Home Chassis Plum confiture. Plum jam Plum blanks for the winter with lemon

Plum confiture. Plum jam Plum blanks for the winter with lemon

How to make plum jam for the winter? The recipes that we have chosen to answer this question leave no room for doubt. Read them and understand that:

  • making delicious jam from plums is not difficult at all;
  • you can connect your imagination and add anything to the plums;
  • You can also choose from a variety of cooking methods.

Simple Pitted Plum Jam

It can be cooked from any garden plums, always ripe. The sweetness of the fruit does not matter. An interesting result will be obtained if half of the plums are replaced with cherry plums.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • half a glass of water.


If you take not only plums, but also cherry plums, increase the amount of sugar per glass, as cherry plums are more acidic. Remove the seeds from the washed fruits, cut the fruit halves into slices, sprinkle with sugar. Leave about a glass of sugar to prepare the syrup. After 2-3 hours, mix the fruit with sugar, boil the syrup in a ladle, pour it into the bowl with the future jam and cook the workpiece over low heat until it thickens. Then put in jars and roll up.

Plum jam with pectin for the winter

We have seen recipes with pectin that use sugar syrup or water. That's all well and good, but why complicate your life? Cooking plum jam with the addition of pectin can be much easier.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 8 grams of pectin.


From all the sugar you have, take 2 tablespoons and mix them thoroughly with the pectin powder. If you just pour it into the workpiece, ugly lumps form. And so everything will be fine - a thick transparent and extremely appetizing jam.

Peel the plums from the stones, after rinsing them with running water. Pour in sugar, and when the fruits start juice, start cooking. After about an hour of slow cooking with constant stirring, lightly chop the pieces of plums with a blender, cook for another half an hour, add pectin at the end of cooking. Mix thoroughly, let it boil and after a minute put it in sterile jars.

Plum jam with a blender

This jam is the easiest to make, but it turns out to be a cross between jam and fruit puree. To be honest, it doesn't really look like plum jam.


  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick optional.


Wash the fruits, remove the seeds. Grind in a blender bowl, pour into a bowl for cooking and add sugar along with a cinnamon stick. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour the boiling jam into clean jars and roll up, after pulling out the cinnamon.

Plum jam in a pan

There is no mistake in the name: we will really use a frying pan. Only not pancake or cast iron, but a deep frying pan with a ceramic coating of this type:


  • 1 kg of any small ripe plums;
  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • one third of a glass of water.


Wash the plums, remove the pits, cut them into pieces of any size. Place chopped fruit in a dry and clean skillet. Pour in sugar, pour in a little water, mix gently with a special spatula and simmer over low heat until thickened. It takes me about 80 minutes to make this jam. Roll up and store it as usual.

Plum jam in the Redmond slow cooker: a simple recipe

In fact, the model of the multicooker does not matter. The main thing is that the extinguishing mode is present in it.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of Confiture thickener.


A thickener is needed in this recipe, because otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be watery. And with "Confiture" - just right. Wash the plums, remove the pits, and finely chop the fruits themselves. Put in a multicooker bowl, sprinkle with sugar, leave for an hour. Then mix, close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. Look in from time to time, stirring the sweet fruit mass. After an hour, add a bag of thickener, mix, wait for it to boil and cook from this moment for exactly 1 minute. Arrange in prepared jars and roll up.

Plum jam with spices and rum


  • one and a half kilograms of blue “Hungarian women”;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 star anise;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 60 ml of rum.


You will need very ripe plums, even slightly overripe is better. Wash them, remove the stones, put them in a bowl for cooking, pouring sugar in layers. Add star anise and vanilla, mix, leave for half a day. Then stir again and bring to a boil. Treat jars and lids at the same time (with boiling water or steam). Jam cook, not forgetting to stir. Be sure to use a suitable dish so that it does not burn. An hour after boiling, remove the spices, pour the rum into the workpiece, put the finished product in jars and roll up. This rich spicy plum jam should not be given to children.

Plum jam with red wine

An amazing dessert that gourmets will love. Not for long-term storage, but under a nylon cover.


  • 3 kg of round red plums;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 faceted glass of dry red wine;
  • 1-2 cloves optional;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

The better the wine you add, the tastier the harvest will be.


From a kilogram of sugar and a glass of water, boil a rich sugar syrup. Wash the plums, remove the pits, sprinkle them with sugar and leave them in a bowl for boiling for an hour. Stir, pour syrup, add spices if desired, cook for half an hour over low heat with constant stirring. Then chop with a blender (before that, clove buds must be removed), bring to a boil, pour in red wine, mix, cool and store in the refrigerator.

Sugar free plum jam with honey

Not for seaming, but for storage in the refrigerator and occasional use as a dessert.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey.


Take overripe plums of the Hungarian variety for this jam. Wash them, remove the seeds, cut the fruits into smaller pieces. Put in a saucepan, on the bottom of which pour a few tablespoons of water (to avoid burning). Simmer plums over low heat until softened. Then chop with a blender, bring to a boil again, mix, cool, pour in liquid honey and store in a sterile jar covered with a nylon lid. Definitely in a cool place. By the way, you can not add honey, in this case, take sweeter plums.

Plum jam with cocoa for the winter

At one time, this recipe was at the peak of popularity. Preparing such a jam is very simple, you just need to keep in mind: only Hungarian plums are suitable for jam with cocoa.


  • 2 kg of ripe plums;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 glass of water.


Wash the plums, halve them, removing the pits, then place in a cooking pot, add water and simmer until softened. As soon as the halves of the fruit become soft, mash them with a blender, add sugar and cook over low heat for half an hour. Be sure to stir while cooking. After the specified amount of time, add cocoa powder, mixing it with a small amount of sugar. Cook for another half an hour, then pour into prepared jars and roll up.

Plum Jam with Hibiscus

Plums can be taken any, even greenish-yellow, almost colorless. You know, there is such a variety - not very good for food, but it’s quite suitable for jam with hibiscus, since the petals of the Sudanese rose give the workpiece an amazing color.


  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1 kg of dry hibiscus petals;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar.


Soak the washed Sudanese rose petals in cold water and let them steep for three hours. Then drain the water, add sugar to it and bring to a boil. Wash and pit the plums. Place the fruits, along with the soaked petals, in the hot syrup. Boil for an hour, then rub through a sieve, bring the bright thick jam to a boil, mix well, pour into jars and roll up.

Jam from apples, pears and plums

You can cook this jam through a meat grinder. A very interesting way, and the result will impress any sweet tooth.


  • 1 kg of white apples;
  • 1 kg of summer soft pears;
  • 1 kg of yellow plums;
  • 3 kg of sugar.


Boil 2 liters of water in a kettle. Wash the fruits, pour boiling water over them, then cut into large pieces, removing the core from apples and pears, and the seeds from plums. Pass the pieces of fruit through a meat grinder, add sugar, mix and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool, repeat the boil-cool cycle 2-3 times. Intervals can be up to 12 hours. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up and use as a filling for pies.

Plum and apricot jam with ginger

Orange fruits go well with plums and ginger root. This jam is suitable for cold winter evenings, but only for those who love the burning taste of ginger.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg of blue plums;
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 2 kg of sugar.


Wash the fruits and remove the seeds. Cut into pieces, put in a blender bowl. Peel the ginger root, chop it finely and add to the fruit. Turn into a puree with a blender, add sugar, mix and cook until thickened in a suitable bowl, remembering to stir.

Jam from apples, plums and zucchini for the winter

Don't be surprised by the name of the recipe. The workpiece is simply wonderful and very thick without the addition of any thickeners.


  • 1 kg of blue plums;
  • 1 kg of Antonovka apples;
  • 1 kg of white-skinned zucchini;
  • 3 kg of sugar + 1 glass for syrup;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • cinnamon stick optional.


From two glasses of water and a glass of sugar, boil the syrup. Wash all fruits, including zucchini. Peel thinly the skin from the zucchini and cut them into pieces. Remove the core from apples, remove the pits from plums. Finely chop the fruit, mix with slices of zucchini, pour over the syrup and simmer over low heat until softened. Then grind with a blender into a puree, add all the remaining sugar and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cook with constant stirring for 1 hour. Pour into jars and roll up.

Plum jam with lingonberries for the winter

A very interesting preparation, for which any plums, even small and not very sweet ones, are quite suitable. Lingonberries give plum dessert unusual spicy notes.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • 700 grams of cranberries;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.


Wash the plums and lingonberries, remove the stones from the plums. Put everything in a saucepan, pour in a little water, mix and simmer over low heat until softened. Then wipe through a sieve so that the future jam acquires a beautiful color, add sugar and cinnamon, mix and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then pour into prepared jars and roll up.

How pleasant it is on long winter evenings, when a snow blizzard rushes about outside the windows, to get comfortable and drink tea with fragrant jam. Someone likes pureed raw fruits and berries, someone likes a thicker consistency of homemade treats. But almost everyone likes fragrant pitted plum jam, which can be spread on toast or simply eaten with a teaspoon, washed down with hot tart tea. We’ll talk about cooking tricks with step-by-step recipes for plum treats for the winter today.

Jam or jam?

At first glance, it may seem that jam is no different from marmalade, but it is not. The technology for preparing both types of dessert is different, which leads to the appearance in each of the above products of their own, unique flavor notes.

The first difference between jam and jam is the raw material for cooking, in this case it is fruit or berry puree. For the production of jam, whole or chopped fruits are used. To make the jam more saturated, overripe plums and even carrion are used for it. In jam, you can take only whole, not even completely ripe berries.

Aromatic plum treat

The consistency of jam is homogeneous and dense, jam is jelly-like. Many housewives use pectin or gelatin to make plum jam treats. It should be noted that if individual pieces of berries or fruits get into the jam, one cannot speak of a decrease in the quality of the product.

The density of jam is higher than that of jam. The duration of cooking these 2 types of dessert is different: the jam mass constantly boils for 25–30 minutes, and the production of marmalade requires much more time and a weak fire.

Preparation of plum fruits

Before proceeding directly to the recipe for plum jam, it is necessary to consider a very important issue. This is the crushing of berries, which can be done in 2 different ways:

  • passing through a meat grinder;
  • grinding with a blender.

The second method, although faster, has a certain drawback - the finished jam becomes opaque and, in addition, the blender does not break the entire skin of the fruit.

Jam pitting is a hard and fast rule. Firstly, many experts consider the storage of jam with stones a "time bomb", because. in such a delicacy, toxic substances gradually accumulate. The second reason for getting rid of the pits of berries is the safety of use. Agree that few people want to break a tooth at an evening tea party?

Recipe number 1 - plum jam with Gelfix

Gelfix in sachets

To make this plum jam, you will need the following products:

  • ripe plums - 2.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - about 900 gr (+ 2.5–3 tablespoons with a slide);
  • Gelfix - 2 packs.

Gelfix is ​​a modern product based on pectin. Although similar in name to gelatin, it has nothing to do with it. Gelatin is made from the bones of cattle, it is pre-soaked in water and injected into pudding or jelly immediately at the time of removal from heat. Gelfix - a powder that can be heated, is introduced into the berry mass mixed with granulated sugar and allows you to halve the time for preparing a delicate delicacy.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, put them in a spacious saucepan. If your own drain juice is not enough, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of clean water. Usually, the lack of liquid is visible to the naked eye - the mass begins to stick, and the fruits do not soften;
  2. The quenching of the mass continues until the berries soften, the skin of which should burst;
  3. Add 900 g of sugar for every 2.5 kg of fruit, mix the future jam thoroughly;
  4. Gelfix sachets should be mixed with 2.5-3 tablespoons of sugar and added to the bulk. After the introduction of the gelling component, the dessert is cooked for no more than 5 minutes;
  5. After that, the jam mass is laid out in clean and pre-prepared jars.

Some of the housewives keep the jam rolled up, others lower the jars under simple nylon lids into the cellar.

Gelfix can be replaced with pectin, simple gelatin or agar-agar. Vegetarians prefer gelling supplements of plant origin, excluding gelatin from recipes.

How to make yellow fruit jam

Yellow plums are an excellent raw material for making fragrant jam, which can be used as a dessert for tea or as a filling in pastries. It is necessary to select the fruits very carefully - overripe and spoiled plums should be discarded. The ideal option are berries that have not reached 100% maturity.

The degree of grinding of berries for jam affects the consistency and appearance of the finished product. Therefore, it is not recommended to puree raw materials.

  1. Rinse 2 kg of selected yellow plums with running water, then place the fruits in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. To speed up the process of preparing raw materials, you can use paper towels. Grind plums - with a knife, meat grinder or blender;
  2. A separate container is used to prepare sugar syrup. The proportions of the connection of sugar and water - for every 2 kg, 200 ml will be required. The mixture is boiled, mixed with berries in an enameled or any metal bowl;
  3. The mass begins to boil, the process should last up to 20 minutes. When the future jam is removed from the heat, it is cooled to room temperature and rubbed through a sieve. This is required to get rid of unnecessary cake that has not been cooked. After rubbing, the mass is placed again on the fire and heated;
  4. The next step in making plum jam from yellow fruits is to add freshly squeezed lemon juice (3 to 4 tablespoons) to the heated mass. Many housewives also add mashed zest, which brings a fresh touch to the taste. Lemon zest can be replaced with peppermint leaves;
  5. Jam from yellow plums is brought to a boil 2 times, in the interval between these procedures, the mass should cool. After reheating to a boil, the mixture is turned off and the mixture is allowed to cool completely.

Everything, a tasty and healthy dessert is ready for distribution into prepared jars. Amber delicacy will become a real decoration of the tea ceremony.

Traditional homemade recipe

For a traditional recipe for making thick plum jam, you need 2 kg of fruit and the same amount of sugar. If the plum variety is not too sour, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar can be dispensed with.

At the end of cooking, any gelling agent is introduced into the jam, the most common is pectin. The use of apple pectin allows you to reduce the cooking time and save a lot of vitamins in the finished dessert.

Preparing plum jam for 80 minutes. From 2 kg of fruits and 2 kg of granulated sugar, about 1.5 liters of a fragrant product are obtained.

Main Ingredients:

  • peeled pitted plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1.5–2 kg;
  • clean water - 0.100 l;
  • a bag of apple pectin - 15 gr.

The algorithm for making jam from plums is quite simple and is divided into separate steps:

  1. The fruits are sorted. Preference should be given to ripe plums, in which the stone is well separated from the pulp;

    Preparing fruits for jam

  2. Rinse the raw materials for jam and place in a prepared pan or basin. Pour water into the bottom of the dish so that the mass does not stick to the bottom during heating (2-3 tablespoons). The ideal option for a container is a stainless steel basin; products do not burn to such a material;

    The plum mass is heated

  3. The plum mass is put on fire and heated over low heat to a boil, the resulting foam is removed with a slotted spoon. Cooking time - from 25 to 30 minutes. During this time, the fruits soften and secrete juice;

  4. The degree of readiness of the dessert is determined by testing a drop laid out on a saucer - if it does not spread, the fragrant delicacy is ready;
  5. Pectin is mixed with a small amount of sand and injected into the jam mass, stirring. Introduction time - 5–10 minutes before the completion of the dessert preparation process;

  6. The cooled mass is packed in jars; it is not necessary to roll up the jam. Banks are pre-sterilized to prevent premature spoilage of the product and extend its shelf life.

The storage conditions for plum jam are no different from the usual conditions for all homemade preparations: cool air, darkening and the absence of strong odors in the room.

In addition to the described method of making delicious and healthy plum jam, many housewives use modern household appliances to achieve the same goal, and more specifically, a slow cooker and a bread machine.

Bread machine jam

Using a bread maker to make jam is the easiest way to get a delicious dessert. Fruit preparation is no different from the procedure described above.

The proportions of granulated sugar for jam from a bread machine are different from the traditional recipe. For a kilogram of plums, only 0.7 kg of sugar and a little lemon zest are required.

The cooking algorithm is very simple:

  1. put all the ingredients at once in the bowl of the stove;
  2. turn on the automatic mode "jam (jam)";
  3. when the program finishes its execution, the miracle machine will emit a special signal;
  4. ready-made jam can be laid out in prepared jars and put away for storage.

Depending on the brand of bread machine, the duration of preparation of plum jam may be different, but on average it is 1 hour 20 minutes. The convenience of this option for the production of a delicious dessert is difficult to overestimate - while the machine is cooking a delicacy, a woman can do other household chores.

How to cook yummy in a slow cooker

By analogy with a bread machine, a multicooker is also used. Making jam or marmalade in it is a real pleasure:

  1. plums are pitted and washed with running water;
  2. raw materials are crushed in a blender with the addition of granulated sugar;
  3. proportions for jam: 300-350 grams of granulated sugar are placed per 1 kg of fruit;
  4. placing the mixture in the multicooker bowl, turn on the “quenching” mode for 1 hour;
  5. if, after the allotted time, the jam has not gained the required density, the “baking” mode is started for 15–20 minutes;
  6. the turned off fruit delicacy is cooled and distributed in pre-prepared containers.

On the market today you can find a new generation of multicookers - the process of cooking in them takes place under pressure, which significantly reduces the duration of cooking. You can cook plum jam in a pressure cooker in 8-10 minutes.

Plum jam without added sugar

Not all people can consume sugar. This may be due to the desire to control body weight or medical contraindications (diabetics, for example). The abundance of plums in the garden and the rejection of sweet desserts should not become an obstacle to making fragrant, healthy and thick plum jam.

  1. For home harvesting, only ripe fruits that have gained the desired degree of maturity and natural sweetness are suitable. After cleaning the plums from the bones and cutting them into 4 pieces each, it is necessary to place the mass in a food container made of any metal.
  2. After boiling, you need to note the time - with the lid closed, the future jam is cooked for at least 1.5 hours. After that, the dessert is removed from the fire and set aside for 8-10 hours.
  3. The next day, the procedures are repeated: heating for 1.5 hours, cooling from 6 to 8 hours. In the third approach, the jam is prepared to the required density, after which it is laid out warm in jars and removed before winter tea gatherings.

Various additives that improve the taste of plum jam

When adding various additives to jam, which is prepared from plums, the taste of the finished dessert improves. Depending on the desired result, you can add to the jam mass during the cooking process:

There is no need to put pectin in plum-apple jam, apple pulp does an excellent job of thickening the fruit treat.

Video: the nuances of making delicious pitted jam at home

Whatever option for making jam the hostess would not choose, the result will surely please her household and guests. When a jar with a delicate delicacy is opened before gatherings over a cup of tart tea, a cloud of memories of a sunny summer will hang in the air.

The first thing you want to cook from plums in order to preserve at least a little of their wonderful taste and aroma, of course, jam is a delicacy, which is perhaps the easiest to cook. There are a lot of recipes and technologies for making plum jam. But today I want to focus on one of the simplest. It does not use any aromatic additives, additional thickeners or water. And to give the jam the desired smooth jelly-like consistency, you do not have to use a blender. Everything is much faster and easier: this plum jam is prepared through a meat grinder. We simply twist the fresh plum in mashed potatoes, sprinkle it with sugar and boil it to the required degree of density. Easier than you can imagine. With such a simple recipe, even a novice cook can handle it at once. In this case, plum jam turns out to be very thick, has a rich plum color, taste and aroma.


  • plum (weight with stone) - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 0.9 kg.


You can take any plum for jam that is available or whichever is more to your taste. This will not affect the process of making jam, only the color of the finished product and its consistency. Wash the selected plums and remove the pits. If your plum is ripe, soft, then it will be faster and more convenient to remove the stones with a stick with a blunt end (a sushi stick or a simple pencil will do just fine). The stone is removed in the same way as for cherries: we insert the stick into the recess where the stalk was attached, and gently push the stone. From ripe plum pulp, it is extracted quickly and easily.

If your plums are dense, the stick method will not work - the stone in such plums sits quite firmly. Here it is better to use another option for removing the bone. We cut the plum around the groove, touching the stone with a knife.

After we take the upper half and gently, like a screw cap, “unscrew” it. If the plum pulp is very dense, before the final twist, you can make several rotational movements to the right and left.

As a result of this simple manipulation, you will get two neat plum halves. Believe me, it's faster than just trying to get the pits out of a plum.

The plums are now ready to be chopped. Here the good old meat grinder will come to the rescue - it will quickly and without problems chop the tough plum skin. Blender, unfortunately, will not cope with this.

We twist the plums with a meat grinder. The resulting puree is sent to the dishes where the jam will be cooked.

Note: it is better to choose wide dishes for jam cooking in order to increase the moisture evaporation surface, which, in turn, directly affects the cooking time. A basin or a wide pan of 5 liters is ideal.

Sprinkle plum puree with sugar. We stir everything well so that you get a homogeneous plum mass, and put the container on the stove.

We heat, and then boil the jam, stirring the mass from time to time (it is advisable to use a wooden spatula for this), for 35 minutes. We first set the heating of the stove to medium, and when the jam boils, we fasten it to the maximum. Time is measured from the moment of boiling. During the cooking process, carefully remove the foam. With active boiling, quite a lot of it is formed.

After the specified time, we remove the jam from the stove - longer cooking will have an extremely negative effect on the taste of the delicacy. The longer the jam is boiled, the more pronounced the taste of burnt sugar will be. Readiness can be checked as follows: we collect jam in a spoon, pour it onto a plate and divide the resulting blot into two parts with a spoon. If the parts come together, the jam is not ready. The halves did not converge - the jam is completely ready.

While the saucepan with jam is on the stove, we prepare jars for it. Sterilize jars and lids, let them dry.

And fill with hot jam. We screw on the lids. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 800 ml of jam were obtained (2 jars of 300 ml each and one 2/3 filled).

Hot jam is still liquid, but as it cools, it thickens quite a lot. The final consistency of the jam will depend on the type of plum and how long it has been simmering.

Let the jam cool and store. Thick, fragrant plum jam is perfect as a filling for pastries. Or it will be a great addition to a cup of hot tea.

Bon Appetit!


Hello my dear readers! Summer is rolling towards its sunset, which cannot be said about the season of harvesting. Late plums ripened in our garden - Hungarians. I make small batches of plum jam every day. Today I want to present you my favorite simple recipe for pitted plum jam for the winter. Our plum garden is quite tiny, but very abundantly bearing fruit. From selected solid plums, I cook pitted plum jam and close the compote for the winter. Softer, perfectly ripe fruits with the addition of a small amount of unripe ones are the ideal raw material for making jam.

I don’t like jam of a homogeneous consistency, I don’t grind the raw materials with a blender, I don’t remove the skins from the plum. I love this simple recipe below. Minimum fuss for excellent results!

General rules for making plum jam

The largest amount of pectin is found in unripe fruits. Therefore, to prepare plum jam with a thick jelly-like consistency, we will follow a simple rule: a quarter of the fruit must be unripe.

For cooking, the most suitable is a low, wide dish, preferably with a thick bottom.

At a time, you should cook a small amount - up to one liter. The liquid will evaporate quickly with this cooking method. Sugar will not turn into a burnt mass of dark color, the finished product will be of excellent quality not only in taste, but also in color.

Water should not be added - ripe and overripe fruits will release enough liquid necessary for successful cooking.

Jam should be cooked on a large and medium flame. Or, to put it differently, at high and medium temperature conditions. Under such conditions, pectin is not destroyed and the finished product gets its amazing texture.

Pour the boiled jam into sterile jars, roll up with sterile lids. We send for self-sterilization under a warm blanket. We send the cooled jars for the winter to the cellar, pantry or cool mezzanines.

For convenience, I give a calculation for 100 grams of pitted plums, and you recalculate for your number of fruits. Jam turns out amazingly tasty, thick, not overcooked.


  • 100 g pitted plums (75 g ripe and 25 g unripe fruits);
  • 100 g of granulated sugar.

How to cook

Rinse the fruit thoroughly in running water, select only suitable ones, do not forget about the ratio of ripe and unripe fruits. Divide with a knife or break the plums along the groove, remove the stones.

Pour the resulting pitted raw material with granulated sugar.

On a note

If a lot of juice immediately stands out, then you can put a container designed for cooking jam on a small flame using a divider - so the granulated sugar will dissolve even faster.

If you have a large harvest and a lot of plums, then I still advise you to cook it in small portions - the quality of the jam will be much higher. Pour about one liter of plum mass, cook over high heat until boiling, and then over medium heat. Stir the boiling jam constantly. The total cooking time after boiling is about ten minutes.

A test for readiness - a drop on a saucer. If it keeps its shape, then you can turn off the fire!

This is what the finished product looks like - moderately thick, with pieces of fruit. The taste is beyond praise, take my word for it.

Pour the finished plum jam into jars. I most often use half-liter - the most convenient "format" for my family.

And here is the photo - serving for tea.

Cooking technology

  1. Rinse the plums, sort, select those suitable for cooking.
  2. Free from bones.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar.
  4. After extracting the juice and dissolving the sugar, cook in small portions (up to one liter at a time) until tender.
  5. The criterion for readiness is a drop that confidently holds its shape.

My remarks

  • You can also cook in smaller batches. In this case, the cooking time must be adjusted. You can see how to cook in this way in the recipe for strawberry jam.
  • For me, the best plum variety for all blanks is "Hungarian". Its taste qualities, the consistency of the pulp are equally excellent both for fresh consumption and for harvesting for the winter.

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