Home Rack Amulet for the twins of women. Copper bell. Silver or gold key

Amulet for the twins of women. Copper bell. Silver or gold key

In the life of a person who believes in luck and destiny, talismans play a special and important role. After all, with their help you can completely change your life, make it complete and rich. The Gemini talisman is not just a stone, a tree or an object, it is a means that will balance the two components of the sign - good and evil. Representatives of this sign can become a real monster from being sweet and kind in one minute.

Talisman Items

According to the horoscope, the sign Gemini belongs to the air principles, so it combines sociability, fun, freedom of this element. At the same time, it is a very changeable and fickle sign. Therefore, the talisman of such a person should be light, weightless and airy. It will have the greatest power if it is inherited from one of the relatives.

Before putting the amulet on yourself, you should cleanse it of someone else's hostile energy. To do this, the item can be put in running cold water or in salt. After a few days, you can put on a talisman. But you need to remember the rule that you can’t let such a thing be vilified, it will not benefit a person, but it can do harm because the energy of Gemini is very strong.

Most often, a key and a mask are used as amulets and amulets for this zodiac sign. Both items have their own special symbolism and character. But both are light and changeable.


The most successful amulet will be the mask. People of the Gemini sign are very mysterious, enigmatic and extremely dislike monotony and boredom, they are very changeable. The mask is just that - it can hide the true face of a person and show him in the light in which he wants to appear at a given moment in time.

It is extremely difficult for people around Gemini to adapt to their changeable nature, which can change many times a day. And the mask helps to protect a person from himself and make him more calm and balanced. Women can wear such an amulet in the form of a brooch, and a talisman for Gemini men can be made in the form of a key ring.


This symbol is a kind of access to information. And it is extremely important for representatives of the Gemini sign to own all the information in the world. People of this sign are sociable are curious and love to be the center of attention. And this interesting amulet perfectly copes with the task of finding an approach to other people or closing its owner from negativity from the outside. It is generally accepted that with the help of such a key, the Gemini completely close their world from the penetration of evil forces. The talisman can be made of gold or silver and is a great addition to any beauty's wardrobe.

If a woman will wear such an amulet, then you should choose a key pendant and put it on a chain. A man should buy a key and always carry it with him wrapped in a black cloth. If difficult situations arise in life, you should hold the amulet in your right hand, and everything will be resolved easily and without problems.

Very often, with the help of an amulet in the form of a key, fortune-telling is carried out on a loved one. It is hung on a chain over a photograph of a loved one. One of the sides of the photo should be marked. In the morning you can watch the result: if the talisman has changed direction to the opposite, then the person has reciprocal feelings, but if the key remains in the same position, you should not have vain hopes.

Other amulets

Gemini is a very versatile sign. They are considered intellectuals, so an amulet in the form of a snake, hand or star is perfect for representatives of this zodiac sign.

Mercury is considered to be the patron saint of Gemini. This is an ancient Greek god who was distinguished by dexterity, cunning and speed. Therefore, such objects that are able to protect information in any form can become a real talisman for representatives of this sign. It can be a beautiful pen, a flash drive, a small notebook and even a car.

The Gemini symbol is everything related to documents and records. They are true masters of their craft. Therefore, diaries, notebooks and notebooks can become an excellent amulet for them.

But it should be remembered that the color scheme of the talisman plays an important role in this matter. Therefore, you need to select an amulet of a strictly cold shade:

  • Gray;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • White.

If the repair takes into account this color palette in wall and ceiling decoration, then working hours will become more productive, and the owner of the house or office will not get tired. After all, these colors are also a kind of symbol of well-being and success for air Gemini.

Very often on the amulet of air people you can find occult pentagrams and stars. They are considered the most reliable protector and talisman for Gemini. After all, they have a connection with two worlds at the same time due to their patrons and inclinations. And such amulets help them become more successful in life and bring good luck.

Plants and animals

Animal talisman of Gemini according to the horoscope - elephant or crow. But in order to get their protection, it is not necessary to start them at home. It is enough to buy small figurines that will perfectly cope with the protective task.

People often wonder which Gemini tree according to the horoscope is a talisman, so as not to miscalculate with a gift. There are several such plants or trees:

  • ash;
  • fern;
  • laurel tree;
  • lavender.


This tree can give its owner those character traits that he lacks so much. So, it develops accuracy, patience and scrupulousness, which the windy Gemini clearly lacks. However, ash helps to his master to see the whole picture in general, without going in cycles in trifles. After all, it is so important to understand in time what is behind this or that act or the action of others.

In order for the talisman to begin to perform its action, it is enough to buy a small figurine made of this tree. It will help protect the Gemini from envy and flattery, the evil eye and evil spells.


This plant perfectly helps to smooth out the always sharp representatives of the air element. After all, they do not always think before they say something. And if there is a tub of ferns next to them, they will think three times before offending a person.

Such a talisman at work will be especially valuable, where you need to be diplomatic and restrained.


The plant helps to extinguish the aggression coming both from the Gemini and to them from the side of the interlocutor. If there is such a plant in the house, then quarrels and scandals visit it extremely rarely.

This talisman helps women to become more collected and balanced, relieves them of ambition and envy.


The laurel tree is considered to be an amulet for men of this sign. It brings success and prosperity to the representatives of the stronger sex. It is also able to protect its wearer from all kinds of misfortunes.

The plant has a particularly beneficial effect on brain function and intuition. Gemini's intuition is developed quite strongly, you should listen to it as often as possible.

Knowing which talisman Gemini has, you can choose the best gift for a friend or girlfriend of this air sign. It will not be just another trifle, but a gift with meaning, protecting the peace and life of a dear person.

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Sometimes the financial well-being of a person depends not only on his efforts and labor activity. Also, luck affects the receipt of funds, which can be attracted with the help of special amulets and talismans. Each zodiac sign has its own attributes of protection and success. The most popular amulet for Gemini, as well as the best talismans for this sign, have been described by esotericists for a long time.

Types of amulets

Most people want to fill their family cup with money. They think that financial charms can program our minds to receive more material wealth, and also attract them to us. This applies not only to a particular person, but also to the entire environment in which he is constantly located.

You also need items that will keep your wealth - amulets. These things block secret sources through which your income can disappear, and also help protect you from theft and loss of large sums.

There are a huge number of amulets that can be worn in different places.

  1. The amulet on the neck has several varieties in its direction. An amulet from a shaman is a woven pendant, already spelled by a sorcerer to get a win in the gambling field or the possibility of repaying a debt as soon as possible. The Pentacle of Solomon looks like a two-sided seal made of clay or metal. It helps to conclude profitable contracts that will increase the budget of your company and succeed in business. The Horde amulet is Horde coins tied with a rope. It is worth wearing under clothes, not showing to strangers. It helps in attracting money and saves from financial losses.
  2. Sometimes amulets are placed in a wallet - the most significant place for money. These talismans can be made independently from improvised means. For example, a raking spoon made of silver for raking finances into a wallet. Its action is activated by the pronunciation of the plot. Bay leaf, which has the energy of money, will help you attract funds if you put it next to bills. It will also be easy to make a honey banknote. To do this, you need to take one bill and smear it with honey. Then dry it and put it in your wallet, where money will “stick” to it.

Bay leaf - a good amulet that helps to attract money

For each sign of the horoscope, there are amulets that bring good luck and prosperity to the family.

Amulets for Gemini

To decide which is best to choose a protective amulet for a particular zodiac sign, you first need to study its characteristics that are unique to it. Each element of magical power implies personal data and characteristics of Gemini.

  1. Impermanence. Often Gemini rush from one activity to another, not even noticing that they did not complete the past business. They are very receptive to everything new, it sometimes confuses them.
  2. Attention and caution. Sometimes characteristic prudence leads to the fact that Gemini begins to find fault with trifles, not seeing the main thing. As a result, they develop envy, which can negatively affect relationships with family and friends.
  3. Men born under this sign strive to achieve their goals in easy ways. Gemini women have deep knowledge that they cannot present at the moment necessary for this.

Amulets for Gemini can look different. After you have studied the main advantages and disadvantages of Gemini, you need to figure out which talismans are better to choose to enhance all the pluses of the sign or to improve poorly developed abilities.

Key of gold or silver

An amulet for Gemini is suitable if you are not very sociable and do not know how to find an approach to a particular person, the key will help open all the channels that allow you to establish a trusting relationship with any person. It is recommended to wear this amulet around the neck, in a bag or in a pocket wrapped in cloth.

Golden key - an amulet that helps to find an approach to other people


Among all the signs that differ in date of birth, Gemini is so variable that there is a constant struggle of personal sides in them that cannot decide on the choice of something. To hide this feature a little, you need to wear special amulets for Gemini. The mask acts as a secret cover. This amulet can be painted or real, which can sometimes be worn.

Plants and animals

For amulets, you can use the flora and fauna. From the fauna, the elephant and the crow will be good amulets. They are decorative elements in the form of figurines that adorn the living quarters of the owners. Also, lovers of vegetation can put on the windowsills such indoor flowers as jasmine, tulip, violet, etc. These representatives of the flora will give Gemini good luck and health.

  1. Violets should be grown for those who lack romance and love. By planting this flower in your home, you can be sure that your soulmate will appear on the horizon in the near future.
  2. Jasmine will improve your ability to work and help you get around stressful situations. If the Twin has recently experienced any loss, this flower will quickly restore his strength and help him pass this test with confidence without unnecessary emotional upsets.
  3. Narcissus is another talisman that can bring changes to personal life, filling it with temperamental outbursts and love. But you should provide for the option when there will be a lot of this flower, you can focus your attention only on your personality, forgetting about the search for a soul mate.
  4. Honeysuckle can protect against domestic quarrels and everyday problems that can disrupt the life cycle of even the most persistent person.

Honeysuckle protects from everyday problems and domestic quarrels


The stone occupies the bulk of magical amulets among all available. This is due to the fact that jewelry is often decorated with stones, many of which carry the magical power that protects their sign. Therefore, when buying jewelry, you should pay attention to the species diversity of stones with which they are rich.

The main stone is amethyst, which will help to cope with all problems in a difficult period of life, as well as restore spiritual peace. It carries frankness and straightforwardness. With its help, business relationships with customers are often established. Its strength also depends on the cut in which it is placed.

To restore peace of mind and cope with life's troubles, you can wear jewelry with amethyst

Agate improves a person's health, especially if purchased in blue. This stone helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the level of vision and prevents the occurrence of kidney diseases.

The main criterion for wearing these amulets is their mystery, which allows you to carry out all your plans. You cannot give away your amulets to others, because. this is how you give away your luck and well-being.

Talismans by date of birth

The period of the year in which people are born under the sign of Gemini is May 21 to June 21. But even in this short period of time, several stages are distinguished, which are characterized by various amulets. There are several options for trees for Gemini, differing in date of birth, which can fill their sign with mental and physical strength, as well as determine when solving a specific problem.

  1. Ash will be the most effective symbol for people born from May 25 to June 3.
  2. The militant hornbeam will suit Gemini, who was born from June 4 to 13.
  3. The fig tree will become an actual amulet for those born from June 14 to 22.

By date of birth, you can also determine the amulet stone that is most suitable for Gemini.

  1. From May 21 to May 31, Gemini was born, ruled by Jupiter and Mercury. Having an unstable character, they can get into awkward situations, even if at that moment they turn out to be right. This is a rather selfish sign that can forget about the importance of the relationship between him and the people around him. Therefore, stones with warm yellow and orange hues will come to his rescue: topaz, amber, beryl.
  2. From June 1st to 10th Gemini is ruled by the forces of Mars. Those people who were born during this period of time are distinguished by special activity and mental thinking, which is directed to useful actions. Only now, in addition to positive qualities, they also have negative ones, such as hostility and excessive frankness. This period is characterized by such gems as agate, topaz and striped minerals.
  3. Emerald and sapphire are considered to be a talisman for Gemini born from June 11 to 22. Their development is influenced by the active activity of the brightest star - the Sun. Thanks to him, they are able to quickly study information and draw the right conclusions, as well as attract the attention of others with their charm. But due to the fact that the Gemini constantly stand their ground and, for any reason, express their opinion to the higher management, they fail to achieve career advancement.

For the zodiac sign Gemini, natural stones such as topaz, citrine and agate are best suited.


One of the most effective amulets for this zodiac sign is topaz, which helps them to gather all thoughts and feelings together and sort them out. This mineral improves the health of the one who wears it and balances the psychological state. It helps to cope with various diseases and relieves stress.

If the Gemini wears a topaz jewelry, they have a chance to improve their health

Due to the fact that Gemini often find themselves in situations of disagreement, topaz will be the best talisman for them and resists the occurrence of such conflicts. Also, the gem brings a friendly atmosphere to families and fills the hearts of people around with love. This sign likes to spend his time traveling, so the stone will become his best companion and save him from unpleasant situations.



Citrine is the strongest talisman for this sign because of its warm hues that will help Gemini find a way out of difficult situations. This stone can be dressed in a cut and hung around the neck as a pendant. He will be a reliable companion in all endeavors and will protect you from unreliable financial actions. Gemini is a rather playful sign, so this mineral will help balance their condition and focus on one thing, because. they often scatter their activities and attention to many different things.

Amulets for Gemini men

To give men physical strength and emotional mood, there are amulets for men under the sign of Gemini, who have such energy that will not overshadow, but, on the contrary, will help to reveal their full potential, gradually giving courage.

Citrine in these cases will help to reveal all the abilities of men that relate to financial activities and material well-being. The inherent aggression of Gemini will be suppressed and directed in a useful direction. Also, citrine will contribute to the development of eloquence, which will basically lead to the start of your own business. The gem will open all friendly chakras, which will contribute to new useful acquaintances.

Due to the fact that men of this sign are not capable of reconciliation and are not compliant, very often they fail to establish long-term strong relationships. So basically they are single. To build relationships, agate of white or warm shades will help them, which will teach them to look for a way out of any situation and compromise.

The most suitable talisman for the stronger sex is the emerald (beryl), which is able to increase intuitive qualities, thereby moving Gemini up the career ladder. Also, the main feature that gives strength to this sign is purposefulness. Thanks to the presence of such a talisman as topaz, men will be able to cope with their inconstancy and create a strong relationship with any girl. This amulet will protect them from temptations of various kinds.

For Gemini men, a laurel tree will be an excellent protective amulet, which will bring good luck. Due to its peculiar aroma, diseases of the brain and immune system can be overcome. The tree enhances all the positive qualities of a man, and in some cases even helps to reveal them.

Laurel tree is the perfect amulet for Gemini men

Amulets for Gemini women

Women who were born under the sign of Gemini are recommended to wear natural amulets of warm shades - yellow, orange, red. Women tend to constantly change their mood, because of this they often cannot decide on their desires and aspirations. But even those born during this period are advised to wear various amulets for Gemini women:

  • first decade - beryl, amber, yellow topaz;
  • second decade - agate, topaz, striped stones;
  • third decade - amber, sapphire, emerald.

Astrologers even name minerals that can have a negative impact on women - hematite, black opal, ruby, black pearls.

A positive effect on Gemini is provided by such a talisman as topaz of warm colors. He warms the inner world of the girl with his warmth, making her humble and balanced. It is also an incredible protection against rash acts and unpleasant acquaintances.

Topaz will help in the development of oratory skills, as well as in moving up the career ladder. This stone will become the best friend in business relations when it will be necessary to show acumen and conclude profitable agreements.

If a woman is more interested in her personal life, chrysoprase will become her best talisman. The stone has a great influence on cardiac activity, thereby protecting from love disappointments and contributing to the development of strong relationships. In addition to this sphere, the amulet will favorably influence the development of friendly relations.

Agate will become an indispensable amulet for Gemini women. His field of activity extends to family relationships, which become stronger due to the absence of quarrels and omissions. It is best to wear this gem in earrings in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex and protect from envious eyes.

From the plant world, lavender will be useful for girls. This plant will become a real talisman for Gemini women. It helps to cope with stressful situations and emerging hostility. Also, lavender will protect from envious glances and calm personal requests. In other words, it is a talisman of harmony that will bring spiritual peace into your life.

Antiamulets for Gemini

There are talismans that have a negative effect on the wearer. From the stones, astrologers distinguish onyx, which, if worn for a long time, can lead to a loss of balance and the occurrence of depressive periods in life. But sometimes it can still be worn when you need to concentrate on an important action.

Scientists identify such types of stones that have a negative effect on Gemini:

  • black opal and pearls;
  • diamond;
  • ruby.

These minerals have a huge energy power that suppresses all the efforts of the Gemini. Just like onyx, jade can be worn for a short period, which contributes to the easy passage of situations associated with any changes. But if worn constantly, there is an almost 100% chance that Gemini will remain single.

GEMINI May 22-June 21
In Greek mythology, the Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born to Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Mount Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, only one of the brothers, Pollux (or Pollux), who possessed immortality, was originally a demigod; Castor was dead.

Gemini ruling planet: Mercury.
In childhood, the brothers were brought up by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, defeated Theseus, the winner of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. The shocked Pollux begs Jupiter to grant immortality to the unfortunate brother, and he divides eternal life into two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear together in the company of the gods - just as, of the two most important stars of the constellation Gemini, one disappears behind the horizon as soon as the other rises.


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Sapphire - a stone of wisdom

Agate - a stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Beryl - a stone of peace of mind

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Amber - the magic resin of the ancient forest




It opens shortly after sunrise, for which it was nicknamed the "eye of the day." In Greek, daisy means pearl. The European knights regarded the bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on the state flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many nations, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where the Russian name of this flower came from is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties are really somewhat like the eye. According to others, pansies depict the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing in them also a face, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked where she was forbidden. Tricolor pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. The white color of their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Greeks considered pansies a sign of a love triangle, while the French and the British, on the contrary, presented their beloved with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mention of fragrant jasmine was found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Greeks believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the jasmine smell tones and excites the functions of the brain.

The legend of the narcissist is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao" - intoxicating. A refined white-yellow daffodil has a sharp, really intoxicating smell.

The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted to live long if only he never saw his own face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he leaned over the water and saw himself ... And after a while he withered from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned it into a beautiful flower. “The creation of beauty, immeasurable delight,” said Cyrus the Great about him. In ancient times, triumphants returning home with victory were greeted with yellow daffodils. The Chinese have a narcissus - a New Year's flower.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

May 22-31 - CHAMOMILE. There is a traditional character in the character: loves - does not love. It is difficult to understand her, although she beckons to herself. Despite her attractive appearance, she still tries to sit an opponent at work for the sake of a career or just sports interest.

June 1-11 - BELL. Conservative. Any change frightens, plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue is a good family, a good house. Favorite means of transportation, if suddenly sent on a business trip, is a train. Fear of air travel.

June 12-21 - DAISY. Not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Quiet, homebody, reinsurer, observer. He participates in events most often as a collector of gossip. However, in life he will always achieve his goal.


ASH May 25-June 3
Ash is strong and beautiful, slender and elegant, his movements are free. He has a lively character and laughs at life's difficulties, because of which he may seem to others as an irresponsible creature. However, in fact, one born at this time knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he does not want. Ash is proud and strives to ensure that those around him take care of him, think and live the way he likes best, prefers to do only what he wants.

Men. Their mind is based primarily on intuition, they have a special insight. This ability gives rise to the desire to predict the future. However, Ash always plays a little with fate, which, however, does not prevent him from being very lucky.

Women. Extremely selfish, but generously share everything they have. In pursuit of their own happiness, they are so energetic that they can trample on everything that gets in their way.

Love and marriage. Being capricious by nature, in love Ash is surprisingly prudent and constant. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to establish a life together, which he succeeds. His marriage of love can be at the same time a marriage of convenience, but this does not mean that he will be unhappy.

GRAB June 4-June 13
Staten, in his youth even handsome, he eventually loses its former charm. As a true esthete, Grab treats the world around him with indulgence. His attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. He is ambitious, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. However, he likes to live in accordance with the established order of things, he rarely takes the initiative, and he is wary of new ideas.

Men. How great is their desire for discipline! They are very fond of obeying: the existing order of things, the established norms, the authorities, finally. However, they need "insignia".

Women. They do not like to deviate from accepted norms and rules and are rather reserved about all sorts of innovations. In love, take care of yourself more.

Love and marriage. In love, Grab is distinguished by decency, can be pleasant and sweet, but he can relate to feelings rationally: if life offers him a choice between love and duty, he, as a rule, chooses the latter.

FIG June 14-June 23
Figs are not always beautiful, but they have expressive features. He is impressionable, often suffers from an inferiority complex, does not feel good everywhere, does not tolerate difficulties well and needs a comfortable and warm living space. He needs stability, despite the fact that he himself is largely unstable. Distinctive character traits of Figs are emotionality and condescension.

Men. Active and enterprising realists, they are constantly busy with work, although by nature they are very lazy. They are impulsive and full of good intentions, but constantly forced to fight with their own weaknesses.

Women. Being attached to family and relatives, they need constant communication with them. Affectionate and emotional, they give others a good mood and a radiant smile.

Love and marriage. Fig appreciates simple feelings more than romantic fantasies, he needs to be understood and accepted as he is. He is very vulnerable, so with Figs you need to be gentle and attentive.


Sunny orange

pale yellow






LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 12, 18.

Gemini is the first truly summer sign - the end of May-June. The warm day continues to increase and the night to shorten. The sign ends the Summer Solstice, the shortest night and longest day of the year. This is the quintessence of the light and pure element of Air, a symbol of the almost achieved and desired, but still unsaid and incomplete.
The sign is mobile, light, harmoniously combining opposites. Geminis should spend most of their time creating their personal inner balance, which will reduce their mood swings and gently stabilize their restless state of mind.


Geminis are powerful communicators. They are charming, sociable, it is extremely pleasant to have conversations with them, and besides, it is interesting - they have a lot of adventures. In addition, Gemini easily acquire knowledge that is practically useless for them, and willingly share it.
They prefer freedom in work and activities that allow them to be useful in various situations. Actively explore new opportunities, good in cooperation with other people. However, they often forget to listen to the opinions of others. Working on a free schedule or traveling with business trips, a wide range of communication with different people is especially suitable for Gemini. They do not make either strict authoritarian bosses or submissive subordinates. They do not like tyranny and excessive restrictions. Geminis are restless and often forget to stick to the basic rules of relaxation and health.
Geminis hold the view that life in all its manifestations is of paramount importance.

Gemini is distinguished from representatives of other signs by a special duality, inconstancy in many manifestations. They are able to assess the situation from two sides at the same time, experience love and hate at the same moment, and sometimes they themselves do not even understand the complex nature of their feelings. The dual personality trait means that their energy levels are often out of order, so they require external guidance.

Everything in the life of Gemini is dual, even the attitude of the stars towards them: on the one hand, fate endows them with inconstancy in intentions, on the other hand, tirelessly sends them trials in which the Gemini finally gain perseverance and purposefulness.

Prefers light greens, golds and yellows. Does not tolerate excessively cold, gloomy and domineering stones, which can suppress Gemini and even cause them significant harm.
If the Gemini lacks energy, they can carefully draw it from red stones. Since Gemini is a summer sign and the season of wearing stones is in full swing, they are advised to collect a large collection of jewelry with stones for all occasions, to acquire and wear stones first of all intuitively, according to their whim, desire and momentary mood.

Male twins usually develop their range of interests throughout their lives, but they do not go directly to their goal, but the easiest way - they get it by themselves. They can be interested in various things without being seriously interested in any of them, and they can also take risks without feeling fear.

Gemini women are very smart and erudite. They are easy to learn, and also have a practical ingenuity. The twin lady rarely knows how to distinguish something truly important from the secondary, she seems absent-minded, but she can instantly and without visible tension gather before a new jerk.


Tourmaline is a stone for women's health, protecting family and home. It protects from evil thoughts and dangers, maintains a strong bond between relatives. Choose a stone of red or pink shades, then it will give inner peace. The stone will bring good luck on the personal front to every girl born under the sign of Gemini. The mineral gives the lady happiness in family life, gives her success in finding a betrothed, in conceiving a baby. Tourmaline generally strengthens women's health, clears the mind.

Incredibly beautiful, tourmalines serve as Gemini charms of love. The stone impresses with the play of colors and shades. Well removes the influence of negative energy and unkind third-party emotions. Protects from an evil look and bad wishes.
In addition, the stones are able to direct the extra emotionality of their owner towards romantic thoughts, contributing to the disclosure of a woman's sexuality and sensuality.

This is a stone that can attract good luck in any endeavor. It promotes profitable business, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, introduces Gemini's excitement into a reasonable framework. It allows you to restrain negative personality traits in this zodiac sign, enhances those qualities that are necessary for success. Citrine develops concentration and perseverance in Gemini.

For representatives of this zodiac sign, leading public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances. If Gemini feels insecure in public or is afraid to speak in front of an audience, then before going out to the audience, take a small piece of this stone and put it in your pocket.

The energy of the stone is very pure and "loves" people with pure souls. For such people, citrine contributes to the development of self-esteem, strengthens the will and encourages the manifestation of organizational skills, facilitates rapprochement with the right people. All this is very interesting for Gemini.

Citrine gives the energy of the people of the Gemini sign strength and power, but only if a person knows exactly what he wants and is determined to serve good in the broadest sense of the word. When he is ready to share the results of his work and give a variety of benefits to others without any conditions and requirements on their part.
Gemini's inability to concentrate creates problems in work and study. Lemon yellow or honey golden citrine relieves this deficiency.

For Gemini, rock crystal is a good talisman for good luck in amorous affairs. But, it’s immediately worthwhile to understand that in exchange for “mad success” with the opposite sex, a manifestation of warmth, attention and a developed sense of beauty will be required.
Rock crystal helps in the development of eloquence and in the ability to concentrate, since this is very important for the restless Gemini. Rock crystal also restores inner harmony.

Otherwise, the stone supports many qualities of Gemini, such as flexibility, the ability to avoid contradictions and resistances in various forms of their manifestation, promotes the development of contacts and connections, especially with foreigners, which will be a welcome bonus for Gemini! And the transparency of the stone speaks for itself. It is pure, transparent, like the people of the Gemini sign, who are able to free themselves from the subjectivity of assessments and judgments in order to become a pure, uncluttered conductor of this or that information to the world.

Transparent rock crystal is a stone with a long magical history... It is believed that it helps to understand the unknown, clarifies the mind, repels negative energy and facilitates telepathic contact. In addition, the stone perfectly helps to enter a meditative state, and at home they are often kept as "destroyers of bad qi" (don't forget to regularly brush off the dust from the stone protector!).

An indispensable talisman for the restless Gemini. With its lunar influence, it corrects the somewhat straightforward nature of the owner. It softens emotions and pacifies an overly active representative of this sign. Directs the energy of his master deep into himself, forcing him to focus on his problems, instead of contributing to the construction of the universe. This quality - to be always and everywhere, to give advice and instructions - is rather tiring for close friends and relatives of Gemini. The stone will help curb the ubiquitous fidget.

The moonstone will help the lady to concentrate, to achieve her goal in the shortest possible time. The mineral allows you to save love, strengthen relationships with the groom. The amulet protects emotional, explosive people.

In many countries of the world, it is believed that the moonstone is able to protect a person from the harmful effects of the moon. This is a talisman of love, which helps to pacify a strong mental and mental state. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express their thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic art, the gift of penetrating the secrets of nature and the hearts of people. To lovers, he brings consent, fidelity, understanding each other from a half-word and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to the cooling of feelings: he changes color and saturation, can become dull

Agate is a strong amulet for Gemini in terms of both physical and psycho-emotional health. If the representative of the sign feels a breakdown or depression, astrologers recommend that he wear jewelry with red agate for some time. He will share his energy and cheerfulness with the owner. In difficult situations, agate will give courage and determination. To achieve success, Gemini, like no other signs of the horoscope, often lacks responsibility and focus on a specific task. They strive to do everything at once, but in the end they can not finish a single one. Agate will help Gemini to concentrate and direct their efforts towards achieving their goal. In addition, this stone is able to help creative individuals complete their next work.

This stone adds perseverance in achieving the goal and at the same time does not make its owner unnecessarily tough with people. It attracts kind people to a person, thereby improving contacts. Since most experts consider agate to be the stone of Gemini, it is logical to assume the most beneficial effect of the stone on people of this sign. However, there is one "but"! Colored agates are able to “de-energize” Gemini, loosening their already delicate nervous system. Gemini can buy agate as an interior decoration and nothing more!

If you really want to put on agate beads, a pendant or a bracelet, then you should not wear all these jewelry all the time. From time to time, when the Gemini feel as collected and calm as possible, you can afford such a luxury; in any other situations, wearing agate jewelry close to the body is best avoided.
An exception may be gray agate. This color of agate, on the contrary, strengthens the nervous system, helps fight allergies, impaired coordination. Minerals of warm shades are recommended - yellow, orange, red.

It must be acquired by those Gemini who feel a lack of communication, those who often experience emotional empathy. This mineral is able to calm, and at the necessary moments delivers composure and a sober mind. The emerald lands the Gemini and, probably, this is not bad. The stone stimulates eloquence, gives weight to the words of Gemini, and the word is the main weapon of the people of this sign. Through contacts, through conversations and the exchange of information, the Gemini express themselves, their nature and the emerald is very useful. The significance of the word spoken by Gemini gives a feeling of joy and fullness of life.
The next feature of the stone, its influence on Gemini, is associated with the world of feelings and the possession of material resources. It is important for Gemini to have a well-paid job, and the role of money in their life is very significant. People of this sign are masters of raising funds in the most original ways, often have several sources of income, but they also lose money easily, so the topic of making money is always relevant. Emerald will help the Gemini to maintain their source of income, while deepening and expanding it.

It is more difficult with the world of feelings, because the feelings of Gemini are very mobile and very unstable. The emerald is able to influence the Gemini, slightly weighing down and slowing down the sensual life - so it may seem to the Gemini. However, it is worth looking at the situation a little more seriously. When the Gemini show more maturity and stability in love, they manage to resolve a lot in other areas of life - there is nothing to run from one object of love to another - sometimes you should stop and listen to your inner voice, feel, realize your inner state and appreciate that what you already have...

The emerald is quite good at influencing those who are very weak energetically. If a person constantly lacks his own strength, then the stone will be able to charge him and serve as a source of inspiration.
People with very strong energy and, at the same time, easily excitable, are not advised to wear an emerald. In this case, the stone and the person will fight each other.

Amber is extremely close to Gemini and therefore very useful. Amber is a stone that gives wisdom and peace. It is he who can make the restless Gemini think about his actions, make the right decisions and be responsible for his actions. Amber can be used by magicians, mediums and psychics during rituals. It is he who is able to establish a connection between parallel worlds.
Amber gives vitality, develops organizational skills, helps to maintain the chosen pace in one's activities and bring what has been started to the end. Gemini quickly cool off from what they were doing yesterday or three hours ago - it is difficult for them to keep their focus on one thing for a long time. Amber, as a talisman, will support, and as an amulet, it will protect from unnecessary information, from throwing and doubts, from switching too quickly from one thing to another.

In other words, amber, on the one hand, will give more of the necessary energy, on the other hand, it will slow down, restrain the Twins, and protect them from those contradictions that prevent them from achieving their goals.

If you want to see the future, interpret it and not make mistakes, you need alexandrite. This stone is endowed with many magical properties that it easily transfers to its owner.

Alexandrite is able to warn a person that trouble will happen to him. In this case, the previously cold talisman begins to heat up sharply. This makes it possible to understand that the wrong action is being taken, and you need to think everything over again in order not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Alexandrite is a stone that really has character. He is looking for his own owner. Weak, weak-willed, cowardly Gemini will not be able to wear it. The stone puts every person to the test.
If you are not ready to pass the test or are broken, then all that is to be expected from alexandrite is a sea of ​​​​failures. If you managed to get out of this abyss of misfortunes, then you can be sure that alexandrite will protect you from any negative impact and will very actively attract only happiness into your life.

If you decide that this stone is what you need, get yourself either 2 rings with this stone, or a set (earrings and bracelet, ring and pendant). Jewelry is worn only in pairs. It is advisable not to refuse such an accessory to the military, sailors, actors and speakers.

Alexandrite has the mysterious property of changing color. Green in daylight, it turns purple in artificial light. Yellow spots on its surface are a signal of danger to the health or life of the owner.

The stone is considered an excellent amulet in undertaking business for Gemini. Chrysoprase is a type of chalcedony. This is a stone that brings success in any endeavor, allows you to climb up the career ladder. Moreover, such a mineral saves from ailments, improves mood, and gives positive.

The chrysoprase stone, as a variety of the chalcedony mineral, is considered a good luck magnet. With his appearance in the life of a Gemini woman or a Gemini man, a bright streak begins. These stones have the ability to attract good luck in each of the areas of activity of their owner. With him, the representative of this zodiac symbol will become the one who is popularly called the "darling of fate." In addition, the chrysoprase talisman can protect its owner from all sorts of troubles. A person who gives preference to such a mineral will always be in a good mood.

Chrysoprase is a powerful amulet for twins. It protects against financial losses, so it is very good if your work involves interacting with a large amount of money. In the family, chrysoprase takes away the manifestations of negativity and leaves only positive. Protects in travel, on the road. Helps in risky, adventurous affairs.

Another very auspicious Gemini stone is Jade. It is considered to be a stone of enlightenment and health. This stone also has many colors, like agate, only in this case, its colors vary from white to completely different shades of green. Jade also happens to be black, as well as red, but this is a rarity. Even in ancient times, this stone was considered a cure for seven troubles, and it was also called a kidney stone. This beautiful stone is used both in the form of magnificent jewelry and for medicinal purposes, as well as for magical rituals. Massage with jade balls helps very well in the treatment of rheumatism, sprains, bruises, as well as for skin rejuvenation and getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, those who wear natural jade jewelry have normal blood pressure, sound sleep, and do not suffer from neuralgic disorders.

Jade is a stone of good luck and prosperity. An amulet made of Jade gives its owner a long life, as well as good health, but this stone is not suitable for attracting love into your life, since this stone is more likely for singles in life. Those representatives of the sign who need to strengthen their communicative talents, those Gemini who study languages ​​or their life is closely connected with the profession of a philologist, journalist, writer, etc. should take a closer look at jade, and, possibly, use its help. The stone will be especially useful for Gemini who have problems in communication - yes, there are some ...

And otherwise, jade does not in the least contradict the energy of Gemini, except that it develops the world of feelings and emotions, making them more mature and conscious. The subtlety of perception of the surrounding world in all its splendor, susceptibility to beauty will only improve the life of those Gemini who have no time to pay attention to the simple joys of life and fail to find time for spiritual communication with the closest people.

Energy boils in the soul of Gemini, but they do not always have enough strength to carry out their plans. Malachite will make these people more active and cheerful, fill their hearts with determination and enthusiasm. Thanks to the green gem, the Gemini will be able to complete all long-term projects. In general, malachite is a stone that symbolizes growth and merit. Malachite is an ideal talisman for people surrounded by attention.
Gemini women need malachite in a special case - the stone brings additional health and supplies more energy.
Malachite protects Gemini men from worries and nervous tension. Malachite also relieves insomnia and restores vitality.
Children born in the zodiac sign Gemini, malachite gives attention and the desire to know everything. Such children are more likely to be creative: draw, sing, play any musical instruments.
Malachite in the house of Gemini affects vitality and harmony. Malachite at work - to great success.

Amazonite is an inexpensive stone with a greenish hue that helps calm overexcited Gemini. If you feel that lately you have been constantly “on edge” and completely innocent people periodically fall under the hot hand, get this stone and wear it for several days without taking it off. It will get easier. In addition, the stone brings good luck, gives courage and devotion, helps build a family and ... develops natural laziness. So if aggression and irritation after those very few days of wearing have changed to lazy doing nothing - remove the stone and get back into life!

With him it will be easier to look deep into yourself, to understand your true destiny, to feel the full power of your heart. Take a closer look at it, play with its highlights, and you will discover the deep meaning of your life and, perhaps, you will be able to look into the future.

Gemini with the help of this stone will be able to achieve great heights in any professional activity, especially one that requires a conscious and creative approach.


21.05 – 31.05 (Jupiter) In the Gemini of the first decade, both intuitive and analytical thinking are equally developed. Rock crystal enhances thought processes. Emerald will help you connect with people. Moonstone will help mitigate mood swings, harmonize life in all areas. Green minerals are also recommended, embodying fidelity, purity, self-control: malachite, jade.
Gemini often get into trouble because of their character flaws, such as selfishness and callousness. Gemstones of warm yellow or orange shades will help to cope with these qualities. A good talisman would be yellow tourmaline or beryl, amber.

01.06 – 10.06 (Mars) For those who were born in the second decade, it is important to mitigate the influence of an aggressive planet, to weaken such qualities as selfishness, irascibility, excessive perseverance. Amber calms the nervous system, brings peace of mind. Alexandrite will warn of the consequences of undesirable actions. It is useful for restless natures, striving for change and renewal, to wear chrysoprase. Yellow agate, beryl, as well as citrine are also suitable.

11.06. – 21.06 (The Sun) The chosen ones of the Sun radiate optimism. They love children very much. Better than other Geminis, they manage their feelings, but they also have outbursts of anger. Those who were born during this period are protected by the Sun itself - they brightly illuminate everything around and warm with their warmth. It is useful for them to have products with emerald, amber, tourmaline and alexandrite.


Young ladies twins are the brightest representatives of the Zodiac circle, woven from contradictions and elusiveness. They tend to take life lightly - they strive to find originality in it, while they have non-standard thinking. Charm stones for them must have properties suitable for these originals.
Talisman stones for a woman of this zodiac sign must be selected, taking into account the peculiarities of her temperament.
They are refined and intelligent. In this they are similar to Aquarius, with which they go well. Aristocracy should also be observed in amulets intended for this sign of the Zodiac. The best advisers and defenders will be: yellow Beryl, Alexandrite, Tourmaline, a talisman from Rock crystal, Moonstone, Citrine.

The most needed gem for Gemini women is an emerald. This gem is able to pacify and calm girls suffering from emotional experiences. When the sociable representatives of the fair sex lack communication, it is the emerald that will come to the rescue. And at the moment of need, the gem will give composure to the representatives of the Gemini sign. Excess stress is able to remove the moonstone. He will soften the mood swings of the Gemini woman, attract success to her and open the way to achieve the goal.

According to the horoscope, chrysoprase is suitable for a Gemini woman. This stone is responsible for the heart chakra, so it will become a reliable protector from disappointments in your personal life. In addition to love, he attracts true friends and helpers to his mistress. Chrysoprase helps the dual and changeable nature of Gemini in the Zodiac to make the right choice and bring it to the end.

Amber is the favorite stone of the Gemini zodiac sign. A woman chooses fossilized resin, becoming a mother. The solar mineral protects both the parent and the child. Amber charges pessimistic twins with positive energy, gives a feeling of peace, joy.
However, these mobile people with unrestrained energy are not able to limit themselves. Twins can have about 10 different amulets. Which of them will become ideal will be decided by an intuitive choice.


The representatives of the stronger sex are divided into two groups. The first should include men who are distinguished by their beautiful deeds, heroism. However, these people do not monitor their health, it remains in the background. Therefore, malachite will be the best stone for such Gemini men. This mineral will help strengthen the physical condition of a person, help get rid of unnecessary worries and nervous tension.
The other group is scientists, intellectual workers, calm by nature, reasonable people. To be successful in any endeavor, career growth, such men must choose jade. This stone will support when defending a dissertation, getting a promotion at work, passing exams.

Jewelry containing citrine will become a faithful talisman, first of all, for Gemini who have chosen creative professions, especially the path of a writer. Talismans made of beryl can help develop intuition for its owner, enhance his communication skills and ensure good luck on long journeys, which is especially important for changeable Gemini. In addition, with the constant wearing of such an amulet, the Gemini will be spiritually cleansed faster from all negativity, stress and accumulated fatigue. Beryl will give its owner not only purity of mind, but also provide physical strength and endurance, so this talisman is especially suitable for Gemini men.

Alexandrite will teach Gemini men to take care of their nerves, not to give in to empty anxieties and not to worry about every little thing. The gem will bring you closer to spiritual harmony and calm the restless representative of this sign. Alexandrite is best worn in a ring on the middle finger, it is recommended to remove it at night. Agate will give Gemini stability and prudence, will be able to calm down. The gem will reduce the shortcomings of the representatives of this sign. Gemini associated with creativity, agate will help you find your style and achieve real success. The mineral will not allow you to give up everything at the first failure. Beryl will help Gemini to achieve what they want. The mineral will force the changeable representatives of this sign to bring every work they have started to the end, it will teach them to solve problems more profitably and easier. Beryl is the talisman of the Gemini, seeking to make a career.


The stone for Gemini should NOT be gloomy, dark shades. Black obsidian, black onyx and Arabic onyx, aquamarine, hematite, black pearl and haliotis, white opal cacholong and black noble opal, blood red pyrope garnet. They are "stealers" of energy with a depressing effect.
Blue and white shades of amulets-gems are not suitable for Gemini women. The ideal "Twin" stone will have orange, gold, yellow or green colors. Such rich, bright colors generously give the owner all their energy reserves.
Too powerful and active stones are not suitable for Gemini, and black and gloomy stones can easily harm them. It is not recommended to wear serpentine, green jasper, carnelian red, labradorite, chrysolite, blue topaz and cold sapphire.
Changeable and destabilizing stones - opals, labradors and haliotis are especially undesirable.
Magical black morions and smoky quartz are not suitable for Gemini.

Twins- a sign of the air element. Changeable, windy and at the same time versatile, intelligent and sociable, they give the impression of friendly know-it-alls, and natural charm attracts interesting people to them and makes it easier to achieve goals where others would spend a lot of effort.

Talismans in the form of both precious (beryl, emerald, sapphire) and semi-precious stones (agate, rock crystal and some others) help women to realize their plans and achieve harmony.

An effective amulet will be a mineral selected by date of birth. Stones suitable for Gemini women are discussed below.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (decade):

  • Born from 21 to 30 May beautiful representatives of the air are patronized by Jupiter. It develops a strong will, generosity, developed intuition and logic. Moonstone, agate, rock crystal and beryl are suitable for good luck and overcoming obstacles.
  • Women born between June 1 and 10 are affected by Mars. They are charming, purposeful, often put their career above other values. With the unfavorable action of their planet, they become aggressive, hypocritical and self-centered. Which stone is suitable for twin women of this decade to get rid of the bad manifestations of the stars is, first of all, citrine, onyx, chrysoprase and tiger's eye also work favorably.
  • The twins, who were born from June 11 to 21, are patronized by the Sun. They are bright, with a sense of humor, intellectuals, but at the same time they are too vain, stubborn and talkative. The disadvantage of the girls of the third decade is the frequent change of mood, because of which they get annoyed from scratch. To soften undesirable features, let them definitely acquire emerald, sapphire, topaz and tourmaline.

Gems of bright and warm colors can become the mascots of Gemini women. Crystals of light shades, yellow, green are preferable to choose. Having several minerals in the box, you can wear them depending on your mood.

Garnet stone for Gemini women

The name was given because of the similarity with the grains of the fruit of the same name. It has the ability to identify and concentrate the positive properties of the owner's character. It also inspires optimism and vivacity. recommended to people with strong energy, as it exhausts the weak-willed even more.

Women of this sign can choose a mineral as a talisman for acquiring true love and friendship, it will help to show tact in relationships and depth of feelings. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with garnet all the time, to relax it is worth taking it off for a while. Which ones you will find here.

Gemstones for Gemini Women

Gemstones for women born under the sign of Gemini:

  1. Beryl. A noble crystal that has several varieties that differ in color. Due to the impurities of different metals (iron, magnesium, chromium), it acquires shades from golden green (heliodor) to red (bixbit), it is multi-colored and iridescent. In its pure form, beryl is colorless. In married twins, it restores family harmony, it attracts true love, mutual feelings into the life of free representatives of the sign. For active Gemini building a career, a stone is suitable as a talisman. It will help not to leave everything halfway, boldly go to the goal, quickly overcoming problems. In addition, it improves memory and concentration, which allows you to quickly understand new information. The mineral will be a good helper in the treatment of various female ailments. Beryl is also used in the fight against colds, with problems of the nervous system.
  2. Emerald. Beautiful precious mineral of rich green color. One of the most expensive stones. Like no other suits the twins according to the horoscope. Under its influence, peace appears, peace in the soul and even composure during stress, excessive anxiety and irritation. Strengthens memory, helps to determine your purpose in life, increases self-confidence. For the child, it will serve as a protector from the evil eye (including during pregnancy), while strengthening the family, and maintaining the loyalty and love of the spouses.
  3. Alexandrite. It changes color depending on the lighting and even the mood of the carrier, which echoes the dual nature of the twins. Shades go from bright saturated emerald to dark blue and even burgundy red.
    Alexandrite carries with it an aura of balance, calms and improves the processes of the nervous system, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The mineral is able to cool heated disputes and disagreements, acts as a talisman against malicious intent on the part of opponents. The owner will give happiness and prosperity in family life. At the same time, it is removed at night so as not to provoke the leakage of energy.
  4. Sapphire. This precious blue crystal will help you become restrained and patient. He reveals the talents of an airy girl. Harmonizes relationships with people, while increasing the circle of communication and acquiring the connections needed by Gemini. The inconstancy of the zodiac sign is coming to naught, and this has a positive effect in personal and professional relationships.

Natural Stones for Gemini Women

Natural stones include both precious and semi-precious stones. The first were discussed above, so let's pay attention to the second.

Semi-precious stones for women's twins:

Stones contraindicated for Gemini

Representatives of the zodiac should avoid heavy gloomy minerals. They draw vitality and energy from them, bring them to depression, deprive them of ease of communication and a positive attitude towards the world. These are primarily diamonds and rubies. They attract a lot of trouble and worsen the health of women of the air element. They should also give up aquamarine.

The main amulets of stones for Gemini women.

Which stones are best for Gemini women to wear as amulets, crystals that suit them primarily in terms of energy will tell. It is worth paying attention to minerals, based on the individual character of the girl. It can be both semi-precious and precious crystals.

Choosing the former, you can wear them in everyday life, since precious minerals will not always look appropriate.

The most favorable of them for the human aura is:

  • agate - worn on the left hand in the form of a ring or bracelet,
  • tiger eye - best used in a pendant,
  • rhinestone - also wear as a pendant or pendant,
  • citrine - worn in or a ring of another material on the ring finger of the right hand, and speaking in front of an audience, put on the neck,
  • chrysoprase is worn as a necklace or pendant on a thin silver chain.

Gems are more active and will suit strong personalities; it is not recommended to use them around the clock.

Features of Wearing Gemstones for Gemini:

  • The influence of alexandrite will be more effective if it is in a gold-rimmed ring on the middle finger. It is better to use in a set with other jewelry - a necklace or earrings.
  • To manifest their qualities, the emerald is recommended to be worn on the little finger.
  • Beryl can be worn as a pendant to improve family relationships and find love, or as a gold ring on the ring finger for good luck.
  • Sapphire, as an amulet, is suitable in the form of a ring or bracelet.

The above tips for wearing certain stones according to the zodiac sign as a talisman are proven and effective. At the same time, they pay attention to the considered crystals by date of birth in the first place, but it is up to them to decide which stones to wear for Gemini women, especially if they liked jewelry or products with gems not of their decade. Your mineral is felt at a subtle energy level.

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