Home wheels An American professor told where the third world war could start. Will there be a third world war? Prophecies about the third world war. Nostradamus about World War III World War III military political movement

An American professor told where the third world war could start. Will there be a third world war? Prophecies about the third world war. Nostradamus about World War III World War III military political movement

Will there be a third world war? Famous prophets from all over the world answer this question with frightening unanimity...

According to the data of the Google search engine over the past few days, the search query "World War 3" ("Third World War") has become one of the most popular. Indeed, the current political situation in the world is alarming. And if you read the prophecies of the predictors on this topic, then the possibility of a third world war flaring up in 2017 no longer seems so ephemeral.

All predictions of the medieval seer are very vague, however, modern interpreters believe that he predicted the Third World War in the following prophecy:

“Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falls on the ground ... I feel the approach of a great hunger, it will often leave, but then it will become worldwide”

According to Nostradamus, this war will come from the territory of modern Iraq and will last 27 years.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant never spoke directly about the Third World War, but she has a prophecy about the most serious consequences of military operations in Syria. This prediction was made in 1978, when nothing foreshadowed the horrors that are now happening in this Arab country.

“Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events... Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come into the world... I am asked when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet...

The interpreters of Vanga's predictions believe that this prophecy refers to the coming war between East and West, which will arise on the basis of religious contradictions. After the fall of Syria, a bloody war will unfold in Europe.

Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets told about the prediction of Jonah of Odessa. When asked if there would be a Third World War, the elder replied:

"Will. A year after my death, everything will begin. In one country smaller than Russia, there will be very serious sentiments. It will last two years and end with a big war. And then there will be a Russian Tsar"

The elder died in December 2012.

Rasputin has a prophecy about three snakes. The interpreters of his predictions believe that we are talking about three world wars.

“Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving ashes and smoke behind them, they have one house - and this is a sword, and they have one law - violence, but, dragging humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword”
Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman is a famous American soothsayer who predicted the events of 9/11 in New York. She also prophesied catastrophic natural disasters, terrible epidemics and nuclear wars.

“I looked at the Middle East and saw how the rocket flew out of Libya and hit Israel, there was a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the rocket was actually from Iran, but the Iranians were hiding it in Libya. I knew it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately, rockets began to fly from one country to another, it quickly spread around the world. I also saw that many of the explosions were not from rockets, but from ground bombs."

Sarah also claimed that Russia and China would attack the United States:

“I saw Russian troops that invaded the United States of America. I saw them... mostly on the East Coast... I also saw Chinese troops invading the West Coast... It was a nuclear war. I knew it was happening all over the world. I did not see most of this war, but it was not very long ... "

Hoffman said that the Russians and Chinese would probably lose this war.

The seer and elder Seraphim Vyritsky undoubtedly possessed the gift of foresight. Back in 1927, he predicted World War II. According to eyewitnesses, already in the post-war period, one of the singers turned to him with the words:

“Dear father! How good it is now - the war is over, the bells rang in all the churches!

To this the old man replied:

“No, that's not all. There will be more fear than before. You will meet her again…”

According to the elder, troubles should be expected from China, which, with the support of the West, will seize Russia.

Schemaarchimandrite Christopher

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, the Tula elder, believed that the Third World War would be very terrible and destructive, Russia would be drawn into it entirely, and China would be the initiator:

“There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast, missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth ... As China goes, this is how everything will begin ”

Elena Aiello (1895 - 1961) - Italian nun, to whom the Mother of God herself allegedly appeared. In his predictions, Aiello assigns the role of the world invader to Russia. According to her, Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and conquer Europe. In another prophecy, the nun said that Russia would be almost completely burned.

Veronica Luken

American Veronica Luken (1923 - 1995) is the most beautiful soothsayer of all time, but this does not make her predictions less terrible ... Veronica claimed that for 25 years Jesus and the Virgin appeared to her and told about the fate of mankind.

“The Mother of God points to the map ... Oh, my God! ... I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa ... My God! These countries are very dark. The Mother of God says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child"
“The war will intensify, the massacre will become more and more intense. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind."
“Syria has the key to peace, or to World War III. Three quarters of the world will be destroyed…”

1981 prediction

“I see Egypt, I see Asia. I see a lot of people, they are all marching. They look like Chinese. Ah, they are preparing for war. They get on the tanks... All these tanks are coming, a whole army of people, there are many of them. So many! Many of them look like small children…”
“I see Russia. They (Russians) are sitting at a big table… I think they are going to fight… I think they are going to go to war against Egypt and Africa. And then the Mother of God said: “The gathering is in Palestine. Gathering in Palestine»
Joanna Southcott The mysterious clairvoyant from England, who predicted the French Revolution, prophesied in 1815:
“When war breaks out in the east, know that the end is near!”

Finally, a little optimism from Juna. When asked about the Third World War, the famous healer replied:

“My intuition never fails me… There will be no third world war. Categorically!"

Under the Third World War is meant a global military conflict. To date, questions such as "Will there be a third world war and when will it start" are no longer fantastic inventions, but quite real fears of citizens. In addition, now, given the growing tension on the world stage, such issues are more relevant than ever.

All prerequisites in the world lead to a new vast war. It would seem that in our time the word "Third World War" no one will ever pronounce, because this very concept seems to have been erased with the liquidation of the "evil empire". And, it seems, there is no one with whom to wage a continental struggle (as it was in World War II) or a nuclear one (it is assumed that this is how the Third will take place).

Someone thinks in images and imagines the Third World War like this: trenches, cracks in the black, incinerated earth, the “enemy” somewhere beyond the horizon ... These ideas are written off and formulated on the basis of many films and stories about the terrible and so distant war of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the Great Patriotic War. Or World War II. But World War III will not be like that.

Many are convinced that a future war is already underway. The media, at least daily and tirelessly, with the importunity of a bored fly, tell us about it. The so-called information battle. So who are we fighting and why? History repeats itself, bringing to the world a new global conflict over land ownership. However, now this land, in addition to the population and territories, must have another important quality: resources.

Gas, coal, oil. This raw material is the engine of all the economies of the world. And the central actors in a future war, according to experts, will be "sworn friends" - two powers that have every opportunity to mutually destroy each other and the entire planet, using their stocks of nuclear weapons.

Where to expect war

Do not think that the threat should be expected from Europe. She is busy with deep introspection and elimination of "economic fleas". Europe poses no danger to Russia. The true enemy will come from afar, he will come from across the ocean. It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the assumption, because ever since the Fulton speech in 1946, the future enemy has been clearly defined and his name is no secret to anyone in Russia.

It would seem, well, what does America care about us? What will Russia do wrong again? What benefit will the United States want to extract and what will it try to teach the “simple Russian peasant”? The answer is simple - the resources and, perhaps, the ambitions of an equally powerful country that does not tolerate competition.

Also, one should not forget the "peacemaker" represented by the EU. Now this peacemaker is more like a provocateur who cheerfully dances to the tune of the United States. As if echoing from the countries of Europe, a repetition of the exclamations of the United States is heard - sanctions, sanctions, sanctions again and ... the Third World War.

The global integration of societies and economies has led to the wide scale and inevitability of a new war that will engulf the whole world. The ability to receive news practically "first hand", online or thanks to satellite television, has given humanity an amazing privilege to learn everything much faster than a dozen years ago.

It is worth noting, however, that the flow of information pouring completely discouraged people from the desire to critically evaluate and analyze the events and facts provided. After all, for most users, a string of democratic revolutions, coups d'état and local military skirmishes are simply disparate parts of world politics that will eventually become history.

But is it? This is a question that will remain unanswered. Whether we believe in Masons, "world puppeteers" and "almighty rulers of the planet", whether we rely on the sanity and prudence of the rulers in using or not using nuclear weapons - all this does not affect the events taking place in the world.

It is quite possible that the Third World War is just being conducted only on computer monitors, televisions and in the headphones of radio lovers. But the fact that it is already beginning, unleashing, as if in a spiral, a global conflict is a fact.

At the same time, armed conflicts of a local nature in different parts of the world clearly tell us that the Third World War is not far off, the only question remains - when will it begin. It should also be understood that this will not simply be a military conflict on a global scale, but, quite possibly, a real nuclear war, the result of which could be the almost complete extinction of mankind.

In accordance with the conspiracy theory, the Freemasons intend to reduce the number of people on the planet to 1 billion. According to members of the secret society, it is precisely this number of inhabitants that will be optimal for reasonable consumption and complete control of natural resources.

In any case, the use of biological weapons to reduce the population is too dangerous. We must not forget that substances are capable of mutating and, quite possibly, the Masons themselves will not be able to protect themselves from their own “seeds of evil”, since they will not have a vaccine.

Thus, it is the nuclear Third World War that is the most considered by experts option for the development of further events on the part of the Freemasons with their desire to restore world order with total control.

World War III: Clairvoyant Predictions

In the conditions of the world, frozen on the threshold of something global and frightening, people listen to everything that gives even the slightest bit believable picture of the future. It seems that the war that will engulf the countries is inevitable. Look only at the confrontation between different civilizations, radical ideologies and the threat of terrorism.

Do not forget about natural disasters and catastrophes that happened through the fault of mankind itself. They also provoked a struggle for the necessary resources - energy sources and clean water.

Both today and many years ago, sages, scientists and amateurs tried to decipher the ancient records, predictions and prophecies of famous psychics and sorcerers in order to find answers to many questions of interest to the people. The most important question to which one wants to find a soothing answer is whether there will be a Third World War.

Hermit Kasyan predicted a tectonic catastrophe, after which people would pour into the surviving territories in hungry crowds, causing even greater destruction, carrying the final death for the peoples.

According to Alois Ihlmeier at the very beginning of the Third World War, bacteriological and chemical weapons will be used, atomic rockets will be launched. The East will declare war on Europe. Diseases, as if from a cornucopia, will begin to fall on people, producing terrible, unprecedented epidemics. Due to the movement of tectonic plates, many territories will become uninhabitable and this will cause the attack of Muslims and Asians. The seer also says that Syria will become the key either to peace or to the start of a world war.

Forest seer Mulchiazl, in turn, noted that the main sign of the coming war would be "construction fever" - like bees in a hive, peoples would erect huge honeycombs, filling the planet. It is quite possible that the prophet had in mind the preoccupation of mankind with the material side of life more than the spiritual.

The Great in his quatrains wrote that the war would begin in the 21st century and last for 27 years. This bloody and destructive war will come from the East.

The blind woman said that the global war would start from Syria, spread to Europe and move on. A massive battle is brewing between the Christian and Muslim worlds.

Grigory Rasputin spoke of three snakes that would bring great destruction. There have already been two world wars, which means that humanity is waiting for new tests.

The situation is truly threatening. But, despite the fact that the whole world is now asking the question: when will the war, we must not forget that it, quite possibly, has already begun. And the war began in our souls. Now material goods have been put in the first place, and not the laughter of a child or the smile of a mother.

Sincerely love, sympathize, help has long been out of date. But if we begin to think more often about our own souls and the common good, perhaps we will be able to avoid a bloodbath.

Suslov Mikhail Grigorievich, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Perm State Research University.

The lecture for students of the "Young Communist" school was read on March 31, 2018 at the Perm Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, recorded in MP3 - audio format.

The abstract of the lecture in the text version was prepared by Andrei Yakovlevich Zuev, a communist, psychotherapist, social philosopher, member of the Perm regional committee of the political party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on 04/11/2018.

Today much is written and spoken about the third world war. People do not understand the nature of the war that will and already exists, they do not understand everything, including Putin and the country's leadership. Historians in the entire history of human civilization have counted 15,000 wars. Statistics of wars for the last 400 years. In the 16th century there were 106 wars, in the 17th century. - 231 wars, in the 18th century - 803 wars, in the 19th century. - 730 wars, in the 20th century. - 882 wars to World War II. We must take into account two more world wars and more than 300 wars after the Second World War. In total, there were over 1,000 wars during the 20th century. In the 21st century, 60 wars have already been counted. What are the losses in wars?

In the 18th century, 1 million 200 thousand people died in wars, so many people died only in the war itself. In the 19th century - 5 million 600 thousand, in the 20th century. - 175 million people. Is a “reasonable person” reasonable if he exterminates living creatures like himself on such a scale? What is the price of killing one person in a war? The murder of one person during the war cost the state in the time of Caesar 1 dollar. One dollar was spent by the state on the murder of one person. In Napoleonic times, it cost $1,000 to kill one man in a war. During the First World War, the murder of one person spent 21,000 dollars. In World War II, it cost $200,000 to kill one person in a war. Man - "nomo sapiens", or what?

Another amazing thing: since 1962, one day of peace has become more expensive than one day of war during the Second World War. Peace has become more expensive than war. Why? - high-tech weapons appeared - nuclear missiles. The cost of war in peacetime has become even greater than during the war years. That is how things stand today. With the funds spent on preparing for war, it would be possible to feed all of humanity without difficulty. It doesn't make sense, but that's the way it is.

How did the history of wars develop? There is nothing random here either. When the division of the world took place, the wars were local in nature. The British landed in India, conquered, captured it. They fought in Africa, they fought in Palestine, that is, they conducted local military operations. Then, when there was nothing left to divide, world wars arose in order to redistribute the world. There have been two world wars. Did people guess that there would be world wars? Were there such predictions? I am teaching a course on "problems of political forecasting" at the university (30 hours). In fact, I'm being pushed out of there. I will no longer read this course. I wondered if anyone had calculated a world war.

It turns out that there were forecasts for the First World War. There were few intelligible and truthful forecasts. For example, Boris Chicherin, a nobleman, a scientist, wrote in 1894: “The next war will be all-European. He probably meant the big world war. The other two predictions really surprised me. The first forecast was given by F. Engels in 1887. He writes that “the next war will be a world war. It will last four years. Millions of soldiers will choke and kill each other, eating Europe like swarms of locusts. Dozens of crowns will lie on the pavements. This prediction, how accurate is it? It is absolutely accurate to the first world war. 74 million soldiers strangled and killed each other. During the war, the monarchy was overthrown en masse. How was it possible 27 years before the event, such a phenomenon has never happened before in history, to calculate the world war so accurately? Fiction.

Engels himself gave no explanation for his prediction. I think there are two such explanations. First, Engels knew the history of wars very well. There were no equal researchers in this field. Second, unlike us, he knew the general laws of the development of society. Few people today know these laws. Essentially so. The superimposition of two knowledge - about the history of wars and the laws of the development of society - allowed F. Engels to calculate the world war 27 years before it. This has never happened before in the history of mankind. Science is a very serious tool in the development of society and predicting its further changes.

The second forecast for the First World War was given by the General Staff of the Army of the Russian Empire. The forecast was inaccurate. It was said that the war would last for about a year. 6 months before the start of the war, a more accurate forecast was given: “The First World War will be fleeting and will last 4-5 months. Everything will be decided in one or two battles." - Here is the forecast of the General Staff of the Russian Army. Based on this forecast, the corresponding conclusion was made: “We need to prepare 1,000 shells for one gun. Apparently, 500 shells will even remain.” And are they professional soldiers? A staggeringly inaccurate forecast.

Is it necessary to seriously prepare for a war that will last 4-5 months? - the answer is obvious. Russia did not prepare for war. What happened? got what they were supposed to get. As long as there were old stocks of weapons, in 1914 the Russian army won. In 1915, there were no longer enough weapons, shells and gunpowder were not enough. The soldiers went on the attack without rifles. They picked up rifles from the dead soldiers and continued the attack. I worked in the Moscow military-historical archive with documents, worked in Georgia in historical archives and in the USA too, studying the Second World War.

I read the most interesting documents. The king gathers advisers and the cabinet of ministers, announcing to everyone that there are not enough weapons and that there is a need to build military factories. It was 1915. When did you decide to build military factories? There was a big shell shortage. The tsar appeals to France with a request to send 36 million shells. Try to bring so many shells in the conditions of war, when the fronts cut off Russia from France. They sent 1 million shells to Russia, while the need was 36 million. In 1916 there was a terrible shortage of shells. The king turns to France for help. Asks to send 50 million shells. The French sent 7 million

For 1 shot of our cannon, the Germans responded in 1915 with ten shots, in 1916 - with 300 shots. That's how we were armed. We all “buzzed our ears” today that “we were on the verge of victory, which was just a little short. We would have won, but the damned Bolsheviks have spoiled everything, spoiled everything, we were excommunicated from victory. There could be no victory. The king in 1916 is trying to solve the problem with gunpowder. The war is in full swing, but it is necessary to build gunpowder factories. "On time" realized.

For this reason, the war dragged on. The soldiers were driven into the trenches. Everyone is tired of the war. What are the soldiers doing? Fraternization with German soldiers begins. 2 million people deserted from the Russian army, 1.5 million Russian soldiers left or were captured. As a result, they drove Nikolashka in the neck, and made a revolution, however, so far the February bourgeois one. Well, since nothing has changed in politics, we got a second, Great October Socialist Revolution. Both revolutions did not occur by chance, they were due to an essential connection with the First World War.

World War II, Was it calculated? Who knew what World War II would be like? - or not? Where did they calculate this war? – abroad or here? The West could not calculate the Second World War. Why? - very simple. The First World War was so brutal and bloody that Europe decided never to allow such a war again. Such a war simply will not happen. Once, since it will not be, then there is nothing to calculate. The First World War was more terrible for Europe than for us. In Russia, not the main hostilities took place. The heaviest combat battles took place in the western theater of operations.

New equipment appeared there, tanks were used that could not be destroyed by either a bullet or a bayonet. 102 thousand aircraft were used during the First World War. They bombed from the air, killing enemy manpower. Flamethrowers were invented. The burning jet fired at 60-70 meters, burning the soldiers alive. People burned like torches. Chemical warfare agents also appeared. The first gas attack on Ypres killed 5,000 people. In the battles for one city of Verdun, 600,000 Germans and 350,000 French died. In the battles for one city alone, almost 1,000,000 soldiers were sent to the next world. The archives contain reports of these horrors during the First World War. Europe experienced the horrors of the past war in its own skin and decided not to let it happen again. They did not deal with forecasts and miscalculations of a new war in Europe.

The coming war was calculated in our country. Who calculated it? Not once, neither students nor teachers gave me an answer to this question. Without an answer to it, we will not be able to understand anything in the history of the 20-30s, and all history textbooks can be thrown into the trash. V.I. Lenin, of course, predicted the Second World War and wrote that the Soviet Union could not avoid it. This is true. However, a concrete and accurate forecast was needed, on which the very future of our country depended. The Second World War was calculated by Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. Marshal Tukhachevsky was praised in our country with his genius and talent. They said that Stalin was afraid of him, and therefore repressed Tukhachevsky, although he himself did not understand anything in military affairs. These are tales, nonsense more precisely, of our liberal democrats.

What forecast did M.V. Frunze? Look at how everything logically developed in the history of our state. In 1925, Frunze in the final version calculated what the Second World War would be like. He writes: "The next war will be a war of potentials." is the first thesis. “In this war will be used (tactics? - A.Z.) attrition” - the second thesis. If the potentials of a country are exhausted first, then that country will not only be defeated, but also destroyed. What potentials did Frunze speak about? Everything that could influence the course of the war is included in the concept of strategic potential: the economy, industry, agriculture, human resources, ideology, science, politics, and so on.

The most important thing is, of course, the economy. Frunze made such a conclusion and reported to Stalin, who immediately gave the task to the Academy of Sciences to study the potentials of our opponents in case of war. The Academy of Sciences studied this issue and submitted a report to Stalin. The potential of our potential adversary: ​​Germany has 6 times, the US has 10 times more than ours. Until 1927, these countries surpassed us in development potential. In the event of war, the Soviet Union would be doomed to defeat.

In 1925, at the Fourteenth Congress, a course was taken for industrialization. Frunze draws a theoretical conclusion about the importance of the strategic potential as a decisive factor in defeating a potential enemy, Stalin mobilizes all the forces of the country for the industrialization of the economy. What was the pace of industrialization? Industrialization was carried out at a "frantic" pace. I tell students that the emergency mobilization of all the resources of the country is one of the reasons why no one was spared. Even if you interfere with a word, you will be in prison, There is no time to explain to everyone, to talk about what is necessary and how it is not necessary. It was necessary in the shortest possible time to create a potential that would save us in case of war. This is what the political situation was like, this is what is not written about in modern history textbooks.

Then, as now, there was no time for buildup. The situation was extreme. That time cannot be assessed by today's standards from the positions of liberal bourgeois democracy. - Andrey Zuev.

Any dissent and the slightest resistance, sabotage were severely persecuted. Both imprisonment and executions were used. No one and nothing should have interfered with the industrialization of the country. History took very little time. In 10-15 years, it was necessary to go the way that Europe spent 100 years on. Otherwise, guaranteed destruction awaited the country. Life has shown that the word "destruction" was not an exaggeration. The Germans organized 400 concentration camps - death factories - where they killed millions of people, in some camps they killed 30 thousand people a day. Everything was like that. Such a fate awaited our multinational people. Hitler planned to leave alive, in the USSR, 25-27 million people, and put all the rest to death. He wasn't kidding.

COMMENT IS MY. - Andrey Zuev.

When we, in our time, recall the repressions of those years, we must also understand their causes, bearing in mind the complex, dangerous geopolitical situation in which our country found itself through no fault of Stalin and the Bolshevik Party. Yes, then no one was spared, even those who said something out of stupidity. Nothing should have prevented industrialization - the accumulation of the strategic potential of our country. Silly thoughts, misinformation could bring confusion into people's heads. We learned from our own experience in the "dashing 90s" that a backward form (rotten liberal ideas) can destroy a good content (welfare state). All this, already in the recent history of the Soviet state, led to the largest geopolitical catastrophe - the collapse of the USSR. The Russian people turned out to be the most divided people in the world. That's what is not written in the history books.

9,000 factories were built in the country in a very short time. The construction pace was amazingly fast. For example, the construction of the Sverdlovsk plant was started and completed, from a hammered peg to the start of production, in 1 year and two months. They built with virtually no construction equipment and mechanization. Only a stretcher, a shovel, a pick and the physical strength of a person. Despite the difficulties, huge factories were built very quickly. Nowadays, even "effective managers and owners" are not able to destroy them so quickly.

Let's consider two problems. First: the reasons for the failures at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Why did the war start so hard and tragically for the Soviet army? Entangled in the contradictions of immature thinking, which is tendentiously formed by bourgeois ideology, students recall the repressions applied to the highest command staff of the Soviet Army before the start of the war. Allegedly, all professional military personnel were destroyed, and Stalin is to blame for this. They say that Stalin was illiterate, he did not understand anything in military affairs and, moreover, suffered from paranoia. He, as if, did not prepare the country for war, did not strengthen the border. With a fortified border, the Germans would never have been able to penetrate more than 100-120 kilometers into the country's territory. - These are superficial judgments.

Volkogonov, director of the Institute of Military History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, later of the Russian Federation, chief military specialist-historian, colonel-general by rank, writes that Stalin was illiterate, he did not understand anything in military matters. He surprised and amazed me with his ignorance. This man, who for many years was considered the main historian of the country, himself did not understand anything about the war. What are the reasons for the failures of the first months of the war? We were defeated at the beginning of the war. The Germans reached the Volga. Historians do not explain these reasons. Their attempts to find an explanation for this circumstance contain nothing but "democratic nonsense." They repeat like a spell: "Stalin did not understand, Stalin was not ready for war, repressions are to blame" - and so on.

What can be said about the repressions? There were repressions. How many were repressed? Some students answer that 40 thousand people. This figure moves from one article to another. Where did it come from, this number? - nobody knows. It turns out that in 1942 the Germans scattered leaflets over the front line, over the trenches of our soldiers, in which they wrote that Stalin was a tyrant, he was engaged in repressions. They suggested that all officers go over to the side of the enemy, as they are expected to be repressed, executed and killed.

From these leaflets, this figure, the fascist figure, came to our modern historical literature. This truthful information was not provided to a thorough analysis, and with an emphasis on the total number of repressions, it turned into its opposite - an incomplete truth. Partial or one-sidedly exaggerated (hypertrophied) truth is a lie. Such disinformation is the same weapon. Yes, in reality, 39,987 people were repressed. One thousand people were shot, 9,000 people were sentenced to prison, the rest were dismissed from the army for petty theft and violations of regulations, for drunkenness, fights, and so on.

So this figure is almost correct if we evaluate the repressions in total. But after all, it implies the extermination of 40 thousand of our officers. Of course, I do not justify repression. A thousand shot officers (these are three marshals out of five and commanders - the highest command staff) caused damage and lowered the potential of our army? - I think yes. How much the military potential has decreased, I do not know. True, Hitler later regretted that he did not act like Stalin, did not clean up the army. He said that young officer cadres appeared, and in the German army there were old generals who were waging an old war. This idea has been known for a long time: the old generals are waging the same war that they once fought.

1000 repressed and executed officers are a considerable loss. Why were they repressed? Why was Tukhachevsky shot, followed by hundreds of others? Few people know about this. Everything was not easy. In 1936, Hitler decides on the inevitable war with the Soviet Union. He puzzled his generals with the question that in the event of a war, who from the command staff of the Soviet Army would pose the greatest threat. He was informed that Marshal Tukhachevsky is considered the most talented in the Soviet Union. Hitler instructs Heydrich (head of intelligence) to destroy Tukhachevsky. Heydrich studies Tukhachevsky's letters. In the 20s of the 19th century, Germany and Russia were isolated. Our countries traded and exchanged cadets of military schools.

So, Guderian (the genius of the German tank war), studied at the Kazan tank school, and Goering (the air ace of the First World War and the second person in Nazi Germany) was the head of the Lipetsk flight school. He taught our pilots. During the war, on his orders, German pilots did not bomb the Lipetsk region. During the entire war, only two bombs fell on Lipetsk land: one bomb came off due to a malfunction in its attachment, and the other was dropped by accident. Why did it happen? Historians have figured it out. He had a beloved woman there. Even her last name is known. I say this because it is clear that our countries and the military had connections. They corresponded and came: ours - to them, they - to us.

Heydrich studied Tukhachevsky's letters and wrote a letter on behalf of the marshal to the German generals. The letter had the following content: “Germany and the Soviet Union are moving towards war with each other. War must be avoided. There will be no war if you remove Hitler and we remove Stalin. The letter lists dozens of the most talented military leaders who are ready to help Tukhachevsky remove Stalin. This letter of 10 pages was handed over to philologists, who rewrote it in the style of Tukhachevsky, and the engravers rewrote the letter in Tukhachevsky's handwriting. This letter was “stolen” by Czech intelligence and handed over to Danash, who called Stalin and told him about an interesting document.

As a result, the letter got to Stalin, and Tukhachevsky was arrested. The letter to the marshal was not shown in full, and he recognized his handwriting, confessing to authorship. This is the first. Second, Tukhachevsky was a nobleman, an officer in the tsarist army, was taken prisoner, where he met with Degol, the future president of France. Degol, being a regular military man, communicated with Tukhachevsky and drew attention to him, to his non-standard thinking. Degol provoked Tukhachevsky to talk about the next war, trying to get his opinion. Tukhachevsky willingly expressed his views on the coming world war. Degol decided in France to publish a pamphlet with Tukhachevsky's ideas in order to shame the stupid French generals.

This pamphlet was published, but the generals did not pay attention to it, apparently, they really were stupid. However, German intelligence became interested in her. Soviet intelligence also drew attention to the brochure and decided that the German military was being prepared for war, using the ideas and advice of Tukhachevsky. Third. Tukhachevsky is a nobleman and an officer in the tsarist army. Trotsky found him and promoted him. Trotsky and Stalin did not like each other. Trotsky was expelled from the country, but Tukhachevsky remained. Whose man is he? Stalin or Trotsky? Trotsky waged an irreconcilable war with Stalin, even from abroad, while the marshal, having a huge army in his hands, was in the country. These three arguments were not in favor of the marshal and determined the fate of Tukhachevsky, he was shot. Then they took up those who were mentioned in that letter.

They found out who said what, took into account denunciations, including against each other. Hundreds of officers were found guilty of treason, totaling 1,000 people. Hitler found out about this and was very happy: he wanted to remove one, and thousands of officers were repressed. Of course, this sad circumstance lowered the combat effectiveness of the army. But still, this tragic event was not the reason for the defeat of the Soviet army at the beginning of the war. But what? - a strategy for preparing for war. Put yourself in Stalin's place and start preparing the country for war. Stalin, by the way, was a great scientist, he had a scientific logic. Based on scientific logic, he was preparing the country for war. He said that in order to prepare for war, factories must be built. This brought useful and saving fruits.

In 1943, Hitler prepares for the Battle of Kursk. In this battle, new powerful German equipment was used: tanks - tigers, panthers, ferdinands. I was in Moscow, in the museum of military equipment. I looked at German military equipment, serious military equipment, very impressive. Hitler is not a fool, he instructs German intelligence to find out how many tanks are produced in the Soviet Union. Intelligence reported that the USSR produced 1,000 tanks per month. Hitler went berserk at this "disinformation" and ordered everyone who was involved in it to be shot, because this country could not produce so many tanks.

Hitler proceeded from the fact that we lost 30,000 factories at the beginning of the war. They remained in the occupied territory. We have lost territory where 80 million of our population of 200 million lived. This population was already working for Germany. The Czech Republic, France and other countries that produced tanks for Germany produced only 600 tanks per month. This is the result of the work of the military industry in Germany and throughout Europe. The scouts were shot. Did Hitler do the right thing? - That's right, he shot. They fooled Hitler. The Soviet Union produced 2,000 tanks per month.

All forces were thrown at the construction of factories, and not just at the production of weapons. The Germans had a significant advantage in military equipment at the beginning of the war, and therefore the beginning of the war was unsuccessful. The factories had to be reorganized in order to produce not samovars, but mortars, from tractors to tanks. This took time, and, as always, very little of it. While the factories were being rebuilt for military products, the Germans reached Moscow and the Volga. As soon as the factories were rebuilt, the course of the war changed. This is the main thing that was calculated by Stalin. This is not mentioned in our historical literature and textbooks. Our textbooks are trash. They only need to be thrown away, because they do not clarify, but pollute the brain.

There is a book by Felix Chuev "140 Conversations with Molotov". He asked Molotov about how it happened that the Germans reached Moscow, and then to the Volga, how this was allowed. He replied that the country's leadership knew that they would have to retreat. True, it was not known for how long. Since there was such a strategy for preparing for war - factories, not guns, tanks, planes, and so on - then the retreat was inevitable.

What else do historians not write about today? - about the reasons for the victory. Every heresy is written. Nothing is written about the reasons for the victory in the textbooks. They write about the people, patriotism, heroism, about Marshal of Victory G.K. Zhukov - everything is correct, but this is not the main thing. For example, who manages the entire life of the school? Gym teacher? Talented physics teacher? School manager? - of course not. The director manages the life of the school. The country is like a big school. It has a director - Stalin and a military instructor - Zhukov. Good teachers are fizruk and military instructor. However, the level and importance of the decisions made by Stalin and Zhukov are very different.

I say to students: "Name the main reason for the victory in the Great Patriotic War." You can immediately get the highest score for your answer. Never got the right answer. The main reason for the victory lies in the advantages of the Soviet system over the bourgeois system. This is what bourgeois science does not write about and is embarrassed by this recognition of. Where do we see the advantage? There are several such examples. First, Germany could not solve the problem of personnel. Hitler was informed that 5 million workers were missing. They brought workers from other countries. He was again informed of a shortage of 3 million workers. Another 3 million workers were brought in. Not enough 1.5 million German military industry.

Why is there always a shortage of workers? “Women work in the Soviet Union. Hitler offered to mobilize women. They recruited 400 thousand people. However, the problem remained. Why is a German woman worse than a Soviet woman? In bourgeois Germany, a woman was assigned a fate, denoted by three “Ks”: kinder (child), kirchen (church), kyuchen (kitchen). In the Soviet Union in 1917, women were given equal rights with men. They studied and worked on an equal footing with men, and mastered men's professions. Women were not allowed to be only steelworkers and miners, these professions are dangerous and difficult. Women mastered various specialties, drove tractors, locomotives, stood at the machine. And then, when our men went to the front, they were replaced by women. More than 70% of those working in the rear were women.

Students sometimes say that compared to the USSR, Germany has a smaller population. The entire population of the USSR before the war was equal to 200 million people, 80 million remained in the occupied territories. The total population of Germany, together with the population of the occupied territories who worked for the Germans, including our population in the occupation, amounted to 460 million people. We have 120 million people left, but our country has solved the problem of workers, but they have not. This is where the system factor comes into play.

Second. Vaunted Germany was unable to feed its soldiers. The war is on, but they cannot feed the soldiers. The rate of soldering for a German soldier is 2500 - 2800 kcal. In our army, the calorie content of a soldier's ration was 3200-3500. Why did the Soviet Union feed its army, while the Germans did not? In Germany, the climate is fertile, and the culture is the highest. Our soldiers who were taken prisoner were sent to work in German farms. These soldiers, who, by the way, fell under repression for this work on the Germans, claimed that Germany had the highest culture of agricultural production.

There, even the urine of animals is collected in a concrete bunker to water the fields and get high yields. In our country, even in our time, is urine collected somewhere to increase yields? It seems that everything that is said is in favor of Germany, but they could not feed the soldiers, but we could? The answer is simple. A farmer is a private owner, He, first of all, will eat well himself, feed his family, leave for sowing and hide something. There were collective farms in the USSR, and everything could be taken from them. For this reason, the soldiers and workers were well fed, though worse. The townspeople were fed, however, even worse, pensioners and other citizens were also fed, but even a little worse, but the peasant himself was fed worst of all. The peasants were dying of hunger. That was it.

I will tell you something from my biography. I helped the front during the Great Patriotic War. I was three years old. The chairman gathered us and said: “Brothers, where are your dads? In the army? Do you want them to come home earlier? Here are buckets for you, go through the fields to collect spikelets. When the reaper reaped, not all spikelets fell into the grain collector (bunker). Some of them fell to the ground. We walked across the field and collected them. However, after the first day of work, I went on strike. Adults did not guess that children would walk barefoot on the stubble and hurt their legs. After this incident, the legs of the children were wrapped in rags, and the little children continued to collect spikelets.

I also helped the front. We lived on a state farm. Mother left for work. Before leaving, she boiled a cast-iron bucket of potatoes and told me that in her absence I should peel a full cast-iron of these potatoes. To this day, when I pick up something hot, I remember the pain of that hot potato that I peeled. Mother then cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices (like chips today) and placed them on a baking sheet in the oven. Dried potatoes in thin and transparent slices were sent to the front. So even children helped the front.

My very first and vivid memory concerns an event of the distant past. I was 2.5 years old. Usually at this age, children do not remember anything. I even remembered the faces of the people around me. In the village, a neighbor died of malnutrition and starvation. He was buried and all the women wept. Mother held me in her arms, This desperate and bitter crying became a strong shock for me, and I will remember it forever. The collective-farm system of agriculture fed everyone, however, in different ways, but fed. The Germans were forced to plunder. They exported from our country to Germany 7,000,000 horses, 17,000,000 heads of cattle, 100 million heads of poultry. How much have they eaten here, in the occupied territory: "The uterus of the trigger, the uterus of the egg, the uterus of the mammal." Here is a comparison of the two systems.

About the reasons for the victory. Germany could not find money for the war. She robbed. Before the attack on the Soviet Union, she robbed the occupied countries for an amount twice the German budget. Germany had the strongest economy in Europe. The Germans plundered our country "in a black way", they exported everything, even black soil. Our state has found money for the war. Where did the money for the war come from? As soon as the war began, government bonds were issued.

People were buying bonds. 100 billion rubles were received in the form of loans under these bonds. Stalin promised to return all the borrowed money to the population after the restoration of the national economy. Khrushchev came to power and showed a "muzzle" - he did not return anything. The lottery held made it possible to receive another 100 billion rubles. This money was still not enough. Where else did they get the money? In the west, private property was inviolable. Private owners, of course, gave Hitler part of their money, but they will never give it back. In the USSR, there was public property. Everything that the state had, it used to defend the fatherland. The factor of the system fully worked for the victory.

However, this factor was not enough. Already two weeks after the start of the war, people began to turn to government bodies with proposals for donations of accumulated funds in favor of the Soviet Army. People, unlike imposed bonds, voluntarily donated money to the Defense Fund. Only with the money of the Defense Fund, 20 submarines, 2500 aircraft, 30500 tanks were built. As soon as the war began, the collective farmer Ferapont Golovaty built an airplane with his own money. Following his example, collective farmers began to build aircraft. Some collective farmers also supported the crew of the built aircraft with their own money until the end of the war. In the suburbs of the city of Perm, in Mullah, collective farmers built 10 aircraft with their own money. In the Kungur region, 60 aircraft were built with their own money.
There were amazing cases. In 1989, a very old woman was invited to television. Sits in front of the camera and says nothing. I even thought that she was invited in vain - she couldn’t connect two words. It was Claudia Sklyueva from the Kungur region. Holy woman. At the beginning of the war, she decided to build an airplane with her own money. There was not enough cash, since the plane cost 100 thousand rubles, and the tank cost 50 thousand. She sold a heifer, a cow, a house and collected the required amount of money. What sacrifice was the Soviet people. The cow is the nurse, the house is the roof over the head.

More recently, a monument to collective farmer Yakovleva was erected in the village of Siva. She also decided to build an airplane with her own money. She sold seven heads of cattle from her farm. This is how Soviet people acted in our country. In Germany it was different, there was a completely different picture. I was working in the military history archive and discovered the diary of Friedrich Dohl from Baden-Baden. The letter was sent by field mail with the appropriate stamp. Every day he sent four parcels with stolen items to Germany. Our people were sent from themselves to the front for victory, and the Germans - to their home.

I will say briefly, unfortunately, due to lack of time, about the Third World War. In 1991, I wrote an article about what the Third World War would be like. For a provocative purpose, I went to the editorial offices and offered to publish an article. Editors of publishing houses categorically refused to publish material about the Third World War. At that time, freedom and democracy finally came to us - that's what we had to write about, and not about the war. One colonel became aware of these walks of mine with the article. He asked about my scientific forecasting, including about the coming war. I gave him an article about the war. After some time, we met with the military again. He told me about the story with this article.

I sent her to the General Staff, where she was highly appreciated, and I was invited to work there. He asked if there was anything else to read? - Yes, I answered. Soon I was invited to a conference at the military institute to the rocket scientists. Military rocket men from all over Russia gathered - high ranks. When I wrote an article many years ago, I did not know how this war would end, I know today. What will World War III be like? It was easy enough to calculate. The military claims that everything will burn and die in this war. This point of view still prevails today. Meanwhile, a world war that would take place according to the scenario of the First and Second World Wars will not happen for a long time. I said this in the 90s and 0s. Now I do not presume to assert this, but so far it will not be, even today.

Now I give a more cautious forecast. However, I don't think so far. The third world war is not only bound to happen, it is already underway. It began in 1991, but follows a different scenario. 38 states participated in the First World War, 62 states participated in the Second World War. In 1991, America attacked Iraq with satellite countries. 40 countries fought with him. So many countries sent their troops to fight in Iraq. It was the first Iraqi war. In the second Iraq war, 54 states sent their troops against one country.

There are 64 states in the coalition of states waging war against the Islamic State. The third world war will have the following parameters: it is and will be local, focal, permanent, asymmetric, network. The third world war according to a new scenario is already underway. The totality (coalition) of states under this scenario now attacks one country and destroys it. In 1991, when I saw how a pack of predatory states attacked Iraq, I immediately realized that this was a World War III scenario that would be relevant for decades.

Could Iraq stand against 40 countries? - of course not. I did not know which state would be the second or third, but it is clear that the 5th and 10th will be “torn apart”. All states that will interfere with the solution of the problem of dominating the world will be swept away to hell, cruelly and mercilessly. The sequence of destruction of states, which was obvious a few years ago, was as follows: Iran, Korea, Russia, Belarus. Since the Chinese economy produced only one trillion dollars worth of products, it was not among the countries doomed to destruction. The current geopolitical situation suggests a different order: China, Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea

You see today how they are "letting the dogs down" on Russia. Trump appears to have wavered in his decision on whether to start with China or Russia. China is not touched yet - they attacked us. The technology of preparing for war is very simple. Before attacking Iraq, the Americans convinced the whole world that the regime of Saddam Hussein, who allegedly possesses chemical weapons, is in danger for the entire world community. No one came to the defense of Iraq. Then there was the Republic of Yugoslavia, then Afghanistan, then Libya, today Syria. This is a really working scenario of the Third World War.

It seems that today our country is next in line. What are they doing to us? They deprive us of the flag, the anthem. It means we are nothing. Our enemies convince the whole world that Russia is a dangerous state. America is preparing for a military invasion. Will there be a direct military confrontation in the near future? The next 5-6 months are immensely, terribly dangerous for Russia. The fact is that Putin announced very dangerous types of weapons that are not yet in the world. But this is not serial production, these are only samples. While they are not there, you can do whatever you want with Russia.

The former US president stated the goal simply: there should not be a state called Russia on the world map. Trump is practically realizing Obama's goal. The first 6 months of 2018 are extremely dangerous for Russia. The strategy of preparing for a war with Russia: they are preparing a lightning-fast global strike, to which the state will not have time to respond. The United States and the coalition will destroy Russia with lightning speed, and put an end to the history of a thousand-year-old state. Russia had attempts to start the Third World War according to the scenario of the First World War. At first, Yeltsin did this in Yugoslavia, proposing to isolate America from the European states, but neither France nor Germany supported such a geopolitical scenario.

Today there is no one to unleash the Third World War according to the scenario of wars - the First and Second World Wars. Almost half of the gross domestic product ($32.2 trillion) is accounted for by a small group of countries. There is no other such coalition of states that would be equal in terms of strength and economic development. Russia is now trying to create a new grouping of countries, balancing and opposing the first.

The ideology of the third world war can be called ideal. You will hardly object to it. You, too, will be for the Third World War. This idea is the forcible maintenance of peace, that is, the enforcement of peace. Are you against the world? If you are at war, then you get the same violence from the gendarme countries. Even if you are not at war, but you are going to do it, you will also receive a warning blow - preventive aggression from countries, supposedly protecting the world legal order. War for peace is a powerful idea. When Iraq was destroyed, we were silent; when Yugoslavia and Libya were bombed, we were silent. We were told that this was done in the name of peace.

How will World War III end? In the West, it has been calculated that the current level of development of production can provide enough food and goods for one billion of the entire population of the globe. Only one billion people can live very well. Another billion people who create wealth for the "golden billion" can also live well. Where do the people who make up this golden billion live? - in all capitalist countries there are rich people, they are among this number of lucky people who are guaranteed a comfortable and happy life.

Two billion people have thus sealed their fate. In total, 7 billion people live on Earth. Are they all needed today? In the West, in the quiet of offices today, officials decide what to do with the unprofitable population? Mankind, they argue, faced the problem of dumping the unprofitable part of the world's population and the problem of the consent of the entire world community to this.

It is surprising that there, in the West, cynical-pragmatic politicians only think about this, and the leadership of today's Russia is very successfully implementing this idea in practice. From 1992 to 2012 in Russia, the net population loss was, on average, 774 thousand people per year. They are only planning, and we are already dumping the population. We are again ahead of the rest. Has anyone noticed this? Is someone sad? Does anyone mourn for these people? The mass consciousness of Russians has already got used to the genocide and is ready to endure it indefinitely. 40 million Russian citizens are regularly malnourished - they live from hand to mouth, 20 million people have an income below the subsistence level.

The people have broken down, overstrained themselves in the fight against the external and internal enemy, and do not want anything else. There are no mass demonstrations against the destruction of the indigenous population of Russia. People actually go to the cemetery themselves. There are places in Russia where even the land of cemeteries is privatized and belongs to private owners. The reset of the population occurs due to the impoverishment of the population, the destruction of the health care system, malnutrition, the consumption of poor-quality food, diseases that did not exist before (HIV infection), drug addiction and alcoholism. The third world war makes the reset of the population already decisive and radical.

Question of Storozhev Gennady Alekseevich, deputy of the Perm City Duma: “Liberal democrats are talking about the price of victory. Yes, they say, victory in the Great Patriotic War has been won, but at too high a price. How would you comment on these words of theirs, Mikhail Grigorievich?

Volkogonov said that if Stalin had not been "paranoid", then the Germans would have passed only 100-120 km from the border and would have been stopped. You are not military people, and you understand that it was impossible to grind the entire military potential of fascist Germany and Europe captured by it on a “patch” of 120 km. Volkogonov is a stupid military leader, this colonel general, head of the institute of military history, he does not understand anything about the war that was. In April 1945, in the battle for Berlin, 2 million Germans resisted the Soviet Army. Is it a lot or a little? When we talk about the price of victory, we must understand that the war was waged for destruction. It was a terrible and difficult war. It needed only a victory - "One for all, we will not stand up for the price."

There are concepts: the price of Victory and the exchange value of the goods. For us, it was not the price that was important, but the value of the Victory, thanks to which people defended their Motherland and their right to life. Price is how much you lose and how much you gain. For Russians, the main value of the entire thousand-year history of Russia was the state. The state must be preserved and protected at any cost. Our losses were counted and gloatingly commented on by people opportunistic with the psychology of traders. We won the Second World War thanks to the Soviet system. The party was the heart of this system. The party was led by the great strategist I.V. Stalin. If the rod is pulled out of the system, then there will be no system. Today's youth will not defend the bourgeois state.


Andrei Yakovlevich, you probably know Konstantin Simonov, who wrote The Living and the Dead. The Second World War was near paradise, the Germans first of all killed the Jews, who began the Bible with eternal life on earth. Simonov at the end of the first part of his work wrote: "When a person kills another person, is it bad or good?". The Germans took the sin upon themselves by killing Jews and Russians, because in Christianity only suicide is a sin. If people do not believe in eternal life in the body and salvation is death, what is the meaning of this earthly life?
Gorky also wrote about this, why does poverty breed poverty? Only long-livers can stop the war. My goal is to live to two hundred in order to lead the rest. Only a few live to a hundred and it is not given to everyone to surpass a century, but two hundred is a fantasy, like the world in which they find salvation without imagining it.
The Russian alphabet was approved by the Jewish grandson Ilyich, the Germans were even afraid of the dead Lenin. Hitler attacked Russia because of eternity - the act of the immortal Koshchei. Approved - emphasis on "yo", which is still a mystery, although the new year begins with it - the Christmas tree is lit up and immortality in the needle, which reflects evil.
Immortality is not without death, the prefix is ​​not an excuse, and not everyone is given health and longevity, although everyone has the right to dispose of it.
World War III is a repeat of World War II. In World War II, Israel was the victim, and now Ukraine = the root of "rai" in these countries, but not paradise. The line was replaced with two dots and got a line instead of a drawing, and the hedgehog has a needle, most likely it will help us.

Talk about the beginning of the Third World War is heard more and more often, some even claim that it is already being waged in a hybrid form. What do the prophets say about this? Vanga's prophecies are well known in Russia, but she is rarely quoted in the world, probably because of Russophilia. We offer you the predictions of popular Western clairvoyants on this topic.

World War III will not do without Russia

1. Predictions of a 90-year-old Norwegian woman Gunhilda Smelhus(Gunhild Smelhus) from Valdre

recorded in 1968 by Pastor Emmanuel Tollefsen-Minos (1925-2004), one of Norway's most influential evangelical preachers. “The third war will be the biggest catastrophe in history, it will not be marked by political crises and will start unexpectedly,” said Smelhus. “The prosperity of Europe and an illusory sense of security will force people to move away from religion: temples will become empty and turn into places of entertainment.” The system of values ​​will also be changed: "People will live as husband and wife, although not married"; "paternity before marriage and adultery in marriage will be natural"; "TV will be full of violence, so brutal that it will teach people how to kill."

World War 3 could be the biggest catastrophe

One of the signs of the approaching war, Smelhus called a wave of immigration: "People from poor countries will arrive in Europe, they will also come to Scandinavia and Norway." The presence of migrants will lead to tensions and social unrest. "It will be a short and very brutal war, and it will end with an atomic bomb." "The air will be so polluted that we won't be able to breathe. In America, Japan, Australia - rich countries - water and soil will be destroyed." "And those living in rich countries will flee to poor countries, but they will be just as cruel against us as we were against them," the Norwegian pastor's notes say.

2. The Serbian seer is very popular in the Balkans Mitar Tarabich(died 1899)

- a peasant from the village of Kremna. He said that he heard voices in his head that told him about the fate of his people and the world. In his prophecies, he also saw "columns of refugees on the Serbian borders."

"In this war, scientists will invent the most diverse and strange cannonballs. Exploding, instead of killing, they will enchant all living things - people, armies, cattle. Under the influence of this witchcraft, they will sleep instead of fighting, but then wake up again "."US (Serb. - Ed.) you won’t have to fight in this war, others will fight over our heads,” Tarabich said. According to the seer, the final conflict will affect most of the globe: “Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by seas and as big as our Europe, will live in peace and without problems. "What kind of country it is, the reader, guess for yourself.

Interestingly, his descendant Jovan Tarabic, who died in 2014, predicted that the main battle would be between Russia and Turkey. As a result, Constantinople will again become Orthodox, and "the Russian people will liberate all Orthodox and Serbian lands."

3. Bavarian prophet Matthias Stromberger(Matthias Stormberger) (1753-?)

was an ordinary shepherd. He is that after the end of the Second Great War, there will be a "third general fire." "The third war will be the end of many nations. Almost all countries will take part in it, millions of people ... they will die despite the fact that they are not soldiers. The weapons will be completely different ". “After the great last war, a large farm can be bought for two or three gold coins,” Stromberger described the post-war world.

4. Another German clairvoyant, also from Bavaria, - Alois Irlmeier (1894-1959),

fountain builder - helped to search for the missing in the war. He saw "pictures" of events from the future. "The world will explode suddenly, but it will be preceded by an exceptionally fertile year," he said. Two digits should be associated with the start date of the war - 8 and 9.

"Armed Forces of the East (Muslim troops. - Ed.) they will move on a broad front to Western Europe, there will be battles in Mongolia ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. Beijing will use its bacteriological weapons during these battles... Five million people in India and its neighboring countries will die. Iran and Turkey will fight in the East. There will be a revolution and a civil war in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will clean them up. The Russians will again believe in God and accept the sign of the cross. How long this will all last, I don't know. I see three nines, the third brings peace. When everything is over, some of the people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God."

5. The seer is very popular in the US Albert Pike (1809-1891)

- American soldier, poet and high-ranking Freemason, founder of the "Church of Satan". In a letter dated August 15, 1871, to the Italian freemason and revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini, Pike described the backstage of the three world wars. He predicted the First and Second World Wars as the invention of the Illuminati. Pike saw World War III as a conflict between Israel and the Muslim world.

"This war must be waged in such a way that Islam and the State of Israel mutually annihilate each other." Although the existence of the Illuminati is viewed by some as a conspiracy theory, Pike declared in the late 19th century, "We control Islam and we will use it to destroy the West."

According to Pike, the world after the Third World War will be the realm of Lucifer. "The people, disillusioned with Christianity, whose ideological spirit from now on will be without a compass indicating the direction, will receive the pure teachings of Lucifer," the Satanist wrote.

6. Predictions and prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga

The Russians believe her because her prophecies turned out to be surprisingly accurate. As for the Third World War, before her death, when asked about the beginning of the war, she answered: "Syria has not yet fallen." Hence the conclusion - you can not let Syria fall, which Russia is doing.

Whether a third war is about to break out or, as some argue, is already being waged in the form of smaller conflicts, it will undoubtedly lead humanity to the end of civilization. Albert Einstein said the following about this: “I don’t know what weapons will be used during the Third World War, but the fourth will take place on sticks and stones…”

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