Home brakes How long does smoked meat last in the refrigerator? How to properly store smoked meat. Food storage areas

How long does smoked meat last in the refrigerator? How to properly store smoked meat. Food storage areas

Meat smoked products- large-sized meat products prepared from certain parts of carcasses, properly cut, salted and heat treated.

Smoked products are produced from pork, beef, lamb.

Smoked products have different storage stability, depending on the method of heat treatment. According to the method of heat treatment, they are divided into smoked, smoked-boiled and boiled.

Smoked products include meat products made from unsalted meat in fried and baked forms.

Storage changes

Smoked-boiled products made by smoking followed by boiling raw-salted meat have less shelf life than smoked ones, since they are smoked for a short time (3-6 hours) and the effect of smoke is not so significant and effective. Boiled, baked and fried products are characterized by the least storage stability, since changes occur in meat and fat during heat treatment - protein denaturation, the transition of collagen to gelatin, fat melting, etc. n. As a result of these changes, a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and conditions for oxidative deterioration of fat are created.

Due to the relatively high salt concentration (6-9%) in raw smoked products, they can be stored at low temperatures for a long time, but a number of changes occur in them. The main changes are a decrease in the mass of the product due to the evaporation of moisture and a deterioration in the quality of fat, the stability of which determines the shelf life of the product.

As a result of hydrolytic and oxidative processes in fat, its organoleptic characteristics deteriorate, which is expressed by yellowing of the color, the appearance of a rancid and greasy taste and smell. With the development of microorganisms, mucus and molding of the product are noted, accompanied by the appearance of a putrid, sour or moldy smell and taste.

Fresh smoked meats should have a dry, clean surface, free of mold and slime. The consistency is dense, the muscle tissue is evenly colored, in baked and fried products it is gray, the bacon is white. The smell and taste are pleasant ham, without mustiness and sourness.

Smoked products of suspicious freshness have a moist and sticky surface, mold deposits, reduced elasticity, dark gray color of the surface layer, gray spots on the cut, in places with yellowish bacon, sour or musty smell.

The following signs are inherent in stale smoked meats: mold that has penetrated the muscle tissue, mucus in the places where the scapular and pelvic bones are excavated; soft, fluffy texture. Inside the product, greening of muscle tissue is observed at the injection sites and in areas adjacent to the bones. The smell is putrid, sour, the taste of fat is clearly rancid.

most specific smoked meat defects are: rabidity, non-smoked places, severe darkening of the surface, discoloration or greening of muscle tissue, etc.

Smoked products, on the surface of which salt (rapistosity) has appeared, can be sold after its removal.

Unsmoked places are formed due to the contact of products during smoking with each other.

Surface darkening muscle tissue not protected by fat occurs as a result of the concentration of pigments caused by the strong drying of the product or due to the formation of metmyoglobin with a high nitrite content.

Discoloration of smoked meats on the cut is due to the low content of nitrite in the finished product, the action of peroxides formed during the oxidation of fat, or the activity of certain types of aerobic bacteria.

greening muscle tissue in the thickness of the product is caused by the development of bacteria that form hydrogen sulfide peroxide.

Smoked meats must have the shape, weight, thickness of the bacon and the norm of table salt content established for each item by the current regulatory documents.

Storage conditions

The conditions and terms of storage of smoked meats depend on the method of their heat treatment.

Meat products intended for long-term storage are sent to distribution refrigerators. They are stored in refrigerators in containers stacked in stacks at a temperature of -7-9 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-90% for 4 months. In refrigerators and trade warehouses, smoked products can be stored at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for a month.

Smoked-boiled, boiled, baked and fried products are not sent for long-term storage. They come from meat processing enterprises directly to the distribution network.

Smoked products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal vehicles under conditions that ensure the preservation of product quality. It is not allowed to transport smoked products without packaging (in bulk), as well as in open cars.

Only fresh smoked products are allowed for sale and storage: normally smoked, boiled or baked. Smoked meats, lightly smoked and undercooked, as well as with unsmoked and undercooked parts, have not only low quality indicators, but also insufficient shelf life. At trade enterprises, smoked meats are stored in refrigerated chambers, separately from other products or together with meat products that require the same temperature and humidity conditions.

It is forbidden to store smoked meats with products of poor quality and emitting extraneous odors.

Boiled, smoked-boiled, smoked-baked, baked, fried products should be stored at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 8 °C at a relative humidity of 75-80%.

Raw smoked products store no more than 15 days. at a temperature of 12 °C and relative air humidity not higher than 75%, at a temperature of 0-4 °C - no more than a month. Raw smoked products, cut into slices, packaged and vacuum-packed in transparent gas-tight films, are stored for more than 7 days. at a temperature of 5-8 °C, 3 days. - at 15 °С. Smoked pork ribs, unlike other smoked products, are stored for no more than 5 days. at a temperature of 0-8 °C.

The shelf life of smoked meats depends on the storage conditions and the method of packaging (Table 19).

Table19. Shelf life of smoked meats of different subgroups and types depending on storage conditions and packaging method

Subgroup and type of smoked meats

Storage temperature, °С

Shelf life no more, days.

Meat cooked products:



ham in casing and for breakfast

boiled meat products, vacuum-packed, cuts

service, portion

Smoked and boiled products packed under vacuum, service

slicing, portion slicing

Raw smoked pork products

Smoked-baked products

Products from bacon:

salted bacon, home-style, Belarusian fat

salted bacon, smoked-baked

smoked Hungarian snack bar salted and smoked

frozen lard

Poultry products:

smoked chickens, smoked chicken products

baked chicken

Note. The expiration date of smoked meats of specific items is set by the manufacturer, and for packaged products - by the packer.

Table data analysis. 18 shows that the shortest shelf life is set for poultry meat (48-72 hours) and ham in the shell (72 hours), the longest - for frozen bacon (90 days).

Most smoked meats belong to the groups of especially perishable (smoked poultry products, ham) or perishable (other types, except for frozen bacon). Medium-stored products are represented by only one type - frozen bacon.

There are no long-term storage products in the smoked meat group.

Smoked meats are stored in refrigerators in a suspended form so that they do not touch each other, and smoked products are stored in upholstered boxes or other returnable containers permitted by the Ministry of Social Health of the Russian Federation. Smoked products made without skins, as well as baked and fried products wrapped in packaging materials, are placed on shelves or racks.

In case of violation of storage conditions in the store (elevated temperature and humidity, prolonged storage), smoked meats become covered with mucus and become moldy, the fat turns yellow and rancid. At low air humidity, large losses in product weight are noted. Better preservation of the quality of smoked meats (except baked and fried) can be achieved by lowering the storage temperature to 0 °C and below (from -4 to -3 °C).

Long-term storage of smoked meats (even smoked products) in unrefrigerated and refrigerated display cases, counters and at the seller’s workplace is not allowed, as the product undergoes microbiological deterioration, fat goes rancid and the fabric becomes discolored. These phenomena are accelerated at elevated temperatures, exposure to light and oxygen in the air.

With greater intensity, these factors affect the discoloration of pre-cut pieces of smoked meat intended for direct sale. In order to prevent discoloration and weathering of smoked meat slices, they should be cut shortly before sale and covered with polyethylene, cellophane or other gas-tight film.

It is also necessary to protect smoked meats packed under vacuum in films from the action of light. To do this, they should be put on the shelves or laid out on the trading floor on refrigerated counters in a small amount, but replenishing the display as products are sold from it.


Sausages have different storage stability, depending mainly on the quality of raw materials, the method of heat treatment and chemical composition.

Depending on raw material and processing method the following types of sausages are distinguished: boiled stuffed sausages, sausages, sausages, meat loaves, liver sausages, pates, brawns, blood sausages, jellies, semi-smoked and smoked (raw smoked and boiled-smoked).

The group of boiled sausages accounts for the largest share of the total output. Semi-smoked, boiled-smoked and raw-smoked sausages are produced somewhat less, but these products, unlike boiled ones, are used for long-term storage.

Storage changes

Sausage products, due to the specifics of their manufacture, are characterized by high microbial contamination both inside the product and on its surface. In this regard, microorganisms are the main cause of spoilage of sausages.

Their development is facilitated by the high humidity of the product and a favorable nutrient medium. Therefore, the higher the moisture content of sausages, and it varies widely (from 23.3 to 60%), the less stable they are during storage.

The stability of sausage products during storage, in addition, is influenced by the quality of raw materials and materials, methods and modes of mechanical and thermal processing, packaging, sanitary state of production, as well as storage conditions - location, temperature, relative humidity and other factors.

Raw materials used for the production of sausages always contain a significant amount of microorganisms. Therefore, the quality of raw materials must be subject to increased requirements, since the less benign the raw material, the greater its contamination. And it increases with further processing of raw materials (boning, trimming, grinding, salting, cutting, etc.). So, 1 g of raw sausage meat contains tens and hundreds of thousands of bacteria and their spores, the number of which is sharply reduced during heat treatment.

The category of especially perishable products subject to quick sale includes boiled sausages of lower grades, as well as brawn, liver and blood boiled sausages, jellies, which include vegetable products, offal, blood, broth, which also represent a good environment for the life of microorganisms and have relatively high seeding.

Products that are short-smoked after cooking are more resistant to microorganisms and have a longer shelf life than non-smoked sausages.

Smoking used in the production of semi-smoked, smoked-boiled and raw-smoked sausages gives the sausages an appropriate appearance and specific taste properties, and also increases their storage stability. Improving the durability of sausages is also achieved by drying. This reduces the moisture content of the product and increases the relative content of sodium chloride and smoke substances.

Therefore, raw smoked sausages are the most stable of all sausages in storage, as they are subjected to long-term smoking (3-4 days) and drying (from 15 to 30 days). Cooked-smoked sausages are somewhat less resistant, which are smoked before and after cooking for 3 days, and then dried for up to 7 days.

Semi-smoked sausages are less stable in storage, which after cooking are subjected to relatively short smoking (12-24 hours), and intended for shipment over long distances - and short-term drying (2-4 days).

In the process of long-term storage of sausages in refrigerators at temperatures from -7 to -9 ° C, as a rule, microbial spoilage is excluded; deterioration in the quality of sausages is associated with oxidative deterioration of fat, and for semi-smoked sausages - with their freezing. According to the author, the cryoscopic temperature of half-smoked sausages ranges from -4.8 to -8.3 °C. As a result of freezing sausages, their strong snowing occurs due to the moisture released from the product, the texture and taste deteriorate, and significant weight losses are noted. All these changes occur most intensively in sausages with an artificial casing.

Thus, low temperatures slow down the activity of microorganisms, however, temperatures below the freezing point of semi-smoked and boiled sausages should not be used for their storage, since freezing negatively affects their quality - minced meat becomes porous, dry and crumbly, taste and smell deteriorate.

The rate of microbiological spoilage is also affected by the relative humidity of the air. High humidity promotes the development of microorganisms, especially on the surface of sausages, and low humidity increases their mass loss. The optimum relative humidity at which these changes are insignificant is 75-80%.

The number of microflora increases the faster, the higher the storage temperature and relative humidity. Reducing the contamination of sausages with microorganisms in the conditions of trade can be achieved by using ultraviolet irradiation. However, these rays do not penetrate into the thickness of the product. A good effect can be achieved by using ozone, which is used for bactericidal treatment of the surface of sausages.

As noted, half-smoked, smoked-boiled and raw-smoked sausages are more stable in storage, however, at elevated temperatures, high relative humidity and prolonged storage, they undergo microbiological deterioration. On the surface of the sausages, mold develops, and when moistened, bacteria. In addition, when sausages are stored in a store, fat oxidation is possible, accompanied by yellowing, rancidity and salting, which is facilitated by increased storage temperature, atmospheric oxygen and light.

If the conditions for storing sausages in stores are not observed, the following may occur: types of damage to sausages.

souring characterized by the appearance of a sour smell mainly in boiled and liver sausages. It is caused by fermenting carbohydrates (introduced into minced meat in the form of flour and other vegetable additives), as well as lactic acid bacteria.

Rancidity due to the decomposition of sausage fat by microbes. The oxidation of fat hydrolysis products is accompanied by the formation of aldehydes and ketones. Sausages acquire a rancid taste, an unpleasant odor, and the fat turns yellow.

mold occurs during storage of sausages at high humidity. Molds develop on the casing of sausages, but with loose stuffing they can also appear inside the loaf. This type of spoilage is more susceptible to semi-smoked, smoked-boiled and raw smoked sausages. When dry mold appears on the casings, sausage products are allowed for sale after it is removed by wiping the surface with vegetable oil.

Yeast, some colorless and colored bacteria can grow on the casings of sausages, forming plaques of various colors.

Grey-green coloration minced meat appears as a result of the vital activity of certain types of bacteria that form hydrogen sulfide. When hydrogen sulfide combines with meat myoglobin, a green pigment is formed.

Sliming shells most often occurs when sausages are stored at high relative humidity and temperatures above 2 °C. This defect is caused by mucus-forming bacteria.

Sausages can be subject to several types of spoilage at the same time.

Storage conditions

Only smoked and semi-smoked sausages are delivered to distributive refrigerators for long-term storage. Sausages are stored in containers stacked in stacks. It is forbidden to store sausages with other products, with the exception of smoked meats.

Temperature and humidity conditions and expiration dates depend on the type of sausages. So, boiled sausages are stored at a temperature of 0-8 ° C and RHV - 80-85%; boiled-smoked, smoked and raw-smoked sausages - at temperature conditions: from -7 to -9 ° С; 0-4 °С; 12-15 °С and RHV 75-78%.

Cooked-smoked sausages packed under vacuum in a polymer film can be stored at a temperature of 15-18 ° C for no more than 6 days. and at 5-8 °C no more than 8 days. Raw-smoked and blood sausages are stored at manufacturing enterprises and in the distribution network at a temperature of 2-6 ° C in a suspended state or laid out in one or two rows. Freezing blood sausages is not allowed.

To prevent undesirable changes occurring in semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages, as well as raw-smoked Finnish sausages, it is recommended to store them at a temperature of -3 to 6 °C. But with this mode, there is a danger of microbiological spoilage caused by molds.

The shelf life of sausages under different storage conditions is given in table. 20.

Table 20Shelf life of sausages depending on storage conditions

Storage temperature, °С

Shelf life, no more

Cooked sausages:

boiled sausages and meat loaves of the highest grade

boiled sausages and meat loaves of the first and second grade, sausages and sausages

vacuum-packed boiled sausages:

for serving cutting

for portion cutting

boiled sausages in the shell "poviden"

vacuum packed sausages

including the manufacturer

Cooked-smoked sausages:

The same, packed under vacuum in a polymer film

Semi-smoked sausages:

Not higher than 12

The end of the table. 20

Subgroup and type of sausages

Storage temperature, °С

Shelf life, no more

The same, packed under vacuum in a polymer film when cutting:



semi-smoked sausages packed under vacuum in polymer-

film, whole loaves

Raw smoked sausages

Raw smoked sausages, packed under vacuum, slices

stuffed sausages

Liver sausages

Blood sausages:

boiled 1st and 2nd grades

boiled 3rd grade


Russian smoked premium

red premium, White and Dnepropetrovsk 1st grade

table and vegetable 2nd grade, assorted, tripe brawn, gray and tripe roll 3rd grade

new and red 3rd grade

Meat pates, packaged:

in vapor-tight shells

in the wombs and protein membranes

To preserve the quality of sausages and increase their shelf life, it is recommended to use ozonation. Ozonation of sausage products allows storage at a temperature of -3 to -6 °C, which eliminates mold, freezing, formation of ice crust and frost on the surface of the loaves.

The shelf life of sausage products without the occurrence of these defects in ozonized chambers is increased by 2 times compared to storage under normal conditions at the same temperature and humidity conditions.

Data on the shelf life during ozonation of sausages are given in table. 21.

Table 21 Shelf life of sausages during ozonation

Sausage products, on which, during an external examination during storage or before being released from the refrigerator, the presence of mold on the surface is found, they are subjected to commodity processing - wiping, cleaning, washing in salt water, followed by drying.

In the case of storage of sausages (semi-smoked and boiled-smoked) at a temperature of -7-9 ° C and in the presence of an ice crust or frost (snow) on the loaves, they are subjected to warming followed by drying. Warming is carried out at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C and a relative humidity of no higher than 90% for 2-3 days.

When sausage products are released from the refrigerator, their temperature in the thickness of the loaf must be above cryoscopic. The presence of ice crystals inside the loaves is not allowed. The surface of the loaves must be dry, without the presence of mold.

Sausages are stored in a suspended state or laid in one or two layers, and meat loaves, boiled sausages in a casing with a diameter of more than 80 mm - laid out in one row at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 8 °C.

Sausage products are transported to stores by specialized or conventional vehicles with closed bodies, as well as by horse-drawn vehicles. In the spring-summer period, refrigerated trucks with artificial cooling are used, providing a temperature in the body no higher than 8 ° C.

Transportation of boiled and other perishable sausages over distances of 200 km or more is carried out only by refrigerated vehicles. It is not allowed to transport sausages without packaging (in bulk), as well as in open cars.

In trade, only fresh sausages are accepted and stored, the quality of which meets the requirements of GOSTs. According to the degree of freshness, they are divided into fresh and stale. The good quality of sausage products is determined by their appearance, smell and taste, the type of minced meat on the cut and consistency.

Sausage products with defects that greatly impair the presentation of the product or affect its shelf life and nutritional value are not accepted into the distribution network. Since sausage products with defects (undercooked, contaminated, broken, bursting, with large slips and influxes of minced meat over the casing) have an increased contamination with microorganisms, therefore, even if the recommended storage conditions are observed in the store, these products are subject to microbial spoilage and can become a source of food poisoning.

Boiled sausages, brawns, liver and black puddings spoil quickly, so they should be stored in refrigerated rooms and sold on time.

Sausage products in stores should be stored in refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets or refrigerated counters at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 8 °C.

In the absence of refrigeration equipment, the stock of sausages at the seller's workplace should not exceed 2-3 hours of sale.

Boiled sausages packed under vacuum in polymer films must be stored at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 6 °C from the moment the technological process is completed. The expiration dates of sausages are set by the manufacturer, depending on the additives used, the method of packaging and the type of packaging. The range of shelf life of different boiled sausages is from 72 hours to 25 days.

For perishable and especially perishable sausages of traditional preparation, the implementation dates are given in Table. nineteen.

Before smoking, the fish is salted, but this is not enough to keep it fresh for a long time without creating special conditions. When stored with or without a refrigerator, and on long journeys, different temperatures and humidity levels are required.
When storing at home, the refrigerator is a universal solution. The task is only to not spoil other products with a fishy smell. In addition, you need to make sure that the smoked meat does not lose its taste when frozen. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules.

The reference point for the proper storage of smoked fish is fish processing plants with a staff of competent and competent employees. Such enterprises are looking for ways to preserve the quality indicators of products for as long as possible.

Nothing better than the use of refrigeration equipment has not been invented to date. Modern developments are carried out not so much in the technological direction, but in terms of finding the optimal temperature regimes and ventilation of the chambers.

  1. The optimal storage temperature for hot and cold smoked products is not the same. In the first case, this range is from -2 to +5 ºС, and in the second - from -5 to 0 ºС. The temperature around 0 ºС satisfies the storage conditions for both types of products.
  2. Humidity should be at 90%. With this indicator, the fish does not dry out and does not become moldy.
  3. Air circulation is necessary, which is provided both in the refrigerator compartment and directly in the container containing the product (except for vacuum packaging).
  4. The joint storage of smoked fish and other products exuding a strong aroma is excluded. Otherwise, it may lead to mixing of odors.

Rice. 1 - Storing smoked fish in the refrigerator

Proper storage of smoked fish is ensured by the constancy of the set parameters. To withstand them even in the event of a possible power outage, refrigerators are equipped with a backup power system.

Storage features

A natural place for storing any food in the home is the refrigerator. Before placing smoked products inside, remove all spoiled products, if any, and thoroughly wash the shelves. The storage method in the refrigerator can be selected from the following options:

  1. It is necessary to wrap the smoked product with foil or parchment wrapping paper to prevent the admixture of foreign odors, and place it on one of the shelves of the refrigerator.
  2. It is necessary to wrap the fish in a thin cloth soaked in a solution of salt in water (in proportions of 1 to 2), pack everything in thick paper and store it on the bottom shelf.
  3. The product must be wrapped in thick paper and placed in the freezer.

If the house is private, then it will be possible to do without a refrigerator. There are other places where you can store smoked meats: in the attic in cloth bags or in a box, sprinkled with sawdust or cereals. The last storage option is also suitable when going out into nature. Such a box can be taken with you on the road for traveling by car.

Rice. 2 - Packing of smoked fish

Fish are often transported by train. A strong smell can irritate fellow travelers. Therefore, in order to transport smoked meats without incident, it is better to wrap them in thick paper. Do not put them in a plastic bag. If the duration of the trip is short, there is every chance to bring the fish in good condition.

Another option for odorless transportation is vacuum packaging, which guarantees the safety of the product for two months. To save smoked fish in the heat will help a portable cooler bag. You can buy it at any store that sells refrigerators.

Hot smoked fish

For the finished product, according to generally accepted sanitary standards, a shelf life of three days is set, but the technical conditions allow for a longer time. It all depends on the capabilities of vehicles for transporting fish and refrigeration equipment, which must continuously maintain the optimum temperature within -2 ... +2 ºС.

When frozen to -30 ºС, the permitted shelf life increases to one month. It is necessary to defrost such fish gradually, maintaining the temperature at around 8 ºС.

Rice. 3 - Quick freezing food

It should be borne in mind that in a conventional freezer, the average temperature is about -18 ºС. So freezing smoked fish at home, if there is no “Quick Freeze” option, is not recommended.

cold smoked product

The shelf life is longer due to the low moisture content, high salinity and bactericidal properties of cold smoke. For example, herring and mackerel are stored for 45-60 days, if you maintain the recommended mode of -2 ... -5 ºС. Cold-smoked halibut is recommended to be stored for no more than 10 days. Other breeds of fish lie up to 75 days.

It is important to maintain clean air in the chambers and pay attention to the container - it should not have traces of mold, which is the main enemy of cold-smoked fish. Excessively long storage leads to fat oxidation, the taste of the product deteriorates, and the smell disappears.


Balyk is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Shelf life is up to 30 days. It can also be frozen.

Rice. 4 - Vacuum-packed smoked fish

Many people prefer to smoke products on their own. The storage conditions at the same time are no different from those for purchased fish, if the smoking technology was correctly observed.

Store-bought smoked fish can be kept at home. But the term depends on the condition in which it was acquired. All terms indicated in this material are correct if you purchased fresh fish. Whether to buy fish from your hands and what storage method to use is a matter of personal choice. Retailers can use a variety of methods to market their product. If there are doubts about freshness, it is better to refuse to buy in this place, otherwise no storage methods will help preserve smoked meat.

Shelf life table

Purchase special household vacuum food containers from the hardware store. For example, such as on the site
body-life en
Products in these containers are stored much longer.

Generally speaking, smoking as a food processing is used primarily to extend the shelf life of meat, fish, cheese, etc. But with modern production, the technology is violated, as a result of which smoked delicacies deteriorate faster than boiled sausage.

In addition, airtight storage of smoked meats will prevent the transfer of their specific pungent odor to other products stored in the refrigerator.


Smoked meat delicacies are not suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator. Their taste and freshness cannot remain unchanged for a long time - a period of three to five days.

So it is advisable to buy any smoked meats exactly the amount that corresponds to the number of eaters in your house, multiplied by their appetite - and nothing more ...)))

Today it is customary to pack all meat delicacies in a store in plastic bags or in cling film. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to draw your attention to how you should never store smoked meat products.

As soon as you come home, immediately remove all these packages - they are not for storage, but only for ease of transportation from the trading floor to the house.

Smoked meats suffocate and spoil very quickly:

In plastic containers;
in culinary films;
in plastic bags;
and in foil.

Smoked meat is best preserved when wrapped in parchment. It may dry out a little, but it will not deteriorate - that's for sure.

To store food, I buy Polish-made parchment paper, which is sold in Moscow in any store. Look at this page: www hoztorg ru

And I'll add more. If you bought too many smoked meat products and suddenly realized that you won’t be able to use everything in a few days, feel free to pack them in a plastic container and send them to the freezer for long-term storage ...)


I store smoked meat in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil or cling film.

In film and foil, meat is stored longer than in a plastic bag, but still, it should be checked every 2-3 days if the meat has become slippery. Just change the package.
It is stored well in ceramic dishes, also covered with cling film. But it is still necessary to check: fat appears on the surface, and especially under the piece of meat itself. An unpleasant sour taste may appear.

It is still not possible to store smoked meat in the refrigerator for a long time. Scrape off the fat that has come out on the surface with a knife, wipe the piece with a napkin until it is no longer slippery and change the packaging more often.


In order for smoked meat to stay fresh longer and not to weather, try storing it not in polyethylene (it "suffocates" rather quickly, but in food paper or cotton fabric.

The fabric can be lightly moistened with vegetable oil. Both paper and fabric should be changed every 3 days.

In general, as the joke says, half of food poisoning begins with the words: "What will he have in the refrigerator!"

How to store smoked meat in the refrigerator?

To keep the meat fresh for as long as possible, wipe it with sunflower oil and wrap it in food paper that is used for baking. My sister also puts it in the freezer and it’s also pretty good, but I like the first method more

If you happened to buy a lot of smoked meat at a profit or cooked it yourself in a home smokehouse, you are faced with the problem of storing it. Of course, its content should imply savings in freshness, as well as aromatic and taste properties. We will tell you how to store smoked meat at home in this article.

If you have a home smokehouse, then when cooking meat in it, cook the product in significant volumes that cannot be eaten at a time. Otherwise it is inappropriate to do so. But in this case, you face the problem of how to store smoked meat at home. The terms and conditions of the content of this product depend on its type.

There are as many types of meat products as there are animals, but in everyday life we ​​most often use:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • a rabbit;
  • nutria;
  • poultry:
  • hen,
  • goose and duck.

Meat products also include offal: liver, heart, tongue and others. How to properly store smoked meat at home depends on its type and method of smoking. There are three options:

  • hot processing;
  • cold processing;
  • semi-hot treatment.

The longest possible storage is a smoked ham or other product after cold processing. For hot smoked products, shorter periods are allowed, since they contain a large amount of liquid, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Storing smoked meat in the refrigerator

You can store food in the refrigerator at various temperatures, on which the timing depends. According to existing technologies, it is customary to distinguish three short content regulations without deep heat treatment:

  • at a temperature regime of +5 to +7 degrees C, you can keep the freshness of meat products up to 12 hours;
  • at temperatures from 0 to +5 degrees C - during the day;
  • in the mode from -3 to 0 degrees C - within 2 days.

Read also:

The whole truth about smoked chicken - good or bad?

So you can store smoked meat in the refrigerator, offal is stored for a few hours less.

Storing smoked meat in the freezer

  • at temperatures from -10 to -8, storage is provided for up to 4 months;
  • at a temperature regime in the chamber from -18 degrees C to -10 degrees C, it is possible to ensure the freshness of a smoked product for up to 8 months;
  • if you store food in the freezer at a temperature of -24 degrees C to -18 degrees C, then they can be kept up to 1 year.

Such long periods for storing frozen smoked meats are more relevant for production, but these parameters will also help you in everyday life if you decide to smoke large volumes and you need to store them for a long time. But in this case, the question of whether it is possible to freeze smoked pork ham is as relevant as the questions of proper defrosting. The product must be kept at a temperature of about +12 degrees C until it thaws completely.

Important! Freeze a smoked ham or other type of smoked meat immediately at low temperatures. That is, the freezer must be turned on for at least 2 hours in order for the proper storage mode to form in it. The product is best placed in vacuum packaging.

Refrigerators are relatively new, but they used to smoke brisket, hams, bird wings and other delicacies. Our ancestors used the following methods:

  • storage in tissue. The natural fabric was impregnated with saline, wrapped around the product and placed in a cool place where there are no temperature changes, for example, in the underground of a house.
  • In the attic. Smoked meats will be perfectly preserved in a ventilated attic room, if hung in a rag bag.
  • In nettle leaves. If you are relaxing in nature, where there is not only a refrigerator, but also at home, cover the meat with nettle leaves. Keep the bundle in the shade. This will keep it fresh for several days.

Read also:

How to smoke pig ears

If you have interesting information on how to store smoked brisket or other smoked meats, share your experience in the comment block.

Purchase special household vacuum food containers from the hardware store. For example, such as on the site
body-life en
Products in these containers are stored much longer.

Generally speaking, smoking as a food processing is used primarily to extend the shelf life of meat, fish, cheese, etc. But with modern production, the technology is violated, as a result of which smoked delicacies deteriorate faster than boiled sausage.

In addition, airtight storage of smoked meats will prevent the transfer of their specific pungent odor to other products stored in the refrigerator.


Smoked meat delicacies are not suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator. Their taste and freshness cannot remain unchanged for a long time - a period of three to five days.

So it is advisable to buy any smoked meats exactly the amount that corresponds to the number of eaters in your house, multiplied by their appetite - and nothing more ...)))

Today it is customary to pack all meat delicacies in a store in plastic bags or in cling film. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to draw your attention to how you should never store smoked meat products.

As soon as you come home, immediately remove all these packages - they are not for storage, but only for ease of transportation from the trading floor to the house.

Smoked meats suffocate and spoil very quickly:

In plastic containers;
in culinary films;
in plastic bags;
and in foil.

Smoked meat is best preserved when wrapped in parchment. It may dry out a little, but it will not deteriorate - that's for sure.

To store food, I buy Polish-made parchment paper, which is sold in Moscow in any store. Look at this page: www hoztorg ru

And I'll add more. If you bought too many smoked meat products and suddenly realized that you won’t be able to use everything in a few days, feel free to pack them in a plastic container and send them to the freezer for long-term storage ...)


I store smoked meat in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil or cling film.

In film and foil, meat is stored longer than in a plastic bag, but still, it should be checked every 2-3 days if the meat has become slippery. Just change the package.
It is stored well in ceramic dishes, also covered with cling film. But it is still necessary to check: fat appears on the surface, and especially under the piece of meat itself. An unpleasant sour taste may appear.

It is still not possible to store smoked meat in the refrigerator for a long time. Scrape off the fat that has come out on the surface with a knife, wipe the piece with a napkin until it is no longer slippery and change the packaging more often.


In order for smoked meat to stay fresh longer and not to weather, try storing it not in polyethylene (it "suffocates" rather quickly, but in food paper or cotton fabric.

The fabric can be lightly moistened with vegetable oil. Both paper and fabric should be changed every 3 days.

In general, as the joke says, half of food poisoning begins with the words: "What will he have in the refrigerator!"

How to store smoked meat in the refrigerator?

To keep the meat fresh for as long as possible, wipe it with sunflower oil and wrap it in food paper that is used for baking. My sister also puts it in the freezer and it’s also pretty good, but I like the first method more

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