Home brakes Why is it hard to find a job after 40? How to find a job you love. way. Work as a private consultant

Why is it hard to find a job after 40? How to find a job you love. way. Work as a private consultant

By law, an employer must not select a new employee based on age, gender, or marital status. But in practice, many Petersburgers face age discrimination. Unofficially, applicants are told that they are old and can only be watchmen, watchmen or cleaners. Some companies in the northern capital do not want to hire even thirty-year-olds.

In watchmen or scrubbers

Elena Kamalova, a resident of St. Petersburg, has not been able to find a job for six months. The reason is that she is 56 years old.

I worked as a technical expert in an insurance company, I had an excellent account. I was lured to another company, where they cheated me with my salary. I left, naively believing that with my qualifications and experience, I would easily find a job. But it turned out that no one needs a pensioner. Seeing the work experience, they said “you are perfect for us”, “consider - already in the state”, and having learned my age, they refused. Somewhere they directly explained that they do not hire people over 45-50 years old. Somewhere they offered a “lightened” type of work - as a janitor or scrubber. It feels like I'm a second-class person now. Should I go steal or just hang myself?

Elena is in a difficult position. Her pension is only 6 thousand rubles. She got a job several times. But the salary turned out to be "black" and low.

Why am I unable to work? - the "young" pensioner is indignant. - I’m not a grandmother, I’m energetic, ambitious, I didn’t become stupid “in my old age”, I didn’t fall into “marasmus”. I own a computer, databases, I want and love to work. It seems that employers only want young, beautiful and unmarried people. I am not Baba Yaga either, the children have already grown up and I do my work faster and better than many. But after half a year of ordeals in the labor market, I realized that age is everything. Alas, not in my favor.

Some companies in the northern capital do not want to hire even thirty-year-olds. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Forever Young

On large Internet sites that offer jobs, there are no ill-fated restrictions: "sex, age, nationality or registration." But smaller resources do not comply with the law. Here are a few examples from the websites of St. Petersburg and the region: “A payroll accountant is required from 25 to 35 years old”, “Restaurant is looking for a cook - only for women under 40 years old”, “Atelier offers work for a photographer up to 29 years old”, a pharmacy “requires pharmacist/pharmacist - woman 20-50 years old", "confectioner - man under 40 years old".

Requests for personal assistants are stricter: “A young woman from 23 to 32 years old, model appearance, without a family and ready for non-standard work, knowledge of three languages, a computer, the basics of psychology is required.” It's even harder to be a secretary these days. Often the age restrictions in this profession are very strict - from 17 to 28-35 years. It turns out that after 35 all secretaries should receive a new education and other work. It seems that everyone needs eternally young workers. And, unfortunately, discrimination, both gender and age, is firmly planted in the heads of the bosses. At the same time, the specialists of the Employment Center assure that they have not heard of proven facts of discrimination in employment. They advise you to contact them for help. Like, they will pick up an excellent job, positively set up and even help with advanced training, if necessary. True, Elena Kamalova was not very happy with the Center's options. “It seemed to me that their task was not to suit me, but to put a tick. Recently they sent a vacancy: "Women are required in warehouses." What it is? Options for other agencies are network marketing and making money online. A scam, not a job."

Europeans get paid more

By the way, young Petersburgers often also have to deal with the bias of the authorities, due to their age, and even nationality.

Aleksey Gusarov (surname changed at the request of the hero) works as a cook in a prestigious restaurant. Almost every day for 12 hours on my feet. Earns 25 thousand rubles.

The salary of a invited chef from Europe is 150 thousand rubles. We have the same experience and skills, - says Alexey. - He admits it himself and wonders why I get paid so little. But the management believes that once from Europe, it means a master, and a Russian will manage. Many of my friends leave the profession because of this. They are being replaced by migrants. They are paid even less - 20 or even 15 thousand rubles. This is unfair and very embarrassing. To all my complaints, the bosses say: "Fire." And it's like that everywhere...

12 Photo: AiF / Tatyana Shvetsova

Humiliated since childhood

Tatyana Gerasimova, sociologist:

I have been researching the problem of discrimination against women on the basis of age since 1982. And I can say with confidence that the infringement of the rights of women after 40 years of age when applying for a job was both in Soviet times and now. When sexual attractiveness is at the forefront, and not professional qualities. The exception was a short period of the late 90s and early 2000s, when business began to develop actively in Russia and businessmen relied on experience, intelligence and talent. It was in those years that there was a great demand for the labor force of women. By the way, successful companies still operate according to this principle, but there are only a few of them.

Of course, from the point of view of various state committees, we have no discrimination - there are vacancies even for pensioners. However, they are offered jobs that are so inadequate to their professional level, so low-skilled and poorly paid work, that such offers can only be called humiliation.

An aged woman is perceived as a person ready for anything, and is put on the same level as guest workers. From the point of view of a Westerner, the advanced age of a woman is a certain result of life. She has already earned her social status, is able to provide an appropriate level of health, comfort and may not depend on relatives.

Russian women, on the other hand, from a young age are in a situation of constant infringement of human dignity, which reaches its climax by retirement. And women with a high level of education and intellectual development are doomed to a miserable existence with their meager pensions. I will tell you this from my own experience, as a worker in science with a pension of 7,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the city with the largest number of educated and culturally advanced people, this problem is particularly acute. Yes, in the West there is also some restriction of women's rights, but in our country they are offended - both in feelings and in terms of professional realization.

However, I want to note that in Russia there is the strongest labor discrimination in relation to older men. And a retired person is simply left out of social life.

"A woman of age is perceived as a person ready for anything, and is put on the same level as guest workers." Photo: Photo by Alexey Gusev

Will there be no respect for years?

Vladimir Kurenkov, Deputy Director of one of the recruiting firms in St. Petersburg:

It is very difficult to prove discrimination as a reason for refusing employment. We need evidence and iron facts. You can refuse an elderly or “green” applicant under various pretexts. No one will give a certificate: “We won’t take it, since you are old, probably often get sick and don’t think well.” The standard answer is: "Sorry, you are not suitable for us", "Unfortunately, the place is already taken." And the most popular - "We will call you back." Some companies conclude labor contracts for 3 months, half a year. Retirement age has come, the contract is not renewed. Everything is legal. Naturally, most employers are not enthusiastic about the pre-retirement team. Today, many jobs involve quick wits, physical activity and knowledge of new technologies. This is a harsh business and no one will take someone out of respect for years.

Be persistent

Olga Chernaus, head of one of the departments of vocational training, career guidance and psychological support of the St. Petersburg Employment Agency:

We have not received any official complaints about discrimination in employment, but there are difficulties in finding work for both young people and the elderly. The employment service pays special attention to these categories. Job fairs, seminars are held, individual work with applicants is carried out. If a person is faced with the fact of an unlawful refusal of the employer and can confirm this, it is necessary to go to court. Alas, there are times when an employer, refusing because of age, names another completely legitimate reason. But citizens who apply to the employment service are more protected - we give them a referral to a vacancy, and in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to explain the reason. If your level of experience and qualifications is adequate to the position for which you applied but did not get, it is much easier to defend your interests in court with an official refusal document. It is important and adequate to assess your qualifications and experience, as well as to write a resume correctly. Don't expect instant success. The first, second and even tenth interview may be unsuccessful, but with activity, perseverance and the right approach to finding a job, the chances are greatly increased. Finally, you need to assess the current situation in the labor market. Perhaps this will make it possible to reconsider inflated career and salary expectations, to make a decision on advanced training or obtaining an additional specialty.

In July 2013, President Putin signed a law that prohibits employers from listing gender, race, age, place of residence, marital status, and other restrictions unrelated to the worker's business qualities in ads. Violators face fines. For citizens - from 500 to 1000 rubles, for officials - from 3000 to 5000 rubles, for legal entities - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. However, some professions by law imply age and gender restrictions. For example, women are prohibited from working as subway drivers, bombers, divers - a total of 456 types of work in 39 areas.

After the age of 40, a woman can be left without a job for various reasons. This circumstance causes fear in her, because there is an opinion that in adulthood they are reluctant to hire. This is far from the case, because it is important to know what and where to look for, as well as how to correctly present your advantages to the employer over younger specialists.

Finding a job after 40 for a woman: hard or real?

A woman can find herself out of work for many reasons, but at a younger age it becomes an incentive to look for something better, and after 40 years it seems that it is almost impossible to find a job, because it is impossible to compete with young, energetic, purposeful people. But this is an erroneous judgment - many employers are looking for experienced employees.

To find a job, identify your strengths and take action.

An analysis of vacancies with age indication showed that up to 15% of companies want to see a woman over 40 years old in a position.

Where can a woman work after 40 years?

There is no and cannot be an unequivocal answer to this question, therefore it is impossible to get specific recommendations regarding the choice of a position. To select interesting job offers, you need to correctly compose a resume, in which it is desirable to indicate:

  • Education. Here it is important not only the main diploma, but also various courses, second education and so on. This will not only expand the possibilities of choice, but also increase the cost of the applicant in the labor market.
  • Experience. Not only seniority is important for an employer, but also the functions performed, possible professional connections, achievements, and so on.
  • Computer literacy. If for young people this is something taken for granted, then at an older age, HR managers pay attention to this circumstance. Of particular importance is the availability of skills in specialized software, for example, 1C Accounting, graphic editors, programs for drawing drawings.
  • Foreign language skills. This is a big plus for many vacancies, especially for companies with foreign investment or those with export activities.

If a woman needs a special work schedule, it is better to mention this in advance. As for the level of wages, one should not underestimate oneself, but it is almost impossible to go beyond what the labor market offers. Writing a quality resume increases the likelihood of finding a good job.

Where to find a job for a woman in her 40s

Problems with employment in women after 40 are largely a psychological barrier, self-doubt, their own strengths. This is especially felt if the applicant has worked in one place for a long time. Fear of change is natural, but it is worth forgetting about it in order to soberly assess the options.

When looking for a job, it is not always necessary to look for a replacement for the activity that was previously. Considering various, perhaps not quite familiar options, increases the likelihood of finding an interesting job.

Jobs can be found on specialized sites, in recruiting agencies, among the competitors of the former employer.

Jobs can be found in the following areas:

  • Companies that want to have an experienced employee with relevant knowledge or experience in the position. They can be found on the Internet at specialized recruiting sites or among large enterprises. If your professional qualities and experience allow, you can safely send them a resume, even if there are no open vacancies.
  • Executive managers. Often, for the position of managers, department heads, employers are looking for people with experience in the professional field, as well as in building teams. Not every young candidate has the ability to organize people, so the chances of a woman over 40 to get such a job are quite high.
  • The sphere of education. Extensive practical experience, which theorists lack, will help them find work in specialized universities, as well as allow them to become a tutor, complete term papers and theses.
  • For punctual, conscientious women who know how to plan, you can consider the vacancies of assistant managers, office managers. After all, not everyone is ready to see a young but inexperienced secretary in the waiting room.

How to find a job for a woman after 40

Perhaps it was not possible to quickly find a job in the desired position, but this is not a reason to fold our hands. To find a job, we recommend using the following algorithm:

  • Decide what exactly you want to do. It can be the same activity that you have been doing for the last 10-15 years, or a hobby that allows you to enjoy work.
  • List of requirements, salary level. To understand what an employer wants to see from an employee today, what knowledge, skills he should have and how much they pay for it, you should study the market. Employment sites will help you make the necessary selection.
  • If you see that you do not have enough knowledge to get the job you want, this is not a reason to be upset. The way out is to attend courses, seminars, and other short-term educational programs.

Don't take a passive stance. Having posted your resume on the site, you should not expect that job offers will begin to arrive en masse the next day. To speed up the process and increase its effectiveness, view fresh vacancies daily, send resumes - this is a more effective method of finding a job.

What else is important for a woman when looking for a job

Don't forget about your health and appearance. 40 years is not an age for a woman, not a reason to forget to take care of herself. Do not forget, they are met by clothes, so it is important to have a neat, well-groomed appearance when going to an interview.

A healthy complexion, energy, well-being will show that a woman is full of energy and health to master the proposed amount of work. Therefore, regularly visit preventive examinations with doctors.

Hobbies as a way to find a job for a woman after 40 years

Many women were able to turn their hobby into earnings. If the applicant has such a hobby, then you should think about starting a business. For example, a passion for growing indoor plants, deep knowledge of caring for them, allows you to open a flower shop or provide services for the care or landscaping of premises.

A hobby can become a business option for women over 40.

It is important not to be afraid to change your life, take risks, do what you love, from which you will receive not only pleasure, but also money. If necessary, it is better to contact consultants.

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I'll start in the style of Alcoholics Anonymous: I'm 42 now and have been an accountant for 19 years. It was not my dream profession, but at that time I didn’t really have to choose, and a stable job and a good salary don’t lie on the road. As the years went by, dissatisfaction grew. One day, the moment came when I realized: you can’t continue to live like this, you need to look for something new.

Why did I decide to change my profession after 40?

Until that time, I didn’t even really think about my purpose. First there was an institute, then attempts to get at least somewhere, then marriage and my first permanent job. It seemed that there was a lot of time ahead, and I would have time to decide what I really want to devote myself to. And then, as is usually the case with many women, she went on maternity leave, after a while the second time. All thoughts about myself somehow faded into the background, because it was necessary to raise children.

At the age of 31, I got a job in a large holding, where I worked as a chief accountant for almost 11 years.

Basically a good job. And the team is wonderful. But the feeling of own unfulfillment intensified every year.

I always hated these figures, and the phrase “cash discipline” gave me scabies. And even financial stability and the respect of colleagues could not compensate for this.

I was suffocated by the enormous responsibility entrusted to me, although I did not launch ships into space. However, I wanted something more free and creative, or something. Dreams were to be realized in a completely different area, far from endless reporting and documentation, which cast green melancholy on me.

And since the children had already grown up, a certain calmness reigned in life, I decided to correct this and began to look for adventures on my own “madame sitting”. Resigned from work. Fortunately, in this case there was a stash under the mattress. I set out to find my purpose.

First of all, I went to the career guidance center, where, after a two-hour test, they announced to me the suitable professions for me as a sales manager, dog handler, director and logistician. Nice spread, right? What a versatile person I am!

I must admit, the pictures seemed to me the most rosy (well, gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib - you yourself understand). But, as soon as I began to surf the labor market in search of possible vacancies, all illusions about my brilliant future in a new field crumbled in an instant. And the point “requirements for applicants” became the main stumbling block.

How to find a good job when you are over 40?

After watching it, my self-esteem plummeted. Everywhere you look - everyone is looking for 25-year-olds with a specialized higher education and eight years of work experience in a similar position, not burdened by family ties. However, I'm not sure that such people even exist. But I have something to these requirements - as to the equator on horseback.

After 35, even experienced specialists are very reluctant to take. What can we say about me, who has neither experience nor relevant education. And to get errands in the area of ​​interest, in order to advance in the future, I am beyond my strength, and not by age.

I must admit that at first I was very upset when I realized the real state of things in the Russian labor market. Indeed, if they tried to refuse in Europe because of the age limit, they would immediately sue. Yes, and the retraining system we have is not very sensible. Courses, of course, a lot, and quite expensive. But how to distinguish something really worthwhile from props, when she herself is not in the tooth in this area at all?

The decision came quite by accident, and not at all from the side with which I expected. But more about that a little later, but for now I’ll tell you what other difficulties I encountered, and what you should think about before deciding to radically change your profession.

What job should you not look for after 40?

  1. Do not chop everything from the shoulder, take a time out . Sometimes I feel sick not from the chosen profession, but from work in principle. Well, you are tired! So the best option would be a vacation, and you can have a good rest and think things over soberly. Maybe after two weeks of lying on the beach, you will want to skip to work and you will no longer have any desire to change anything.
  2. If, nevertheless, thoughts of change do not leave you, think about it. Maybe you are not satisfied not with the type of activity, but with your team or wages? Do not engage in self-deception, otherwise you will simply change the awl for soap. Who knows, what if it's best to change companies, not profession?
  3. Decide what you want to do , and learn about all the pitfalls. Otherwise, difficulties can discourage any desire to continue doing something. At this age, defeat is much harder to experience, I know from myself.
  4. Look for some educational courses in this profession , they will help you get the basic skills. In addition, as far as I remember, many employers really appreciate certificates of completion of such courses, as they provide knowledge that is really necessary for work.
  5. It's great if the chosen area is adjacent to your previous activity. . So you will learn a new job much faster, and your experience will become an advantage over young people.
  6. Be prepared for the fact that retraining will take a lot of time and money, so take care of the financial cushion in advance. Also, an important factor will be whether your loved ones are ready to support you, since changing a profession is a very difficult step, and you may need help.

How I changed my profession at 40

As I said, the decision came quite spontaneously and unexpectedly. I made my favorite “ministerial” poppy seed cake (I love baking, to be honest) and called my friend over for tea to chat and complain about how lousy employers are and how hard it is to get a job at 42.

In a leisurely conversation over goodies, it turned out that my guest's daughter would have a wedding in a week. So she asked me to bake a birthday cake, as they both simply adore my flour “masterpieces”.

Of course, I happily agreed! It was very exciting. I took out a notebook with the most proven recipes from the bins. I have been surfing the Internet for a long time. And on the eve of the celebration, I created something three-tiered, sprinkled with fragrant glaze and decorated with my signature candied flowers. I was shocked myself, to be honest.

At the wedding, all the guests were in awe of the cake. But what was my surprise when, within a week, 3 people called me asking me to bake something similar to order! So my love of sweets turned into a source of income.

My husband supported me a lot in my endeavors, for which I am immensely grateful to him.

True, after a couple of months I felt that my skills were still not enough, and therefore I signed up for special confectionery courses. So now I can make chiffon sponge cake, mascarpone cream, and even make my own fondant figurines.

Now I have an appointment for a month ahead. I finally feel like I'm just enjoying what I'm doing. Income, however, is still slightly less than at the previous job. But money can't buy happiness!

If you start looking for a job after forty years, remember - it is very difficult. I don’t want to scare you, but, indeed, women after forty with no experience are taken extremely rarely, they are treated negatively, and at the interview they can even troll and offend. I'm not saying it's good, but you have to be prepared for it.

I will tell you what needs to be done to overcome this situation, because I have already helped more than 170 women in similar cases.

Where to go to work


The easiest way to get into sales. Not everyone and not everyone can sell, but this is the easiest way to enter any company. Maybe you don't like sales. But maybe it makes sense to overcome yourself in order to go through them inside the organization. And then move in the direction you are interested in, getting acquainted with other departments and the specifics of their work.

Or you can stay in sales: many are addicted, they begin to like this profession, because it is “close” money, a tangible result. Also, "salesmen" are allowed more if they bring money. They can afford a looser schedule at a certain level of transactions.

Turn a hobby into a business

Remember all your “home” skills that may not be valuable to you, because you have been doing this all your life. For example, you bake pies perfectly, sew beautiful dresses, make designer jewelry, or something else. For many women, such hobbies become a profession.

I know more than one or two examples, and I myself helped women to start a small business, which, most often, turns out to be very profitable. For example, private kindergartens in the area, dog walking services, playrooms.

The main thing here is not to get involved with the food industry, because it comes with SES checks and everything is very difficult. This cannot be done at home, and then large investments are required. I also advise you not to start alone, but to find like-minded people. For example, you can throw an idea on, and there will definitely be those who also think and want to do a similar business. It's a pretty successful story.

Moreover, if suddenly something doesn’t work out for you, you can present it as work experience and then get a job in a similar service, but on a larger scale.

Educational projects

Now the segment of educational projects, private excursions and tutoring is growing. It is important to understand that now it is difficult to do it yourself in private, because services also “eat” this site. But if your level matches, then you should join one of them.

Most likely, since you have been at home for so long, you are good at doing everything related to children. Now there are many online and offline educational projects that require people. Of course, there is little money, but it is in demand. It makes sense to consider such projects, and not to look for vacancies on recruiting resources, but simply write to employers directly.

It is important to write to everyone. Not only to those who liked it, but to a huge number - someone will answer and call you. The main thing is to correctly formulate your competitive advantages, why you can be useful to them without pedagogical experience. Since this is a “new” education, which suggests that the old teaching experience is not very useful, then you need to say that you are not just good at getting along with children, but you have secrets and technologies.


If you want to be hired, then you need to understand that at the age of forty, without work experience, they are unlikely to be hired. Remember, you will compete with twenty-year-olds, this is, in general, not very easy, because psychologically it is easier for an HR to take on a young one. Therefore, you must have some kind of undeniable competitive advantage. You must first go to study in the chosen direction, where you can still get.

How to prepare for an interview

Update your knowledge

If you come to an interview after forty with no work experience, obviously, you will be very strongly tested for knowledge, skills and ability to "enter" the company.

Update all your knowledge in the specialty for which you are applying. Even if you are going into sales from scratch, take a few free online sales courses in order to avoid coming to a “zero” interview, as you will definitely be asked about it.

Formulate competitive advantages

It is imperative to prepare for the question of how you are better than twenty-year-olds who have just graduated from college. Tell us that your children have grown up, that you have a strong financial motivation, that you know people well, understand them, and, in fact, you won’t go on maternity leave anymore. And yet you don’t immediately jump to another job, that is, you are more stable.

"lose" cases

Get ready for the fact that you will be given cases, different situations about how you will take root in a work team. It is believed that people who have been only in their own space for a long time: home, close friends are less adaptable to joining a team. Therefore, you need to prepare: play with friends, with your husband, with girlfriends a bunch of scenes, different cases, difficult situations in the team. Look for them on the Internet, there are a lot of such tasks, and just learn and play them.

Hello Yana.

I have a question that I can’t deal with in any way, and the answers / advice of relatives do not suit me. It seems that we are sitting with them in the same opaque bank, and they, like me, do not see the future.

The thing is, I can't find a job. I am 40 years old, within the framework of my qualification I have a diverse experience, but it is in pieces - 3-4 years in different, unrelated areas. That is, I am not specialized in any one demanded area, but everywhere I picked up a little. I came to a new place, quickly mastered something, because I was on "you" with a computer, because I can count, I think very vividly and I can present information in a digestible form.

For several months now, having been unemployed (more than six months), I have been torn between finding/waiting for a good job (the best option, let's say), and going "at least where at least by anyone". In the current circumstances, no matter where anyone is, this is below the subsistence level, and for good vacancies I have never been invited for an interview. My will is getting weaker, my self-esteem is dragging along the plinth, there is no enthusiasm and imagination left - to whom should I apply them? and I'm scared. What if I can't find anything at all? They do not take me to low-paid jobs - they are afraid that with an impressive work experience, I will not be satisfied and will quickly run away. In addition, at this age, no one understands that I am better trained than students. For good vacancies, I always lack something, namely, concentrated experience (and it is difficult to imagine it in a resume, there are obviously different areas).

Time goes by, and to all the factors of refusal on my primary resume, the fact that I have more and more gap between today and my last job is added. And recruiters are already asking questions - what have you been doing for almost a year?

I don't even know what my question is. What to do next? wait or give up on "at least some"? (the question of the lack of funds for survival is not worth it, I just want self-realization and demand, but for an adequate market value. And the question is not the job market, which is now difficult, and no one really knows what he wants and what is happening, but the question is in my mood and self-esteem - to get together and endure or am I a creature?)


You write that you do not feel acute need - this is good. If there is no means of survival, then my strategy is always to first find a job that will provide a living wage, and then look for something better. The main thing at first is to sleep peacefully, knowing that tomorrow you won’t be thrown out into the street and you won’t die of hunger. And there you can already think about improvements.

On the one hand, when you work in a difficult and poorly paid job, it is difficult to look for something better at the same time. And it's good if there is no such need. On the other hand, there is a paradox: often people who have the conditions to look for a job calmly look for it less effectively. For the simple reason that they relax and no one and nothing pushes them.

Experience shows that in your situation you need to look for a job in a certain way: you need to start looking for a job, like a job (yes, it sounds ridiculous), i.e. get up every day, and the very first thing to devote many hours to this business! Because that's the only way to find it.

Naturally, if you approach things like this, the most obvious options will all be exhausted in the first couple of days. You will search known servers with announcements. look there, write here. Well, write to everyone, including those who are not very suitable. And then what? This is where fantasy comes in if you promised yourself every day not to leave the business until you devote a couple of hours to a desperate job search! Here a person begins to show soldier's ingenuity6 where else to offer himself? where could I fit in? How to get there? Who should write? What to charge? How better to formulate? Here such things begin, when you read the website of the company you like for an hour, write a personal letter to them for an hour, finding the name of the boss, or something else. But in the end, a resume compiled with love and brains goes somewhere else. such resumes often collect reactions - more often than others. And you should continue to sit and think about how you could improve your situation. Why are you denied? Where were you not given a chance? Where could you formulate everything differently so that they would listen to you, and still give you a chance?

I don't know who you want to work and who you are by profession - it's not clear from the letter. But if you're looking for a job that you don't have the experience for - how about asking one step down? To prove yourself there, gain experience, and then get a chance to rise, if you really prove that you learn and get used to new places so quickly?
Also, you could afford to work on trial for free - a little. For example, offer someone who doesn't hire you due to lack of experience for two weeks. You are like working for free and show how quickly you get used to everything and learn everything! Maybe if you think every day about how to find a job, you will come up with some other options that you could offer to a potential employer so that he still gives you a chance.

I really liked the story of a friend who was looking for investors when her business went bankrupt (and she owed everyone $2 million, in Moscow!). She went and asked everyone for money, but they all refused her. And she asked everyone to meet again and again, and figured out what to say to them, and begged and persuaded. And all the time she asked and tried, until their firm "no" turned into at least some kind of "semi-yes". Well, not for the entire amount of "yes" - so at least for a piece. At least a little. Well, with other terms. with a compromise, with some other additional condition or promise. But not no. Twisted something out of everyone, and saved the firm... over time.

This is how you should sit every day and think about how to get "half-yes" from someone. And the probability is very high that you will get it!
Here, readers often wrote in my comments that everything went uphill for them, precisely when they began to approach the matter like this. They realized that no one would give them anything or offer them anything, and nothing would crawl to them by itself. And more than that! Nothing will happen if they sluggishly make one gesture every couple of days! This is not an easy situation. and this is not enough! here you have to rush to the embrasure and spin! Then something will wrap around you.

Absolutely everyone who has tried, at first, describes a feeling of despair: you are spinning, but nothing comes out. But everyone also describes the moment that after some time (when you already want to score on everything for a long time) suddenly all this spinning pays off, and the movement begins! this always happens, if, for some long time (at least a couple of months), you are very actively spinning and thinking about how to move the issue forward.

In general - I propose to try to approach the matter with such an intention. (You've probably read and heard that intention can move mountains!
And somewhere inside your soul, you need to give this task a very high priority. Gain inner courage! And do! Lots and every day! Tonda you can do it!

I wish you good luck in this endeavor. And to the readers I pass on a question about Phoenixes. risen from the ashes: tell us how you looked for a job in such a situation? Who had it? What are the tips and tricks?

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