Home Undercarriage What a parking lot. What is parking - definition, features and types. How much is illegal parking

What a parking lot. What is parking - definition, features and types. How much is illegal parking

An article on how to choose the right parking lot - types of parking lots, their features, selection criteria. At the end of the article - a video on how to equip a parking lot in the country.

The content of the article:

Finding a suitable parking lot for your car is a great success, because nowadays it can be difficult to do this. Sometimes such a need results in a rather serious problem, which has to be solved with the utmost responsibility in order to find your iron horse in place and in a complete set every morning.

A good car is now not only a means of transportation, but also a luxury (it must be admitted), which no one wants to part with without compensation. Therefore, the car park you use should be worthy of you and your car.

Of course, each driver may have his own understanding of a good parking lot, which, for example, may be paid, for which not all drivers are ready. Someone chooses underground parking, while someone likes to leave the car near the shops. There can be many options, and we will consider the most common ones so that you can choose something for yourself.

Short-Term Parking

The search for a parking lot is determined by your goals. If you need to leave the car for a while to, for example, visit a shopping center or go on a daily business trip, then local parking is fine for you. And here you can choose whether to prefer paid parking or free.

The material benefit of free parking is obvious - you don't have to pay money for it. But whether your car will remain intact and safe on it, no one will give a guarantee, because in such parking lots no one is responsible for the car.

Of course, if you decide to leave your car for just a few minutes, then you can use the free parking. In such a short time, hardly anything can happen to your car. But if you leave the car for several hours or even for a day, then it is better to use paid parking.

However, at the same time, you should not trust random people who in words assured you of the reliable preservation of your car, took payment for storage and disappeared into no one knows where. It’s good if they don’t grab your car either. No, this is not your option.

Your temporary parking lot should be familiar to you, at the very least. Responsible people should work there, who will competently accept your car for storage, and in return will provide you with a stamped receipt. If you find such a parking lot, then it doesn't hurt to know that the payment is hourly. And all because this parking lot is temporary.

Permanent car park

If, for example, in the absence of a personal garage, you decide to permanently store your car, then in this case you will have to use a parking lot of a different type. Let's consider several of their varieties.
  • Municipal parking;
  • Private car park;
  • Mechanized parking;
  • Folk method of storing cars.

Municipal parking

This is one of the most widespread parking lots available in any large and almost all medium-sized cities of Russia. However, such parking lots are not in great demand, because they have a serious disadvantage: cars are not subject to protection there.

Of course, you can object - after all, they take money from us! Yes, you have to pay money at such parking lots, but not for car security. In municipal parking lots, you pay for the cleaning of the territory and for the place you occupy. That's all.

Private car park

In order to store a car on a permanent basis, a private guarded and, accordingly, paid parking lot is a very reasonable solution. Depending on its status, which is determined by the conscientiousness of the owners, the parking lot can be guarded only by security guards, or, in addition, it can be controlled by an expensive and reliable video surveillance system. We advise you to choose the latter option and sleep well.

Even if something happens to your car in such a parking lot, the parking administration will fully compensate you for the damage caused. But this will only happen if there are no problems with the documents.

Therefore, before entrusting your car to strangers, check the availability of a license, make sure it is authentic, and also carefully read the service agreement.

Do not forget that this agreement must contain all information about the owners of the parking lot, about your vehicle, as well as your personal data. Only then will you completely protect yourself from unpleasant surprises.

When choosing a private parking lot, pay attention to several important points:

  1. Coverage of the parking area. The hardness of this coating is a must. But best of all, if it is asphalt.
  2. Illumination. It seems to be a trifle, but keep in mind that in an unlit parking lot at night, video surveillance devices will not do any good.
  3. Awnings. It is highly undesirable that your car is not protected from above by a special canopy. The negative impact of rain and snow on the car is clearly not for you.

Mechanized parking

This is perhaps the most reliable car park available today. All major metropolitan areas have such parking facilities. Parking your cars in a mechanized parking lot is as easy as it is secure.

With the help of special equipment, the car is loaded into a specially prepared box, in which the car will be completely inaccessible to neither the prying eyes nor the hands of others. Protection is maximum. There is no need to dream of the best.

However, this parking has one drawback, which can confuse thrifty motorists. As you probably already guessed, we mean the price of services. Yes, it's pretty high. That is why such parking lots are often built near luxury housing or near airports.

Folk method

What is this method? It's not hard to guess. Since in recent years the statistics of car thefts has significantly decreased (problem cars are now of little interest to anyone), motorists began to fill the territory of residential buildings with cars.

Nowadays, cars are in large numbers both in the courtyards of city houses and on the opposite side of the house under the windows. This is, so to speak, a spontaneous, unplanned parking lot.

And although car thefts, as well as thefts of car equipment and spare parts still take place, our people prefer to save money - such parking is completely free. Therefore, we want to remind you that the alarm system and the presence of the car right under your windows is far from a complete guarantee of the safety of the car.

Therefore, if you still prefer such a "people's" parking lot, we simply have to give you some sound advice.

  1. Valuable items. Make it a rule to take all your valuables with you when you leave the car. It can be purses, phones, bags, radio tape recorders. Basically, such items in the car can be bait for those who like to profit at someone else's expense. By the way, take away everything of value not only for the night, but even if you only came home for lunch.
  2. Signaling. Although we have already said that the alarm cannot be a reliable protection, especially from "professionals" in their field, you should not completely ignore it. She will surely scare off a petty thief, and she will make an inveterate criminal worried. And you will be aware that someone has disturbed your car. But at the same time, he must be in your field of vision - under the windows.
That, perhaps, is all. Of all the described parking options, you will surely choose the most suitable one for yourself. Good luck and don't forget our tips.

Traditionally, we call a parking lot by the word "parking" or "parking lot". But what is parking? Parking is the name for large engineering structures, both underground and aboveground, often of a multi-level type, which are intended for temporary storage of cars. Thus, "parking" is a modern type of car parks.

What is parking

In scientific terminology, parking (parking) is the process of transferring a technical device, including a car, to a static inoperative state in a specially designated place. In everyday life, the word "parking" refers to temporary parking areas agreed with the authorities. At the same time, the term "parking lot" is often used to refer to large areas specially designated for car storage. And parking, as a rule, is one of the elements of the road network, and has a much smaller area and capacity. Usually, parking refers to simple areas or places where you can leave your car for a while.

Parking is the name for large engineering structures, both underground and aboveground, often of a multi-level type, which are also intended for temporary storage of cars. Thus, the question of what a parking lot is can be answered as follows: “parking” is a modern type of parking lot.

Although in the scientific sense, all three terms - "parking", "parking" and "parking" - are almost synonymous.

Why is the problem of constructing parking lots more and more urgent

The constant trend towards urbanization, the movement of the population to cities, as well as the increase in the number of private cars, are leaving less and less space where you could park your car. While in Western countries the peak of motorization has actually passed, and the popularity of public transport is growing, in our country, driving in your own car is becoming the norm for most residents. This is facilitated by the constant growth of prices for public transport, the policy of the federal authorities and the trend towards individualization of the population, which began after the collapse of the USSR and continues up to the present time.

In many cases, this even leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation, as more trees and other greenery are cut down for parking lots and parking lots. Traffic jams are on the rise and car owners are increasingly stressed.

Centralized parking lots for Western countries are not uncommon for a long time. In our country, they are now also used more and more often. Investments in the construction of parking lots in cities are now very profitable economically (and even ecologically). After all, their presence on several levels and the possibility of being located underground gives a good economy of space.

Parking lot design

Now centralized parking lots are being designed during the construction phase. Especially if these are train stations, airports, large shopping centers, theaters. To calculate the number of car places, SNiP criteria and other parameters are used. When drawing up a parking project, professional specialists are involved.

But in our country, unauthorized parking lots are still common, for example, under the entrances of multi-storey buildings. Where parking lots have not been created, cars are left in the most convenient parking places.

Varieties of parking

According to the duration of the storage of the vehicle and the operating mode of the parking lot, they are divided into the following types:

  • Temporary - designed to find the car for a short time. They are often paid.
  • Permanent. Used to store vehicles for a long time. They are usually fenced in and guarded.
  • Seasonal. They work only during the holiday season, therefore they are typical for recreation areas.

By the nature of the location, the parking lot can be:

  1. Overground. It can be a playground fenced with a high fence, a covered structure or a parking area with individual spaces.
  2. Underground. They can be located on one or more underground floors and located under buildings or structures. When creating such a parking, it is mandatory to take into account the special requirements prescribed in the SNiP.
  3. Parking areas on buildings. Usually they are built on houses with a small number of storeys, since the higher the roof of the building, the more difficult it is to deliver a car there. To raise and lower cars, elevators, escalators and special ramps are used. Usually, such parking lots are used in large shopping centers and offices.

Ground parking is the easiest and most traditional way to organize parking. Usually such an area is fenced and has a gate for cars to pass through. There is a kiosk at the gate to pay for a seat, and the cashier, as a rule, is also the guard of the vehicles that are left. However, in the face of a shortage of territory, now more and more people prefer special parking facilities (that is, parking lots).

Parking lots can be surface, underground or combined. These are often multilevel structures. As a rule, such structures are covered. In addition to the actual parking lot, there may be workshops and other additional facilities.

Parking cost

The advantages of parking are obvious. But what about the parking price? The maintenance of parking lots, as well as their construction, is much more expensive than open parking lots. All this, of course, is reflected in prices for a car seat. The cost of parking in the most modern multi-level car parks can be enormous. And the marketing value of parking lots in monetary terms is very high.

The most prestigious parking lots in Russia

If you do not take foreign countries, the most prestigious parking lots are those in Moscow. For example, there is such a multi-level parking in Sevan. It was built with the support of the People's Garage program. Another multi-storey complex for car parking and with a developed infrastructure is on Letnikovskaya. A number of new parking complexes are under construction - Moscow parking lots.

The most advanced version of parking is considered to be a structure equipped with a special lift for cars to the parking space.

What is taken into account when constructing a parking lot

Modern car parks are rather complex structures, the construction of which requires careful preliminary preparation. Initially, a construction project is being developed. This is a complex and time-consuming process, comparable to the development of projects for the construction of buildings or engineering structures. This takes into account various factors, both technical and legal. Only professionals can do this kind of work.

The set of necessary documents is similar to the one that is collected before the construction of residential buildings. As practice shows, the quick payback of parking complexes makes them an attractive investment.

The project documents indicate the maximum parking capacity, area and expected income level.

Multi-storey car parks are serious capital structures. They have a wide driveway, a façade, and dedicated spaces for cars. The parking lots are equipped with ventilation, video surveillance, a fire safety system, an alarm system, a lighting system and other amenities. All this attracts a greater number of customers and distinguishes parking lots from ordinary parking lots, including paid ones.

When organizing a parking lot, it is imperative to take into account such customer requirements as:

  • Round-the-clock security system for cars and people.
  • Lighting and flooring quality.
  • Availability of entrance and exit passages.
  • Sufficient parking space in the parking lot, that is, a sufficient amount of space allocated for the car.

There are additional requirements for such parking lots:

  1. The presence of a heating system and climate control.
  2. Ventilation, waterproofing, environmental control device.
  3. Ensuring the smooth operation of mobile communications.
  4. Providing a better view, which is achieved by a higher ceiling height, high-quality lighting, a wider entry and exit zones, individual design solutions.

Most often, underground parking has no more than three levels, since more of them are considered economically inexpedient and may be limited by local legislation.

What is the opinion of Russian motorists

Underground parking lots provide more conditions for car owners than parking lots or parking lots, so reviews of parking lots should be better. However, in our country, the parking system is poorly organized, which is reflected in a large number of negative comments from motorists.

Thus, the article provided an answer to the question of what parking is.

The vast majority of car owners every day are faced with clogged entrances and exits from yards, the inability to park near a store or institution, any trip around the city requires a place where you can park a car for a while.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

In modern cities, for this purpose, special areas for parking vehicles are being set up - parking lots or parking lots are often built.


There are several ways to arrange parking spaces, each with their own pros and cons.

The most common are:

  • parallel to the edge of the road;
  • perpendicular (at an angle of 90 degrees);
  • herringbone (at an angle of 45 degrees).

Let's consider these types of parking in more detail:

  1. Parking space at 45 degrees. The markings are made at an angle of 45 degrees to the roadway. Such a parking lot is convenient to use, the passages between the rows of cars can be made a little narrower than usual, since it is much more convenient to leave the parking space at a smooth angle and the car requires less room for maneuver. Photo 1. Marking of the parking lot at an angle of 45 degrees:

    The markings not at right angles to the driveway make it easier to maneuver the car when entering / exiting, entering and leaving the parking lot becomes more convenient and faster, and the likelihood of traffic jams is reduced.

  2. Parking space at an angle of 90 degrees. Such parking spaces require great skill from the driver, since it is much more difficult to park the car and leave the parking lot than with an oblique angle; more space is needed to maneuver. Photo 2. Marking of the parking lot at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular to the driveway):

    The arrangement of vehicles at right angles to the carriageway, which is organized in the form of a narrow lane in front of the building, creates a danger for both passing vehicles and cars leaving the parking lot, as they enter the carriageway directly from the parking space. At the same time, this capacity is greater than any other.

  3. Parallel arrangement. Most often, such parking spaces are found along the roadway near sidewalks. If the cars are close to each other, then it is rather difficult to park or leave the parking lot. Photo 3. Parallel parking:

    So, for example, when marking a parking lot at an angle of 45 degrees, the required area for one car space is almost one and a half times more than with a transverse marking, and the occupancy of cars in a hundred-meter lane is almost thirty percent lower.

    Any parking lot must provide the ability to freely enter the parking space, therefore, for example, if a narrow passage between the markings is used, then it makes sense to increase its length.

    Table. Parking lanes for cars.

    Regulatory requirements for the size of the parking space

    It is recommended to place parking spaces for persons with disabilities near the entrance to the parking lot, on the one hand, this will save space, and on the other hand, it will allow persons with disabilities to park closer to the exit for the convenience of their movement.

    Usually, parking spaces for disabled people are located within fifty meters from institutions (clinics, social services and other institutions where there is a high probability of the appearance of persons with disabilities).

    Such places are marked with special road signs, usually 10-20% of all parking spaces are allocated for them. The width of the parking space for the disabled should be at least three and a half meters for the convenience of passengers and drivers.

    For trucks

    The practice of organizing parking lots and parking lots shows that it is inexpedient to allocate space for heavy trucks in the parking lot of passenger cars. Photo 5. An example of the location of a parking lot for trucks:

    Usually, separate parking lots are equipped for them, taking into account the following conditions:

    • the possibility of through passage through the entire parking lot must be created;
    • it is imperative to apply markings that allow you to go in reverse;
    • the arrangement of the distances between the rows should be as much as possible so that nothing prevents heavy and bulky vehicles from turning into or leaving the parking space.

    Basic rules and types of markup

    Among the basic rules for applying markings in parking lots, it is necessary to highlight the following:

    1. Be sure to take into account the dimensions of any vehicle brand.
    2. A person must freely move between two cars from adjacent rows, standing with open doors.
    3. It should be borne in mind that not all drivers are experts in their field, there are many beginners behind the wheel, not everyone knows how to park correctly, therefore, when applying the markings, this factor should be taken into account as well as the need to maneuver when entering and leaving the parking lot.

    In addition to the basic rules, there are so-called minor ones, which must also be taken into account when arranging a parking lot:

    1. The thickness of the marking lines should be clearly visible both during the day and at night; in recent years, more and more parking lots are marked with reflective paint.
    2. Fences, pedestals, columns and other elements should not interfere with vehicles and in no case should reduce the minimum size of a parking space.
    3. The markings must be applied in strict accordance with the standards.

    According to GOST standards, the following requirements must be met:

    • the width of the passage between the rows of parking spaces must be at least six meters;
    • deviation from standard marking lines should not be more than five centimeters;
    • when updating marking lines, old, half-erased lines should either be removed, or new lines should be drawn strictly according to the old ones, so that some do not duplicate others;
    • markings should be applied only in the warm season in dry weather;
    • marking lines in width should not be thicker than ten centimeters;
    • the marking lines must be updated every six months; in the absence of such an opportunity, it is better to use cold plastic for marking.

    Dimensions of parking lot markings in accordance with GOST

    Any parking lot requires correct, standards-compliant markings, this is necessary both to optimize the use of parking spaces and for the safe movement of vehicles in the parking lot.

    All markings should be made taking into account the requirements of GOST:

    1. Parking lots are marked with paint, thermoplastic, reflective coatings, polymer tapes.
    2. After updating the markup, the old lines should not be visible anywhere.

    The striping process should take place in several stages:

    1. Determination of the size of parking spaces and the width of the driveways. For the calculation, it is necessary to take into account some actions of both the vehicle and the citizens in it: the car must freely enter the parking space, then the driver must open the door and get out of the car without hitting neighboring cars. If the width of the parking spaces is not calculated correctly, various incidents will constantly occur in the parking lot.
    2. As mentioned above, during the drawing of the marking lines, the air temperature must be at least 20 degrees. For the longevity of the marking, it is advisable to use a modern marking material - cold plastic.
    3. According to the regulations, the width of the marking lines in the parking lot should not exceed ten centimeters, the width of the driveways should not be less than six meters, and the parking space itself should not be already 2.3 meters. Parking spaces for disabled persons should not be less than three and a half meters wide.

    Dimensions according to GOST of the marking stencil for the disabled

    In any parking lot, places for disabled people must be allocated, which are indicated by a special sign on the asphalt. Using a special stencil in accordance with (Appendix A) "Technical means ...", the markings are applied in yellow and black paint.

    In addition to marking, parking spaces for disabled people in accordance with (clause 2.8.21) must be marked with a “Disabled” sign, which is used in conjunction with the “Parking place” sign.

    This is necessary to indicate to other motorists that this space is intended only for parking vehicles driven or used by disabled people.

    The dimensions according to GOST of the "Parking" sign are slightly larger than the "Disabled" signs, therefore they are located as follows: a sign is attached at the top, notifying that there is a parking lot for cars in this area, and below - a sign stating that the places are only for citizens having privileges when using the parking lot.

    Photo 6. An example of the location of road signs announcing a parking place for disabled people.

    On the territory of each institution, special parking spaces for people with disabilities are required for equipment, all of them must be completed in accordance with state standards.

    At the same time, an important condition for such parking is the increase in the standard width of the parking space to at least three and a half meters.

    This size of the parking width will allow people in a wheelchair to easily move between the rows of vehicles, without creating problems for themselves or others.

    Dimensions of parking markings in the courtyard of an apartment building

    Before equipping, you need to decide exactly where it will be located.

    According to the rules for arranging parking lots in courtyards, they should not:

    • obstruct the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians;
    • create inconvenience for the residents of the first floors.

    In accordance with these rules, several normative values ​​are provided for arranging a courtyard parking lot:

    • parking should be located at least ten meters from the windows of houses;
    • for parking lots more than ten cars - no closer than fifteen meters;
    • for a parking lot for 50 or more cars - no closer than fifty meters;
    • the arrangement of parking lots with a capacity of more than one hundred vehicles requires the development of special project documentation.

    The dimensions of parking spaces for parking in the local area must correspond to the year and be a standard size for all parking lots: for one car, at least 5.3 and not more than 6.2 meters in length and at least 2.3 and not more than 3.6 meters width.

    In such parking lots, it is also mandatory to allocate parking spaces for disabled people, while the minimum width of parking spaces intended for disabled people must be at least 5.3 meters.

    Parking in courtyards will only be permitted if all the required signs and markings are present.

    To do this, first of all, a place is selected, then it is agreed with the housing and communal services and the number of cars that can fit on the selected site is calculated.

    To calculate the number of parking spaces, answers to the following questions are required:

    1. How is car parking planned (transverse, herringbone, etc.).
    2. For what types of vehicles the parking lot is intended (in the courtyards of houses it is usually light vehicles).
    3. It is planned to build a covered or open parking lot, whether it is planned to install a fence.
    4. What is the planned distance from parking to residential buildings.

    Parking spaces must be marked with special paint, thermal paint, cold plastic or polymer tape.

    It should be borne in mind that parking spaces near apartment buildings are the common property of residents, so it will not be possible to build a parking lot for a separate group of citizens without a common opinion of all neighbors. Photo 7. An example of arranging parking spaces in the courtyard of a residential building:

    When asked about parking lots, any car owner will immediately say that they play a huge role in making life easier for drivers, especially in large metropolitan areas. Without them, the drivers would have had a hard time - there is nowhere to park the car, all roadsides are clogged with vehicles parked somehow.

    Parking is a painful topic for residents of large cities, especially in the capital: Moscow, Kiev, St. Petersburg. In this article, we will try to figure out the parking rules so that one day you do not have a chance to see your car being taken away in a tow truck.

    These questions are detailed in section 12 of the Rules of the Road.

    It is allowed to leave the car for more than five minutes:

    • no closer than 5 meters from a zebra or an intersection;
    • 15 meters, but not closer, from the stops of route vehicles;
    • 50 meters from railway crossings.

    Also, in this section of the traffic rules, various road signs are listed, in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwhich parking and stopping are allowed. So, in the conditions of urban tight streets, cars can be parked parallel to the sidewalk. Sometimes a sign 8.6.1-8.6.9 is posted under sign 6.4, it shows exactly how you can park a car in a given place - parallel or perpendicular to the curb, on the sidewalk, and so on.

    By default, - if there are no prohibition signs, solid, intermittent (zigzag) yellow markings, - park the car:

    • parallel to the edge of the carriageway;
    • on the right edge (if the road is one-way, then it is allowed on the left);
    • on the sidelines.

    If you are on a long journey and have to spend the night on the way, then you need to look for service signs on the motorway - Camping, Resting place.

    It is prohibited to stop on the side of the road for long-term parking, especially in the dark.

    Where can I park my car?

    Paragraph 12.4 of the SDA is fully devoted to this problem. The most basic rule is to park, and indeed to stop, you do not need to where it will create obstacles for other drivers of pedestrians, trams and trolley buses.

    Let's list the main places:

    • tram lines, railway crossings, overpasses, tunnels, bridges - in a word, all those engineering structures where there is active traffic, or car routes intersect with the routes of other types of transport;
    • on those intervals of the road where the distance from the edge of the sidewalk (shoulder) to the dividing line is less than three meters;
    • on and before crossings, intersections;
    • on the intervals of the track with limited (less than 100 m) visibility, in front of or behind dangerous turns;
    • in the stop area of ​​minibuses, trams, etc.

    Please note that all of the above is true for both stops and parking.

    You also need to pay attention to various road signs: parking / stopping is prohibited (for example, on even / odd days). You cannot park your car in places designated for disabled people or marked with special signs.

    Among other things, you need to avoid parking where your car will block the view of drivers of other vehicles.

    About parking in the yards

    There are special rules that we discussed earlier.

    Let's recall them again:

    • the distance from the parked car to the building wall is at least ten meters;
    • it is forbidden to park on lawns, playgrounds;
    • if the parking area is designed for up to 50 vehicles, it can be open, but if more than 50, it must be separated by a fence;
    • you cannot leave trucks weighing more than three and a half tons.

    It must be remembered that pedestrians have priority in the adjacent areas - in the courtyards of residential buildings.

    Parking fines not according to the rules

    To delve into this topic, you need to open the Administrative Code, there we will find all the information we are interested in:

    • parking at a railway crossing - 1000 rubles or confiscation of a VU for 3-6 months. (12.10);
    • failure to comply with the requirements of signs or markings - 1,500 (3,000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg), it is also envisaged to be sent to the penalty area (12.16 hours 4-5);
    • occupied a parking space for vehicles belonging to people with disabilities - 3,000-5,000 (12.19 h.2);
    • violation of stopping and parking rules - 500 rubles (in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 2,500) (12.19 h. 1 and 12.19 h. 5).

    Further, in the sections of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code, violations of parking and stopping are considered - at crossings, intersections, places of arrival of route transport. Please note that for capital cities the fine is 3,000, and for regions it is 1,000-1,500.

    If you not only parked not according to the rules, but also created problems for other participants of the DD, then you will not get off with one fine - evacuation is provided for by law with all the ensuing consequences: payment for a tow truck, penalty areas, plus a fine.

    Particularly noteworthy are fines for parking on lawns and in residential areas. Each region has its own amount of the monetary penalty. In addition, there are various services through which citizens can complain about violating drivers. So try not to leave your car where it will interfere with others.

    It is also worth noting that most courtyards are not suitable for such a large amount of vehicles, so it makes sense to take care of paid parking, from which your car will definitely not be stolen.

    To mark the places where it is impossible and where you can park, the Rules provide for special signs.

    They are installed separately or together with explanatory signs and inscriptions that indicate the zone and duration of these signs.

    For similar purposes, yellow road markings are provided in the form of solid and discontinuous lines. They are applied from the right edge of the road.

    Also, the Rules establish a certain list of zones in which stopping and parking is prohibited.

    Consider where you can and cannot park, denote the permissible distances.

    Parking - a specially marked or equipped place that is part of a motor road, or adjacent to the carriageway, sidewalk, shoulder or bridge. It is intended for the organized parking of the vehicle.

    Parking - stopping the movement of the car for more than 5 minutes, which is not associated with boarding passengers or unloading cargo. Parking - the car was left, for example, in the yard near the house, and the driver is not going to go anywhere on it today.

    The main differences between parking, stopping and parking:

    1. Parking: a place where a car is rendered inoperative and left for a short time. In a long-term parking lot, the car is not guarded. The car can be left free of charge for a short time.
    2. Stopping: intentionally stopping movement for up to five minutes. In this case, the disembarkation or landing of people, unloading or loading of goods is carried out.
    3. Parking: stopping traffic for more than five minutes, which is not associated with the boarding of passengers. The driver is not required to report the reasons.

    Stopping and parking (Chapter 12 of the SDA) are permissible:

    The way of stopping the car or parking is determined by sign 6.4... When the sign is combined with plates 8.6.4-8.6.9 and road marking lines, the vehicle may be parked at an angle to the edge of the carriageway if the space allows such an arrangement.

    Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway is allowed only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in the places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

    Is sidewalk parking allowed? It is necessary to separate the concepts of "sidewalk", "roadside". The sidewalk is a space for pedestrian movement, separated from the road by a curb, lawn or green plantings.

    You cannot park on the sidewalk, otherwise you may get a fine... The car can also be evacuated. Shoulder - The part of the road that is at the same level and is not separated by curbs or lawn. It stands out for its special markup. Parking is allowed on it.

    Parking on the sidewalk can be justified if there is a technical malfunction of the vehicle or force majeure. They must be documented.

    Violation of this rule is regulated by article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, paragraph 3. The amount of the fine is 1000 rubles.

    Video: Stopping and parking

    Regarding the permissible distances

    Let's briefly answer the most common questions:

    How far from the bend can the vehicle be stopped? If the visibility on the road sections is less than 100 m, you must not stop the car in front of dangerous turns.

    If the road is divided by continuous markings, the width of the lane next to the pedestrian crossing for one direction should not be less than 3 meters. Exception - the car is faulty, an accident has occurred.

    5 meters are counted from the installed sign to the car... If there is no sign, then the distance is measured from the applied zebra.

    Can I park behind a pedestrian crossing? You can, if there are no signs that parking is prohibited. If the pedestrian crossing is located immediately after the intersection, drive 5 meters after the intersection. Otherwise, the driver will create an emergency.

    Can I park at a T-junction? Stopping is not allowed at the intersection of carriageways, closer than five meters from the edge of the crossed carriageway.

    Exception: Stopping in front of a side driveway at such intersections with a solid marking line or dividing strip.

    Stop Line Questions

    Find out how many meters before the stop line you need to stop? If the "Stop Line" marking and the corresponding sign were installed in accordance with GOST, on the same line, then usually motorists do not have any problems.

    You need to stop just before the stop line. If there is only a marking, and there is no sign, the motorist stops in front of the marking. If the markings have worn off, or are covered with snow, you need to stop in front of the sign.

    If the sign and markings are not on the same line, the driver must follow the road sign. The stop line sign has priority over the lane markings; drivers should stop in front of it.

    Consider where you can't stop the car:

    Parking is punishable by a fine, i.e. not allowed:

    • on main roads outside populated areas;
    • the distance from railway crossings should be more than 50 meters;
    • in all places where stopping is prohibited, as well as in places that are marked with prohibition signs.


    Can I park on the lawn? For this you can get a fine of 1000-5000 rubles. The amount of the fine is different in different cities.

    The car can be evacuated to the parking lot. Officials can pay 30,000 rubles, and organizations - 300,000 rubles.

    In 2020, violation of parking rules is punishable by fines, in some cases evacuation. The average amount of fines for incorrect parking is 3000 rubles.

    For each violation, a different amount of punishment is provided:

    Parking in an area where prohibition signs or markings are in effect in Moscow and St. Petersburg is punishable by three thousand rubles, in other cities - 1500 rubles. Forced evacuation is possible if there is a sign "Tow truck in operation".

    A full list of penalties for incorrect parking can be found on the traffic police website: http://www.gibdd.ru/mens/fines/.

    In some cases, for violation of the threat of evacuation of the car to the penalty parking. But evacuation does not exempt from payment of penalties.

    An unscrupulous motorist, in addition to a fine, will pay for the evacuation and storage of his vehicle in a special parking lot.

    Also, after evacuation and storage of the car in the parking lot, scratches, dents and other damage often appear on the vehicle.

    Some penalties are eligible for a 50% discount. The benefit does not apply if the driver was fined for:

    • unpaid parking;
    • parking on the lawn.

    You can pay a fine with a discount within 20 days after receiving the claim... But if you received a parking ticket based on a photo, then you need to remember that violations that are recorded by cameras usually come to the offender later, and you can lose the discount.

    You should regularly check online for penalties. For example, on the same website of the traffic police.

    In the courtyard of a residential building

    In the courtyard of a residential building, it is prohibited to park outside the designated areas for cargo vehicles and all vehicles with the engine running for more than five minutes.

    Through traffic, training driving is prohibited. You can park or warm up the car for more than five minutes only in specially designated areas. The fine is 1,500-3,000 rubles.

    In the courtyards, general parking rules must also be followed. The vehicle must not obstruct the movement of other vehicles.

    Find out if it is possible to park on the semicircular markings of the paid parking lot?

    In paid parking lots, semicircular markings are used to mark the turning points of a vehicle, and in residential areas, a semicircle is necessary to mark a turn on the roadway and the adjacent territory.

    Adjacent territory - an area close to roads, but not a carriageway.

    Such markings prohibit parking within it.... The ban is justified by the fact that the car can impede the movement of other participants (paragraph 12.4 of the Rules).

    But clause 1.2 of the SDA regulates: if there is a carriageway on the adjacent territory, then the motorist cannot stop the car closer than five meters from the edge of the carriageway.

    In the absence of a carriageway, parking on a semicircular marking will not be a violation (at the edge of the adjacent zone).

    Despite some contradictions in the legislation, you need to know the parking rules.

    Safety island

    Can I park on the safety island? There are no clear clauses in the Rules that describe penalties for entering or stopping at a safety island. Fines are issued depending on the specific location.

    Islets are indicated by a solid line. Violation of the line, its crossing falls under 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. If the driver stops in the pedestrian zone, he faces a fine of 2,000 rubles.

    When can I park for free in the paid parking lot? Sundays and holidays. If Friday is a day off, then on Saturday you can also park your car for free.

    Emergency vehicles with identification marks are parked free of charge.

    Free parking is allowed everywhere except for disabled, truck and bus spaces.

    You can also park for free with a special preferential permit, which is available to people with disabilities, members of large families, heroes of the Russian Federation, and so on.

    If there is a car without a license plate in the parking lot, and it is 400 meters from the crowd of people or closer, it will be evacuated. Such a vehicle can pose a threat.

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      From site to site tales about parking on a semicircle (or triangle) wander. Your site is no exception.

      The semicircular marking 1.1 is not a parking space and is not included in the parking lot. If parking is paid, you do not have to pay anything. And the car placed inside the semicircle / triangle does not violate anything at all. This is pure "samopal" Mr. Liksutov, which can not be found either in traffic rules or in GOSTs. Specially appealed to the traffic organization department of the DPS Regiment in the Central Administrative District of Moscow and to the judge of the Moscow City Court A. Seliverstova, who deals with the APN cases on the roads. Both in the DPS regiment and in the Moscow City Court, the answer is the same: it is not included in the parking lot, you can put it, if it is not prohibited by other signs.

      Doubt? Then put your car in a semicircle after sign 3.27. Get, even with or without payment, a "letter of happiness" for 3,000 rubles. Or even find your horse in the parking lot, if the sign was with the sign 8.24. It will be popularly explained to you that the semicircle is not the boundary of the parking lot, and therefore does not interrupt the coverage area of ​​the 3.27 sign. And they will be right. With regards to paragraph 12.4 of the SDA, then it must be observed in any case - whether there is a semicircle or not. Most often, a semicircle is drawn exactly where your parking lot obviously does not bother anyone.

      A the border of the parking lot is L-shaped markings 1.1. Behind it is just a carriageway.

      It's just rubbish, which is not in the traffic rules:

      "But clause 1.2 of the SDA regulates: if there is a carriageway on the adjacent territory" ...

      Only roads have a carriageway.

      Vladimir, 44 years of driving experience

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