Home Lighting Aya bay Crimea. Cape Aya in Crimea. How to get to Cape Aya near Balaklava

Aya bay Crimea. Cape Aya in Crimea. How to get to Cape Aya near Balaklava

The name of Cape Aya, located on the coast of the southern coast of Crimea, means “holy” in ancient Greek. And indeed, there is amazing virgin nature, clean air, blue water and mysterious grottoes.

natural features

Cape Aya is located directly on the southern coast of Crimea, and is a sheer ledge approaching the coast of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains. The top of the cape is Mount Kokiya-Kiya, which is also called the "blue rock". On the eastern side of the cape you will see Laspinskaya Bay and Cape Laspi, and on the western side - the tract Ayazma, passing into the bay at the base of the mountains Asketi and Krepostnaya.

The grottoes located at the foot of Cape Aya were used in ancient times for skirmishing by sailors of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Flora and fauna

Mediterranean woodlands grow on the rocky slopes of the cape. There are about 500 species of plants on the territory of Cape Aya, some of them are listed in the Red Book. Such valuable trees as small-fruited strawberry, Stankevich pines, high juniper, and dull pistachio are common here. Stankevich's pines are covered with dark green needles and large cones. This rare species of pines can only be found here and in the Novy Svet reserve.

Endangered species of animals live on the territory of Cape Aya - large and small horseshoe bats, weasels, leopard and four-striped snakes. Here you can meet deer, roe deer, wild boars and Crimean mountain foxes.

Rare species of crabs, Black Sea dolphins and katran are found in the nearby water area.

In 1982, the Cape Aya state reserve was founded here, the task of which is to preserve the amazing edges of this natural complex in an untouched state.

The reserve can only be reached along ecological trails.

Entertainment for tourists:

Relaxing in Cape Aya, you can swim on a mattress, go diving, jump off a cliff, and explore the local surroundings.

How to get to Cape Aya

At the Sevastopol bus station, a fixed-route taxi departs with the sign "5th kilometer" - you reach the final stop and transfer to fixed-route taxi No. 9. If you want to walk, it will take you no more than two hours - during this time you can go all the way, which connects the cape and the highway. Upon arrival in Balaklava, you will see several pleasure boats that will take you to Cape Aya for 100-150 hryvnias.

If you are interested in a more active holiday, then you can go hiking in the Chernorechensky Canyon in the Baidarsky Reserve.

There is a very interesting place in Crimea - Cape Aya.
Cape Aya is located on the southern coast of Crimea, southeast of Balaklava. The name of Cape Aya comes from the Greek word "ayos", which translates as Holy, so Cape Aya means "Holy Cape". It is located between the Batiliman tract and sheer cliffs that break into the sea, it is a 13-kilometer-long ledge of the coast.

1. View towards Balaklava.

The highest peak on the cape is the Kokiya-Kiya rock (blue rock) with a height of 558.5 meters. Imagine - sheer cliffs over 500 meters high on the seashore. I naturally wanted to climb as much as possible.
Therefore, I made 2 routes - the first one along the top of Cape Aya - incredible views open from there. And the second along the coast of the cape - the coast is also very full of interesting places.

2. As a rule, tourists go to Cape Aya from Balaklava. But you can get to the village of Goncharnoe and start your journey from there.
First route up. The cliffs of the cape are very picturesque.

3. You don't get bored on the way to the cape either. The views never cease to delight.

4. The coast of Cape Aya is clearly visible - the beaches of Zolotoy and Serebryany, then the entrance to Balaklava Bay and even further Cape Fiolent is visible.

5. And this is the Kokiya-Kiya rock, 558.5 meters high.

6. Fog forms over the sea. Such fogs are most often formed as a result of the movement of warm and humid air over a relatively cold water surface. Literally in 15 minutes the fog will cover everything. And it can last long enough. On this day, it was no longer necessary to shoot - everything was in thick fog.

12. From the history of Cape Aya.
On one of the most protruding parts of the cape, Mount Kokiya-Kaya, there are the ruins of an abandoned military unit. In 1955-1956, a missile complex (object 100) was built, which was subsequently reconstructed for launching cruise missiles. In the mid-1990s, the complex was transferred by the Russian Federation to Ukraine, after which it was liquidated.
Also under the cape there is a cool small-pebble (almost sandy) beach, the so-called Lost World. It can only be accessed from the sea.

13. View towards Laspi. Laspi Bay is also very picturesque. But more about that some other time.

15. Strange as it may seem, the sheer cliffs are full of vegetation. The endemic pine of Stankevich gives an amazing charm to this corner of nature. These pines, as it were, climb the steep slopes of the cape, clinging to any crack in the stones. One would like to say - and trees grow on the stones.

I will tell you a story that happened to me at Cape Aya. When I was walking through the village of Reserve, a little dog followed me. He was small, black and shaggy. She and I wandered around Cape Aya for several days. Didn't have to be bored. At night, she snuggled up to my sleeping bag (and I spent the night without a tent right under the open sky - the weather allowed), but periodically jumped up and barked loudly - there were a lot of living creatures around. Most likely she reacted to the boars in this way. So this alarm went off intermittently in the middle of the night against my will.

But the main catch was not in this. I am walking along a forest road, I go out to a small plowed field and see the following. A fox is moving in the middle of the field. Red beauty. Just a sight. She was so carried away by hunting that she did not even notice how I was standing at the edge of the field. I quickly take out my camera to capture it. But it was not there - this black, shaggy monster, seeing the fox, ran towards it with incredible speed and loud barking. The fox reacted instantly - it started to run away and after a couple of seconds it had already disappeared into the forest. As a result, the photo hunt was covered with a copper basin. The shaggy friend did not catch the fox (and it’s good that he didn’t), but I was left without a photo of this red-haired beauty.

18. And this is the route along the bottom, that is, along the coast.

22. The nearby rock is somewhat reminiscent of a sail.

Cape Aya is a picturesque place surrounded by hills and rocks. It is located near Balaklava. This is a huge rocky formation, the extreme point of which rises to 558 m above sea level - Mount Kokiya-Kaya. The length of the cape is 13 km in different directions, partly the zone falls under the protection of the reserve.

Cape Aya is the westernmost point of the southern Crimea and the westernmost part of the Crimean mountains. From the side of the sea, the coast forms a cozy, but huge bay between the tracts of Batiliman and Ayazma.

The formation of the reserve

The name "Aya" has been attached to the cape since the time of the ancient peoples living here. Since 1982, the cape has officially become a landscape reserve, which means that it is under the protection of a local nature reserve. And there are objective reasons for this: animals and plants that are found throughout the cape are classified as rare and protected. For example, among the local flora, a unique variety of pistachio tree and a relic pine of Stankevich are distinguished. There are also rare unique animals in the animal world: red deer, geckos and leopard snakes.

The water area is rich in marine life: blenny, katran shark, various types of Black Sea dolphins, mullet and sea urchins. Divers have been coming to the cape for a long time for new experiences, because in addition to unusual aquatic inhabitants, crystal clear water awaits them.

Important! Hunting, fishing and picking berries/mushrooms, as well as tearing branches and flowers is prohibited in the protected area.

At a depth of 15 m, crevices are located in the bay - traces of ancient cataclysms and plate movements. You can swim into these cracks, enjoying the view. But you should be prepared for extremely low temperatures (in terms of diving) - no more than 7 degrees Celsius.

Panorama of Cape Aya in Crimea

Natural attractions of the cape

The cape consists of rocky hills and mountains, at its foot there are unusual grottoes. Under their vaults, perfectly clean, transparent water rests. The boulders found in these grottoes have different shapes and colors. Cape Aya cannot boast of man-made monuments.

Fact! Among the famous historical monuments on the cape is barrel of death- a building of the 19th century, intended for aiming artillery shells.

Tourists are often attracted by the Ayazma tract - ancient ruins left by their ancestors several thousand years ago. Here is the Laspi bay, which the locals attribute to having the most beautiful bay on the entire peninsula.

The rock "Fig", located right there, resembles the shape of a fruit, after which it was named. And on Mount Ilyas-Kala are the ruins of an ancient monastery. Some of them are well preserved to create atmospheric photographs.

Walking along the rocks from grotto to grotto, you can find unusual souvenirs left by the wars of past centuries as a keepsake. Artifacts of battles are scattered here and there - traces of cannonballs.

Tent city

On the cape there is a tent camp "Speleologist", where you can stay both with your own tents and use the rental service. Thanks to the town, you can carefully, gradually explore every corner of the natural attraction within 2-3 days.

Tourists are offered triple tents with everything necessary for spending the night: mattresses, pillows and blankets. Outside there is a barbecue area, a field kitchen and cozy tables with benches. The town is located on the seashore, 75 meters above its level. A shop is open 25 minutes from the town, where you can buy various products.

You can relax on the territory of the cape not only exploring the mountains, but also enjoying the amazing pebble beach. Thanks to its unique position between the rocks, the bay near Cape Ayia is protected from strong winds. The seabed is quite clean - a separate merit of tourists who do not throw garbage and glass into the water. The descent into the water is smooth, without drops and bevels.

How to get to the cape?

Aya is located 8 km from the settlement of Balaklava, you can get to the cape by car, but most of the way to the top must be overcome on foot. The Yalta-Sevastopol highway leads to the cape. The car is left in the parking lot of the Cape Aya base. If you like hiking, then you can get to the cape through the picturesque surroundings from Balaklava - the road takes no more than 3 hours at a moderate pace.

Cape Aya (Sevastopol, Russia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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State landscape reserve "Cape Aya" on the territory of the Balaklavsky district is a unique protected corner of the Crimea, which includes Cape Aya itself and the tracts of Ayazma and Batiliman. The name of the cape comes from the Greek "aios" - "holy", "holy". It is believed that the Greeks honored these places and buried their ancestors here; According to another version, Cape Aya is the legendary Kryumetopon, a landmark mountain for ancient sailors on their way to the shores of Taurida (the ancient name of Crimea).

Thanks to the microclimate similar to the Mediterranean, about 500 species of plants and animals have been preserved here, 28 of them are listed in the Red Book. The landscapes of the territories of the reserve are very colorful and diverse, and in addition to natural beauties, here you can also see man-made historical monuments.

What to watch

The protected area of ​​the reserve includes natural monuments "Grove of Pitsunda pine and high juniper on Cape Aya", natural boundary "Pine Grove of Stankevich", natural boundary and Batiliman bay with a total area of ​​1340 ha and adjacent water area of ​​208 ha.

  • Cape Aya. At the top of the cape protruding into the sea is a giant funnel, dotted inside with huge multi-colored boulders - blue, green, red, striped and speckled. At the base of Ayia there are picturesque grottoes with azure water.
  • Laspi Bay. Not many man-made monuments have been preserved in these places, for example, you can see the site of a primitive man (Neolithic era) in Laspi Bay. This bay is also considered one of the most beautiful bays in the Crimea, so the local landscapes can be called a completely independent attraction.
  • Worth a visit to the beach "Fig". In fact, the area was so nicknamed for the rock, shaped very much like this sweet fruit. In addition to beautiful beaches and nature, it attracts fans of antiquity with its mountain Ilyas-Kaya (mountain of St. Elijah), where the ruins of the monastery of St. Elijah are located.

"Cape Aya" became a reserve relatively recently, in 1982, but has long attracted the attention of creative people. For example, the artist Ivan Aivazovsky captured local landscapes in the painting “Storm at Cape Aya” in 1875.

Rare representatives of flora and fauna grow and live in the Cape Aya Reserve: out of 500 species of animals and plants, 28 are listed in the Red Book. In addition, the reserve also captures part of the sea; all three species of the Black Sea dolphins (bottle dolphin, common dolphin, azovka) are found in its water area.


It’s almost impossible to see all this beauty in a day, walk, swim, climb local tracts and mountains, so it’s better to plan an overnight stay in a local tent city called Speleologist. It is located right on the seashore, at an altitude of 75 m above sea level, each tent is designed for three tourists. Inside - mattresses, pillows and blankets. The camp has a field kitchen, benches and tables under awnings, a barbecue area. There is a field store 25 minutes walk from the camp, so restocking is no problem. Within walking distance are pebbly beaches with huge stones, where you can spread a towel and sunbathe.

In addition, there are guest houses in the town of Figs.

Practical information

Cape Aya is located just 8 km from Balaklava and 20 km from Sevastopol. You can get here along the Yalta - Sevastopol highway, the car will have to be left in the parking lot at the Cape Aya camp site, and then go down on foot. Public transport also runs to the reserve, for example, a bus from Balaklava and Sevastopol towards Yalta, the driver will have to be asked to stop at the turn to Cape Aya.

Fans of hiking can walk to the cape from Balaklava, the journey takes no more than 2-2.5 hours).

From the Balaklava bay to Aya, private skiffs float, the cost of the walk must be specified at the port.

The Crimean peninsula has unique corners that allow tourists to combine several types of recreation at once. In them you can sunbathe on the beach and swim to your heart's content, climb mountains, see rare representatives of flora and fauna, plunge into the underwater world, and see ancient monuments. One of these is Cape Aya in the Crimea. Photos of the local shores clearly explain why the name Lost World became its almost official nickname.

Where is the cape located in Crimea?

It is a rocky ledge of the coast in the sea 13 km long. It is located closest to him. Ayu is separated from Sevastopol by about 20 km.

Aya on the map of Crimea

From the history of appearance: pearls among the rocks

The cape is a stone ridge with rather steep, steep slopes. At the same time, several small bays are cut into it, where the famous beaches are located - Kapitansky,.

The coast has very clean water (filtered by algae and shellfish), so it is convenient for diving. Rocks and forests have given shelter to many rare animals, such Red Book plant species as high juniper, pistachios, strawberries, and Stankevich's pine also grow here.

Rare inhabitants come across in the water - dolphins,. As a result, since 1982, near the town of Balaklava, Cape Aya has become a nature reserve. Recreation is allowed here, but with strict rules and under the control of foresters.

Holy places near Balaklava

The word "Aya" in Greek means "holy". On Cape Aya, the remains of several medieval temples and a monastery were indeed found. Nevertheless, most likely they were not involved in the appearance of the name, but the features of the unusual landscape, evoking thoughts of some kind of miracles or witchcraft, which evokes literally everything that the traveler sees here.

But poetic names are assigned not only to this ledge, but also to its individual objects. So, the highest points here are also called Kokiya-Kaya (in translation, respectively, "Bird Mountain" and "Blue Rock"). One of the sections of the reserved tract Ayazma (together with its best beach) was nicknamed Fig for the similarity of the most noticeable rock in this area with a southern tree.

Holidays for active people at Cape Aya

Since the territory is protected, there are no chic and shops here. Tourists have a rest in a hiking way and, when deciding how to get to Cape Aya, you should think about backpacks and comfortable shoes. Several campsites are organized here for living, the most famous is the Speleologist tent camp. The tents are set up on boardwalks, equipped with mattresses and blankets, so you don't have to be afraid of a cold. The camp provides a centralized cooking of the "camping" menu.

Although the local coast is rocky, you can find many great places for sunbathing and swimming. The entrance to the water is gentle, but local beaches do not belong to the category of "paddling pools". It can be very interesting - thanks to the purity of the water. In the Devil's Gorge there is a small bay with underwater springs. But boating and boat trips should be done only in good weather and carefully - swimming can be unsafe. Aivazovsky warned about this when he created the painting “Storm at Cape Aya”.

Walking in the mountains can give you an unforgettable experience of beautiful landscapes. Laspinskaya bay, the tracts of Ayazma and - all these beauties will open to those
who dares to conquer Cape Aya in the Crimea. Photos from its peaks will become the pearl of any home collection.

Fans of the animal world will be able to look for leopard snake in the thickets, and try to see dolphins in the sea. There will also be something for lovers of antiquities. Archaeologists have established that people have lived in the grottoes since the Neolithic era. These caves also became famous during the Great Patriotic War - they were used for shooting naval guns. On the cape itself in 1927 P.P. Banenchikov discovered the remains of a medieval settlement. These buildings can still be seen today. The ruins of the monastery have been preserved.

Resting on Cape Aya, tourists should remember that they are in a protected area. It’s better to make less noise here, you can’t tear plants and break them, and special areas are set aside for making fires. A careful attitude will help save the Crimean "lost world" from the not always useful invasion of civilization!

How to get (get there)?

It is not difficult to find Cape Aya on the map of Crimea, focusing on the location of the Sevastopol-Yalta highway. But this does not mean that you can drive here by car - in any case, you will have to overcome some distance on your own two feet, leaving the car in the parking lot. Vacationers using public transport will have to get from the minibus (stop "Fifth Kilometer"), and from there - by boat or again on foot. However, a walk along the reserved rocks will bring only benefit and pleasure.

The easiest way to get to Cape Aya by car from Sevastopol is this:

And here is the route from the village of Foros:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: highway T-27-05, Balaklava, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.419133, 33.672797.

Rest on Cape Aya allows you to join nature, improve your health due to the sea and healing air and get a lot of impressions. It is not necessary to book a hotel with many "stars" for big money. The true soul of Crimea is revealed to those who measure its land with their own feet and do not seek to move away from it.

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