Home Transmission Gemini talisman according to the horoscope for men. Jasper is a talisman of love. Talisman stones for Gemini women

Gemini talisman according to the horoscope for men. Jasper is a talisman of love. Talisman stones for Gemini women

GEMINI May 22-June 21
In Greek mythology, the Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born to Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Mount Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, only one of the brothers, Pollux (or Pollux), who possessed immortality, was originally a demigod; Castor was dead.

Gemini ruling planet: Mercury.
In childhood, the brothers were brought up by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, defeated Theseus, the winner of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. The shocked Pollux begs Jupiter to grant immortality to the unfortunate brother, and he divides eternal life into two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear together in the company of the gods - just as, of the two most important stars of the constellation Gemini, one disappears behind the horizon as soon as the other rises.


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Sapphire - a stone of wisdom

Agate - a stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Beryl - a stone of peace of mind

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Amber - the magic resin of the ancient forest




It opens shortly after sunrise, for which it was nicknamed the "eye of the day." In Greek, daisy means pearl. The European knights regarded the bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on the state flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many nations, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where the Russian name of this flower came from is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties are really somewhat like the eye. According to others, pansies depict the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing in them also a face, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked where she was forbidden. Tricolor pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. The white color of their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Greeks considered pansies a sign of a love triangle, while the French and the British, on the contrary, presented their beloved with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mention of fragrant jasmine was found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Greeks believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the jasmine smell tones and excites the functions of the brain.

The legend of the narcissist is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao" - intoxicating. A refined white-yellow daffodil has a sharp, really intoxicating smell.

The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted to live long if only he never saw his own face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he leaned over the water and saw himself ... And after a while he withered from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned it into a beautiful flower. “The creation of beauty, immeasurable delight,” said Cyrus the Great about him. In ancient times, triumphants returning home with victory were greeted with yellow daffodils. The Chinese have a narcissus - a New Year's flower.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

May 22-31 - CHAMOMILE. There is a traditional character in the character: loves - does not love. It is difficult to understand her, although she beckons to herself. Despite her attractive appearance, she still tries to sit an opponent at work for the sake of a career or just sports interest.

June 1-11 - BELL. Conservative. Any change frightens, plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue is a good family, a good house. Favorite means of transportation, if suddenly sent on a business trip, is a train. Fear of air travel.

June 12-21 - DAISY. Not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Quiet, homebody, reinsurer, observer. He participates in events most often as a collector of gossip. However, in life he will always achieve his goal.


ASH May 25-June 3
Ash is strong and beautiful, slender and elegant, his movements are free. He has a lively character and laughs at life's difficulties, because of which he may seem to others as an irresponsible creature. However, in fact, one born at this time knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he does not want. Ash is proud and strives to ensure that those around him take care of him, think and live the way he likes best, prefers to do only what he wants.

Men. Their mind is based primarily on intuition, they have a special insight. This ability gives rise to the desire to predict the future. However, Ash always plays a little with fate, which, however, does not prevent him from being very lucky.

Women. Extremely selfish, but generously share everything they have. In pursuit of their own happiness, they are so energetic that they can trample on everything that gets in their way.

Love and marriage. Being capricious by nature, in love Ash is surprisingly prudent and constant. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to establish a life together, which he succeeds. His marriage of love can be at the same time a marriage of convenience, but this does not mean that he will be unhappy.

GRAB June 4-June 13
Staten, in his youth even handsome, he eventually loses its former charm. As a true esthete, Grab treats the world around him with indulgence. His attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. He is ambitious, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. However, he likes to live in accordance with the established order of things, he rarely takes the initiative, and he is wary of new ideas.

Men. How great is their desire for discipline! They are very fond of obeying: the existing order of things, the established norms, the authorities, finally. However, they need "insignia".

Women. They do not like to deviate from accepted norms and rules and are rather reserved about all sorts of innovations. In love, take care of yourself more.

Love and marriage. In love, Grab is distinguished by decency, can be pleasant and sweet, but he can relate to feelings rationally: if life offers him a choice between love and duty, he, as a rule, chooses the latter.

FIG June 14-June 23
Figs are not always beautiful, but they have expressive features. He is impressionable, often suffers from an inferiority complex, does not feel good everywhere, does not tolerate difficulties well and needs a comfortable and warm living space. He needs stability, despite the fact that he himself is largely unstable. Distinctive character traits of Figs are emotionality and condescension.

Men. Active and enterprising realists, they are constantly busy with work, although by nature they are very lazy. They are impulsive and full of good intentions, but constantly forced to fight with their own weaknesses.

Women. Being attached to family and relatives, they need constant communication with them. Affectionate and emotional, they give others a good mood and a radiant smile.

Love and marriage. Fig appreciates simple feelings more than romantic fantasies, he needs to be understood and accepted as he is. He is very vulnerable, so with Figs you need to be gentle and attentive.


Sunny orange

pale yellow






LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 12, 18.

The patron saint of Gemini is air element and mercury. People of this zodiac sign have special contradictions. They are changeable and deceptive. People of this sign are extremely intelligent, but they do not try to seek knowledge, it is quite enough for them that it comes by itself. People born under this sign are very fickle in terms of occupation, and therefore they constantly have unfinished business. But after a while, a person can easily return to what he started and complete everything.

They just need to communicate.. Thanks to their wide knowledge and interests in different areas, Gemini easily and simply establish communication with a wide variety of people. They show incredible talents during negotiations, because people of this zodiac sign often become excellent trade workers and teachers. But their psyche does not always effectively cope with stress, and in this case, “bad” qualities appear: pettiness, selfishness and selfishness.

Selection of a stone by date of birth

People who were born in period from May 21st to 31st(first decade), are influenced by Jupiter. They have excellent logic and intuition. The following stones are suitable for such people:

For those who were born during from June 1st to 10th(second decade), patronizes Mars itself. These are selfish and assertive individuals. Stones that suit them:

Representatives of the third decade (born with June 11th to 21st) are protected by the Sun. These are very remarkable people who keep warmth in their souls for dear and close people. However, they often experience anger. In addition, they hate any kind of submission. Persons born in the third decade should pay attention to the following stones:

  • tourmaline;
  • alexandrite;
  • sapphire;
  • topaz;
  • Emerald.

According to professional astrologers, the best "stone talisman" for Gemini is alexandrite. It helps develop willpower. In addition, alexandrite is able to change its color. This property allows representatives of this zodiac sign to learn about a deterioration in health or about the imminent arrival of difficult situations in life (when the stone darkens). Alexandrite can bring money and stability to Gemini.

Moonstone is a good idea. It will allow you to restrain the irrepressibility of this sign when they take on many things at once. In addition, the windiness of this zodiac sign often leads to discord in the family due to momentary impulses. It is the moonstone that can improve relationships in the family. It also contributes to the disclosure and development of creative abilities.

"Solar" amulets

Minerals that have "sunny" shades: citrine, tiger or cat's eye, amber. Citrine, for example, will be very useful for entrepreneurs. It ensures the profitability of transactions, protects against risks and limits the excitement inherent in all Gemini. Gemini, who are associated with public activities, citrine helps to successfully perform.

Onyx - the "keeper" of rational decisions, will reduce the superficiality and frivolity that are so characteristic of this sign. At the same time, a mineral that has straight stripes develops a rigidity of character and eliminates frivolity.

Another good talisman for Gemini is agate. It is believed that this stone has magical properties. It will serve as an excellent amulet for regularly ill and weak representatives of the zodiac sign. He helps creative people to realize certain ideas. Jewelry, for the creation of which this mineral was used, helps in the development of mindfulness, responsibility and prudence. And this talisman stone for a Gemini woman is indispensable when creating a romantic relationship. He will definitely help you find your “soul mate”.

Jade has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of Gemini. It also stabilizes sleep and helps to cope with many diseases. And this stone of the twins of men according to the horoscope increases the duration of life. However, it is undesirable to wear products with this stone for a long time, as it attracts loneliness, which is completely unacceptable for representatives of this sign.

Astrologers recommend turquoise for traveler twins. This natural material will definitely add strength and energy, as well as provide protection from a variety of dangers. Turquoise is often called a peacemaker stone, as it prevents and helps eliminate conflict situations. In addition, turquoise is considered an excellent assistant to Gemini in business matters.

Charm stones

It is characteristically difficult for representatives of the sign to endure the consequences of emotional upheavals and stressful situations. They often have weakened health, and with stress and illness, their energy instantly disappears. An amulet made of citrine will help correct the situation. It will help to accumulate energy and provide protection from certain misfortunes.

Citrine can also be very useful for businessmen, assisting in resolving disputes and signing agreements. The citrine talisman for Gemini perfectly helps to choose the right direction of activity.

Stone amulet "tiger's eye" will provide protection to the representatives of the sign from their own negative qualities. Jealousy, suspiciousness and excessive suspicion are character traits that often interfere with life. Tiger's eye can handle it. Such a talisman also helps for career growth and material well-being. Tiger's eye allows you to get rid of the feeling of fatigue and relieves nervous tension. In some situations, this stone can cause a feeling of weight gain - this is how it warns Gemini of future troubles.

Chrysoprase is a talisman stone of twins with magical properties. It can protect the Gemini from the evil eye, damage and other negative phenomena of a magical nature. Talismans from it are excellent protectors for representatives of the sign, who, by the nature of their activities, are connected with other people's financial resources. These include, for example, bankers, brokers and cashiers. For Gemini who are married or married, chrysoprase will create prosperity in the family. The mineral also protects against envy and evil intentions, therefore it will be extremely useful in fairly risky undertakings.

Use of talismans

It is essential to know about exactly how to use amulets for Gemini. For example, alexandrite is recommended for use in rings, which should be worn on the middle fingers. In this case, the jewelry must be removed before going to bed.

Turquoise should have a gold (for the Ural mineral) or silver (for the Iranian stone) frame.

Jewelry containing agate must be worn exclusively on the left hand.

Gemini, as a rule, have a very easy character and a positive outlook, so they should not use heavy and expensive amulets. These include, for example, aquamarines, diamonds and rubies. In addition, such stones can even harm Gemini: attract some kind of problem or disease. Also, Gemini cannot use semi-precious stones of white or bluish tones.

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Twins- a sign of the air element. Changeable, windy and at the same time versatile, intelligent and sociable, they give the impression of friendly know-it-alls, and natural charm attracts interesting people to them and makes it easier to achieve goals where others would spend a lot of effort.

Talismans in the form of both precious (beryl, emerald, sapphire) and semi-precious stones (agate, rock crystal and some others) help women to realize their plans and achieve harmony.

An effective amulet will be a mineral selected by date of birth. Stones suitable for Gemini women are discussed below.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (decade):

  • Born from 21 to 30 May beautiful representatives of the air are patronized by Jupiter. It develops a strong will, generosity, developed intuition and logic. Moonstone, agate, rock crystal and beryl are suitable for good luck and overcoming obstacles.
  • Women born between June 1 and 10 are affected by Mars. They are charming, purposeful, often put their career above other values. With the unfavorable action of their planet, they become aggressive, hypocritical and self-centered. Which stone is suitable for twin women of this decade to get rid of the bad manifestations of the stars is, first of all, citrine, onyx, chrysoprase and tiger's eye also work favorably.
  • The twins, who were born from June 11 to 21, are patronized by the Sun. They are bright, with a sense of humor, intellectuals, but at the same time they are too vain, stubborn and talkative. The disadvantage of the girls of the third decade is the frequent change of mood, because of which they get annoyed from scratch. To soften undesirable features, let them definitely acquire emerald, sapphire, topaz and tourmaline.

Gems of bright and warm colors can become the mascots of Gemini women. Crystals of light shades, yellow, green are preferable to choose. Having several minerals in the box, you can wear them depending on your mood.

Garnet stone for Gemini women

The name was given because of the similarity with the grains of the fruit of the same name. It has the ability to identify and concentrate the positive properties of the owner's character. It also inspires optimism and vivacity. recommended to people with strong energy, as it exhausts the weak-willed even more.

Women of this sign can choose a mineral as a talisman for acquiring true love and friendship, it will help to show tact in relationships and depth of feelings. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with garnet all the time, to relax it is worth taking it off for a while. Which ones you will find here.

Gemstones for Gemini Women

Gemstones for women born under the sign of Gemini:

  1. Beryl. A noble crystal that has several varieties that differ in color. Due to the impurities of different metals (iron, magnesium, chromium), it acquires shades from golden green (heliodor) to red (bixbit), it is multi-colored and iridescent. In its pure form, beryl is colorless. In married twins, it restores family harmony, it attracts true love, mutual feelings into the life of free representatives of the sign. For active Gemini building a career, a stone is suitable as a talisman. It will help not to leave everything halfway, boldly go to the goal, quickly overcoming problems. In addition, it improves memory and concentration, which allows you to quickly understand new information. The mineral will be a good helper in the treatment of various female ailments. Beryl is also used in the fight against colds, with problems of the nervous system.
  2. Emerald. Beautiful precious mineral of rich green color. One of the most expensive stones. Like no other suits the twins according to the horoscope. Under its influence, peace appears, peace in the soul and even composure during stress, excessive anxiety and irritation. Strengthens memory, helps to determine your purpose in life, increases self-confidence. For the child, it will serve as a protector from the evil eye (including during pregnancy), while strengthening the family, and maintaining the loyalty and love of the spouses.
  3. Alexandrite. It changes color depending on the lighting and even the mood of the carrier, which echoes the dual nature of the twins. Shades go from bright saturated emerald to dark blue and even burgundy red.
    Alexandrite carries with it an aura of balance, calms and improves the processes of the nervous system, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The mineral is able to cool heated disputes and disagreements, acts as a talisman against malicious intent on the part of opponents. The owner will give happiness and prosperity in family life. At the same time, it is removed at night so as not to provoke the leakage of energy.
  4. Sapphire. This precious blue crystal will help you become restrained and patient. He reveals the talents of an airy girl. Harmonizes relationships with people, while increasing the circle of communication and acquiring the connections needed by Gemini. The inconstancy of the zodiac sign is coming to naught, and this has a positive effect in personal and professional relationships.

Natural Stones for Gemini Women

Natural stones include both precious and semi-precious stones. The first were discussed above, so let's pay attention to the second.

Semi-precious stones for women's twins:

Stones contraindicated for Gemini

Representatives of the zodiac should avoid heavy gloomy minerals. They draw vitality and energy from them, bring them to depression, deprive them of ease of communication and a positive attitude towards the world. These are primarily diamonds and rubies. They attract a lot of trouble and worsen the health of women of the air element. They should also give up aquamarine.

The main amulets of stones for Gemini women.

Which stones are best for Gemini women to wear as amulets, crystals that suit them primarily in terms of energy will tell. It is worth paying attention to minerals, based on the individual character of the girl. It can be both semi-precious and precious crystals.

Choosing the former, you can wear them in everyday life, since precious minerals will not always look appropriate.

The most favorable of them for the human aura is:

  • agate - worn on the left hand in the form of a ring or bracelet,
  • tiger eye - best used in a pendant,
  • rhinestone - also wear as a pendant or pendant,
  • citrine - worn in or a ring of another material on the ring finger of the right hand, and speaking in front of an audience, put on the neck,
  • chrysoprase is worn as a necklace or pendant on a thin silver chain.

Gems are more active and will suit strong personalities; it is not recommended to use them around the clock.

Features of Wearing Gemstones for Gemini:

  • The influence of alexandrite will be more effective if it is in a gold-rimmed ring on the middle finger. It is better to use in a set with other jewelry - a necklace or earrings.
  • To manifest their qualities, the emerald is recommended to be worn on the little finger.
  • Beryl can be worn as a pendant to improve family relationships and find love, or as a gold ring on the ring finger for good luck.
  • Sapphire, as an amulet, is suitable in the form of a ring or bracelet.

The above tips for wearing certain stones according to the zodiac sign as a talisman are proven and effective. At the same time, they pay attention to the considered crystals by date of birth in the first place, but it is up to them to decide which stones to wear for Gemini women, especially if they liked jewelry or products with gems not of their decade. Your mineral is felt at a subtle energy level.

Geminis are bright extroverts. They cannot do without society and active contacts with the world. Representatives of the sign are easy-going, always aimed at change. They are repelled by inertia, routine, monotony.

"Air" individuals are generously endowed with intellect, but do not differ in perseverance and patience. In their style - not to complete all their undertakings. Superficiality is a serious obstacle to success.

The attitude of others towards Gemini is ambiguous. People like their eloquence, ease of communication. But such qualities as excessive fussiness and optionality cause irritation. In complex life conflicts, Gemini often show pettiness, greed, selfishness.

Charm stones will help to improve character, protect from troubles, and improve health.

Talismans for all Gemini

Pompous, gloomy stones are alien to the astrological sign, whose powers are revealed during the period of summer flowering and light. His amulets should be warm and cheerful.


21.05. – 31.05 (Jupiter)

In the Gemini of the first decade, both intuitive and analytical thinking are equally developed. enhances thought processes. Yellow and red form a fair self-assessment.

06/01 – 06/10 (Mars)

For those born in the second decade, it is important to mitigate the influence of an aggressive planet, to weaken such qualities as selfishness, irascibility, excessive perseverance. as well as white, pink, yellow shades soothe the nervous system, bring peace of mind.

It is useful for restless natures striving for change and renewal to wear chrysoprase.

11.06 – 21.06 (Sun)

The chosen ones radiate optimism. They love children very much. Better than other Geminis, they manage their feelings, but they also have outbursts of anger. (except black) drive away hatred and rage. The same function is performed pink and are symbols of wisdom and justice. Emerald and pearl In addition, they attract money. yellow topaz turns a woman into a beauty, and a man into a sage.

Additional list of stones for Gemini :

  • almandine- "stone of joy" (a variety of raspberry and pink pomegranate);
  • uvarovite- an assistant to generous people, a talisman against thieves and envious people (green pomegranate);
  • rhodonite- a pink ornamental stone, useful for awakening talents;
  • - a stone of the air element, an amulet of travelers and athletes; protector from dark influences.

dangerous stones

Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about unsuitable stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to the weak one. List of stones that Gemini should take a closer look at:

, blood red garnet, milky white cacholong, (blood man), labrador,

The zodiac sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury and the air element. That is why Gemini is characterized by contradictions to a greater extent than other signs. The nature of these people is elusive, deceptive and changeable. They are intellectuals, however, they do not like to make efforts in search of knowledge, being content with what comes to them by itself. They are fickle, they often change the nature of their activities, which is why they almost always have unfinished business. However, Gemini is able to subsequently return to the work begun and finish it.

These people always feel the need for society, they need communication. Thanks to their interests and knowledge in a wide variety of industries, Gemini can easily communicate with a wide range of people. They are great at negotiating, which is why Geminis make great teachers or salespeople. However, they may not psychologically cope with stressful situations, and then the negative qualities of this zodiac sign appear: selfishness, self-interest and pettiness.

Stones for Gemini by date of birth

Gemini born in the first decade (21st - 31st May) are under the influence of Jupiter. They have excellent intuition and logic. Suitable stones for these people are rock crystal, amazonite, and obsidian.

Representatives of this zodiac sign, born in the second decade (June 1st - 10th), are patronized by Mars. They are assertive, selfish, sometimes aggressive. Suitable talisman stones for Gemini of this period are pearls, onyx, and.

People born in the third decade (June 11th - 21st) are under the protection of the Sun. These are bright personalities, they have a lot of warmth in their souls for loved ones, but they can also experience strong uncontrollable anger. These people do not tolerate any submission. Useful talisman gems for them are distinguished by their unsurpassed beauty - this is, and tourmaline.

Talisman Stones for Gemini

Alexandrite is the best stone for Gemini

According to astrologers, alexandrite will serve as the best talisman stone for the Gemini zodiac sign. This stone contributes to the development of strong personality traits in Gemini. In addition, alexandrite changes its shades and, thanks to this property, you can find out about the approach of a difficult life period or deterioration in health (in the case of a darkening of the shade of the gem). Alexandrite will also serve as a talisman for the Gemini in the area of ​​good stable earnings and saving money earned.

Moonstone will help Gemini to choose the right path

The moonstone will also be a good talisman for Gemini. Such a talisman will restrain the throwing of this sign from one target to another and direct it along one right path. In addition, the frivolity of these people can sometimes lead to the collapse of normal family life due to a momentary impulse, the moonstone will also take care of stable family relationships. The stone will also help to increase creative abilities and their disclosure.

Good talisman stones for the zodiac sign Gemini are minerals that have sunny shades: amber, feline or citrine. Citrine, for example, is indispensable for businessmen. It promotes profitable business, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, introduces Gemini's excitement into a reasonable framework. For representatives of this zodiac sign, leading public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances.

Onyx will strengthen the determination and develop the firmness of the Gemini character.

Onyx will help Gemini to make reasonable and real decisions, reducing the frivolity and superficiality inherent in the sign. Moreover, a talisman made of onyx with straight stripes has a higher potential, it will reduce frivolity and develop firmness of character.

Agate will build a reliable shield for Gemini, easily ward off diseases

Agate will also be an excellent talisman for Gemini. This stone itself is endowed with magical properties and will become a reliable protection for weak and often ill representatives of the sign. Agate will help creative people to bring their ideas to completion, not allowing them to soar in the clouds. Jewelry with agate will help develop such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness and prudence, which are so often lacking in Gemini.

Talisman with agate will help Gemini in the love field

The agate talisman is also good for romantic relationships, it will perfectly contribute to the success of the chosen applicant for the role of spouse and will help you make the right choice, because representatives of this zodiac sign often hesitate between several options.

Jade Attracts Loneliness to Gemini

Jade has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system of Gemini, helps to overcome the disease and normalizes sleep. The stone even increases life expectancy, but you should not wear jade for a long time, because this stone attracts loneliness, and this is unacceptable for people of this sign.

Turquoise is an excellent assistant in money matters.

Gemini, prone to frequent travel, astrologers advise turquoise as a talisman. The mineral will add energy and strength, protect against possible dangers. - a peacemaker stone, it eliminates conflicts and prevents quarrels. In addition, turquoise will be a good assistant to this zodiac sign in money matters and protect against slander and the evil eye.

Charm stones

Gemini tend to have a hard time enduring the effects of stress and nervous shocks. They often have poor health, and during periods of illness and stress, these people weaken, losing energy at a high rate. It will increase vitality and protect the Gemini stone-talisman from citrine. The amulet is capable of accumulating energy in a person, protecting him from possible misfortunes in the future. During periods of stress or illness, citrine brings positive emotions to the owner, helping to see the situation from the outside.

Citrine is also very good for business people, helping with contracts and conflict resolution. A talisman for Gemini made of citrine helps to concentrate on one specific direction, without scattering to the sides, and to convince opponents of your opinion.

A talisman for Gemini from a tiger's eye will protect against his own negative qualities. Suspicion, suspiciousness, jealousy are traits that interfere with normal life, and the tiger's eye fights them with constant success. This talisman is also good for stable material well-being and career growth of representatives of this sign. This stone relieves fatigue and nervous tension well. Sometimes a tiger's eye can cause a feeling of an increase in its weight - this is how the amulet warns the owner of possible future unpleasant situations.

Chrysoprase protects Gemini from damage and the evil eye

Chrysoprase is a magical talisman for Gemini. The stone protects the owner from damage, the evil eye, and other mystical negativity. Chrysoprase is also a good protector for people who, by the nature of their activities, are connected with other people's money. These are, for example, brokers, bankers, cashiers. For married Gemini, chrysoprase will ensure family well-being. The mineral is able to protect against evil intent or envy, so it will be useful in cases involving risk.

How to wear talisman stones

How and in what product it is better to wear one or another gem for a given sign is of considerable importance. For example, alexandrite should be worn in a ring, and the ring itself should be worn on the middle finger, and the ring should be removed at night.

It is better to choose turquoise set in gold, if it is Ural turquoise, and in silver, if the birthplace of the mineral is Iran.

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