Home Rack How to take care of a girl beautifully. How to properly and beautifully care for a girl. Requirements for yourself

How to take care of a girl beautifully. How to properly and beautifully care for a girl. Requirements for yourself

Hi all! Do you know what I'm sure of? We are all the same, we are afraid to do something wrong when we are caring for our beloved. The most common questions are: how to properly care for the girl you love, how to make courtship develop and turn into a lasting relationship. Do you hear? You - love, you - want a relationship, you, you, and again you ... but where are the desires of the girl herself? One Arabian sage said: - If you do not know how to properly care for a woman, ask her about it. At one time I asked, and received an answer.

10 tips on how to properly care for your girlfriend:

1. If the relationship has ceased to bring joy, it has become boring together - urgently change at least something. Instead of cafes and cinemas, you can make a surprise in the form of a horseback ride (just warn about clothes so that the girl is comfortable riding) or a boat trip, or something else. Push your imagination, remember everything that the girl told you about herself, and give her a HOLIDAY, which has never happened in her life!

2. Always take the time to listen to the girl. Each of us constantly has events in life that seem to be small, but somehow hurt us, scratch our souls. You ask me how to properly take care of a girl, how they used to take care of them - how our grandfathers looked after their loved ones .... This is in our blood, this is what any woman wants - to be adored, enjoyed, understood.

3. Never talk to a girl about your problems, so as not to become a source of negativity for her. You should always be positive, there are problems - of course, there are, I solve them as far as possible. No, I don't need help, I'll find a way out myself. You are a self-confident man who knows the value of his word. But ask about the girl’s problems in detail, help not only with words of support, but also with deeds.

4. Calmly take her words about former admirers, remember that they are former, and now she is with you, and not because you handcuffed her to yourself, but because she herself wants it.

5. Give gifts, small, as if random. Walk, climb into the nearest flower bed and give her the most beautiful flower, be unexpected in your actions - surprise her!

6. Be patient so as not to become a "girlfriend in pants", do not take her invitation literally, "while mom is not at home" - do not drag her to bed! Understand, she also needs to get to know you, so there will be provocations on her part, such as “oh, my mother said that she would come now”, etc. The girl will constantly check you for decency, the ability to control yourself, the seriousness in relation to her, so be patient. Treat with understanding, so that later with a laugh you “accidentally” remind her how she tried to play you.

7. Do not try to be constantly "on patrol" for your girlfriend - this behavior is annoying: - You don't believe me, or what? Do not be overly curious, but do not immediately reveal all your secrets. If she does not want to see each other, do not insist, give her freedom - and she will quickly want to be in your reliable hands.

8. Try to make every date a mini-holiday, and the girl will want more of these holidays.

9. If you feel that the date is dragging on, nicely see the girl home (send by taxi - do not forget to pay for the trip in advance).

10. Be who you are, do not exaggerate your abilities, do not adorn yourself, let her choose what suits her best - an ordinary guy or a “saint”. If you pretend to be courting, there will be no turning back, and you will play the role all your life.

Perhaps he said all the main things. Keep it up, everything will be great!

The candy-bouquet period sooner or later comes in the life of any guy and is of two types: introductory and long-term. In the first case, the young man is faced with the task of how to start courting a girl, and in the second, how to develop the relationship that has arisen. And here and there you can not do without three successful components: psychology, astrology and worldly wisdom.

It is a mistake to think that love grows out of long-term friendship and persistent courtship.
Love is the fruit of spiritual closeness, and if closeness does not arise in a second, it will not arise either in years or in generations.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Psychological and everyday aspects

Practical psychology will be the first step to success in relationships. In this area, the concept of the candy-bouquet period means the process of seduction, where the gentleman demonstrates to the lady his best qualities and the ability to please her desires, in order to win the lady's favor, her sympathy or love.

Elements of traditional girl seduction include:

1. Acquaintance and courtesy

The way you meet doesn't matter. The main thing is to show the girl that you are brought up (pull up a chair, open the door, offer your help), speak fluently, know how to listen to her.

2. Showing signs of attention

This includes compliments, smiles, play with eyes. It is important to remember that the long hours spent by a girl on improving her appearance should be rewarded.

3. Date invitation

Psychologists say that a girl loves when a man takes the initiative. Therefore, you should organize a date in accordance with her tastes or be original and come up with something unusual that will pleasantly surprise her.

4. Gifts

Another great way to please a girl is to give her a small gift before or after a date. Flowers, sweets, soft toys, jewelry are the best choice during courtship.

5. Communication

Communication with a girl must be built in such a way that she speaks more often, and you listen carefully. You can suggest topics for discussion yourself, be interested in her opinion about things, events, ask questions about her hobbies, etc. What you definitely shouldn’t do is complain, gossip, use foul language.

Moderate boasting is allowed, but it is better that it is true. For successful communication with a Libra girl, you must remember that in making decisions for her, both your actions and words are the main ones.

In general, you should talk about yourself carefully. Suddenly, what you love, she can not stand? It is better to introduce a girl to your hobbies and tastes unobtrusively, otherwise she will draw the wrong conclusions and all your efforts will go down the drain.

6. Self-confidence

Unfortunately, television and the Internet distort the normal nature of gender relations, forming unhealthy ideas in girls about what a guy should be like, and causing complexes in young people. But not TV, but life experience shows how a guy should look after ladies.

The format of relationships is established at school, many remember. Take him home, let him write off, send a valentine, treat him to a cake in the dining room, then invite him on a date.

If such an experience is successful, then the stereotype of behavior passes into adulthood. But here he runs into some problems:

  • Unjustified expectations - the collapse of a goal that you previously considered achievable leads to self-doubt.
  • Financial difficulties - girls have increased requests that you are unable to satisfy.
Many guys are worried about how to take care of a girl if there is no money? Everything is very simple - you need a girl who will understand you and accept you the way you are. Sincere compliments, interesting communication, dates in the fresh air are at your service.

Boys who were not popular with girls at school face completely different problems. The question of how to start caring for a girl, if there is no self-confidence, is also relevant for them in adulthood.
This type of guy, before deciding to go on the conquest of the girl he likes, should ask the reflection in the mirror - can I take care of myself?

Confidence starts with taking care of your appearance and lifestyle. Enough:

  • Just dress neatly, smell good, keep your nails, hair and facial hair in order;
  • Have a passion and not be shy about showing it, whether it's playing the guitar or collecting scientific journals;
  • Be realistic and don't expect the girl to fall on your head. Hang out, make friends, get to know each other.
  • Don't give in to pressure.
Sometimes relatives strive to suggest how to properly care for a girl. You have your own head on your shoulders and in such matters it is up to you to decide.
It doesn’t matter who you feel like in life, or, during the period of courtship, you need to radiate energetic self-confidence, you can’t do without it in a relationship.

Time management in a relationship is also very important. Speaking figuratively, the question - how much you need to take care of a girl today, so that tomorrow everything is all in chocolate, has no answer. It all depends on the temperament of the girl and your specific goals.

Astrological secrets

Nothing reveals the little secrets of a woman's temperament like her zodiac sign.
  • The girl - Aries prefers active dates, likes to have fun and is crazy about compliments. Adventurous, loves guys with a good sense of humor.
  • The Taurus girl is very selective in relationships, she prefers long and romantic courtship.
  • It is not known how much you need to look after a girl whose zodiac sign is twins in order to win her favor. The twins are used to hiding their true feelings and treat guys with distrust, however, as well as all unfamiliar people in their environment.
  • It is easier to build relationships with a cancer girl for those who are accustomed to silence and harmony.
  • The Leo girl likes expensive dates, frequent gifts and a chivalrous attitude. Lionesses love luxury, but how to take care of a girl if there is no money? Flattery is one of the free keys to her heart.
  • The zodiac sign, Virgo, will make you learn how to beautifully look after a girl. Virgo can be modest, but scrupulous. She appreciates grace, romance and is a bit old-fashioned in matters of gender relations.
  • The girl is a Libra prone to frequent mood swings. He loves both street romance and restaurant luxury.
  • If the zodiac sign is Scorpio, then you will have to take care of the girl with special ingenuity. They love surprises, but they are very distrustful, they tend to check and analyze everything.
  • To appear in the life of a girl - a Sagittarius, means to say to yourself "I am not afraid of difficulties." These are recognized workaholics, for whom a career always comes first and it is problematic for them to find time for a relationship.
  • Astrologers did not agree on how to take care of a girl whose zodiac sign is Capricorn. It's a bunch of contradictions. Jealous, energetic, they crave adventure and emotional outbursts. One of their main features is inconstancy.
  • Girls - Aquarians are picky, they always choose only the best. If they become attached to a person, then this is for a long time.
  • Usually, with a girl - fish, there are no problems. She can be calm, delicate, but if you make her angry, it won’t seem enough.


Under whatever star your chosen one is born, the main thing in conquering her is to always remain yourself. Do not force her to build illusions, do not be cunning and do not be afraid to talk about your shortcomings. Any girl will appreciate the sincerity and seriousness of your intentions!

How to take care of a girl? Courting a girl has its roots as some kind of traditional behavior inherent in man by nature. Forms of courtship are found in all biological species (birds spread their tails, predators put up fights, even spiders bring edible gifts) and are aimed at attracting or conquering a female. In humans, primitive models of conquest have been transformed into certain, sometimes canonical stereotypes of behavior.

It is believed that courtship includes open doors, escorting home, presenting goodies and flowers, a gallant hand and endless compliments. Of course, this remains relevant, but now it is necessary to provide the chosen one with the maximum number of emotions, various impressions and places. The issue of beauty becomes relevant, which includes the very places where you invite a girl, your manners and topics of conversation. And the main thing is constancy, it is better to have a lot of regular, but small actions that signal your attention than one chic evening with gifts once a year.

What does it mean to take care of a girl?

Caring for a girl means making her world better and more colorful, and many proven methods and your imagination will come to your aid in this. You can start by getting to know or highlighting one already familiar girl among the rest. You can attract the attention of a girl with actions and words.

It is quite simple to provide signs of attention: calls and questions about her affairs, pleasant text messages in the morning will do. When communicating in social networks or by SMS, you have a lot of different opportunities in the form of sent emoticons and stickers, songs and pictures - it's all worth using. However, if you reduce all your communication to virtual, then the girl may stop attaching any serious importance to this. - just a nice addition to telephone conversations, real meetings, spending time together and your direct physical presence in a girl's life.

Taking care of a girl means taking care of her. This category includes the actions inscribed in the code of etiquette - give a hand, help take off and put on outerwear, hold the door, move a chair. But also do not forget to focus on the situation and lend a hand when the street is slippery, meet her with an umbrella if it starts to rain, bring medicines and oranges when the girl is sick. Caring is manifested in questions about how her day went, her well-being and condition, offering her help and implementing it. Such examples can be listed indefinitely, but if a girl is really interesting to you, then such behavior will be quite organic for you, and you will sincerely want to learn about her affairs. From such small, but constant signs of attention and care, a strong and positive opinion about you is gradually built up.

How to take care of a girl you like? Naturally, it is worth protecting from troubles and helping the chosen girl, but you should be careful in what form you present your help. If you ask if you can help her with bags or business matters, you will most likely hear a refusal, even if the help is pleasant and necessary for her. Act confidently, speak in affirmative sentences, and even if she tells you she doesn't need help, still pick up her grocery bag or help with a presentation. Girls love confident and do not like to be imposed, not a single one to the question “can I kiss you?” did not answer in the affirmative.

In your attention, observe measure and caution, respect personal space and give the girl time and the opportunity to take a break from you. A common mistake is to appear immediately after saying goodbye in order to continue communication in a virtual environment. Give her time to digest your meeting, the opportunity to brag to her friends if you made an impression, and then get bored. A girl needs space to better assess the situation, and with your constant, albeit virtual presence, you deprive her of this, bother her. Even if you were amazing, that kind of obsession can cause rejection.

Many books and articles have been written about how to take care of a girl, it is impossible to learn all these tips, so remember the basic principles - be sincere, try to please her, follow manners. The latter is very important, because even if you overwhelm her with bouquets and gifts, you will regularly send SMS with compliments, but at the same time be rude to others, swear and violate the rules of etiquette, then the young lady will soon stop communicating with you.

How to take care of a girl?

It happens that guys forget how to take care of a girl and consider the flowers-compliment-cafe program to be mega-effective, but these actions may not change anything in the girl’s attitude towards you. That's right, because courtship is not only the material side, but also the organization of time and leisure. Arrange for your chosen one a walk around the city, making an interesting route in advance, replace a standard cafe with an original exhibition, and a cinema with a play in a drama theater. The richer and more original the program is, the more emotions the girl will have, the more opportunities you will get to demonstrate your best sides. Many young ladies want to give responsibility and choice to a man in order to simply enjoy what is happening, so your phrase “wherever you want” will sound magical only a few times, and then it will begin to burden you with responsibility for joint time.

The two questions that most concern men are how to start courting a girl and how to turn courtship into something serious. The decisive point is that you do not try to buy it, if you are going to build something serious, then try to interact on a personal, not a barter level. Behave naturally, without any extreme actions like climbing onto her balcony or singing serenades at night, accompanied by several guitarists.

Do not confuse a girl with sudden declarations of love, a quick and vivid manifestation of feelings can scare her away. Stay attentive and courteous, show the girl who attracted your attention your interest and intimate as well (better with actions than words), but keep a distance in your relationship. Such behavior will help to generate the girl’s interest precisely by the fact that she does not understand what you feel for her and what you want. When you see changes in the girl's behavior, notice steps towards her (for example, she began to call more often, show interest), only then you can change tactics. You can talk about your feelings and a joint future, arrange a romantic surprise - all this will melt the remaining ice very quickly.

How to take care of a girl? A girl should feel safe next to a man. Of course, this is manifested in your readiness to intercede for her, to protect her from external unpleasant events, but she also wants to feel security in the relationship between you. Always be available, unexpected disappearances with the phone turned off can give rise to many doubts and guesses. If you are busy or plan to leave, and you guess that she may be looking for you, warn the girl about this in advance.

You can demonstrate your caring not directly by taking care of the girl, but by providing protection and support to your younger brothers and sisters or nephews, pets, people around you and just needy passers-by. The fair sex is very attentive and they can be alerted by a person who is as caring as possible with her, while completely ignoring the world around her and treating others cruelly.

How to take good care of a girl?

Just wandering the streets, silently consuming pasta in an Italian restaurant, having previously handed standard roses - there is nothing exciting and beautiful in such a date. Beautiful care is also certain, and if it is not innate, then it can be developed. Consider dates with a girl, in addition to booking a table. Imagine a fascinating route along the sights or beautiful views of the city, find out in advance about the places where you will pass, so that you can tell her about the monument, the historical building and that oak tree that was planted by the poet executed by the kings. If there is nothing so interesting in the nearest area, then remember the entertaining details about the fauna and flora, the mythical stories and traditions of any people related to the time of the year in which your date takes place, and in the evening on the street the whole starry sky with astronomical discoveries will help to keep up the conversation and ancient myths. Come up with some exciting topics ahead of time.

How should a man take care of a girl? Separately, it is worth talking about compliments. The widespread opinion that girls love with their ears is confirmed by life situations from time to time. Therefore, if you are wondering how to start courting a girl, start with compliments. Even if you have known each other all your life or you have an exclusively working relationship, then with the help of a compliment you can make her look at you in a new way. In addition to attracting attention, compliments help develop relationships, as well as maintain a cozy family emotional background.

How to take good care of a girl? There are several rules for compiling a competent compliment. First, praise something specific (hair, shoes, report) and do it sincerely. The standard “what beautiful eyes” will not have the desired effect, since there is no individuality in such a compliment, but “this scarf sets off your eyes so well” will be remembered more. Choose something for praise that is the direct merit of the girl (she got the shape of her ears genetically, unless, of course, she did plastic surgery, but she chose the dress herself, having spent all weekends in shopping centers). Second, avoid vulgarity and comparison in the pursuit of originality. And if a comment about the appetizing of the ass at a certain stage of the relationship can add a special peppercorn and the girl will like it, then the comparison is obviously a detrimental option.

Give flowers. Many do not do this, because “it’s beaten up, outdated, everyone gives them flowers,” but in fact, every second young lady no longer remembers when she received a bouquet. You can find out what kind of flowers a girl likes, and give her exactly these or choose others. Do not choose huge expensive bouquets - the price does not justify the amount of emotions caused, it will be difficult for a fragile young lady to drag a huge bouquet, at home it will stand in a bucket on the floor, and in a week it will wither. Choose small delicate bouquets or a single flower - they will earn their place on the bedside table, and in a week you can present her with a new bouquet, and then a few more, which in their total amount will be equal to one huge one.

If you decide to give a girl a gift, then let it emphasize her originality and your attentiveness. By an original gift, I don’t mean offers that Google will give you or a shop window “original gifts”, but what will suit this particular girl and what she does not expect to receive. It makes sense to spend time getting to know the tastes and needs of the girl, and only then start giving her something. After all, what is valuable is not how much money you spend on a present (and there is also a risk that it is the high cost of the gift that will make the girl return it to you), but how much he will talk about you as a person who understands the subtle nature of your chosen one.

How to take care of a girl in a relationship?

The very word “care” is strongly associated with the initial stage of the relationship; pictures of cozy cafes and shops in the park float before your eyes, along with touching flowers and teddy bears. But, as soon as you manage to build a certain relationship with a girl, your courtship should continue, just change your style and point of application.

If you used to dine in cafes and restaurants, then in a relationship you can arrange home gatherings. If a girl invites you to her place, then be sure to bring something to the table, you can call before coming and ask what would be appropriate. If you are waiting for her to visit, then think over the menu, she will especially delight if you cook dinner yourself. And also take care of the entertainment program - you can watch a movie, play a game, plan a weekend, look at photos. If you already live together, arrange occasional romantic candlelit dinners, invite a girl to dance right in the middle of your kitchen.

Do not forget to compliment your chosen one, because from the fact that you have already won her and are now together, she has not become less interesting or less beautiful. Moreover, the surrounding men will continue to shower your companion with beautiful words, and you don’t want to look worse against their background.

How to take care of a girl in a relationship? You now have more reasons and opportunities to show your attention and care. Being in a joint life, even a bunch of dill can be presented instead of a bouquet, rewound with a ribbon (believe me, she will remember and appreciate such a gift). Help with dinner, make tea for her when she has a cold, take heavy things out of her hands.

Gifts can also change, but not disappear. And if earlier a teddy bear was very useful, now your girlfriend's heart will be filled with love from donated gloves, if her fingers have been freezing for a week already. Be attentive and caring. Relationships are the beginning of courtship, serious, deep, subtly nuanced.

You don't need to be a visionary to say that most guys on dates with girls behave in almost the same way and to the question - "how to woo a girl?" they will answer about the same. Of course, there are creative unique ones among them, but for the most part courting a girl comes down to going to the cinema, theater, cafes and walking in the park. It is a sin to complain about these methods, because they work, and they work, I must say, not bad, but why not diversify dates with a girl and take care of her in a new, beautiful way. Here we will try to reveal little secrets of how to take care of a girl and do it beautifully.

And we will start to beautifully look after the girl from scratch. Let's make sure that the experience of past meetings with another girl does not affect our present - such advice is given by psychologists. Try to get new experience, get rid of old mistakes. Of course, at first it will not be easy, but no one promised easy victories. For example, if your former passion cooked for five plus, then you should not think negatively about the new girl, if she is generally afraid to approach the stove. Believe me, in addition to the ability to cook deliciously, girls have a huge number of wonderful virtues.

Develop your own "how to woo a girl" method. Let's say you used to visit restaurants or cafes with a girl. However, it is boring and not interesting. Try abandoning proven scenarios. Take the girl to a wine tasting, to a jazz concert, to the opera or to a karaoke club. Make a creative date plan and make sure your crush doesn't get bored. Show her how versatile and versatile you are. A fascinating visit to exotic places will give your girlfriend pleasure, and additional pluses will be credited to your account.

How to take care of a girl is a rather delicate question. The soul of a girl is not only darkness, but also a mysterious world in which it is very difficult for us, men, to navigate. However, if you take a closer look, it is easy to detect a fairly linear pattern of behavior in women's behavior. And if you manage to learn the rules of the game, then you will certainly emerge victorious.

What does a woman want? Certainly attention, love and affection and, of course, a real man. It happens that you shower a girl with flowers, give gifts, carry them on your hands, and the effect is negative. Or, on the contrary, you try to take it by force, you demonstrate your strength and determination, and in the end the result is the same as in the first case. And all this is only because anxiety is triggered in the girls' brains: in the first case - attention, slobber, and in the other - attention, dork. So we have to look for that fine line between the two types of behavior. When caring for a passion, you need to remember that most girls are counting on a long and serious relationship. A strong man who can provide for her offspring - that's what the female instincts say.

Read poetry to your girlfriend, arrange romantic evenings, give trinkets, yes, trinkets. Do not try to buy the attention of your girlfriend, it will not lead to anything good for you. After that, you can disappear for a while, like a hidden hunter. And as soon as you see the cherished girl, act decisively and do not back down.

Most of the advice on how to woo a girl doesn't have any center. Each girl requires an individual approach to herself, but remember that most of all girls appreciate the sincerity of feelings, attention and care. Learn these simple rules, and success will not be long in coming.

Most often, the question of how to beautifully look after a girl worries a very young representative of the strong half of humanity. Over time, a man gains experience, discovers his personal strengths and begins to use them in conquering women's hearts. But the first steps are very important for a guy, his self-affirmation and further self-confidence. Therefore, in order to please a girl, you do not need anything supernatural, you just need to be yourself, show attention, gallantry, tact and good manners.

It is impossible to paint a course of ten dates as a step-by-step instruction for use, because each meeting is an improvisation, and not sincerity and pretense is felt by girls a mile away, so it is important to be as honest and sincere as possible, but it would be nice to know what girls love, and which is completely unbearable. Each guy, taking steps towards a pretty girl, hopes for the further development of relations, therefore it is very important for him to behave exactly as it is accepted in society, as it is right. Properly caring for a girl is quite simple, you need to follow the following tips and worry less.

Signs of attention. Girls are very sensitive to all sorts of signs of attention, it does not have to be expensive gifts or trips to restaurants and clubs. Sometimes, a well-timed SMS, a gift card or a compliment can give a much greater result than a huge bouquet of roses. The most important thing in the manifestation of signs of attention is constancy, and not from case to case. After all, attention is proof of a man's interest in a woman, and if a man does not show his attention, then the woman is no longer interesting to him. But everything is good in moderation, the main thing is not to overdo it and not be considered too obsessive boyfriend. Of course, when a guy feels strong sympathy, you want to hear the girl’s voice all the time, but for this you don’t need to call her five times a day, fill her with a lot of SMS and watch her return home at the entrance. Otherwise, such excessive attention will only scare the girl away.

Meeting place. If a girl reciprocates the attention of a guy, then you can safely invite her on a date. In order for the date to go smoothly, it is important to think through the main points of the meeting in advance. If a trip to the cinema is planned, it is advisable to know in advance which movie will be on, the most win-win option is a comedy. If there is a cafe, it is advisable to book a table in advance so as not to accidentally get into an awkward situation when you come with a girl to find out that there are no empty seats. For a walk in the park, it is important to foresee the weather and if they promise rain, take an umbrella. If a guy has thought out the date option in advance, he behaves more confidently, he does not need to look around in search of a suitable cafe or confuse the girl with the question that she herself chooses where to go.

Gallantry is what can advantageously distinguish a modern guy from a crowd of the same guys. Lately, being gallant is considered old-fashioned, but only guys think so. Any girl will be pleasantly surprised if a guy opens the door in front of her, gives his hand when leaving the transport, and moves a chair.

Clothing. How beautiful to look after a girl and at the same time feel confident? In many ways, your own irresistibility can help to cope with excitement and feel confident. After all, when a guy is sure that he is good-looking, then there is much less excitement. Therefore, clothing is an important factor in one's own appearance. You can’t come to a date in dirty or torn things, but a tuxedo dressed out of place will look just as ridiculous and funny. It is best to dress in clean, favorite clothes in which the guy feels confident and comfortable. Before a date, it is advisable to take a shower, perfume should be applied sparingly.

Subject for conversation. It is very important on a date to interest a girl in a fascinating conversation. To do this, you can first read interesting cases, biographies of famous people, learn as many interesting facts as possible. If going to the cinema is on the agenda, you can find out something interesting in advance from the lives of those actors who play in this film. The topic of conversation should be interesting to both, all sorts of entertaining stories save the situation well. During the conversation, you need to observe elementary norms of behavior. Do not swear or swear, do not interrupt the interlocutor, do not smoke and prove your point of view at any cost, if there are any disagreements.

Behavior after a date. If after the first date the girl just as easily makes contact and expresses her readiness to continue the relationship, then everything went great. In the future, you need to agree on the next meeting or exchange phone numbers. Until the next date, you should not disappear from the girl’s field of vision for a long time, this can cause bewilderment and resentment in her. You can unobtrusively remind yourself with a call or a “random meeting”. Do not forget to compliment the girl, this may concern both her appearance (hairstyle, dress) and internal qualities (smart, cheerful).

Courtesy, courtesy and gallantry are qualities that will never go out of fashion. Foul language and vulgarity have so captivated the main communication of young people that a beautiful speech in tandem with good manners will distinguish any guy from the crowd. After all, next to such a guy, every girl will feel like a lady.

Knowing the list of basic rules, you can understand how to take care of a girl, but in order to win her heart, you need much more, connect the intuition and inner instinct that every man has. The most important thing is not to be afraid to be yourself and let the girl you like into your inner world, then she will reciprocate

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