Home Lighting Traffic police check checking cars by wine code. VIN decoding section. How to find out the history of the car

Traffic police check checking cars by wine code. VIN decoding section. How to find out the history of the car

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Official website of the traffic police of Russia - online services for motorists

⚡️The official website of the traffic police of Russia allows you to check unpaid traffic fines, check a car by wine code for a registration ban and check a driver's license for deprivation. It also publishes changes in traffic rules and contacts of divisions in the cities of the Russian Federation.

Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount

To check fines from cameras, photo and video recording of violations.

To check the fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications of new fines.

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Traffic police website fines check

On the official website of the traffic police, you can check the fines by the car number and by the number of the vehicle registration certificate. Fines are not checked by last name or by driver's license.

A postal notice with a copy of the order from the traffic police may not reach the addressee or arrive with a delay when the period of the fifty percent discount has already expired. Therefore, the most reliable way to control fines is to check them online.

It's important to know!

When checking fines online, you will not only get the most up-to-date information about your unpaid fines, but you will also be able to subscribe to notifications of fines by email or SMS. If you are issued a new fine, you will immediately receive a notification and have time to pay it while the discount is valid.

The fine must be paid within 60 days from the date of the order. If, after 70 days from the date of the decision, the fine remains unpaid, information about it is transferred to the bailiffs, who initiate enforcement proceedings. Also, traffic police officers and bailiffs regularly arrange round-ups on debtors for fines. Non-payers are detained on the road and forcibly taken to court.

For late payment of fines, the motorist faces:

  1. Administrative arrest
  2. Blocking bank accounts and cards
  3. Ban on travel abroad
  4. Arrest of property
  5. Deprivation of driving license
  6. Federal wanted list
  7. Bailiffs' appeal to the employer

Checking a car by wine code

The official website of the traffic police is useful when buying both a new and a used car. Through the site, you can check the history of the car by the wine number.

What is a VIN Number?

VIN number is a unique vehicle code consisting of 17 characters.

You can find it out either from the vehicle registration certificate (both old and new), or from a plate under the hood. The car's wine code never changes.

Why check your vehicle history:

  • PTS authentication;
  • Verification of the identity of the previous owners of the car;
  • Verification of the facts of participation in road accidents;
  • Checking if a car is on the wanted list;
  • Checking the restrictions on registration with the traffic police (arrest, bail in the bank).

According to automotive media statistics for 2017, up to 50% of transactions with used cars in major cities of Russia have fraudulent signs. The seller and the buyer do not draw up a full package of documents, do not certify contracts with a notary and do not check the car for legal purity. Unsecured sales and purchases later can lead to the seizure of property and loss of money invested.

Common cheating schemes in the secondary car market in Russia

Scheme name The essence of deception How to protect yourself?
1. Deposit The seller requires an urgent advance payment and is hiding with the money. Do not give money without inspecting and checking the machine.
2. Floating price The price of the car is slightly lower than the market, but at the time of payment, additional price tags appear, or the purchase and sale agreement is drawn up for a different amount. Take your time, draw up a contract for the purchase and sale of the house. Check all documents.
3. Foreign number A good car, at a price below the market, is sold with numbers from Belarus or Kazakhstan. In fact, it will not work to register and legally drive it in Russia. Except for the rare ones associated with unique car models, do not buy cars with plates from other countries.
4. Gray outbid schemes The car is sold not by the owner, but by the reseller. Often the signatures in the purchase and sale agreement are fake, a duplicate appears instead of the TCP, and the amounts in the agreement are understated. A car bought under this scheme can be arrested. Check the names of the owners of the car on the title and the person selling the car.
5. Car double A good option: fresh year, no road accidents at a low price. Wine check shows complete purity and absence of encumbrances. The sales contract is drawn up at the meeting, however, the seller refuses to go to the traffic police under various pretexts. When you try to register, it turns out that the car with this wine code is already in the database. The purchased twin car is seized. Get the previous owner to appear in the traffic police for re-registration of the car.
6. Sales contract for several persons A law-abiding seller sells a car under a sales contract, gets paid and leaves. Later he is asked to rewrite the contract for another person. At the end of the story, the first buyer, threatening court and criminal prosecution, tries to return the money for the allegedly unsold car. Draw up the vehicle acceptance certificate. Take voice-over recordings of conversations. Fill out the DCT with a notary.
7. Photos of passport and bank card The fraudster contacts the victim by phone and offers to buy a car. An excuse is invented according to which this cannot be done immediately. But the offender declares that he is ready to transfer a large bail to the victim's card to prove his intentions. To make a payment, a photo of a bank card and passport is requested. Having all the necessary information, the fraudsters either "clean out" the bank card, or issue a loan for the sent copy of the passport. Do not forward card and passport details to strangers.
8. Two keys to steal The hijackers are ordered a specific model and color of the car. The option is found in used car advertisements. On the phone, the person posing as the buyer asks about the presence of the spirit of the car keys. A whole group of people comes to inspect the vehicle. While some distract the owner, others make a digital copy of the key. Further, the car is followed and hijacked as soon as possible. Do not show the car alone. Watch out for the keys. Be wary if you are asked about two keys.
9. Car exchange under two sales and purchase agreements The initiator of the exchange offers to execute the transaction through two sales contracts. Later, legal problems arise with one of the cars, but it is difficult to bring the situation back, since the transactions are not interconnected. It is worth avoiding drawing up two MPs when exchanging vehicles for each other.
10. Purchase by proxy Selling a car by proxy is a sign of past problems with the car. Most likely the car was stolen, is on bail or under arrest. Do not purchase cars by proxy.
11. Wrong year, wrong characteristics The fraudster places an advertisement for the sale of an overpriced vehicle. The best year, a rich set of options and a different engine size are indicated. The bet is made on haste when selling, in which there will be no time to check the little things. Carefully check the information from the ad and the properties of the proposed vehicle. Look for any inconsistencies.

Most of the situations described can be avoided by checking the car online against the database on the official website of the traffic police of Russia. The very mention of a possible verification in a conversation with a suspicious buyer or seller can stop fraudsters.

Having picked up the car you are interested in, call the owner. Ask again everything that is written in the ad: year, color, condition, availability of options and number of owners. Immediately warn the author of the announcement about the upcoming checks in the car service (chassis, engine compression, errors and twisted mileage) and legal purity. Already at this stage, obvious scammers can withdraw themselves.

At the meeting, carefully inspect the car for damage, check the functionality of all available electronics. Take a close look at the tires, handlebars, floor mats and handles for scuffs that should be consistent with the stated mileage. Ask the owner to provide the VIN-code and directly from the phone check the car on the official website of the traffic police.

Driver's license check for authenticity and deprivation

On the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Russia, you can check a driver's license for deprivation and authenticity online. To do this, it is enough to drive the series, number and date of issue of the document into the appropriate fields.

When is a driver's license check required?

Recruitment- the employer is directly responsible for the observance of the law by its employees. An accident caused by a hired driver who is deprived of his license (or does not have a license at all) will turn into a criminal case against the owners and managers of the business.

Registration of the Europrotocol- Small accidents in Russia can be registered without calling the traffic police. To do this, you just need to draw up a scheme, sign the consent of the culprit and send the papers to the insurance company. However, there is a nuance. If the driver's license of the participants in the accident is invalid, the payment will not be made. Therefore, before drawing up the Europrotocol, the VU should be checked for deprivation and authenticity through the traffic police website.

When restoring rights- It happens that hackers use the lost driver's license. Fraudsters are calculated and the document issued in your name is canceled by the police. Unfortunately, in this case those rights that lie in your pocket also lose their validity. If you have lost and restored your license, it makes sense to carry out an AT check before each long trip.

Why are they deprived of a driver's license in Russia 2020

You can lose your rights for a period from a month to several years for:

  • Driving without license plates or with fake license plates;
  • An unpermitted ambulance, fire engine or police vehicle;
  • Incorrect railroad passage;
  • Departure to the "oncoming lane";
  • Driving against a stream on a one-way road;
  • Repeated passage of the intersection at a red light in a year;
  • Illegal special signals (flashers);
  • (more than 70 days);
  • Leaving the scene of an accident;

Changes in traffic rules 2020

To most car enthusiasts, this 17-digit character set seems incomprehensible, even mysterious. However, you can find out almost everything about the car by the wine code, because the VIN code contains almost all the information about it. This is a passport or some kind of DNA of any vehicle.

What is VIN? What is it for?

This standardization system was adopted in the second half of the 20th century. It is regulated by the ISO 3779-1983 standard. The abbreviation VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number.

Before its adoption, it was possible to identify a car by its body and engine numbers. Fraudsters interrupted, cut them down, trying to "confuse the tracks", to prevent the traffic police from tracing the history of the car, to determine its real owner.

The original VIN code consisted of 7 digits and was stamped on the chassis. Now it contains 17 characters (numbers and Latin letters). It contains a lot of information. By the wine code, you can find out almost everything about the car:

  • identify the manufacturer and the current owner;
  • familiarize yourself with the history of operation;
  • find out the technical characteristics;
  • specify the year of manufacture, mileage of the car, participation in an accident;
  • familiarize yourself with the complete set.

Decoding the vin code of a car is in demand when buying a used vehicle, because unscrupulous sellers can hide the true state of affairs from the buyer, provide inaccurate data. But even if you buy a new car in a car dealership, after decrypting the car's wine code for free via Internet services, you can clarify its year of manufacture, model, select the type of engine oil, and familiarize yourself with other necessary information.

How to find the VIN code?

There is no clearly fixed, standard location for the identification code. The manufacturer places it at his own discretion. It is applied to one-piece body parts, chassis. This can be a small metal plate on the front door pillar, under the hood lid, in the luggage compartment, inside the dashboard. It can be applied under the windshield, on the inside of one of the car's fenders, and so on.

In order to find out the wine code, just look at the documentation that comes with the car:

  • technical passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • insurance policy.

If you are purchasing a used car from your hands, make sure that the 17-digit set indicated on the documents matches the one printed on the vehicle itself.

For almost any car manufactured after 1980, you can check the wine code for free on specialized sites. But, a motorist can do the same work on his own, it is enough to know the rules for decoding information encrypted in a 17-character alphanumeric set.

VIN-code consists of three blocks.

  1. WMI - Vendor ID

These are the first three characters in which the geographic zone (region - Asia, Europe, etc.), the country of origin, and the company are encrypted. The tables below show the WMI transcript: country and manufacturer definition.

Decoding the country in the VIN code

Some manufacturers have more than one WMI, but at the same time more than one manufacturer cannot be encrypted under one character set. If the company for some reason curtailed production and no longer manufactures cars, then after 30 years, the identifier may be transferred to another company.

  1. VDS - vehicle characteristics

This block contains 6 characters. They allow you to find out the complete set of a car by wine code, vehicle model, body type, main technical characteristics, and other options:

  • 4 symbol - body;
  • 5th symbol - engine;
  • 6 symbol - model;
  • 7, 8 symbols - information at the request of the manufacturer.

Items not used by the manufacturer are filled with zeros. The ninth character is a checksum to verify the authenticity of the car's vin code. To do this, the letters included in the block are replaced with numbers in a certain way, and the calculation is performed using a special mathematical formula. The check digit value can be represented as a digit (0 to 9) or an letter (X) value.

  1. VIS - distinctive features

The last eight characters indicate the characteristics of this vehicle:

  • 10 position - the year in which the release of this model was started, the value can be represented as a letter (from A - 1980, to Y - 200) or numbers (from 1 - 2001, to 9 - 2009), from 2010 symbols are repeated;
    Note: if the model was put into production at the end of the year (September - December), then the manufacturer can indicate the next year in the wine code.
  • 11 position - information about the plant where the car was assembled;
  • 12-17 positions - the serial number of the car, assigned to it during the in-plant accounting.

In order for the decoding performed by you to be as accurate and complete as possible, after determining the country of the car manufacturer (according to WMI), go to the manufacturer's website and specify what information is encrypted in characters 4 - 11. This must be done, since many companies do not strictly follow the provisions of the standard.

How to check the VIN-code of a car?

In order to be 100% sure that the car you are buying is not on the wanted list or on bail, first of all, clarify the authenticity of the existing identifier. The vehicle's VIN code check can be done visually. To do this, you need to carefully examine the symbols embossed on the parts of the vehicle, paying attention to the same height, depth, width of their application. Then you need to compare their values ​​with those indicated in the TCP.

You can find out if the car has been stolen on the Internet. You can easily find many different resources, information bases containing information about stolen cars. Here you can punch your car and search for the wine code for free. In fact, you can even check the complete set of a car by wine code for free.

There are many services on the Internet that offer services for decoding the car's wine code, online, both for a fee and for free:

  • adaperio.ru;
  • autodna.ru
  • vin.auto.ru;
  • vinid.ru;
  • vinexpert.ru;
  • check-machine.rf;
  • check-car.rus;
  • carkod.ru.

Most often, to find out the history of a car by wine code, clarify the configuration, engine model, car color and other parameters, it is enough to enter a 17-digit set of characters in a special field and start a check. Some resources require the introduction of additional settings (brand, year of issue). Please note that the information available on the network may not be entirely reliable, therefore, for more accurate information, it is recommended to check the wine code on several sites.

1. Site gibdd.ru

Since 2014, the function of free wine code check is available on the official website of the traffic police. It is available to all citizens of our country in any region. With its help you can:

  • identify information about the search for a car;
  • check fines;
  • learn about the restrictions imposed on registration actions with the vehicle.

To get the service, just click on the "Check car" button on the main page of the site.

On the next page, enter the car's wine code in the appropriate fields and click "Start check".

"Antirobot" will ask you to enter security symbols, after which it will display the results of the check. If you do not have a VIN code, you can use the body, chassis number to identify the vehicle.

The service allows you to check the car VIN-code, license plate, collecting data from various information databases, other sources: traffic police, banks, courts, customs, courts and so on.

To start the function, you need to enter your VIN-code or state number on the main page of the site and click on the "Check" button.

On this service, only a short report is provided free of charge. After making a payment (267 rubles), you will get access to more data:

  • engine, body number;
  • wheel formula;
  • data on PTS and vehicle owners;
  • mileage;
  • participation in an accident and so on.

Working with other services is similar to those presented above.

Enter the wine code in the appropriate field and click on the "Check" button

For more detailed information click "Decrypt".

Enter wines and click on the "Check VIN" button.

Only basic information will be given to you free of charge.

You will need to pay a small amount to get the details. In this case, you will learn the most complete information about the vehicle, the history of its operation.

In any case, checking is very convenient. It takes very little time, and the data available about the car is displayed directly on the monitor screen.

According to statistics, more than 130,000 cars are stolen in Russia every quarter. You can be sure that the car you are buying does not belong to a terrible figure, you can only after checking the vehicle against the traffic police database. The official website for checking cars by VIN and state will help to do this quickly and conveniently. Autocode number!

What does checking a car on the traffic police database using Autocode give?

The service requests data from both the traffic police and other official sources. This means that you will receive not only reliable information about the car, but also extended information from the register of pledges of the Federal Notary Chamber, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, RSA, banks and other bodies.

What to look for in a full report by car number or vin:

  • Data on past owners;
  • Complete set of the machine;
  • Accident facts;
  • Information about encumbrances (arrest, theft, bail);
  • Information about customs clearance;
  • The fact of working in a taxi;
  • Availability of restrictions;
  • Real mileage and more.

Also, data on fines, insurance, disposal and the last passage of those will be presented to your attention. inspection.

To check the car on the traffic police database online, you only need to find out the vin or state number of the car. To run a check:

  • Go to the main page of the Autocode website;
  • Enter vin or state number in the search box;
  • View brief information about your car;
  • Click the "Pay" button to order a full report.

The cost of a full report is 349 rubles. The detailed report will appear online and will also be sent to the email address in the form of a letter.

Advantages of the Autocode website

Car enthusiasts and specialized salons choose the official website for checking a car using the Avtokod traffic police database for many reasons. First, as we said above, the data on the site comes from official sources and guarantees the reliability of the information. Secondly, the check only takes 5 minutes!

What else is unique about the Autocode online service:

  • The report contains all possible information about the car (including information about collateral, customs, credit, taxi, etc.);
  • You can check a Japanese car by body / chassis number or state. number;
  • There is a technical support service, whose specialists will answer any question and help you break through the car;
  • The current mobile application Autocode allows you to punch the car right at the time of purchase.

Checking cars for wines or state. number on the traffic police base will convince you of the technical serviceability and legal cleanliness of the car. Buying a problem car means providing yourself with litigation and headaches for the near future. A criminal or faulty car will not be registered with the traffic police.

This topic, due to its specificity, is primarily of interest to drivers who wish to purchase a car.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

Because checking the traffic police fines according to the Vin code is an action that is carried out among the mandatory checks when purchasing a used car.

How to check fines by VIN code, and what is needed for this? What methods of verification exist and why is it so important to pay off the issued fines?

General aspects

Often, newly-made car owners find themselves in trouble because they have not checked the vehicle for theft, search, availability of a loan or a fine. A simple technical examination of the vehicle for maintenance is sometimes not enough.

It will only show the presence of defects in the car (change of parts or body after an accident, poor welding of seams, traces of corrosion, etc.), but it will not say in any way that the car is listed in theft or it was issued on credit.

Any fine or incident is attributed to the vehicle and its owner (for whom the vehicle is registered).

Since the owner changes during the outbid, then all the fines available at that time are simply transferred to the new owner.

It will be difficult to prove that you are not guilty, especially after a while after the purchase / sale. And the previous owner will come out dry.

Necessary concepts

VIN-code is a special number, like an identification code, consisting of 17 characters (numbers and letters), which store all the necessary information about the vehicle.

These code values ​​can be easily deciphered:

The VIN code is convenient to use on the traffic police website to check the history of the car.

What is the threat of non-payment

Failure to fulfill the obligation to pay a fine (within 80 days) threatens its owner with the imposition of administrative liability, according to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which will lead to a new fine, twice as much from the initial one, but not less than 1000 rubles.

The obligation to repay the first is not canceled. They can apply arrest for up to 15 days or assign forced labor up to 50 hours.

You need to pay the fine in 80 days, which includes:

Exceptions are cases prescribed in accordance with Article 32.2 Part 1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. That the statute of limitations for an open case against the offender is 2 years, after which no one can demand anything from you.

But few people manage to make the most of the term. The bailiffs are endowed with broad powers, up to the filing of an application on the wanted list or a ban on leaving with the appropriate authorities on the penalty box.

If you have financial difficulties, then in court you can demand to provide you with an installment plan for payment of a fine.

It is possible that the court will take your side. Only this fact will have to be documented.

Complete disregard for the fulfillment of the obligation to pay the fine entails criminal liability, as well as deprivation of rights, seizure of the vehicle, etc.

Applicable standards

Fines for traffic violations are equated to administrative law. Administrative Code (Code of Administrative Offenses) regulates the procedure for imposing penalties from the traffic police for traffic offenders.

Each article contains the content of the cause and type of violation, as well as the punishment imposed for this.

Chapter 12 of the Administrative Code (Articles 12.1-12.37) "Administrative violations in the field of road traffic" is directly related to traffic rules.

Features of checking fines on the official website of the traffic police by the VIN code of the car

Do you want to check your car for fines or theft? You can find out all the relevant information in this matter on the traffic police website.

To enter, you need the VIN itself or the body / chassis number. Select the button "Check for restrictions", as a result you will receive the result of checking whether there are imposed restrictions on the vehicle.

  • history of registration with the traffic police;
  • to participate in an accident;
  • search;
  • availability of restrictions.

To check the history of the car in the traffic police, select the "Request a check" tab of this section.

Enter the VIN code of the car and you get the result that looks like this:

  • vehicle brand and model;
  • year of issue;
  • VIN code;
  • body, chassis, color;
  • working volume, power, type;
  • the period of vehicle ownership and who is the owner.

Similarly, a request is made to check a car in an accident. As a result, the system will show you whether there have been cases of vehicle participation in incidents or not.

Checking a car for being wanted is identical. Click on "Request verification" and enter the VIN-code. After which it will immediately become visible that it is not listed in theft, etc.

Basic ways

What are the ways to check the vehicle? The traffic police website is not the only verification method, although the most popular one.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely Article 33, provides an opportunity for any citizen of the Russian Federation to apply personally to government agencies for information of interest, including the State Traffic Inspectorate.

On the Internet, all kinds of sites have long been widespread where you can check by VIN-code, and not only.

Many of them are paid, but there is no guarantee that the information will be accurate. In order not to miscalculate and not to waste money on the wind, it is better to go to the traffic police website.

Video: checking a car by a traffic police vin code for free. Check the car for a deposit according to the wine code

It will be relevant if you, together with a companion (the one who sells you a car), personally visit the inspection authorities and conduct an inspection together with the employees.

The main ways to check a car for "falsity" are:

  • request on the traffic police website;
  • portal of state services;
  • Yandex system;
  • application of the gadget "Traffic fines";
  • banking sites

The traffic police website offers a quick online vehicle check, and most importantly for free. Go to the "Services" section, enter the vehicle number or registration certificate.

Information about paid and unpaid fines (if any) will be immediately available. The data is updated immediately as soon as the partner bank made the transfer using the details you specified. Also on the site you can print a receipt for the payment of the fine.

The State Services portal is an analogue of the traffic police website. Select the section "Transport and driving", having previously registered in the system.

In the section "Traffic police fines" you can check the debt by the name of the car owner or rights, by the vehicle number or the certificate of registration of the STS.

Both on the direct traffic police website and on the State Services portal, you can pay online. Yandex. Money offers its services in determining traffic police fines.

You can use both a driver's license and a registration certificate. Convenient service for constant monitoring of notification by mail or SMS when a new fine is detected.

It is enough to check the box “Receive notification of fines”. When paying online, the system will ask for a 1% commission of the payment amount.

Applications for gadgets and mobile devices that support the traffic police base and GIS GMP. Works similarly to Yandex. Money, supports online payment.

Domestic banks keep up with modern times. You can check for fines or pay for them through partner banks:

  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • B&N Bank.

It is quite enough to have a license or a certificate of registration of the STS with you.

Why check debt

The simplest example of why it is worth checking the debt of fines on a vehicle is buying and selling a car.

Each of us wants to buy a "clean" vehicle, without any debts, violations, etc. on it. Do not be shy or afraid of checking, you must make sure that the purchased car will not be a hassle for you later.

The check can be carried out not only by the VIN-code, there are quite a few ways:

  • by TCP;
  • by state number;
  • by the name of the owner;
  • by TIN of the owner, etc.

Where can I do it for free

In most cases, checking through all possible online channels is paid, on average up to 200 rubles.

Then the question arises, is it possible to do a free auto check somewhere? Yes, you can. On the official website of the traffic police.

If during the inspection unpaid fines were found for its owner, demand first the repayment of all debts and only then can you draw up a purchase / sale agreement. Or maybe you should look for another car? Decide for yourself.

Online control capabilities

Think for yourself what opportunities arise with the help of online programs on the Internet. At any time, 247, the availability of the system to check the history of your car.

The ability to check who owned the vehicle before you and whether he had any sins before the AIM. By checking the car before buying it for theft, search, fines, you can protect yourself from fraud.

Some sites offer the possibility, for a fee, to arrange automatic tracking of your vehicle in all possible ways, including the cars of your employees.

VIN number- This is the vehicle identification number, the code is unique for each car. It consists of 17 characters containing encrypted information about the year of manufacture, equipment, manufacturer, technical characteristics of the vehicle. This combination of letters and numbers is unique, therefore, it allows you to identify any vehicle, regardless of the country of manufacture. The compilation of the code is based on the international standards ISO 3780, ISO 3779-1983.

It can be found under the hood of the car on a special plate (nameplate), it is usually attached to the car body or chassis. Sometimes the number is indicated at the bottom of the windshield in a specially designated window. Also, the VIN number is located on the side pillars or the driver's door. Another wine number is often applied to a part of the body, under the driver's or passenger's seat, access for it is provided by a special valve on the upholstery of the car's interior, Vin can be engraved on the paintwork, it is almost invisible, for its manifestation you can use a regular pencil, shading the numbers, you will easier to read.

VIN structure check

The identification code can consist of Arabic numerals, Latin letters, with the exception of I, O, Q, which are visually similar to one and zero. There are three parts in the VIN structure, each of which is responsible for reflecting a certain category of data:
  1. WMI consists of three characters and is intended to identify the vehicle manufacturer. The first sign of the world index designates a part of the world, the second - one of the states, the third - a specific manufacturer (rarely a vehicle category).
  2. VDS includes six characters, allows you to judge the parameters of the machine. It is noteworthy that each manufacturer itself establishes what information, in what sequence, will be indicated. Most often, it is reported about the configuration, model, body configuration, engine characteristics. The wine code may contain a check character (digit or letter "X"), which allows you to establish that the marking has been partially or completely replaced.
  3. VIS - consists of 8 characters, and the last four must be numbers. In the closing part, the model year and data on the manufacturing plant are indicated, and if the machine was released from the assembly line before 2000, then the encoding will be alphabetic, in the period from 2001 to 2009, digital, and then again alphabetic.
Despite the seeming simplicity, there are a lot of nuances that do not allow the average person to decipher the Wine Code on their own. However, you cannot do without this information when buying a used car, so the question naturally arises of how to check the identification number without wasting extra time and effort. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this - it is enough to use the services of a trusted portal that offers online verification.

Today, Vin can be read not only through specialized scanners, but also using smartphones and other gadgets with Android and iOS operating systems. Having photographed the code with a smartphone camera, it will not be difficult to find out the exact information about the car via the Internet, in particular, it is possible to get a short or detailed report in just a couple of minutes.

Checking a car by VIN (wine) number, it is necessary to find (in one of the presented places) either, the registration certificate, and write down the wine number. Then use our portal, enter the VIN number in the VIN NUMBER input field. Click the check auto button. Get a short report containing information on the availability of the vehicle you are interested in in our database. Optionally, you can also purchase a full vehicle report and a copy to your email address.

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