number.

Checking with the traffic police is difficult, because there is no guarantee of reliable information and its receipt in an accelerated mode. If the car is stolen, there is a risk of becoming a witness in a criminal case.

In the traffic police, the check is carried out using a VIN code that does not match the engine number. You can punch through information by coming personally to the traffic police department or visit the official website - http://www.gibdd.ru. We go to the portal, find the tab - services, then - check the car. VIN number, body or chassis is entered.

Attackers often interrupt numerical parameters and change the vehicle's passport. If the manipulations have touched the VIN-code, then the buyer runs the risk of receiving incorrect data and running into problems.

In order to check the car for the fact of theft, some motorists resort to a paid examination, which makes it possible to identify the changed license plates. It costs from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

You can also check the history of registrations on our service at.

If you want to quickly check the car, you should pay attention to the online services:

  1. Autocode portal - https://avtocod.ru/. The resource will require a state registration number and authorization through the State Services website. To obtain information, you need the VIN and the numeric code of the certificate of state registration of the vehicle. Next, captcha is introduced. The car in the hijacking is not fixed if any data is not found.
  2. Autobot website - https://avtobot.net/. The resource allows you to find out everything about the car with regards to theft, arrest, accident, the number of owners. VIN or state number of the car is entered.
  3. Stolencars 24 - https: //www.stolencarseu/ru/main.php/ - European stolen car database. The site requires the entry of the vehicle (VIN). Databases of Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania are checked.
  4. VIN INFO.COM - https://uk.vin-info.com/. On the portal, you cannot punch the engine by VIN number for free. The resource requires a certain fee for its services. Thanks to the site, you can punch vehicles from the USA, the Netherlands, Belgium, as well as find out the mileage.
  5. National Insurance Crime Bureau - https://www.nicb.org/. A good foreign site that fights against theft and fraud. A VIN number is required for verification.

Another reliable way to check a car for the fact of theft is to contact expert bureaus. Paid service - from 2.5 thousand rubles. The car is examined at Russian and international bases, on the basis of which a special act is drawn up.

Driving vehicles with fake license plates faces criminal liability under Article 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is so important to check the car by the engine number in the traffic police or on the Internet.

In the traffic police, you can check a car completely free of charge, however, commercial methods are more reliable.

The pricing policy of the examination depends on the following points:

  1. The cost of the car.
  2. Model and brand.
  3. In which region the vehicle was registered.
  4. Engine type.
  5. The general condition of the vehicle.

The approximate price is from 1, 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Forensic examination is carried out in the traffic police department and by employees of private companies. The latter draw up an act of work quickly, but the price will also be more expensive.

To carry out the examination, you need a personal passport, a title deed, a certificate of state registration, a check for payment for the service, a purchase and sale agreement, if the car has already been purchased.

The car itself is provided. Upon the conclusion, a written document is issued.

Checking an engine by number to detect fraudulent activity is not the only way.

There are indirect signs:

  • information about the manufacturer is always left on the windows, if it differs on one side - a reason to think;
  • if the ignition switch is badly damaged or replaced, it is better to refrain from buying;
  • if the engine has strange marks, scratches, traces of some kind of impact, it means that they tried to change the VIN number;

Checking a car using a numerical identification code will not give a 100% guarantee that the car has not been stolen.

There are a number of nuances:

  1. You should not make a purchase and sale transaction by proxy.
  2. When two sets of keys are brand new and appear to be unused, they are likely to have been tampered with.
  3. Doubtful markdown.
  4. One of the signs of theft is a vehicle that has been removed from the register for a long time.

Experts advise to carry out a comprehensive check: at the State Traffic Inspectorate, through Autobot and with the involvement of specialized employees.

The outcome of purchasing a stolen car

The procedure for checking the engine number was canceled in 2011, but the employees of the automobile inspection have the right to carry it out.

Because of this, representatives of the traffic police are divided into those who check and who do not. The new owner will get a lot of trouble if the fact of theft is established during a technical inspection.

As a result, the newly made owner will receive a driving ban and the car will be taken away from him in order to put it in a parking lot. Law enforcement agencies are obliged to initiate a criminal case on the fact of using a stolen car and it is necessary to refuse registration.

Even if the owner is not guilty of what is happening, you have to prove it. To justify yourself, you must provide a sales contract, which is the fact of purchasing goods from a third party.

When accused of interrupting car numbers, it is worth contacting expert bureaus. Paid verification will provide accurate data, and they will be legally binding.

If it turns out that the engine is stolen, it will be seized. The car will be returned to the owner, but the part will have to be purchased at his own expense.

You can file a claim against the previous owner by attaching a sales contract to reimburse the money spent.

Buying a vehicle is a serious undertaking. The facts of theft and theft of other people's parts are gaining momentum. Every motorist must know how to check a car at the State Traffic Inspectorate, on the official website, using Autocode or Autobot. We pay attention to some of the nuances. Driving a stolen car is a criminal offense, even if it is not the fault of the new owner, so a thorough check is the right choice of every person.

According to statistics, 92% of stolen cars in Russia disappear without a trace. In order not to accidentally buy a stolen car, check it on Autocode!

How to find out if a car is stolen or not

Check the car for theft according to the state. a room in 5 minutes - easy! In the search box, enter the known information about the car - for example, state number, vin or chassis number. The site will give a brief description of the car. Now you need to pay for the full service, and you will receive a detailed report with the following data:

  • Is the car stolen or not
  • Arrest information
  • Real car mileage
  • History of registration actions
  • Penalty data
  • Car insurance, participation in an accident, etc.

If a car is seen stolen, then, most likely, you will have to prove your innocence and give the car away for the duration of the investigation, and maybe for good.

Why is it important to break a car for theft - an expert opinion

Denis Lukin, auto expert, "Remontista" company

“Before buying a car, it is imperative to find out its technical condition and legal purity (prohibition on registration actions, crime). The check must be done even if the car is sold in the dealer's showroom, and not just by ad.

A living example: A person bought a Peugeot 308 simply on trust, without any checks. He did not travel for a long time, before the police came to him, explained that the car was stolen, and soon the injured owner took it away. Of course, no one returned the money to the buyer. There are many such cases, so diagnostics before buying is the same necessary procedure as checking a car online through avtoсod.ru. "

What will happen if you do not check the car for arrest, search, hijacking

Anatoly Shitsin

“I bought a Priora four years ago. A young girl was selling a car. He did not consider it necessary to punch his history online then. A year before the sale, she bought a car in Kazan, and during this time no one from the police disturbed the owner. We made a deal with her in Perm. Two weeks after the purchase came to the registration. The traffic police base showed that the car was stolen, and the car was taken from me. The previous owner did not even know that it was stolen. The purchased transport was not returned to me, the police said: "Look for the thief." No one found the swindlers. "

Deception schemes

There are at least three schemes for deceiving used car buyers. Some fraudsters create a double car, typing the numbers of another car, and forge documents. Others buy a car on lease in Europe and sell it in Russia. Still others interrupt the body number.

You can make sure of the need to check the car and find out how stolen vehicles are sold in our special material.

Checking a car for theft before buying

Why is it better to check through Autocode? The advantages of an online service on the face:

  • Unlike other services, the site allows you to check the car for theft by state number, without entering additional data. You can also punch a car by
  • Car theft check takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • All data provided by the service are checked against the traffic police database;
  • The service does not ask for registration, which speeds up the check;
  • The service is available in the mobile application. You can check a car for theft by car number from anywhere in the country;
  • The service allows you to check Japanese cars by state. number.

You receive the report online without leaving your home. This saves time and costs for travel to experts and traffic police. And most importantly, with Autocode at the time of purchase, you will already know the history of the desired car, which will help you recognize deception and make the right choice.

How do you know if a car is stolen or not? Many modern drivers are looking for the answer to this question. Especially those who are planning to buy a vehicle from their hands. It is often problematic to find out about the theft. But if you prepare and check the documents for the car, you can get rid of such a purchase. Below we will look at everything about punching a vehicle for theft.

Necessary information

To begin with, a citizen will need certain information to bring the idea to life. What is it about?

Thinking about how to know if a car is stolen, you will have to get the following information:

  • Full name of the owner of the car;
  • VIN number of the car;
  • state numbers of a car.

It'll be enough. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. And if you act correctly, you can not be afraid of acquiring a stolen car.

By numbers only

Some believe that a citizen can use state numbers to bring the idea to life. And only by them. Is it really?

Unfortunately no. It will not be possible to pierce a car with license plates. Be sure to have either the full name of the owner of the car, or the VIN. Not a single really working service allows using only state numbers.

Verification methods

How do you know if a car is stolen or not? You can act in different ways. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Today, car buyers can be advised:

  • conduct a thorough inspection of the machine;
  • check documents for the acquired property;
  • use the traffic police website to check for theft;
  • work with third-party services for punching cars.

Car inspection

You cannot find out if a car is stolen by car numbers. But by VIN - quite. But first, let's look at the less effective techniques.

For example, you should start with a thorough inspection of the car. What exactly should you pay attention to?

The following circumstances will help to identify a stolen car:

  1. The sides of the machine must be level. And the roof too. Wavy irregularities can indicate accidents.
  2. The "iron" under the hood must be free of cracks and damage. All seals and screws are original. Otherwise, you can suspect the replacement of the motor and other components. This is done after theft of a car.
  3. The color of the car is even. Any difference in color is a sign that the "product" has been repainted.
  4. The presence of scratches and other external damage. It is necessary to talk with the owner of the car about each "defect".
  5. The wheels of a good car should be on the same level.
  6. The rooms on the car are clean, the "product" itself is also in good condition. Is everything tidied up in the car? Then the probability of buying a stolen vehicle is minimal.

That's all. As a rule, the listed principles help to detect not only stolen cars, but also cars that have been in accidents. Sometimes, in serious ones.

Documents and verification

How do you know if a car is stolen or not? The next stage is to study the documents that the owner of the car presents. Their absence is a clear sign of fraud.

The seller must have the following securities:

  • identification;
  • machine registration certificate;
  • title document for a car;
  • CTP policy.

In this case, the use of a copy of the TCP is not allowed. In case of loss of the original passport, the car owner can order a duplicate of it. The final statement will be marked accordingly.

All information about the owner must match in all listed documents. Any deviations are a sign of fraud.

If the seller of the car has a general power of attorney, the sale and purchase transaction may be in doubt. It is possible that the document is forged. In addition, it is not recommended to buy cars by gender - this is a risky and problematic business.

Traffic police to help

How do you know if a car is stolen? Often people use the Internet to bring their ideas to life. There are both real verification resources and fraudulent sites.

It is worth paying attention to the traffic police website. With its help, you can find out about the car by number. Is the vehicle stolen or not? The official service of checking data about cars will help to answer. This is where the VIN combination comes in handy.

You need to act as follows:

  1. Open the website gibdd.ru.
  2. Go to "Services" - "Auto check".
  3. Select "Hijacked".
  4. Enter the VIN number of the vehicle in the dedicated field.
  5. See the search results.

Usually, only cars that have been reported stolen appear in the traffic police system. Otherwise, this technique is useless. But this is not a reason to despair.


Finding out if a car is stolen via the Internet is easy. Especially if you know exactly what services will help you cope with the task at hand.

Today, with the VIN of a car, everyone has the right to receive maximum information about the vehicle. For example:

  • see a photo of the car;
  • get information about the owner;
  • clarify the presence of encumbrances on property (for example, a pledge);
  • check if the vehicle is on the wanted list.

Working with the service does not require any costs. And this fact pleases. You do not need to provide information about yourself either. Autobot is not a fraudulent service.

How do you know if a car is stolen or not? The free check guide looks like this:

  1. Open the avtobot.net website in any browser.
  2. Enter the VIN number in the appropriate window.
  3. Indicate the license plate of the car. This step is optional.
  4. Click on the "Check" button.

After the actions taken, the maximum information about the vehicle will appear on the screen. And according to this information, a citizen will be able to understand whether the car is hijacked.

The car was stolen - what to do?

We figured out how to find out if a car is stolen or not. What should the owner of the vehicle do if he discovered the loss? Not everyone knows how to act.

When introducing an operation step by step, you may come across instructions of this type:

  1. To call the police.
  2. Prepare a specific package of papers. Usually these are certificates confirming the ownership of the car.
  3. Report the theft of the car and write a corresponding statement.
  4. Contact the traffic police and report to the employees about the theft of the vehicle. Especially when it comes to stealing a car from PTS and STS.

That's all. It remains only to wait for the search results of the car. If there are witnesses or materials that can help the search, they must be presented to law enforcement agencies.


We figured out how to find out if a car is stolen or not. As it turned out, bringing the idea to life is not so difficult. If you need to check a car for arrests, you can use the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation. This portal does not display information about thefts, only about arrests.

Are there any other tricks that can help? No. Only the listed tips help to understand the true picture of what is happening. There is always a risk of acquiring a stolen car.

In addition to "Autobot", there are other sites for online vehicle checks. They are all free. If a site asks for money for providing information, you can safely close it - these are scammers.

We also managed to figure out how to act if a citizen's car was stolen. It is advisable to take all of the above steps immediately. After all, until the owner informs about the theft of the car, it will not be considered stolen. And in the bases of the traffic police, the vehicle will not appear there.

A little vigilance - and already when inspecting the car, it will be possible to tell what a person is dealing with. Stolen cars are not as easy to recognize as they seem. However, with a little attention, it will be possible to avoid cooperation with scammers.

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