Home Heating Certified child restraints. Choice of restraints for children in the car. What is belt fest

Certified child restraints. Choice of restraints for children in the car. What is belt fest

The modern market does not lack a wide variety of designs designed to enhance child car safety. This is the so-called child restraint. These include various pads and accessories for seat belts, chairs, cradles, boosters.

In the traffic rules of any country, you can find clauses that all passengers must be sure to wear seat belts. This applies to everyone, including small passengers. And when it comes to children, I would like to add that the belt is relevant even for the smallest. It is this category that suffers most seriously in minor accidents. Let's figure out how to choose the right child restraint device, consider their types, and also find out what the traffic police and the government think about this.

Types of child restraint systems

Today, the fourth edition of the ECE 44 04 safety standard is in force, adopted and fully approved. The standard provides for the classification of devices. They are divided into groups based on the parameters of the child's weight, height and age. Also in this standard there are groups that are divided by the type of vehicle. Considering that the child restraint for a car differs in modifications, then it must be chosen according to certain characteristics. Consider the types of car safety equipment for children.

"Cradle", or 0

This group of equipment is often called this way among motorists. The child restraint itself is positioned in the direction opposite to the movement of the vehicle. These chairs must be equipped with seat belts or other solutions that could restrict the baby's movement by 70 cm in the supine position. Such devices are allowed for use for small car passengers, whose age ranges from 0 to 6 months.

Group 0+

This group contains holding devices, which are also located in the direction opposite to the movement of the car. Here, too, seat belts are mandatory. The belt used in these designs must enable the child to move at a distance of 80 cm. This equipment is allowed to be used if the passenger is under 1 year old.

Group 1

This is a child restraint that is installed in the direction of travel of the machine. It is recommended to use these attachments for transporting babies aged 9 months to 4 years.

Group 2

In this group, the equipment is located in the direction of travel. It can be used for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Group 3

The child restraint for a car, which belongs to this group, is installed in the direction of travel. Recommended for transporting passengers at least 6 and no more than 12 years old. As the child grows, it is allowed to remove the backrest in these car seats. As for safety, it is provided only by the standard back of the chair and the seat, which is called a booster.

Convertible devices

This is a special category of child restraint equipment. These attachments are installed in the opposite direction to movement. Such equipment is intended for transportation of newborns. When the little passenger gets older, you can change the position in the direction of travel.

Reverse chairs

It should be borne in mind that such equipment, which is designed to be installed in a reverse position, can be used for children of different ages. These devices are used for babies under the age of 2. It is also allowed to carry children in them, whose weight is not more than 12 kg. But when the child reaches a critical weight, it is imperative to change this seat to any other child restraints approved by the traffic police. These seats have been tested, have participated in many crash tests, and transporting passengers in the opposite direction of travel significantly increases the child's safety level.

Selection rules

When choosing a car seat for a child, it is imperative to pay attention to height, weight and age. Based on these data, a suitable group of devices is selected. When buying, it is also recommended to pay attention to crash tests.
Any restraint equipment intended for a child must be certified and labeled for compliance with safety standards. Experts advise purchasing only child restraints approved by the traffic police. The equipment should be carefully inspected for signs of wear prior to purchasing. Torn belts, broken plastic parts may indicate this. Damaged chairs will not provide the required level of safety. Make sure the buckle and all adapters are fully functional. You also need to know that in developed countries, devices for transporting children with Velcro fasteners are not sold. Such equipment is usually rented.

A good car seat or an inexpensive one?

Specialized devices cost several thousand rubles. For most Russian parents, this amount is quite significant, and many would not mind saving at all. For example, instead of a good quality chair, you can purchase an inexpensive analogue or even a substitute. In the role of such substitutes, special pads for a regular seat belt are very often offered. This pad shifts the strap from the baby's face onto his shoulder. Most of these solutions are a product made from dense fabrics. Sometimes there are foam rollers in the abdomen and attachments - Velcro or buttons.

Also sold are straps that allow you to tighten the belt or move the buckle closer to your baby's belly. Such a device is sold under the Emelya trademark. The most popular pad is "FEST" child restraints. The traffic police is allowed, quite aggressive advertising is being conducted, the price is low. All this makes FEST so popular in our country. However, the same crash tests and reviews of those who purchased and managed to use these products show that they are not only ineffective, but also cannot guarantee the child's safety. Often, the device can cause serious damage to the body and internal organs. FEST can be purchased for about 500 rudders in official stores. The price depends on the model and size. Let's try to figure out if this FEST is as good as they say about it.

At the beginning of this year, one could often see a statement in the media that said that new amendments were introduced to the traffic rules that prohibit the use of certain types of child restraints. As a result, it turned out that only special chairs can be used to transport children in a car. Let's try to figure out in detail whether it is allowed to install a child restraint in the car.

Every driver of a motor vehicle must ensure maximum safety for the child during its transportation. According to the established rules in our country, it is necessary to transport children using a child restraint (child restraint). If this rule is ignored, the driver will receive a substantial fine.

The following options for devices are provided as a DUU:

  • special cradles;
  • armchairs;
  • belt pads, Fest.

The latter option involves low costs, Fest is attached directly to the seat belt, excluding the possibility of one belt passing over the child's neck. But recently, such a device has been alarming specialists, they simply doubt the level of its safety.

Studies have shown that devices such as Fest have nothing to do with the structure of the body of children, and therefore cannot provide the necessary level of safety during transportation.

On this occasion, the authorities began to try to prohibit the use of such devices, while making a special chair as the main device. But this only added to the problems, because it is impossible to determine exactly up to what age it is necessary to transport a child in a chair. Often, children simply do not fit into car seats, although their age is small. How to be in such a situation?

Fest, can it be used in a car

New amendments to the existing law regulate the inability to use airbags and regular seat belts for children. The new rules allow children to be transported only using special restraints that have been certified and correspond to the dimensions of a small passenger.

Proceeding from this, when buying Fest, you need to check it by two parameters:

  • compliance with the age and weight of the passenger;
  • availability of a certificate.

In 2019, Fest can be used to transport children if it is used in accordance with the rules.

Moreover, this device is available in only two versions:

  • for children whose weight is in the range of 9-18 kilograms;
  • for children whose weight is from 18 to 36 kilograms.

You should be aware that if a traffic police officer writes out a protocol for transporting a child without a chair, then it is quite possible to appeal. But the driver must have a document confirming the certification of the device.

At what age can Fest be used

According to the current rules, it is necessary to fasten a child with such a device as Fest up to 7 years old. After this age, the passenger can only wear the seat belts that are in the car.

But this law has a small caveat - it is possible to use standard safe systems if the child is more than one and a half meters tall.

To understand at what age a child restraint can be used, it is necessary to remember that Fest is intended for children from 9 kilograms, while the child's height must be at least 100 cm.

Installing the remote control

As a rule, drivers do not have any problems installing a remote control system. The fact is that the design of this device is elementary. When folded, the strap pad resembles a trapezoid. Buttons are needed to fix and adjust the device.

The device is made of a special fabric that will not cause any inconvenience to the child while driving. Moreover, each driver must clearly understand what cannot be done with the device:

  • fix several children at once;
  • to fasten a small passenger who is in the arms of an adult;
  • fix a passenger that does not meet the requirements of the device.
Fest cost

This type of device is produced in Russia in only two versions, which are described above. In car dealerships that cooperate directly with the manufacturer, the cost of Fest is within 500 rubles.

And then there is an understanding of why drivers choose just such a remote control system. The cost of a car seat varies from 10 to 20 thousand, the savings in this case are obvious.

Pros and cons of Fest

The most important advantage of this device is its low cost, which differs from the price of a car seat several times. Also, the advantages include:

  • suitable for use in any car with standard belts;
  • compactness.

The disadvantages include:

  • there is no protection of a small passenger from side impacts in the event of an accident;
  • the baby does not have sufficient hold in place.

Studies have shown that Fest keeps the child in the event of an accident, but the level of pressure on the part of the baby's abdomen increases several times.

It turns out that it is allowed to use DUU Fest, but it does not guarantee a high level of child safety.

Please note that using a car seat for transporting a child, which does not correspond to the size of the passenger, also does not guarantee protection in case of an accident. Therefore, when choosing a remote control device, you should pay attention not to its price, but to the level of safety and compliance with the dimensions of the device for the child.


It is allowed to use the Fest device for fixing a child during transportation in a car. The main thing is that it has a certificate and corresponds to the dimensions of the passenger. Moreover, every driver should know that if he observes all these rules, then he cannot be fined for the absence of a child seat in the car.

Permitted child restraints for a car according to traffic rules updated: November 1, 2019 by the author: admin

If you have a child, then for sure the question of which device to use to transport it in the car has already arisen. Consider whether a device such as a triangle adapter that attaches to seat belts is worth your attention.

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Let us outline the general advantages and disadvantages of such a device when transporting children, as well as its main characteristics.

Do you have children? Then you just have to know the basic rules for the carriage of such a category of passengers. Indeed, in this case, you need to pay special attention to security issues.

When it comes to a child under 2 years old, then no devices, except for special car seats, can be used (except perhaps as an addition to them). And for example, for the transportation of older children, special devices called triangles are used.

What is it and what it looks like

Triangles come in handy not only when you are planning a trip with your vehicle. It is also a handy gadget that can be used in someone else's car. It is an adapter that fixes the seat belts installed on the vehicle.

But now you need to figure out whether this is a really necessary thing or just a tool that will help avoid claims from the traffic police.

The instructions indicate that triangles are used complete with standard transport belts, which are three-point.

The purchase of an adapter in the form of a triangle is justified in the event that it is not possible to install a car seat. The principle applies here - it is better to use an overlay than nothing.

After all, seat belts consist of shoulder and lumbar sections, and are designed for a person's height from 150 cm and it is not permissible to fasten children with such belts, since the strap will be at a dangerous distance from the neck.

The adapters are worn on standard belts - they move the strap from the neck below (to the chest area).

The essence of such a device, as you can see, is simple. And in the buttoned position, such a device looks like a triangle. In a frontal collision, the load will be evenly distributed over the body.

The triangle can be with a strap necessary in order to provide additional girth to the child's thighs, as well as without a strap.

When using the triangle, there should be no problems, because everyone can adjust the size of the adapter using buttons for the child's height.

  1. It is forbidden to fasten 1 belt of 2 or more children.
  2. You cannot expose the device to negative influences - try to break, burn, cut with scissors.
  3. Do not use a triangle if the child is sitting in the arms of an adult.

Abroad, the choice of these devices is more diverse than in our country. But recently in Russia they have become more and more popular due to their low cost and versatility.

Can a triangle be used to transport children

In (section 22 of the Road Traffic Regulations, paragraph 22.9) it is said that it is allowed to transport a child only when safety is ensured. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the design of the transport.

If the children are under 12 years old, then they can only be transported in a car that is equipped with seat belts, while using special child restraints that correspond to the weight and height of the child.

On the front seats, special child restraints are also mandatory.

If such a requirement is not met, the driver is held accountable for an administrative matter.

The amount of the fine is 3 thousand rubles.

The paragraph does not prohibit the carriage of a child in the front passenger seats, but if a special restraint is used and the front airbag is disabled.

Certain restrictions apply if the child is under 12 years old. After that age, you can use normal seat belts.

There are triangular-shaped devices that are certified within Russia. This means that the traffic police are not entitled to issue fines if they see that a child from 3 to 12 years old is fastened with this device.

Yes, and in Art. 22.9 of the Road traffic regulations there is no precise description of what exactly the restraints should be.

How old is it used

There is such a condition, which concerns, rather, not age, but the height and weight of the child - if the child's weight has exceeded 19 kilograms, and the height is 100 cm or more, then you can abandon the car seat and use triangles with additional straps at the hip level.

There are other sources that say that triangles can only be used from the age of 6.

Prices in the Russian Federation

There are many models of seat belt adapters on the market. When choosing, it is important to pay attention not to the price, but to the quality and the level of reliability that the device can provide.

We list several models that are in demand among motorists:

Ganen The company offers models that do not have high price points. They are easy to use. The triangle is made of durable material and has a special filling. Designed for children 4 - 12 years old. They are used for different types of belts - single, cross, with a retainer, etc. 400 rubles
Crumb Manufacturers ensure that their products are practical. The triangles are washable and do not rub. They have puff fillers, which can extend the life of the device, and also reduce pressure on the chest of the child. Use for children from 4 years old 300 rubles
Antaeus Thanks to the fastening on the standard belts, the correct position of the child can be ensured. The pressure is distributed evenly. The manufacturers used washable material. RUB 500
Fest Russian adapters that have passed all tests of strength and reliability. Negative - can only be used for specific seat belts (cross belts are not suitable) RUB 490

When buying a triangle, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The size. Don't buy the model, which is a mini option. Such an adapter is inexpensive, but it can hardly be called effective. Yes, and you will soon have to acquire another, since the children are growing rapidly.
  2. Device material. The main requirements are strength, water resistance (it will have to be washed often). If the fixture is made of low-quality material, you will have to throw it away after the first wash.
  3. Filling. Prefer puff filling. Wadded and lumpy ones quickly knock into lumps, and the triangle loses its shape and depreciation rates of use.
  4. Manufacturer. Buy an adapter from a company you know and are sure of.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

It is worth noting that such a device has both positive and negative aspects.

What is the plus of the triangle for transporting children:

  1. It is compact when compared to a car seat. Will not take up much space in the vehicle.
  2. It is versatile. It is used in all types of transport that are equipped with seat belts. You will not need to search for mountings and rack your brains over how to install the chair.
  3. It is not difficult to apply it. No special instructions for use are required - everyone will understand how the device works.
  4. You don't have to spend money on expensive devices.
  5. Suitable for back and front seats.
  6. It can be installed in a maximum of a minute.
  7. Suitable for any weight.

But there are also a number of disadvantages that parents should learn by heart, and then make an informed decision about the appropriateness of adaptation.

For example, the triangle is positioned in such a way that the resulting pressure is concentrated on the baby's belly. And this part of the body is characterized by the absence of bones.

Therefore, in the event of a road traffic accident, the protection of the child's organs is not guaranteed.

If an adult can rest on the floor (bottom) of the car with his feet, then the child will not reach him, but dives under the belts. As a result, there is a possibility of cervical vertebra fractures and rupture of internal organs.

Such devices can also be uncomfortable. In transport, the seats are wider than the child needs. This means that it will be uncomfortable for his legs.

And the lumbar protrusions on the backs, due to the growth of children, are located at the level of their shoulder blades. And one more minus - the child sits low and cannot look out the window.

Will point out a number of disadvantages:

  1. The device cannot be used in an old car that is equipped with old belts that do not have horizontal straps.
  2. The head is not protected from damage in the event of an accident (compared to car seats).
  3. The body of the baby is protected worse than when using a car seat.
  4. There is a likelihood of problems with representatives of the traffic police. You will have to defend the fact that this type of device can be used and it complies with traffic rules.

Those who have already tried these triangles also note the following points:

  1. If the child does not reach 102 cm, then the belts need to be adjusted all the time.
  2. If children are transported in the front seat with a triangle, then the airbag will be at the level of the baby's head (can this be called a plus?).
  3. The child can unfasten himself without any problems.
  4. If the baby falls asleep, he will fold to one side and the head is in a hanging position all the time.

How to do it yourself

Do you want to make a triangle yourself? To do this, you can use a simple scheme of the following plan:

Only another question arises - is it possible to use a homemade device? The fact is that safety belt restraints for children are not subject to mandatory safety checks.

This means that on the market you can find different models of nondescript triangles-overlays that will take diagonal straps away from the child's neck. The possibility of using a home-made device is not excluded.

In any case, it's up to the parents to decide. If you are confident that your child will be safe using the triangle adapter, use this device.

Modern young parents who are going to travel with their child in a car are forced to study all types of child restraints (child restraints), to choose the one that is suitable for the age and weight of the child. All modern types of remote control systems must comply with GOST.

DUU can be divided into 4 structural groups and categories:

  1. Cradle(baby car seat, infant car seat, cocoon) is designed to transport the smallest passengers in a lying or reclining position, from the very first days of life and up to 1.5 years:
  • the carrycot of category "0" can withstand the weight of a child from 0 to 10 kg;
  • carrycot of category "0+" can carry weight from 0 to 13 kg.
  1. Armchair(child restraint seat, car seat) allows you to transport children in a sitting position, looks like a full-fledged seat, always equipped with seat belts. The degree of protection is very high, since the child is securely fixed and protected even from the side. Up to what age is it appropriate to use the child seat? This question worries parents most of all:
  • a chair of category "0+" can have a swivel structure, is recommended for use by children from 0 to 4 years old, withstands weight up to 13 kg;
  • the category "1" chair can have a swivel structure, it is recommended for use by children from 9 months old to 4 years old, with a height of 78 cm, withstands weight from 9 to 18 kg;
  • a Category “2” chair, as a rule, is equipped with height-adjustable head restraints and 5-point seat belts, is recommended for use by children from 3 to 12 years old, withstands a weight of 15 to 25 kg;
  • a Category “3” chair, as a rule, is equipped with height-adjustable head restraints and 5-point seat belts, is recommended for use by children from 3 to 12 years old, withstands a weight of 25 to 36 kg.
  1. Adapter(FEST, triangle) is a triangular pad on a standard seat belt. Since it is designed for a person from 150 cm in height, its straps fall on the neck of a small person and cannot carry any "rescue" function.

The purpose of the adapter is to move the harness straps to the level of the baby's chest and protect him. RL in the form of a triangle can be used for children from 3 to 12 years old, with a height of 100 cm and a weight of 9 kg.

There are two types of FEST produced in the Russian Federation:

  • with an additional, with the inscription FEST, a strap to girth the thighs of a minor weighing from 9 to 18 kg;
  • without additional shoulder strap for minors weighing 18 to 36 kg.
  1. Booster Is a cushion seat without a backrest. The baby sitting on it is higher, and thus it becomes possible to fasten it with a regular seat belt:
  • booster Category "2" is recommended for use by children from 7 to 12 years old, withstands weight from 15 to 25 kg;
  • booster category "3" is recommended for use by children from 7 to 12 years old, withstands weight from 25 to 36 kg.

The main rule for the transportation of children is to ensure their safety, taking into account the design specifics of the vehicle and with the help of special child restraints.

Transportation of minors under 12 years old can be carried out:

  • in a passenger car equipped with seat belts and / or Isofix restraint system;
  • in a truck cab equipped with seat belts and / or an Isofix restraint system.

It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years old in the back seat of a motorcycle and in trailers.

In the front seat, it is allowed to transport children only with the use of restraints appropriate for the height and weight of the child, with the airbag deactivated.

Frame car seat

The frame child restraint is the most common one. Each manufacturer offers a variety of models. It must be said that there are no direct requirements for the appearance of child car seats in modern traffic rules. Therefore, the choice of the chair is made by young parents, grandparents at their own discretion.

The main selection criteria are:

  • height, weight, age of the child;
  • fastening method;
  • product certification;
  • price.

Carrying a child in a car seat is quite convenient and, most importantly, safe, as it is protected by an ergonomic backrest, a high headrest and comfortable sidewalls. Thus, maximum protection is created.


It is quite advisable to buy a booster for children in a car for a child from 7 to 12 years old. If your child has grown up, has become 100 cm and more, then by placing him on the booster, like on a pillow, you can fasten him with a regular car seat belt. The harness straps will fit properly, like an adult, on the baby's chest and abdomen, without affecting the neck.

The rules for transporting minors do not prohibit the use of the booster. Although the degree of protection of the child in the booster for many parents is under a big question mark. The absence of a backrest, sidewalls and a headrest cannot but affect the level of safety. It is worth remembering this when choosing a remote control system.

Frameless acupressure

Can a frameless child seat be used? This question worries many parents, because the cost of such a device is quite low, and the choice of offered models is huge. A frameless chair, according to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, is allowed to be used to transport a child in a car, based on its concept. After all, a frameless seat is a child restraint device designed to ensure the safety of a child while traveling in a car.

Choosing a car seat for the smallest passengers

The first trip of a newborn usually takes place from the hospital to the parents' home, about a week after birth. At this point, you need to thoroughly prepare.

How to transport a newborn in a car? Of course, in a special car seat or car seat of category "0" and "0+". Care must be taken when choosing a special chair for newborns. Although it will not serve its owner for long, young parents need to study the certificates and reviews of each specific model, evaluate the anatomical shape, the quality of the built-in belts and the reliability of the fixators. It is recommended to pay attention to the materials of the interior decoration of the cradle itself, they must be hypoallergenic and non-slip.

It is strictly forbidden to use a cradle from a stroller as a cradle intended for transporting newborn children! It cannot perform safety functions while driving and is only intended for transporting babies outside the vehicle.

Rules for installing child restraints

Carrycot installation

Oddly enough it sounds, but it is necessary to install the car cradles against the direction of travel, with the child's back to the windshield. Since the infant does not yet hold the neck, when braking sharply in this position, he will avoid injuries to the spine and neck.

In this case, the fixation of the baby's body will be carried out using special belts built into the cradle. And the car seat belts will not be used. The carrycot can be installed in both the rear and front seats.

If the carrycot is placed in the front seat of a car equipped with airbags, it is imperative that this function be deactivated for the safety of the child.

The child restraint seat is installed using the structural entry of the vehicle's seat belt.

  1. The seat of category "0+" is installed in the same way as the cradles.
  2. It is allowed to place a baby in a Category “1” chair in the direction of travel, both on the front and rear seats, provided that it is secured with an additional belt.
  3. When using a category "2" or "3" seat, the child can ride in the direction of travel, fastened with the built-in seat belt.

In the event that the car in which it is planned to transport a minor under the age of 12 is equipped with an Isofix international class restraint system, you should buy special seats with a similar fastening. The Isofix system prevents the seat from tipping over, which increases the child's safety level at times. The analogue of Isofix for American cars is the Latch and Super Latch fastening system.

Installing the adapter

The FEST triangular pad is inserted into the standard seat belt and is adjusted depending on the child's height to such a level that the belt strap crosses the child's belly and chest, in no case touching his neck.

Booster installation

You can place the booster on the front or back seat of a car. It is believed that the most comfortable place for him is in the middle of the back sofa. As well as when installing the FEST triangle, it is important to correctly fix the seat belt in the chest and abdomen of the child and secure the neck at the same time.

Requirements for the type of restraint depending on the age and weight of the passenger

Each type of restraint has its own requirements:

Changes in legislation in 2020

2019 - 20 years turned out to be rich in changes in the field of traffic rules. We have received changes in the field of OSAGO, fuel excise taxes, linking state numbers to regions, the size of the utilization fee and much more.

As such, the rules for transporting children in a car underwent significant changes in mid-2017, in 2018 they only affected buses that carry out organized transportation of children. Now, when transporting children, it is prohibited to use buses older than 10 years from the date of issue, and from July 1, 2018, it is mandatory to use orange or yellow flashing lights on the roof of the bus.

The child should not be left alone in the car.

Over the past 3 - 5 years, in many countries, and in our country in particular, there have been such egregious cases of irresponsible attitude to child passengers on the part of their own parents that it had a great public response.

Children left in cars in the scorching sun overheated and died. Others, on the contrary, froze in the cold season. Some kids, along with improperly parked cars, were taken away by tow trucks to penalty parking lots. There were cases when other vehicles crashed into cars with minors and children became injured.

All this led to the fact that in the middle of last year, in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, additions were made to the effect that it is FORBIDDEN to leave a child under 7 years old alone in a car without an accompanying adult.

Penalty for leaving a child in a car

Now leaving one young child in a personal car is an offense, which is regulated by government decree No. 761 and paragraph 12.8 of the SDA and can lead to administrative liability, and in the case of a knowingly dangerous situation and failure to provide possible assistance, to criminal liability.

The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation presupposes a punishment in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. According to the criminal code, the punishment can be very harsh. If the parents (legal guardians, adoptive parents) left the child alone in the car, in a situation that is obviously dangerous to his life and health, then, accordingly, the minor cannot stand up for himself and protect himself (for example, the child is locked in the car and cannot get out).

Significant harm caused to the health of a minor and failure to provide possible assistance is considered a criminal offense and is punishable by:

  • imprisonment for up to 1 year;
  • arrest up to 3 months;
  • forced or corrective labor up to 1 year;
  • compulsory work up to 360 hours;
  • a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of wages up to 6 months.

What punishment to choose for irresponsible parents is decided in court.

Child restraint comparison - which one to choose?

Large stores specializing in the sale of child restraints and forums for mothers do not stop their research on the choice of child seats and other devices for transporting children.

In the first place, most parents put a frame child seat as the safest. Namely, the side protection of the child is of decisive importance, since a large percentage of accidents occur in the side of the car.

The advantages of this device are complemented by a strong fixation of a young child and the presence of a high back and headrest. The disadvantages are the high price and large dimensions of this device.

The booster is chosen, as a rule, by the parents of large children, who, in their size, no longer fit into the chairs, and in terms of height do not yet reach the standard car belts. Transportation of children using a booster cannot be called the safest, due to the lack of a backrest, sidewalls and head restraints. At its core, a booster is more of a cushion - lining than a car seat.

The FEST triangle gained its popularity due to its compactness and low price. You can take it with you or have it as a backup. Any family can financially manage such a triangle.

As for the car cradle, it cannot be compared with other devices in any way, since it is designed to transport the smallest in a reclining or reclining position. The choice of parents determines the value for money of the offered models.

Responsibility for improper transportation of a child in a car

The activity of legislative authorities in the field of toughening penalties for violation of traffic rules has increased in recent years and is reflected in the new system of fines.

It should be noted that since 2017, the fine itself has grown 6 times compared to 5 years ago and is currently 3 tons. for drivers, 25 t. p. for an official and 100 tons. for legal entities transporting children.

With regard to the transportation of children in cars, the violations are:

  • the actual absence of a special restraint for the carriage of children under the age of 7 in the rear seats and up to 12 years in the front seat;
  • incorrect installation of the restraint.

There are times when there are simply no fasteners in the car for attaching child seats, they are not structurally provided. However, this is not an excuse for drivers transporting children.

Punishments for these offenses are regulated by Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


Of course, it is the duty of every parent to make every effort to ensure the safety of your child! And when it comes to transporting children, even more so. The new traffic rules are aimed at improving the situation on the roads, at reducing the accident rate and the number of victims and, first of all, children.

Drivers transporting small children in cars, buses and taxis should more often look at the traffic rules, refresh their knowledge and follow all changes and additions. Parents should be very careful when choosing a child restraint according to the age and weight of the child.

Naturally, from the birth of a child to the age of 12, one cannot do with just one device. As you grow older, you will have to change the cradle for a chair, a chair for other means that are more suitable. It is advisable to have multiple devices.

According to the rules of the road, the driver must wear seat belts while driving and not carry unfastened passengers. Particular attention is paid to the safety of transportation of children. Let's figure it out in detail:

  • what are the rules for transporting children in a car;
  • what is "Child restraint";
  • what devices are there for transporting children;
  • what are the requirements for child restraints;
  • what are the rules for installing restraints;
  • what is the penalty for incorrect transportation of children;
  • what changes in the rules await us.

What is "Child Restraint"

The concept of a child restraint is given in GOST R 41.44-2005 ().

According to this standard, a child restraint is a collection of elements, consisting of:

  • shoulder straps or flexible elements with buckles;
  • regulating devices;
  • fastening parts;
  • and in some cases, an accessory (eg, a carrycot, removable child seat, booster seat and / or impact screen) that attaches to the interior of the vehicle body.

The device must be designed in such a way that in the event of a collision or sudden braking of the car, it can reduce the risk of injury to the child and restrict his mobility.

Child restraints are divided into five weight groups:

group 0 (group 0) - for children weighing less than 10 kg;
group 0+ (group 0+) - for children weighing less than 13 kg;
group I (group I) - for children weighing 9-18 kg;
group II (group II) - for children weighing 15-25 kg;
group III (group III) - for children weighing 22-36 kg.

What devices can be used

The device can be used if:

  • it corresponds to the weight and height of the child;
  • its design complies with GOST R 41.44-2005.

Child restraints can be of two types: one-piece and one-piece.

One-piece restraints. They are a set of all the elements necessary to fix the child in the device. Examples: bassinets, car seats.

Non-targeted restraints. Includes a partial restraint that is used combined with an adult seat belt and collectively forms a complete child restraint. Examples: boosters and seat belt adapters.

Rules for installing restraints in a car

According to statistics, the safest place is the middle seat in the back row. The most dangerous is the front passenger seat. Consider this information when positioning the restraints in your vehicle.

Car seats can be installed both in the front passenger seat and in the back.

If you are installing the seat in the front, be sure to consider the design of your vehicle. If it has a front passenger airbag, it must be deactivated for rear-facing child seats.

What rules for the transportation of children were in effect until July 2017

Children can be transported in the car, provided their safety is ensured. In this case, the design features of the vehicle must be taken into account.

It is possible to transport children under 12 years old in cars equipped with seat belts only using child restraints that correspond to the weight and height of the child, and also other means that allow you to fasten your child with the seat belt provided in the car.

In the front seat of a car, transportation is allowed only with the use of child restraints (clause 22.9 of the SDA RF).

New rules for the transportation of children 2017-2018

(Update as of 03.07.2017)

On July 10, 2017, amendments to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation regarding the requirements for the carriage of children, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2017 No. 761 (), come into force.

Now in accordance with the new requirements: transporting children to under 7 years of age in a passenger car and in the cab of a lorry, it should be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child. In other words, only in the car seat.

Transportation of children between the ages of 7 and 11 (inclusive) in a passenger car and in the cab of a lorry should be carried out using a car seat or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only in a car seat.

In addition, according to the new rules, it is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 years in the car while it is parked in the absence of an adult (clause 12.8 of the RF SDA).

Is it possible to use a "booster" when transporting children

You can use boosters when transporting children if the device meets the requirements of GOST R 41.44-2005 (Russian standard PCT) and is selected in accordance with the weight and height of the child being transported. When preparing this material, a request was sent to the traffic police to clarify this issue. The answer is attached below:

What is the penalty for incorrect transportation of children

Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children, established by the traffic rules, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles, on officials - 25,000 rubles, on legal entities - 100,000 rubles (part 3 of article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

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