Home Chassis Oblomov’s education in the novel “Oblomov”, the hero’s attitude to education, study and science. Stolz and Oblomov: relationships (based on the novel "Oblomov") Mistakes of parents in raising Oblomov

Oblomov’s education in the novel “Oblomov”, the hero’s attitude to education, study and science. Stolz and Oblomov: relationships (based on the novel "Oblomov") Mistakes of parents in raising Oblomov

Sometimes I ask myself: “What does a person’s fate depend on?” Why does someone, having matured, realize himself in society: become a cultural or scientific figure, an athlete or a responsible manager, while others either do not know which path in life to choose or cannot make their dream come true? I think that a person’s destiny begins to be laid out from early childhood; it is upbringing that influences the child’s future.

Many works highlight the problem of education, such as the novel by I.A.

Goncharov "Oblomov". This work describes in detail the childhood of the main character. “He is only seven years old...he is light and cheerful...” writes the author. After these words, a logical question arises: “How did a completely ordinary, curious child turn into Oblomov, a lazy, apathetic person who does not want to leave his little world?” In my opinion, Oblomov, her order influenced the character and personal qualities of Ilya Ilyich. The limitations and inactivity of his native village were “absorbed” into Oblomov, and the excessive care of his parents: “Nanny! Don’t you see that the child ran out into the sun! “fragile” for life outside Oblomovka.

Another character in the novel is Stolz, an ambiguous person: active, but never carried away, condemning Oblomovka, but unconsciously striving for it. The reason for the controversial character of Andrei lies in his parents, who, being completely different people, both tried to “blind” him into an ideal son. The father of a practical, hardworking, tempered by difficulties: "... he sat with his father at the geographical map... and summed up the illiterate accounts of the peasants and townspeople... went... with instructions from his father to the city.." And the mother in Andrey “seems to be the ideal master... with such small arms and legs, with a clean face, with a clear, lively gaze.” Such an upbringing, I think, is just as destructive, because Stolz was never able to decide which path to follow and became a “pseudo active” person, with a soul devoted to Oblomovka.

But not all heroes failed to build their own destiny. So Olga Ilyinskaya, raised by her aunt: “...Olga’s relationship with her aunt was simple...in tenderness they never crossed the boundaries of moderation, never a shadow of displeasure lay between them...”, received a good secular education and was happy with my life. She grew up to be a kind, sweet, capable of making her own decisions, moderately proud and self-confident, a well-rounded girl whose goal was to develop her abilities, and whose main values ​​were friendship and family. It is in childhood that a person’s character and worldview are formed. Parents, education, traditions, society and order surrounding the child - all this influences his destiny. Therefore, education is a great matter; it decides the fate of a person.

Two systems of education in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

GBOU gymnasium No. 406

Pushkinsky district

St. Petersburg

Completed by Irina Vasilievna Abramova,

  • “... about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, ... an even light of carelessness glowed throughout his face.”
  • Stolz is the same age as Oblomov,
  • “He was all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse.
  • He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all...
  • complexion is even, darkish and no blush;
  • the eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive.”

  • “For Ilya Ilych, lying down was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state.”
  • “He is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to business - they choose it. Meanwhile, he goes out into the world and reads: when he has time, God knows.”

Oblomov and Stolz

Why are they so different?

What are the reasons for the differences in characters?

What determines a person’s character and way of life?

Education system

Stolz's parents

Oblomov's parents

  • His parents were nobles. Their life in the village of Oblomovka passed according to its own special laws.
  • The most important thing in their life was food. They devoted a lot of time to her.
  • After lunch there was a long nap. The whole house fell asleep. This is how all the days passed: sleep and food.
  • When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at a gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge.
  • They dreamed of receiving a certificate proving that “Ilya passed all the sciences and arts.”
  • As for physical education, he was not even allowed outside. They were afraid that he might die or get sick. So, Oblomov grew up as a downtrodden boy, without education, but kind in his soul.
  • Stolz was brought up in a poor family. His father was German by birth.
  • Mother is a Russian noblewoman. All the family's days were spent at work.
  • When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, and forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences and the German language. Then Stolz began sending his son to the city on errands, “and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, or made a mistake.”
  • His mother taught him literature and managed to give his son an excellent spiritual education.

What are the similarities and differences in the upbringing of heroes?


  • Attitude of mothers to children.
  • The attitude of children towards their mothers: love, affection, spiritual community, an attempt to protect them from difficulties and trials, parting words.
  • Father's education
  • Lordship of Father Oblomov.
  • The hard, hard upbringing of Stolz's father.

Let's make a comparison table

Oblomov's education system

Stolz's education system

  • Unanimity in education.
  • My parents loved me and spoiled me.
  • Activity and independence were suppressed.
  • “We cherished a poetic dream.
  • A child observes the “sleepy kingdom”
  • "Labor is a punishment"
  • There is no unanimity.
  • Mother spoiled me. And my father raised me strictly.
  • Encouraged activity and independence.
  • Mother “cherished a poetic dream”
  • The child observes the spiritual life of the mother and the hard work of the father.
  • The meaning of life is in work

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov wanted to contrast Western and Russian culture. Oblomov and Stolz are two key images of the work. The novel is built on the device of antithesis. It is realized through the contrast of these two characters in the work. Stolz and Oblomov are in many ways opposite. In Russian classical literature there are many works constructed in a similar way. These are, for example, “Hero of Our Time” and “Eugene Onegin”. Such examples can also be found in foreign literature.

"Oblomov" and "Don Quixote"

The novel “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes most resonates with Oblomov. This work describes the contradictions between reality and a person’s idea of ​​what an ideal life should be like. This contradiction extends, as in Oblomov, to the outside world. Like Ilya Ilyich, Hidalgo is immersed in dreams. Oblomov in the work is surrounded by people who do not understand him, because their ideas about the world are limited to its material side. True, these two stories have a diametrically opposite outcome: before his death, Alonso has an epiphany. This character understands that he was mistaken in his dreams. But Oblomov does not change. Obviously, this outcome is the difference between Western and Russian mentality.

Antithesis is the main technique in the work

With the help of antithesis, you can more comprehensively draw the personalities of the heroes, since everything is learned in comparison. It is impossible to understand Ilya Ilyich by removing Stolz from the novel. Goncharov shows the advantages and disadvantages of his characters. At the same time, the reader can look from the outside at himself and his inner world. This will help prevent the mistakes that the heroes Oblomov and Stolz made in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”.

Ilya Ilyich is a man with a native Russian soul, and Andrei Stolts is a representative of the new era. In Russia there have always been and will be both. Stolz and Oblomov are characters through whose interaction, as well as through their interaction with other characters in the work, the author conveys the main ideas. Olga Ilyinskaya is the link between them.

The importance of childhood in the formation of characters' characters

Childhood is of great importance in the life of every person. Personality during this period has not yet been formed. A person, like a sponge, absorbs everything that the world around him offers. It is in childhood that upbringing takes place, which determines what a person will become in adulthood. Therefore, an important role in Goncharov’s novel is played by the description of the childhood and upbringing of future antipodes, who are Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author gives a description of Ilya Ilyich's childhood. He remembers Oblomovka, his native village. After reading this chapter, we understand where immobility and laziness came from in the character of this hero.

Childhood of Ilya Oblomov

Stolz and Oblomov were brought up differently. Ilyusha is like a future master. Many guests and relatives lived in his parents' house. They all praised and caressed little Ilyusha. He was exquisitely and a lot fed with “cream”, “crackers”, “buns”. Food, it should be noted, was the main concern in Oblomovka. She spent a lot of time. The whole family decided on what dishes would be for dinner or lunch. After lunch, everyone fell into a long sleep. This is how the days passed: eating and sleeping. When Ilya grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha’s knowledge. All that was important to them was a certificate that he had completed various sciences and arts. Therefore, Ilya Oblomov grew up as an uneducated, downtrodden boy, but kind at heart.

Childhood of Andrei Stolts

With Stolz, everything is just the opposite. Andrei’s father, a German by nationality, raised independence in his son from an early age. He was dry towards his child. Focus and rigor are the main features that his parents put into Andrei’s upbringing. Every day of the family was spent at work. When the boy grew up, his father began to take him to the market, to the field, and forced him to work. At the same time, he taught his son science and the German language. Then Stolz began sending the child into the city on errands. Goncharov notes that it never happened that Andrei forgot something, overlooked something, changed it, or made a mistake. A Russian noblewoman, the boy's mother, taught him literature and gave spiritual education to her son. As a result, Stolz became a smart, strong young man.

Farewell to home

Let us turn to the scenes that describe how Stolz and Oblomov left their native villages. Oblomov is seen off with tears in his eyes, they do not want to let go of their dear child - an atmosphere of love for the boy is felt. And when Stolz leaves his home, his father only gives him a few instructions regarding spending money. At the moment of farewell, they don’t even have anything to say to each other.

Two environments, two characters and their influence on each other

The villages of Oblomovka and Verkhlevo are two completely different environments. Oblomovka is a kind of heaven on Earth. Nothing happens here, everything is calm and quiet. In power in Verkhlevo is Andrei’s father, a German, who organizes the German order here.

Oblomov and Stolz have common character traits. Their friendship, which existed since childhood, led to the fact that, while communicating, they influenced each other to some extent. Both heroes were raised together for some time. They went to school, which Andrei's father maintained. However, they came here, one might say, from completely different worlds: the once and for all established, undisturbed order of life in the village of Oblomovka; and the active work of a German burgher, which interspersed with lessons from his mother, who tried to instill in Andrei an interest and love for art.

For the further development of relations, however, Andrei and Ilya lack communication. Oblomov and Stolz gradually move away from each other as they grow up. Their friendship, meanwhile, does not stop. However, she is also hampered by the fact that the financial status of these two heroes is different. Oblomov is a real master, a nobleman. This is the owner of 300 souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, being supported by his serfs. Everything is different for Stolz, who was a Russian nobleman only through his mother. He had to maintain his material well-being on his own.

Oblomov and Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" became completely different in their mature years. It was already difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began to be sarcastic and make fun of Ilya’s reasoning, which was so far from reality. Differences in character and outlook on life eventually led to the gradual weakening of their friendship.

The meaning of friendship in Goncharov

The red thread running through this novel is the idea of ​​friendship, the role it plays in a person’s life. A person, in interaction with others, can reveal his true essence. Friendship has many forms: “brotherhood”, glorified by Pushkin, selfish, friendship for one reason or another. Apart from the sincere one, in essence, all others are just forms of egoism. Andrei and Ilya had a strong friendship. She connected them, as we have already noted, since childhood. Goncharov’s novel helps readers understand why Oblomov and Stolz are friends, what role friendship plays in a person’s life, thanks to the fact that it describes many of its ups and downs.

The meaning and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel "Oblomov" is a work that has not lost its relevance to this day, since it reflects the essence of people's lives, which is eternal. The antithesis proposed by the author (his portrait is presented below) perfectly conveys the essence of the fate of the history of our country, which is marked by these two extremes.

It is difficult for a Russian person to find a middle ground, to mix the desire for well-being, the activity and hard work of Andrei Stolts and the broad soul of Oblomov, full of wisdom and light. Probably, in each of our compatriots, as in our country itself, these extremes live: Stolz and Oblomov. The characteristics of Russia's future depend on which of them will prevail.

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was published in 1859, when Russia was on the verge of changes in economic and political life caused by the need to abolish the right of reposting. In the novel, Goncharov touched upon the problems that time had brought forward, and showed the real state of Russian noble society in the pre-reform period in Russia. The novel “Oblomov” is a novel about a hero and about the phenomenon that gave birth to this hero - “Oblomovism”. Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich

The plot of the novel is the life path of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from childhood until his death. The main theme is the “Oblomovism” way of life, life ideology; this is apathy, passivity, isolation from reality, contemplation of life around oneself; but the main thing is the absence of labor, practical inactivity.

...Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was born in Oblomovka, this “blessed corner of the earth”, where “there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy”, there are “no terrible storms, no destruction”, where deep silence, peace and imperturbable calm reign. Life in Oblomovka was monotonous; people here were terribly afraid of any changes. On the Oblomov estate, the traditional midday was “an all-consuming, invincible sleep, a true likeness of death.”

During his upbringing, the atmosphere in which little Oblomov grew up played a huge role in the formation of his character and worldview. ...He was surrounded by care and attention from all sides: his mother, nanny and the entire numerous retinue of the Oblomov house showered the boy with affection and praise. The slightest attempt by Ilyusha to do anything on his own was immediately suppressed: he was often forbidden to run anywhere, at the age of fourteen he was not even able to dress himself...

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ON THE TOPIC “The problem of education in the novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”: guardianship as a tactic of education in the Oblomov family”


Student of group GUS-21 (2nd year)

Student ID No. 1032100990

U.P. Chugianova

Moscow 2013

Introduction...................... ........................... ..................................... ................ ........page 3

Parenting tactics in the family................................... ....................... ....... .................p. 4-5

The influence of guardianship as an educational tactic on the formation of I.I. Oblomov’s personality................................................. .......... ......................... ......... .......p. 6-7

Conclusion.................... ............................. ........................... ................... ...p.8

List of references ..................... ................................... ..................................... ................ ....page 9


The topic of education has always been, is and will be relevant both for each person individually (one day we will all have a family and children), and for the entire society and the institution of the family as a whole. It is known that education is a purposeful process of personality formation in order to prepare it for active participation in social and cultural life. Naturally, the family plays an extremely important role in the formation and development of a child’s personality. For any child, it is the parents who are the most necessary and dear people, without whom he will simply disappear in this complex world.

Parental attitude is one of the most important aspects of interpersonal relationships in the family. 1 From birth, the child develops as a social being and, in relationships with his parents, masters the rules of behavior, communication skills, and also becomes familiar with human culture. Family is the first microcosm for a child. It is in it that the first ideas about peace, justice and injustice, good and evil, responsibility and duty are formed. The constant and natural influence of the family on the child shapes his character traits, views, beliefs and, of course, worldview. Family education has certain specifics that distinguish it from public education. By its nature, family education is based on feeling. As a rule, initially the family is based on a feeling of love, which determines the moral atmosphere of this social group, the style and tone of the relationships of its members. It is the feeling of love with all the harmony of the various nuances of its manifestation that accompanies the child throughout his life.

Family education tactics.

Each family develops a certain system of education, which includes setting educational goals, formulating its tasks, as well as using methods and techniques of education, taking into account what is allowed in relation to the child and what is not.

In pedagogy, there are 4 tactics of upbringing in the family: dictate, “non-interference,” cooperation and guardianship. Let's talk about each type separately.

Diktat in the family is manifested in the systematic behavior of some family members (mainly adults) and the initiative and self-esteem of other family members. 2 Of course, parents can make demands on their child in accordance with the goals of education, moral standards and specific situations in which parents have to make pedagogically and morally justified decisions. However, there are those who prefer orders and violence to all types of influence on a child, which naturally causes resistance in the child: he responds to coercion and threats with hypocrisy, outbursts of rudeness, deception, and sometimes even outright hatred. And even if resistance turns out to be broken, many valuable personality traits, such as self-esteem, independence, initiative, faith in oneself and in one’s capabilities, are broken along with it. Excessive strictness of parents, ignoring the opinions and interests of the child, systematically depriving him of the right to vote when deciding issues pertaining to him - all this is a guarantee of serious failures in the formation of his personality.

The tactics of “non-interference” give rise to relationships in the family that are based on the recognition of the possibility and expediency of children’s independent existence from adults. The point is that two worlds can coexist: the world of adults and children, and neither one nor the other should cross the border drawn between them. This type of relationship, as a rule, is based on the passivity of parents as educators.

Cooperation presupposes the mediation of interpersonal relationships in the family by common goals and objectives of joint activity, its organization and high moral values. This is how the child’s selfish individualism is suppressed. A family, where the leading type of relationship is cooperation, acquires a special quality and becomes a group of a high level of development - a team. 3

Family care involves a system of relationships in which parents, while satisfying all the needs of the child, protect him from all worries, difficulties, problems, taking it all upon themselves. In essence, parents block the process of active personality formation. They are also usually removed from resolving issues that concern them personally, and even more so, general family problems. Such children, as a rule, turn out to be unadapted to life in society and are not ready to face the reality that is beyond the threshold of the house. And if dictate implies an order, strict control, authoritarianism and violence, then guardianship means care and protection from difficulties, however, oddly enough, the result is largely the same: children grow up dependent, lacking initiative and weak-willed.

The influence of guardianship as an educational tactic on the formation of the personality of I.I. Oblomov

Reading the novel by I.A. Goncharov and analyzing in detail the description of the childhood of little Ilyusha Oblomov, we can say with confidence that his parents, while raising their son, used guardianship tactics, which, as we know, had a very bad effect on the future fate of the hero.

Oblomov's childhood was happy and carefree, he was loved very much, he was always surrounded by attention, affection and slaughter. But at that time the child was deprived of the opportunity to express himself. He could not take a single step on his own; any attempt by Ilyusha to act independently was thwarted, because for this there was “Zakhar and three hundred more Zakharovs.”

The boy was not given the opportunity to learn something new, express his desires and demonstrate his abilities. His parents protected him from work, taught him to be idle, and developed in him a sense of superiority over others. He didn’t even go to lessons in Verkhlevo, because “Learning won’t take you away, but you can’t buy health.”

As a result, he became a slacker, unable to even comprehend his life, and therefore bored with everything he had to do. He did not understand why he should serve, and in the end he found nothing better than to resign. He also did not understand the point of his studies and subsequently stopped it. Going out into society, he didn’t see the point in it, and so he decided to give up all his acquaintances and began to just lie on his couch all day long.

Little Ilyusha loved to listen to the fairy tales that his nanny told him, and besides which he had never seen or known anything in his life. As a result, Oblomov only learned to dream, but, unfortunately, he never learned to act. While real life passed by, he spent whole days in useless dreams.

The fact that, having become an adult, Oblomov remained as lethargic, dependent and lack of initiative as he was in childhood, one must blame, I believe, only his parents, who did not allow the boy to feel independent, which led him to an absolute unpreparedness for life outside my father's house.


The family plays a major role in the upbringing and development of a child’s personality. One of the most important functions of the family is to create conditions for the development of his personality. It is in the family that the most important process of socialization of the child takes place, which includes his knowledge of the surrounding reality, mastering communication skills and introducing him to human culture.

Speaking about family relationships, it must be said that in pedagogy there are 4 types of education tactics: dictate, “non-interference,” cooperation and guardianship.

In the novel by A.I. Goncharov, one can see how his upbringing, based on guardianship tactics, had a detrimental effect on the development of Oblomov’s personality. He was protected from work and worries, he was not given the opportunity to express himself and be independent in anything, which became the reason that Oblomov became dependent, lacking initiative and apathetic to everything that was happening around him.

It's hard to argue with the fact that raising children is very hard work. The task of parents is not only to love and respect the child, but also to provide him with the necessary freedom to realize his aspirations. The absence of such freedom will lead to the child growing up weak and weak-willed. This is exactly what happened to the main character of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”: Ilya Ilyich was not ready for adult life, far from the world of childhood.

List of used literature.

  1. Weisman N. Rehabilitation pedagogy - M., 1996
  1. Varga A.Ya., Smekhov V.A. Psychological correction of mutual relations between children and parents // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Episode 14. “Psychology”. - 1986. -No. 4. Karabanova O.A.,
  1. Varga A.Ya. Types of parental attitudes. - Samara, 1997.
  1. Nartova-Bochaver S. Psychology of personality and interpersonal relationships. - M.: Iz-vo EKSMO-Press, 2001.
  1. I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” http://ilibrary.ru/ text/475/index.html

1 Varga A.Ya., Smekhov V.A. Psychological correction of relationships between children and parents // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Episode 14. “Psychology”. - 1986. -No. 4. Karabanova O.A., p. 9

2 Weisman N. Rehabilitation pedagogy - M., 1996, p. 72

3 Weisman N. Rehabilitation pedagogy - M., 1996, p. 79

Short description

Parental attitude is one of the most important aspects of interpersonal relationships in the family.1 From birth, the child develops as a social being and, in relationships with his parents, masters the rules of behavior, communication skills, and also becomes familiar with human culture. Family is the first microcosm for a child. It is in it that the first ideas about peace, justice and injustice, good and evil, responsibility and duty are formed. The constant and natural influence of the family on the child shapes his character traits, views, beliefs and, of course, worldview. Family education has certain specifics that distinguish it from public education.

Parenting tactics in the family.............................................................. ........................p. 4-5

The influence of guardianship as an educational tactic on the formation of the personality of I.I. Oblomov.................................................... ........................................................ .......p. 6-7

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ...p.8

List of used literature......................................................... ........................................................ ....page 9

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