Home Locks Airy cheesecakes. Airy cottage cheese pancakes recipe with photos step by step How to make airy cheesecakes

Airy cheesecakes. Airy cottage cheese pancakes recipe with photos step by step How to make airy cheesecakes

Cottage cheese is very healthy; it nourishes our body with calcium. Dishes containing dairy products should always have their rightful place in our diet. Of the many cooking recipes, classic cheesecakes remain one of the simplest and most frequently used recipes. A tasty, fluffy and tender dish we have loved since childhood. Today I don’t just cook, but take step-by-step photos of the cooking process. I hope that such a detailed recipe will help those who cannot make this dish or those who are making it for the first time.

1/2 teaspoon of soda;

3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;

How to cook cheesecakes with soda in a frying pan

Beat eggs into cottage cheese.

We use granular or homemade cottage cheese. We do not use a mixer; grains of cottage cheese should be preserved and not ground into a homogeneous mass.

Add sugar, soda and 100 grams of flour. The dough will be very sticky.

Place the remaining flour in another plate. We scoop up our dough with a spoon and place it on a plate. Coat thoroughly in flour, forming a curd ball. So fill the plate with balls so as not to waste time when frying.

Add a considerable amount of vegetable oil to the frying pan. Warming up.

Lightly press the balls, making them flatter, and place them in the frying pan.

If they are too soft and difficult to turn, you need to add a little flour to the curd dough.

Airy, golden curd cheesecakes are ready and asking to be served.

Sour cream will be an excellent addition to the dish.

The list of ingredients can be supplemented with raisins or dried apricots. The main thing is not to forget to pour boiling water over them before adding them to the curd dough.

Cottage cheese is very healthy; it nourishes our body with calcium. Dishes containing dairy products should always have their rightful place in our diet. Of the many cooking recipes, classic cheesecakes remain one of the simplest and most frequently used recipes. A tasty, fluffy and tender dish we have loved since childhood. Today I don’t just cook, but take step-by-step photos of the cooking process. I hope that such a detailed recipe will help those who cannot make this dish or those who are making it for the first time.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook cheesecakes with soda in a frying pan

Beat eggs into cottage cheese.

We take granular cottage cheese or... We do not use a mixer; grains of cottage cheese should be preserved and not ground into a homogeneous mass.

Add sugar, soda and 100 grams of flour. The dough will be very sticky.

Place the remaining flour in another plate. We scoop up our dough with a spoon and place it on a plate. Coat thoroughly in flour, forming a curd ball. So fill the plate with balls so as not to waste time when frying.

Add a considerable amount of vegetable oil to the frying pan. Warming up.

Lightly press the balls, making them flatter, and place them in the frying pan.

If they are too soft and difficult to turn, you need to add a little flour to the curd dough.

Airy, golden curd cheesecakes are ready and asking to be served.

Sour cream will be an excellent addition to the dish.

The list of ingredients can be supplemented with raisins or dried apricots. The main thing is not to forget to pour boiling water over them before adding them to the curd dough.

I dedicate this post to Anna Cukur, who lives far, far away in Chile, surfs, basks in the sun near the mighty ocean, but at the same time misses our cheesecakes terribly. If she hadn’t reminded me about the cheesecakes, I would have forgotten again, put the recipe in a distant drawer and would not have written anything here again...
Cheesecakes, like cheesecakes or casseroles, are pure salvation for those who don’t like cottage cheese. As a child, I terribly disliked all possible manifestations of milk, except for butter, which I absorbed in tablespoons. At the sight of such a picture: “I, a small 7-8 year old, is standing by the refrigerator with a tablespoon and gobbling up butter straight from the pack,” my parents were horrified, but, as far as I remember, they did not forbid me to eat butter. Now I'm catching up on what I missed out on as a child and eating every possible type of cheese of every type, flavor, production, etc. both goat and sheep, in short, everything, and cottage cheese, of course, is also held in high esteem by me. Therefore, close friends always know what to bring me from distant countries and, whenever possible, they bring, if not a huge piece of Parmesan, then a delicious Belgian cheese with white mold, or Swiss goat cheese, and last time with truffles mmm...And It seems like joy, joy, I started eating cheese and my son holds dairy products in high esteem, but that was not the case, because my beloved husband does not eat cottage cheese in its pure form under any pretext. And then CHEESE PICKLES come to the rescue!!! For many years I prepared cheesecakes using the traditional “grandmother’s” method - mix flour, eggs, sugar and cottage cheese and put them in a frying pan. And I didn’t put anything in them - cherries, and all kinds of dried fruits... and I didn’t serve them with anything and flavor them, but I’ve never been able to make cheesecakes like these (!)!
The other day I was thinking hard about why my cheesecakes are edible only while they are hot or warm, terrible when they have cooled down and look downright shitty, although I try to make them beautiful and all that. I wanted air and fluffiness, and then an insight descended on me, which sounded in my head something like this: “You dumbass, you need to grind the cottage cheese and beat the eggs separately! You’re violating the structure of the dough itself!” At that moment my face lit up! I haven’t eaten more delicious cheesecakes anywhere, not even in restaurants (although, if you scratch your head, I didn’t order them very well for breakfast. If I had breakfast in establishments, which is not particularly typical for me, because I’m a nocturnal animal , then some kind of poached bread on toast or something else elegant). In general, I’ll say right away that the recipe is indecently simple, but not for the lazy. You'll have to sweat! Therefore, think twice before you start, and then buy cottage cheese anyway and quickly go to the kitchen to cook :)


  • 5 heaped tablespoons of flour flour for dredging cheesecakes
  • 5 tablespoons vanilla (natural) or regular sugar
  • a little more than 1 kg of cottage cheese (about 1200), ground through a sieve
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
The dough for cheesecakes can be prepared “by eye”, plus or minus cottage cheese, plus or minus flour. They will still be good if you don’t overdo the flour. The first time I made it from 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of flour and 3 tablespoons of sugar - they turned out just as magical as the second time, although if you compare the proportions of the first and second times, it is clearly different.

Using a rotating motion, grind the cottage cheese with a tablespoon through a fine sieve (I have three of these for different needs, but then I realized that I urgently need a fourth one - of a larger diameter). This is a painstaking task, your hands get very tired, so you can do it in several passes.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the egg whites with a mixer at high speed for 1 minute with a pinch of salt, then add 3 tablespoons of sugar (homemade vanilla if you have it) and beat well with a mixer at high speed for another couple of minutes until stiff peaks form. Beat the yolks with a mixer with the remaining two tablespoons of sugar until pale and thick and fluffy.

Using a silicone spatula, if available, fold the whites and yolks into the batter. Next, use a whisk or large wooden spoon to mix the cottage cheese and eggs well but gently so as not to disturb the airy structure of the whipped whites and yolks

Add the flour sifted through a sieve and beat with a mixer at medium speed for a minute. Then lightly tap the bowl on the countertop a couple of times so that the flour that has collected around the edges of the bowl falls into the dough. Using the same indispensable silicone spatula, scrape the dough from the sides of the bowl inward and quickly beat well again with a mixer at medium speed.

Further it will be easier for those who have dealt with cutlets at least once in their lives. Scoop up a tablespoon of dough. As when cooking cutlets, wet your hands in cool water and roll out a ball as elegant as possible, throw it in flour, roll it, adjust it so that it is beautiful and place it on a well-floured countertop.

Don’t try to prepare cheesecakes at once - it’s better to do it in several batches, then the result will be much more successful!

I baked 6 pieces at a time on the edge of the pan, because... Apparently I have it at a slight angle and all the oil drains in one direction. While 6 cheesecakes are being baked on both sides, you will have time to make 5-6 new pieces. Bake the cheesecakes until light golden brown in sunflower oil, in a well-heated frying pan, over medium heat (closer to high). There should be a lot of oil, but the cheesecakes should not float in it. Before putting the cheesecakes in the pan, roll them in flour again and press lightly, because. During the time they were waiting for their fate, the flour had time to soak into them.

Make cheesecakes the size you like. We like “one bite”, so the first time I cooked very small ones (from 0.5 kg of cottage cheese I got 20 pieces), and the second time I was lazy and made them slightly larger, so I got 38. Press them into the pan and make them flat It’s also not worth it - they are airy and good when they are tall (1.5 cm high). Don't be afraid that they won't cook through. Excess fat can be quickly eliminated by placing the cheesecakes on paper towels for a couple of seconds.
After every second serving of cheesecakes, it’s better, of course, to wash the frying pan, and then reheat it and pour fresh oil, but if it’s a bummer, at least wipe it well with paper towels and pour fresh oil, because... The last few servings of cheesecakes may accidentally turn out burnt and unpresentable.
Bake the cheesecakes until golden brown - don't expect charred edges. If they look nice, they are definitely ready! Bon appetit!


  • Don't overdo the flour you add to the dough.
  • When making cheesecakes, your hands must be moistened with water each time before starting to prepare a new cheesecake. I told you this recipe is not for the lazy.
  • I do not recommend making these cheesecakes with dried fruits, because... they drown out all the wonderful airy taste of sweet cottage cheese, which is well emphasized only by sour cream.
  • You can also serve cheesecakes with wild berries crushed with powdered sugar or pureed sugar using a blender. Then you should put 2 times less sugar in the dough.
  • Cook in a deep bowl - this way you will save time on cleaning the kitchen - all the contents will remain in the bowl, and not around it. The "Megamarket" in "Bolshevik" sells excellent light, deep metal bowls at a ridiculous price (about 40 UAH)
  • If you have never cooked a casserole, congratulations! You have just prepared it for the first time :) this same dough can be safely baked in the oven in any form convenient for you, which is best covered with baking paper, if it is not silicone. You just need to add just a little milk to it (a little less than a glass). Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown. In order to make the casserole more impressive, take raw (not fried) almonds, which, by the way, are cheaper than fried ones, and pour boiling water over them. Leave in it for 10 minutes. Drain the water and scald again with fresh boiling water. Then fill with cold water and enjoy the pleasant process of peeling almonds. Carefully! The kernels will pop out of the peel so deftly that they will then have to be collected throughout the kitchen. Arrange the peeled almonds in a beautiful pattern on the casserole and place it in the oven. When the almonds turn brown and the casserole has a golden brown crust, voila! The casserole is good warm with sour cream, but cold too. Speaking of cottage cheese - here you go

Step 1: Prepare the eggs.

First of all, we will prepare the eggs, because this is the whole highlight of this recipe. To make the cheesecakes airy and melting in your mouth, we must use a separator to separate the whites from the yolks and beat them separately. But for a reason.
Pour sugar into a bowl with the yolks and, using a mixer, beat them until they acquire a slightly thicker, creamy consistency.

In a separate bowl, in the one where we have the whites, add a pinch of salt. Using a mixer, beat everything until a thick foam forms. Important: Be sure to rinse and dry the mixer beaters before mixing the egg whites, otherwise nothing will work out.

Step 2: Prepare the mixture for the cheesecakes.

The cottage cheese also needs to be prepared a little, namely, in order to make the mass more airy, the grains of the ingredient need to be crushed. Therefore, we grind the cottage cheese through a metal sieve, and only then continue cooking.
Pour the beaten yolks into the grated cottage cheese and add vanilla sugar. Mix the ingredients well. Then carefully add the foam from the proteins into the resulting mass. Knead everything with careful movements from the edge to the center.

Step 3: Form the cheesecakes.

Place wheat flour on a cutting board. Place a tablespoon of curd mixture and roll in. The most convenient way to do this is with knives or with a metal spatula and a kitchen knife. When all the cheesecakes are formed, proceed to the next cooking step.

Step 4: Fry the cheesecakes.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the cheesecakes rolled in flour and fry over low or medium heat, depending on the power of your stove, until golden brown on one side, then turn over.

When your products are covered with a crispy golden crust on both sides, you can transfer them to a clean dish and start preparing the next batch. And to prevent finished products from cooling down while you are busy cooking, cover them with a kitchen towel or a suitable-sized lid.

Step 5: Serve the fluffy cheesecakes.

Cheesecakes prepared according to this recipe turn out very tasty and airy. They are covered with a crispy crust on top, and soft and juicy inside. In addition, you can appreciate their sweet taste with a slight vanilla aroma. Serve cheesecakes as a hearty breakfast or dessert. You can decorate them with sour cream, whipped cream, jam, powdered sugar or some kind of syrup, such as caramel or chocolate. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. So it’s time to brew yourself a fragrant hot drink and start having a wonderful tea party.
Bon appetit!

Use only premium flour, then your cheesecakes will turn out really airy.

Never use sour cottage cheese to make cheesecakes; this is a very big mistake of some housewives, as a result of which they often end up with not a tasty and fluffy dessert, but a disgusting muck that they themselves are not happy with.

To ensure that the whites and yolks are well beaten, use only clean, completely grease-free dishes.

To learn how to cook the most delicious, tender and fluffy cheesecakes at home, check out our step-by-step recipes! Simple and delicious!

Recipe for fragrant pink cheesecakes with dogwood. The recipe with photos will tell you step by step about the stages of preparing this tasty and healthy dessert. Berry cheesecakes will saturate us with vitamins and healthy minerals contained in cottage cheese and dogwood, strengthen vitality thanks to the glucose contained in sugar, and simply lift our spirits, because they are easy and simple to make, and the result is tasty and beautiful.

  • Homemade cottage cheese or 5-9% – 500 grams
  • Fresh dogwood – 200 g
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons (if dogwood is sour – 7)
  • Flour – 100 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 4 tablespoons

Prepare all ingredients. It is best to use homemade cottage cheese for making fruit cheesecakes, because it is dry and not wet, and you can always determine this by tasting it. If the cottage cheese is wet and secretes whey, then much more flour will be needed and the cheesecakes with dogwood will be dense, more like pancakes.

First of all, separate the seeds from the dogwood. This is not so easy to do. I found an interesting method for myself, but it only works with ripe berries. Dogwood must be washed, dried and transferred to a blender.

Just spin the blender blade several times at low speed. Do not try to grind the berries too much, as this can cut the seeds into several parts and it will become more difficult to separate them. Then transfer the resulting mass into a large-mesh sieve and rub the dogwood through it. The result will be a bright, ripe mass, homogeneous and absolutely seedless.

Place cottage cheese in a deep bowl. Mash it with a fork (if it is moderately wet) or a blender (if dry) until smooth. Add sugar and egg to the cottage cheese, knead thoroughly again and leave for 5-7 minutes until the sugar dissolves and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Add the resulting berry mass to the cheesecake dough. At this stage of preparation, you can change the filling, for example, make cheesecakes with raspberries, or cheesecakes with cherry plum, which are already on our website. It will also be very tasty and healthy to prepare cheesecakes with black currants or strawberries.

Add the last ingredient - flour, adding it little by little with a spoon and mixing with the cottage cheese. This can also be done either with a fork or in a food processor. The dough should turn out thick (mold into a lump with your hands), because we have to make a cheesecake from them. If the dough is liquid, adjust by adding flour.

Form cheesecakes. With wet hands, take a tablespoon of curd dough, form it into a ball, flatten it on both sides and place it on a floured surface. Roll the cheesecakes in flour on both sides and place in a preheated frying pan, pre-greased with vegetable oil.

Fry the berry cheesecakes, the recipe with step-by-step photos of which is now in front of you, on each side for 5 minutes. It is convenient to turn it over with a spatula when the bottom “sets” and changes color.

Serve cheesecakes with dogwood, cooked in a frying pan, with any favorite drink - tea, jelly, kefir. A vitamin-packed, aromatic and delicious breakfast on your table will surely please your loved ones.

Recipe 2: airy cottage cheese pancakes (step-by-step photos)

Thanks to the addition of semolina instead of flour, the cheesecakes are very tender and airy. Cheesecakes “Air” are a good option for breakfast.

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g (it is better to take curd mass - it turns out more tender)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Semolina - 5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Flour for dredging cheesecakes

Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, semolina well until smooth.

Take the curd mixture with a tablespoon, use flour to form a ball, which you then flatten. This is how we form all the cheesecakes. Place the cheesecakes on a preheated frying pan, set on low heat (so that the cheesecakes do not burn and are baked from the inside).

When one side is covered with a golden brown crust, carefully turn the cheesecakes over. Cook until the second side is golden brown.

Airy cheesecakes can be served either warm or cold with jam or sour cream to taste.

Recipe 3: airy cheesecakes in the oven (step by step)

The cheesecakes are airy and melt in your mouth. And they prepare very quickly!

This recipe is also very good because you can safely experiment with the amount of ingredients... every time I cook, I change the proportions, they always turn out successful... I used less eggs, butter, sour cream, sugar, only semolina according to the recipe...

Density and airiness depend on sour cream; the less sour cream, the denser they turn out.

  • cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • semolina - 3 tbsp.
  • soft butter - 2 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

First, mix the cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla and eggs.

Then add butter, semolina, baking powder and sour cream. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Place the dough in molds and place in an oven preheated to 180-200* for 20-30 minutes.

Cool the cheesecakes and carefully remove them from the molds.

Recipe 4: tender airy cheesecakes (with photo)

Cheesecakes are very tender in taste, airy, with a pronounced curd flavor.

  • 200-250 g cottage cheese
  • 5 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour (I used whole wheat)
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • ¾ tsp. baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Unlike traditional cheesecakes, the dough for these cheesecakes does not hold its shape, so they need to be baked in molds. I use silicone muffin tins. I put the dough into 12 molds and bake them at once. Instead of flour, you can add semolina to the dough, but then the cheesecakes taste more like cottage cheese casserole. Cheesecakes made from homogeneous cottage cheese will be more fluffy.

Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl.

Then add soft butter, sour cream, flour, baking powder and salt.

Mix well. The dough is of medium thickness.

Divide the dough into lightly greased molds.

Bake for 20-30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 C.

Carefully remove the completely cooled cheesecakes from the molds (they are very tender)! The finished cheesecakes have a slightly dense crust and a soft, moist center.

A tasty and healthy dish of well-known cheesecakes, but in a new version is ready!

Recipe 5: strawberry puffed cheesecakes with semolina

Cheese pancakes are always welcome and loved. Treat yourself to tender cheesecakes with semolina. We will serve cheesecakes with aromatic strawberry sauce and sour cream.

  • Cottage cheese – 500 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 4 tablespoons
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon
  • Baking powder for dough - ½ teaspoon
  • Flour - ½ cup
  • Sour cream (for serving) - to taste

For the strawberry sauce:

  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 250 g
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons

How to make cheesecakes with strawberry sauce: place cottage cheese in a bowl.

Add egg, granulated sugar, salt, baking powder and mix thoroughly.

Then add semolina, mix and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Prepare strawberry sauce. Place the strawberries in a blender, add powdered sugar and blend until smooth.

Dust the work surface with flour.

Place the curd dough out of the bowl and make cheesecakes of the same size from it.

Heat a frying pan with a little oil and place the cheesecakes in the pan. Fry the cheesecakes with semolina on each side for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Place the finished cheesecakes on a paper napkin to remove excess oil.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve cheesecakes with strawberry sauce and sour cream. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: fluffy cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

  • Cottage cheese – 300 gr.,
  • Eggs – 1 pc.,
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet,
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Semolina – 0.5 cups,
  • Wheat flour – 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Refined sunflower oil

Having prepared all the necessary products, you can start preparing cheesecakes. Place cottage cheese in a bowl.

Beat in the egg.

As with other homemade baked goods, it is recommended to add vanillin or vanilla sugar to the cheesecake dough.

Add sugar. You can adjust its quantity at your discretion. If you like sweet cheesecakes, add a little more or vice versa.

Add sour cream to the bowl with cottage cheese. Thanks to it, the cheesecakes will be softer, more tender and have a uniform consistency.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous cheese mass is obtained.

Add semolina.

After this, add wheat flour. You can sift it directly into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Mix the cheesecake dough thoroughly. Leave the bowl with the dough in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the semolina to swell with moisture. The dough for cheesecakes will become much thicker and you can make cheesecakes from it.

Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. Before making cheesecakes, wet your hands with cold water. Thanks to this procedure, the curd dough will not stick to your hands. Roll the cheese mixture into a ball. Press it into a flat cake with your palms. Roll the resulting cheesecakes in flour.

In some recipes for cheesecakes made from cottage cheese with semolina, you can see the cheesecakes being breaded in semolina. I tried to do that too. I’ll say right away that I didn’t like it. The grains of semolina crunched on the teeth, and the appearance of the cheesecakes was also not particularly pleasing. Therefore, I either immediately fry the finished cheesecakes in sunflower oil or bread them in flour.

Be sure to fry the cottage cheese pancakes with semolina over low heat. Otherwise, it may turn out that they are covered with a golden crust, and the inside is not completely fried.

Recipe 7: fluffy curd cheesecakes in a frying pan

Every housewife prepares cheesecakes, but not everyone turns out tasty and fluffy. Do you want to learn how to cook airy and tender cottage cheese? Then this is the place for you. The step-by-step recipe below will tell you how to do this.

Tasty and fluffy, airy and tender, aromatic and soft cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan are not at all difficult to make if you have a proven and reliable recipe on hand. And he is in front of you! Cheesecakes according to this recipe turn out beautiful, appetizing, with an amazing aroma and excellent taste. They will certainly lift your spirits, perfectly satiate you and bring enormous benefits to the body. In general, you can sing a lot of praises; it’s better to prepare them yourself and see for yourself.

  • Cottage cheese - 300 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl for kneading the dough.

Add flour and salt.

Next add sugar and vanillin.

Beat in the egg.

Knead the dough. You can do this with a spoon, then you will feel pieces of cottage cheese in the cheesecakes, or beat the mass with a blender - the curds will become homogeneous. The choice is yours! Also, now you can put any fillings you like most into the dough: chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, apples, cheese, herbs, ham, etc.

Dust your hands with flour and form small round curds.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil very well and lay out the cheesecakes. By the way, you can fry the curds in butter, then they will have a more tender and creamy taste.

Over medium heat, fry them until golden brown and turn them over to the other side, where they cook for the same amount of time.

Serve the finished fluffy cheesecakes with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, berry sauce, etc.

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