Home Lighting How to make a divination pendulum. Psychics

How to make a divination pendulum. Psychics

Unfortunately, not all of us have the ability to predict the future, to learn facts from the past and present, to get answers to questions that do not lie on the surface. However, the beginnings of such abilities are in each of us. It is necessary to achieve success, or you can use auxiliary attributes to help in magical affairs. This article will talk about such a useful attribute as that you can do at home yourself.

Making a pendulum

The pendulum can be bought at a specialized store of magical items, but it does not contain any superpowers by itself. After all, the main thing is not the tool, but the ability and experience of using it. Essentially, a magic pendulum is an ordinary pendulum made of thread or thin rope with a weight tied to it. If you are going to make a pendulum at home, then an ordinary nut, a ring, a plumb line, or any other small object can be used as a load. The main thing is that it should be symmetrical, not outweighed in any direction, hanging on a thread vertically.

You can make any length of the thread, but for beginners it is better to use a thread 20-30 centimeters long. At the other end of the thread, it is best to tie a knot that will be comfortable to hold on to. To use such a pendulum, you need to learn how to work with it, to receive information.

Receiving information from the pendulum

There are a large number of methods for working with a pendulum. With the help of a pendulum, one can diagnose diseases, look for water, lost things, determine various types of energy in a home, etc. We will consider the simplest case - getting an answer to a given question. To do this, you first need to determine how the pendulum will show you "yes" and "no". Try to retire, bring your soul and body to a calm state. Take the pendulum by the thread so that the weight on the other end hangs freely. When the weight stops swinging and freezes in place, ask the pendulum: “Show me the answer YES". Your pendulum will begin to swing from side to side or spin in a circle to one side. Remember this movement, with this movement the pendulum will respond positively to your questions. Similarly, ask the pendulum “Show me the answer NO". Also remember this movement. After that, when you and the pendulum have agreed among themselves how he will answer your questions, start asking him questions that require a YES or NO answer. Start with simple, specific questions from the past to test your pendulum. When you succeed, move on to more difficult questions, to questions about the future.

Divination with a pendulum is one of the easiest ways to better understand your own desires and predict the most likely future, or rather, the line along which life will flow if you do not change your behavior or let everything take its course. Before you start divination with a pendulum, and also learn how to make a divination pendulum correctly, it is important to remember that the future has many options and the pendulum, as a divination tool, really predicts only one of them, which can be changed depending on whether what decision will you make.

How to make a divination tool

For the manufacture of a pendulum, any materials at hand are suitable, namely, threads or lace, as well as a small object that can be attached to this thread. A ring, a pendant, or a special pendulum with a hole for the thread, which can be bought at a gift shop or esoteric store, will do. Before you create a pendulum or buy one, it is important to remember a few simple rules. First: the pendulum is one of the magical attributes that should not be used for fun. Fortune telling with the help of a pendulum is a magical act that requires concentration and the expenditure of internal forces.

The pendulum is a very sensitive magical instrument, be sure to control your emotions when working with it.

Second: choose a day on the growing moon, while the date should be even or odd, depending on what day you were born. For example, your date of birth is the third, fifth, seventh, ninth of any month, which means that to make or buy a pendulum, choose an odd day on the growing moon. Accordingly, if you were born on an even date, choose an even date during the growth of the moon. Buy a pendulum in such a way that you do not need to receive change when paying. Either find out in advance how much the purchase costs, or prepare small cash.

An important note - the length of the pendulum thread should be such that, holding it between the index and middle fingers, the pendulum is 2-3 centimeters above the elbow.

If you decide to make a pendulum yourself, buy, following the above rules, a thread and an object that will act as a pendulum. Connect the thread and the pendant on the same day immediately after sunset. Don't forget to light a regular wax candle. Let it burn to the end. The cinder should burn out completely and die out without your help. You can ask questions to the pendulum any. But, first you need to go through a period of getting used to the pendulum. For 21 days, every morning you need to ask at least three questions to the pendulum and write down the answers.

We agree with the "predictor"

The pendulum will answer the question either "yes" or "no". Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance how you will understand the positive and negative response. For example, if the pendulum swings to the sides, it will mean "yes". The pendulum swings in a circle - the answer is "no". You can also use your own interpretation. The most important thing is to “agree” in advance on the meaning of the answer. A month after the start of using the pendulum, you can ask a wide variety of questions, including about. The pendulum will help answer questions that require an unequivocal answer, but in addition, determine the nature of the beloved.

The numbers will help clarify the results of divination with a pendulum

To do this, prepare either cards with numbers from one to nine, or simply write large numbers on one sheet of paper so that there is a distance of at least 3-4 cm between them. When asking a question about the character of another person, you need to place the pendulum in turn over each number , starting with one and ending with nine. Above some figure, the pendulum will give a positive answer, which will give an indication of the nature of the beloved. Similarly, you can ask questions about your own character.

The pendulum is really capable of answering any of your questions and the answer will be quite accurate. Your task during fortune-telling is to maintain internal "detachment" so as not to knock down the instrument with your own emotions.

Before asking the pendulum a question, it is advisable to devote a few minutes to preparation, the purpose of which is relaxation. Your task is to tune in to fortune-telling so as not to interfere with the work of the pendulum with your own emotions. Do not forget that the pendulum is a sensitive tool in your hands. That is why it is important to “empty the vessel” before accepting new information. It’s great if you meditate for 3-5 minutes before a divination session. Light a wax candle, take a comfortable position, freely lower your hands to your knees, straighten your back, but do not strain.

Look at the candle flame and imagine how the flame burns inside you, you yourself are the flame. After that, put out the candle with your fingers and proceed to divination. Ask the question to the pendulum clearly. Well, if you continue the practice of fixing questions and answers. Record the results of divination in your diary. After a certain time, you will not only be able to analyze the accuracy of the answers of the pendulum, but also check the quality of work with the pendulum, learn to “feel” this magical instrument. So, deciphering the answers of the pendulum in divination to determine the characteristics of your own personality and the personality of the man or woman you are interested in.

How to decipher answers - odd numbers

1. If during the calculations your number became one, you are an individualist with a capital letter. The most important value in your life is to keep your own freedom and independence. You will never put your own interests second, and the interests of a friend or life partner first. However, this is not selfishness in its purest form. It's just that even in childhood you got used to being aware of yourself as a person, and even your parents were forced to reckon with you. You expect the same from your partner - the ability to defend your point of view with reason. Only then will this person truly earn your respect. As a rule, people with a unit as a name number have a high energy level, and if not, they should do an energy cleansing, and things will immediately go uphill.

The pendulum will help determine the lucky number

3. Fortune has always been on the side of the triples. Their position is “new stability”, which they quickly find, as soon as the ground is taken from under their feet. Got a difficult situation in your life? The Troikas do not even have time to taste it, as help is already on the way. Perhaps that is why vitality and optimism became a characteristic feature for them. Threes are always sure that any difficulties can be solved. Did you spill your unfinished coffee on your pants on your way to the office? This happens with triplets as well. Only for others it will spoil the mood for the whole day, and the “troika” will smile, tell their colleagues about their clumsiness, and at lunch they run away for a new thing, which, as it turned out, had been planned for a long time, and on this day they also gave a bonus.

If your number is odd, when making any decision, pay attention to the presence of numbers. If yours falls out, perhaps this is the most winning option.

5. Unlike the "four", the "five" love the risk, adore this feeling of adrenaline in the blood when you rush at a decent speed along the high-way. But the risk for the "fives" is not at all thoughtless. If they get behind the wheel, then a powerful car, if they choose a route, it will be a flat track designed for fast driving. And if not, the “five” will choose another, more reliable route. "Fives" active, proactive. They are used to taking their own and know how to infect others with their enthusiasm. Next to them, the team no longer doubts, but acts. It's great if the "five" occupies a leadership position - this is promising both for their personal career and for the company as a whole. It makes sense for the Fives to turn to numerology in order to calculate not only the number of the name, but also the number of the first and last names. And even better and patronymics for the full picture. It happens that the pure number of the name and the number of the full name. match. This means that the "five" in life expects outstanding success.

7. At first glance, mysterious, but upon closer examination, simple and kind people. "Sevens" will always take an interest in your well-being, opinion, plans for the future. And not for the sake of curiosity, but really experiencing a sincere interest in you and showing genuine complicity. Among the "sevens" there are often people with well-developed psychic abilities. Subtle matters are the elements they are accustomed to. But they do not forget to take care of material life. With the ability to subtly feel the needs of other people, they often achieve success in life.

9. These are easy-going people who quickly light up with a new idea, but quite often just as quickly and lose interest in it. This is an absolute minus, since others may regard such behavior as banal laziness. But at the same time, this is also a plus for the “nines”, since their inherent flexibility helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Unfulfilled promises later they try to compensate and rarely make serious enemies.

Response values ​​for even numbers

2. Unshakable as a rock - this is about you. In any area, in any situation, you try to maintain balance and balance between people in the truest sense of the word. Diplomacy is an area in which many "twos" are able to achieve tangible success. Do not offend, find the right words, get around sharp corners - all these seemingly innate qualities helped you find a common language with peers and teachers during your studies, and in adulthood - with bosses, spouses, a couple of close friends - and others you did not allow them into a close circle of communication, because they too often and clearly violate the very balance that you so honor.

When divining with a pendulum, use a candle, the energy of fire will help increase concentration

4. Sober-minded, prudent, sometimes even very prudent. All this is about the "four". Such people do everything possible to ensure the financial well-being of themselves and their current or future children. The circle of their friends is reliable people, proven "both in trouble and in joy." Stability above all is their life credo. And they follow him no matter what the cost. Lucky for those who meet the "four" on their life path. Such a person will stumble himself, get up from his knees and lift you up. And another undoubtedly positive quality of the "fours" - they, like no one else, know how to keep other people's secrets, this often helps them both in business and in their personal lives.

The same rule applies to even numbers. Their appearance may serve as a sign which option is more preferable.

6. People born under the sign of the "six" have nothing to do with "errand boys", with whom this concept is sometimes associated in society. "Sixes" are self-sufficient individuals. And if they provide another service, or even disinterested help, they do it consciously, in no way infringing on their own interests. "Sixes" are distinguished by a high level of awareness. As a rule, from childhood they are determined with a life purpose and follow the goal. These are talented and versatile individuals who are distinguished by subtle intuition and the ability to "read" the emotions of other people. In addition to the fact that they accurately read emotions, they also have such an excellent quality as the ability to listen, which is very attractive to many people.

8. Mountains will be moved, and even they will reach the stars - without exaggeration, this is the main characteristic of the "eights". They are real workaholics. For the sake of the task, provided that they themselves realize the importance of this goal, they really will do anything. And their ambitions are quite large, so all the efforts expended pay off handsomely. "Eights" value comfort and know how to manage finances. Perhaps Fortune does not pamper them like the "threes", but if the "eights" succeed, then this success is truly grandiose, and they, as a rule, always know how to properly dispose of the opportunities provided.

The connection of divination with the help of a pendulum with numerology

Correspondence of numbers to letters to determine additional personality characteristics are as follows. Write these pairs: A - 1; B - 2; AT 6; G - 3; D - 4; E - 5; F - 2; Z - 7; I - 1; Y - 1; K - 2; L - 2; M - 4; H - 5; O - 7; P - 8; P - 2; C - 3; T - 4; U - 6; F - 8; X - 5; C - 3; H - 7; W - 2; SC - 9; Y - 1; b - 1; E - 6; Yu - 7; I - 2. Write down your last name, first name and patronymic in a row. The name must be indicated in full, and not in what friends and buddies usually call you. That is, we write, not Vika, but Victoria, not Vanyusha, but Ivan. Under each letter below, write the corresponding number. Then add up all the numbers. The resulting sum is uniquely a multi-digit number.

The number that the pendulum will point to and the number of the name will reveal your individual characteristics.

For example, you got 453. We reduce the number to one digit by adding: 4+5+3=12. 1+2=3. Your number is three. Pay special attention to your name. What number does it correspond to? For example - Victoria: 6+1+2+4+7+2+1+2=25. 2+5=7. That is, the pure number of the name is seven. Consider both. The first number will reveal the features of your character, determine the general line of your destiny, indicate the strengths and weaknesses of your personality and in which areas success is most likely to be achieved. It makes sense to calculate the pure number of the name - it will reveal your inherent traits, reveal your individuality.

If the numbers don't match, it's neither good nor bad. This means that you are on your own path through life. You need to pay attention not to the even or odd numbers, but to your two individual numbers.

You can check the name number obtained using numerology for compliance with the personality number that you calculated using your new magical tool - the pendulum. If these two numbers match, it is believed that you are “marked” by Fortune and your character strengths can be developed even more, which will eventually allow you to fully open up, realize yourself. In addition, your character strengths when two numbers match will always outweigh your weaknesses. If the numbers are different, this means that you have the characteristics described by both the first and second numbers. Just take it into account.

How to work with a pendulum, you now know. And a few more important notes when using it. After the divination session, put the pendulum in the same place in a specially sewn or purchased bag (good, made of natural red fabric). During the preparation period of 21 days, it is advisable to keep the pendulum under the pillow or at least not far from the place where you sleep. After that, the storage location of the pendulum can be changed if desired. The pendulum is your personal divination tool, so only you yourself should hold it in your hands.

Video to the topic: "Pendulum as a dowsing tool"

A do-it-yourself pendulum will be closely connected with the energy of its owner, however, it is almost impossible to make some types of pendulums on your own. If you are interested in trying your hand at dowsing, start by making or buying this instrument.

In the article:

How to make a pendulum or choose a ready one

The pendulum can be used to find the right things and places, diagnose diseases and solve many other problems. And enjoys considerable popularity. Most specialists in dowsing believe that a person already knows the answers received during divination, but the fortuneteller's tool helps him unconsciously use this knowledge.

There is no single point of view about which magical tools are better - made by the magician personally or purchased in a store. Each of these options has both pros and cons. Both of them have fans and critics. It is up to you to decide which pendulum you will be most comfortable working with. From this follows the main rule when buying or selecting accessories for it - the tool should only cause sympathy.

At the initial level of teaching divination and dowsing, many parameters and varieties of pendulums are of no particular importance. Later, when you intuitively learn to understand which tools you work best with, you can choose the appropriate option or make it yourself. Many masters of their craft wind up several pendulums - different for different purposes. They are distinguished by shape, color, material and other parameters.

It is desirable that your version of the pendulum should be available. If you decide to buy it, you should not expect delivery for several months, receipt in the store and in other ways delay the moment you receive the desired tool. Need a pendulum? Make or buy it right away. No need to waste time choosing the right thing. Trust your intuition and do not delay the process, because in a few months you will simply forget about everything you wanted to learn. This is the sign that many modern esotericists believe in.

If you decide to purchase a thing, you need to clean it. Imagine how many hands your magical item went through - someone got the metal for the chain, someone carved a pendant out of stone, and then the seller and many customers of the store touched it. Choose any suitable method of cleaning objects - holy water, salt, prayers, incense smoke or specially selected herbs.

Types of pendulums

Types of pendulums are distinguished depending on their shape. Some of the most popular are teardrop pendants from various materials. This is a classic form that was given to pendulum pendants in the Middle Ages. It is suitable for divination for any question, and for dowsing.

Pendulum Merme, invented by a European abbot and named after his last name, is good because it has a cavity. What needs to be found is usually placed in the cavity of the instrument. For example, when searching for water, drop some water into the container. If you need to find gold, even a small piece of valuable metal will help you look for a treasure or a missing ring.

Elongated pendulums, which looks like a pencil, are easy to use and look unusual. The same applies to crystalline varieties of tools for divination and dowsing. spherical options make it difficult to work with the Ouija board, which is often used in conjunction with a pendulum, as well as cards. The range of modern variations of this instrument and pendants for them is striking in its diversity. It's easy to find what's right for you.

Do-it-yourself pendulum - the main rules

You can make a pendulum with your own hands in just a couple of minutes if you have everything you need at home. But, again, if you decide to just try yourself in a new business, you should not waste time choosing accessories. You will deal with this later, when you understand that you understand how the different shapes and materials of the instrument differ, in practice, and not in theory.

Before making a dowsing pendulum, we measure the thread. It should be of such length that the tool is comfortable to use. The exact length depends on the size of the hand, usually 25-30 cm is enough. It is desirable that the thread be natural, but wool is considered unsuitable. No threads? A light chain made of any metal will do.

At one end of the thread you have to hold the pendulum, and attach a weight to the other. If we are talking about a thread, the easiest way is to tie. The weight of the weight matters, the higher it is, the less the sensitivity of the instrument. But too light a weight will confuse the beginner with unclear predictions. M6-M10 nuts are ideal. If you do not have nuts, take bolts, rings, paper clips and even needles. In fact, there are no strict canons about how a pendulum should be. The main thing is that it is convenient to use it. Ideally, the suspension is symmetrical.

The end of the thread that you will hold the pendulum on may have knots. Don't go overboard with them. It is permissible to tie 2-5 knots. The knots prevent the thread from twisting, and it will also be more convenient to hold the tool and use it.

Do not forget that all things need a special place to store them. Tools for divination and magical search techniques are no exception. You can store the pendulum in a bag sewn or bought for this purpose. Small boxes are also suitable.

Rock crystal pendulum and other materials

Before you make a magic pendulum, you should think about the material from which it is worth making or buying a weight. Due to their attractive appearance and low cost, metal options are very successful. However, copper and aluminum rarely live up to their expectations. These are metals with the worst reputation for making pendulums, they are believed to conduct energy without giving any signals.

This also applies to wood, glass and plastics. However, glass pendants are used relatively often, and among non-standard materials for them, they enjoy the best reputation. Stone, ivory and ceramic pendulums are considered the best. If you take into account, you can get a powerful magical tool. They also allow you to select options for different purposes and combine various magical properties of materials with each other.

A rock crystal pendulum develops the intuition of a person who works with such an instrument. The material is neutral, and a tool made from it is perfect for simple divination, and for searching on a map, and for determining energy flows in an apartment and other places. Rock crystal will be a good helper when working with chakras, diagnosing diseases and finding people.

An amethyst pendulum endows the user with insight. It is a stone of sobriety, and not only in the literal sense, it is also about sobriety of judgment. The stone perfectly fights negative thoughts and irritation, helps to control emotions. Such properties make it suitable for a person who has difficulty concentrating. The pendulum will contribute to the development of clairvoyance. It is well suited for spiritualism, working with chakras, diagnosing diseases, determining the direction of energy and searching for people, objects and natural resources.

A do-it-yourself pendulum will be closely connected with the energy of its owner, however, it is almost impossible to make some types of pendulums on your own. If you are interested in trying your hand at dowsing, start by making or buying this instrument.

How to make a pendulum or choose a ready one

The pendulum can be used to find the right things and places, diagnose diseases and solve many other problems. Divination on the pendulum is also very popular. Most specialists in dowsing believe that a person already knows the answers received during divination, but the fortuneteller's tool helps him unconsciously use this knowledge.

There is no single point of view about which magical tools are better - made by the magician personally or purchased in a store. Each of these options has both pros and cons. Both of them have fans and critics. It is up to you to decide which pendulum you will be most comfortable working with. From this follows the main rule when buying or selecting accessories for it - the tool should only cause sympathy.

At the initial level of teaching divination and dowsing, many parameters and varieties of pendulums are of no particular importance. Later, when you intuitively learn to understand which tools you work best with, you can choose the appropriate option or make it yourself. Many masters of their craft wind up several pendulums - different for different purposes. They are distinguished by shape, color, material and other parameters.

It is desirable that your version of the pendulum should be available. If you decide to buy it, you should not expect delivery for several months, receipt in the store and in other ways delay the moment you receive the desired tool. Need a pendulum? Make or buy it right away. No need to waste time choosing the right thing. Trust your intuition and do not delay the process, because in a few months you will simply forget about everything you wanted to learn. This is the sign that many modern esotericists believe in.

If you decide to purchase a thing, you need to clean it. Imagine how many hands your magical item went through - someone got the metal for the chain, someone carved a pendant out of stone, and then the seller and many customers of the store touched it. Choose any suitable method of cleaning objects - holy water, salt, prayers, incense smoke or specially selected herbs.

Types of pendulums

Types of pendulums are distinguished depending on their shape. Some of the most popular are teardrop pendants from various materials. This is a classic form that was given to pendulum pendants in the Middle Ages. It is suitable for divination for any question, and for dowsing.

Pendulum Merme, invented by a European abbot and named after his last name, is good because it has a cavity. What needs to be found is usually placed in the cavity of the instrument. For example, when searching for water, drop some water into the container. If you need to find gold, even a small piece of valuable metal will help you look for a treasure or a missing ring.

Elongated pendulums, which looks like a pencil, are easy to use and look unusual. The same applies to crystalline varieties of tools for divination and dowsing. spherical options make it difficult to work with the Ouija board, which is often used in conjunction with a pendulum, as well as cards. The range of modern variations of this instrument and pendants for them is striking in its diversity. It's easy to find what's right for you.

Do-it-yourself pendulum - the main rules

You can make a pendulum with your own hands in just a couple of minutes if you have everything you need at home. But, again, if you decide to just try yourself in a new business, you should not waste time choosing accessories. You will deal with this later, when you understand that you understand how the different shapes and materials of the instrument differ, in practice, and not in theory.

Before making a dowsing pendulum, we measure the thread. It should be of such length that the tool is comfortable to use. The exact length depends on the size of the hand, usually 25-30 cm is enough. It is desirable that the thread be natural, but wool is considered unsuitable. No threads? A light chain made of any metal will do.

At one end of the thread you have to hold the pendulum, and attach a weight to the other. If we are talking about a thread, the easiest way is to tie. The weight of the weight matters, the higher it is, the less the sensitivity of the instrument. But too light a weight will confuse the beginner with unclear predictions. M6-M10 nuts are ideal. If you do not have nuts, take bolts, rings, paper clips and even needles. In fact, there are no strict canons about how a pendulum should be. The main thing is that it is convenient to use it. Ideally, the suspension is symmetrical.

The end of the thread that you will hold the pendulum on may have knots. Don't go overboard with them. It is permissible to tie 2-5 knots. The knots prevent the thread from twisting, and it will also be more convenient to hold the tool and use it.

Do not forget that all things need a special place to store them. Tools for divination and magical search techniques are no exception. You can store the pendulum in a bag sewn or bought for this purpose. Small boxes are also suitable.

Rock crystal pendulum and other materials

Before you make a magic pendulum, you should think about the material from which it is worth making or buying a weight. Due to their attractive appearance and low cost, metal options are very successful. However, copper and aluminum rarely live up to their expectations. These are metals with the worst reputation for making pendulums, they are believed to conduct energy without giving any signals.

This also applies to wood, glass and plastics. However, glass pendants are used relatively often, and among non-standard materials for them, they enjoy the best reputation. Stone, ivory and ceramic pendulums are considered the best. If you take into account the properties of stones, you can get a powerful magical tool. They also allow you to select options for different purposes and combine various magical properties of materials with each other.

A rock crystal pendulum develops the intuition of a person who works with such an instrument. The material is neutral, and a tool made from it is perfect for simple divination, and for searching on a map, and for determining energy flows in an apartment and other places. Rock crystal will be a good helper when working with chakras, diagnosing diseases and finding people.

An amethyst pendulum endows the user with insight. It is a stone of sobriety, and not only in the literal sense, it is also about sobriety of judgment. The stone perfectly fights negative thoughts and irritation, helps to control emotions. Such properties make it suitable for a person who has difficulty concentrating. The pendulum will contribute to the development of clairvoyance. It is well suited for spiritualism, working with chakras, diagnosing diseases, determining the direction of energy and searching for people, objects and natural resources.

A jasper pendulum is completely unsuitable for working with spirits and communicating with them through the Ouija board. But it will help to show impressive results in the search for people, animals and objects. Jasper is considered a suitable material for determining geopathic zones, diagnosing diseases and the state of the chakras.

In general, the material and method by which your magic pendulum was made does not really matter. The cost of pendants and chains that were bought to create it is also not important. Knowing how to make a pendulum can be useful for any person - you never know when you urgently need to determine a geopathogenic zone or get an answer to a question using fortune telling.

The pendulum is a humble, yet powerful tool for working with intuition. This is a great way to get quick, direct, and often unexpected answers! This is an inexpensive and effective form of divination, getting answers, and more.

What is a dowsing pendulum?

A dowsing pendulum is usually a stone or crystal that hangs from the end of a cord or chain. The pendulum is used as a way to gain spiritual and material understanding. Traditionally, dowsing pendulums have been used to detect hidden water, minerals, and other hidden objects underground.

How it works?

Do we get answers through magic? Spirits? Psychic abilities? My preferred answer is that the dowsing pendulum works by connecting us to the subconscious, which in turn has a connection to the higher layers and "knows" much more than we can imagine.

When we ask a question, our subconscious reacts by acting on the nerve endings in the fingers, causing waves that the pendulum displays in the form of an answer to the question. In other words, our body outwardly expresses our inner knowledge.

Getting answers with a pendulum is one of the simplest types of divination, which makes it suitable for almost any practitioner, even a beginner. You don't have to be a miracle psychic to use it! Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Choose the right pendulum

Think about what material or crystal you want to use for the pendulum. What is your stone of power (i.e. stone that resonates and works with you others)? If you have access to these kinds of shops, hold different pendulums in your hands and see how they interact with you. I will tell you a secret, a thing that resonates in unison with you will definitely attract your attention, hook, charm or just like it. Also, you can try to make your own pendulum using a chain with a heavy object on the end (mind you, not too heavy!) For practice, while you have not yet learned how to work with it and it is a pity to buy expensive pendulums, so as not to be disappointed, take a string and hang a heavy needle on it, this will be your pendulum for the period of training. This method will be easier than a wedding ring.

2. Clean pendulum

Once you have found the right pendulum for you, you need to clear it of residual energy. For example, you could run it under cold water, bury it in soil for a day, put it under moonlight at night, use singing bowls, put it in a freezer, or overnight in rock salt. You will see that after cleansing your pendulum has become even lighter.

3. Build relationships with the pendulum

Building a relationship with your pendulum is quite simple, however, but it will still take a little time and effort.

In order to learn the language of your pendulum and tune in to your subconscious, you will need to ask it a few questions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Seek advice and support. Why do we need the intervention of the Higher Forces in simple work, a moot point, someone without angelic support from above does not even go out into the street, besides, it is worth doing it to guarantee the receipt of clear, most objective answers. If this method resonates with you, ask for support from the person you usually go to.
  3. Next, ask the pendulum some questions in order to determine what "yes", "no", and "maybe" means. Your pendulum can swing back, forward, sideways, clockwise or counterclockwise. In order to understand what directions mean, try the following two approaches and see which one suits you best:
    • The first approach is to simply tell the pendulum "show me yes" and wait for it to start swinging. Then say: “show me no” and wait for the wiggle again. Finally, ask him: "show me probably" and wait for his answer. Pay attention to the route and keep asking. You can think of any drowning questions, for example, “show me I don’t know”, etc., until the directions in which he can swing in various ways run out.
    • The second approach is to ask questions to the pendulum that will establish objective answers. For example, if you want to know in which direction your pendulum will swing “yes,” ask it questions that you know the answer to, such as “am I a man/woman?”, “Am I ___ years old?”, “Are my eyes blue?”. Pay attention to which direction your pendulum swings. If it is difficult to remember, then write down or draw a diagram of answers. Then he is asked questions to which the answer is unequivocally “no”. For example, "Is my dog ​​still alive?" “Do I live on the __ floor?”, “Do I like swimming?”. Make sure you ask questions that have clear and specific answers.
  4. Ask your questions to the pendulum

Now your pendulum is ready to use! Make sure you are sitting comfortably. To begin the practice, you need to make sure that your hand is stable. So try to keep your elbows on the table for extra support. Hold your pendulum loosely and gently between your thumb and forefinger, tight enough to prevent it from falling.

You can ask your pendulum almost anything (within reason). Topics can range from the location of the object, deciding what to wear on a date, and choosing an area of ​​study, revealing your hidden feelings, motives, desires, gifts, and dreams. Your dowsing pendulum can be used to answer everyday questions and those relating to money and connections, all the way to deep spiritual questions.

You can also take ready-made charts that will help you assess the health status of various organs within your body and chakras. You can draw such a diagram yourself.

How to use your pendulum wisely

Here are some words of caution when working with a pendulum:

  • Please do not use your pendulum when you are emotionally or mentally unstable (for example, if you are tense, angry, tired, etc.) as this will give you inaccurate answers. To make sure you're in the right frame of mind, you can ask your pendulum a question before you start, "Is this a good time to dows?"
  • Do not use your pendulum as a substitute for medical expertise. Don't put yourself in danger. If you are seriously concerned about your health, see a doctor.
  • Make sure you only use the pendulum for yourself and not for others (even if they give you permission). First, evaluate whether you have gained enough experience to take action.
  • Approach pendulum work with an open and open mind. If you have already convinced, tuned your mind to something specific, it is likely that this will be reflected in your dowsing. Understand some of the limitations of working with a pendulum. Sometimes, it's much better to consult other forms of divination (eg tarot, runes, etc.) that give you layered answers in order to get the full picture of the situation. Ideally, when the pendulum is used in conjunction with other types of divination.

Finally, before each pendulum session, you might start with the following questions:

  • I can? (Am I ready to ask this question?)
  • Do I have permission to ask this question? It is useful to ask when you want to ask or do something for another person, such as a friend or family member. Remember that it's still possible to get a "no" even if the person consciously says "Yes" to you. In such cases, there is no need to continue.

That's all!


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