Home Steering Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich: biography, career, personal life. ​Mr. n. Troepolsky - Soviet writer, laureate of the USSR State Prize Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky biography for children

Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich: biography, career, personal life. ​Mr. n. Troepolsky - Soviet writer, laureate of the USSR State Prize Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky biography for children

Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky - Russian Soviet writer, one of the best authors of essays and journalistic prose on agricultural topics and protection
nature. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975) for the story “White Bim Black Ear.” The writer's works include short stories, novellas, plays, and journalism. The works of G. N. Troepolsky, often built on a documentary basis and personal experience, organically combine essayism and lyricism, common sense and civic pathos. Honorary Citizen of Voronezh (1993), Honorary Doctor of Voronezh State University (1993). Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971, 1984), Friendship of Peoples (1981).

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short biography

Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky born on November 16 (29), 1905 in the village of Novospasovka, Tambov province, in the family of priest Nikolai Semenovich Troepolsky. Gabriel was named after his maternal grandfather Elena Gavrilovna. In addition to him, there were 5 more children in the family; the writer carried his love for large families throughout his life: he got married, became a father, and later became a grandfather twice. Gabriel received an excellent education for the countryside and, above all, a thorough education at home. Due to the circumstances of the time, G. Troepolsky had to study in four secondary educational institutions, including at the second-level school in the village of Novogolskoye, Novokhopyorsky district, Voronezh province, with the famous teacher Grigory Romanovich Shirma. G. N. Troepolsky later recalled: “I would hardly have become a writer if I had not met Grigory Romanovich in my life. He taught us to think about what we read. Under his leadership, we became thoroughly acquainted with the works of Russian classics. It also helped that the school had an excellent library.” Later he studied at the agricultural school, which he graduated in 1924. He worked as a rural teacher, then from 1931 - as an agronomist.

Since 1938 he began publishing in newspapers and magazines. In 1953, Gabriel Nikolaevich sent a series of satirical stories “From the Notes of an Agronomist” to the capital’s magazine “New World” (later compiled into the collection “Prokhor the Seventeenth and Others.”). Despite the fact that the Voronezh regional party committee recognized the notes as “slanderous” and “spiteful,” A. T. Tvardovsky supported the author. Since then, almost all of Troepolsky’s works of the 1950s and 60s. first saw the light of day on the pages of Novy Mir. Troepolsky was grateful to A. T. Tvardovsky for his active participation in his creative destiny. The writers were united by a true friendship that grew stronger over the years. Troepolsky often went to visit Tvardovsky, discussed his new ideas with him and received additional creative energy from him. After the poet's death, Troepolsky often visited his family. “Notes of an Agronomist” brought the author all-Union fame. Based on them, the film script “Earth and People” was written, based on which director S. Rostotsky made a film of the same name in 1956.

In 1963, the story “In the Reeds” was published, which was positively noted by critics. The writer’s journalistic essays “On Rivers, Soils and Other Things,” which A. Tvardovsky had difficulty pushing into print and published in the magazine “New World” (1965, No. 1), evoked a wide response from the public. To write these essays, Gavriil Nikolaevich traveled all over the Central Black Earth Region in his old “Muscovite” and collected extensive material in defense of the surrounding nature. His speeches in defense of nature in the newspaper Pravda (1966) also became a noticeable phenomenon in public life. In 1976, Troepolsky worked on the editorial board of the magazine “Our Contemporary” and was one of the best authors of essay and journalistic prose.

The writer’s most famous work is the lyrical story “White Bim Black Ear.” It doesn’t often happen that a writer creates his main book in his declining years, after sixty. But the creative biography of Gabriel Troepolsky developed exactly this way: his story “White Bim Black Ear” was published in 1971. All previous works, which had nothing to do with children’s literature, were “the works of an honest author, immersed in the problems of the Soviet village, not devoid of feeling humor and not deprived of the reader’s restrained attention.”

But “White Beam...” struck like thunder from a clear sky. There seems to be not a single literary prize left that would not have been awarded to this book. The story was noted at home, abroad, and was even named one of the best books for blind children who use Braille. The writer told publicist Anatoly Sviridov about the creation of “White Bim”: “The first reader of the story “White Bim Black Ear” was Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, to whom it was dedicated during his lifetime and with his consent. And it would have been published in his magazine, but in 1970 he was relieved of his position as editor-in-chief. And then I gave the story to the magazine “Our Contemporary” to publish. To be honest, I did not expect such a resounding success... This story required six years of work. At first I conceived an “ideal man” - a hero who is absolutely sincere and pure. He had to go through life, meet different types and characters. But nothing came of this; it turned out to be a far-fetched figure, some kind of angel in the flesh. Then the idea came - to tie a plot around Bim's story. And the story lined up.”

The film of the same name directed by Stanislav Rostotsky (1976) also enjoyed enormous success in the country. During its first release, the film was watched by more than 20 million viewers. The film was awarded the Lenin Prize, the Main Prize at the Karlovy Vary Festival and in 1978 was nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky died in Voronezh on June 30, 1995. He was buried on the Walk of Fame of the Comintern Memorial Cemetery.

What they say about Troepolsky today on the streets of Voronezh

(from materials site materialswww.peoples.ru)

Vladimir Kalitvin, lawyer:

I believe that this is a writer of a high professional level - Leskov, Paustovsky. I was lucky enough to meet Gabriel Nikolaevich personally. And under rather curious circumstances. Once, as a young man, I was driving a car to visit a friend of mine. When I parked, Troepolsky came up to me. He was walking in the children's park with his dog, of course, I recognized him. And he says to me so good-naturedly, they say, why did you, young man, violate the traffic rules so flagrantly twice? I promised not to allow any more violations. I still keep my word.

Vladimir Mukhin, graduating student:

We studied his works at school. About White Bim is a good book. I also saw the film.

Maria Zhuravleva, accountant:

Troepolsky lived in Voronezh. And he didn’t just write books. It seems he was also a great chess player.

Svetlana Dubova, deputy editor-in-chief of the radio channel:

I would like not to know Troepolsky, not to read his book about Bim and not to see the film. Knowing all this, it is very difficult to live. When I watch children play at the monument to Bim at the Voronezh Puppet Theater, I am overcome by conflicting feelings. Will they read a book about the suffering of this dog, will they understand her fate?

Sergey Popov, member of the Union of Russian Writers:

I had the honor of knowing Gabriel Nikolaevich. And I can say that all of us, the writing community, were looking forward to Troepolsky’s repeatedly promised novel “The Bell.” Unfortunately, neither during the life nor after the death of the writer this work saw the light of day. I cherish the hope that the manuscript will still be made public. I think this will give a second life to Troepolsky the writer.

Works by G. N. Troepolsky

* “From the notes of an agronomist” (1953 - “New World” magazine; in 1954 included in the collection “Prokhor the Seventeenth and Others”)
* "Land and People" (1955; film script)
* “Candidate of Sciences” (1958; story)
* “Chernozem” (1958-1961; novel)
* “In the Reeds” (1963; story)
* “About rivers, soils and other things” (1963; journalistic essay)
* articles in the newspaper “Pravda” in defense of nature (1966)
* "The Boarders" (1971; play)
* “White Bim Black Ear” (1971; story)

Read in Public!

Troepolsky, G. N. White Bim Black Ear: stories and tales / G. N. Troepolsky. - Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1979. - 592 pp., 1 sheet. portrait : ill.
Storage location OCZ; Code 84Р6; Auto. sign T 703; Inv. K-239461

The book includes the stories “White Bim Black Ear” and “In the Reeds,” as well as stories first published under the title “Notes of an Agronomist” and other works.

From the statements of G. N. Troepolsky

Friendship and trust are not bought or sold.

Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed in between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy.

You need to live in such a way that you are not afraid to sell your parrot to the biggest gossip in town.

You can say stupid things, but not in a solemn tone.

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The material was prepared by V. Ilyina, bibliographer of the IBO

Troepolsky G.N. Biography.

Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich (1905 - 1995)
Troepolsky G.N.
Russian writer. Troepolsky was born on November 29 (old style - November 16) 1905 in the village of Novospasovka, Tambov province (in Soviet times - Gribanovsky district, Voronezh region) in the family of a priest. Primary education was at home. In 1924 he graduated from agricultural school. He worked as a rural teacher, and from 1931 - as an agronomist. In 1937, his first works appeared in periodicals. In 1976 he worked on the editorial board of the magazine “Our Contemporary” - he was one of the best authors of journalistic prose on agricultural topics. Troepolsky died on June 30, 1995 in Voronezh.
Among the works of Gabriel Troepolsky are stories, novels, plays, journalism: “From the notes of an agronomist” (1953 - the magazine “New World”; in 1954 included in the collection “Prokhor the Seventeenth and Others”; script for the film “Earth and People” - 1955; cycle satirical stories), "Candidate of Sciences" (1958; story), "Chernozem" (1958 - 1961; novel), "In the Reeds" (1963; story), "About rivers, soils and other things" (1963; journalistic essay), articles in the newspaper "Pravda" in defense of nature (1966), "Guests" (1971; play), "White Bim Black Ear" (1971; story; in 1975 Troepolsky was awarded the USSR State Prize).
Information sources:
Encyclopedic resource www.rubricon.com (Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary)
Project "Russia Congratulates!" - www.prazdniki.ru

(Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru)

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Troepolsky G.N. Troepolsky G.N.

Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich (1905 - 1995)
Russian writer. Aphorisms, quotes - Troepolsky G.N. Biography.
"White Bim Black Ear", 1971 *) Reader friend! Forgive me for sometimes writing one or two satirical pictures in a lyrical and optimistic story about a dog. Don’t accuse someone of violating the laws of creativity, because every writer has his own “laws.” Don’t blame me, dear, for mixing genres, because life itself is a mixture: good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, laughter and grief, truth and lies live side by side, and so close to each other that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. It would be worse for me if you suddenly noticed a half-truth in me. She looks like a half-empty barrel. But there is no point in proving the difference between a half-empty and half-full barrel. I am for writing about everything, and not about the same thing. The latter is harmful. Think about it! If you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly. And in the silence of the passing autumn, enveloped in its gentle slumber, in the days of short-lived oblivion of the coming winter, you begin to understand: only truth, only honor, only a clear conscience, and about all this - the word. A word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children. Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not so often, possess devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty so much that this is the root of life, the natural basis of the being itself, when the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state. Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because each understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship. Bim firmly understood: if you scratch the door, the doors will definitely be opened for you and they exist so that everyone can enter: ask and they will let you in. From a dog's point of view, this was already a firm belief. Only Bim didn’t know, he didn’t know and couldn’t know how many disappointments and troubles there would be later from such naive gullibility, he didn’t know and couldn’t know that there are doors that don’t open, no matter how much you scratch at them. Still, even a dog’s life can be a dog’s life, for it lives under the hypnosis of three “pillars”: “impossible”, “back”, “good”. Conscience... No one can ever get away from it unless it looks like a perfectly straight twig: one that can be bent into an arc and, when released at will, can be straightened as you please. Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed in between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy. And a lie can be as sacred as the truth... So a mother sings a cheerful song to a hopelessly ill child and smiles. Life is going. It goes because there is hope, without which despair would kill life. Friendship and trust are not bought or sold. The reproach of the dead is the most terrible reproach, because from them one cannot expect either forgiveness, regret, or pity for the repentant sinner who has committed evil. __________ *) Text "White Bim Black Ear" - in the Maxim Moshkov Library There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness to whom it is due and available. But for everyone, both happy and unhappy, he is now the adornment of life. This is how it is among us humans: there are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. They decorate life, containing all the best that exists in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust. So a snowdrop seems like a drop of heaven on earth... Bim is sleeping. And he sees a dream: he kicks his legs - he runs in his sleep. This one doesn't care about snowdrops: he sees blue only as gray (that's how a dog's vision works). Nature has created a kind of denigrator of reality. Go and convince him, dear friend, so that he can see from a human point of view. Even if you cut off the head, you will see it your own way. Nature creates according to a stable law: the need for one in the other, from the simplest to the highly developed life, everywhere - this law... The past is like a dream... Isn't the present a dream? Time is unstoppable, unstoppable and inexorable. Everything is in time and movement. And the one who seeks only stable peace is already all in the past, whether he is a young guardian of himself or an elderly one - age does not matter. O restless man! Glory to you forever, who thinks, who suffers for the sake of the future! Not every dog ​​can be bought for bait. Even the toilet rumbles in response to a bad tenant. - (pre-house committee Paltitych) Bim noticed long ago that people were exchanging some kind of pieces of paper that smelled like something you couldn’t tell. Some, though still clean, smell of bread, sausage, and the store in general, but most smell of many hands. People love them, these pieces of paper, they hide them in their pocket or on the table, like the owner. Although Bim did not understand anything in these matters, he easily understood: as soon as the owner gave the driver a piece of paper, they became friends. What difference does it make - I gave a ruble for a small “business”, or twenty for a big one, or a thousand for a big one? It's still a shame. It's like you're selling your conscience for little things. Of course, Bim is lower than a person, so he will never guess about it. Bim doesn’t understand that these pieces of paper and conscience are sometimes directly dependent. I felt sorry for killing the game. It's probably old age. It’s so nice all around, and suddenly there’s a dead bird... Split personality in long-term solitude is to some extent inevitable. For centuries, a dog saved a person from this. There was a directive from the leadership of the hunters' society about the destruction of magpies as harmful birds, and all hunters killed magpies with a clear conscience. There was a similar attitude about hawk birds. They were also killed. And about wolves. These were destroyed almost completely. But suddenly, in the new installation, the kite and magpie are declared useful birds, not enemies of birds: it is prohibited to destroy them. The strictest order for destruction was replaced by the strictest order for prohibition. Now the only bird left to be destroyed, declared outlaw, is the hooded crow. She allegedly destroys bird nests (which, however, the magpie was also categorically accused of). But no one is responsible for the poisoning of birds in steppe and forest-steppe regions with pesticides. Saving forests and fields from pests, we destroyed birds, and by destroying them, we destroyed... Forests. Was it really the gray crow, the eternal orderly and companion of human society, who was to blame? What can you do if dogs understand people, but people do not always understand dogs or even each other. Bim had treated children specially before, but now he was finally convinced that little people were all good, but big people were different and sometimes bad. He, of course, could not know that little people later become big and also different, but it’s not a dog’s business to argue how and why little good people grow into big bad people. Bravery is always combined with pride and self-esteem - even in a ferret. If there were no hope at all, not a single drop on earth, then all people would die of despair. There is not a single person on earth who has heard a dog die. Dogs die silently. The woman stroked Bim on the back. She understood everything: someone she loved had left forever, and it was scary, terribly difficult to see her off forever, it was like burying a living person. These were tears of hope, happy tears, I tell you, the best tears in the world, no worse than tears of joy in meetings and happiness. Reversing cause and effect is always a very advantageous method of proof. It’s amazing how both sides can be right when one tells a half-truth and the other does not know the other half of the truth. Slander, although short, has strong legs. People sold Bim's good name for money. Well, at least Bim didn’t know this, just as he didn’t know that other people could sell their honor, loyalty and heart for those pieces of paper. Thank goodness for the dog who doesn’t know this! A Scotch terrier, for example, take him: he pretends that his brick head is full of different ideas (beard! long mustache and eyebrows! philosopher!), but in reality he is stupid, commands, swears at his owner day after day, like nervously ill, feints incessantly. What's the point? Yes, none! One appearance. And inside there is fluff or complete emptiness. O great courage and long-suffering of a dog! What forces created you so powerful and indestructible that even in your dying hour you move your body forward? At least little by little, but forward. Forward, to where there may be trust and kindness for an unfortunate, lonely, forgotten dog with a pure heart.

(Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru)

. Academician 2011.

See what "Troepolsky G.N." in other dictionaries:

    Troepolsky, Gavriil Nikolaevich Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (November 16 (29), 1905 June 30, 1995) Russian Soviet writer. Born in the village of Novo Spasskoye on Elana (Novospasovka), Kozlovskaya volost, Borisoglebsk district, Tambov... ... Wikipedia

    Gavriil Nikolaevich (1905 95), Russian writer. A cycle of satirical stories From the notes of an agronomist (1953), the story In the Reeds (1963), which poetizes agricultural labor and nature, precedes village prose. A dramatic story about... ... Russian history

    Gabriel Nikolaevich [b. 11/16/29/1905, village of Novospasovka, now Gribanovsky district, Voronezh region], Russian Soviet writer. He worked as a rural teacher and agronomist. Published since 1937, systematically since 1953. In the cycle of satirical... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    Gabriel Nikolaevich (1905, Novospasovka village now Voronezh region - 1995, Voronezh), Russian writer. He worked as a rural teacher and agronomist. Published since 1937, the first major performance was a cycle of satirical stories “From the Notes of an Agronomist” (1953,... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Together with the book. M. M. Shcherbatov corrected the syllable of the translation “The Lives and Glorious Deeds of the State Emperor Peter the Great.”, Op. Dmitry Feodosi; ed. in Venice, printed in St. Petersburg 1774 (Polovtsov) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Troepolsky G. N.- TROEPOLSKY Gabriel Nikolaevich (190595), Russian. writer. The cycle is satirical. stories From Notes of an Agronomist (1953), rep. In the Reeds (1963), the swarm poetizes the farmer. labor, nature, precede village prose. Dram. a story of compassion... Biographical Dictionary

    Troepolsky G.N. Biography. Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolaevich (1905 1995) Troepolsky G.N. Biography Russian writer. Troepolsky was born on November 29 (November 16, old style) 1905 in the village of Novospasovka, Tambov province (in Soviet times... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich Date of birth: November 16 (29), 1905 (1905 11 29) Place of birth: s. Novo Spasskoye on Elani, Kozlovskaya volost, Borisoglebsky district, Tambov province ... Wikipedia

Troepolsky Gabriel Nikolaevich- Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).

G. N. Troepolsky was born into the family of a priest. He graduated from the agricultural school in 1924, worked as a rural teacher, and in 1931-1954 as a collective farm agronomist.

The first story appeared in 1937. Since 1954, he devoted himself entirely to literary work and moved to Voronezh. In 1976-1987 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Our Contemporary”. Member of the board of the USSR SP since 1967, RSFSR SP since 1975.

Died June 30, 1995. He was buried in Voronezh at the Kominternovskoe cemetery.

Due to the circumstances of the time, G. Troepolsky had to study in four secondary educational institutions: he started at the Novokhopersk gymnasium (3rd grade), continued at the Novokhopersk school of the 2nd level, and after its closure he graduated from the last class in Novokhopersk. Already with secondary education, he enters a secondary agricultural school (the village of Aleshki, Borisoglebsk district).
After graduating from college (1924) G.

Troepolsky taught near his native places - in the villages of Pitim and Makhrovka. In the spring of 1931, he got the opportunity to work in agronomy, first as a junior researcher, and then as the head of the Aleshkovsky stronghold of the Voronezh regional experimental station.
Since 1936, G. Troepolsky in Ostrogozhsk has been in charge of the stronghold of the same station, and from 1937 to January 1954 he is the head of the Ostrogozhsk state variety testing site for grain crops; Here he also carried out the selection of millet; one of the varieties he bred was zoned in the Central Chernozem Zone (“Ostrogozhskoye-9”). G. Troepolsky summarized the materials of observations and selection in the Ostrogozhsky variety plot in several scientific works.

Almost a quarter of a century was devoted to agronomy, a quarter of a century lived in the small town of Ostrogozhsk. Only in 1959, already being a professional writer, G. Troepolsky moved to Voronezh.

Literature latently attracted G. Troepolsky from his youth. While still at school, he tried to put into words the beauty of his native land that had revealed itself to him, pictures of rural life, and decades later, the lines of a sixteen-year-old boy written in 1921 were also included in the novel “Chernozem”.

The good memory of the young teacher of the Novogolsk school, Grigory Romanovich Shirma, remained in Troepolsky for the rest of his life. He captivated his students with his love for great Russian literature and devotion to its precepts. Troepolsky himself explained that he became a writer under his influence: “... I would hardly have become a writer if I had not met Grigory Romanovich in my life. He taught us to think about what we read.”

Teacher and student, People's Artist of the USSR, artistic director of the State Academic Chapel of the Belarusian SSR G. R. Shirma and writer Troepolsky were destined to have a happy meeting many years later.

While teaching, Troepolsky continued to write. One day he showed his experiments to the writer N. Nikandrov who happened in Makhrovka. A well-known writer at that time advised not to rush, not to send the manuscript, “but you definitely need to write.” Apparently, Nikandrov saw in the young Troepolsky man capable of serious, demanding self-esteem and honest use of words. And I was not mistaken.

In 1938, the story “Grandfather” appeared in the almanac “Literary Voronezh” signed by T. Lirvag (read the other way around: Gavril T.). This was the first publication of Troepolsky the writer, but Troepolsky will never republish this story. This beginning, fulfilled in the spirit of popular ideas about life and literature, will not have a continuation. As the writer later recalled, “the more I re-read the story then, the less I liked it, and I decided that I couldn’t be a writer. It was at that time that I became interested in the selective selection of millet.”

Troepolsky worked at the Ostrogozhsky variety testing site: in a short time he developed eight varieties of millet and published a number of articles, and then two books on breeding problems.

The true literary beginning will occur much later. In the fall of fifty-two, the magazine “New World” will extract a story about Nikishka Boltushka from the editorial mail and ask the author for a continuation. And the first letter from Alexander Tvardovsky will arrive in Ostrogozhsk. It will confirm: “it is written well.”

In the second half of the 50s. Troepolsky received recognition as one of the best representatives of essay and journalistic prose on agricultural topics. In this, he followed V. Ovechkin, with whom he shared both knowledge about affairs in the village from his own practical experience and a desire for sincerity when depicting negative phenomena of reality.

Troepolsky's "Notes of an Agronomist" was published in 1953 in No. 3 of the "New World" magazine, which brought the author all-Union fame. Although the Voronezh regional party committee recognized the notes as slanderous and malicious. Disapproving at firstValentin Ovechkin spoke about Troepolsky’s satirical stories. A.T. Tvardovsky supported the work of a not young, but brave author, and since then, for many years, Troepolsky published his best works in Novy Mir; Until his death, Tvardovsky and Troepolsky were united by a true friendship that strengthened over the years. And it is worth recalling that Troepolsky dedicated his “Bim” to the memory of Alexander Trifonovich.

"Life is going,- said the writer, - life goes on because there is work and there is hope. Life also goes on because there are books that give hope."
The words of G. Troepolsky sound like a promise to readers, a guarantee, a pledge, an appeal to fellow writers: “only truth, only honor, only a clear conscience, and about all this - a word.”

“Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people have come up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not very often, have such devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty that this is the root of life. When the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state.”
On November 29, 1905, the author of the book “White Bim Black Ear”, writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, was born.

If you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly. And in the silence of the passing autumn, fanned by its gentle slumber, in the days of short-lived oblivion of the coming winter, you begin to understand: only truth, only honor, only a clear conscience, and about all this - the word. A word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children.

Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because each understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship.

Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy is not inserted between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy.

Friendship and trust are not bought or sold.

That's how dogs are - never forget the way back. In humans, this instinct has disappeared over the centuries, or almost disappeared. But in vain. It is very useful not to forget the way back.

And a lie can be as sacred as the truth... So a mother sings a cheerful song to a hopelessly ill child and smiles.

In a strange entrance, a strange dog was sleeping in the dead of night. Happens. Don't hurt this dog.

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. The author of a touching story about a dog's loyalty to its owner.

“White Bim Black Ear” - a story written in 1971 was dedicated to A.T. Tvardovsky, it gained success immediately after its publication. The book has gone through a large number of reprints and has been translated into more than 20 languages.

Bim, endowed with a white color from birth that does not correspond to the breed standard, lives in an apartment with his owner, a lonely pensioner Ivan Ivanovich. Ivan Ivanovich, a former journalist and now a philosophizing hunter, loves his dog and systematically takes it to hunt in the forest.

Suddenly the owner has a heart attack, he is taken to Moscow for surgery, and the dog is entrusted to a neighbor, but due to an oversight, it jumps out of the apartment in search of the owner and ends up on the street. Traveling without supervision, Bim meets many people - good and evil, old and young - all of them are described through the eyes of a dog, through the prism of its perception. Bim is treated differently, from pity and attempts to help to cruelty. Due to a number of different reasons, no one manages to shelter him on a permanent basis. Having gone through many tests and almost waiting for his owner to return, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander from a neighbor who wants to get rid of the dog’s presence in the yard. The owner manages to pick up the dog at the shelter, where it was taken after being caught, but finds only Bim’s body in place.

In 1977, Stanislav Rostotsky directed a two-part film, which also won many film festivals and received an Oscar nomination in the Best Foreign Film category. In 1998, in Voronezh, in front of the entrance to the local Puppet Theater, a monument was erected to the main character of the book, Bim.

For 35 years now, the story “White Bim Black Ear” has not left any reader indifferent. They read and re-read it, empathize with Bim and hate his enemies. And after reading the last lines... they cry...

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (1905-1995), Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).

G. N. Troepolsky was born on November 16 (29), 1905 in the village of Novo-Spasskoye on Elani (now Novospasovka (Gribanovsky district, Voronezh region) in the family of a priest.

He graduated from the agricultural school in 1924, worked as a rural teacher, and since 1931 as an agronomist.

The first works appeared in 1937. In 1976 he worked on the editorial board of the magazine “Our Contemporary”.

Among the works are stories, novels, plays, journalism.

- Creation
* “From the notes of an agronomist” (1953 - the magazine “New World”; in 1954 included in the collection “Prokhor the Seventeenth and Others”;
* script for the film “Earth and People” (1955)
* “Candidate of Sciences” (1958; story)
* “Chernozem” (1958-1961; novel)
* “In the Reeds” (1963; story)
* “About rivers, soils and other things” (1963; journalistic essay)
* articles in the newspaper “Pravda” in defense of nature (1966)
* "The Boarders" (1971; play)
* “White Bim Black Ear” (1971)

— Awards and prizes
* USSR State Prize (1975) - for the story “White Bim, Black Ear” (1971)
* Order of the Red Banner of Labor

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