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Tarot cards to tell fortunes about relationships. Relationship fortune telling

Popular fortune telling

The Lenormand “Get to Know Your Partner” card layout gives insight into relationships in the present, past and future. How does your partner feel about your relationship, what nuances should you pay attention to, what pitfalls are hidden and what surprises of fate should you expect in your relationship with your lover. Think about your partner, ask your question regarding the relationship and choose 8 cards from the deck.

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our lives? This is a very interesting question for many, especially when it comes to close relationships. The “Karmic Union” layout on Madame Endora’s mystical cards gives answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson should you learn from this relationship, what role do you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete a karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

The Manara tarot card layout “Wife and Lover” is ideal for clarifying the situation in a love triangle. The layout on the erotic cards of the Manara tarot gives an understanding of the problem in different areas and gives answers to questions about comparing the wife and mistress for the intended man, and also gives a forecast for the development of relationships for the coming year. This fortune telling is equally suitable for both the wife and the mistress.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

The layout of the Manara tarot cards “I and He” on the deck of erotic cards of the Manara Tarot will help you learn interesting nuances regarding love relationships. Fortune telling gives answers to the questions: What can you get from this relationship, what can you contribute to it (give) and what is the future of your love. Only three cards describe important nuances of relationships with a partner, and you can independently ask a question regarding each card.

Love fortune telling “Seven Stars of Love” is ideal for predicting the development of relationships, obtaining a love characteristic of the personality of you and your partner, and the partner’s secret thoughts. This alignment will show what contributes to the improvement of your relationship, and what, on the contrary, oppresses you. Focus and ask your question, imagine the face and name of your partner, then select cards from the tarot deck.

Layout of Lenormand cards “Separation” Suitable for those who are at odds with their partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards breaking up, how your life will change if you decide to break up or maintain the relationship, and most importantly, whether your relationship has a chance. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

The layout of the cards on the Simbolon oracle “Portrait of a Beloved” allows you to imagine which person is right for you to start a family or for a serious relationship. This alignment answers the most exciting questions regarding the character of the partner who is ideal for you and whether your idea of ​​an ideal partner coincides with the character of the person you really need. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on two dice “For love” gives a love forecast for a relationship with a partner in the future or a characteristic of your partner or you. In any case, the information that fortune telling cubes carry will help you understand an important and unknown nuance concerning your personal life. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards “Attitude towards me” will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you, and this person’s attitude is shown in three time periods: present, past and future. Also, this alignment divides a person’s attitude into external manifestations and true, internal feelings. Think of a person you are interested in and select six cards from the deck.

The Manara tarot card layout “Swing of Love” on the Manara deck of cards is intended for couples who cannot maintain peace and harmony in their relationship. The layout itself examines the important nuances of any relationship: weaknesses and strengths, the sexual and sensual side of issues, and also gives a forecast of how the relationship will develop further based on the current situation. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on Tarot cards “Venus in Scorpio” gives an understanding of how partners relate to each other, what feelings they experience, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relationships should be expected in the near future. This alignment is valid for about 3 months, if you change your behavior tactics, we advise you to carry out this alignment again, since predicting the future is always based on maintaining the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that the cards give you will help you in your matter (preserving or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the area of ​​feelings. Concentrate and ask your question to the cards.

Fortune telling with 6 Tarot cards “Marriage” allows you to find out how your partner feels about the prospect of marriage with you, how he imagines your future married life, whether he wants to take your relationship to a new level, what is his ideal married life, and others. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, imagine your partner and ask a question that interests you. Remember that the decoding of any fortune telling cannot be taken literally; sometimes it is just information for thought, containing an important message for you.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The layout of the “Constellation Hyades” by the arrangement of the cards resembles the constellation Hyades, which the Egyptians attributed to the God of foreign peoples. Using this layout, you can find out how communication will go with an acquaintance, a stranger, or a complete stranger. How will he treat you, what will be his reaction to your words, what will be the meaning of your conversation and what will it lead to in the end. Before choosing cards from the deck, think about a person or event you are interested in, where you can meet him and ask your question.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is used for single women who want to find out the reason for their loneliness. Fortune telling allows you not only to understand the reasons for love fiascoes, but also to get advice on what you need to do to improve your life and find a beloved and loving man. Focus, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

The layout of the Manara tarot cards “Sex and the City” on an erotic deck of cards will allow you to find out how your partner treats you in the intimate sphere, how he treats your body and the expression of your sexuality, and you can also find out whether you like you and whether your partner is suitable for you in an intimate way. Before starting fortune telling, imagine your partner, think of a question and select six cards from the deck.

Card layout on the Simbolon oracle “What’s on his mind?” allows you to find out what a person thinks about you, what part of his personality he shows you and what he hides, what he gives you and what he can give you in the future, what he receives and what he would like to receive from you in the future. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what you would like to know about a person, but for some reason you cannot ask him or he does not want or cannot tell. Think about the person you are going to guess about and your question and select cards from the deck.


How does he feel about me? Fortune telling on thoughts, feelings, subconscious.

In many life situations, the client is interested in how this or that person treats him, and this is not idle curiosity. A person’s well-being and safety depend on what his true thoughts, feelings and subconscious intentions are towards him. But most often we all ask ourselves the question: “What does he (she) really think about me?”, “Does he (she) have sincere feelings for me?” specifically in personal relationships. Someone else’s soul is in the dark, but fortune telling with Tarot cards will help shed light on such questions, and then the thoughts, feelings and subconscious of our counterpart will become much clearer. But do not forget that a person’s world of experiences and reflections is mobile, so fortune telling speaks about the attitude towards you - here and now. If necessary, you can do these layouts at least every day, but you should not turn fortune telling into an attraction - everyone determines the extent of the need for themselves (however, this applies to any layouts in any situations).

Why three cards?

The three-position layout can be called universal, no matter what or who the question is asked about. When laying out cards - into the past, present, future, or cause, effect, conclusion - the logic of simultaneous simplicity and harmony of conclusions is used. The three phases of the moon are also an excellent predictive plot!

So, versatility, simplicity and variability (depending on the type of relationship) make the “Thoughts, Feelings, Subconscious” layout one of the most popular.

Positions in the layout:

Three card fortune telling layout

The cards are laid out from top to bottom, from the plane of thought through emotions to the subconscious. If we want to clarify one person’s attitude towards us or the querent, we lay out one sequence of cards; if we are interested in relationships in a couple, respectively, three cards for each partner vertically.

Top card

The top card – “What’s on a person’s mind” – reflects a person’s thoughts, his reasoning, his logical assessment. This card will show what beliefs and mental attitudes determine a person’s attitude towards you, what he consciously allows or prohibits himself in these relationships.

Let's say the Major Arcana Star appears in this position. Even with a superficial glance at the map, it becomes clear that a person has harmonious thoughts and hope for a happy future together. Does he doubt you, give you a low rating, does he see something negative in the relationship? No, on the contrary, the card symbolizes positive thinking, the inner conviction that meeting a partner is luck, a happy occasion, and evaluates you in general very positively. True, there is a share of infantilism in this assessment: responsibility for the future, measured and full of bright plans, is most likely shifted to the partner.

If we see the Priestess, then it’s worth thinking about the fact that we are almost not reflected in the thoughts of our partner. He pays attention to his own “rich inner world”, and looks at our relationship calmly and without judgment. Yes - good, no - even better.

Tip: pay attention to the suit of the card in this position, it can add additional nuance to the interpretation.

Swords as a suit are responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person, speak of the speed of mental reactions and, in general, a cold mind. If you see a card of this suit in your partner’s thoughts, know that in relation to you, no matter what decisions are made (and as a rule, Swords do not promise anything good) - these are balanced decisions, dictated only by reasons as cold as steel - nothing personal, only common sense.

Cups, on the contrary, say that it is difficult for a person to think logically; he tends to trust sensations and accept the dictates of feelings as the voice of reason.

Middle map

The middle card - “What's in a person's heart” - is an emotional and sensual plan. You cannot order the heart, as people say, but by looking at this position in the layout, you can understand what worries or pleases it, what impulses - joy or sadness - it reacts to you. This position helps answer the questions: what real emotions does a person feel towards you, what does he really feel. Sometimes it happens like this - our partner seems cold and indifferent, in fact he simply does not know how to express his feelings, but sometimes it’s the other way around - a person’s character is open, emotionally active, but inside himself he is not inclined towards you personally, he is just a cheerful person and a good guy .

In this position, it is preferable to see such Major Arcana as Lovers, Sun, World, as well as most cards of the suit of cups. But other cards do not talk about the absence of feelings, but paint them in various shades: from brightly positive (4 Staves) to frankly negative (9 Swords).

What can we say, for example, about the 8 of Pentacles in this position? Despite the fact that this is the suit of the material world, that is, it does not directly talk about feelings, it creates a very favorable impression, a positive emotional background. The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a relationship built on respect and some kind of mutual benefit that is pleasant for both parties. The card speaks of the pleasure of doing what you love, and this is a good sign - a relationship with you brings joy to a person. Although it’s worth making a reservation - perhaps this is the very case when a person’s “heart” is equally warm from both calculation and love.

Advice: If you are telling fortunes for a couple, it is very important to compare the cards in the position of feelings. Already at this stage, it is clear how emotionally harmonious the union is, and whether the feelings of the partners coincide or whether there is an insurmountable gap between them.

The lower position - “What is hidden” - indicates deep subconscious motives. With the help of this card, clients gain access to information that they are not aware of, but which is the internal tuning fork of all their actions, desires, fears and ambitions.

When laying out cards for thoughts, feelings, and the subconscious, it is this aspect - the unconscious - that raises the most objections, especially if the Devil or the Moon lurks in the secret labyrinths of the psyche. But this is the meaning of fortune telling - to see what really lies behind a person’s thoughts and feelings.

Advice: when telling fortunes about a partner, it is sometimes useful to start with yourself. Because it is our hidden relationship to him, and then the awareness of this motive that can completely change the picture of our relationship.

If you are worried about your relationship with your partner, if you are confused about your feelings for him and don’t understand what he wants and how he treats you, ask yourself: Maybe there is something about me that I don’t know? Maybe there is something secret in me that I need to realize? And having realized - change?

To answer this question, you can use a special layout.

In this small review it is impossible to cover all the subtleties of fortune telling in the sphere of feelings, thoughts and the unconscious, they are so extensive and unique in each specific case. The number of layout options also amounts to dozens. “Station for two” or “Compatibility” are built on the same principle, with minor clarifications on positions. So study the cards, practice, and then the reasons for a person’s external and internal manifestations will become more clear to you. The main thing is to use it for good.
Good luck in mastering the Tarot!

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