Home wheels Miracles happen where people believe in them. Miracles are where they are believed. Paulo Coelho, “On the banks of the Rio Piedra, I sat down and cried”

Miracles happen where people believe in them. Miracles are where they are believed. Paulo Coelho, “On the banks of the Rio Piedra, I sat down and cried”

* A miracle is the most inexplicable thing in the world ...

* It has not yet been proven how miracles happen, but one thing is known - they happen where they are believed ...

* Miracles start to happen when you don't expect them at all...

* Belief in miracles is in itself an unreal miracle.

* A miracle has many forms.

* Only you know what a miracle happened to you. Only you know that it did happen...

* Believing in a particular miracle, you can skip all the others ...

* One miracle that came true - maybe an accident ...

* Miracles happen every day, you just need to change your understanding of a miracle ...

* If a person has a responsive heart, a miracle can happen to him at any moment...


* There are two ways to live life: as if there are no miracles and as if all life is a miracle. Albert Einstein

* Hope for a miracle. But don't you dare wait for it. Leonid Krainev-Rytov

* There are people who believe in miracles, there are people who don't believe in miracles... and there are people who don't know what they are, but they are made. Stas Yankovsky

* Miracles always happen in spite of everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle. Grace McClean

* Miracles sometimes happen, but you need to work hard on this. Chaim Weizmann

* The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen. Gilbert Chesterton

* Miracles do not happen ... But what a queue for them! Leonid Sukhorukov


Let's believe in miracles!

Know the price of happiness and be able to dream.

Look each other sincerely in the eyes

And household trifles to forgive.

Let's smile at beauty

Do good, do not refuse advice.

Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

There is no truth in wine! Don't drink to it!

Let's confess our sins

Do not part because of trifles,

Inspired to write poetry

And remember the heritage of the ages.

Let's just say kind words

Wish for love, don't think about sadness.

To make your head spin in joy,

To surprise you with something every day!

(c) Natalie Bykova

I believe in miracles,

That's why they happen to me...

Beloved eye

They talk and smile a lot...

And even if it rains

That droplets glow with a bright overflow ...

When you don't expect trouble

Maybe she doesn't want to meet...

My soul is not a shooting range...

And bullets ricochet off...

Corrupted is not the world,

And people who are suffocating from anger ...

Aggression wave

Sometimes not as scary as indifference...

A wall grows in my soul

When they seem to hear, but do not listen ...

I believe in miracles,

That's why they follow me...

Like sails

Obediently follow the movement of the wind ...

And to hell with anchors!

Love leads by the hand over the cliffs ...

We were not born in vain

And just to be happy...

(c) Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

I am sure that any business should be trusted to professionals. Only a shoemaker can repair shoes well (thanks to shoemaker Pavel Borisovich for the last repair), only a real master can repair broken household appliances (thanks to Igor for the repaired AIWA cassette deck of the 80s). And so in any case, we trust specialists, and do not treat teeth with a locksmith with a screwdriver. But there is a sad exception to all the rules. For some reason, many people think that in matters of religion, anyone is ready to become a mentor, if he has the Internet at hand. And articles appear in serious publications, fly-by-night newspapers with advice on how a person can save his soul, and, along the way, improve his health, multiply like mushrooms.

I came across the Healing through Prayer newspaper by accident at the Rospechat kiosk. Illiquid at a bargain price, but at the time of going on sale it was bought up quite well. It's just that the publishers went too far with the circulation, 50870 copies - a lot to start with. But, judging by the fact that the newspaper is almost completely sold out, the publisher remained in profit. The subtitle reads: "Miracles are where they are believed in, and the more they believe, the more often they happen." I remembered the times of Kashpirovsky, Chumak and the White Brotherhood. I decided to buy, especially since the price is really affordable.

No, the newspaper did not surprise me with its set of reprints from pravoslavie.ru and rather familiar incantations. Even on Pravoslavii.ru it is not difficult to find an excuse for magic. Surprised something else. Usually such newspapers are published or curated by professional magicians, but here is a simple selection of Internet publications with a circulation of 50,000 printed copies. Not every regional newspaper can boast of such a circulation. And here is a simple selection made hastily, probably in one or two days (this is evidenced by numerous typos and the composition of the editorial board - 2 people.

If the editorial does not cause complaints, then the newspaper resembles a fairy tale, that is, the further, the more terrible. On the second page, we learn that you can drink Epiphany holy water only on an empty stomach, and in case of illness, you must use water consecrated on another day ... Well, then it gets worse and worse. Here are some tips to treat cancer with a mixture of 10 parts of crayfish shell, 5 parts of gentian and 3 parts of frankincense, which must be burned over low heat. Here are the conspiracies “The Most Holy Theotokos holds a sword, cut cancer ... seething, warty ... drive out, knock out ... evicted from 10 joints.” And, finally, the “diet from Jesus Christ”: “let the weight of your daily food be at least 0.5 kilos, but beware that it exceeds 1 kg.” "Do not consume unclean food brought from distant countries." Here is a vinaigrette, typed using a simple search engine and copy-paste. The sloppiness in the publication is so unique that the imprint says "must see" instead of the registration number. If we were not talking about fifty thousand copies, if the newspaper had not been distributed by Rospechat, if there had not been a subscription to it (yes, this publication is distributed by subscription!), then one could not pay attention to illiterate occultism publishers. But, alas, a fact is a fact, it is precisely such newspapers that are most often purchased by “passengers” and then these conspiracies, coupled with instructions “from Christ,” become a religious component of the population of our country. And something needs to be done about this, otherwise it will take quite a bit of time and another generation will be lost, just as we lost the generation of the 90s. Then it was possible to make excuses by saying that the Church was not ready for changes, but now we have all become literate, have mastered the Internet and other technologies. So, there will be no excuse for us!

You can start by posting a list of periodicals promoting the occult and magic in churches, and continue by publishing your materials in major publications and distributing church-wide, diocesan and even parish newspapers through the same distribution channels as the newspaper described above. Let religion be represented in the press by professionals, those who know what the spiritual world is and what consequences an incompetent person who decides to make money in a field in which he understands absolutely nothing can expect.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

1. “The matron read a prayer over the water and gave it to those who came to her. Those who drank water and sprinkled it got rid of various misfortunes. Such unverified (there is not a word about this in the materials for canonization) information posted on a popular site opens up opportunities for almost any magician and sorcerer. You can always refer to some blessing of the "secret old man" to imitate ... no, not a saint, but gossip around her biography.

It has not yet been proven how miracles happen, but one thing is known:

they happen where they are believed.

Albert Einstein said that there are two ways to live life: like miracles don't happen... and as if all life is a miracle.

And if you have not yet fully understood how it works, we have compiled for you the most detailed description of the appearance of a miracle. Maybe it is not entirely logical and consistent, but it simply does not happen with miracles. Such is their nature: miracles begin to happen when you do not expect them at all.

But at the same time, you believe.
Don't wait, but believe.

By believing in a particular Miracle, you can skip all the others.
And you can believe in miracles in general. So there will be more of them (wholesale - cheaper).
One miracle that came true can be an accident.
Two is already a religion.

Three? Congratulations, you are a wizard!
Now you know that everything is possible.
You can be anyone. Be a miracle for someone who believes in you.

Miracles exist at the intersection of the incompatible.
The miracle has many forms.
Only you know what a miracle happened to you.

There are quotes about miracles. They are undeniable, because. written by great people.

  • I understood one simple Truth - Miracles must be done with your own hands! If a person's Soul yearns for a Miracle, do this Miracle for him.

    Alexander Green, "Scarlet Sails"

  • Miracles are where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they occur.

    Denis Diderot

  • You have to start small. And then, perhaps, we will learn to create real miracles.

    Chuck Palahniuk, "Choke"

  • Whatever life teaches us
    But the heart believes in miracles...

    Fedor Tyutchev

  • Miracles are happening all around - you need to see them in time.

    Georgy Alexandrov

  • Sometimes inexplicable miracles happen - but only to those who believe that miracles happen.

    Paulo Coelho, Brida

  • Miracles happen everywhere, you just need to have a sensitive heart, a receptive eye. And you will see matter and spirit dancing together everywhere.

    Osho, "Beyond Enlightenment"

  • The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.

    Gilbert Chesterton

  • In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle and eternal youth.

    Albert Camus

  • But there are no lesser miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - at the right time, the right word. Owning it means owning everything.

    Alexander Green, "Scarlet Sails"

  • I am still in awe of the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of wonders.

    Michael Jackson

  • I came to the conclusion that magic is something that pushes, lifts, and generally makes things out of nothing. Leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, foxes, squirrels and even people are made of magic. This means that magic is just everywhere - both around us and in all other places too.

    Frances Eliza Burnett, The Secret Garden

  • Genuine miracles are not noisy, and the most important events are very simple.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • One happy day is almost a miracle.

    Paulo Coelho

  • Do you want to see a miracle, son? .. BE a miracle.

    "Bruce Almighty"

  • If you are always in a hurry, you may miss the miracle.

    Lewis Carroll

  • Regardless of what you dream about - start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life!

    Johann Wolfgang Goethe

  • You can’t try to explain miracles, they deteriorate from this ...

    Max Fry

  • Never question miracles when they happen.

    Ray Bradbury

  • True wisdom is the experience of a miracle. This feeling of a miracle is everywhere, wherever you go, in everything, whatever your gaze falls on: in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the flight of a bird.

    Deepak Chopra

  • Miracles happen when you risk everything for a dream that no one else can see. You just need to believe.

    Clint Eastwood

  • It is necessary to take risks. The miracle of life can only be fully realized when we are prepared for the unexpected to happen.

    Paulo Coelho, “On the banks of the Rio Piedra, I sat down and cried”

  • There is no explanation or evidence for the miracle.
    If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe.
    But, just in case - believe, you still have nothing to lose.

From this book you will learn: Why some people are lucky all the time, while others are not; How not to be a slave of the mood; How to attract everything you want into your life; How can you be happy when you don't have enough money; How to find peace and harmony with yourself. The book is filled with parables and quotes that inspire and most clearly convey the ideas of the author.

© Svetlana Postelnyak, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-9650-2

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Hello dear friend!

This book is very lucky: it managed to break through to you through the powerful streams of information that we consume in huge quantities every day. But you hold this book in your hands, and I believe that all acquaintances are not accidental, and the Universe itself accompanied this meeting.

I always wanted to be that person, acquaintance and communication with which brings positive emotions, to whom I want to turn for help and support, for advice and communication, and with whom it is simply interesting to spend time. While we communicate through this book, I will try to tell you some of the secrets of a happy and successful life that I once met.

We all deserve the happiness that lives within us and that does not depend on income, environment, husband or wife, children, or anyone else. In this book, you will learn about the power of your thoughts, how positive thinking affects our lives, and how the beliefs imposed by society stand in the way of happiness. Our happiness does not depend on anyone but ourselves. After all, it's not about what happens to us - it's about how we relate to what happens.

Once a thief broke into someone else's chicken coop and stole a chicken. When he was running away, he knocked over the lamp, and the chicken coop caught fire. The chicken looked back and, seeing the fire of the fire, understood: it saved her life. When the thief fattened the chicken with millet and bread, the chicken understood that he was taking care of her. When the thief wandered from city to city, hiding the chicken in his bosom, the chicken understood: he loves her. When the chicken saw that the thief had brandished a knife, she realized that he wanted to commit suicide. She jumped on the knife and covered the thief with her body. And she died happy.

(Peter Mordkovich's parable)

We are not able to control the world around us, the weather and other people, but we are able to control ourselves and our thoughts. Happy people see positive aspects even in problems, see opportunities in difficult times, and see good in evil deeds.

Everyone deserves to have a song, movie, or book dedicated to them. Therefore, I dedicate this book to you, dear reader.

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