Home Nutrition Chakras and minerals. How stones affect the chakras. Restoration of the chakras

Chakras and minerals. How stones affect the chakras. Restoration of the chakras

Chakras, colors and minerals...

Chakra literally means "circle", "wheel" or "disk" in Sanskrit. In the context of yogic practices, this word is often translated as "whirlwind", which reflects the idea of ​​chakras as whirlwinds of psychic (cosmic, vital) energy - prana. As a synonym for the word "chakra" the word "padma" (lotus) is used.

In the yoga tradition, the chakras are associated with the nadi system (a kind of analogue of the circulatory system in which prana circulates). Nadis are the conductors of prana, while the chakras are the centers of its concentration and a kind of "relay", the process of "opening" or "purifying" which accompanies the stages of a person's spiritual development and bodily recovery.

Closely related to the chakras is the Tantric concept of Kundalini, whose "awakening" and "rise" through the chakras, from lower (Muladhara) to higher (Sahasrara), is accompanied by a radical spiritual evolution.

In addition to Hinduism, the concept of chakras is used in some systems of Buddhism and especially Tantra and yoga, in many modern occult systems, as well as in special symbolic images (chakra yantras). Chakras are also mentioned in Islam.

The concept of the existence of chakras is characteristic of traditional Indian medicine and some other types of non-traditional, alternative medicine (reflexology, acupuncture).

Chakras are multidimensional objects penetrating all the subtle bodies of a person, these are special structures of energy bodies, with the help of which the energy-information exchange of an individual with the environment and the accumulation of energy (prana) are realized.

Life is a circulation of energy, energy flows through the human body along energy lines (meridians), and is concentrated in energy centers - chakras. Chakras are a kind of accumulators and at the same time generators of Qi bioenergy of life. Each chakra corresponds to the energy of its order (its frequency) certain vibrations, such as color (wavelength) or the sound of a special mantra (frequency of sound vibrations).

The lower chakras (from the first to the third) resonate with the lower frequencies of the earth, and the upper (from the fourth to the seventh) respond to the high-frequency vibrations of the Cosmos. Thus, the human body is considered as an open system included in the common energy system "Earth-Man-Space".

There are seven main chakras, each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. Each chakra has its own color, and each chakra is associated with a certain part of our body, as well as certain characteristics and aspects of our life.

Chakras feed on the energy of colors that we see in our homes, in nature, food and clothing (including super-actively they perceive the energy of stones, minerals and crystals).

Color is one of the important natural and healing components that constantly affects us (lack of daytime color causes depression and increases the number of suicides, and chromotherapy is a treatment with color). White is the mixture of all colors in the visible spectrum, while black is the absence of any reflected color.

About black color you can readin our article "Selection of jewelry - advice from our designer" - link, and details aboutsymbolism of color - in our brochure.

Color affects almost everything in our lives - from the choice of clothes, interior design to mood. Realizing at least the psycho-emotional componentthis effect, you can lift your mood and thereby increase comfortof my life and for oneslightly improve the world as a whole.

You can purposefully use minerals that match the color of the chakras to open them. If you have a weak chakra and you feel a lack of energy in it, wear stones of the color corresponding to the chakra as jewelry for its gentle and non-violent opening.

This is a gentle, harmonizing and safe method of direct influence on the chakras, which you can safely practice on your own.

The table below shows a comparative description of the chakras, indicating the color of stones (minerals) that can have a stimulating, positive effect and promote the opening of the chakras.

Name Muladhara Svadhisthana Svadhisthana Anahata Vishuddhka Ajna Sahasrara
Localization sacral
Element Earth water Fire air sound light thought
Energy color Red Orange yellow green blue blue purple
octave note before re mi F salt la si
Sense organ sense of smell taste vision touch hearing intuition missing
Smell the Rose chamomile mint geranium sagebrush missing missing
Taste sweet astringent burning sour bitter missing missing
What is responsible for instinct
intelligence willpower love truth insight space
Chakra blocks fear guilt shame sorrow False illusions earthly
Chakra Opening Stones red
orange yellow green
blue blue purple

The first chakra is the center of survival. Located in the perineum and coccyx. Muladhara is the center of human vitality, its roots, connection with the Earth. Nourishes physical energy and maintains the physical body, the stability of forms and structures.

The condition of the bones and all tissues of the body depends on the quality of its work. The chakra is also associated with the energies of the kundalini. Through this chakra, a person receives the energy of the Earth. The chakra affects the pelvic organs (external genitalia, large intestine), the musculoskeletal system (legs), promotes an active will to live and all its physical manifestations, active physical energy, high potency, causes a feeling of confidence in life and stability of life position .

The chakra is responsible for aspects of life related to money, the ability to get things done and survival - taking care of oneself, providing food, shelter and work. This is the root center, the energy of which allows you to maintain clarity of judgment and the ability to concentrate. This chakra governs the functioning and health of the genitals, legs, knees and feet, as well as the ability to reproduce.

MULADHARA - this chakra of a person corresponds to the red color. Her element is earth, mantra "LAM", note "Do". It has a close connection with the physical plane, the chakra is responsible for the survival instinct, the chakra blocks the feeling of fear. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing red and black stones.

Red stones: aventurine, bull's eye, garnet, calcite, corneol, cinnabar, coral, pyrope, rhodochrosite, ruby, spinel, eudialyte, jasper.

Black stones: jet, hematite, labradorite, lava, morion, obsidian, onyx (black and white agate), hawk's eye, tektite, black agate, black jade, black jade, black onyx, black jasper, heliotis, schorl (black tourmaline), spinel, shungite.

Svadhisthana Chakra (navel chakra)

The second chakra is the social center. It is located in the region of the pubic bone. Nourishes the urinary system. This chakra is responsible for the accumulation of sexual energy, which is necessary not only for procreation, but also for energy practices and transformations of the body and subtle bodies.

The chakra controls the intestines, kidneys and genitourinary system as a whole, it is responsible for love for the opposite sex, sensual satisfaction and pleasure, sexuality, and reserves of sexual energy are concentrated in it. This chakra may also be called Hara, the focus of energy in the physical body.

This chakra is located about 5 cm below the navel, its energy resonates under the influence of orange. This chakra activates sexual and creative energy, governs the functioning and health of the lower intestines, ovaries and lower spine.

This center of feelings is responsible for our emotions. The energy of this center accumulates information about culture, family affairs, about everything connected with the father, as well as with the perception of oneself. This chakra is responsible for a person's self-esteem and how he perceives himself in relation to other people.

Swadhistana - this chakra corresponds to the orange color. Her element is water, Mantra "VAM", note "Re". It has a close relationship with the etheric plane. the chakra is responsible for the mind, the chakra is blocked by guilt. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing orange and moon stones.

Orange stones:apricot agate, aventurine, hessonite, calcite, fire agate, fire opal, orange garnet, orange spinel, padparadscha (orange sapphire), sardonyx, carnelian, sun stone.

The third chakra is the center of will. Located above the navel. Provides energy to the digestive organs. Responsible for the immune system. Its protective functions are manifested not only at the physical level, but also at the subtle level. The will of a person, purposefulness, and the ability to achieve goals also depend on the development of this chakra.

This chakra is located in the solar plexus, in a place under the sternum, where the ribs diverge. Her energy resonates under the influence of yellow. This center governs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands and middle spine.

This chakra is responsible for willpower and the ability to concentrate on achieving a specific goal. In this center are intellect and sound judgment, thanks to which a person analyzes and thinks, generates new ideas and activates his will.

It affects the level of our well-being, good luck in business and career, in family relationships. Gives a person a strong will, self-confidence. Chakra is responsible for optimism and perseverance in achieving the goal. Here, too, fear and anger accumulate.

MANIPURA - this chakra corresponds to yellow color. Its element is fire, Mantra "RAM", note "Mi". Close connection with the vital plane. the chakra is responsible for willpower, the chakra blocks the feeling of shame. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing yellow stones.

Yellow stones: agate, beryl (golden and heliodor), calcite, marble onyx (yellow), pyrite, topaz, tourmaline (yellow - dravite), selenite, carnelian, symbircite, tiger's eye, citrine, fluorite (golden), chrysolite (olivine, peridot) , amber, jasper.

Anahata Chakra (heart chakra)

The fourth chakra is the heart center. It is located in the middle of the chest at the level of the heart. Energizes the human cardiovascular system. This is the chakra of unconditional love. Center for Spirituality and Emotionality

The opening of anahata gives a person the ability to perceive the integrity of everything that exists, the unity, to live in harmony with the world and with oneself. This chakra is located in the center of the chest, its energy resonates under the influence of green.

This chakra governs the functioning of the upper spine, chest, shoulders, arms, lungs, and all physical and emotional aspects associated with the heart. Through this center one experiences love for oneself and unconditional love for others. It gives us the opportunity to experience unity with all living things - people, nature, animals, the mineral kingdom, the universe and God. From this center come personal strength, confidence and faith.

Healing also begins from this center, since it is directly related to the two minor chakras located in the palms.

ANAHATA - this chakra corresponds to green color. Her element is air, Mantra "TAM", note "Fa". It has a close connection with the astral plane. the chakra is responsible for love, the chakra blocks the feeling of grief. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing green, pink, white and multi-colored stones.

Green stones: aventurine, moss agate, azure-malachite, alexandrite, amazonite, beryl, turquoise, verdelite (green tourmaline), heliotrope, grossular, diopside, dioptase, jadeite, emerald, green calcite, malachite, jade, prazem, seraphinite, serpentine, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, jasper.

Pink stones: agate, calcite, pink coral, morganite (pink beryl), rhodonite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, rubelite (pink tourmaline), ruby, epidote, jasper.

White stones: agate, adularia, diamond, belomorite, girasol, rock crystal, pearls, white calcite, cacholong, quartz (smoky, milky), moonstone, magnesite, selenite.

Multicolor stones: ametril, ammolite, ammonite, watermelon tourmaline, topaz, unakite, iridescent fluorite, chrysoberyl, eudialyte.

The fifth chakra is the throat center. Located at the bottom of the throat. Provides energy to the respiratory organs. Responsible for communication, speech, self-expression. It is the center of synthesis of analytical, logical thinking, creativity and inspiration.

Our will as a free being (and, in particular, a free thinker), memory and mental abilities depend on the development of this center. This chakra is located in the center of the throat and resonates with the color sky blue. The throat center is responsible for the physical condition of the throat and neck.

The chakra affects the respiratory organs, throat, speech and hearing organs, skin integuments, contributes to the self-affirmation of the individual in society and his professional ambitions, his sociability, helps to independently satisfy his needs and brings a sense of satisfaction with himself and the world around him as a whole. It is the center of personality and individuality, but its function is somewhat different from that of the second chakra.

The throat chakra does not store information like a social chakra, instead it actively shows the world who a person is. She is responsible for communication and all forms of creativity - from needlework to writing. Everything related to authority, learning, leadership and organizational abilities, as well as voice, singing and speech, is generated in this center. This center dominates in adolescence, that is, during the formation of personality and its first manifestations.

VISHUDHA - this chakra corresponds to the color blue. This is the chakra of sound, the Mantra "HAM", the note "Sol". Close connection with the mental plane. the chakra is responsible for the (truth) truth, the chakra blocks the lies The opening of the chakra is promoted by wearing blue stones.

Blue stones: azurite, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, turquoise, blue lace agate (sapphirine), blue topaz, blue calcite, pearls, kyanite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue tourmaline, sodalite, chrysocolla.

The sixth chakra is the center of the third eye. It is located between the eyes at the level of the eyebrows. Provides energy to the brain. Responsible for perception. The opening of this center brings clairvoyance. This is the Spiritual Eye of a person, which allows you to see beyond the illusion.

This chakra is located on the forehead between the eyebrows, and its energy resonates under the influence of indigo (blue-violet color). This chakra controls the physical condition of the eyes, ears and nose, it affects the organs of the head, vision, this chakra is also associated with the meridians of the bladder and intestines. It helps to implement innovative and other ideas, stimulates activity in public life.

This center is the eye of consciousness, responsible for intuition, or inner knowledge, when a person knows without realizing how he knows it and why everything should be that way. This is the center of truth, which allows you to intuitively predict the outcome of a given situation, leaving aside emotions or desires. Here energy is accumulated for clairvoyance and other extrasensory abilities.

AJNA - this chakra corresponds to the blue color. This is the chakra of light, the Mantra "OM", the note "La". Close connection with the karmic plane. The chakra is responsible for insight, the chakra is blocked by illusions. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing blue stones.

Blue stones: azurite, aventurine (blue), amethyst, indicolite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite, hawk's eye, fluorite.

Chakra Sahasrara (crown chakra)

The seventh chakra is the crown center. It is located in the region of the crown of the head. This is the center of higher abstract philosophical thinking, superconsciousness. Responsible for the spiritual aspect of man, the connection of a human being with its Higher part and with the entire Universe. This chakra is the gate to the Higher World, to nirvana, its opening leads to liberation from the stream of incarnations.

This chakra is located at the crown of the head, and its energy resonates under the influence of purple and violet. This chakra is responsible for the state of the skull, brain and pituitary gland, contributes to the development of high spirituality, religiosity, culture, communication with the cosmos and higher forces, is responsible for the glands of the brain (hormonal background of the pituitary gland, medulla oblongata, etc.).

This center is responsible for connecting a person with his destiny, a unique way on earth. The crown center acts as a personal compass, helping a person navigate the path of life. The energy radiated from this chakra acts as a transmitter, drawing people towards or away from a person in accordance with his life destiny.

On an esoteric level, this center connects a person with his higher "I" and provides energy for creativity and imaginative thinking. He is also responsible for the disclosure of spiritual potential.

SAHASRARA - this chakra corresponds to purple. This is the chakra of thought, the Mantra "AOUM", the note "Si". It has a close relationship with the spiritual plane. The chakra is responsible for cosmic energies, the chakra is blocked by earthly attachments. The opening of the chakra is facilitated by wearing purple, golden and white stones.

Purple stones: amethyst, ametrine, fluorite, charoite.

Gold stones:"hairy" ("hair of Venus"), pyrite, selenite, fluorite (golden).

White stones: diamond, rock crystal, pearl, leucosapphire, topaz, ulexite, zircon.

The most important active centers located along the spine are the seven so-called chakras. They consist of nerve nodes, blood and lymphatic vessels. Chakras are a kind of accumulators and at the same time generators of Qi bioenergy.

Each chakra corresponds to certain vibrations, such as a color (wavelength) or the sounds of a special mantra (sound vibrations). The lower chakras (from the first to the third) resonate with the low frequencies of the Earth, and the upper ones (from the fourth to the seventh) respond to the high-frequency vibrations of the Cosmos.

Thus, the human body is considered as an open system included in the common energy system "Earth-Space". Indian healers were able to influence the chakras with the help of precious stones, which also had certain frequency characteristics.

Either “yin” stones were placed on diseased organs, points or corresponding chakras, which “pulled out” pain and weakened excess energy, or “yang” stones, which were able to “energize”, excite and stimulate. Below are brief descriptions of the chakras and their effects on a person.

In this regard, the methods of ancient Eastern healers are fundamentally different from the practice of Western astrologers, who select stones for people only in accordance with the data of their horoscopes and dates of birth. Often people do not even suspect that their ailment is due to the wrong decoration they have chosen.

Below is a list of chakras with gems and minerals that can have a stimulating positive effect on them.

To balance your chakras, you need to lie down for 10 minutes and put crystals on them, pointing towards the head. Do this twice a week. If you only have one crystal, start at the bottom chakra, moving up through the body and leaving for about 3-5 minutes on each chakra, ending with the crown chakra.

But remember that the crystal healing process is strictly intuitive. You must understand that the crystals themselves are only a tool with which you can improve your health. You have the power, not the crystal as such.

The safest and most universal for all chakras is colorless, defect-free rock crystal (crystals).

But you can use for each chakra a stone of the color corresponding to this chakra (lilac amethyst or charoite on the parietal chakra, blue topaz or blue lapis lazuli on the third eye area, bright green emerald or amazonite on the heart area, golden citrine or tiger's eye on the solar plexus, bright orange carnelian for the navel chakra, red ruby ​​or carnelian for mooladhara, etc.).

The stone can also be held in your palms in front of a specific chakra. This is the most accessible and safe method of influencing the chakras. Meditation time - no more than 15-20 minutes.

How to use stones to restore the work of the chakras?

If the chakra is not sufficiently supplied with energy, then this always leads to physiological and psychological problems. The energy balance in the body is disturbed, general malaise is felt, diseases appear. Such an unhealthy state is helped to remove healing stones, which are created by nature and charged with a certain energy. During the chakra cleansing procedure, the stones give off their energy through vibrations, and take on all the negative.

If you work with stones for cleansing and restoring chakras, it is necessary to carry out the stone cleaning procedure in time - after each use, the mineral must be cleaned of negative energy and charged with positive. The strength of the effect of the stone on your body depends on how correctly the cleaning will be carried out.

Simple ways to restore chakras with stones

  1. meditation with stones;
  2. talismans and decorations;
  3. stone massage;
  4. charging water with stones;
  5. stone for the night.

It is known that stones have certain vibrations and their own unique configuration of subtle bodies. By placing a precious or semi-precious stone at the active point of a person's energy (chakra), the energy field begins to change under the influence of the stone's field. Direct contact of a person with a stone allows you to change the vibrations of cells and energy fields.

Meditation is the deepest form of communication with the stone. Use basic chakra stones while meditating. The easiest way is to hold the stone in your palms in front of a specific chakra. Meditation time - no more than 15-20 minutes.

Not enough has been said about the power of talismans. To restore the work of the chakras, it is necessary to wear talismans and jewelry with chakra stones:

  1. sex chakra - pendants;
  2. solar plexus chakra - belts;
  3. heart chakra - pendants;
  4. throat chakra - necklaces.

Bracelets on the wrists are a universal decoration that affects all chakras, so they can be worn at all times. If you wear a bracelet on your left hand, the main effect of the stone will be directed to the person himself. If on the right hand - on the people around him.

The healing water charged with precious and semi-precious stones helps to cleanse the chakras. To charge water with healing stones, it is necessary to use not ordinary dishes, but a separate thicket purchased specifically for this procedure (preferably made of glass). A ceramic and porcelain bowl is also suitable. The stone is poured with purified (preferably spring) water and left overnight. If you admire a crystal in a glass bowl of water for half an hour, you can quickly relieve stress and headaches - this process also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the chakras. Charged water is drunk in the morning, washed with it, wiped with energy centers.

To restore the full functioning of the chakras, stones are placed under the pillow or applied to energetically active points, leaving them overnight.

Remember: stones are a powerful source of energy. The process of the birth of crystals takes centuries and requires huge energy costs. All this power helps to heal the energy centers of a person, restore their proper functioning.

Stones and chakras

First Chakra Root


Color: red, black
Element: Earth
Planets: Mars, Pluto, Saturn
Zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
Sense: smell
Glands: adrenal glands, spleen
Hormones: adrenaline, cortisone, aldosterone

Root, main, lower chakra. Located in the coccyx area.

It opens down, receives the energy of the Earth, rooting a person in the material world. The root chakra provides the basis for the stable functioning of the body, gives vitality and self-confidence. The chakra associated with the survival instinct, with the ego, with personal needs. Influences professional activities, finances and home management. It is a source of strength that helps to break through in life.

Harmonious work of the chakra
An open and properly functioning Root Chakra increases the will to live, gives a feeling of confidence, reliability and stability of position. From here comes vital energy, awakens the love of life. It is a source of strength for action and internal stability. A person with an open Root Chakra always rests internally, lives an intense creative life, has a desire to act, and is successful in business.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
If the chakra is not open (damaged or blocked), the person becomes inert, unsure of himself. A closed Root Chakra does not let energy into the body and energetically locks the body. The consequences are intemperance in food and sex, irresponsible and selfish behavior. Lack of energy and psychological dissatisfaction leads to the fact that a person is in constant search for new desires and ways to satisfy them. The extreme degree of imbalance is neurosis, aggressive behavior.

Main Root Chakra Stones: garnet, hematite, red jasper.

Red stones - coral, aventurine, bull's eye, ruby, spinel, calcite, carnelian, cinnabar, pyrope, rhodochrosite, eudialyte.

Black stones - jet, black agate, black jasper, shungite, black onyx, labradorite, morion, obsidian, onyx (black and white agate), hawk's eye, tektite, black jade, haliotis, black tourmaline, spinel.

How to work with stones:

The main way to meditate with Root Chakra stones is to surround yourself with them. Arrange your stones in a circle on the floor and sit in the center of the circle. Stones should not touch each other. It is recommended to carry stones with you after meditation for several hours - they preserve and enhance the frequency of radiation of your chakras.

Deep meditation with stones changes the parameters of perception, changes the thinking and behavior of a person. When the chakra opens and fills with energy, the correct vibrations of subtle bodies are restored - this has a beneficial effect on the psychological and physiological state of the body.

Decorations and talismans:

The ring with the Root Chakra stone should be worn on the little finger - this helps to restore energy exchange. Helps with the rapid restoration of physical fitness. To activate the Root Chakra, you can wear amulets of healing stones on your wrists in the form of bracelets.

Second Chakra Sacral


Orange color
Element: water
Planets: Moon, Venus, Pluto
Zodiac signs: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Sense: sense of taste
Glands: ovaries, testicles
Hormones: estrogen, testosterone, progesterone.

Sexual chakra, sacral center, sexual center.

The second chakra is located on the palm below the navel. Open front. In that place, efficiency, sensuality and sexual energy, unrecognized emotions are concentrated. The task of the Sacral Chakra is to purify the energy of the whole organism, to ensure the intensive circulation of the life stream. In the sexual chakra, the physical connection of the two principles - male and female - is carried out during intimacy based on deep feeling and harmony.

Harmonious work of the chakra
If the Sacral Chakra is open and works harmoniously, then this is reflected in the satisfaction and charisma of the individual. A person experiences genuine feelings, behaves calmly, truthfully and naturally, is passionate about his work, successful in his sexual life, liberated, full of strength and trusts his instincts. The second chakra controls the work of the intestines, kidneys and genitourinary system, regulates sensual pleasures.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
Blockage of the Sacral Chakra most often occurs in childhood, due to deep psychological trauma. In adulthood, the sex chakra closes in the absence of physical intimacy, which, in turn, entails a blockage of natural emotionality. The gross suppression of sexuality in adolescence closes the Sacral Chakra especially deeply. As a result, a person can become impulsive, and subsequently sexually incontinent, lose joy in life, plunge into endless depression, often feel hatred, be possessed by jealousy or even sadism.

Consequences at the physical level - diseases of the uterus, kidneys, prostate and testicles, impaired potency, urinary tract infections. On the spiritual level, there is a strong mood swing, boredom.

The main stones of the sacral chakra: moonstones, carnelian, sard.

Orange stones - apricot agate, orange garnet, fire opal, orange sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, sunstone, aventurine, calcite, fire agate, orange spinel.

How to work with stones:

To restore the Sacral Chakra, you can meditate with a stone, holding it in front of you in your cupped palms. Meditation with two stones - Sit in the lotus position and place your hands on your knees with your palms up. It is advisable not to use two stones of the same type at the same time when meditating.

The result of a successful deep meditation should be complete relaxation and at the same time increased susceptibility and sensitivity. It never hurts to record your impressions in a personal diary. After a while, you will notice how strong changes have taken place in your thinking, consciousness and sensory sphere.

Decorations and talismans:

To develop the sexual chakra, wear a ring with a stone suitable for you on your little finger - a finger projection of the sexual Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana). In addition, the constant wearing of a chakra stone on the little finger increases efficiency at times. As an amulet, pendants below the belt are used, which have a direct effect on the sexual chakra. It enhances immunity and sexual energy.

Third Chakra Solar Plexus


Yellow color
Element: Fire
Planets: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars
Zodiac signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo
Sense: sight
Glands: pancreas, liver
Hormones: insulin, glucagon.

Navel chakra, spleen chakra, stomach chakra.

It is located under the costal arches at the level of the solar plexus. Corresponds to the element "fire" and embodies light, energy, power. The third chakra directs upward energy from the Root and Sacral chakras. In this energy center, a person's attitude to the people around him is developed, and their energy is analyzed.

Harmonious work of the chakra
The solar plexus chakra controls the functioning of the liver, spleen, stomach and other organs of the digestive system. Responsible for volitional qualities, for the ability to manage emotions, for constructive imagination.

If the chakra works harmoniously, then the person is distinguished by courage, great self-esteem, sociability, openness, the ability to manage other people and take responsibility. If the 3rd chakra is balanced, then the person is active, assertive, has a strong character, quickly finds his place in life, knows how to correctly combine intelligence with emotions, accept and forgive other people's weaknesses.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
If the 3rd chakra is blocked, then this is reflected in the form of weak will, insatiable lust for power and greed, constant discontent, feelings of causeless anxiety, insomnia, tightness, envy and anger. Violations in the work of the solar plexus chakra almost always lead to anger and low self-esteem. The person is extremely dissatisfied and constantly thinks about success, dependent on his weaknesses, vengeful and indifferent to others.

At the physical level - diseases of the liver, stomach, diabetes, indigestion.

The main stones of the solar plexus chakra: amber, tiger eye, citrine.

Yellow stones - agate, chrysolite, carnelian, golden beryl, calcite, yellow onyx, pyrite, topaz, yellow tourmaline, selenite, golden fluorite, jasper.

How to work with stones:

To immerse yourself in the energy of a stone, it is enough to stare at it for 20 minutes - this is the optimal time for any meditation. Defocus your eyes and focus not on small details, but on the overall shape and color of the stone. The contemplation of crystals illuminated by the flame of a burning candle introduces into the deepest meditation. With complete relaxation comes the feeling that the crystal seems to draw in itself. Do not be afraid - in this way the crystal shares its energy and takes on the negative.

Decorations and talismans:

To activate Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra), wear a ring with one of the chakra stones on your ring finger. Can be worn with a wedding ring. The stone of this chakra has a powerful effect on the emotional sphere, positively affects business relationships. Wear an amber or other chakra stone ring while meditating.

Wearing an amulet belt at the level of the abdomen allows you to restore the normal functioning of the Solar Plexus chakra, which increases the willpower, as well as the ability to lead and manage.

Fourth chakra heart


Green color
Element: air, wind
Planets: Sun, Venus, Saturn
Zodiac signs: Leo, Libra
Sense: touch
Glands: thymus
Hormones: thymosin.

The 4th chakra is located at the level of the heart - this is the middle of the 7 main human chakras. The open Heart Chakra is the center of unconditional divine love. According to Hindu practice, self-love provides the basis for love for one's neighbor and for self-giving, for the understanding of true humanity. This is the key to realizing that a person is part of society, part of a larger whole. The impetus for the work of the Heart chakra (as well as all other chakras) is given by the Root 1st chakra.

The heart chakra increases the efficiency of the three lower chakras, so working with the 4th chakra affects the work of all four energy centers of the body.

Harmonious work of the chakra
If the Heart Chakra is open and works harmoniously, then a person already at this level can feel unconditional divine love - this means to love in the name of love and not expect anything. A person becomes open, sensual, socially responsible, enterprising, strives to transform the world for the better, believes in himself, perceives Creation as part of Divine love.

An active Heart Chakra helps to perceive the beauty of works of art and other creations as vividly and fully as possible, gives the deepest feeling of joy in life and compassion for those who suffer, frees from conventions and vain expectations, gives openness and cordial disposition to others.

Physical level - harmoniously working 4th chakra has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, chest, spine.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
If the heart chakra is blocked, then the person loses his sense of justice. His feelings and participation are superficial, since spiritual wounds prevent him from finding love in himself. Such people cannot give love and do not know how to receive it, because they are subconsciously sure that they do not deserve love. Due to the incorrect functioning of the Heart Chakra, a person becomes indifferent, withdrawn, morbidly jealous, obsessed with the fear of losing a loved one. On a spiritual level, the blockage of the Heart Chakra is expressed in the form of constant problems in relationships, in a feeling of loneliness, in intolerance and heartlessness.

Physical level - a closed 4th chakra causes heart and blood diseases, lung diseases, allergies, asthma, colds and skin diseases.

Main stones of the heart chakra: malachite, emerald, tourmaline.

Green stones - turquoise, chrysoprase, jasper, moss agate, green calcite, aventurine, alexandrite, beryl, green tourmaline, heliotrope, diopside, dioptase, jadeite, jade, prase, seraphinite, serpentine, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysocolla.

Pink stones - rose quartz, pink agate, pink coral, morganite (pink beryl), rhodonite, rhodochrosite, pink tourmaline, ruby, epidote, jasper.

White stones - white agate, pearls, smoky quartz, moonstone, rock crystal, milky quartz, adularia, diamond, belomorite, girasol, white calcite, cacholong, magnesite, selenite.

Multicolor stones - watermelon tourmaline, chrysoberyl, topaz, iridescent fluorite, ametril, ammolite, ammonite, eudialyte.

How to work with stones:

Before you start working with a chakra stone, you need to properly prepare for its contemplation. Place the stone opposite at the level of the chakra that needs to be activated. Close your eyes and fall into a relaxed meditative state. You need to focus on your own breathing. You need to breathe with the help of the abdominal muscles. After a feeling of complete peace and relaxation comes, you can start working with the stone. Slowly open your eyes and look at him continuously for 10-15 minutes. Unfocus your eyes. Don't focus on small details. Try to take in the energy of the stone. As a result of meditation and the opening of the chakra, flows of subtle energies are released. The restored balance normalizes the work of the psyche, which positively affects the building of serious love relationships.

Decorations and talismans:

The finger projection of the Heart Chakra is located on the ring finger of the hand - wear a ring with a stone on it that is suitable for this energy point.
For an effective impact on the Heart Chakra, they wear pendants with turquoise, malachite and other healing stones of the chakras - this awakens higher emotions.

Fifth Chakra Throat


Blue color
Element: ether
Planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius
Sense: hearing
Glands: thyroid gland
Hormones: thyroxine.

The throat chakra, the center of communication.

The 5th chakra is located at the level of the larynx and is the center of communication. This is where inspiration and imagination are born, which is also supported by the 2nd Sacral Chakra.

The throat chakra corresponds to such an important element as the ether - it is a universal transmitter of any kind of information at any level. The abilities for linguistics, music, dance and all kinds of arts are associated with this energy center. Here thoughts and feelings come together - the lower chakras transmit impulses and emotions to the upper ones, uniting with consciousness and intellect. This is how objective knowledge is born.

Harmonious work of the chakra
An open and harmoniously working throat chakra ensures the functioning of the respiratory, throat, speech and hearing apparatus. Thanks to this, a person becomes extremely sociable, and quite easily can assert himself in almost any society. All this allows him to feel complete satisfaction with himself and the world, to be completely open and sincere. A person goes through life incredibly harmoniously and, thanks to the virtuoso ability to communicate, can afford to be himself. Fearlessly expresses his thoughts and feelings. At the same time, he does not forget to accept others for who they are. He argues with pleasure, but only for the sake of searching for the truth. Knows how to listen.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
If the Throat Chakra is blocked, there is stiffness, pathological self-doubt, discouragement, and even stuttering. A person doubts his feelings, does not trust intuition, which means that he loses the most important connection with his subconscious.

A serious condition manifests itself in the form of an unreasonable feeling of guilt, in groundless fears - this completely disrupts normal communication, reduces activity and leads to complete isolation. A person becomes extremely self-centered, loses touch with his true essence, is terribly afraid of any criticism, carefully hides his true feelings, compensating for this with a good game for the audience.

Physical level - a closed 5th chakra provokes inflammation of the gums, inflammation of the tonsils. The work of the thyroid gland is disturbed, pains appear in the neck and shoulder joints.

Main stones of the throat chakra: turquoise, chalcedony, aquamarine.

Blue stones - blue pearls, blue tourmaline, azurite, blue topaz, sapphire, blue calcite, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, blue lace agate, kyanite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, chrysocolla.

How to work with stones:

Meditation with stones cannot be carried out hastily. The stone needs time to tune into the energy of the place and the person. If you always carry a meditation stone with you, then the tuning is much faster. You need to meditate in a quiet place without extraneous sounds. After 20 minutes of meditation, you need some more time for reflection, so it is important to choose a place where you will not be disturbed for a long period of time.

Decorations and talismans:

A ring with a healing stone to restore the Throat Chakra must be worn on the middle finger - this will have a beneficial effect on the mental sphere, sociability and the development of friendships. To restore the work of the Throat Chakra, wear a necklace of turquoise and other suitable stones. Such a healing amulet helps to regulate the work of consciousness, increase communication skills, improve relationships in the family and in society.

Sixth Chakra Brow


Element: spirit
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
Sense: extrasensory perception
Glands: pituitary gland
Hormones: vasopressin, pituitrin.

Forehead chakra, brow chakra, third eye, inner eye.

The 6th chakra is located between the eyebrows - this is the area of ​​awareness of processes. It is in this energy center that they acquire their structure and thoughts appear, and then figurative representations that give rise to a full-fledged meaningful action. The brow chakra governs all the underlying chakras. Here thoughts acquire a clear and understandable structure. The third eye helps to receive intuitive knowledge that comes to a person from the other side of physical reality. Unbeknownst to man, intuitive knowledge becomes his own decision.

Harmonious work of the chakra
The 6th chakra is responsible for the physical condition of the eyes, ears and nose. If the Brow Chakra is open, then all spiritual energies circulate freely. Thanks to this, the ability to soberly assess the situation and intuitively understand what is happening appears. This is the center of truth. Emotional understanding appears, the ability to implement creative ideas. A person with a developed imaginative thinking in his mind goes far beyond the limits of the material world. Easily learns the world around with all its complexities. This center concentrates the energy used by clairvoyants and psychics.

The active work of the brow chakra reveals to a person information about the existence of higher realities. Allows him to reveal a life-affirming meaning to others. Such people easily focus on tasks and are quickly freed up for everything new.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
If the brow chakra is blocked, then the person loses the ability to emotional and intuitive thinking - intellect and reason prevail. This kind of inferiority does not allow one to fully perceive the world - everything is measured and comprehended exclusively through accurate measurement and analytics. People with such circumcised thinking are usually called narrow-minded and impenetrable.

Physical level - a closed 6th chakra provokes headaches, as well as pain in the eyes and ears, neurological diseases. On the spiritual level - a restless spirit, causeless fears, a sense of the meaninglessness of life. A person begins to hate himself, craves control over people, becomes intolerant, turns into an evil critic and manipulator.

The main stones of the Brow Chakra: lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite.

Blue stones - blue aventurine, amethyst, indicolite, hawk's eye, fluorite, labradorite.

How to work with stones:
In addition to direct impact on the chakras, stones help turn off the conscious area of ​​the brain and open access to the unconscious - this is the basis and main purpose of meditation. Use the main stones of the Brow Chakra to restore it. Hold the stones in your hands, place them opposite the energy center (between the eyebrows), make contact with them through contemplation.

Don't expect meditation to instantly give you stunning sensations and obvious results. The main effect occurs after a few hours, you need to wait. The result may come to your mind in the form of unexpected information that you previously knew nothing about and did not even think about it. This is a sure sign that there have been changes at the subconscious level. When it seems to us that nothing is happening, our life imperceptibly changes.

Decorations and talismans:

The finger projection of the brow chakra is located on the index finger of the hand. If you constantly wear a ring with a chakra stone on your index finger, it will help the perception of high-frequency energies, the opening of the third eye and other psychic abilities. From jewelry, it is also recommended to wear a diadem with brow chakra stones, which will contribute to the rapid activation of the center of truth.

To activate the Borne chakra, you can wear amulets made of lapis lazuli and other healing stones on your wrists in the form of bracelets.

Seventh chakra


Color: purple, gold, white
Element: soul, universe
Planets: Saturn, Neptune
Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Pisces
Feeling: feeling
Glands: pineal gland (pineal gland)
Hormones: serotonin, melatonin.

The crown chakra, the crown center.

The crown chakra is located at the crown, or rather, directly above the crown, outside the dense body. It is open upward and connects a person with the Universe. Conveys universal knowledge and wisdom.

Does not refer to any material element. It affects the functioning of the brain and pituitary gland, connects a person with his fate. The crown center works like a personal compass, guiding a person along his life path. The 7th chakra radiates energy that attracts or repels people depending on their life plans. The crown center connects a person with his higher self, reveals the spiritual potential, saturates with creative energy.

It is the center of all-encompassing understanding. Here the intellectual, emotional and intuitive meet, the line between the earthly and cosmic spirits is erased.

Harmonious work of the chakra
If the Crown Chakra is completely open, then a person feels the fullness of being, but very few people manage to reach this level. In this case, all chakras should be open. A person in this state feels indescribable joy and strength. All who have achieved this believe that they have received a priceless Divine gift. This is the highest level of enlightenment, the deepest level of love for everything that exists in the universe.

The crown chakra cannot be consciously controlled. To activate it, full dedication is required, including a change in the usual way of life.

In addition to the material world, a person begins to see and understand the Divine plan, gains the ability to include his life path in it.

Inharmonious work of the chakra
The crown chakra cannot be blocked in principle. It may be underdeveloped or underdeveloped. As a rule, a person is prevented from reaching this level by undeveloped lower chakras, self-control and self-restraint - there is not enough true faith, selflessness, purity and nobility of the soul. It is almost always possible for a person with a clear conscience and a pure soul to develop the crown chakra.

Physical level - an undeveloped 7th chakra is expressed in weak immunity, in sleep disturbance. A person is often nervous, has chronic diseases. In spiritual terms, he is arrogant, unceremonious, abuses power, loses the meaning of life and goes into fictional worlds.

Main stones of the crown chakra: amethyst, rock crystal, diamond.

Violet stones - ametrine, fluorite, charoite.
White stones - pearls, zircon, leucosapphire, topaz, ulexite.
Gold stones - golden fluorite quartz "Vosatik" ("hair of Venus"), pyrite, selenite.

How to work with stones:

Why did emperors and other crowned persons wear crowns adorned with precious stones? The obvious answer is for majestic beauty and confirmation of your high status. The non-obvious answer is to clear and restore the Crown (crown) chakra. Most likely, they did it purely intuitively.

The crown chakra includes a person in the energy of the planet and the Universe, controls his thoughts and actions. Purple, golden and white stones, carefully selected, charged and properly tuned, are able to open the parietal chakra, change consciousness, thoughts and actions.

It is not necessary to wear a crown to work with Crown Chakra stones. It is enough to put a stone on the top of your head during meditation. It is quite difficult to hold it in the palms above the head during meditation - the hands get tired. But if you are well developed physically, then this is ideal, since the chakra is located just above the top of the head. You can also place the stone in front of you at a close distance exactly at the level of the Crown Chakra. You can put a stone at night on a pillow over the parietal part of the head.

Decorations and talismans:

To develop the Crown Chakra, wear a ring with a suitable stone on your thumb - the finger projection of the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). If you often wear a ring with rock crystal, amethyst and other chakra stone on your thumb, this will have the most beneficial effect on consciousness, increase energy in the crown center.

Activate the Crown Chakra with amulets sewn into headwear. Hair ornaments are made from small-sized stones - hairpins, hairpins, combs, etc.


In the spiritual practices of Hinduism, the so-called chakras are considered as centers of power and consciousness located in the inner (subtle) bodies of a person. Different Indian sources indicate a different total number of chakras in a person, but seven are traditionally distinguished from this total: Mulandhara Chakra, Svadhisthana Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Muladhara Chakra is one of the most important energy structures of the body. It is in this place that the irreplaceable energy of the body is stored, which is called ojas. The canons say that as long as a person has not exhausted his ojas, he is not threatened by old age, numerous illnesses and death. We get ojas at the moment of conception. Ojas is actively used by the body only during fetal development and growth. Ojas is the basis of immunity (resistance of the body to diseases) and homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment). There is a nadi that connects the mooladhara chakra with the heart. Part of the ojas constantly circulates through this channel, ensuring the automatism of the heart muscle (the ability of the heart to contract autonomously). Ashta Hridaya Samhita says that with every heartbeat we lose a drop of ojas. When extreme circumstances arise, severe injuries and life-threatening illnesses, the body mobilizes all energy capabilities, including ojas. A decrease in ojas by two-thirds leads to old age. Its exhaustion causes death. The body constantly uses for its needs the energy received from external sources - light, air, food, etc. Any residual energy in a transmuted form enters the muladhara chakra. If in certain circumstances the reserves of this energy are not enough, then ojas is attracted. Thus, the muladhara chakra is a guarantee of the energy stability of the body. Therefore, it is associated with the primary element "earth". It is localized in the region of the coccyx.

Svadhisthana Chakra is the center of accumulation and transmutation of energy, which, like water, can take three states of aggregation: accumulate in the muladhara chakra (solid), be used during sexual intercourse (liquid) or transform into creative potential (gaseous). Therefore, the svadhisthana chakra is associated with the primary element “water”. In the first case, the accumulation of energy leads to the protection of ojas and the possibility of maintaining youth for a long time. But for this, the water must turn into ice. This means that one has to conquer sexual desires at the level of the mind. He must completely lose lust. This state can be achieved only as a result of a systematic, long-term development of spirituality, self-improvement, as well as the study of certain spiritual practices. Yogis and holy sages are examples of this.

In the second case, the energy provides mainly the process of conception and partially passes to the opposite sex. There is a kind of energy exchange between a man and a woman. In men, as a rule, pingala (yang nadi) dominates, and in women - ida (yin nadi). Sexual intercourse leads to the alignment of the work of the main nadis, however, at the cost of large energy losses. Imbalance of sexual relations, sexual perversions or too active sexual life lead to general energy exhaustion and excessive consumption of ojas with all the ensuing consequences.

In the third case, the energy is transformed into creative. To do this, a person must “burn” with some idea. Under the influence of fire, water boils and turns into steam. Any materialization of intellectual ideas, accompanied by inspiration and high activity, leads to the “boiling” of sexual energy. It flows through the sushumna to the upper chakras, which ensure the functioning of the cerebral cortex. People in this state tend to naturally reduce their sexual desires. If a person does not use and does not transmute his energy in one way or another, then the overload of the Svadhisthana Chakra leads to numerous diseases. This chakra is projected in the region of 4-5 lumbar vertebrae and spreads its influence mainly on the pelvic organs and kidneys.

Manipura Chakra transmutes and accumulates the energy received in the process of digestion and respiration. Under the action of certain enzymes of the stomach, pancreas and small intestine (jatar-agni - “digestive fire”), food is divided into the so-called “clear juice” and “cloudy sediment”. The “transparent juice”, passing through the liver, turns into a race (blood plasma and lymph), and the “cloudy sediment” is excreted by the large intestine. Rasa, accumulating glucose and fatty acids, delivers them to all tissues of the body, where, under the influence of oxygen, ATP is synthesized (the main energy substrate of the anatomical body). The remaining glucose is utilized in the form of glycogen by the liver and muscles or converted into fats. All these processes are under the control of the manipura chakra. The energy of this chakra provides all the physical activity of the body. It is the center of the primary element “fire” and governs all types of agni. In other words, it controls the entire kinetic energy of the organism. Manipura is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

Anahata Chakra- its energies are mainly connected with the activity of the heart. Man is an open biological system. He constantly exchanges various types of energy with objects of the surrounding world, including with other people. When we strive in our interaction with people to show benevolence, sincerity, and try not to harm, not to use violence either in thoughts, or in words, or in actions, we have the opportunity to develop the full potential of the anahata chakra. Hypocrisy, indifference, self-interest, immorality do not allow the lotus of the anahata-chakra to open and the fires of the heart to manifest. Each person needs to develop the high activity inherent in this chakra, which people call cordiality. But, unfortunately, in our age, people, especially city dwellers, communicate with each other at a very low, heartless level. Walking down the street or being in public transport, we do not perceive the people around us as individuals, so communication is often filled with lies, pride, indifference, hypocrisy, envy and anger.

Anahata chakra is closely connected with the cardiovascular system, and its reduced activity often leads to cardiological problems. However, if your interactions with people are built correctly, then you will always experience the joy of communication, not suffering. Since the sphere of communication is connected with the primary element “air”, the anahata chakra is considered the center of this element. It is projected in the region of 5-6 thoracic vertebrae, slightly to the right of the sternum.

Vishuddha Chakra sublimates the energy received when the sense organs come into contact with the outside world. Feelings are at the level of the “subtle” body, and in the physical body they have their own organs: eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. When the senses come into contact with objects: light, color, sound, smell, etc., the energy of external objects affects the energies of the body. It is this energy that accumulates in the Vishuddha Chakra. The energy received in the process of perceiving the surrounding world is no less important than the energy of breathing and digestion. Without this energy, the normal functioning of the neuroendocrine and information systems of the body is impossible, just as a computer cannot function without electrical energy. For example, when direct or reflected sunlight hits the retina of the eye, a complex biochemical process of converting light energy into energy of the nervous system takes place. Various types of art, manifested in society, are designed to harmonize a person through appropriate sensations. Thus, the manifestation of human creativity in all areas of life is very closely related to the activity of the vishuddha chakra. Since feelings are the main source of information for a person, the primary element “ether” has the strongest influence on this chakra.

Vishuddha Chakra is projected in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. On the one hand, it is associated with the sense organs and subcortical areas of the brain, and on the other hand, with the mental body (manas and indriyas).

Ajna chakra transmutes and accumulates energy, which contributes to the process of logical thinking (active analysis and synthesis of information). This center ensures the functioning of the cells of the cerebral cortex, which is the receiving device of the vigyana-sharira (human intellectual body). Ajna chakra receives energy through the subtle body and transmutes the kinetic energy of manipura, and with great mental stress, also the energy of svadhisthana. Some of the energy can be sublimated and used by the lower chakras. In other words, the process of thinking is also the source of the energy of the body. So, for example, many scientists during active mental work feel a great surge of strength.

Sahasrara Chakra refers to the so-called "egregor center". Egregor is a collective energy-informational field that unites various communities of people into a single system. There are egregors of a family, a city, a country, a nation, a political party, a religious school, a planet, and even the Universe. A person can be under the influence of several egregores at once. Every person constantly, whether he realizes it or not, serves a certain egregor, exchanging energy and information with him. The more time the egregor exists and the more people it unites, the greater its energy power. Becoming a follower of a certain spiritual and religious tradition, a person immediately receives the support and protection of the corresponding egregore. This energy is sublimated by the Sahasrara Chakra and provides the corresponding needs of the body. In the future, egregor requires a person to perform a specific service. At this stage, a person must not only take, but also give something in return. Energy support now depends on the efforts of the person. If he does not fulfill the tasks assigned to him, then the connection with the egregor will weaken. People who selflessly give themselves to the service of egregor are in a constant energy-information flow, satisfying the needs of their body and mind. Abstract thinking, creativity, meditation and clairvoyance are associated with the functioning of the Sahasrara Chakra. Human contact with the higher forces of nature is impossible without opening this chakra.

The Sahasrara Chakra is projected in the region of the brahmarandra, the place of fusion of the two parietal and occipital bones (the opening of the large fontanel). This chakra is more associated with the right hemisphere of the brain.

Each person has an individual degree of opening of the chakras and their relationship to each other, which makes up his individuality, his perception of the world of objects and people.

People who are dominated by the influence of the Muladhara Chakra are not very developed in terms of spiritual evolution. They are quite primitive in their thinking and actions. They live, basically, their interests. They tend to hoard even those things that they do not really need. They are quite inert in their behavior, they are not aware of the surrounding reality, the problems of other people are of little concern to them. They lack imagination and creativity. They tend to do the same simple jobs, especially those that don't require thinking (such as assembly line work). They can eat any food, even poorly cooked and spoiled. They are half asleep even during the day. They are alien to strong feelings.

People who are dominated by the influence of the svadhisthana chakra live exclusively with their feelings. They believe and strive only for what they can directly see, touch or taste. They are very impressionable and changeable in their moods. Their intellect is not very developed. They float at the behest of the waves, like a blade of grass on a river. They are subject to herd mentality. Most of the time they live for the day. They are completely impractical. They have superstition. However, they are very sensitive. They have great attachments to sexual pleasures and are very prolific. They are characterized by the dependence of mood on the lunar cycles. They, as a rule, quickly develop their internal resources.

People who are dominated by the influence of the manipura chakra are incredibly active. They are constantly in the whirlpool of events. True, their actions are very chaotic, and their efforts do not correspond to the results obtained. They are very much attached to sense objects. They are not satisfied only with food, sleep and sexual pleasures. They crave power, strength, wealth, honors and glory. And for this they spend a huge amount of energy. Their whole life is long distance running. They simply have no time to think about the essence of being. They are characterized by self-centeredness, pride and arrogance. They are very immoderate in sensual pleasures, however, they try to make them more refined. When they strive to achieve their goals, they completely forget about themselves. At this time, they are incredibly patient and hardy. They are excellent fighters. Most often, their lives end abruptly.

People who are dominated by the influence of the anahata chakra have an open heart. They are very sincere and simple in their behavior. They radiate an extraordinary warmth. They are kind and merciful, respect others and always try to help the suffering. They are friendly, communicate with other people on an equal footing, regardless of age and social status. In personal life, they are satisfied with small things. Very hardworking. They love being creative. They put their whole soul into the work they do. Usually they tell the truth to others, but try not to hurt their heart. In religious practices, they often follow the path of bhakti (the development of a personal relationship with God, when a person completely surrenders himself into the hands of the Lord, recognizing his subordinate position in this world). God and the entire heavenly hierarchy greatly favor such people, even if they are not very developed spiritually and do not have great intellect.

People who are dominated by the influence of Vishuddha Chakra are highly creative. These are people of art - musicians, painters, sculptors, poets, actors. They perfectly control their voice and have the ability to transmit any information, converting it into the appropriate form. They can engage in various crafts that require a creative and unusual approach. They do not like standards and monotonous activities. They are most often quite erudite and very sociable. They have little interest in life and financial relations. They like to “hover in the clouds” and, as a rule, are poorly adapted to social conditions.

People who are dominated by the influence of the ajna chakra have a well-developed intellect and logical thinking. In life, they are most interested in knowledge. Among them are many scientists and philosophers. Their dwellings are filled with scientific books and magazines. They explore all manifestations of life. They have developed thinking, but are not sensitive enough. Their sensitivity is poorly developed. They most often believe only what can be confirmed experimentally or felt with their hands. However, some of them become wise men, knowing the truth. Their faith, as a rule, is based on their own experience, knowledge and observations of the world around them. In the spiritual sense, they usually choose the path of jnana (the cultivation of spiritual knowledge with the gradual realization of their original position in relation to God). They usually avoid personal relationship with God, seeing Him as the Absolute Truth.

People who are dominated by the influence of the Sahasrara Chakra are not very common in this world. These are always outstanding personalities. They are conductors of various egregors. LN Gumilyov called them passionaries. They have a strong influence on the course of history. They are given the ability to inspire and inspire others. They are followed by hundreds and thousands of people. Some of them, consciously or unconsciously, perform the tasks of the heavenly hierarchy, therefore they can receive unlimited opportunities. Even if they are evil geniuses, until they complete their mission, no one can do anything to them. They are under strong protection. Their lives and fate do not belong to them. Some of them are conductors of the will of God. Then they are called prophets and saints. These people can work miracles, because they have been given such power and energy from above.

Good afternoon friends!
How to open chakras with stones? This is a question women often ask. And this is understandable, because we are women - emotional, sensitive beings. And stones are alive. And they need to be felt. Those who met them in any form are no longer able to stop loving them.

If you don't feel like doing anything, are unwell, or just in a bad mood, pay attention to the energy centers, which are known as chakras. Most likely there was a failure in their work. But your health, emotional state and how your life will turn out depends on their work.

In this material, we will get acquainted with the chakras themselves, as well as with crystals, which, in case of their failure, will help restore the energy of the chakras.

After faithful helpers began to appear in my life one after another - natural pebbles, many health issues were resolved, there was a pleasant feeling that there are always wonderful friends nearby who will always help at the right time, you just have to ask them about it. And if at first the pebbles came intuitively, then gradually, as I got acquainted with them and their properties, they began to appear at the most necessary moment, exactly when I needed them most.

So, let's find out what these chakras are and what they are responsible for. There are only seven of them and it is very easy to remember them by the color that is associated with the chakra. And now we will get to know them, going from the bottom up.

Chakra Muladhara red color and it is located in the coccyx area. It is responsible for the state of the genitourinary system, adrenal glands, genitals, legs, bones and spine.

A beneficial effect on the chakra is provided by crystals of red, brick and black color, namely: ruby, garnet, red jasper, jet, hematite, obsidian.

Swadhisthana- This is the next chakra, which has an orange color. In the sphere of its influence are the genitals, intestines, kidneys, spleen, pancreas.

This chakra is stimulated by orange-colored stones and crystals. These are stones such as tiger's eye, tourmaline, yellow jasper, citrine.

Manipura- a yellow chakra, in the power of which the gallbladder, liver, stomach.

The Manipura chakra is awakened by yellow crystals. Therefore, tourmaline, light varieties of amber, agate and golden topaz are ideal for influencing this chakra.

Anahata- This is the fourth chakra from the bottom, the color of which is green and which is very important for peace of mind. It normalizes the bronchi, lungs, and of course, the activity of the heart.

Ideal crystals for activating Anahata will be green and pink stones. Suitable are aventurine, jade, malachite, rose quartz, pink tourmaline and a pink variety of amethyst.

Named chakra Vishuddha- blue. Energetically, it is associated with the neck, shoulders, teeth, eyes, ears, throat and face.

And the energy of this chakra is awakened by blue and blue crystals, and this is lolit, sodalite, apatite, lapis lazuli.

Chakra Ajna(blue) and it is responsible for the general condition of the body,

And stones of violet, lilac and all shades of lilac color awaken this chakra. Amethyst, fluorite, kunzite, labradorite will be ideal for awakening the energy of Ajna.

And the last, the highest chakra Sahasrara, which is located directly above the crown, has a purple color. Although in addition to the predominant purple, it may contain blotches of silver and gold.

Stone treatment according to Ayurveda is the use of stones and crystals for the healing of both individual organs and the general healing of the body. According to Ayurveda, stones have an effect on the chakras (the human energy body), but they must be used in a certain color match and the zone for which this or that chakra is responsible. Similarly, in Reiki, the influence of stones on the chakras does not occur randomly, but according to strict canons.

Ayurveda is one of the varieties of Indian alternative medicine. Focused on achieving harmony, considers a person in unity with all phenomena, objects and energies of the Universe.

Reiki is an alternative medicine predominantly based on the palm healing method. Reiki and stones are inextricably linked concepts: crystal healing is actively practiced in this system.

Non-traditional Indian medicine, according to the principle of similarity, connected the crystals and the body. As crystals in Reiki affect the human energy body (his chakras), in the same way other external objects, factors and phenomena affect the health, destiny and personality of a person.

The effect of stones on the root chakra

The root chakra (Muladhara) in the human energy system is projected into the coccyx region. It is responsible for the state of health in general, as well as for the musculoskeletal and excretory systems. It is in charge of the processes of reproduction, procreation, the condition and activity of the rectum, circulatory system, blood supply to organs, especially the pelvic organs. The state of the root chakra is reflected in the general well-being of a person, his performance, physical activity and vigor. Muladhara is associated with the color red, it is the energy of blood.

Activation of the root chakra increases the body's resistance to external influences, strengthens the immune system, and gives an energy boost. In addition, it gives self-confidence, firmness in defending one's positions, bestows decisiveness and encourages action.

The color of this chakra corresponds to the stones, the color of which is associated with blood (red, brick, black), have a beneficial effect on the root chakra. Garnet, ruby, jet, red jasper, obsidian, hematite are considered ideal. They help with problems with blood circulation, helps cleanse the body of toxins. Red crystals serve as an excellent source of energy and inspiration.

Stones by color for the sacral chakra

sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) projected into the region of the sacrum (below the navel by four fingers). Her area of ​​​​responsibility is the health of the genital organs, especially women's, and the mammary glands. Svadhisthana is responsible for the organs of the abdominal cavity and the excretory system. The state of the liver, bile ducts is also in her charge. Psychologically, the sacral chakra is responsible for interpersonal interaction, the ability to influence an interlocutor or audience through words, flexibility in communication. It is subject to the functions associated with intersexual relations: sex appeal, amorousness, the need for sexual intercourse, sexual desire. Swadhisthana is associated with the color orange.

The influence of the chakra is associated with spiritual liberation, purification from base, physical passions (this is not only attraction, but also anger, anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other strong feelings).

The sacral chakra is awakened by orange crystals and stones. Among the most suitable stones for this chakra are tiger's eye, tourmaline, citrine, yellow jasper. Orange crystals have a particularly beneficial effect on the reproductive organs. Color-Infused Gems enhance

Interestingly, Svadhisthana is also responsible for the flexibility of the body. In this regard, the ancient mystical principle of similarity is once again manifested, when physical characteristics are projected onto the spiritual qualities and psychological characteristics of the individual.

Solar plexus chakra stones

third chakra (Manipura) projected into the solar plexus. In her submission is the state of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen and pancreas. Manipura is responsible for vision, motor control, a sense of balance and coordination of actions. It is in charge of the volitional qualities of a person, the ability to self-control, the management of emotions and one's physical condition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a conscious desire to maintain health. Manipura is indicated by a bright yellow color, symbolizing the pure energy of sunlight.

The owner of a harmonious and active Manipura chakra is aware of his place in the Universe, his life is not meaningless, but is subordinated to a specific goal. In addition, such a chakra gives relief from many diseases, gives energy and tirelessness, enhances the qualities and skills necessary for a leader. Activation of the solar plexus chakra increases organizational skills, gives the ability to make quick but accurate decisions, gives the ability to manage groups of people, reveals oratorical talent.

Interestingly, the solar plexus symbolizes the focus of the body's energy resources in many Eastern concepts, even those that are not based on the theory of chakras.

The impact of rich yellow crystals on the solar plexus chakra should be short-lived. At the moment of contact of the crystal with the body, it is better to take a horizontal position, relax and focus on inner peace. If you are going to use slightly colored crystals, you can wear them for a long time in jewelry or just with you.

Yellow crystals stimulate the Manipura chakra. Physiologically, their effect is manifested in improving digestion, strengthening the body and overcoming food allergies. Tourmaline, golden topaz, agate, and light varieties of amber are ideal for influencing the solar plexus chakra.

Stones for the heart chakra

fourth heart chakra (Anahata) projected into the region of the spine at the level of the heart. She is in charge of the circulatory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Anahata is responsible for the condition of the chest organs: the heart and lungs. Her control is subject to hand motility, as well as respiratory and motor functions. In psychological terms, this is empathy, love, receptivity to the world. Anahata is associated with the color green.

Activation of the heart chakra gives power over oneself, wisdom and inner strength. In psychological terms, this is the management of feelings, the acquisition of an internal resource to overcome obstacles. With the awakening of the fourth chakra comes inspiration and inspiration.

The energy of the fourth chakra is awakened by green and pink crystals. Suitable stones for the heart chakra are aventurine, malachite, rose quartz and pink tourmaline, the pink variety. Some types of ruby ​​​​have a rich pink color, but care should be taken in its use - this crystal is very strong! In case of problems with the heart muscle or chest organs, they resort to the help of green crystals. "Heart" problems caused by excessive experiences (resentment, anxiety, disappointment) are also removed with the help of such crystals. Please note that when working with the heart chakra, it is advised to place a healing gem not only in the hollow of the chest. A stone or crystal can be placed directly on the heart area, while focusing on the heartbeat, imagining how it is reflected in the stone.

The effect of stones on the throat chakra

Larynx Chakra (Vishuddha) projected into the cervical region in the region of the Adam's apple or throat. She is in charge of the health of the nasopharynx, esophagus, vocal cords. The functions of speech and hearing are also subordinate to this chakra, and psychologically it is responsible for the disclosure of creative abilities. At the same time, the laryngeal chakra is responsible for the development of volitional concentration, a sense of responsibility and independence. Vishuddha is associated with the color blue.

Blue and blue crystals have healing power, and to the greatest extent it manifests itself in the treatment of colds, runny nose and other diseases of the nasopharynx. Ideal stones for activating the throat chakra are sodalite, lolit, apatite and lapis lazuli. They help with taste disorders, diseases of the teeth and gums, problems with the digestive tract. Blue crystals have a softer power compared to blue ones, they can be carried with you at all times. For healing, it is desirable that the gem be as close as possible to the problem area, so it should be worn in a pendant. At night, the crystal can be put on the throat.

third eye stones

sixth chakra (Ajna) projected into the area between the eyebrows - the place where many ancient traditions have a mystical third eye that gives clear vision. The organs of vision are in charge of the chakra, the sixth sense is intuition, volitional functions and control over emotions. The third eye chakra is responsible for foresight from its smallest manifestations (the ability to predict the consequences of one's actions and make long-term forecasts) to the foresight of past and future events. Ajna is associated with a rich dark blue color.

A crystal as intensely colored as this fluorite does not need contact with the body to be effective.

Activation of the third eye chakra helps to awaken intuition, gain control over one's own body, helps to streamline and control emotions. According to legend, the full opening of this chakra gives the power to penetrate into someone else's body and dictate your will to it. Ajna brings cleansing from sins.

brow chakra awaken stones of purple, lilac and all shades of lilac. They help relieve headaches and accumulated fatigue, activate the body to deal with stress. Violet crystals allow you to focus, concentrate on one issue or problem, discarding everything useless and distracting. Their impact awakens the unconscious, helps to make a decision with insufficient information, because the third eye chakra is responsible for intuition, the ability to analyze and predict.

In order for the crystal to have a beneficial effect, it can be placed for several minutes in the area of ​​​​the third eye, while concentrating on the sensations that arise from contact of the skin with the crystal. In the practice of Reiki healing, even skin contact with the crystal is not considered necessary: ​​the stone is smoothly moved in a circular motion a few centimeters from the eyebrows. Ideal third eye stones are amethyst, fluorite, labradorite, and kunzite.

Stones and crystals for the crown chakra

crown chakra (Sahasrara) projected into the area above the person's head. Her role is a connection with the divine, the transfer of higher knowledge. Logical and philosophical-abstract thinking is subordinated to this chakra. Sahasrara is associated with luscious purple or luminous white.

In psychological terms, the gifts of such a chakra are a rich physical and spiritual life, the achievement of harmony and self-realization. However, since while a person is alive, he is constantly striving for something, constantly improving and changing. To achieve full activation of the Sahasrara chakra is not given to many. This can be achieved only by great teachers or hermits, often ascetics who have rejected the earthly for the sake of spiritual growth.

The crown chakra is helped to activate white or clear crystals. Their impact gives a wide variety of effects: they improve well-being and contribute to raising the mood, relieve negative emotions, help fight anger and depression, allow you to cope with emotional experiences and ease suffering. The correct use of white crystals increases self-esteem, gives strength for full self-realization in social activities.

The direct impact of the crystal on the Sahasrara chakra is permissible only for a short time. To smooth out the power of the crystal, you need to wear it in a metal frame or put it under your pillow at night. The most accurate and harmonious effect of white or transparent crystals on the crown chakra occurs during sleep.

Crystals for beauty and healing

The above is a rather complex system of "stones and chakras" for the use of crystals in healing. The modern populist version of Ayurveda offers many simple uses for crystals for beauty and healing. These methods are suitable for those who do not want to bother getting acquainted with the human energy system and the principles of working with chakras.

Crystals help to improve health. For a positive influence, it is enough to carry a crystal with you and regularly remember it.

Aromatic oil increases the effectiveness of the protective and healing function of the crystal, however, the compatibility of oil and stone should be taken into account. Most often, the basis of compatibility is color: lavender oil is suitable for amethyst, jasmine oil is suitable for quartz; the ruby ​​is filled with the power of grapefruit and pomegranate, while the emerald is enhanced by lime and mint.

The practice of charging medicines with crystal energy is quite common. To do this, the stone is placed for several hours near the medicine. It is best to charge the water with the crystal, which you will drink the potion with. If the crystal is insensitive to water, it can be lowered directly into the water. If you are worried that the crystal will suffer in water, you can put it near the glass.

Crystals contribute to the preservation of natural beauty. They are used for skin massage, while rose quartz is especially recommended for women:

A non-contact energy facial massage is performed with a pointed single-peak rose quartz crystal. In circular motions, the stone is moved a few centimeters from the face, smoothly smoothing the skin. In this case, do not touch the skin! Gradually, circular movements are shifted towards the neck. The massage itself lasts about half an hour, and many speak of it as an excellent tonic procedure.

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