Home Locks A simple but healthy carrot and apple salad. Carrot and apple salad Apple and carrot salad

A simple but healthy carrot and apple salad. Carrot and apple salad Apple and carrot salad

The combination of carrot and apple is recognized in the cuisines of different countries and is very actively used for various salads, both sweet and nutritious. Raw carrots and an apple contain healthy fiber, which ensures the normal functioning of the intestines. Carrot and apple salad quickly fills the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness, so it is perfect for those who follow diets or just eat healthy.

Nutritionists advise including carrot-apple salads in their fasting days. Provided that the dressing is correct (sugar-free for sweet salads and mayonnaise-free for hearty salads), carrot and apple salad comes out low-calorie and can be consumed throughout the day in any quantity.

But you should not eat only one type of salad, even if you want to lose weight - nutrition should be balanced, and the diet should not stress the body. Carrot and apple salads contain a whole range of vitamins, including vitamin A, which is recommended for everyone who often sits at a computer and wants to strengthen their eyesight.

A simple recipe only from carrots and apples

A basic unsweetened carrot-apple salad recipe is best cooked on its own rather than as an addition to a meaty main course. The taste comes out very sweet, despite the use of olive oil for dressing and even if you choose sour apples. List of products for making carrot-apple salad:

  • 2 large carrots;
  • Larger apple (green);
  • A tablespoon of olive oil or any vegetable oil as desired;
  • Greens - optional.

We wash the apple and carrot well under running water, peel them. Carrots for this recipe are used raw. Therefore, we immediately rub it and the apple on a coarse grater, and, as it should, mix everything.

Season with oil (you can even make a mixture of oils - sunflower and olive, add a little more sunflower) and add your favorite herbs to taste (parsley is perfect). The dish should be eaten immediately, until it is fresh and the apple has not darkened. By the way, immediately after cleaning the apple, you need to grate it and then you can immediately sprinkle it lightly with lemon juice, so it will retain its fresh and beautiful color.

The main value of carrots is in vitamin A, which is fat-soluble, and therefore, by seasoning salads with raw carrots with oils or sour cream, we help the vitamin to be better absorbed. You can experiment a little with the recipe, for example, add bell pepper.

In this case, the pepper is cut into thin strips. The dish will come out very beautiful if you take the pepper in a brighter color. You can diversify the diet with a simple dish if you prepare a salad of cabbage, carrot, apple, which is prepared in the same way as this recipe, only with the addition of finely chopped cabbage.

Juicy apple-carrot recipe with citrus notes

Very simple salad, but incredibly tasty. All you need to prepare it is:

  • 2 carrots;
  • Orange;
  • 2 apples;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 2 tablespoons of nuts (walnuts will do, but you can experiment with this);
  • A teaspoon of honey.

Prepare everything quickly and in a few steps. We clean raw carrots and, together with an apple, three everything on a coarse grater. Squeeze out the juice from the orange, into which add and stir the honey. It turns out such a sauce with which we season carrot-apple salad. Do not forget to add more walnuts and raisins (you can additionally decorate the dish in some interesting way on top). Such a salad of carrots and apples should be served on the table immediately after preparation.

"French" carrot-apple recipe with cheese

Despite its name, the French Carrot and Apple Salad is simple and easy to prepare, the recipe includes all the products that are at hand at almost any time. To prepare a carrot-apple recipe with cheese, we will prepare the following list of products:

  • Several apples;
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 2 raw carrots;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Onions (optional)

You can also add bell pepper, which goes well with almost any product. Lettuce is prepared in layers. The preparation of the recipe is as follows: spread the first layer with scalded onions (so as not to be bitter), the second - rub the apple on a coarse grater, the third - 2 eggs on a coarse grater and grease with mayonnaise, then a layer of carrots (on a fine grater) and mayonnaise and finally cheese is rubbed on top.

Then you can repeat all the layers again in the indicated sequence to make the salad taller and bigger. The salad should be served on the table immediately, until the apples are drained and darkened (therefore, you still need to take the least juicy varieties). Bulgarian pepper can be added if the salad is not puffed in pieces, or in small straws in a puff salad, but it is better to include pepper in another recipe. You can sprinkle everything for beauty and taste on top with sesame seeds.

Orange beauty has long been known for its miraculous properties. Many believe that the root crop is best consumed whole. But nevertheless, grated carrots, the benefits of which are no less, are more popular.

Grated carrots - everyone's favorite

Grated carrots have one significant advantage over eating the whole vegetable - this is an easier digestion of the product. In the process of rubbing, juice is released, which turns the mass into gruel. This cooking method allows you to eat a healthy vegetable for people who have weak teeth and gums or the stomach does not accept coarse food. In addition, children really like gruel from carrots, especially if honey or fruits are mixed into it. As for the quality composition, it remains unchanged.

Grated carrots contain:

  • vitamins A, C, groups B, E;
  • trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron);
  • essential oils.

As for the latter, the preparation of root pulp with a grater makes it possible to evaluate the positive effect of oils on open wounds or burns. Vitamins and microelements contained in the grated vegetable strengthen the immune system, improve vision and metabolism. Nutritionists recommend eating at least one grated carrot in the morning to stabilize weight, as the orange root vegetable contains amino acids that remove toxins and bad cholesterol.

The benefits of grated carrots cooked with sugar

Of course, it is better to use carrots in their pure form. However, if you want to sweeten it a bit, you can add honey. This is especially true for young children. But if a baby (or an adult) is allergic to honey, then you can sprinkle the grated orange root vegetable just with sugar - a powerful source of energy. It has been proven that this combination improves mood and gives energy for the whole day.

Apples contain pectins, which, like the amino acids in carrots, are responsible for normalizing metabolism and improving intestinal motility. In addition, the apple has an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa and thereby neutralizes the hard fibers of carrots. The combination of fruit and vegetables is ideal for diets, especially on fasting days, as it saturates the body with all the necessary elements, but does not affect weight.

Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes. No wonder they say that 2 carrots a day compensate for 5 hours in front of a computer monitor. But vitamin A is more easily absorbed by the body when consumed with fats. In this sense, it is better to combine it with olive oil or sour cream. Only the dairy product should be fresh and fat enough. Ideally, this is homemade sour cream.

To prepare this salad, take a Korean grater. Grate peeled sweet carrots and send to a bowl.

Rinse apples, peel as desired. Grate apples on a coarse grater and combine with carrots. To keep the apple mass light, sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Pour a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil into the salad.

Add flaxseed bran to taste in this salad. This component can be used in almost every dish if you follow your figure.

Bran cleanses the intestines well, serves as a natural scraper. In addition, they swell after they enter our body and the feeling of fullness comes quite quickly and for a long time.

Toss the salad and start dressing. I recommend using sour cream or natural yogurt for this, but I didn’t have the most suitable option in the refrigerator (with sugar and additives), such as in the photo.

Put the finished salad in a deep bowl and sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top. They will not only be a delicious addition, but will also strengthen the walls of your heart vessels, because they contain a lot of vitamin F.

When you need a simple and budget salad for every day, you do not want to look for some delicious recipes, because it is much easier to make something from what is lying in the refrigerator. For example, apples. Its biggest plus is not only that it turns out to be very cheap, but that it turns out to be mega useful. Usually, other healthy vegetables or fruits are combined in a salad with an apple: cabbage, carrots, radishes, pears, and seasoned with vegetable oil. Of course, there are less healthy options with mayonnaise and meat, but for me it is these light options that remain my favorite. There are a lot of options and recipes for salads with apples: from simple ones for dessert to multi-layered ones for a celebration.

I'll show you a couple of my favorites - for different occasions, and you yourself choose which one suits you best.

Salad with daikon and carrots and apple

Kitchen appliances: grater, salad bowl, bowl, spoon.


Cooking process

Recipe video for fresh carrot and apple salad

Although everything is very simple, it’s still better to watch a video in which a woman shows how to cook a salad so that you remember everything well and do not return to the recipe again and again.

Salad with carrots, apple, cheese and egg

Cooking time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6-7.
Kitchen appliances: grater, cutting board, bowl, dish, knife.


Cooking process

Salad with carrots, apples and raisins

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 5-6.
Kitchen appliances: grater, knife, bowl, salad bowl, spoon.


Cooking process

Vitamin salad recipe video

If you want to make sure that everything is really that simple, watch the video. In it, a woman quickly prepares a simple salad and shows the audience how it is done.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Apples you can take absolutely any, but the juicier they are, the tastier the salad will turn out.
  • Slightly remember the apple in your hands, and if it does not spring, then most likely the pulp in it is loose.
  • See if there is any browning near the tail of the apple, as it usually starts to deteriorate from there.
  • If the apple is sticky to the touch, then it is most likely that it has been treated with chemicals for better preservation.
  • The weight of the fruit must correspond to its size, otherwise it may simply be dried out or spoiled inside.
  • Apples should smell fresh and sweet, but if the smell is very strong, then most likely they have been treated with chemicals.
  • Even if you took sour apples, this will not spoil the salad, because you can just add a little honey to it.

  • If you take carrot still with tops, then look at its color and quality. If it is yellow and sluggish, then the carrot is not very fresh and young.

  • Choosing ham, look at the condition of the packaging and the shelf life on it. It should not be worn, dented or torn.

What to serve with

Such a juicy and tasty salad can be served both during lunch with a side dish, and for dessert after. Layered salad with mayonnaise is perfect for boiled, stewed, fried potatoes, a variety of cereals or pasta. Cook regular rice with butter or even vegetable stew for it, it will still turn out pretty good. A fresher salad goes well with meat, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, baked, fried and boiled fish.

Sweet salad with nuts, raisins, dried fruits seasoned with honey and sour cream is a great option for an afternoon snack, because it is not only tasty, but also very vitamin. And it will also be an excellent breakfast, because an apple has a lot of fiber, and other fruits, nuts and honey will bring a lot of energy.

  • If you have very sweet apples, then add a little lemon juice into a salad.
  • Rinse raisins well, even if you don't soak them.
  • Boiled eggs must be cold to start cooking with them.
  • You can always make a very simple and vitamin salad by mixing cabbage, carrots and an apple. As a dressing, a little vegetable oil with honey is suitable for him.
  • Sour cream in the salad can be replaced with natural sugar-free yogurt, and it will turn out even healthier.
  • It is better to rub the apples together with the skin, as it contains a lot of vitamin, but if you do not like it, then you can do without it.
  • If you are too lazy to grate vegetables, you can grind them in a blender, but do not overdo it so as not to turn the salad into a puree.
  • Also in a salad add walnuts to make it even tastier and healthier.

Other options

If you are a supporter of healthy food, then try to make one that combines the benefits of fruit and the salty taste of meat. Or cook, which will come out a little cheaper. You can also make a salad with tomatoes, sausage and crackers, although it will turn out not so healthy, but very tasty. And if you want to be sure of the naturalness of the products, then chop, which you personally select in the store. It is even better to buy homemade meat from a trusted seller. But if you need something more sophisticated, then choose one that has a simply amazing taste and is suitable for a romantic dinner. You can take other seafood, such as squid, mussels, or just a seafood cocktail from the store. Or try no less refined, which, moreover, will bring you benefits.

There are salads for every taste and budget, so choose and try at least every day.

Did you like apple salad? Which one did you choose? What were they served with? If you have your own recipes, be sure to write to us in the comments.

Carrot and apple are ingredients that go well together. They are low in calories and rich in nutrients. These products are widely used in cooking for preparing various dishes. The most common of them are salads, the article will tell about the methods of preparation of which.

There is nothing difficult in cooking.

Required components:

  • large carrots (2 pcs.);
  • apple, preferably green (1 pc.);
  • grape or olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • greens (optional)


  1. Rinse the main components with water.
  2. Get rid of the peel.
  3. Grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Pour the oil, sprinkle with herbs.
  5. To stir thoroughly.

Salad ready. Its advantages include the fact that a lot of time and products are not spent on cooking.

cooking with celery

A very light salad that is perfectly digestible. This is a great option for a snack, and in order to decorate the festive table. There is nothing complicated in its preparation either.

To complete you will need:

  • one apple;
  • one large carrot;
  • celery - 70 g;
  • walnuts - about 5 g;
  • sour cream or yogurt - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Carrots, apple, celery must be thoroughly washed and peeled.
  2. Grind on a coarse grater or in a blender container.
  3. Stir, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Coarsely chop the nuts, mix with sour cream and spices.

It doesn't take long to cook which is very convenient. Such salads are very good to use in the summer season, when you want something light.

Vitamin snack with cabbage

Cabbage, carrots, apples are a very successful combination of ingredients that can saturate the body with the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements. Salad is great for the diet of people who want to lose weight.

To prepare a dish for 4 servings, you need:

  • one large carrot;
  • one large apple;
  • lemon juice;
  • cabbage - half a head;
  • salt and vegetable oil to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. First you need to prepare the cabbage: rinse it thoroughly, remove the damaged leaves and stalk. Then finely cut into strips.
  2. Wash carrots, peel them. Then you need to grate on a coarse or medium grater.
  3. Wash the apple, remove the peel, then be sure to cut the core and only then chop on a coarse grater.
  4. Mixing the ingredients is recommended to start with cabbage. If she is not young, it is better to squeeze her out first. Then salt. After that, an apple and lemon juice are added, the contents are thoroughly mixed. And only now it is refueled with vegetable oil.

Salad can be made more attractive by garnishing with herbs, chopped apples, nuts, etc. It goes well with meat dishes, especially cooked over an open fire.

French carrot and apple salad

French salads have always been distinguished by sophistication, and this one is no exception.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • two medium-sized carrots;
  • two large apples;
  • three boiled eggs;
  • hard cheese (200 g);
  • mayonnaise 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l. needed only to pickle onions;
  • one bulb.

The last two ingredients are optional.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes. Pour boiling water and vinegar and leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the eggs, chop them on a fine grater, or you can quickly do this on an egg cutter.
  3. Wash and peel the carrots, then chop on a medium grater.
  4. Do the same with apples, while not forgetting to cut the core.
  5. Pickled onions must be laid out with the bottom layer on a plate, spread with mayonnaise and salted. Then a layer of apples is laid out, also seasoned with mayonnaise.
  6. The same is repeated with eggs, carrots and cheese.
  7. If there are products left, you can apply repeated layers in the same order.
  8. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Juicy, tender, tasty and fragrant snack will complement the daily diet.

Recipe for weight loss

Girls want to look attractive and be slim. But sticking to strict diets is sometimes not easy. Here, a salad of cabbage, carrots and apples will help.

Requires a composition of:

  • white cabbage - 400 g;
  • apples - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • olive or grape oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • pepper and salt.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage, washed and freed from spoiled leaves.
  2. Wash the apple, peel, cut the core, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Wash, peel the carrots, chop on a Korean grater.
  4. Mix butter, sugar, salt, pepper, lemon juice.
  5. Mix dressing and main ingredients.

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