Home Lighting How to take care of a residential building. The management company refuses to conclude a contract for the maintenance of the house. What else do you need to open an organization

How to take care of a residential building. The management company refuses to conclude a contract for the maintenance of the house. What else do you need to open an organization

There is a myth that in the housing and communal sector everything collapses and everyone is poor. There are enterprises whose experience shows that in the housing and communal services sector you can make good money and demonstrate an excellent result of successful management.

In St. Petersburg there are about 20 management companies involved in public services for houses, in particular STAX, ANO MSR, ORGTEHREMSTROY (a subsidiary of LenspetsSMU), PROXY, etc.

Now the possible scope for activity is 2 thousand houses of HOA and housing cooperatives, that is, 14% of the total number of residential buildings in St. Petersburg.

“Now it is very difficult to compete in this market. So, if state-owned enterprises, which are financed from the budget, receive 5 rubles. 90 kop. from 1 m2 of serviced area, then private only 1 rub. 87 kopecks, - says the general director of the management company "STAKS" Evgeny Purgin. - However, with the transfer of houses from state-owned enterprises to private hands, which is scheduled for early 2005, the number of companies should increase. According to experts, St. Petersburg needs at least 200 management companies.”

Step 1. Registration

A public utility company may be registered as an LLC, CJSC. In this type of business, you will have to obtain many licenses. This is a hard and long business. It takes about six months to obtain licenses. One of the most difficult to obtain is a garbage disposal license. The companies say that it takes more than a year just to renew the license.

“We have been engaged in comprehensive public services since 1997,” says Evgeny Purgin, General Director of Staks Management Company. “Now we serve 100 residential buildings. This is 1/20 of the market. In addition to residential buildings, we serve the objects of the police department, supermarkets, shops, restaurants, etc.”

Step 2. Room

To organize a control room and a room for staff, it is necessary to find a room. At first, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 40 m2 is suitable. This may be a stroller in the houses or other similar premises. You can focus on a fee of $ 5 per month for 1 m2. The accountant can Then, when the company expands and takes on the maintenance of houses in different areas, it will be necessary to organize sites closer to the service facilities.

“We started working with 4 houses and quickly gained a sufficient number of clients,” says Evgeny Purgin. - Now we have organized sites in the Krasnogvardeysky, Frunzensky, Kirovsky districts. The central dispatching service is based on Vasilyevsky Island. Mobile groups have also been created to service disparate facilities in different parts of the city.”

Step 3. Costs

To organize a business, you need from $ 70-200 thousand, which will have to be invested within 6 months - 1 year. The main costs are wages, purchase of inventory and office equipment, rent of premises.

Inventory for janitors - rags, broom, mowers, shovels. For plumbing - keys, power tools. On the inventory you need from $ 2 thousand. For the first time, you can find workers with their inventory.

“If you invested $70,000 and took about 10 houses for maintenance, then the investment will pay off in about 1 year. Profit will be approximately 5% of revenue. If you serve 100 thousand m2, then after paying taxes, etc., 10-15 thousand rubles will remain. Thus, in order to increase profits, you need to score more,” Evgeny Purgin believes.

Yevgeny Purgin says that it is cost-effective to maintain a housing stock with an area of ​​at least 200,000 m2. or about 40 hundred apartment buildings.

Step 4. Personnel

The main thing in this type of business is personnel. For staff salaries, you need from $4,000 per month. “We definitely need a good engineer, preferably a specialist from the housing system. Because the specifics are different for residential buildings and industrial enterprises, - says Evgeny Purgin. “Often the owner himself has solid experience in this area and works as a director and engineer himself.”

If the company will deal only with maintenance, then plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. are needed. In St. Petersburg, there is a shortage of qualified personnel in this area.

To organize a round-the-clock dispatching service, 4 dispatchers are needed. But you can go the other way and not create an emergency service. In this case, customers enter into an agreement with some other emergency service. “But, as a rule, this combination, when one organization provides emergency work, and the other maintenance does not work very well. Disputes arise from time to time - emergency workers arrive, they cannot open the door, they break it open, etc. It's complicated. It is better that one organization does all this,” says Evgeny Purgin.

Step 5. Clients

To increase the scale of the company, it is necessary to organize a service that will search for customers.

“You need to be able to negotiate with the chairmen of housing cooperatives and homeowners associations. Working with such clients has its own specifics, says Evgeny Purgin. - Quite often, not specialists in the housing sector act as chairmen. As a rule, chairmen are pensioners, older people. A burned out light bulb is sometimes more important to them than a failed wiring, which can cause a fire throughout the house. They are afraid for their place and do not want to delve into problems. But if they announce to their tenants that they need to raise money for the replacement of wiring or some other work, then they will be forced out of their place. This is the complexity of our market.”

Expenses for the establishment of a management company for the maintenance of residential buildings

Registration, obtaining licenses, etc. - from $ 2 thousand.

Salary - about $ 50 thousand.

Inventory - from $ 2 thousand.

Room rental - $200 per month.

Recall that there are three forms of building management: direct management by owners (if there are no more than 30 apartments), management by an association of homeowners or a housing cooperative, and with the help of a management organization. It is clear that residents of small dvuhpodezdniki have a full choice. With them, according to the leaders of the Criminal Code, and most of all a headache, since many of these houses were built by captured Germans and have long been “breathing their last”. In addition, most of the inhabitants of the crumbling shacks are low-income or antisocial citizens.

There are, however, relatively new small-apartment dwellers - they, as a rule, refuse the services of the Criminal Code, preferring to manage their household with their own hands, without extra overpayments to the “third-party uncle”. " Our house was built in the early 2000s, - says Ivanovka Evgenia Golikova. - For a long time we had direct management, which was completely satisfactory. And recently the administration has put us before the fact: choose a management company or create an HOA. Now, it turns out that direct management can only be in houses with no more than 30 apartments, and we have a couple more ... We had to create an HOA.

Evgenia was lucky with both the house and the neighbors, who take an active position in terms of maintenance and improvement. There are practically no disagreements: the roof leaked - they chipped in, found a contractor for reasonable money and did it. They also painted the entrances and even concreted the path to the house. Now the residents want to replace the windows in the entrances. " We do not have reports, everyone knows and trusts each other, - says Evgenia. - And in the management company there is neither transparency, nor adequate prices, nor interest in the quality of work.”

There is an altruist - you will be happy

Direct management means that the maintenance of the house is entirely the responsibility of all residents. They independently conclude contracts with organizations for the services of hot and cold water supply, heat, gas, and electricity. In addition, they are free to choose: who, what and under what conditions will be repaired (contracts are concluded both for individual home maintenance work, and for the entire spectrum at once - with any organization or individual). In general, if something breaks, you will have to do everything yourself or with the involvement of third-party specialists at your own expense.

In relations with third parties, one of the owners (most often, the head of the house) has the right to act on behalf of all tenants. An outsider who is not the owner of this house can also represent the interests of the tenants, but for this the absolute majority of the owners must authorize him with their powers of attorney. It should be borne in mind that these duties cannot be officially paid. This is the main advantage of direct management - the absence of expenses for maintaining the staff of the HOA or associated with the involvement of a management company in the management.

However, this is also the main disadvantage of this type of management, especially if a sufficiently large number of residents live in the house. After all, the larger the house, the more problems with its management and disagreements between residents can arise. And it is quite difficult to find such a manager who, on his own initiative, would solve a lot of issues for free. Thus, the choice of direct control is optimal in small houses.

Roof leaked - ask neighbors for money

Paying utility bills directly to resource-supplying organizations, residents are responsible only for themselves and cannot suffer through the fault of their management companies because of their debts. If, for example, one apartment does not pay for water, the demand will be only from these tenants. Their housemates will not be affected in any way (non-payments are not included in the ODN).

As already noted, you do not need to spend money on maintaining the staff of the managing organization, you do not need to wait for years for the necessary work to maintain the common property of the house.

All actions related to the improvement of life are exclusively voluntary. So, if the residents of the house decide to install video intercoms, build a playground, lay asphalt, but several people refuse to hand over money, it will be impossible to force them. This means that the payment for this type of work from the rest of the tenants will increase.

The most common problem is the quality of public services. Resource providers do not maintain or repair building utilities. And if the residents of the upper floors do not receive water, then they will have to complain not to Vodokanal, not to the management company, but to bow to their neighbors and persuade them to “throw in” for the necessary repairs of intra-house networks.

Another disadvantage of direct management is the inability to participate in government programs. Such houses are considered almost written off from the balance of the municipality, because the residents voluntarily assumed all future and current expenses. Therefore, the possibility of receiving municipal or federal assistance is excluded. That is, a ramp or a playground is needed - residents will implement this into life with their savings and strength. At the same time, if any norm is violated during the construction of the structure, all owners will be responsible for the consequences.

House management costs will be covered by energy savings

In a certain sense, an object belonging to an HOA can also be a home in self-government. The main thing is that it should have an adequate, competent and honest chairman. The staff of the HOA is mainly made up of a couple of people who do not burden the tenants too much, say, a hundred-apartment owner with their salaries, but they relieve the owners themselves of all worries about solving pressing problems.

« HOA does not work for profit, - explains the head of the "Quality of Everyday Life" group of the regional Popular Front, Svetlana Mezhiritskaya. - For a non-profit organization, this is not provided for by the charter. The optimal area of ​​​​the house, in which it is not burdensome to maintain an HOA, in my opinion, is 40 thousand square meters. However, there are examples when even five times smaller houses not only cover the cost of maintaining the staff of the HOA, but also provide significant savings to residents on utility bills by introducing energy-saving technologies.

The transfer of the house to the management company must be carried out no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the permit for commissioning. This rule is regulated by paragraph 14 of the Housing Code of Russia.

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The house is given by the developer to the balance sheet only after the competition is held by the local municipality, that is, the self-government body.

To participate, the management company must submit certain documents. After the competition, a contract is concluded, which is signed by the developer.

The legal side of the issue

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to choose a management company without holding a tender in accordance with Article 161, parts 4, 13 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, but only if an open tender is considered invalid.

According to paragraph 14 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the contract must be concluded no later than 5 days after the house is put into operation.

If in a year the apartment owners do not decide on the method of management, then in accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, an open competition will be held by the local government to select a management company.

The procedure for organizing the competition is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 75 of February 6, 2006.

Transfer of the house from the developer to the management company

The transfer of an apartment building from the developer to the management company is carried out on the basis of a competitive tender.

Previously, it was possible to conclude an agreement on the management of an apartment building only by the developer and the management company. To date, the developer only signs the document concluded between the equity holders and the management company.


The management company concludes service agreements with the apartment owners, but after the developer and owners accept the premises on the basis of the act of transferring the house, and a competition will be held.


Prior to obtaining a commissioning permit, you can begin to collect documents. But the owners of the premises must decide on the Criminal Code approximately a year before the commissioning of the facility at a general meeting.

If this does not happen, then the management company will be the one chosen by the results of the competition.

In this case, the contract is concluded for a year, and even if the apartment owners choose another management company, then, most likely, they will have to wait for the expiration of the company established by the competition.

But if you organize an HOA, then it will be much easier to change the management company.


In accordance with article 161, paragraph 14, the maintenance contract must be concluded no more than 5 days after commissioning.

But there are often difficulties with this, since an open tender can take a rather long period of time - up to 50 days.

It should be noted that until the house is put into operation, it is possible to collect all the necessary documents - design, technical and other.

But at the same time, the Criminal Code must actively work with homeowners so that in the future it will be chosen.

Choice of MC

In the event that the owners of apartments did not have time to decide on the choice of a management company, then local governments hold an open competition.

Property owners can:

  • organize a meeting;
  • choose your own management company.

But this can only be done by those who have an agreement with the developer or received housing in accordance with the act of acceptance and transfer.

It should be noted that elections are considered legitimate if at least 50% of the owners are present at the meeting.

Conclusion of an agreement

The conclusion of the contract must comply with Part 5 of the Russian Federation, and specifically:

  • the contract must be concluded for at least 1 year and at the same time no more than 3 (but only if the document is signed on the basis of a completed tender);
  • the contract can be concluded for 3 months only between the management company and the developer.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement is concluded with everyone who has accepted and signed a deed of transfer with the developer, that is, with the owners of apartments.

Only after this, the management agreement for apartment buildings can be considered valid.

The agreement between the developer and the management company no longer exists. This procedure is regulated by Article 161, Part 14 of the LC RF. But nevertheless, the documents must be signed and stamped by the developer.

Required documents

In accordance with Government Decree N 75, not only the procedure for holding a competition is regulated, but also the procedure for submitting the necessary documents.

Management companies wishing to participate in the competition are required to provide:

  • application filled in accordance with the sample;
  • all constituent documents;
  • copies of all available certificates and licenses;
  • balance sheet for the previous 6 months;
  • if there are recommendations and letters of thanks, then they must also be presented;
  • draft management agreement and annual budget;
  • certain proposals for waste disposal;
  • data on employees - engineering and technical staff broken down;
  • how many harvesting equipment and what it is.

Additional documents may also be required. It should also be clarified during what period it is required to provide all the necessary papers.

It is imperative that all the accounting of the management company is in order - there are no debts and so on.

In addition, negative feedback also affects the outcome of the decision. If many are dissatisfied with the management company, then such an organization has practically no chance.

MKD management fee

The payment procedure in 2018 is the same as in 2018. The work of the management company is to provide housing and communal services, and the fee is included in their cost.

According to common Russian practice, this amount ranges from 3 to 9% of the price of services rendered.

In accordance with the Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 11, 1997 N 17-132, payment for services, work, etc. is carried out at the rate established by the Criminal Code.

It is necessary to focus on individual cases:

  • if the service agreement is concluded between the management company and the owner of the premises, then payment for the provided utilities is paid by the management company;
  • if there is no contract for the provision of services with the management company, then payment is made to the developer (based on Article 155 of the LC RF);
  • if the contract was concluded with the management company by the developer, then the payment is still made by the management company.

Legislation is designed to protect, first of all, the interests of owners.

A management company is an organization (legal entity or entrepreneur) that provides management of apartment buildings. There are several types of CC:

  • actually managers (only manage);
  • operational (provide the technical and sanitary condition, utilities at the proper level);
  • hybrid (they manage and maintain, they do not need third parties).

Regardless of the type of company, management companies themselves or through other organizations must ensure uninterrupted maintenance and repair activities (supplying MKDs with energy resources, preparing for the heating season, etc.), as well as organizational activities (working with invoices and documents, responding to complaints, statements by owners etc.).

Recruitment and room equipment

For the functioning of the Criminal Code, specialists and an equipped office will be required. Should include:

  • and other leadership team. He must be a master of his craft, well versed in everything related to the operation of buildings.
  • Other personnel. Its backbone should also be certified specialists (this does not apply to technical staff - janitors, for example).

Operators should work in shifts around the clock. This is necessary in order to respond quickly if a call is heard from a tenant, signaling a breakdown in one of the communication systems. Therefore, in addition to office space with office equipment, it is necessary to arrange a control room, a telephone line. You will also need inventory, consumables.

What else is needed to open an organization?

Among other things, you will need a clean criminal record. No matter how strange it may seem. Moreover, gravity, as such, in fact, does not even matter. Companies whose employees have been convicted of an economic crime, or merely had a temporary ban on economic activity (CAO), will not be allowed to operate residential buildings.

How to organize the adoption of the MKD?

Important! First of all, you will have to enlist the support of the residents, conduct campaigning conversations with them for this. Nothing will give you such a start as a good reputation - residents must make sure that they are not mistaken by trusting you, that you will be able to competently manage and resolve conflict situations.

The question of choosing (as well as about) a management company is approved at a general meeting of residents of the house. The question is being decided how the company will manage the houses, how often meetings will be held and in what form (face-to-face or absentee).

The latter means that the owners will be asked to fill out special ballots. The technical documentation is also approved.

Conclusion of contracts

According to the Housing Code (.

Is it profitable?

Reference! The percentage of profitability in the housing and communal sector, unfortunately, does not exceed 10, according to analysts.

This happens because the tariffs are low due to the low salaries of most homeowners as well. And these tariffs are set by the state. Housing and communal services can increase their profits by increasing only those tariffs that the law does not limit in any way. Also A company can benefit from:

The video provides information on what the UK earns:

Business in the field of housing and communal services is not an easy business and, to be honest, not one of the most profitable, although it has almost no competitors. And, as in any business, there is no warrior alone in the field. You will need to find the right people and think it over again - whether such a business will be possible, only then talk about registration.

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