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Parents of Peter Grinev from the captain's daughter essay. Parents of Peter Grinev from the captain's daughter essay Masha's fate after arriving at Pugachev's fortress

In this article we will look at the work that A. S. Pushkin wrote in 1836: we will describe its brief content and carry out an analysis. "The Captain's Daughter" is a historical story. Let us recall the brief content of the work.

In it, the narration is told on behalf of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, a 50-year-old man. He remembers the time when he met the leader of the peasant uprising.

Origin and childhood of Pyotr Grinev

Peter was born and raised in the family of a poor nobleman. The boy received practically no education - he only learned to read and write by the age of 12, with the help of Savelich. Until the age of 16, Peter led the life of a typical teenager. He played with the boys from the village and dreamed of a fun life in St. Petersburg, since he was registered as a sergeant while he was still in his mother’s womb.

However, his father decided differently - he sent Petrusha, a 17-year-old boy, to the army, and not to St. Petersburg, so that he could “smell gunpowder.” Saying goodbye, he gave instructions to Peter, which is included in the epigraph of “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” So Grinev ended up in the Orenburg fortress. Savelich, his teacher, also went here with Peter.

Path to the fortress

Savelich and Peter got lost at the entrance to the city and got caught in a snowstorm. They were saved only by the help of a stranger, who led the heroes onto the road to their home. Petrusha, in gratitude for his salvation, gave this stranger a hare sheepskin coat and also treated him to wine.

Getting to know the Belogorsk fortress

Here Peter comes to the Belgorod fortress for service. It didn't look like a fortified structure. Only a few “invalids” make up the army; its only weapon is a cannon. Mironov Ivan Kuzmich runs the fortress. He is honest and although not distinguished by education. All business in the fortress is conducted by Vasilisa Egorovna, his wife. Grinev becomes quite close to the commandant’s family. He spends a lot of time with him.

Relationship between Grinev and Shvabrin

At first, officer Shvabrin, who serves in this fortress, also becomes his friend. However, they soon quarrel because Shvabrin spoke unflatteringly about Masha, Mironov’s daughter, who Grinev likes (the image of the captain’s daughter will be discussed below). Peter challenges Shvabrin to a duel and is wounded. Masha, while caring for him, tells Grinev that Shvabrin once asked for her hand in marriage, but she refused him. Grinev decides to marry this girl and writes a letter to his father, asking for his blessing. But he does not agree to such a marriage, since the captain’s daughter is without a dowry. The main characters of the work, therefore, cannot get married. Masha does not want to get married without her father's blessing.

Pugachevites in the Belogorsk fortress

In 1773, in October, Mironov received a letter. It reports on Pugachev, who pretends to be the deceased Peter III. He had already gathered a large army consisting of peasants and was able to capture several fortresses. He is preparing to meet Pugachev and the Commandant is going to send his daughter to Orenburg, but he does not have time to do this - the Pugachevites are already here. The villagers greet the invaders with bread and salt. All those who serve in the fortress were taken prisoner. They must swear allegiance to Pugachev. However, the commandant refuses to take the oath, and he is hanged. His wife also dies. But Grinev finds himself unexpectedly free. Savelich tells him that Pugachev is the stranger to whom Grinev once gave a hare sheepskin coat.

Masha's fate after arriving at Pugachev's fortress

Despite the fact that the main character openly swears allegiance to Emelyan, he lets him go. Grinev leaves the fortress, but the captain’s daughter remains in it. The main characters, who love each other, cannot reunite. The girl is sick and is hiding under the guise of the niece of a local priest. Shvabrin was appointed commandant of the fortress. He swore allegiance to Pugachev. This worries Grinev. In Orenburg, the main character asks for help, but does not find it. He soon receives a letter from Masha. The girl writes that Shvabrin is forcing her to marry him. If she refuses, he promises to tell Pugachev’s people that she is the captain’s daughter. The description of all these events in the work is given in detail - we have highlighted only the main points.

Pugachev frees Masha

Grinev and Savelich are traveling to the Belogorsk fortress. But on the way they are captured by the Pugachevites and meet again with their leader.

Peter honestly tells Emelyan where he is going and why; and unexpectedly for Grinev, Pugachev decides to help him “punish the orphan who abused him.” Pugachev frees Masha in the fortress. Even Shvabrin’s story about who she really is doesn’t stop him.

Pardon of Grinev by the Empress

The historical story "The Captain's Daughter" ends with the following events. Grinev takes the girl to his parents. He himself returns to the army. Pugachev’s performance fails, but Grinev is arrested, since Shvabrin says at the trial that Peter is Pugachev’s spy. The main character is sentenced to exile in Siberia, and only a visit to the empress, which Masha makes, helps to achieve pardon for Grinev. But Shvabrin is sent to hard labor.

Theme of the work "The Captain's Daughter"

The problems discussed in the work are very numerous. The most important of these, of course, is the issue of honor. In general, in terms of the breadth of coverage of reality, the significance of the theme posed by the author, and the artistic perfection of the work, the story “The Captain's Daughter” is the pinnacle achievement, a masterpiece created by Pushkin the realist. It was completed 3 months before the author's death. Thus, “The Captain's Daughter” became his last major work.

The problems posed by the author largely relate to a very important topic for that time - the topic of the peasant war, the peasant uprising. For Pushkin, studying the history of the Pugachev uprising made it possible to truthfully and accurately talk about the events depicted in the story. The point of "The Captain's Daughter" was, in particular, to show the psychology of its participants.

Peter's father, Grinev Andrey Petrovich

Grinev Andrei Petrovich had a negative attitude towards dishonest and easy ways to make a career at court. Therefore, he did not want to send his son Peter to St. Petersburg to serve in the guard. He wanted him to “smell gunpowder” and become a soldier, not a slacker. It is he who utters the words that are included in the epigraph of “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age.”

Grinev the father is not without the negative traits inherent in a representative of that time. Let us remember, for example, his harsh treatment of his uncomplaining and loving wife, Peter’s mother, the reprisal he committed against a French teacher, the outrageously rude tone of the letter to Savelich, in which he calls him “an old dog.” In these episodes we see a typical nobleman-serf owner. However, Grinev’s father also has one. This strength of character, straightforwardness, traits evoke the reader’s natural and involuntary sympathy for him - for this strict person towards others and towards himself.

The character of Peter Grinev

The character of Pyotr Grinev, a 16-year-old boy, is shown by the author in movement, development, which occurred under the influence of the living conditions in which he found himself. At first, Petrusha is a frivolous and careless landowner’s son, a slacker ignoramus, practically a Fonvizin Mitrofanushka. He dreams of the easy, pleasure-filled life of a guards officer in the capital.

In Pyotr Grinev, the loving, kind heart of his mother was combined with the courage, directness, and honesty inherent in his father. Father Grinev strengthened these qualities in him in his firm admonition to serve faithfully, obey his superiors and, most importantly, take care of honor from a young age.

The kindness of the main character was manifested in a generous gift to the “peasant”, who showed him the way during a snowstorm and played a decisive role in the further fate of the hero. And then, risking everything, Grinev rushed to the rescue of Savelich, who was captured. The depth of his nature was reflected in the pure and great feeling that arose in him for Masha Mironova.

Honor in The Captain's Daughter is a very important personality characteristic. And Pyotr Grinev, by his behavior, proved his loyalty to his father’s covenants, did not betray what he considered his honor and his duty. The good inclinations and traits inherent in him were tempered, strengthened and finally triumphed under the influence of the harsh school of life to which his father sent him, sending him to the remote steppe outskirts instead of St. Petersburg. Major events in history, of which Grinev became a participant, did not allow him, after personal grief (his father did not agree to marry Masha), to lose heart and lose heart; they conveyed a “strong and good shock” to the young man’s soul.

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich

"The Captain's Daughter" is a book in which among the main characters we will find Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, Grinev's rival - the complete opposite of the direct and honest Peter. The author does not deprive this character of positive traits. He is observant, smart, educated, an interesting conversationalist, and has a sharp tongue. However, for the sake of personal goals, Alexey is ready to commit a dishonorable act. He slandered Masha Mironova and also casts a shadow on her mother. Shvabrin deals a treacherous blow to Grinev in a duel and, in addition, writes a false denunciation of Peter to his father. Alexey Ivanovich does not go over to Pugachev’s side out of ideological convictions: he hopes to thereby save his life, and if successful, he hopes to make a career under Emelyan. But most importantly, he wants to deal with Grinev and forcefully marry Masha, who does not love him.

The Mironov family and Ivan Ignatievich

Let's briefly get acquainted with the characters of other characters that Pushkin created in the work "The Captain's Daughter". The heroes we will talk about belong to ordinary officers, like Shvabrin. They are closely connected with the mass of soldiers. We are talking about Ivan Ignatievich, a crooked garrison lieutenant, and Captain Mironov himself, who was not even a nobleman by birth - he rose from the children of soldiers to become an officer. And Vasilisa Yegorovna, his wife, and the captain himself, and the crooked lieutenant from the play “The Captain’s Daughter” - these heroes were uneducated people, with a limited outlook, which did not give them the opportunity to understand the goals and causes of the popular uprising.

They were not without shortcomings typical of that time. Let us at least remember the “justice” of the captain. She says that you can’t tell who is right and who is wrong - Prokhor or Ustinya. Both should be punished. However, the Mironovs were kind and simple people, devoted to duty, ready to fearlessly die for “the shrine of their conscience.”

Image of Masha Mironova

Let's continue the analysis. The captain's daughter (after whom the work we are interested in was named) is a very bright heroine. Pushkin creates the image of Masha Mironova with special warmth and sympathy. Beneath the tenderness of her appearance, she conceals strength and fortitude, revealed in her love for Grinev, resistance to Shvabrin, and her trip to St. Petersburg to the empress to save her fiancé. This is the captain’s daughter in the work that Pushkin created. Analyzing the actions of this heroine, Alexander Sergeevich clearly sympathizes with her.

Savelich, Grinev's uncle

The author very truthfully shows the image of Savelich, Grinev’s uncle. His devotion to the masters is far from simple slavery, as our analysis shows. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story in which Savelich is not shown as a servant humiliating himself before his masters. Thus, in response to the unfair and rude reproaches of Grinev the father, in his letter he calls himself “your faithful servant,” “slave,” as was customary at that time when addressing serf masters. However, the tone of this hero’s letter is imbued with a sense of human dignity. The spiritual wealth, the inner nobility of his nature is fully revealed in the deeply human and completely disinterested affection of a lonely, poor old man for his pet.

The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the work

Pushkin (“The Captain’s Daughter”) analyzed the image of Emelyan Pugachev. In the 1830s, he intensively studied the history of his uprising. The image of Emelyan, created in the work that interests us, differs sharply from previous images of Pugachev. Without any embellishment, Pushkin showed this leader of the popular rebellion. His image is given in all the harsh reality, sometimes cruel.

In the author's portrayal, Emelyan is distinguished by his “sharpness” - a rebellious and free spirit, clarity of mind, heroic daring and composure, and breadth of nature. He tells Grinev a fairy tale about a raven and an eagle. Its meaning is that a moment of bright and free life is better than long years of vegetation. Pugachev says about himself that his custom is “to execute, to execute, to have mercy, to have mercy.”

Compositional parallelism

Alexander Sergeevich called the story "The Captain's Daughter". In the last chapter of the work, we are again transported to the noble estate of the Grinevs, to the same setting. Such parallelism of the beginning and end of the story’s composition gives completeness and harmony. However, Pushkin adds new touches to the description of the situation. So, Grinev the father flips through his calendar absentmindedly, the mother does not make honey jam this time, but knits a sweatshirt for Petrusha, who is supposed to be exiled to eternal settlement in Siberia. The difficult family drama was replaced by a family idyll.

Language features

The language in which the work is written is a remarkable aspect of the story. Pushkin endows each character with a special linguistic manner that corresponds to his level of development, mental outlook, character, and social status. Therefore, from the characters’ remarks and their statements to the readers, unusually lively and prominent human images arise. They summarize the characteristic aspects of the life of Russian society of that time.

This concludes the analysis. "The Captain's Daughter" is a work that I could write about for a very long time. He, as N.V. Gogol put it, is characterized by “purity and artlessness,” raised to such a degree that reality seems caricatured and artificial in front of him. Gogol noted that all Russian stories and novels seem to be just a “sweetening rubbish” in front of the work “The Captain's Daughter,” the description of which was presented in this article.

Peter's parents are minor characters in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

Father Andrei Petrovich retired as a major. Mother Avdotya Vasilievna was the daughter of a poor nobleman. They were landowners and had many serfs in their possession. Their family was decent and wealthy, they had no addiction to strong drinks.

Peter was their only son; their other children died in infancy. Andrei Petrovich had a strong character; he raised his son in strictness. If he made decisions, he immediately began to implement them.

Peter's mother loved to cook and do needlework. She treated her son tenderly and always supported him.

When Peter grows up, his father decides to send him to serve. Despite his connections, he sends his son not to St. Petersburg, but to a remote fortress. He wants his son to learn life and not waste time on entertainment.

Parents love Peter and worry about him. When they learned that their son had been wounded in a duel, they immediately reacted. The mother fell ill from her worries, and the father scolded his son.

Having learned from the letter that his son wanted to get married, the father became angry, and the mother, as always, supported her son’s decision.

They were honest people. When the bride of their son Masha came to them, they accepted her as their own daughter. Despite the fact that the father was initially against his son’s marriage, they did not turn away from the orphaned girl. Peter's parents surrounded her with care, warmth and affection.

The terrible news that their son was arrested and accused of treason devastated them. They couldn't believe it; honor was above all else for them. Peter's father, being a proud and reserved man, fell into despair. Avdotya Vasilievna supported him as best she could. She tried not to upset her husband and did not show him her tears.

At the end of the story, Pyotr Grinev is acquitted and released from arrest. Until the end of his days, he honored the traditions of his family and cherished the honor of their family name.

Reading the story, you involuntarily become imbued with the spirit of the Grinev family. Peter's parents deserve respect; they are worthy and honest people.

Essay Grinev's Parents (The Captain's Daughter)

In the work "The Captain's Daughter", the parents of the main character Peter occupy the role of secondary characters. The head of the family is Andrey Petrovich Grinev, a retired major. Peter's mother is a hereditary noblewoman, Avdotya Vasilievna Grineva, who came from a large and famous family. The Grinev family was distinguished by exceptional decency and high manners; many serfs were subordinate to them.

Pyotr Grinev was their only offspring. The rest of the Grinev children were not destined to live to adulthood. Both parents were involved in raising the boy, but each instilled in Peter his own qualities.
So, for example, my father, Andrei Petrovich, was distinguished by an exceptionally tough character. And he taught his son to be a true man who would stand up for his honor and the honor of the Empress.

The mother, on the contrary, loved her son very much, in her own way, not like the father did. She was very attentive to his feelings and supported him in everything.

Wanting Peter to grow into a true defender and a real person, Andrei Petrovich, despite his connections, sends the young man to serve far from the city. This way, in his opinion, Peter will learn real life, and will not foolishly waste it on city entertainment. Despite his strong character, the father is very worried about his son when news reaches him about the duel in which Peter was wounded.

Having learned about their son’s feelings, the parents were at first categorically against this union. They believed that it was too early for him to start a family and that another girl from a good family should take the place of his companion. However, when they got to know Maria better, their opinion changed dramatically. They accepted her into their family as their own daughter. Peter's parents valued Masha very much and looked after and protected her in every possible way.

Despite all the hardships and misfortunes, Peter still preserved the honor of the family. And until the end of his days he revered his parents and observed all the traditions of his family and clan.

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Sergeant of the Guard

The main character of the novel, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, remembers. He was born into the family of a small landowner. Grinev's father is a retired officer. Even before the birth of his son, he assigned him as a sergeant to the Semenovsky Guards Regiment.

When Peter was five years old, his father assigned a servant, Arkhip Savelich, to him to raise the little master. The servant taught the boy Russian literacy and understanding of hunting dogs. At the age of twelve, a French teacher, Beaupre, was assigned to Petit. But he became addicted to vodka and did not miss a single skirt, completely forgetting about his duties.

One day, the maids complained about the teacher, and Grinev’s father came straight to class. The drunken Frenchman was sleeping, and Petya was making a kite out of a geographical map. The angry father kicked the Frenchman out. That was the end of Petya's studies.

Grinev turns sixteen, and his father sends him to serve. But not to St. Petersburg, but to his good friend in Orenburg. Savelich is also traveling with Petya. In Simbirsk, at an inn, Grinev meets the hussar captain Zurin, who teaches him to play billiards. Peter gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles to the military man. In the morning he moves on.

Chapter II


On the way to their duty station, Grinev and Savelich lose their way. A lone wanderer leads them to an inn. There, Peter manages to get a good look at his guide. This is a black-bearded man of about forty, strong, lively and of the most robber appearance. He enters into a strange conversation with the owner of the inn, full of allegories.

Grinev gives the guide his sheepskin coat, since the black-bearded man is practically naked. The guide pulls on his sheepskin coat, although it is bursting at the seams, and promises to remember the kindness of the young master forever.

The next day, Grinev arrives in Orenburg and introduces himself to the general, who, on the advice of Petya’s father, sends the young man to the Belogorsk fortress under the command of Captain Mironov.

Chapter III


Grinev arrives at the Belogorsk fortress. It is a village surrounded by a palisade with a single cannon. Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov is a gray-haired old man, under whose command about a hundred old soldiers and two officers serve. One of them is the elderly one-eyed lieutenant Ivan Ignatich, the second is Alexey Shvabrin, exiled to this outback for a duel.

Peter is placed in a peasant hut. That same evening he meets Shvabrin, who describes the captain’s family in person: his wife Vasilisa Egorovna and daughter Masha. Vasilisa Egorovna commands both her husband and the entire garrison, and Masha, according to Shvabrin, is a terrible coward. Grinev himself meets Mironov and his family, as well as the constable Maksimych. He is horrified by the upcoming service, which seems endless and boring to him.

Chapter IV


The idea of ​​the service turned out to be wrong. Grinev quickly liked the Belogorsk fortress. There are no guards or exercises here. The captain sometimes drills the soldiers, but so far he cannot get them to distinguish between “left” and “right”.

Grinev almost becomes part of Mironov’s house and falls in love with Masha. And he likes Shvabrin less and less. Alexey makes fun of everyone and speaks badly about people.

Grinev dedicates poems to Masha and reads them to Shvabrin, since he is the only person in the fortress who understands poetry. But Alexey cruelly ridicules the young author and his feelings. He advises giving Masha earrings instead of poetry and assures that he himself has experienced the correctness of this approach.

Grinev is offended and calls Shvabrin a liar. Alexey challenges the young man to a duel. Peter asks Ivan Ignatich to become a second. However, the old lieutenant does not understand such a cruel showdown.

After lunch, Grinev informs Shvabrin about his failure. Then Alexey suggests doing without seconds. The opponents agree to meet in the morning, but as soon as they meet with swords in their hands, they are arrested by soldiers led by a lieutenant.

Vasilisa Egorovna forces the duelists to reconcile. Shvabrin and Grinev pretend to make peace and are released. Masha says that Alexey has already wooed her and was refused. Now Peter understands the anger with which Shvabrin slanders the girl.

The next day, the opponents again converge at the river. Shvabrin is surprised that Grinev can give such a worthy rebuff. Peter manages to push the officer back, but at this time Savelich calls out to the young man. Grinev turns around sharply and is wounded in the chest.

Chapter V


The wound is serious, Peter comes to his senses only on the fourth day. Shvabrin asks for forgiveness and receives it from his opponent. Masha takes care of Grinev. Peter, taking advantage of the moment, declares his love for her and learns that the girl also has tender feelings for him. Grinev writes a letter home in which he asks for his parents' blessing for the marriage. But the father refuses and threatens to transfer his son to another place so that he does not fool around. The letter also says that Mother Grineva fell ill.

Peter is depressed. He did not write anything to his father about the duel. How did her mother know about her? Grinev decides that Savelich reported this. But the old servant is offended by such suspicion. As proof, Savelich brings a letter from Grinev’s father, in which he scolds the old man for not reporting the injury. Peter learns that Mironov also did not write to his parents and did not report to the general. Now the young man is sure that Shvabrin did this to upset his marriage with Masha.

Having learned that there will be no parental blessing, Masha refuses the wedding.

Chapter VI


At the beginning of October 1773, a message about the Pugachev rebellion arrived. Despite all the precautions and Mironov’s attempts to keep this a secret, the rumor spreads instantly.

The captain sends constable Maksimych on reconnaissance. Two days later he returns with the news that a huge force is moving. There is unrest among the Cossacks. The baptized Kalmyk Yulay reports that Maksimych met with Pugachev and went over to his side, and is now inciting the Cossacks to revolt. Mironov arrests Maksimych and puts Yulay in his place.

Events are developing rapidly: the constable runs away from the guard, the Cossacks are dissatisfied, a Bashkir is captured with Pugachev’s appeal. It is not possible to interrogate him because the prisoner does not have a tongue. Vasilisa Yegorovna bursts into a meeting of officers with bad news: the neighboring fortress was taken, the officers were executed. It becomes clear that soon the rebels will be under the walls of the Belogorsk fortress.

It was decided to send Masha and Vasilisa Egorovna to Orenburg.

Chapter VII


In the morning, Grinev learns that the Cossacks left the fortress and forcibly took Yulay with them. Masha did not have time to leave for Orenburg - the road was blocked. Already at dawn, Cossack and Bashkir patrols appeared near the fortress. By order of the captain, they are driven away by cannon shots, but soon the main force of the Pugachevites appears. In front is Emelyan himself in a red caftan on a white horse.

Four traitor Cossacks approach the walls of the fortress. They offer to surrender and recognize Pugachev as sovereign. The Cossacks throw Yulay's head over the palisade straight to Mironov's feet. The captain orders to shoot. One of the negotiators is killed, the rest rush away.

The assault on the fortress begins. Mironov says goodbye to his wife and blesses the frightened Masha. Vasilisa Egorovna takes the girl away. The commandant manages to fire the cannon again, then he orders the gates to be opened and rushes into a sortie. But the soldiers do not follow the commander. The attackers break into the fortress.

Grinev is tied up and brought to the square where the Pugachevites are building a gallows. People gather, many greet the rebels with bread and salt. The impostor sits in a chair on the porch of the commandant's house and takes the oath from the prisoners. Ivan Ignatich and Mironov refuse to take the oath. They are immediately hanged.

It’s Grinev’s turn. With surprise, he recognizes Shvabrin among the rebels. Peter is led to the gallows, but then Savelich falls at Pugachev’s feet. The servant manages to beg for mercy, and Grinev is released.

Vasilisa Yegorovna is taken out of the house. Seeing her husband on the gallows, she calls Pugachev an escaped convict. The old woman is killed.

Chapter VIII

Uninvited guest

Grinev is trying to find out about Masha’s fate. It turns out that she is lying unconscious with the priest, who passes the girl off as his seriously ill niece.

Grinev returns to his looted apartment. Savelich explains why Pugachev suddenly spared the young man. This is the same guide to whom the young officer gave the hare sheepskin coat.

Pugachev sends for Grinev. The young man comes to the commandant's house, where he has dinner with the rebels. During the meal, a military council takes place, at which the rebels decide to march on Orenburg. Afterwards everyone disperses, but Pugachev leaves Grinev alone to talk. He again demands to swear allegiance, but Peter refuses. Grinev cannot promise that he will not fight against Pugachev. He is an officer, therefore he is obliged to carry out the orders of his commanders.

The young man's honesty wins over the rebel leader. Pugachev releases Peter.

Chapter IX


In the morning, the impostor emerges from the fortress. Before leaving, Savelich approaches him with a list of goods that the rebels took from Grinev. At the end of the list a hare sheepskin coat is mentioned. Pugachev gets angry and throws the paper away. He leaves, leaving Shvabrin as commandant.

Grinev rushes to the priest to find out about Masha’s condition. He is informed that the girl is in a fever and delirious. Peter has to leave his beloved. He can neither take her out nor stay in the fortress.

With heavy hearts, Grinev and Savelich wander on foot to Orenburg. Suddenly they are overtaken by the former Cossack constable Maksimych, who is leading an excellent Bashkir horse. It was Pugachev who ordered to give the young officer a horse and a sheepskin coat. Grinev gratefully accepts the gift.

Chapter X

Siege of the city

Peter arrives in Orenburg and reports to the general about what happened in the fortress. The council decides not to oppose the impostor, but to defend the city. Peter is very worried that he cannot help Masha in any way.

Soon Pugachev’s army appears and the siege of Orenburg begins. Grinev often goes on forays. Thanks to a fast horse and luck, he manages to remain unharmed.

In one of his forays, Peter runs into Maksimych, who gives him a letter from Masha. The girl writes that Shvabrin took her from the priest’s house and is forcing her to become his wife. Grinev asks the general for a company of soldiers to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, but is refused.

Chapter XI

Rebel settlement

Grinev is planning to flee Orenburg. Together with Savelich, he safely leaves in the direction of the Berdskaya Settlement, occupied by the Pugachevites. Peter hopes to drive around the settlement in the dark, but stumbles upon a detachment of patrolmen. However, he manages to escape. Unfortunately, Savelich is detained.

Peter returns to rescue the old man and is also captured. Pugachev immediately recognizes Grinev and asks why the young officer left Orenburg. Peter says that he wants to free the orphan who is being offended by Shvabrin.

Pugachev is angry with Shvabrin and threatens to hang him. The impostor's adviser, fugitive corporal Beloborodov, does not believe Grinev's story. He believes that the young officer is a spy. Unexpectedly, another adviser to Pugachev, the convict Khlopusha, stands up for Peter. Things almost come to a fight, but the impostor pacifies the advisers. Pugachev undertakes to arrange the wedding of Peter and Masha.

Chapter XII


Arriving at the Belogorodskaya fortress, Pugachev demands to show him the girl whom Shvabrin is keeping under arrest. Alexey makes excuses, but the impostor insists. Shvabrin leads Pugachev and Grinev into a room where an exhausted Masha is sitting on the floor.

Pugachev asks the girl why her husband punished her. Masha indignantly replies that she would rather die than become Shvabrin’s wife. Pugachev is dissatisfied with Alexey's deception. He tells Shvabrin to write out a pass and lets the young couple go on all fours.

Chapter XIII


Grinev and Masha hit the road. In fortresses and villages captured by the rebels, no obstacles are put in their way. There is a rumor that it is Pugachev's godfather who is traveling. The couple enters a town in which a large detachment of Pugachevites should be stationed. But it turns out that this place has already been vacated. They want to arrest Grinev, he bursts into the room where the officers are sitting. Fortunately, the garrison is headed by an old acquaintance, Zurin.

Peter sends Masha and Savelich to his parents, while he himself remains in Zurin’s detachment. Soon government troops lift the siege of Orenburg. The news of the final victory arrives. The impostor is captured, the war is over. Grinev is going home, but Zurin receives an order to arrest him.

Chapter XIV


Grinev is accused of treason and espionage for Pugachev. The main witness is Shvabrin. Grinev does not want to make excuses so as not to drag Masha into the trial, who will be called as a witness or even an accomplice.

They want to hang Peter, but Empress Catherine, taking pity on his elderly father, exchanges the execution for eternal settlement in Siberia. Masha decides to throw herself at the empress’s feet and ask for mercy. She is going to St. Petersburg.

Stopping at an inn, the girl learns that the hostess is the niece of the court stoker. This woman helps the girl get into the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, where Masha meets an important lady. The girl tells her story, and she promises to help.

URGENTLY!!! “The Captain’s Daughter” Your attitude to Father Grinev’s letter The content of the letter was as follows: “My son Peter! We received your letter in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanovna’s daughter Mironova on the 15th of this month , and not only do I not intend to give you my blessing or my consent, but I am also going to get to you, and for your pranks I will teach you a lesson like a boy, despite your officer rank: for you have proven that it is worth wearing a sword I am still unworthy, which was granted to you for the defense of the fatherland, and not for duels with the same brats as you yourself. I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from the Belogorsk fortress somewhere far away, where your foolishness will go away. Mother yours, having learned about your fight and that you were wounded, fell ill with grief and is now lying down. What will become of you? I pray to God that you will improve, although I do not dare hope for his great mercy. Your father A.G."

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