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How to create a witch's altar. magical altar

The altar is the center of the house, where the forces are concentrated, which in a difficult period of life will be mobilized in order to survive it with dignity, and also stabilize the happy moments of life. Practicing magicians always make a special altar at home. It does not necessarily serve religious purposes, but is most often used for magical purposes or meditation.

General rules for setting up an altar

No need to make an altar that attracts attention, put it in a prominent place. It must be disguised. Let it look better as an interestingly decorated place in which curious objects are collected. Or even organize it in a closed place, for example, in a drawer of a closet, a wall, in a utility room, or in a bedroom where strangers rarely enter. Ideally, a place should be chosen so that the altar does not need to be constantly removed from prying eyes, it would be easy to approach it, and in this place a person should always experience positive emotions and feelings. Of course, this is impossible to achieve in some housing conditions. The way out of this situation is to set up an altar when there is a desire or need to use it, and then remove it from prying eyes.

Altar accessories

What items should be placed on the altar, only the magician himself can decide. Their choice depends on whether he is a member of any religious community, or follows a pagan belief in God and Goddess, which needs special symbolism. Below will be presented a number of items whose presence on the altar is desirable:

1. At all times, fire was considered sacred, so it is necessary to ensure its presence on the altar. Candles or oil lamps are suitable for this. From a fire safety point of view, it is better to use candles in glass containers, they can burn for several days without causing harm. Since candles come in different colors, each magician chooses for himself the color that he considers suitable for himself. Some magicians keep white candles constantly lit on the altar, as they are believed to ensure a calm flow of life in the house.

2. Amulets, talismans will also not be superfluous on the altar. These include:

Lucky stones, shells from wild beaches and other items that create a sense of significance in magical practices;

Items related to everyday life, to the household way - these can be folk prints, pieces of masonry bricks, small panicles, etc .;

Items that bring good luck - four-leaf clover, horseshoe, etc.

3. In some countries of the world, the custom is still preserved to decorate the altar with fruits, herbs and flowers. They can be braided into garlands or wreaths, or they can decorate an altar by themselves. The choice of colors again depends on the preferences of the magician, on the time of year. Their action is twofold - on the one hand, they personify the victim, which serves as a source of energy, and on the other hand, they give aesthetic experiences.

4. Salt collected in a bag, glass or crystal vessel. It serves to purify the atmosphere around the altar and opposes poverty and financial difficulties.

5. Censers. Regular daily burning of sticks with aroma fills the air and reminds the atmosphere to which this or that smell corresponds. It is believed that jasmine brings love, lemon cleanses, and frankincense drives away evil spirits. You can smoke incense using charcoal. Usually it is placed in a candlestick, heated, after which incense is added. This helps a lot if you need to fumigate the whole room, a lot of smoke rises from the coal.

Wiccan Altar

On a Wiccan altar, as a rule, the following elements are present:

1. Symbolism of the four elements:

West associated with water. Therefore, to designate it, you can use a plate of water, put a seashell, an image or a figurine of a fish;

South- it's fire. For its explicit designation, you can put a red candle or decorate it with a dragon figurine.

North symbolizes the earth. On the altar, it can be represented by salt or a bowl of earth, a potted plant, an image of a deer or a wolf will also work.

East is a symbol of air. On the altar, you need to put either a feather or an image of a bird, you can even put a figurine of an airplane.

2. Sign of strength. You can use a pentagram. But this is not a rule without exception. You can use any sign that is associated with strength and that matches the energy of a witch or sorcerer.

3. Symbols of the Deities. May be in the form of statuettes. Sometimes they are denoted by colored candles. As a rule, the Goddess corresponds to the color of silver or green, the color of God is gold or red.

4. Magic dagger (Atam) - double-edged knife with a black handle.

5. Image of an angel. Complements the symbols of God and Goddess. As a rule, it is placed between them.

This list is not mandatory and complete. It can be supplemented based on your own preferences and attitude. A large role in the organization of the home altar is given to creativity, creativity. If the altar is unusual, reflecting the inner world of a practicing magician, then the results that are expected when creating Wiccan rituals will not be long in coming.

During the performance of magical rituals or any actions, the witch traditionally uses the altar in magic.

The altar in magic is the center of power, in which energy lines converge from all directions of the world. In a symbolic way, the altar is the center of the universe.

The witch's altar can be of any shape, but the most commonly used are triangular, square or round. If the ritual is performed in nature and you did not take anything with you, then a stump or a large boulder can serve as an altar in magic, however, before that they must be consecrated.

The altar is most often white, black, blue or green. It is covered with a cloth, but only from natural materials, leather is also suitable.

The "face" of the altar, as a rule, is directed to the east, since it is in this direction that the witch usually stands during the performance of her magical ritual.

On the magic altar, there must certainly be several obligatory items - a ritual knife, a protective amulet or talisman, a pentagram, a candle, a goblet and several objects that personify the forces of the elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

Usually, the personification of the elements of the Earth is an oak branch, a little salt or a pinch of earth.

The personification of the element of Water, of course, is a vessel with water, the symbol of the element of Fire is a candle, and the symbol of Air is incense. But there may be other options.

Also note that the objects symbolizing the elements are arranged in a certain order: in the east - Air (in other traditions - Earth), in the south - Fire, in the west - Water and in the north - Earth (in other traditions - Air).

The pentagram, as a rule, is located in the center of the magic altar, and a candle is placed in the center of the pentagram itself.

Among other things, a small saucer is usually placed on the altar, on which various gifts and sacrificial products are placed for the god, goddess and spirits.

The altar in magic should always be clean, and the objects on it should be placed logically. It is impossible to make sure that Water is on the side of Fire, and vice versa.

Before each magical action, the altar must be cleaned.

is a great way to connect with the Divine. You can make an altar for your patron God, Goddess or other deity in whose help you are interested.

Altars can be large or very small, removed after a few days, or set up indefinitely. All you need is some magic items and some inspiration.

Choose a place

The type of altar you build will depend on the space available. So consider where the altar will be. Will it be indoors or outdoors? Big or small? Public or hidden from view? Do you plan to conduct rituals at your altar? For rituals, it is better to allocate a special place in the apartment, unoccupied by furniture, so that nothing interferes during the ceremony.

Don't be discouraged if you don't have much space. A bookshelf, hearth, window niche, or small table make for a comfortable altar. But you can also build downright charming altars out of crates, car dashboards, and more.

When choosing a location and materials, consider your deity's preferred environment. The altar of the Horned God Cernunnos is better to equip on the street, and Hestia, the young goddess of the family hearth and sacrificial fire, will definitely be more comfortable next to the fireplace or stove.

Invite the deity

After the space has been chosen and cleared, the deity can be invited. Gods and Goddesses are very similar to us - most of them love to hear their names and see images of themselves. Therefore, the chosen God or Goddess must be represented somewhere on the altar.

If you have a favorite statue or painting, it will make a wonderful item for an altar. But simpler images will work too. You can even use a printed image of your chosen God or Goddess. Sometimes you may want to keep the altar a secret from co-workers, household members, if so, try making it in a desk drawer.

Invitations to the gods can be wordy and complex, or very informal: “Good evening, blessed Isis. I made this altar in honor of you. I hope you will enjoy".

Decorate the altar

An unadorned altar is like a house without furniture! Gather everything that reminds you of your chosen deity and decorate the altar in a way that is pleasing to him. Crystals, feathers and other ritual implements, as well as herbs, food and drink - any of these things can go to the deity's altar.

If you have a working relationship with a God or Goddess, then you must be aware of what He or She loves. An altar is a place where people and gods meet halfway, so whatever you put on should please you and them.

Need some inspiration? Think about what you know about the God or Goddess. What part of the world are they from? What objects are used in their rituals? Is there any color, season, plant or animal that is especially associated with them? You can represent the elements on your deity's altar, but you don't have to set minimum items if the God or Goddess is bound to one or two elements. Also, the altar of the deity should not change seasonally. The main thing is to keep it clean and free of dust.

Creating a home altar is an important step in the practice of the Fire Mage. The home altar serves primarily as a place for rituals. This is a small home place of power where the Magician communicates with the Spirits and interacts with the Force. Proper organization of the altar will allow you to create a place of power that will protect your home and nourish your works.

It is good if it is possible to make a permanent altar, but if for some reason this is not possible, you can use a temporary altar. A temporary altar can be built from a coffee table, covered with an altar cover for the duration of the ritual.

Place for an altar

For the erection of an altar at home, it is better to choose a place on the east side of the room. Nothing should hang over the place. It is also unacceptable if any furniture or household appliances stand close to the altar. The place under the altar should be more or less free.

If you decide to create an altar in your home, then you should understand that having an altar imposes some obligations on you and your family. Remember the altar is a sacred place, you can not put objects that are not related to the ritual, or use it as a stand for something. The altar must not be rearranged along with other furniture, knocked on it, or something taken from it for non-ritual purposes. Performing undesirable actions in relation to the altar can cause discontent of the Spirits and Forces with which you interact.

It should also be taken into account that in the place where the altar is planned to be located, there should not be geopathogenic zones. To find out, you can trust your feelings or use a frame.

Altar device

Any coffee table is suitable for building an altar, it all depends on what size you want to put the altar. Temple altars are usually waist high, while home altars are usually lower, this is due to the fact that people stand near the temple altar, while at home, as a rule, they sit. But there are no prohibitions and restrictions on the height of the home altar; it can also be made high to the waist and work while standing.

You can also make a frame for your altar yourself, the most skilled can make shelves for storing altar accessories inside the altar. The best material for making a home altar is wood. The choice of wood is entirely up to you and your preference, but the most commonly used woods for altars are oak, ash, cedar, larch, and pine.

The most common altars are in the form of a square table 60 centimeters high and 60-70 centimeters on a side. Altars should not be made too large, they are bulky and their practicality does not depend on size.

Fire Magic Altar Attributes

Cover. One of the most important attributes of a home altar is the altar cover. It can be embroidered with the signs of the Deities and Spirits, or it can simply be a cut of fabric processed along the edge. The main thing is that the veil, like all other attributes, should be ritually cleansed and not used for any purpose other than ritual ones. If you made an altar 60 (70) centimeters by 60 (70) centimeters, then for the bedspread you can take a cut of 1.5 meters by 1.5 meters of red fabric. The fabric from which the altar cover is made should be natural, linen or cotton. As a rule, a red veil is used for the altar, although there are rituals that require the use of a veil of a different color.

Knife. It is usually a double-edged knife and is used for channeling energy and for a host of other actions. If you buy a souvenir knife, then do not be too lazy to sharpen it properly. The knife must have a sheath. It is located in the right closest corner, if your altar is correctly oriented to the east.

Censer. A bowl with legs or a special stand, on the bottom of which a small amount of sand is poured and coals are placed on it. The incense burner serves to offer sacrifices in the form of incense. You can use different coals for the incense burner, starting with ordinary wood and ending with special coal. The incense burner is located in the far right corner, if your altar is correctly oriented to the east.

Seal. The magic seal is a wooden or metal disc 20 centimeters in diameter with an image of a triple equilateral cross in the center of which is an unfolded cross in a circle, and below is a crescent moon, the ends of which reach the right and left ends of the triple cross. In the absence of a magical seal, a stone can be used. These can be different minerals, but as a rule, it is either amber (although it is not a mineral) or obsidian. Other minerals are also allowed. If it is not possible to find a mineral of sufficient size, then a scattering of stones in a bowl can be used instead. The stone is located in the nearest left corner, if your altar is correctly oriented to the east. Also, a magic book can be located in this place, if it is used as a simple attribute.

Bowl. Cup, most often silver, copper or gold, less often stone, filled with water. The cup should be large enough to hold 150-200 grams. water at least. He participates along with the knife in many rituals. The bowl is located in the far left corner, if your altar is correctly oriented to the east.

Three-candlestick. This is a candlestick for three candles, participating in the ritual of opening the altar, which in turn precedes all rituals. The candlestick is located on the opposite side of the altar from you, so that the central part of the altar remains free.

Candlestick for one candle. This is a candlestick used between rituals, it is placed on the altar when all the attributes, except for the coverlet, are removed, and participates in the daily practice of the magician.

Only the main attributes are listed here, while the total number of attributes used in magical practice is much larger.

Stocks of the Fire Mage

Candles. First of all, you should stock up on different candles. Be sure to get a large red candle for daily practice. It is also worth buying column candles of different colors for rituals. When choosing candles, give preference to wax candles with a beeswax content of at least 80%.

Incense. Stock up on different types of natural incense to make offerings to Spirits and Deities. It is also worth getting some herbs: sage, thyme and lemon balm for lighting on the altar; wormwood and thistle for cleansing; mint for blessing rituals. To use incense and herbs, you need special coal, it must be in abundance with the Magician, since it is consumed quickly.

Threads and cords. Purchase natural threads and cords of different colors to use in rituals. Magic knots can be tied on cords, and threads can be used for spells.

Essential oils. Always have an assortment of oils corresponding to the 7 planets, they will come in handy in a variety of rituals.

Preparations for amulets. For the manufacture of amulets, dies of different types of wood may be needed. Dies can be harvested on their own, or purchased from those who are engaged in the preparation of magical ingredients.

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Altar useful for most if not all spells, as well as celebrations of the Wheel of the Year holidays, daily offerings to the Goddess and God, use as a focus in meditation. Since the altar is often a flat surface on which magic is worked,
it can be a bedside table, a small table, and even a wooden box or shoe box. It should be roomy enough and not stagger when there are candles on it. For a more magical look, you can drape it with green or white fabric. Or, you can change the fabric that serves as an altar cloth, matching it to the tone of the spell's ingredients or depending on the seasonal celebration. Various flowers, nuts, shells or smooth stones can be placed on the altar during the holidays, as well as any other items that are appropriate.



Candles are good for focusing and boosting energy for the desired spell. Colors have their own color match.


Like candles, incense creates a magical atmosphere, tune in to the upcoming magical work and help send wishes to the Universe. You can use any incense unless the spell specifies specific types. For example, frankincense, lotus and sandalwood are incense suitable for any purpose. You can use them.

Crystals and stones

crystals, and just stones, have long been used to concentrate energy.
Megaliths - cromlechs and dolmens - giant stones, concentrated powerful energy, they are still powerful places of power and natural altars. For your altar, small crystals are suitable, such as a variety of quartz crystals (amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, clear quartz, milky quartz). Crystals are processed and unprocessed. For programming and focusing energy, raw ones are best, retaining their natural crystalline form. If you want to make a stone oracle by picking up different minerals, processed rounded stones are best suited for this.
If you do not have the required stone, you can always replace it with clear quartz (especially if the stone is a variety of quartz - for example, amethyst, or rose quartz), having previously programmed it.
If it is not possible to buy quartz, even pebbles will do. Look for stones with unusual shapes and colors, stones with natural through holes.
Fossils are also good, especially spiral ammonite shell fossils. This is not only a stone, but also a shell, they concentrate energy most strongly.
And finally, crystals and stones are a good decoration for the altar :)

Other ingredients

Spells often use natural ingredients such as herbs, stones, crystals, or feathers, each with its own special magical energy. Remember that if you collect herbs, you must do so with due respect. Ask permission from the plant and say your purpose. Then, when you have collected what you need (and only what you need!!!), leave an offering as a token of gratitude. It can be a pinch of tobacco, a small coin or your hair. It can also be crumbs for birds or you can water the plant with water.


Magic tools are very important for the witch, because they help to switch to a different level of consciousness. But it is wrong to think that intrumets contain magic only because of their mental power. They have their own power when carefully charged with the energy of the universe, and they are also beautiful. Of course, you can cast spells, and even rituals, with little to no tools if you are very good at visualization. But still, the use of tools is also valuable, helps you by strengthening your faith, surrounds you with a reminder of who you are and what you do.

And there- a magical knife (traditionally with a black handle, but an athame with any handle will do, as long as you like it). Many witches never use it to cut material things, only to cut "reality". Other witches also draw runes on candles and grind magical herbs. It is not necessary for such witches to have also another knife, with a white handle, called a bollin. Those witches who prefer to use the athame exclusively for ritual purposes may feel the need for a bollin, a white-handled knife. An athame is used to build a circle, to consecrate, to summon Guardians (see below), to direct a witch's mental energy, to direct power into any spell. It is associated with Air and the Eastern Quarter.

Magic wand or wand - This tool (usually wooden or metal) is associated with the element of Fire, perhaps due to the ancient people's belief in the ability of wood to support fire within itself. The wand may have a pommel (crystal or stone, which is given a round or pointed shape). The athame and wand are phallic symbols and are associated with the active masculine principle, while Earth and Water are considered feminine elements. The wand is a tool for visualization, inspiration, creation of magical energy. It is used when invoking the Goddess.

Pentacle- This is a flat disk, on one side of which a pentagram (five-pointed star) is depicted, it is a symbol of the Earth. The pentacle can be made of metal, stone, clay or wood. If you cannot find the pentacle, a specially selected stone can take its place on the altar. The pentacle is not often used in spells, but you may wish to place spell ingredients on it to increase their power.
Pentacles, made in the form of a pendant (often made of silver), are worn around the neck by witches as a symbol of their religion. Regardless of whether the pentacle is straight or inverted, they are used for different purposes (to indicate the stage of initiation, to attract or expel some type of energy, male or female - depending on what meaning the location of the pentacle is given, or simply from personal preferences ). You should not build illusions that a straight pentacle is good, and an inverted one is bad. Even if you wear a straight pentacle, Christians will still consider you a Satanist :)

Bowlit is a symbol of the element of water. Water, wine or juice is poured into it in rituals, which witches drink in honor of the Goddess. The bowl represents the womb of the Goddess associated with the waters of life; as well as the truth, the inner wisdom of the Goddess, to which we aspire.

note that the athame (sword), wand (staff), cup and pentacle (sometimes a coin) are traditional symbols of the minor arcana of the Tarot, 4 elements are also associated with them.

Boiler- like the bowl, the cauldron represents the womb of the Goddess, but is also her transforming power. During the holidays of the Wheel of the Year, the cauldron is filled with water and flowers are lowered into it, sometimes a candle is placed inside the cauldron. The cauldron is also associated with the dark side of the Goddess and the Spirit. Some ingredients in spells are burned in it, and it is also used for predictions by filling it with water. The boiler is usually made of cast iron, has a rounded shape and a tripod (but sometimes without it).

Censer- sometimes used in spells or consecration, when the witch carries the object through incense smoke to attract the energy of Air; to cleanse the magic circle - bypass with the incense burner clockwise. The incense burner must be handled with great care, as its contents are usually very hot, you can burn yourself. If you find it difficult to get the incense burner, use a ceramic pot, first covering its bottom with a layer of sand or salt. This will slow down excessive heating and prevent cracking of the pot. Now you can put a charcoal tablet on top, on which mixtures of herbs are usually burned, for example, rosemary, thyme and others. Or you can use incense in the form of sticks, cones, etc., for which you need a slightly different incense burner, practically safe. The incense burner is associated with the element of Air.

Bollin- a magic knife with a white handle, with which runes are carved on wooden planks or candles, flowers and herbs are cut for witchcraft, a magic wand is cut. Sometimes they scrape off the ashes from the incense burner. It is not used in rituals.

Broom- used for symbolic sweeping of the space inside the circle, for expelled negative energies with the help of visualization. The broom should be with a straight handle and the end of the branches, located in the form of a cylinder. This type of broom represents fertility. Most often, birch is used for its manufacture, because. it symbolizes cleansing. It is not directly related to any element.

Water and Salt- This is the personification of the elements of Water and Earth, usually used to cleanse the magic circle. Salt dissolves in water, and then splashes along the borders of the circle. Salt was dedicated to Aphrodite and was a very valuable substance before the invention of the refrigerator. You can take a salt bath before the cleansing ritual. For salt and water, you may need small containers.

bell/bell- is known for the magical value of sound, which creates vibration and brings change. The bell can be rung a certain number of times to mark the stages of the ritual.

1 - a new beginning;
2 - the number of God, unity;
3 - creativity, the number of the Goddess;
4 - grounding and balance;
5 - inspiration;
6 - harmony;
7 - gaining wisdom;
8 - achievement;
9 - transition to a new level;

You can also call it simply because you like it, as well as at the beginning and end of the ritual. The bell is associated with the Goddess and is an instrument of Air.

MusicIt is not only good to dance to the drums, but with their help you can switch to a different level of consciousness.
You can buy a small drum or tam-tam, tambourine or tambourine and beat the rhythm. This often requires training to keep the beat even and immersed in the desired state. If you are celebrating with a partner, you can ask them to accompany you.
You can also play a suitable disc during the ritual, such as Blackmore's Night, Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Ametistium, Inkubbus Sukkubus or something similar. Some groups, especially those for which paganism is the basis of their work, and not just an image, have songs that praise the gods and goddesses, or are practically invocations. For example "Io Pan" by "Inkubbus Sukkubus" or "Kali Ma" is an invocation of Dark Kali by Black's band Desseption.

Ritual clothes- you can easily make it yourself, so that you always wear it during rituals. To do this, take an old sheet, cut a hole for the head and sew the edges, shortening where necessary. Or you can just wear plain clothes. Don't wear it for anything else. When you dress in special ritual clothing, you are telling your subconscious mind that you are now attuned to magical work. It is very important that your subconscious always receives the correct message. When you have enough experience in magical rituals, you can even stay in street clothes.

figurines of the gods– if you can’t find suitable figurines anywhere, just replace the Goddess figurine with a stone with a natural hole, shell or green/white/silver candle, and the God figurine with a cone, horn, acorn or red/gold/yellow/white candle. You can also use simple figurines of a man and a woman, or animals dedicated to the Goddess and God, which you really like, as the personification of the Goddess and God. The Goddess and God on the altar can also be represented by two quartz crystals, one of which should be uncut, with natural facets to represent God, and the second - cut like a pebble, which will represent the Goddess. Although now there is usually no shortage of god figurines, at least in the same souvenir shops, they can be very expensive. So choose what you can afford and what you like.

P.S. If you are new to magic, don't try to get all the magic tools at once. It is worth doing it gradually. Some tools you may not need at all in your magical work. Buy an item only if it resonates with you. Don't buy, for example, a bowl if you don't like the look of it but think you need it. Let the objects find their way to you on their own.

Where to get items? Many stores now have a large selection of miniature daggers that can be purchased and used as an athame. It is unlikely that you will find magic wands anywhere, unless you live in England or the United States, but as an alternative, you can use your favorite Chinese chopstick. Or you can make your own from a suitable twig (preferably coat with almond oil or grapeseed oil a peeled, and possibly sharpened on one side, already dried stick, if you are not going to varnish it, otherwise it will may crack over time - if you want a long-lasting stick, not a temporary one that will have to be replaced with another often), and then decorate with colored ribbons, crystals, beads and / or feathers. You can even attach miniature bells to it if you wish. If you don't want to decorate a wand, but prefer a regular one, that's all right, this is your choice. The bowl does not have to be metal, although metal is more practical, but the bowl is more difficult to get out of it, although it is still possible if you try (look at the dishware store). You can get by with an ordinary glass vessel that you liked. The pentacle can be painted with acrylic paints on a wooden, metal or clay flat disc. If this is not possible, you can draw it with indelible ink on a piece of fabric or on a piece of paper (you can even use a gel pen on paper). Or replace it with a small flat stone. If it is round and flat enough, you can paint the pentacle directly on top of it with acrylics and let it dry. If you have a dried starfish, you can glue it with "Moment" or "Superglue" glue to a flat wooden disk, you get a kind of "sea" pentagram. Or lay it out of small shells or pebbles and glue it. These are the main items used in magic. They represent all four elements. Often they are more than enough. However, you may want to purchase other items as well. For example, a censer for burning incense on coals. This is not to say that it is so easy to find, but nevertheless it is possible. Look in Indian stores. As for the bell, it may even be in your home. A regular brass bell will do just fine. If you want something unusual, show ingenuity and imagination, add colored ribbons, beads. The main thing is not to overload it with decorations. The broom does not have to be large. It may just be a symbolic small souvenir panicle. How to decorate it also depends on your preferences. You can attach a few dried roses to it. This is just one of the options. Finding a boiler is usually the hardest thing. But you can replace it with a metal enameled deep plate, preferably plain (white, for example). It is very good to burn anything in it and it can be a great alternative to a boiler. It is easiest to clean such a container after burning something in it using soda. That's all for now.

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