Home Salon The use of radish in dietary nutrition: what are its benefits and harms? The composition and calorie content of radish: about the benefits and harm to the body. The benefits and harms of garden radishes Is radishes good for everyone

The use of radish in dietary nutrition: what are its benefits and harms? The composition and calorie content of radish: about the benefits and harm to the body. The benefits and harms of garden radishes Is radishes good for everyone

In the Mediterranean and China, radishes were grown 3,000-5,000 years ago. In Europe, it has been known since the 16th century, but modern salad forms were introduced only in the 18th century. It was brought to Russia by Peter I when the Russian tsar was returning from the Netherlands, where he studied shipbuilding.

There is a funny version of how lettuce radish was bred. In the Mediterranean since ancient times, large radishes have been grown and eaten. Striving for high yields, small-fruited specimens were not left for seeds. But there was someone who liked the taste of small root crops. Collecting seeds from "rejected" small-fruited plants, he easily brought out a variety more tender and juicy than radish, which became known as radish.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 20 kcal
  • Proteins: 1.2 gr
  • Fats: 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 3.4 gr
  • Dietary fiber: 1.6 gr
  • Organic acids: 0.1 gr
  • Water: 93 gr
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 3.1 g
  • Starch: 0.3 gr
  • Ash: 0.6 gr


  • Calcium: 39 mg
  • Magnesium: 13 mg
  • Sodium: 10 mg
  • Potassium: 255 mg
  • Phosphorus: 44 mg
  • Chlorine: 44 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.01 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 6 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 25 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.3 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 1 mg
  • Zinc: 0.2 mg
  • Iodine: 8 mcg
  • Copper: 150 mcg
  • Manganese: 0.15 mg
  • Chromium: 11 mcg
  • Fluorine: 30 mcg
  • Boron: 100 mcg
  • Vanadium: 185 mcg
  • Cobalt: 3 mcg
  • Lithium: 23 mcg
  • Nickel: 14 mcg

In small juicy root crops, there are only 14 kcal per 100 g, but there are a lot of vitamins and other useful substances, among which mustard essential oil, fiber, carbohydrates, salicylic acid should be distinguished.

Interesting: young tops contain the same substances as radish roots, but in greater concentration. Unlike the root crop, the tops are rich in folic acid - the key to the health of newborns.

The benefits of radish

Residents of central Russia, and especially children, are looking forward to the early harvest of radishes: along with greens, this is the first supplier of vitamins after a long, long winter. How useful is radish from the point of view of specialists?

Useful properties of radish:

  • it is a mild choleretic, appetite stimulant;
  • decongestant diuretic;
  • activates intestinal motility, treats habitual constipation.

Juice is recommended for obesity, to improve metabolism. Salads and juice are recommended for people with diseases of the gallbladder and liver, gout, and diabetes. In folk medicine, it is believed that radish helps, this is explained by the presence of anthocyanin in it.

Of course, early radishes help fight beriberi in the most difficult period, at the end of spring - after all, no overseas fruits can replace spicy salad “only from the garden”.

The beneficial properties of the tops are the same as those of the root crop, but the concentration of nutrients in it is higher.

Important: the main value of this green for pregnant women is folic acid, thanks to which the pregnancy proceeds safely, and the nervous system and brain of the child are formed without deviations.

Radish damage

It is easy to assume that the main contraindication of radish is gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity and damage to the mucosa. Of course, with exacerbation, pancreatitis, it should be excluded from the diet.

Not everyone knows what is harmful radish in case of illness. The cyanogenic glycosides present in it can contribute to the appearance of goiter - an abnormal growth of thyroid tissue.

Note: radish causes gas formation in babies, so for children under three years old it is contraindicated, and up to five it is not recommended.


If you have stomach problems, and you really want a young radish, you can mix its juice with carrot juice (in a ratio of 1: 2) and drink one glass a day. The mucous membrane of the stomach will not only not become inflamed, but will also recover.

Delicious radish roots are an indispensable component of any low-calorie diet and fasting days. This is the first spring vegetable that enriches the diet with vitamins and minerals. Despite the fact that radish increases appetite, the vegetable is actively used in weight loss, you just need to know how to use it correctly.

Composition and calorie content of radish

Crispy, spicy and juicy, radishes are loaded with nutrients. A bunch of radishes includes the daily requirement of vitamin C. Thanks to mustard essential oil, the vegetable has such a bitter taste. Radish is rich in fiber, vitamins A, PP, B, E, contains protein and sugar. In addition, there is a high content of minerals: iodine, manganese, cobalt, fluorine. The composition includes plant anthocyanins that can prevent the development of malignant tumors.

The benefit of radish is that it has a choleretic, decongestant effect. The phytoncides included in the composition help to resist microbes and viruses. The introduction of the product into the diet in the spring helps to fill the lack of nutrients, which is important for the body during a period of vitamin deficiency. The vitamins it contains strengthen the immune system.

Radishes can be called a product with a minus calorie content - 15 kcal per 100 g. The body spends more energy on the assimilation of a vegetable than the product itself gives. Therefore, radish can be included in the weight loss program. A portion of radishes will give the body vitamins, but in no way will be associated with weight gain.

The benefits of radishes in dietary nutrition: product benefits

Radishes are the first vegetable in the diet. Due to its low calorie content, it is used for fasting days and for weight loss.

Useful properties of radish in weight loss:

improves metabolic processes;

strengthens the immune system;

prevents the deposition of fat;

strengthens enamel;

Participates in tissue regeneration;

Removes toxins and slags.

The fiber included in the structure prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques. The problem of weight loss is often associated with improper functioning of the digestive tract. B vitamins and mustard oil solve this problem, secrete gastric juice and improve digestion.

In addition to radish roots, spicy tops are useful for getting rid of excess weight. It is added to vitamin salads, dietary sauces, vegetable soups, vinaigrettes.

It is known that radishes increase appetite, so for those who lose weight, the logical question arises whether it is possible to consume a vegetable in order to reduce weight. Ascorbic acid is present in bright vegetables, which helps to increase appetite, but it is practically not absorbed. There is no ascorbic acid in the green mass and white radish, so these vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities without fear of gaining extra pounds.

The choice of radish according to all the rules

According to nutritionists, radish is considered the best vegetable for weight loss. Therefore, it must be consumed in any form. When choosing a radish, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its condition - you can not buy overripe vegetables. You have to touch them with your fingers. Ideally, if the vegetable is smooth and elastic, and the tops are green and juicy. The soft fruit will not have vitamins and minerals.

Do not throw away the tops, it contains useful substances. It can be added to vitamin salads, sauces, soups, vinaigrettes. Salads should be seasoned not only with vegetable oil, but also with olive oil, as it helps to better absorb the vitamins contained in the vegetable.

Radishes: benefits for the female and male body

Invaluable benefits gives radish to women. The vegetable is not only able to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, improve skin structure, if used as a component of masks, it prevents the development of malignant tumors, including breast cancer.

Radish rejuvenates the body. Eating, you can sleep peacefully and not be afraid that in the morning there will be bags and swelling under the eyes, as the vegetable removes excess fluid from the body.

Pregnant women are simply obliged to eat radish, it will help fill the lack of vitamins, and the sharp, spicy taste will help to cope with toxicosis.

Radishes are also useful for men. Vitamin salads should always be in the diet. For the stronger sex, they are the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Radish replenishes potassium deficiency, removes cholesterol, helps to improve metabolism. It alleviates the condition of diabetes, gout, helps fight obesity.

Radish diet: what other vegetables can be included in the diet?

A radish diet helps to lose 5 kg of excess weight within a month. Therefore, throughout the entire period of weight loss, the diet should include salads with affordable, inexpensive ingredients that are very easy to prepare. After spending a couple of minutes preparing salads, in return you can get weight loss - a couple of lost kilograms that you so wanted to part with.

Salads with radishes are low-calorie. To diversify the menu, you can add a boiled egg, cabbage, fresh cucumber, onion, tomatoes, dill, basil, parsley to salads.

Weight Loss Recipes: Weight Loss with Health Benefits

Of the many recipes, it is important to choose the most healthy and low-calorie ones that you can eat in unlimited quantities.

Cottage cheese salad

The salad is designed for 3 servings with a calorie content of 200 kcal.

For cooking, you need to rub 400 g of 1% cottage cheese through a sieve, add 200 g of finely chopped radish, preferably light, 1 bunch of dill. Salt to taste, add 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and mix.

spring salad

Take vegetables in any quantity. Put finely chopped cucumbers, lettuce leaves, radishes and a hard-boiled egg in a salad bowl. Salt. Use olive oil as a dressing.

Salad with chicken liver (warm)

Finely chopped onion needs to be passed through, add chicken liver, about 200 g, chopped radish. Cooking time - 15 minutes. Before serving, add finely chopped dill to the salad.

Radishes: harm and contraindications

Eating radishes is not for everyone. The spring vegetable has a rather pungent taste, so people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not take it. If a person has gastritis or a stomach ulcer, eating radish will cause an exacerbation. But you should not completely abandon this vegetable, but it is recommended to limit the intake no more than 1 time per week.

The effect of radish on the thyroid gland has been proven. The fact is that the composition contains cyanogenic glycosides, which can provoke the development of goiter. In order not to harm the endocrine system, it is recommended to boil the vegetable before eating.

Radishes are a gift from nature. It is impossible to do without it, especially in spring, when the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. However, vegetable consumption should be controlled and in accordance with health indicators. If there are no contraindications, radishes can be successfully used for weight loss: not only tasty, but also with health benefits!

pink radish

Good afternoon, dear readers! Housewives often add radishes to vegetable salads in spring and summer. Not many people like the bitter-sweet taste, but there are lovers and fans of this vegetable.

We are accustomed to pinkish fruits, but there are also yellow, purple, burgundy, white. There are many varieties, but the beneficial properties are almost the same for fruits of any color.

Radish: composition

If you disassemble the radish into chemical elements, then most of all it contains Vitamin C, followed by Vitamins of groups B, E, D, PP. Gives a little bitterness to this root crop.

Of the trace elements, it can be noted - iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chromium, zinc, sulfur. It contains a lot of protein, dietary fiber, natural sugars.

On a note! Enough to eat 100-120 gr. of this vegetable to replenish the daily intake of Vitamin C.

Radish multi-colored

radish calories

There are not many calories in this root vegetable, to the delight of those who want to lose weight. In 100 gr. The product, depending on the degree of maturity, contains only 14-16 kcal.

How many radishes can you eat per day?

To improve the body and for the prevention of spring beriberi, it is recommended to use no more than 150 gr. in a day. Many gastroenterologists believe that it is desirable to limit one or two times a week as part of vegetable salads.

But, if everything is in order with your gastrointestinal tract and no side effects are found, then you can eat at least every day, just follow the measure.

On a note! Radishes are digested in the human body for a little over three hours.

Radish multi-colored

Radishes: benefits

1. Due to the high content of Vitamin C, it helps to strengthen. Doctors recommend replacing pharmacy multivitamins with this root vegetable in the spring. The fruit is useful for the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, such as tracheitis.

7. A very interesting property of a vegetable that not many people know! But in vain! If you mix radish juice with pulp, then you can easily relieve hangover symptoms and reduce cravings for alcohol.

8. Root juice can lubricate wounds and abrasions, which will cleanse and enhance the regeneration of skin cells. To get rid of a headache, it is recommended to smear whiskey with fresh radish juice.

9. The root crop has gained popularity in cosmetology. Facial masks help to give the skin a radiant look, cleanse pores, whiten freckles and age spots.

10. A decoction based on the root crop helps to eliminate cough and sore throat.

11. The root crop has a diuretic and decongestant effect, is able to remove bile from the body.

12. Vegetable salad with radish and vegetable oil is recommended for people with diabetes to normalize blood sugar levels.

How to remove bitterness from radishes

If you do not like this bitter taste at all, then you can remove the pink skin and throw the radish in slightly brackish water for 30-40 minutes. But! Useful substances that endow this vegetable with antibacterial properties will leave with bitterness.

Radish for women

The benefits of radishes for a woman's body

1. Regular consumption of pink radish will help to avoid development.

2. It has a positive effect on the digestive system, normalizes the water-salt balance, removes excess fluid from the body.

3. It has a rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on the skin condition.

4. It will help get rid of extra pounds or maintain weight at the right level, improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body.

Radish face masks

You can make good homemade masks from mashed radishes, which will give the skin a healthy look, smooth out all the bumps.

Mask for dry skin

Necessary: Grate the root crop, add olive or peach oil, apply the mass on the face, rinse after 15 minutes with warm water. Butter can be replaced with cream, sour cream, kefir, egg yolk.

Mask for the face

For skin whitening

Necessary: On a fine grater, grate a pink vegetable, fresh, add a spoonful of chopped sour cream. Mix the mass, apply on the skin with a thick layer, rinse after 30 minutes.

Necessary prepare freshly squeezed juice, which is good to wipe for whitening, acne scars, intimate areas, armpits.

To soften the skin and enrich with vitamins

Necessary: mix the chopped root crop with melted butter 82.5% fat. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes, washed off with milk or warm water.

Radish during pregnancy

1. The root crop will enrich the body with essential vitamins, help relieve symptoms, get rid of edema.

2. It will improve intestinal motility, eliminate increased gas formation and relieve the problem with.

3. - this is the main vitamin for a pregnant woman, which is involved in the proper formation of the fetus. And calcium will strengthen the bone tissue of both a pregnant woman and an unborn child.

4. Helps regulate weight.

5. Regular consumption of salads with radishes dressed with olive oil will protect a pregnant woman from flu and colds, and strengthen the immune system.

6. Women during pregnancy, due to a hormonal imbalance, quickly get tired, become whiny and irritable. A vegetable will help to cope with this problem.

7. While breastfeeding, it is possible for a nursing mother to include radishes in her diet, but only when the baby is three months old.

For children

At what age can you give a child a radish?

It is not recommended to give a pink root vegetable to very young children. Try introducing a new food to your child's diet starting at two years of age.

It is best to chop the radish and add it to your favorite salad. Although many children simply refuse to eat radishes because of the specific bitterness.

1. Pink root crop will strengthen the protective functions of the body and increase resistance to third-party infections.

2. Strengthens children's teeth, improves the condition of bones, nails and hair.

3. Helps prevent obesity in children.

4. Strengthens the nervous system, improves appetite, regulates stool.

radish tops

Radish tops: useful properties and contraindications

Few people know that the top leaves (tops) are not inferior to the root crops themselves in their chemical properties.

After a long winter, the body is so lacking in vitamins, which can be more than replenished by adding young leaves to salads or borscht.

Necessary: Young leaves (enough 20 gr.) Rinse well, dry, finely chop, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes.

How to choose and store radishes

1. When choosing a pink root vegetable, inspect the appearance. The fruits should be undamaged, smooth, medium in size. It is better to buy a vegetable with tops, but when you come home, cut it off. During storage, it will pull useful substances from the root crop, so you will deprive yourself of all the vitamins.

2. Cracks in the fruit mean that the vegetable did not have enough water, it will certainly be very hard and unnecessarily bitter in taste.

3. It is best to store in the refrigerator in a separate vegetable compartment in a bag or plastic container. With tops you can store no more than a day, and without tops no more than a week.

Radish: harm and contraindications

1. On an empty stomach, as the juice can burn the walls of the stomach and cause or exacerbate peptic ulcer.

2. With kidney disease, urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas.

3. With diseases of the thyroid gland.

4. Do not use vacuum-packed root vegetables. They have lost their useful properties and have accumulated a large amount of starch. They will not bring anything good to the body, but stomach problems and diarrhea are a must.

Video: “Live healthy” and Elena Malysheva. Radishes - benefits, how to choose, how to store, how to eat

In contact with

Among the early vegetables, radish occupies one of the first places in popularity. And this is not surprising, because only green onions and some other green crops, but far from root crops, can boast of such precocity and a friendly harvest from neighbors in the garden.

In all kinds of snacks, salads, cold soups and other dishes, there are round and elongated radishes. At the disposal of gardeners with white, pink, red and even deep purple and yellow root crops. But not only the variety of species and short ripening periods attract attention to this crop, but the beneficial properties of radishes for the body.

The juicy pulp of root crops, which has a refreshing sweetish taste with a pleasant spiciness, is saturated with active beneficial substances, the deficiency of which is experienced by the human body after winter.

What vitamins are in radishes? Is this vegetable useful for everyone, and how best to choose radishes and eat them?

Vitamin composition of radish and its calorie content

Radish also contains vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, up to 25 mg of vitamin C, mineral salts and phytoncides with antimicrobial action.

The calorie content of radishes is quite low, 100 grams of root crops contain from 15 to 20 kcal. At the same time, the nutritional value is included in 100 grams of the product:

  • 1.2 grams of protein;
  • 0.1 grams of fat;
  • 3.4 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 3.1 grams of sugars;
  • 1.6 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 93 grams of water;

Also in the composition of the pulp and greens of radishes there are insignificant amounts of organic acids, starchy substances and ash.

The macroelement composition of radish roots is determined by the high content of potassium, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Trace elements are represented by iron, zinc, copper and iodine, boron and manganese. A recognizable taste of radish gives mustard oil, which has antiseptic properties.

How to choose the most useful radish for the body?

To maximize the health benefits of radishes in a salad or okroshka, it is important to choose firm, healthy root vegetables with smooth skins. Radish quickly loses its juiciness, the root crop becomes lethargic, soft, and the amount of nutrients in it decreases. If black spots are visible on the skin of even a hard root crop, this is the first sign of the development of mold fungi. You should not expect pleasure when eating a dish from such a radish or benefit, but harm is quite possible. Therefore, the freshness of radish is a decisive factor in its usefulness.

Do not forget that the tops of this culture are no less saturated with substances valuable for the body than root crops. It is better to use it as food immediately after harvest, as the foliage wilts in a matter of hours.

Useful properties of radish

Radish roots and leaves contain very few calories, but are rich in active substances and dietary fiber, which gives reason to talk about the usefulness of this vegetable in many problems associated with digestion and absorption of food. Root vegetables included in the composition of dishes activate intestinal motility, contributing to the timely release of the digestive system and producing a mild laxative effect. No less useful for constipation and radish greens, from which the infusion is made.

Radishes, whose calorie content is very low, have long been respected by people who want to get rid of extra pounds with health benefits. Dietary fiber can help with this. Passing through the intestines, fiber cleanses it, removing accumulated toxins. Glycosides contained in radishes have an irritating effect, promote the production of gastric juice and the speedy digestion of food.

Radishes are useful for patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Cholesterol, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, impairs their patency and elasticity, which negatively affects the supply of tissues and organs with blood and leads to serious health problems. Radish with a lower calorie content than many other vegetable crops, like its closest relatives: radish, horseradish, mustard and turnip, prevents not only obesity, but also the accumulation of cholesterol and the development of atherosclerosis.

There are substances in radishes that positively affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, this vegetable can and even should be included in the menu of people who are prone to diabetes or already suffering from this serious disease.

The skin of brightly colored radish roots contains natural anthocyanins, which, according to recent studies, actively oppose the development of cancer cells. With the advent of varieties of dark purple colors, the useful properties of radishes in terms of combating cancer are only increasing.

Thanks to phytoncides, radish can be used as a natural and very tasty remedy for fighting infections, including seasonal colds and their accompanying bronchitis, rhinitis and laryngitis. Radish juice, like radish juice, will help with coughs, nasal congestion and other unpleasant symptoms. Vitamin C will energize and give strength to fight malaise.

Interestingly, you can also use the beneficial properties of radishes for cosmetic purposes. The gruel from the root crop will saturate the skin with moisture, have a tonic and whitening effect, and also help to cope with inflammatory processes. And the vitamin E present in radish activates the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.

It is well known that radish roots are indispensable in cold summer soups and snacks. It is an excellent component for salads, a vitamin supplement and part of a side dish for meat dishes and potatoes. Mostly radishes are eaten raw, because during heat treatment, root crops lose most of the useful properties of radishes, and their appearance, and juicy texture.

Few people know that radishes can be pickled and such snacks will become a real decoration of the table in the winter. Even less often they pay attention to greens, and after all, the useful properties of radish tops are no less than those of root crops. This part of the plant in its young fresh form is used for okroshka and salads. You can save the tops for the winter in the form of a sauce, where olive oil, salt, spices and crushed walnuts or pine nuts are added along with chopped herbs.

Is radish good for everyone?

With all the uniqueness of the composition and set of useful properties, radishes cannot be considered a culture for general consumption. In some cases, instead of the expected health benefits, radishes can cause a deterioration in well-being.

This is due to the presence in the roots and, in part, in the foliage of plant glycosides, which irritate the gastric mucosa and cause active production of acid. With increased acidity, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as gastritis and stomach ulcers, fresh radish dishes can provoke an undesirable exacerbation.

Everyone can evaluate the benefits or harms of radishes for their own health, but if there are contraindications, you should not think that you should unconditionally abandon the early vegetable. Light-colored and white varieties of radish have a milder taste and effect, and, for example, there are practically no glycosides in daikon.

Video about the benefits of radish

Calories: 20 kcal

Proteins: 1.2 g

Fats: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 3.4 g

Initially, radishes began to be grown in Asian countries, and only then did they hit the dining tables of Europeans. In Russia, he ended up thanks to Peter the Great. Radish is most often added to soups and salads, and much less often it is crumbled into sauces. Very often recently, not only the radish itself, but also its leaves have been used, as they give the dishes a rather unusual taste and aroma.


Radish is used as a treatment for small cuts, as it can protect the wound from infection. Well, it restores the mucous membrane of various internal organs. It strengthens the immune system and serves as a prevention of many diseases, while causing appetite. And of course, radish has found its place in folk medicine. A decoction of its leaves is used against inflammation of the gums.


If you store radish for too long, then it begins to lose its beneficial properties, as well as add calories. Also, you should not use it if you have diseases of the stomach or intestines.

The usefulness of any product is determined by the content of essential vitamins, macro- and microelements in its composition. Product Radish contains the largest amount of the following substances necessary for our body:
- among the vitamins with a high content stand out Vitamin C, providing 27.8% of the daily value per 100 g of product, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)- 5% and Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 4%;
- stand out among macronutrients Potassium, Phosphorus And Calcium(100 g of the product contains 10.2%, 5.5% and 3.9% of the daily requirement of these elements, respectively);
- among the microelements, the best indicators are Vanadium, Cobalt And Chromium, the content of which in 100 grams of the product Radish provides 462.5%, 30% and 22% of the daily value, respectively.

Below are tables with the detailed composition of the product. The tables, in addition to nutritional value, provide data on the content and daily requirement of substances such as vitamins, macro- and microelements. The graphs of micro and macro elements reflect data on the percentage of these elements relative to the recommended daily allowance.

The calorie chart shows the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the calorie content of a protein product as a percentage. Each gram of protein provides 4 kcal, carbohydrates - 4 kcal, fat - 9 kcal. These data are very important to know when maintaining some diets that imply one or another percentage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet.

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