Home Locks Pork skewers in the oven in the sleeve. Shish kebab in a bag for baking in the oven: video recipe Pork skewers in a bag

Pork skewers in the oven in the sleeve. Shish kebab in a bag for baking in the oven: video recipe Pork skewers in a bag

If the barbecue is exclusively from lamb and only in the grill! We heard, we know, and let the great kebab masters scoff as they want, but today we are cooking pork kebab in the oven! And it will be very good, because we will choose the freshest products, prepare fragrant marinades, and we will monitor the temperature as expected. Well, who does not have enough haze ... and we will provide it, there would be a desire.

Pork kebab recipes in the oven - general principles of cooking

Pork should be fresh, at least chilled, but not frozen. A small layer of fat is welcome. When choosing pork, pay attention to its color; in a young animal, the meat is light and loose. It is from such a product that a soft and juicy kebab is obtained.

The kebab cooked in the oven will be fried evenly on all sides if it is cut into small pieces. But at the same time, it is worth considering that too small pieces can be overdried. The optimal size for roasting pork skewers in the oven is 5 × 5 cm.

Cooking any barbecue begins with a marinade. It is used at the very beginning, for soaking. Fragrant spicy marinades help make the pork flesh more juicy, soft and tender. Many marinades are based on vegetable oil or food acid solutions such as lemon juice, vinegar, and wine. The main taste of the marinade, and, consequently, of the barbecue, is given by herbs, spices and soy sauce, which further softens the fibers. Onion, garlic, fresh herbs added to the marinade will help to give a special flavor.

Pork skewers in the oven are prepared in various ways. The classic option is to string pieces of pulp on skewers or wooden skewers. Pickled meat is fried in an oven in a frying pan, in a brazier or packed in a frying sleeve. Before placing the meat in the oven, it must be warmed up properly so that a crust immediately forms on the surface of the pieces, which prevents the meat juice from flowing out.

Often skewers are placed in a glass jar. With this method of frying, the container is placed in a cold oven, after which the temperature is raised.

Classic recipe for pork skewers in the oven in soy marinade on a baking sheet

Two teaspoons of soy sauce;

Three heads of white onions;

Refined oil - 40 ml;

1. Cut the pulp washed in cold water into portions. For even frying, they should not be large, but do not shrink. The desired size is no more than five centimeters in length and about three in width.

2. Chop the peeled onions into thin rings, press the garlic cloves with a press or grate on a fine grater.

3. Transfer the pork pieces to a large bowl, pour in the soy sauce. Add minced garlic and onion rings. Season with spices within reasonable limits, salt a little and mix thoroughly, lightly crushing the onion with your hands. Refrigerate the bowl of pork for three hours to marinate.

4. Soak wooden skewers for half an hour in cold water. Turn on and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

5. String pieces of pulp and onion on prepared skewers and place at a centimeter distance from each other in a roasting pan, previously greased with vegetable oil.

6. Place the kebab in the hot oven, setting the baking sheet to the middle level. After half an hour of baking, flip the skewers to the other side and cook for another half hour.

Recipe for pork skewers in the oven baked in the sleeve

Three onion heads;

A teaspoon of table vinegar;

Two tablespoons of oil;

Soy, dark sauce - 60 ml;

Spices for cooking pork.

1. Put the pulp cut into pieces in a bowl, add onion half rings. Lightly mash the onion pieces to make it softer, mix it with the meat and let stand for 10 minutes.

2. Season the pork with spices, add quite a bit of pepper, sugar and literally a pinch of salt. Pour in soy sauce and vegetable oil, a teaspoon of vinegar and mix well. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for an hour.

3. Prepare the sleeve. Twist the bag tightly on one side and secure it by tying it with a tight thread. Put the entire serving of meat with onions in the sleeve and tie it tightly on the opposite side. Transfer the "package" with the barbecue to a baking sheet, apply a few punctures for free steam to escape. Place the baking sheet with the barbecue in a hot oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees and bake for an hour.

A simple recipe for pork skewers in the oven in a pan

One and a half kilograms of pork neck or ham;

150 ml apple cider vinegar;

Any dry wine, with an average "sourness" - 0.5 liters;

Bitter onion - 4 heads;

Ten peppercorns;

Large sheets of lavrushka - 2 pcs.

1. Cut the peeled onions into half rings, and the meat washed in cold water into medium-sized portions. For uniform roasting, they must be uniform in shape and size.

2. Season the meat put in a bowl with freshly ground pepper. Add a little salt and crushed parsley, mix.

3. In a separate bowl, dilute the wine with water, pour oil and vinegar into it. Pour the prepared marinade into a bowl with pork and mix, lightly kneading the pieces with your hands, leave to infuse for two hours.

4. Take a deep thick-walled frying pan without a handle or any other suitable utensil. Put the marinated meat and onions in it and spread evenly over the entire bottom. Lay the pork pieces without marinade on top, cover the container with a sheet of foil and place in the oven. The barbecue shelf should be set at the middle level.

5. Not earlier than an hour and a half later, remove the foil from the kebab and leave the kebab in the oven for another 10 minutes so that the pieces are browned.

Recipe for pork skewers in the oven on skewers (in a jar)

Ingredients per kilogram of meat:

Half a large lemon or one medium-sized;

250 gr. thinly sliced ​​bacon;

Onions - 2 medium-sized heads;

1. A piece of pulp washed with a cold stream of water, cut into portioned pieces of the same size.

2. Put the meat in a deep bowl and season with spices, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and stir. For flavor, add a little ground pepper.

3. Put thin onion half rings, add water and, after mixing well, leave the pork to marinate for at least half an hour.

4. Take a three-liter jar. Rinse the container thoroughly in hot water and dry with a towel. Put about a third of the pickled onion on the bottom of the jar, and string the rest on wooden skewers along with pieces of meat. Alternate pork slices and onion with bacon strips.

5. Place wooden skewers with meat in a jar, in an upright position. Place no more than four, maximum five skewers in one glass container.

6. Make a lid from foil, cover the filled jar with it and place the container in a cold oven on the wire rack.

7. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, and after half an hour raise the temperature to 250 degrees and continue cooking for another hour.

8. When the kebab in the jar is ready, turn off the heat and open the door a little, let the hot air come out. Do not take out the container immediately, otherwise it will burst due to a sharp temperature drop.

Recipe for pork skewers in the oven on skewers

Ingredients for marinade per 1 kg of pork, lean pulp:

Five heads of onions;

A kilogram of fresh tomatoes;

Two small garlic cloves;

Fresh young dill.

1. Rinse the pork and rinse thoroughly with a stream of water, cut into medium-sized pieces and lightly beat off.

2. Place onion rings in a marinating bowl, add salt and ground pepper and finely chopped garlic. Pour in the red wine, put in the pork pieces, stir and marinate for three hours.

3. Take metal skewers. They should be of such length that you can easily close the oven door.

4. Mix the marinated meat well in the marinade and string its pieces on skewers, alternating with onions. Try to plant the meat so that the lean side of the piece is in contact with the fatty side of the next. You can alternate with rings of fresh tomatoes or bell peppers.

5. Raise the oven temperature to 230 degrees and place the skewers in it. It is better to place them on a brazier with high sides or on a wire rack, under which be sure to substitute a baking sheet so that fat flows into it.

6. Cooking barbecue can take from half an hour to 50 minutes. It all depends on the size of the pieces. All this time, every 8 minutes, you should turn the skewers over, and pour the meat with the remaining marinade.

Smoky pork skewers recipe

A kilogram of pork neck;

Medium-sized onion heads and tomatoes - 3 each;

Low-fat mayonnaise - 250 gr.;

1. Mix the sliced ​​​​pork with chopped onion rings, while lightly crushing the onion and meat with your hands. Season the marinade with ground pepper, add lemon juice, pour mayonnaise and stir. Refrigerate, covered with cling film, for four hours.

2. Put a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, and a few coals on it. They can be purchased at any supermarket. Pour alcohol over the coals, one and a half teaspoons will be enough, and set it on fire.

3. After the coals have burned through for about two minutes, cover them with a bowl to put out the flame. Then quickly move the baking sheet with glowing coals to an oven preheated to 230 degrees, setting it to the lowest level, and place the skewers with barbecue on the middle level.

4. When stringing the meat, alternate the pieces with tomato rings and onions.

5. After about 25 minutes, turn the skewers over and continue cooking the kebab for about half an hour.

Pork kebab recipes in the oven - cooking tricks and useful tips

Barbecue cooked in the oven will not dry out if you take the pulp with a thin layer of fat. In this case, the pieces of pork will retain their juiciness.

Along with the kebabs, place a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven. The liquid will evaporate and increase the humidity in the oven.

When cooking shish kebab in the oven on skewers, as well as on a fire, they need to be periodically quickly turned over and poured on top with marinade or juice accumulated on a baking sheet.

Shish kebab in the oven is a great alternative to a dish on an open fire in winter, when we rarely go out into nature. Fragrant, melting pieces of poultry, pork, beef will turn out juicier if you remember a few tricks. We will tell you how to quickly, without hassle, cope with cooking barbecue.

The easiest way to cook barbecue in the oven is pork: it is fried for a few minutes, and it emits a fantastic aroma that is in no way inferior to a traditional dish in nature. It is best to use a pork neck, but even the layer turns out incredibly juicy if you marinate it in vinegar beforehand. True, the layer is suitable only for those who are not afraid of extra calories.

For cooking we need:

  • a good piece of fresh meat (neck) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar or juice of two lemons;
  • mineral water with gas - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • oil for frying - 3 tbsp. l.

We wash the meat and cut into pieces a little larger than a matchbox. We cut the onion into rings. Squeeze juice from lemons, mix with mineral water. Add meat, onion to the marinade, salt and pepper to taste. It is better if the meat stays in the marinade overnight or for several hours in a row: the mineral water bubbles will make the fibers softer, and the lemon will saturate everything with a slight sourness. We grease the baking sheet with oil, put the meat on it in one layer. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees, place the meat. We cook for 40 minutes, and then we add fire to 250 degrees, so that a delicious crust is obtained on top. The meat can be served if it is fried, it releases clear juice.

Make sure that there is space between the pieces: if they fit snugly against each other, they will begin to stew; to make the kebab similar to "natural" it is important to fry them.

Oven skewers are served with fresh vegetables, herbs, tomato sauces, or whatever you like. The finished dish is served on a wide plate with boiled potato tubers or homemade pickles.

jar recipe

Some housewives claim that the best kebab comes out in a jar, an ordinary, three-liter one, which is used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. At the same time, the kebab is strung on ordinary skewers and placed standing up so that the sharp edge is at the bottom. And on top of the jar is closed with a foil lid, blocking the access of air.

Thus, it is necessary to bake until the meat is browned. It usually takes 50 minutes at 180 degrees. Gourmets say that such a kebab is not just tender: meat fibers melt in your mouth, and you can eat pieces endlessly. He doesn't get bored at all! And this method is also credited with a light smoky aftertaste, which is achieved by prolonged languishing in a sealed container.

On chicken skewers

The classic serving of barbecue is considered to be on skewers or wooden skewers. Chicken kebab in the oven, strung on thin skewers, looks very impressive on the festive table with snacks, and is loved by adults, but especially by children.

We prepare in stages:

  1. Marinate the chicken fillet or a piece of lean pork in lemon in advance.
  2. Sprinkle with spices, such as coriander or sesame seeds.
  3. We string on skewers, pressing, not too tightly to each other.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

In this recipe, many housewives are afraid that the skewers will start to burn. But it is easy to avoid this if you soak the sticks in warm water in advance. This recipe is easy to turn into a colorful dish for children's birthdays, if you alternate the chicken with pineapple chunks or cherry tomatoes.

Grilled in the oven

If you have a “grill” or convection mode, consider yourself lucky: according to gourmets, it is this type of barbecue that most closely resembles the one that is fried on charcoal. Some ovens provide the ability to lay out skewers in layers, but you can bake meat on a spit, which always comes with grilled ovens.

You can choose any marinade. But, as practice shows, the best will be the usual one - a bite and a bow. While the kebab is being fried, it seems to all guests that they are sitting in nature, enjoying the smell of smoke and meat. And at this time, you can fry pickled onions in a pan, and prepare a side dish: rustic potatoes, stewed vegetables, fresh vegetable salad.

Determining the degree of readiness is simple: the meat turns golden and fried evenly on each side.

In a baking sleeve

The roasting sleeve cooks in its own juice. This option can be considered dietary: it does not contain excess fat. If you pick up a lean cut of meat, eat it with fresh vegetables, and any nutritionist will applaud you for a balanced version of a hearty dinner. Well, if you are not afraid of extra pounds, choose juicy neck meat or any other with a layer of fat.

In order for the kebab to bake better, not to cook, it is better to make several punctures in the baking bag.

For cooking, we will prepare any marinade: honey mustard, soy with garlic, orange juice, tomato and mayonnaise - at your discretion. We stand the pieces of meat for several hours, and then put them in the sleeve. We bake until done. The meat will secrete juice, which will mix with the marinade and soak our kebab, turning it into a wonderful treat. You can serve barbecue with any side dish, sauces, fresh pita bread. And to wash down all this pleasure, we recommend red young wine.

Pork skewers in foil

Shish kebab on a baking sheet in the oven can be cooked in spectacular foil boats: such meat is baked in its own juice, perfectly soaked in marinade and your favorite spices. It is better to marinate the meat in a mixture of suneli hops, red wine, coarse sea salt, onions and sweet pepper rings.

Next, put the pork on pieces of foil and pack tightly, leaving a small gap at the top for hot air to circulate. You can alternate meat with vegetables from the marinade, add slices of smoked brisket there and the kebab will acquire a spicy, slightly smoked note and additional juiciness.

Some housewives use liquid smoke; reviews about this seasoning are very contradictory, but sometimes it is not forbidden to treat yourself to it in a small amount.

The kebab is baked until tender for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil so that a delicious crust forms on top. Pork cooks quickly, so don't wait too long. As a side dish, any fresh vegetables, pickled onions and tomato sauce are ideal.

How to cook beef?

Beef is much better than pork for anyone who does not like fatty meats. It comes out not at all dry if you take fresh beef, and even better - veal. Anyone can use the marinade for such meat: those who prefer adjika, and there are those who marinate veal exclusively in kefir.

Interesting, juicy and unusual is meat marinated with kiwi; pieces of fruit are laid out with meat, alternating layers, and then everything is baked together in the oven.

Large pieces of veal, properly marinated, are laid out on a baking sheet and fastened together with skewers. Everything is baked until soft at a temperature of 180 degrees. Periodically, the pieces are poured with marinade for greater juiciness.

Chicken skewers in the oven

You can cook barbecue from chicken in the oven in a hurry. The main secret is to keep the poultry meat longer in the vinegar marinade and add as much onion as possible.

We cut the chicken randomly into pieces slightly larger than a matchbox. Add two onions, salt, black pepper. Pour the marinade from water and vinegar (or lemon juice). Marinate for 3-7 hours in a cold place. Lay the slices on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.

It remains to bake everything in the oven at 100 degrees until a delicious crust. Such a bird turns out to be very similar to a barbecue one, because the smell of marinade, reminiscent of natural smoke, literally hovers around the house. And one more wonderful detail when cold: the juice released during baking solidifies, turning into fragrant meat jelly. Chicken is served with vegetables and warm white bread.

onion pillow recipe

“Onion in meat does not happen much!” - this is what some eminent chefs think and, definitely, there is some truth in this. Cut the onion into thin half rings (only the sweet variety!) And bake with the meat: it will turn out fragrant and tender.

You can bake in this way:

  • chicken
  • lamb;
  • turkey;
  • lean pork;
  • veal.

The meat is marinated, and then the pieces are laid out on the onion. Everything is put in a baking sleeve and cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees for an hour until the onion melts, giving all its juice to the meat pieces. The best side dish for this barbecue is rice or boiled potatoes.

The best marinades for turkey:

  • tomato juice;
  • kefir;
  • kvass (or dark beer);
  • lemon and mineral water.

Soaking the turkey should not be less than 5 hours: this way the meat will be thoroughly soaked. The meat is baked at a temperature of 160 degrees for 60-80 minutes (it is important to simmer the bird!). It is better to use a baking sleeve so that the juices remain inside.

The beauty of this barbecue is that it is boldly served to children, women on a diet, and everyone who cares about their health. A suitable side dish for the dish is brown rice, chia grits, spelt, lentils, asparagus or green beans.

Fish kebab

Salmon, trout, halibut and other noble varieties of fish turn out to be exquisite and very festive. Since it is baked instantly, it is important to make the main emphasis in cooking on the marinade: in the case of fish, it must be extremely delicate so as not to clog the fishy taste. The ideal marinade is kefir, sour cream, with herbs, white pepper.

White pepper emphasizes the taste of fish, and black spoils the aroma.

Pieces the size of a walnut are strung on skewers and laid out in a mold (in the manner of a barbecue), after which they are baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Ready fish is served with lettuce, olives or boiled rice.

There is no opportunity to go on a picnic, but is there a desire to enjoy barbecue? Then cook the barbecue in the oven in the baking sleeve. Meat with this method of cooking is very juicy. Of course, the kebab will turn out without the aroma of real smoke, but the taste will be beyond praise.

Cooking a kebab in a baking sleeve is not difficult, but you need to know a few nuances. First of all, you need to choose meat. It must be fresh and preferably chilled, not frozen. However, you can also make a delicious dish from frozen if you defrost it gradually at a low temperature (in the refrigerator).

But the choice of a variety of meat can be chosen to your taste, it turns out great in the sleeve, and lamb, and pork, and poultry.

The selected meat must be washed, cleaned of films, tendons and cut into pieces of medium size. Then you need to marinate the meat. Marinade can be prepared to your taste - on wine, on kefir, on mayonnaise or lemon juice. Surely, all barbecue lovers have their favorite marinade recipe, which is worth using to enjoy the dish. We will give several options for marinade recipes for different types of meat.

We will bake the prepared meat in a bag or sleeve for baking. You can add onions, potatoes and other vegetables to the meat. In this case, we will get both a barbecue and a side dish at the same time.

Having put the prepared products in the bag, you need to fix its open edge with a special clip (the clips are in the package with the bags). Then the package is placed on a baking sheet and several holes are made on top to let the steam out. We put the baking sheet in the oven, which has already warmed up, and bake for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type of meat.

When the kebab is ready, you need to carefully cut it so as not to burn yourself. Do not pour out the juice from the bag, you can pour it over the kebabs themselves or a side dish for them.

Interesting facts: dishes cooked in a roasting sleeve are delicious and ideal for a diet. After all, in packages you can bake products without a drop of oil. At the same time, nothing will burn in the sleeve, and its main advantage is that then you do not have to scrub the baking sheet or pan. Dishes will remain pristine.

Pork skewers on an onion pillow

An excellent option for a family dinner and a festive table is pork skewers cooked in a baking bag on an onion pillow.

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 4-5 bulbs;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt, seasoning for barbecue and a mixture of peppers to taste.
  • 2 chicken breasts (fillet);
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1-2 carrots depending on the size;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cut the fillet into rectangular pieces the size of a walnut. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with spices, mix with mayonnaise and mustard. You need to mix very well so that each piece is covered with marinade. Let marinate for 1 hour at room temperature.

Read also: Marinades for lamb skewers - 21 recipes from around the world

Peel the carrots and cut into circles 2-3 mm thick. String chicken meat on skewers mixed with carrot rings. We prepare a package for baking, lay out the prepared semi-finished shish kebabs. We tie the bag and make a couple of punctures at the top. Bake at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then carefully cut the bag and let the skewers brown.

Lamb shish kebab with potatoes in a baking sleeve

Traditional barbecue being prepared

We clean the lamb from the films, cut into pieces the size of a walnut. Sprinkle suneli hops, pepper, pour vegetable oil (take half the norm). In 4 tablespoons of water, dilute wine vinegar and sugar, stir until sugar dissolves. Pour the meat with this marinade and mix well, adding onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin halves or quarters of rings to the lamb. Mix well again and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

We cut the potatoes coarsely enough, it is enough to cut a medium-sized tuber into 4 parts. Salt the potatoes, pepper, sprinkle with nutmeg and pour over with vegetable oil.

Place the potatoes in the prepared baking dish. We take out the pickled lamb, salt it and put it together with onions on top of the potatoes. We tie the bag, pierce the top a couple of times with a knife. Bake at 200 degrees in the oven for about 1.5 hours.

Undoubtedly, the most delicious barbecue is the one cooked on the grill. But what if the weather is bad outside or there is simply no way to get out to the country? In this case, the barbecue recipe in the oven will help out. Meat cooked in a roasting sleeve turns out tender and juicy - quite a worthy replacement for a real barbecue.

Secrets of cooking barbecue in the oven:

  • meat should be baked in a sleeve so that it turns out soft and slightly fried;
  • at a time you can cook no more than 1-1.5 kg of meat, it is best to take pork;
  • to make the barbecue tender and juicy, pieces of meat must first be beaten off with a hammer;
  • bake the kebab on an onion pillow, and the onion must be pickled;
  • 4-5 large onions are taken per 1 kilogram of meat;
  • it is not necessary to mix the contents of the sleeve during the baking process, otherwise the kebab will turn out dry and burnt;
  • you need to cook in a well-heated oven.

In general, the technique is very simple, and the result is excellent, you can even cook a delicious barbecue every day without leaving your home!


  • pork 1 kg
  • spices for barbecue 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste 1 tbsp. l.
  • or ketchup 2 tbsp. l.
  • onion 600 g

How to cook barbecue in the oven in a baking sleeve

  1. I cut the pork across the grain into pieces about 3-4 centimeters in size. Then I cover the meat with cling film and beat it with a hammer. The task at this stage is not to beat the meat to holes, but only to soften it, that is, to open the upper muscle fibers, into which the marinade will penetrate faster.

  2. I put the prepared pieces of pork in a deep bowl. I fall asleep with spices (they already contain salt), add tomato paste and 1 onion, cut into half rings. Then I crush the onion with my hands with force - it should give juice, which will be absorbed into the pieces of pork, making it softer and juicier. By the way, this technique is often used in Caucasian cuisine, where the onion is crushed, chopped on a grater, passed through a meat grinder or blender for abundant juice extraction. In this recipe, it’s enough just to squeeze the onion, since in the future it will still be used for a “cushion” for meat, and it will give so much juice and a characteristic taste.

  3. I leave the meat to marinate for 1 hour at room temperature so that it has time to soak in the aroma of spices and onion juice. In a separate bowl, I marinate the remaining onion for the “cushion” in parallel. To do this, I cut it into half rings and pour boiling water over it. I let it brew for 10 minutes, then drain the water. Add to the still warm onion 4 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 pinches of salt. Mix well and set aside for 50 minutes.

  4. I preheat the oven to 200 degrees. I cut off the sleeve to a length slightly larger than the size of the baking sheet. I put it immediately on a baking sheet with the perforation up (these are such holes for air to escape). I tie the sleeve on one side and carefully lay the pickled onion in it in an even layer.

  5. I spread the marinated pork on top of the onion. You don't need to mix! The meat should lie evenly on top of the onion cushion.

  6. I tie off the free end of the sleeve. And be sure to pierce it from above with a knife, make 4-5 punctures (since the perforation is not enough for steam to escape and the pork, instead of being baked, will be stewed in the sleeve). Nearby on a baking sheet, so that it does not empty, you can simultaneously bake a side dish in the sleeve - for example, potatoes in quarters, in spices and herbs, with granulated garlic and pieces of lard.

  7. I bake for 60 minutes in the oven, which has already warmed up well to 200 degrees. An hour later, very carefully, so as not to get burned, I cut the sleeve and bake the kebab in the oven for another 5-10 minutes until golden brown.

Ready kebab for a more effective serving can be strung on wooden skewers. Serve hot with your favorite sauce and herbs. Bon Appetit!

On a note

If you want the kebab in the sleeve to turn out with a smoky flavor, add a piece of smoked lard to the meat.

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