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Pendulum at home. Divination with a pendulum and a field. Rock crystal pendulum and other materials

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

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Such an event as divination on a pendulum has always captured the spirit of young females. Men treat such things with distrust and even with apprehension. But the essence of the actions does not change from this, as well as the result obtained. Fortune telling on a pendulum differs in something special from other methods. It is also possible that anyone can spend it and find out their future. Making a divination pendulum with your own hands is also not difficult - 1-2 minutes, provided that you had to look for a suitable thread.

All that a fortuneteller needs is to go through three stages: preparing, conducting and discussing the answer received.

Getting ready for

Divination by the pendulum and preparation for magical actions will not require effort. Because all it takes is to create an attribute. How to make a pendulum for folk divination? Just choose from the proposed options the most suitable for you:

  • a new needle with a large eye;
  • a silver ring worn by a fortuneteller, but which is more than 1 year old;
  • engagement ring;
  • a copper artifact bought in a shop with paraphernalia;
  • magic stone and so on.

Purchased tools for divination on the pendulum will need to be charged with positive energy. And only then will folk divination with the help of a pendulum become true. The second part of the pendulum can also be different: in the form of a chain or a thread. But it is desirable to use strings for easy fortune-telling. For example, in order to find out how many children there will be or the number of years left for girlhood (before marriage).

Of all the colors and materials for divination on the pendulum, natural and only two colors (white or black) are chosen.

Let's move on to the moment of how to make a pendulum with your own hands. For this, there are manufacturing rules: to combine two parts into one. To do this, you need to thread a thread or a prepared rope (thread, chain) through the eye of the needle or through the ring. In other words, into the hole that is intended for threading. Now about the rules of divination on the pendulum.

  • Firstly, for true predictions, the fortuneteller must acquire and do everything with his own hands on Thursday.
  • Secondly, for three days without a break, the attribute must be with you.
  • Thirdly, the magic tool will need to be charged and cleaned with your own hands. Especially, this applies to those moments when the pendulum has already been used before more than a month ago.
  • And the last condition: only its owner can work with the pendulum without any exchanges or reasons for temporary or permanent use.

Divination methods

On the question of how to guess using a do-it-yourself or purchased pendulum, you should consider the option of the chosen method. Only the option for the birth of a child differs from others in its meaning:

  • we hold a ring with a thread in our left hand and wait half a minute to a minute;
  • we align the palm and raise the pendulum up by 10-15 cm. The hand in which it is better to put the attribute on a support;
  • We carefully look at the movements of the pendulum. If a girl - the device moves in a circle. The boy is in straight lines. There will be no more children - it stands still.

This action is repeated until the attribute stops. Each new time it is laid on the palm of your hand. Checking whether he is really telling the truth or not is quite simple: perform a ritual on someone who already has children. Provided that this method of verification will be passed by more than one person, let's take a break for 5-10 minutes from the actions of the pendulums. We put it away from people, since the attribute is well saturated with energy.

For all other methods (search for the loss, find out the truth, find a person), the pendulum moves clockwise or not. If there is no movement, the answer is no. Some experts argue that the more circles he draws, the greater the likelihood of a quick fulfillment of desire. Provided that a search was carried out for a person. The width of the circle indicates the territory, but which may be missing.

An excellent alternative to all natural divination on a pendulum is online prediction for free. This option is easier to use, since there is no need to look for material and time to search for the necessary materials. At the same time, it is absolutely not dangerous, and most importantly, you can often use this method to get the right and urgent questions. Guess on the pendulum online and check how true and accurate the results are. Leave feedback about divination on the pendulum with the obligatory indication: true or not, the accuracy of the answers received.

Life throws up very difficult questions, to know the answer to which is necessary at this very second. In most cases, divination on a pendulum helps to decide in a difficult life situation and solve an important problem. It is a thin thread with a small weight at the end.

Fortune telling with the help of a pendulum will help you find out the answers to all questions

To make such a thing yourself, just take a ring and tie a thread on it, or perform a similar action with a needle.

What is a pendulum for?

The divination pendulum is used by specialists and sorcerers in order to predict and foresee future events, to find out the answers to questions of interest to them or clients.

The most difficult option is considered magical attributes made from a special chain with a semi-precious stone or crystal. It is necessary to store them separately from other jewelry, but it is better to select a box or bag. They are also used as ordinary decorations, not used for divination or searching for an answer to a question.

Fortune telling with the help of a pendulum helps a person in obtaining an unambiguous answer to a particular question, with internal problems and imbalances. Anyone can resort to the help of this subject and learn not only about future events, but also about what is happening to them at the moment.

The most common use of the pendulum is in the internal conflict of a person with his second "I". By the pendulum, you can find out the answer to a household, ordinary question that requires attention.

Rules for independent use of the pendulum

Mostly, to work with a home-made or purchased pendulum, you need to completely cleanse yourself of the negative inside and try to fill your entire essence with positive: for this, it is better to imagine yourself in a cocoon consisting of bright snow-white light.

After your inner self becomes ready for fortune telling, follow simple rules.

  1. Hold the pendulum only by the end of the thread or chain, without touching the "weight". Choose a length that allows the pendulum to swing in the air without obstruction. Traditionally, the length of the cord does not exceed 25-30 cm, which allows the pendulum not to make unnecessary movements.
  2. When asking questions, hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger, watch for the slightest change in the direction of the pendulum. So, in a stationary state, it is necessary to change the wording or the whole question.
  3. Don't rush things. You need to use the pendulum without haste in order to get the most accurate answer. With strong and vigorous rocking, the answer means excessive categoricalness.
  4. Program the thread to receive answers: when the pendulum rotates clockwise, consider the answer positive, and vice versa. Always ask the “fortune teller” in advance about whether he is ready to communicate.
  5. For simplification and greater efficiency, it is recommended to use the so-called predictive field, any surface with special marks appears. Which option to choose is up to you. It can be your palm, and a regular sheet of paper with possible answers like “yes” or “no”, and a specially lined map, and even any item of clothing. It all depends on what is convenient to work with, the chosen "field" serves to simplify the interpretation.
  6. Before proceeding with the questions, try to fully "contact" with the magical attribute. Put it in your hands and squeeze it tightly with your palms, trying to feel the vibration. Only the outgoing heat from the pendulum testifies to its readiness for contact. When choosing a complex and precious attribute, be prepared to spend more time interacting.

To get truthful answers, you need to be very careful about the choice (manufacturing) of the pendulum

In order to get a truthful answer, treat the choice and manufacture of the pendulum with great care. After carefully reading about how to make a pendulum, and applying all the knowledge in practice, you can find out the whole truth about exciting problems.

Features of divination by the pendulum

Many beginners believe that there is no way the pendulum can give a person the right answer, the movements of the attribute depend on your hands. The energy of the hands can affect the course of divination. Remembering the usual fortune-telling on the cards, the participation of the hands of the questioner is mandatory.

Do not forget that divination is a work aimed at the subconscious. Therefore, fortune-telling with this magical device is completely harmless, all the necessary words and answers have long been hidden in the depths of the subconscious. Because fortune-telling has good and neutral reviews.

In order for the answers to be as correct and truthful as possible, it is important to believe in the power of the attribute as much as you can afford. Whether the prediction comes true or not depends on the diversity of questions. For example, asking the same question several times, you risk losing the credibility of the attribute and not getting the desired answer.

Working with a pendulum does not have any special settings for how to behave correctly and what to say along the way.

It is enough to wait for solitude, to make a list of exciting questions in the most accurate formulation that predicts an unambiguous answer: “Yes” or “No”.

Yes / No: divination on a sheet of paper

For this fortune-telling, you will need a special field or a lined map. Everything will depend solely on the movement of the pendulum. Prepare any predictive field in advance, inside you need to draw a small circle, not exceeding a diameter of 6–7 cm. The left circle means “No”, the right circle means “Yes”. How to guess further?

  1. The pendulum should be in the right hand, then position it so that the weight rises a couple of cm above the circle.
  2. Formulate your question in your head. Say it out loud and clearly.
  3. Follow the immobility of the hand and the beginning of the pendulum tremors. Depending on which side of the circle he moves, the answer is determined.

It happens that the movement of the pendulum occurs in a circle. Do not be alarmed, this means that the ritual must be postponed to another day. You can reformulate the question, but the truth will not be displayed. Do not try to deceive the pendulum by asking the same question, changing the form 5-6 times: you can invoke the wrath of a magical attribute on yourself.

Divination of this type is an interesting and controversial method of prediction. It takes practice and experience to make sure it works. Don't jump to conclusions without solid evidence. The answers of the pendulum have more than once come true with 100% accuracy for those who have trusted in its power and can say with confidence: “Yes, I use the pendulum.”

I share with you the lessons of the school of the pendulum, in which I myself once studied. The technique itself is not complicated and seems to be simple. But, nevertheless, according to it, I quickly taught the pendulum to work for itself and give the right answers. In the same way, you can teach the frame to work.

The pendulum is the so-called radiesthetic effect, known to mankind since ancient times. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "the feeling of waves, vibrations."

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information and energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the astral body of a person and his subconscious (from an energetic point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is an integral part of the common human biofield).

These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is it that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates).

The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, gives certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of the pendulum in life

There will not be enough fingers on the hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands they searched for water - at all times, and successfully, now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate.

They are looking for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow falls, they are looking for - and they find! And mineral deposits are being discovered in such a strange way to this day.
A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will answer any of these questions correctly and quickly.

Form and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum you need to follow your intuition and choose the one that will listen best to you. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread. The best shape for a pendulum: conical or teardrop.

Optimum pendulum weight : 10 - 18 grams;
Optimal thread length : 10 - 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum). It is better to take a thread from a non-synthetic fabric, double and make a few knots on it to reduce axial rotation. The weight should not be too light, but not too heavy either. In general, small light pendulums start working easier and faster. Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.

They can be made from various materials:
Wood - machine or handmade.
Clay - man-made polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass - edged, blown, molded, etc.
Stone - black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.

From metal I do not advise buying a pendulum. Since the metal is able to distort information. The less metal, the more true infa. Better from natural material. The rope on which the pendulum will hang is best made from cotton thread or pure wool. I have almost the same, only amethyst)))

So let's go. We take a piece of paper where circles with arrows with the words YES-NO are located. We take the pendulum by a thread 15-25 cm from the pendulum, as it suits you in general, and adjust yourself to hold the pendulum.

So, they took the pendulum by the thread with two fingers and brought it to the leaf, tried to hold it, adjusted the length of the thread and say simple words.

“I ask you my higher self, you my spirit, you my guardian angel, to help me correctly and correctly adjust the pendulum.

Exercise 1

Bring *YES* to the circle and tell the pendulum that it is *YES* and ask him to start spinning clockwise, if he is silent help him, that is, explain that this is YES.

Then bring it to the circle * NO * and do the same, then just go to the YES arrows and from them to the NO arrows. After that, already bring it up as you brought the pendulum, but without a hint, and watch over it. If someone does not succeed on the first day, then they do not proceed to task 2, etc.

Attention! Before working with a pendulum, you must stop it by hand, because it will spin due to the fact that the thread is twisted, wait until it does not spin and start working.

How far should the pendulum be kept from the sheet? From the sheet it is necessary to keep 5-10 cm

The psychic must get used to the pendulum indicator, accustom himself to unconditionally trust him. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will instantly react: it will start giving incorrect answers. REMEMBER that it is not the PENDULUM MAKE A MISTAKE - YOU MAKE IT YOURSELF. The reason is to be found within yourself.

Task 2

You can write the alphabet on paper yourself, so that it would be convenient for the pendulum to answer, or just take (if anyone has it) the children's alphabet (as in the photo). Bring the pendulum to the letter and ask him what the letter is. For example: "Is that the letter A?" Remove it from this letter. Bring it up to it again and ask him again: “Is this the letter A?” Then remove the pendulum from the letter A and bring it to any other. And ask him, "Is that the letter A?" Let him answer you with a YES or NO answer.

Then, for the correct answer, bring it up to the letter A again, so that he gives you a solid answer to the letter A. In short, practice with the alphabet or numbers.

For the frame (if you are teaching it, it is better to hang the letters on the wall)

Task 3

Take something edible and not edible, put it at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Ask the pendulum a question - indicate where it is edible with the answer YES and where it is not edible with the answer NO. Take foods that are good for our body, because if the product contains preservatives in the form of all kinds of E, the pendulum can show that the product is NO not edible.

Task 4

Write out the words (for example) that I wrote to you below, bringing to the word you should ask if it is edible or not and see how the pendulum answers.


Task 5

Asking a question: "Who wrote the tale of the fisherman and the fish?"

Karl Marx

And so you approach from the simplest questions to the more complex ones. Thus, you train the pendulum to answer the right questions for you. To train him, you can ask anyone for a YES or NO answer, and he must answer you. For example: " My name is Sveta?" And he must answer you correctly.

Task 6

Take any deck of cards and select any 5 cards. Write them down.

Then shuffle the selected 5 cards, face down, and place them on the table in any order. Start looking for cards - all 5 in turn. That is, for example, you have playing cards: Ace of Tambourines, Jack of Hearts, 6 spades, 7 tambourines, 9 clubs. There will be 5 entries in total.

Ask: "Where is the ace of diamonds?" and holding over each of the cards, specify: “Is this the Ace of Diamonds?” And the task is to understand yes or no the pendulum tells you. Where he says yes, turn over the card. After turning over the card, all 5 cards should be re-shuffled and search for the next card. And so 5 times.

Wash the new pendulum for a couple of minutes under running water (it will carry away information that may have been accumulated earlier). Then hold it in your hands and wear it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be filled with your energy. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

When buying a pendulum, it must be CLEARED of all energy traces and bindings, so that it knows only you and is only attached to you. This can be done with a simple ritual. The cleaning procedure is simple and takes from one to three days, but in the most severe cases, if you need to clean the working pendulum from negativity, it takes up to 9 days.

Take a container, box or cup. Also take coarse salt (which is for salting). Pour half of the salt into a box or cup, put the pendulum there together with a storage bag and a chain, wrapped in a cloth, which will then be your canvas for working with the pendulum (the color is up to you, the main thing is plain). Read the following conspiracy over salt 9 or 12 times, focusing on the process as much as possible:

salt salt,
earth element,
You cleanse everyone for centuries,
From everywhere you take away the negative,
You take in your crystals -
Also, take away all the negative from these items (list),
Take it into your crystals
Cleanse my pendulum (and list the rest) from filth and lies,
And then take the earth with you into the cheese!
May it be so!

Then add the rest of the salt. The more worthy and respectful you treat your pendulum, the clearer and more accurate your predictions will be.

And one more thing about cleaning: when you take the pendulum out of the salt, I recommend doing it outside the house - somewhere on the street or on the balcony, so that the salt with the negative does not crumble at home and there is no unnecessary contact with it. Leave the salt and the bags in which they carried it right there on the street - the salt can be right on the ground, and the bags can be taken to the trash.

Consecration of the pendulum

Below I give an example of a simple blessing ritual. Don't be afraid to step back from it or redesign it to fit your lifestyle as closely as possible. Know that there is no right or wrong way to bless the manitic system, and whatever blessing you choose, it will definitely work.


One purple or white candle
Incense (you can also use an aroma stick)

  • Start by lighting a candle and burning incense, draw a straight pentagram in a circle directly on the altar (with chalk), and then place a pendulum in the center of the pentagram.
  • Close your eyes, visualize how the energy of all 4 elements flows into the pentagram and accumulates in it, and this process goes on constantly - the energy condenses and flows into the space of the pentagram all the time. Then take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale air through your mouth.
  • After four or five inhalations and exhalations, open your eyes and carry the pendulum through the incense smoke while saying something like: "I sanctify you with the power of the air." Take a deep breath of its purity and beauty.
  • Taking care not to burn your hand or the pendulum, quickly bring the pendulum through the flame of the candle. Tell: " I consecrate you with the power of fire so that you can fulfill my desire."
  • Lightly sprinkle the pendulum with a few drops of water while saying: "I sanctify you with the power of water, Drink it to the bottom, making your way."
  • Then drop a few grains of salt on the pendulum, saying: "I sanctify you with the power of the Earth, where the Seeds of Power can sprout."
  • And finally, raise the pendulum with your outstretched hand up and say: “Power of the Pendulum, Give me your ability to see the truth; let it penetrate into my soul - into my mind. Through this pendulum let the truth be revealed. May it be so!"
  • Put the pendulum back in the center of the pentagram.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, try to create visual images of connecting with the pendulum. You will see that you easily feel him, comprehending the inner meaning of his answers, feeling the vibrations.

Visualize how the accumulated energy in the pentagram flows into your pendulum, charging it - you need to give a direction for this energy, that is, what you need it for (connection with the general energy-information field of the universe, with some specific forces, strengthening your visionary abilities, establishing and strengthening a channel of communication with you, etc.). At the same time, the energy of the elements continues to concentrate in the pentagram and flow into the pendulum. And leave the pendulum in the pentagram until the candle and aroma stick burn out. Then put the pendulum in a bag and / or wrap it in a cloth - in what it will be stored in the future. The bag or cloth itself must also be cleaned along with the deck during cleaning and consecrated during this ceremony.

Only the text for the pendulum container (cloth or pouches or both) is different:

Be filled with strength to contain this pendulum,
And guard my pendulum within you,
And may the pendulum rest in peace
As long as it is stored inside you!
May it be so!

So, you set up your pendulum, he lied and answered correctly, now it's time to learn how to work with it correctly, I write everything according to the points that you need to follow.

1. Before each work, it is necessary to check the correct rotation of the pendulum according to the picture.

2. Ask a question before work: “Can I ask you questions today, here and now?” You should receive a YES or NO answer from the pendulum, if YES then you work, if NO, then you remove it and do not work anymore today. If you got the answer YES, then ask the next question - how many questions can I ask? Start from 10 down or 1 to 10 up, never exceed 10 questions per day.

a) After you have asked questions, put the pendulum in your bag, take it out after 10-30 minutes and repeat all your questions and observe the correctness of the answer, only after that you give the answer to the person, or accept these answers for yourself.

3. You should always work without strangers, if someone asks you directly sitting next to you, you should ask the pendulum, can you ask questions to a person? If he answered YES, let him ask a question.

4. After working with the pendulum, be sure to thank him for his help.

5. Put it in its place.

6. No one should take your pendulum.

7. If your pendulum is lying during the control check, change your hand.

8. This applies only to women, do not work with a pendulum on women's days.

9. Do not work with the pendulum while intoxicated, even if you drank a little, do not work anyway.

10. The pendulum should work in silence, but there are emergency cases, which is noisy, and you need to get an answer, then apologize to the pendulum for the noise and ask it to work in noise. Look at the answer - YES or NO

At the beginning of work with the pendulum, it is necessary to achieve inner emptiness, when the inner word stirrer calms down (ideally, it turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “upstairs”. For the answer to come, you need an “empty” place where it can come. The pendulum will, of course, show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question, you were thinking exactly what you wanted to ask. In short… turn off the internal dialogue

It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flickers - “oh, the kettle turned off ...” - and the setting turns out to be knocked down. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who's to blame?

If you wish to tune in to the desired “interlocutor” from the Higher worlds

The next step is to select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “for communication”. Which communication channel you use is up to you.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible "respondent" and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise quite earthly problems will arise.

You need to address the entity you need and keep it in sight all the time of contact. It is impossible to disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information received by you may be. If you forget about your "interlocutor" for more than 30 seconds, he may go "out of touch" - he may simply be forced out by others who want to talk to you.

And they will do it quietly, without announcing the substitution of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you forgot about him. If you do not find a substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from those with whom you planned. And you will get completely different information that you could. And who will be to blame for this, except you? None.

Check the interlocutor.

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that exactly the entity that you called was “in touch” with you. How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, or are in direct mental contact with an "invisible interlocutor."

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you, there are such rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretending to be someone or being cunning, as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So, if your interlocutor begins to evade direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and call again the entity that you need.

If she replies that she is “in touch” with you, arrange for her to be interrogated with passion. Make her swear it's her. Threaten that if she breaks the oath, she will roast forever in the Underworld. Usually, such a prospect seduces few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear that you will ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps the pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your test questions. But it is better for them to experience discomfort for a moment (they still belong to the staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

An exemplary dialogue when working with a pendulum

The mental dialogue when receiving information with the help of the pendulum and attuning to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

“I am calling my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plan.

Is it a guardian angel? Yes (corresponding pendulum movement).

Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plan? Yes.

Are you a sinful spirit? No.

Are you a demon? No.

Are you the soul of a person? No.

Are you some other essence of the Subtle World? No.

Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.

Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to Hell? Yes.

May I have information on the following question….”

In this dialogue, questions are shown in italics that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him for communication or interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

If you get different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor should be decisive and final. You can mentally say to your intruder something like:

- “I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to contact .... ".

With such a verification procedure, you can, with a high degree of certainty, tune in exactly to the one you need. If possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you will be proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane a lot.


You will need

  • weight to choose from (metal, stone, plastic, wood or any other), silk or cotton thread, storage bag.


Start by choosing a material. It's better to have a pendulum out of something that you feel positive about. The main rule is that the material for the manufacture of the cargo must be “your”. It can even be a copper paperclip or a plastic float. The main thing is that you later be pleased with him. A symmetrical weight is best: round, spherical or cylindrical.

Now let's move on to mount selection. Silk or cotton thread is best for the pendulum. Although, again, this is an optional condition. If you prefer a chain, leather strap or anything else, follow your own heart. Tie the weight to the cord and you can work with your pendulum.

It is better to start working with the pendulum alone so that you can get used to each other. It may not be easy to get it to move at first, but after a while it will start to move as soon as you hang it over the table. You should start asking questions with those about which you have no doubts. For example: "I'm 25 years old?" or “my name is Anya?”. After you get used to your pendulum and understand what changes in its oscillations depend on, you can proceed directly to divination. Believe me, it's very easy!

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Remember that your main goal is to create a pendulum to work effectively. Do not get carried away with fashionable bells and whistles, it can only hurt.

Useful advice

It is best to store the pendulum in a canvas or linen bag. This will protect the string from tangling and make it much easier for you to carry your pendulum. The bag can also be made by yourself or bought in a store.

In bioenergetics, in Feng Shui and in other teachings about energy, masters use various means to work. It can be: a compass, a vine, candles, bells, etc. All these items help the master to do his work with greater accuracy. One of the effective assistants is the pendulum.

A lot has been written about the work, but little or no clear consistent methodology has been written. First of all, you need to choose an assistant. Buy the pendulum to which the soul lies (the one that looks at you). It can be made of any material: metal, crystal, wood or stone. You can make a pendulum yourself: put some weight on a string (an earring, a pebble, a bolt, etc.). Arriving home, clean it from the negativity that stuck in the workshop, in the store, or on the street when they walked home.

Cleansing takes place in different ways, to whom it is convenient. There is a simple way: you need to take a pendulum and put it in a plate or any other vessel with salt (do not use if the pendulum is metal). Salt should be enough to cover it all. And let the pendulum lie in it for a day. Remove from the salt (salt in the toilet bowl), wash off the salt residues on the pendulum with running water. Wipe with a dry clean cloth. And start using. If the pendulum is metal, then rinse with running water three times in a row. Say for the first time: “I wash away all the negativity”, for the second time “I fill it with positive”, for the third time “I activate the work of the pendulum”. After the cleansing ritual, wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Next, you need to consciously determine whether you are ready to work. There are certain taboos to work with: do not work for material gain; not for the sake of curiosity; not for the sake of boasting or demonstrating superiority; do not look into the future; do not treat the results as indisputable; Do not work when you are in a bad mood or when you are sick. You also need to turn off the flow of thoughts in your head, it is better to start work in solitude. Clearly formulate the question without double meaning. After some thought, the work begins.

You need to take in your hand, in a working position, two, three, or winding a pendulum thread around your fist. Stretch your arm forward and stop the rotation of the pendulum. When he stops, ask him (out loud or to himself): “If the question and the answer are “Yes”, then how?” He will show some movement, remember it. “If the question and the answer to it is “No”, then how?” - again a new movement.

Then ask: “Can you work with him now?” And it shows the movement "Yes" or "No". If “Yes”, then work by asking simple questions with a “Yes” / “No” answer. If he forbids working, then ask how long it takes to work with the pendulum, and list the time intervals in turn (5, 10, 20, 30, etc. minutes). The main reasons for the prohibition of work are: external or magical interference; unclear question; too strong desire to know the result; complete disposition to work; overwork; distraction; lack of assembly; lack of confidence in; Akashic time (negative time - time of death).

As a result, with increasing experience, you can ask any questions of interest. The main thing is to periodically clean the pendulum and keep it clean, because the dirt/negativity from your hands will pass to the pendulum.

And the list of works with the pendulum is very large: the position of groundwater, determine the size of your biofield, healthy or clogged chakras, pathogenic zones, charge water, get answers to your questions, etc. It is easy and pleasant to work with a pendulum, no special talent of a magician is needed, the main thing is to believe in it and everything will work out.

Newton's cradle.

Hello. The other day I decided to make something interesting and informative for my son, my attention stopped on Newton's pendulum or, as some still call it, Newton's cradle (and sometimes even Newton's balls).

It is a mechanical system that was invented by an English actor in 1967, his name was Simon Prebble.

You, of course, saw this pendulum in the physics classroom, the teacher, using his example, explains to the children how energy of various types is converted into each other, for example, potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa.

Tools I used:
1) Pliers.
2) Hammer.
3) Beard.
4) File.
5) Soldering iron.
6) Wire cutters.
7) Tweezers.
Of the materials for the manufacture of the pendulum, I needed only:
1) Bearing.
2) Rosin.
3) Solder.
4) Copper wire (thin).
5) Thick copper wire (four square millimeters).
6) Threads.
7) Glue.

To begin with, I would like to talk a little about how I removed the balls from the bearing. It’s just that one friend told me how he and a friend pulled them out with a not entirely safe, one might even say not at all safe method and almost lost their eyes. He said that he put the bearing on a hard surface, hit the cage with a hammer and the balls scattered (two balls were lost). I did not take such risks and began to disassemble it.
First I removed the seals.

Then, resting the beard on the separator (where the rivets are), with a slight movement of the hammer, he riveted and bent the separator to the other side in several places and dismantled it with pliers.

Then, having grouped all the balls, he shifted the inner ring to the outer ring with pliers.

With such simple manipulations, I easily managed to pull out the balls without damaging anything to myself and others. And not a single ball did not leave my field of vision.

Then I cleaned the place where I would solder the ring with a file.

Well poludil this place with rosin.

I found in the bins a piece of stranded wire of small cross section. I pulled out one vein with pliers.

And made rings out of it.
Soldered the rings on the ball. I tried to keep it as straight as possible.

As they say, the first ball is lumpy. Overexposed the soldering iron tip on the ball, and it darkened (got a thermal burn :wink:).

The rings, so that they were at least a little similar to each other, checked with the finished one. Then he did the same manipulations with the rest of the balls.

As a result, I got seven not quite beautiful (stained with rosin) cheburashkas, and one of them became a Negroid race.

After felting with goy paste. (Even the African American began to shine). As I understood in the tests, I should not have placed the balls on the magnet, they became magnetized, and I had to demagnetize them. I did this using a frameless magnetic coil taken from a non-working old TV. Information for those who want to demagnetize these coils is only available on old-style TVs with a cathode ray tube, in other cases, almost any frameless coil is suitable. And one more detail, the voltage supplied to the coil must be variable.

Then a long and painful threading through the rings.

Having cleared the insulation of a wire with a cross section of four square millimeters, he began to make the frame of the future pendulum.

At first I made a frame as in the bottom photo, but it was ineffective, it turned out to be too low (there was not enough acceleration) and it took part of the energy of the balls (the antennae that held the balls swayed).

And it was decided to make a stronger and slightly taller structure.
I tied the threads, making several turns. This is done so that when adjusting the location of the balls by turning the thread, it does not scroll back under the weight of the balls tied to it. From the beginning, I simply tied the threads to one side of the resulting frame.

Then (regulating at the same time) tied to another beam.
And in the end, I adjusted the balls (by twisting the thread on the beam) so that they lined up in one row as accurately as possible, because this also very much depends on how long it will click. After point adjustment, I applied a small amount of glue over the threads tied to the beam, thereby fixing them from scrolling and moving along the beam.

And here is Newton's cradle, so to speak.
Although it is not as beautiful as those in the store, it is made with your own hands and from available materials.

Since there were no balls of large diameter, the pendulum, of course, does not tick for long, but it still gives my son a lot of positive impressions and me from the fact that I was able to please him by assembling such a surprisingly interesting and soothing toy with my own hands.

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