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Planned and actual holidays do not match in schedule

The date of vacation is a matter of concern to any employee. And if in private companies the bosses often decide who, when and for how long they will rest, then in companies that respect the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the plan is drawn up differently. You will learn right now how to draw up a vacation schedule for 2018, when to approve it and what must be taken into account.

When developing a plan, it is necessary to take into account the interests of not only management, but also employees of the company. That is why, first of all, they create an order on scheduling vacations, which obliges managers to find out from their subordinates about vacation plans. Based on the data received, the HR manager draws up a schedule.

To facilitate the work of personnel officers, form No. T-7 was developed and approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 for drawing up a vacation schedule for 2018, you can find and download it for free on the Web.

Important information: the vacation schedule for 2018, in accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must be drawn up and approved by order of the company's management at least 14 days before the start of the calendar year. Thus, already on December 17, all employees know what date to book travel tickets for.

Although the schedule is approved in advance, there may be circumstances that will force it to be revised. These include:

  1. An important assignment that only a specific employee can handle.
  2. Enterprise restructuring.
  3. Unscheduled inspection by regulatory government agencies.
  4. business trip due to business needs.
  5. The disease of the boss, whose duties can only be performed by a certain specialist.

Changes are agreed with the employee and recorded in the relevant order or a separate document.

The employee has the right to ask to change the vacation date. Good reasons for this are:

  • financial difficulties;
  • Family problems;
  • personal circumstances.

However, it is up to the manager to approve or deny the request.

It should be borne in mind that there are categories of employees who have the right to choose any date that is convenient for them. These lucky ones include:

  • employees under the age of 18;
  • planning to go on maternity leave;
  • husbands whose wives are on maternity leave;
  • honorary donors;
  • employees with two or more children under 12;
  • all those persons who are listed in article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Workers' rights

The rights of employees are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which every employee who has worked continuously in one place for at least 6 months has the right to paid leave. It should be borne in mind that the working year often does not coincide with the calendar year, since it is calculated from the day the performance of labor duties began. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the employee is employed at the workplace full time or only a few hours. You can count on paid vacation before the expiration of six months of work, but only to some people, including:

  • women before the decree and immediately after it;
  • employees under the age of 18;
  • employees who have adopted a baby under the age of 3 months.

Important components of the vacation are the preservation of the average salary of the employee and his place of work.

The minimum duration of vacation, enshrined in the Labor Code, is 28 calendar days. For employees whose work activity depends on the season, the rest time is calculated using the formula:

number of months of work * 2 days of vacation

  • employees under 18 have 31 calendar days off;
  • rescuers of professional emergency rescue services and formations - 30-40 k.d. (depending on experience);
  • judges - 30 working days (working in the Far North - 51 working days);
  • disabled people - at least 30 k.d., the same weekend lasts for municipal and prosecutorial employees;
  • those employed in work with chemical weapons have the right to rest 56 or 49 k.d.

You can specify or a representative of a particular profession in article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Often, the duration is set by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Vacation pay is paid no later than 3 days before going on vacation, late payment is a reason for postponing the date of going on vacation.

If non-working holidays fall during the rest, they are not included in the number of calendar days.

Video: how to go on vacation at the expense of the enterprise

Managers and personnel officers in some companies still do not consider it necessary to draw up vacation schedules or treat the process formally. But there are strict legal requirements on this issue, there is a need for a schedule for personnel department employees, and personnel management with this order becomes easier. We will figure out how to competently, taking into account all the nuances, draw up a schedule for the order in which workers go on vacation, how to correct it, make additions.

Is it necessary to make a vacation schedule?

Let us turn to certain sections of labor law for a solution. Thus, Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates that a worker is obliged to rest annually for twenty-eight days for each year worked at the enterprise (from the moment of his employment). The only thing that can limit a person in this right is working in a company for less than six months.

The next article of the code is directly related to the preparation and approval of the schedule for vacation periods for all employees of the company. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that all employees must go on vacation strictly in a certain order, which is precisely established in the corresponding document.

The vacation schedule is an order that is binding on both the employer and the employee. The above article strictly regulates the period in which the order is approved by the management of the organization - 2 working weeks before the end of the year. Accordingly, the timetable for 2019 must be prepared and ratified by December 17, 2018. This order should be drawn up in early December.

One more point must be taken into account: if a trade union organization works in a company, then the vacation schedule should be approved taking into account its opinion. Note that a coordinated and approved document, where specific vacation dates are determined for each employee of the organization, should be with each employer. This law is the same for everyone.

An exception has been granted to micro-enterprises, which from 2017 have the right not to use the vacation schedule in their work. It is worth recalling that, according to the classification, private enterprises are classified as microbusinesses, and the staff of individual entrepreneurs should not exceed 15 people.

Scheduled leave is beneficial for both the employee and the employer

What is a vacation schedule?

The presence of a schedule will provide the company with a number of significant advantages, which include:

  1. Fulfillment of formal requirements of regulatory authorities. By not complying with the law, the employer risks getting fined (30–50 thousand rubles for legal entities, 1–5 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs).
  2. Systematization of the work process in the enterprise. By preparing such a document, the company partially insures itself against unauthorized vacations. Since the employee does not have the right to violate the established order of his own free will (with a few exceptions for certain categories of employees). Both the employee and the employer must understand that serious reasons are needed to change the vacation period planned at the disposal. When a person simply refuses to go to rest according to the established order, the employer has the right to assess this step as a violation of labor discipline with all the ensuing consequences.
  3. Simplification of current control, as well as planning of holiday compensation to employees. Since a person must receive vacation pay no later than 3 days before going on vacation (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the annual schedule will help to do everything in a timely manner. In addition, the organization can quietly prepare and notify the employee who will replace the resting employee.
  4. Opportunities to clearly track the number of vacations and days off by the employee, to have information about the postponement of unused vacation, etc., and also not to collect applications for vacation from employees.

Tracking the vacation schedule, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing 14 days before the onset of the vacation period. This requirement is regulated by part 3 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee must endorse the notice, even if he does not want to go on vacation at the time set in the schedule. Legislation allows you to postpone vacation only with the consent of both parties to the employment relationship. When the personnel department did not warn the employee about the upcoming vacation, he may demand to shift the vacation period by the number of days of the overdue notice. This is established in article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And the employer has no right to interfere with this.

After agreeing on the schedule, the employer does not have the right to make adjustments to the document unilaterally. This can only be done with the consent of the employee. And then in the event that last year's vacation has already been taken by an employee.

All moments reflected in the vacation schedule are strictly controlled by the inspectorate that regulates labor relations. When the legitimacy of the actions of the employer in relation to the observance of the order in the holidays at the enterprise is suspicious, you need to wait for an official commission. First of all, it will be checked how the vacation schedule is maintained (and whether the document is being maintained), whether there are proper orders in the personnel document flow, whether the rights of employees were violated on this issue.

If the facts of schedule disruptions are confirmed, management will respond under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And you can't just get away with a fine. The regulator, relying on the norms of the law, will oblige the negligent employer to immediately send all employees on vacation to whom the rest time should have been provided according to the schedule. If the employer did not violate the rights of its employees, on the contrary, they go on vacation earlier than the schedule and everyone is happy, there will be no sanctions.

During the inspection carried out by specialists of the Labor Inspectorate, the issue of compliance with the vacation schedule will necessarily arise.

Nuances to consider

When developing a vacation schedule, there are several pitfalls that are taken into account without fail (otherwise, you can greatly harm the production process of the enterprise).

The first thing you need to pay attention to when drawing up the order of going on vacation is preferential categories of employees who have the full right to rest at any time convenient for them. Therefore, before starting to draw up a document, it is recommended to interview all beneficiaries, clarifying their intentions. True, this will not protect the employer from unplanned vacations of such employees, they still have every right to manage their vacation time, but it partly systematizes the process. The following categories of employees are classified as beneficiaries by legislative acts:

  • minors (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • pregnant workers before they go on maternity leave, as well as immediately after it (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-time workers - the employer must give them leave at the time when they go to rest from their main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees who have adopted a baby under three months old (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • husbands whose spouse is on maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • parents whose minor child is enrolled in a college or university located in another area. And at the same time, leave is taken to accompany the applicant (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • persons who received a disability in the performance of military duty, and veterans;
  • wives of military personnel - this category of leave is set simultaneously with the leave of husbands (Article 11 of Law No. 76-FZ);
  • honorary donors of the Russian Federation (Article 23 of Law No. 125-FZ);
  • Chernobyl victims and persons exposed to radiation during the liquidation of similar disasters.

The holiday order should take into account not only the days of the main paid holidays, but also additional paid holidays, as well as rest time not used in previous years. Accordingly, such vacation periods should be moved to the next year. It is logical that vacations on application, providing for rest time without maintenance, are not indicated in the order.

Experienced personnel officers recommend that you always acquaint employees with the approved schedule and at the same time take a signature from them about familiarization. Yes, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate this step, but without indicating to the employee the time of his rest and not fixing this moment, it is difficult to require employees to complete it. Acquaintance can be done in two standard ways:

  • ask to put the visa on the back of the approved schedule;
  • create a separate register in which to record the procedures for familiarizing employees with the main internal documents of the company, where to enter the vacation schedule.

Familiarization of employees with the vacation schedule against receipt will help to avoid violation of the terms of going on vacation

Making the right vacation schedule

The best option when preparing a schedule is to use the unified form No. T-7. Yes, the legislation does not oblige to use this template when drawing up a schedule, you can develop a form yourself (the main thing is that it be). But why reinvent the wheel if there is a convenient universal document that has been used by almost all employers since it was approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation under number 1 in January 2004.

Vacation plans should include:

  1. A list of all employees with whom the enterprise has labor contracts.
  2. The number of vacation days for each employee. Here it is necessary to summarize all the types of vacations laid down for the employee: the main one, not taken off for the previous period, additional, extended. As well as those approved by internal local acts or a collective agreement.
  3. Month, vacation start date - regulatory documents do not regulate that a specific date is indicated in the block, but in this option the employee is required to write a statement where the exact day will be indicated. If the date is set, this will not be necessary. If only a month (without a date) is used in the schedule, it is recommended that a local document (for example, the “Vacation Regulations”) require the employee to submit an application to the personnel department no later than 14 days before the vacation date. In this case, the employer will have the opportunity, firstly, to properly notify the employee, and secondly, calmly, without rush work, prepare an order, calculate and pay the due compensation.
  4. Dividing the vacation period into parts. The refusal of the employer to agree on the minimum guaranteed by labor law continuous leave equal to fourteen days, as well as coercion to divide the rest period into several parts or demands to write an application for the provision of vacation days on weekends, are not eligible. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and, if the schedule does not contain a specific division into several parts, get the employee to sign that he agrees to split the vacation period.

In addition, from the general data in the document, the following should be noted:

  • full name of the organization (as in constituent documents);
  • number (first or corrective);
  • the year for which the schedule is drawn up;
  • block “I approve” indicating who approved the document and on what date.

Horizontally / for each employee, the following should be indicated:

Video: how to schedule vacations

Schedule Approval Algorithm

It is not necessary to issue a separate order that would approve the vacation schedule. This is due to the fact that the visa of the head of the legal entity or entrepreneur who ratifies the document is affixed directly to the chart.

But in order to prepare for the development of such a schedule, the director of the company may:

  1. Issue an order obliging the heads of structural divisions to prepare and send information on the vacations of subordinates to the personnel department in order to promptly prepare a consolidated vacation schedule.

    Order on scheduling vacations - an optional document

  2. Coordinate the prepared schedule with the trade union body (if it exists at the enterprise).
  3. Approve the document by signing the paper by the head of the company.

    When signing the schedule, the approval date must be indicated, and the document must be dated no later than December 17

After that, all employees need to be familiarized with the schedule, the reasons and the need for this step have already been mentioned above.

You can collect signatures of employees about familiarization with the vacation schedule both on a separate sheet and directly on the back of the document

Change in vacation schedule

In theory, everything sounds pretty smooth, but in practice, only 5-7% of employers can clearly follow the schedule. Options for the need to make adjustments are common.

Consider the most common:

  • Before the start of the vacation or during it, the employee takes a sick leave. In this case, the employer must postpone the employee's vacation to another time. The recommendations of experts say that it is imperative to reflect the postponement of vacation using documented grounds, for example, an employee's statement.
  • The employer is forced to recall the employee for operational reasons. Here you will need not only the consent of the person to leave the rest, but also the corresponding recall order. There are categories of employees who, under no circumstances, can be recalled from vacation, even if the employee himself does not refuse to go to work. These categories include, for example, pregnant employees.
  • When a person changes the full period (28 days) reflected in the chart into parts. Then you need to fix in the chart the data on the division of the vacation into several parts. The grounds here can also be 2 documents: a statement from the employee, where he asks to give him an incomplete period of rest, as well as an order to agree on a certain part, which should be reflected in the vacation schedule. The main thing is not to violate the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulate the moment that at least one part of the vacation cannot be less than fourteen calendar days.
  • Adjustments are made to the schedule and when a person wants to take a vacation at another time (outside the schedule). Here, too, the basis should be the statement of the employee and the order.
  • Sometimes you have to replace part of the vacation with monetary compensation, then all the data must be reflected in the vacation schedule. To do this, in the notes of the schedule, you need to put a note on what part of the annual paid leave is compensated in money, and give a link to the details of the order. This is important, since the employer does not have the right to compensate for the mandatory 28 days of rest, part can only be taken from additional or extended holidays, and this should be noted in the document.
  • If a part-time worker asks to reschedule a scheduled vacation, the employer does not have the right to refuse him. This point should also be clarified in the schedule.

A little advice regarding newly hired employees: if several people come to the company after agreeing on the schedule, draw up an additional vacation schedule at number 2. So it will be easier to control newcomers. Note that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not force to change or adjust the already approved schedule, but it does not prohibit supplementing the document with data on the holidays of people who have come to work.

To get a visual idea of ​​who and when goes to rest, the heads of the company's structural divisions can use the vacation schedule template in a format that is convenient for them

The order and terms of storage of charts

The answer to a common question, how long to keep a vacation schedule, is quite simple - 1 year. So it is established in paragraph 693 of the register, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 558. That is, the vacation schedule approved in December 2017 (for the 2018th year) is stored at the enterprise until the end of 2019. Then it must be destroyed. Moreover, this must be done according to a special act according to the protocol of the Federal Archive of February 6, 2002.

Video: common questions about the vacation schedule

Not all employers are 100% aware of the role of staff leave scheduling. But if in a company where 2-3 people work, during the year it is at least somehow possible to control the process of going on vacation and keep records on this issue, without a schedule. Then in organizations where the number of employees reaches at least twenty-five, it is unrealistic to do this fully without systematically maintaining a specific document. And given the constant inspection checks and considerable fines for every formality, you need to tune in and begin to fully work with the vacation schedule.

Start working on the document on time to meet the deadline. Learn how to plan a safe vacation schedule - 2020. The experts have put together a complete guide to action.

In the article:

Download this helpful document:

Vacation schedule for 2020: who makes up and when

The vacation schedule is a mandatory document that is drawn up annually. It prescribes how the company's employees will rest in the next calendar year. Both employees and the employer are required to comply with the document. The latter needs to draw up a document with clearly defined dates.

A vacation schedule is needed to:

  1. Prepare a notice in advance, pay vacation pay and fulfill all other obligations in relation to the vacationer.
  2. Find a replacement for a specialist who goes on vacation in time.
  3. Prevent employees from accumulating unused vacation days - the company can be fined for this.
  4. Distribute vacation days among work groups, teams and departments so that no department is idle due to the simultaneous absence of several employees.

Drawing up a vacation schedule for 2020 is entrusted to a personnel officer. Can be taken as a basis unified form No. T-7 , approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated January 5, 2004. You can also develop your own document form by approving it with an order. The document is certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service and submitted for approval to the director of the company.

Attention! The GIT controls the deadlines for approving the document for 2020 and strictly monitors compliance with them. The deadline is December 17, which is Tuesday in 2019. You can play it safe and approve the 2020 document in advance. Consider the length of the work week in your organization.

Information to be included in the sample:

  1. Employer details.
  2. Information about the employee: structural unit, position or profession, personnel number, last name, first name and patronymic.
  3. Holiday start dates.
  4. The number of calendar days of vacation.
  5. Transfer data and notes indicating the reason for the transfer.

How to get rid of vacation debt for 2019

The personnel officer needs to calculate the vacation days that employees have accumulated over past periods of work in the company. The correct number of days that an employee is entitled to use in 2020 must be indicated in the vacation schedule, or a separate vacation debt repayment schedule should be drawn up.

Vacation repayment schedule

There are several ways to pay off vacation debts if the employee does not mind receiving monetary compensation for them, and you do not want to carry such debts into the next year. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Crib. How to get rid of accumulated vacation debts

Compilation procedure for 2020: step by step algorithm

Step 1. Find out the desires of employees

Who to include in the new schedule

Enter in the document template for 2020 all full-time employees, including external and internal part-timers. You may not reflect in the general list of maternity leavers who do not plan to return to work in the next calendar year. But those whose decree ends next year, make it right away.

Newcomers who have settled in the company after the approval of the document, leave for the first year is provided on the basis of applications, and not according to the schedule.

Check if there are beneficiaries in the team. They have the right to leave at any convenient time in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code.

If the company is large, authorize line managers to create preliminary draft schedules for each department, and then combine them into a master vacation schedule in Excel (a template can be downloaded online). Doing it quickly and without errors will help smart Excel spreadsheet from the experts of the magazine Personnel business. It will help you figure out the end dates of vacations, taking into account the holidays, warn who will start vacation in the near future and form a unified form of the schedule.

Smart Vacation Schedule: Updated Version for 2020

Attention! Since October 2018, a new article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has come into force, which gives employees with three or more children under the age of 12 the right to take at any convenient time.

Taking into account the opinions of employees will avoid grievances and conflicts when scheduling vacations. It is advisable to entrust the heads of departments to collect the wishes of subordinates. They will take into account the interchangeability of employees, seasonal workload. If the organization is small, then a personnel worker can collect the wishes of all employees.

Advice from the editors of the magazine "Kadrovoe delo"

Discuss in advance with employees the timing of the leave or request information in writing. For example, instruct department and work group heads to create preliminary schedules, and then consolidate them into one document. What you need for this, read the article:

Step 2: Make Preliminary Schedules

Often it is simply not possible to take into account the desire of all employees. In this case, we leave only the wishes of preferential categories unchanged. We give the rest the opportunity to independently agree on the time of the vacation.

Many employees want to go on vacation in the summer. To ensure this, you can plan holidays in parts. In this case, the employee will be indicated in the vacation schedule in two lines. In doing so, keep in mind:

  1. Written confirmation will be required that the employee agrees to the division of the vacation into parts.
  2. One part of the vacation must be 14 or more calendar days.

If the employees fail to agree, then the heads of departments can schedule a vacation for them at a time when it is convenient for the organization. By the way, some months can be made “closed for holidays” altogether. The employer has the right to do this if, due to the peculiarities of production, the absence of an employee during this period may adversely affect the normal course of the organization's work.

Step 3: Check Preview Charts

Heads of departments transfer pre-compiled schedules to the personnel service for verification. The personnel officer will check whether the vacation begins earlier than the period for which it is provided.

Step. 4. Design a vacation schedule

A project is a formalized but not yet signed or approved document. To reduce employee conflict over vacations, collect statements from them with wishes for when and for how long they plan to go on annual paid vacation next year. Make a draft vacation schedule - 2020. This way you will save your nerves and save time - you won’t have to explain to a forgetful employee why his vacation was scheduled for November, although he wanted to relax in the summer.

Crib. How to draft a vacation schedule

Step 5. Agree and approve the vacation schedule

The vacation schedule must be agreed with the trade union, but only if it is in the company. The draft document in the trade union committee must consider within 5 working days. Did not wait for a motivated opinion - you assert without consent.

The vacation schedule must be approved 2 weeks before the next calendar year. December 17 is the latest schedule approval date.

  1. The vacation schedule can be approved by the head of the organization. To do this, he puts the date and his signature in the upper right corner of the document.
  2. The vacation schedule can be approved if you issue an order for the company's core business and include the item "Approve the vacation schedule for 2020" in it. The vacation schedule itself will be an appendix to the order.

Attention! The law does not specify how the vacation schedule should be approved. The leader does this at his own discretion.

Before giving the vacation schedule for 2020 to the manager for signature, check if these errors are in your document.

Common scheduling mistakes

Experts advise to approve the document in the first way. Firstly, in the unified form T-7, a stamp of approval is provided personally by the head. Secondly, the period of storage of the vacation schedule is very short - only one year from the moment they expire, and it is not advisable to approve such documents with orders that are stored permanently.

The law does not require the seal of the organization to be put on the chart. This document is for internal use only.

Step 6. Familiarize employees with the vacation schedule

The Labor Code does not directly provide that employees need to be introduced to the vacation schedule against receipt. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only says that it is necessary to notify the employee about the start of the vacation 2 weeks before it starts. But Rostrud (letter dated 08/01/2012 No. PG / 5883-6-1) believes that the vacation schedule is a local act of the organization, therefore the employer is obliged to acquaint employees with it under signature.

Expert response from the Kadra System

Do employees need to be aware of vacation schedules?
Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia, tells

There is no single answer to this question in the law. There are currently two opposing positions on this issue.

Amount of fines:

  • For officials (accountant, personnel officer) - a warning or a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs - a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For organizations - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
  • The same fines threaten those who did not approve the document at all.

Where to download a sample chart for 2020

An example of filling out a vacation schedule for 2020

Use a "smart" excel document to meet legal deadlines and avoid mistakes when working on a document. The table is accompanied by a ready-made template for printing - a unified form No. T-7 with all the necessary details. When compiling a document, try to take into account the wishes of employees and respect the rights of parents with many children and other beneficiaries who are allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to take vacations at any convenient time.

The vacation schedule form is one of the most important local regulations of any organization. The leader is obliged to make it. Recall that this local act must be approved no later than December 16 (2 weeks before the end of the year). And do not forget about the new rules introduced by articles 185.1 and 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the schedule should be approved two weeks before the new year. In order not to make a mistake in filling out, we recommend that you focus on the sample presented in the article for filling out the vacation schedule according to the unified T-7 form. Its approval during the last two weeks of December - after 12/16/2019 - is a violation of labor laws. Therefore, approve it before this date.

There is a unified form T-7 contained in the album of unified forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1). But from 01/01/2013, these forms are not mandatory for use (clause 4, article 9 of law 402-FZ, information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012). Each enterprise has the right to independently develop a primary organization with the obligatory inclusion in it of the details established by paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of Law No. 402-FZ.

Either approve the completed form by order of the head, or ask him to sign in the “I approve” field of the T-7 form.

Appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, employees who have three or more children under 12 years of age are given the priority right to choose the time of rest. Therefore, before allocating vacation days for all employees, ask when these privileged workers plan to take a vacation.

In addition, additional days of rest appeared for employees to undergo medical examinations (for "ordinary" employees under the age of 39 years - 1 day every 3 years, for employees over 40 years old and pre-retirees - 2 days annually) ( Art. 185.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The terms of medical examination are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 13, 2019 N 124n “On approval of the procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination and medical examination of certain groups of the adult population”. In 2020, citizens of 2002, 1999, 1996, 1993, 1990, 1987, 1984, 1981 undergo a medical examination, and those who are older - annually. So far, there are no clear departmental instructions on whether it is necessary to include these days in the vacation plan, but this circumstance must be taken into account.

Fill out the form step by step

The form must be approved with columns 1-6 completed. Consider how to fill out and approve the vacation schedule for 2020 step by step. For an example of filling, we use the unified form T-7 (the form, as already mentioned, was taken from the album of unified forms). But it is also allowed to use the vacation schedule in Excel (the program allows you to create a convenient planner - a smart vacation schedule that automates accounting, it is given in the appendix to the article).

Step 1

Fill in the "Organization name" field. To do this, we prescribe the full name of the organization without abbreviations.

If there is a trade union, fill in the field "Opinion of the elected trade union body": the date and the inscription "Taken into account" are put down. In the absence of such, it is indicated "The primary trade union organization has not been created (or is absent)".

We assign a number to the document, the date of compilation, indicate for which year it is compiled.

We fill in columns 1-6: the names of structural divisions, the title of the position, full name. we write employees without cutting. In the 5th column, the numbers indicate the duration in calendar days. In gr. 6 put the date on which it starts.

If the rest period is divided into several parts, each part is written on a separate line.

Also allowed in column 6 is a duration rather than a start date.

The document is signed by the head of the personnel department.

We approve the schedule and familiarize employees with it

After filling in all the fields and columns, it is necessary to approve the document on the form itself - the T-7 form contains a special field for approval. Or you can issue an order approving the vacation schedule for 2019 (the sample shows the most common wording).

The law requires employees to be familiar with the vacation schedule. This is confirmed by the personal signature of each employee - either in the statement of familiarization with orders, or in the vacation schedule. Supplement it with a column where employees will sign and put down the date of familiarization, and you won’t have to draw up separate familiarization sheets.

Columns 7-10 are filled in manually as employees actually go on vacation. If there have been changes and the rest time is not provided when it was planned, column 8 indicates the reason for the transfer - the details of the transfer order or the employee's statement. Column 9 indicates the planned start date of the holiday.

Vacation schedule for 2020 - a sample can be studied and downloaded in the Forms section at the beginning of the article. This document is mandatory for compilation in order to record information on the periods of annual paid vacations of employees for a calendar year. The procedure and terms for drawing up and approving the vacation schedule are detailed in this article.

Is it necessary to schedule vacations?

Having fixed the above norm, the legislator set himself the goal of depriving unscrupulous employers of the opportunity to challenge the period of temporary release from work for the rest of their subordinates.

The schedule is subject to timely certification, therefore, the time of departure and the sequence of departure of employees on vacation, reflected in the document, seem to be rigorous for all parties. However, in the event of disputes, the following circumstance should be taken into account: the vacation schedule as a regulatory document becomes legally effective immediately from the moment it is approved by the director of the company.

Schedule for the next year: the nuances of drawing up

Before the procedure for approving the vacation schedule, the director of the company should take into account the provisions prescribed by Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which include:

Due to the fact that a ready-made document is subject to approval, the procedure for compiling the final schedule is preceded by the collection and analysis of information for each structural unit, conversations with employees, etc., initiated, as a rule, by the appropriate instruction of the employer.

The following types of paid holidays are subject to inclusion in the schedule:

  • annual (Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • additional (Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • unrealized in the previous period;
  • when combining work activities (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

After the approval of the schedule, adjustments may be made to it (due to the withdrawal or transfer of leave by the employee) or additional information (information about newly hired employees in the current year).

The main criteria for the development of the schedule

When developing a schedule, the following factors should be taken into account in determining the order in which employees are granted vacations:

  1. wishes of employees. The most favorable conditions for recreation in our country include the period from June to September inclusive. Due to the fact that the predominant number of wishes reflects precisely this time period, responsible persons need to take into account the provisions of the current legislation, the duration of holidays and benefits of each employee, as well as the specifics of the organization's work activity.
  2. Current legislation, namely the provisions regarding the establishment of seniority.
  3. Leave order. The definition of this important component obliges the personnel officer to compile a list of employees who have the right to preferential choice of rest time. Such categories of benefits are provided on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, for example, the Law “On Veterans” dated 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ.
  4. Vacation duration. This indicator is formed on the basis of length of service and features of labor functions for each employee.
  5. Optimal distribution of holidays. For the efficient operation of the company, it is important to keep track of the number of employees who are on vacation at the same time. The optimal distribution of employees when developing a schedule is that no more than 30% of the total number of personnel are on vacation at a time.
  6. The specifics of labor activity and the need to ensure the effective operation of the company.

How to allocate leave to employees who do not have a preemptive right to choose

With a significant number of employees who have the right to choose a rest period, the rest of the employees do not have the opportunity to choose the most suitable time interval for themselves. In such a situation, for this category of "non-privileged" it is advisable to independently establish the order of departure, for example, to alternate the time of rest in the summer every two years or provide for the provision of vacation in compound segments.

Making a vacation schedule in an organization: how to do it right

In most cases, the issue of the procedure for taking measures to draw up a vacation schedule is fixed in the company's internal administrative documents, for example, in the regulation on the procedure for granting annual paid holidays, in the instructions for office work, etc.

In those conditions when the issue under study is not covered in the organizational guidance documents of the enterprise, one should refer to labor legislation and take the established practice as a basis.

Don't know your rights?

The procedures for developing and issuing a vacation schedule should be preceded by preliminary preparation, which can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Due to the fact that the schedule contains information about the vacation periods of employees of all structural divisions, it is more rational to initially develop vacation schedules in each of these divisions. The presented scheme is relevant for large enterprises. In this order, the managers of departments, sections, brigades, etc., initially draw up schedules for the labor collective entrusted to them.

    In the future, these project documents are sent to the personnel department, whose employees analyze them and make amendments, since the head of the team may not fully own the situation in matters of providing certain categories of subordinate employees with benefits established by law.

    Subsequently, the vacation scheduling flowsheet presented calls for interviews with the relevant staff and their department heads on each change to the drafts submitted. At the same time, one should not limit oneself to discussing the proposed rest periods exclusively with employees, since the bosses, when drafting this document, plan the activities of the unit, and the shift in the time intervals for vacation beneficiaries may affect the rest periods of other employees and disrupt the efficiency of the labor process.

    Having completed work with each structural unit, the personnel officer proceeds to develop a unified vacation schedule for the enterprise.

  2. The second way of preliminary preparation is to conduct conversations with all employees of the company. This approach is most relevant in organizations with a small number of employees. In the event that the company includes structural divisions, it is inappropriate for the first manager to shift the task of clarifying and taking into account the wishes of employees - the best option would be to entrust this to the heads of structural units. Additional surveys can also be conducted by personnel officers, but it is illogical to completely exclude heads of departments from the procedure for scheduling vacations, since it is they who are responsible for the precise organization of the activities of the department entrusted to them.

Chart shape

It is allowed to make a vacation schedule according to a form independently developed by the head of the company or according to a unified model (form No. T-7, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment” dated 05.01.2004 No. 1). The form and sample presented in the Forms section at the beginning of the article contain columns to reflect the relevant information.

Mandatory details of the vacation schedule are the date of preparation of the document and the signature of the employer on approval. Based on this, there is no need for additional consolidation of the normative act under study. However, in a number of organizations, the existing document management systems clearly regulate this procedure, providing for the mandatory issuance of a separate order. As a rule, the expediency of such an administrative document is justified if it reflects any information related to the execution of the schedule, for example, assigning responsible persons who are entrusted with monitoring its observance.

When should the vacation schedule for the next year be approved: at what time, no later than for what period

Taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization (if any), the vacation schedule must be approved no later than 2 weeks before the start of the calendar year. That is, the vacation schedule for 2020 must be fixed no later than December 16, 2019.

How the annual vacation schedule of employees is approved and signed. Approval by order of the head and in other ways

After following all the necessary procedures, the finished vacation schedule is subject to approval by the first head of the organization or another employee who has such a right entrusted on the basis of an appropriate order or power of attorney.

Ways to approve the vacation schedule by the head of the organization:

  • an approving resolution on the schedule itself (the actual affixing of an approving signature and additional instructions from the head regarding the implementation of the vacation schedule);
  • issuance of an order (typical for large enterprises; along with the approval of the schedule, an additional order of the organization is issued, which reflects the assignment of responsible executors of the document, the allocation of funds for holidays, etc.).

In this case, it is important to take into account that the date of publication of the administrative document, as well as the date of approval, must fit within the time limits established by Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the current legislation does not fix the affixing of a seal certifying the signature of the employer on the chart.

A sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2020 can be downloaded from the link below.

Common mistakes

Of the most common miscalculations in the preparation of the vacation schedule, we can distinguish:

  • The absence of a schedule as such, that is, the provision of rest time solely at the request of employees without compiling and approving a vacation schedule (an approved vacation schedule is a mandatory document in any organization).
  • Violation of the deadlines for approving the schedule (later than 2 weeks before the start of the calendar year, contrary to Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Untimely notice of the start of vacation and non-payment (delay in payment) of vacation pay (in case of missing the deadline for notification of the start of vacation or non-payment of vacation pay, the manager is obliged to postpone the employee’s rest time at his request for another period, as required by Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Ignoring the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, when splitting a vacation, at least one part of it cannot be less than 14 days.
  • Failure to take into account the wishes of employees when drawing up a schedule, as well as non-observance of the rights of certain categories of employees who have preferences in the form of the possibility of choosing any vacation time, etc.

Such violations of the law are subject to Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for legal entities), and may also result in the filing of a complaint by the employee with the prospect of litigation. In turn, the judicial procedure for resolving labor disputes involves requesting relevant documentation from the employer. In the case of vacations, this is the vacation schedule, receipts from employees confirming their timely notification of the start of the vacation, statements from employees, etc.

In this regard, when receiving draft vacation schedules from the heads of structural units, one should ensure that the wishes of employees are formalized in writing and confirmed by signatures. If for some reason the opinions of employees are not taken into account, then it is necessary to require them to confirm in writing that they have no objections to the periods of rest offered to them, for example, at the stage of familiarization with the approved schedule. In addition, in large organizations it is advisable to appoint a separate specialist responsible for scheduling vacations and monitoring compliance with the law in this area.

Is it possible to make adjustments to the drawn up schedule

Making any adjustments to the vacation schedule is possible only with the consent of each of the parties.

Using the unified form No. T-7 when developing the final document, it is important to take into account that fixing the transfer of rest time in the approved calendar year should be carried out in columns 7-9. However, if transfers of holidays are made on the basis of Part 3 of Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (when, with the consent of the employee, the transfer of vacation to the next working year is possible) and Part 2 of Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (review of an employee), notes about this are made in column 10.

For the circle of people employed after the procedure for agreeing and approving the final document for the current year, practice has determined 2 ways to make changes:

  • amendments to the current schedule (based on the relevant orders of the head of the organization);
  • development and approval of an application attached to the original schedule.

The development and approval of a vacation schedule is a mandatory procedure in any organization. Regarding the publication and timely approval of the vacation schedule, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation strictly fixes this duty of the head in Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For violations of the prescribed norms of labor legislation, administrative liability is provided for under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to part 1 of this article, the violations presented entail a warning or a fine on the employer conducting labor activities without registering a legal entity in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles, and on legal entities - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

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