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Extending routes and renaming stops: what has changed in the work of land transport. Extending routes and renaming stops: what has changed in the operation of ground transport Can I pay for a ticket with a card? And it's safe

With a breeze on a new track

From June 17, buses No. 398, 433, 503, 508, 526 and 891 were launched along the new section of Kaluga highway, bypassing the village of Sosenki.

On routes 398 and 433, while traveling in both directions, there appeared the Sosenki stops (on the new section of Kaluzhskoe highway) and Rakitka. The stop "Turn to the state farm" Voskresenskoye "" is canceled.

For buses No. 503 and 508, the Dubrovka and Kaluzhskoe shosse stops were introduced on the new section of the road. Stops "Pivot to the state farm" Voskresenskoye "" and "Sosenki" were also moved here. In addition, the stop "Stolbovo" was created and the stop "DRSU-1" was canceled.

Buses No. 526, when traveling in both directions, now board passengers at the Dubrovka, Kaluzhskoe Shosse and Pivot to Voskresenskoe State Farm stops. When going to the metro station " Teply Stan"The stop" Stolbovo "is added, and" Sosenki "are transferred to a new section of the road.

The Sosenki stop can also be used by passengers of route No. 891. The DRSU-1 and Turn to the Voskresenskoye state farm are canceled.

Extending routes

The route of the bus number 223 was extended to the Izmailovskaya metro station.

From the metro stop "Pervomayskaya" to "Izmailovskaya" buses now follow along Pervomayskaya Street, 3rd Parkovaya Street (back along 1st Parkovaya Street) and Izmailovsky Prospekt.

Landing at the Pervomayskaya metro station in the direction of Kamchatskaya Street is carried out on the even side of 9th Parkovaya Street, at the bus stop of buses No. 257, T55, N3.

At the same time, the route of trolleybus No. 23 "Ussuriyskaya Ulitsa" - "Metro Izmailovskaya" is canceled.

The route of the bus number 862 "Skolkovo Platform" - "Aviatorov Street" was extended to the Solnechnaya station.

When traveling in both directions, a check-in is organized along Juliana Semenov Street to new stop"Street Aviators, 5". From the Skolkovo platform to the Ulitsa 50 Let Oktyabrya stop, buses go along the old route, then in both directions along Glavmosstroy Street, Solntsevsky Prospect, Volynskaya Street, Aviatorov Street, Yuliana Semyonov Street, Aviatorov Street, Proizvodstvennaya and Pokutnaya Streets to Solnechnaya station.

The Stop "Flying Street" has been moved to the street of the same name, and the stops "Solntsevsky Department of the Civil Registry Office" and "Tereshkovo" are no longer served by buses # 862.

Moving and renaming stops

The stop "Ploshchad Zhuravleva" on Elektrozavodskaya street when following to Bolshaya Semenovskaya street for the routes of buses No. 86, 171, trolleybus No. 14 was moved 100 meters ahead.

In addition, some of the metropolitan stops have changed their names:

- the stop "Sobolevsky proezd" along Mikhalkovskaya street, when following from Bolshaya Akademicheskaya for the routes of buses No. 22, 72, 87, 801, was renamed into "Proezd Cherepanovs" and moved 60 meters forward;

- The Ice Palace stop along Aviakonstruktora Sukhoi Street when traveling from Leningradsky Prospect is now called the Megasport Sports Palace. Buses No. 84, 101, 818 stop here;

- the stop "Khladokombinat No. 7" along Khoroshevskoye shosse in both directions for the routes of buses M6, T86, No. 39, 64, trolleybuses No. 20, 35, 65 was renamed into "Khoroshevskoe shosse, 68";

- stop “Akademika Pilyugin Street - Dentistry“ Doctor Martin ”” along the street of the same name in both directions for bus routes No. 111, 616, 721 is now called “Akademika Pilyugin Street”;

- the Apteka stop on Perovskaya and 1st Vladimirskaya streets for the routes of buses No. 7, 659 and trolleybus No. 53 was renamed into "Perovskiy ZAGS";

- the stop “Proezd Shokalskogo, 43” along Shokalskogo proezd in both directions for bus routes No. 71, 181, 696 and N6 changed its name to “Severnoye Medvedkovo District Office”;

- The Apteka stop along Musorgskogo Street in both directions for bus routes No. 23, 98, 134, 605 and C6 was renamed to “Musorgskogo Street, 5”;

- the stop "House of Creativity - Institute named after Dashkova" on Leskov Street in both directions for the routes of buses No. 92, 284, 705, 774, 867, 928 and trolleybus No. 80 was renamed into "House of Creativity";

- the stop "Polyarnaya Ulitsa" along the street of the same name in both directions for the routes of buses No. 124, 174, 928 and N6 and tram No. 17 is now called "MFC Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo";

- the stop "Volzhsky Boulevard, 13" along the boulevard of the same name in both directions for the routes of buses No. 143, 169k was renamed "MFC Tekstilshchiki";

- the stop "Ulitsa Guryanova" along Polbina Street in both directions for the route of the bus number 646 was renamed to "Polbina Street 8";

- the stop "State Academy of Innovations" on Kolomenskoye proezd when going to Akademika Millionshchikova Street for bus routes No. 219, 220, 820 was renamed into "Perinatal Center";

- instead of the stop "Silikatny Zavod" along the 1st Silikatny passage in both directions for the routes of buses No. 27, 243, the stop "2nd Silikatny passage" is introduced;

- the stop "Mechanical Toy Plant" near the house No. 5 along the 1st Magistralny blind alley for the route of the bus No. 27 was renamed into "1st Magistralny blind alley, 5";

- the stop “Institute” on Prichalniy proezd in both directions for bus routes No. 4, 155, 243 changed its name to “Mendeleev University”;

- the stop “Institut” along Shelepikhinskoe highway in both directions for bus routes No. 4, 27, 155 was renamed into “Shelepikhinskoe highway”;

- the stop "Kievsky Vokzal - 2nd Bryansky Lane" on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street for the routes of buses No. 132, 157, 205, 840, T39 and trolleybus No. 7 was renamed into "2nd Bryansk Lane".

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Can I pay for a ticket with a card? Is it safe?

Oh sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the Gateline.net processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The Gateline.net gateway has been designed in accordance with the PCI DSS international security standard. Software the gateway has been successfully audited according to version 3.1.The Gateline.net system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.Gateline.net payment form is optimized for different browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to a website is a modern and quick way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train, you either need to go electronic registration, or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can go through it by clicking on the corresponding button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket can be at any time before the departure of the train at the ticket office at the station or at the self-check-in terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

  • 24. 09. 2018

The policeman works as a security guard and runs from the controllers on the train. An accountant works as a nurse in a hospital to teach children. The resuscitator, instead of days off, removes the patients of the narcological clinic from binge drinking. They all live in Sobinka - small town in the Vladimir region - and every day they go to work in Moscow

Windows in Sobinka, a small regional center in the Vladimir region (34 kilometers to Vladimir, 150 to Moscow), light up at two in the morning. We must have time to get ready, because already at 3:25 am the first bus leaves for Moscow. Until half past five, these buses go in jamb: local and passing, official from the bus station and illegal minibuses.

There are no weekdays in the usual sense of the word. Holidays and booze happen on any day of the week. Young fathers take wheelchairs for a walk not on the only Sunday free from work, but on some ordinary Tuesday. It's just that they - like almost everyone in the city - work in shifts.

Everything is predetermined by geography. It's too far to Moscow to go there every day to work from nine to six. But close enough to work there for days and come home to sleep. This is not only Sobinka's life - it is the fate of hundreds of towns and villages on the outskirts of the Moscow region and in the nearest regions: Tver, Kaluga, Tula, Yaroslavl, Ryazan regions.

Sobinka now has 18.5 thousand inhabitants, in the last Soviet years there were 26 thousand. And 9 thousand of them worked at the weaving factory "Communist avant-garde". Its empty bulk is the first thing that every visitor sees. Red brick walls, broken glass, trees have already grown on the roof. Production is still in progress in several workshops.

They say there are about forty people working

But it cannot be said that those who used to work at the factory are leaving for the capital - everyone is leaving. Big city sucks people of all kinds of professions. Anyone who is ready to change their ordinary life to a nomadic one for the sake of a decent income.

Security Police Officer

In 2003 Nikolay (name changed. - Approx. TD) rose to the rank of patrol officer on duty and received his first officer rank. The salary has grown by as much as 300 rubles. “As a senior sergeant, I was paid 4,100 rubles plus 600 rations, and as a junior lieutenant they began to pay 4,400 rubles plus rations. And here my son was just born, my wife is on maternity leave, and my name is in a private security company in Moscow for 13 thousand. Of course, I agreed, ”Nikolai recalls.

I got up at two in the morning to get on the first bus to Petushki. At 4:10 am, the train departed from there to Moscow - so by eight in the morning it was possible to get to work. The travel was not cheap, so Nikolai paid 100 rubles for the bus, and went on the train as a hare. Before changing into the uniform of a private security company in Moscow and taking up duties, the former policeman and his fellow security guards had time to run early in the morning on the train from the controllers.

For six years, Nikolai has worked for two different security firms. In 2009, acquaintances offered to return to civil service - to the non-departmental security department, but not in Sobinka, but in the Moscow region. Now the two incarnations of Nikolai have merged into one: he was listed in the Moscow region police, and in fact his job was to accompany the "important person" as a personal guard on trips around Moscow.

SobinkaPhoto: Nikita Aronov

Four years later, the battalion was disbanded, and Nikolai was transferred to one of the cities of the distant Moscow region as a senior officer on duty with a schedule three days later. That is, of course, it is under the contract for a day or three, and taking into account the "gains" and vacations, most of the year for each working day there were only two days off. But even this was not enough for Nikolai - he quickly found a new part-time job in Moscow.

“On the eve of every day's shift, I went to Moscow in the morning,” he says. - I tried to slip through traffic jams, parked the car on Shchelkovskaya and slept in it until ten in the morning. He woke up, by eleven he came to guard one store in the center and guarded it until eleven in the evening. From there he went to the base of the non-departmental security in the Moscow region, slept there and in the morning took over the daily watch. And then he got behind the wheel and returned to Sobinka. "

It was simply impossible to maintain such a rhythm for a long time.

Now Nikolay is 39 years old, and he has given up a part-time job. In the rank of captain of the National Guard in the Moscow region, he already earns, by local standards, not bad - about 50 thousand rubles a month. And dreams of early retirement.

“I’ll work for twenty years, there will be a pension. There are still four years left. Unless, of course, they reform. And if the term of service pensions are canceled, you will have to look for something in Sobinka. I definitely don’t want to be a security guard in Moscow ”. This is economically unprofitable, Nikolai explains: the average rate for his former fellow security guards now even in the capital is 2,000 rubles a day. To get at least 30 thousand, people agree to a crazy schedule "two in two", that is, 15 days a month. It’s impossible to work like that at 40.

“Now many people with whom I once started in a private security company are tired of traveling and work as security guards here. Sobinka also has something to protect. There is much less money, but at home, - says Nikolai. - I would gladly go to the police here. It would be 36 thousand if the captain. Only there are no officer vacancies either in the police or in the National Guard. They say: "If you want to work, go as an ensign."

Nurse accountant

“There are probably thirty percent of us in the hospital from the Vladimir region: from Sobinka, Lakinsk, Kolchugino, Kirzhach. A whole minibus goes here from Kirzhach, which delivers nurses and orderlies to several hospitals, ”says Natalya Borisova. She lives in Sobinka, and works as a nurse in the admission department of a hospital in the east of Moscow.

A nurse is not a medical position: rather, something like a cleaning lady in a medical facility. Natalya washes the floors in the wards and corridors, carries gurneys with patients across the floors. She has seven to eight daily shifts per month. The payment is piecework, and it runs up to 40 thousand rubles per month. Prior to that, Natalya worked for fifteen years as an accountant in the Sobinsky district education department and received three times less.

She decided to switch to a shift schedule in 2014: “The children have grown up, and they wanted money. My husband and I began to decide which of us would go to Moscow. He is my nurse and a terrible patriot of our city. He doesn't like Moscow. And it's just too heavy to climb. And I am just open to everything new. "

NataliaPhoto: Nikita Aronov

At first, Natalya got a job not in a hospital, but at the post office - in a sorting center near the Novogireevo platform. I found a place through acquaintances - there were also a lot of fellow countrymen there. They paid even more at the post office than at the hospital. But the work was already very hard and, moreover, nervous: “We spent the whole day on our feet, sorting small international packages. The bags are dirty, everything is dirty, even gloves do not help. And most importantly, the bosses are screaming obscenities. Few could stand it, but I held out for three years. "

Natalya became a nurse not just like that, but to be closer to medicine: she had long dreamed of becoming a nurse and last year she finally went to study. Now he hopes that after graduating from college he will change to a nursing position - also in Moscow.

“Many people travel like this until retirement,” smiles Natalya

Her daughter entered college this year, and she has to rent an apartment in Vladimir. And there the son grows up. So you can't quit shift work.

More than 4 thousand a month is spent only on travel. Natalya does not have her own car, but residents of Sobinka, long before the appearance of services like BlaBlaCar, mastered joint trips: they throw off 150-300 rubles and go to Moscow for three or four people in a car. If the fellow travelers have not agreed on the way back, you can just come by the Shchelkovskaya metro station: near the bus station there is a small patch between two bus stops, where those who need to go to the Vladimir region gather. Drivers drive up and take passengers. “When there are a lot of people and few cars, people push. Almost the wheels of cars are ripped off, ”Natalya tells about her everyday life.

Doctor in three shifts

“It's really hard only at the beginning. And once you get into the rhythm, it’s nothing, ”says Ivan Goryunov, a 34-year-old anesthesiologist-resuscitator from Sobinskaya hospital.

Doctor Goryunov's shift in Moscow begins at nine o'clock, so he leaves Sobinka on the last morning bus and gets up by local standards late - at four in the morning. I don't feel like eating at this time yet. On the bus, the doctor sleeps, and has breakfast in the Moscow clinic, before duty.

In Moscow, Ivan Goryunov is a doctor of the mobile narcological brigade in a private clinic: “I go mostly to alcoholics - I get them out of the binge. The work is much easier for the nervous system than here in intensive care. I went to the call - and forgot, my head does not hurt. "

On a typical day, Goryunov has five or six such calls, and, for example, on New Year's holidays - ten or twelve. To spend less time on the road to Moscow, he usually takes paired days. “I sleep in fits and starts. Sometimes I crash in the car on the way to a call, ”Goryunov admits.

After working for two days, the doctor receives a salary at the box office and goes to Sobinka. At 14:00 he is at home. And the next morning - duty at the hospital.

In Moscow, Goryunov still has a part-time job, and the main workload in Sobinka is twelve days a month in intensive care. Plus an ambulance watch at home: if you need to take a seriously ill patient to the regional hospital, Ivan Goryunov is called from home - and he accompanies the patient. Usually there are no doctors on the Sobin ambulance, only paramedics.

The resuscitator Goryunov put the maximum possible load on himself in Sobinka: “Even if I take another job, there will be no more money. And money is needed: my wife (she is the head of the department here, in the intensive care unit) had an expensive operation, and now we are paying off the debts. My change costs, by local standards, not bad - 2,500 rubles. But in Moscow they pay me 5.5 thousand for a shift, even if I sit on the spot almost all the time and don't go anywhere. And if there are a lot of calls, then 10 and 12 thousand will run in ”.

The difference in earnings tempts many doctors: even in a state polyclinic or a hospital in Moscow, the rate will be higher than in the Vladimir region.

“Doctor Morev Igor Stanislavovich visited us, he left a couple of years ago. He is now a plastic surgeon in a paid clinic, - Ivan Goryunov lists. - There is a good nurse for purulent surgery. She got a job in Balashikha in a maternity hospital. At first I took four days a month. Now she has her main job there, but here she only has four days left. There, the salary is good, and thanks from the patients, and the equipment is new. "

Ivan GoryunovPhoto: Nikita Aronov

Equipment is very important. Doctors leave Sobinka not only because of salaries. “Our former surgeon explained this to me,” says Goryunov. - In Moscow, he does not hesitate to write directions for MRI, CT. And here - only x-rays. Our former hospital neurologist says the same thing. There he can quickly send a person with a stroke to all examinations and immediately find out what's what. And here we treat at random, like in the seventies. "

In general, the neurologist went to Moscow. And now there is no such doctor in the hospital. Sometimes a neurologist from the clinic comes in. The branch closes behind the branch. Since the middle of summer, for example, gynecology has closed: one of the two doctors went on maternity leave, 79-year-old Vasily Petrovich remained. “He literally lived in this hospital for a month, he discharged all the patients. But he can't work like that anymore, he left. The hospital is gradually dying, ”states Goryunov.

In the clinic, the situation is no better. There are two therapists on seventeen sites - all the rest are either in Moscow or in a recently opened private clinic. The only oncologist went to work there. She combines a paid clinic with shift work in Odintsovo.

But there are also those who come. From more remote areas of the Vladimir region. The surgeon moved from Kovrov. Another doctor is from Suzdal.

Ivan Goryunov is a stranger himself: nine years ago he was lured to Sobinka from Astrakhan, promising a service apartment. During this time, the doctor married a local colleague, settled down and got used to Sobinka. He generally likes small towns more: “Moscow is a rather specific city. Not everyone loves him. I do not like. These skyscrapers, a lot of people. I have seen enough of my challenges to these poor people who used to live in their cities and did not drink. And we moved to some Kotelniki and started drinking ”.

And also the department and patients do not allow to leave

“Here the department has been created, one might say, with our own hands. We made sure that the oxygen machines were supplied properly. And then my former patients are here. Indeed, in intensive care we not only save lives, but also produce disabled people. For example, there is one guy - by the way, he also worked as a security guard in Moscow. On a holiday, he dived unsuccessfully into the river and broke his neck. Two weeks on the machine, now completely paralyzed. I go to him four times a month and examine him. How to quit all this? "

Without family and without strength

When I was going to Sobinka, I planned to meet with a few more people, but I didn’t manage to talk to everyone. One of the guards returned from a two-day shift in the morning, fell asleep and simply could not wake up. Another had arrived from Moscow the day before, but still celebrated this event and was simply unable to communicate. One of the nurses was urgently called to the Moscow hospital to watch an additional shift. Here they are - the costs of shift work.

“I have my nephew in Moscow as a security guard,” admits the head of Sobinka, Elena Karpova. - He works for four days and rests for two. His wife collects food with her for four days. The guy does not see either his daughter or his son. But he is young, he wants to make repairs in the apartment, and to teach the children. Do you know how much money the sections cost? "

The office of the head of the city overlooks a half-abandoned factory, a former factory club and former factory dormitories, which for some reason are called corridors here. “There used to be work for everyone here. In workshops - more for women. But at the factory there was a garage and a boiler room, so there was enough for the men, - says Karpova. - The main outflow began fifteen years ago. Only here people were specialists, engineers, and there they work as guards, post offices and nurses in hospitals. "

More often men leave. Wives stay in Sobinka

Low-paid jobs in the public sector are enough for them: teachers, nannies, employees in various regional authorities. You can get a job as a saleswoman for 15 thousand rubles. There is a poor service sector. Let's say hairdressers are open only until 2pm. But without a husband working in Moscow, you cannot live on such a salary.

SobinkaPhoto: Nikita Aronov

“The worst thing is that the children are abandoned,” complains Elena Karpova. - I understand that a person is looking for where it is better, but people leave, and the children are left here. Probably, we will understand the full depth of the consequences only in a few years. And how many families have been destroyed ... "

Sometimes they come back: someone does not meet the schedule, someone is the first victim of layoffs in bankrupt companies. Shift workers are always the most vulnerable, almost like guest workers. “My son worked as a security guard in Moscow, so he was not paid his salary for four months. His wife asked him: "How long will you spend money on travel in vain?" Finally I quit. But the employer does not want to pay him anything. And the agreement is drawn up in such a way that you cannot prove anything, ”complains 80-year-old Iraida Burovenko.

Now her son has found a job in Sobinka. It turns out that there are enough vacancies here. And even new jobs are emerging. There are two small sewing factories, two fairly large chocolate factories. In the employment department, which is housed in a former factory office, an entire billboard is devoted to working close to home.

“People get tired of the constant trips to Moscow, but when they start looking for work here, they get frustrated,” says Marina Vasyukova from the employment center. Most of the vacancies involve a salary in the amount of the minimum wage - about 10 thousand. “20-25 thousand rubles is a good salary for our city,” says Vasyukova.

But employers offer this kind of money only for very hard physical labor, often seasonal

“The same chocolate factories work from May to November, and then production is idle for several months. If you want my opinion: the fact that we are not far from Moscow is our salvation. Otherwise it is unclear how we would have survived here at all, ”concludes an employee of the employment center.

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