Home Heating Reasons for oil leakage from the engine. Oil leaking from the engine: how to find the cause Is oil leaking when parked unevenly

Reasons for oil leakage from the engine. Oil leaking from the engine: how to find the cause Is oil leaking when parked unevenly

The main device that makes the car move on our roads is the internal combustion engine (ICE). In turn, the engine will not be able to function without engine oil - the main consumable material that ensures the durable and reliable operation of this power unit. The oily fluid is retained within the lubrication system by gaskets and seals made of resilient materials. Unfortunately, these parts do not always last long. That is why quite often one can hear the following phrase from motorists: “I have oil leaking from the engine. What could be the reason?"

Signs of oil loss

Engine oil leaks for various reasons. Therefore, the signs of loss of lubricant also appear in different ways.

The most common sign that immediately shows that there is a malfunction in the car is an oil stain in the area of ​​the engine crankcase. It usually appears when the car is parked for a long time. That is why experienced motorists inspect the space under the bottom, between the front wheels of the car every morning. Even if a spot or a small puddle appears, it is not a fact that the engine is leaking. Leakage sometimes comes from the gearbox, there is also transmission oil there.

The second main symptom is a drop in the oil level, which can be seen on the dipstick. To do this, the machine should be stopped on level ground, wait 10-15 minutes for all the glass grease to go into the motor crankcase. Having taken out the dipstick, it should be wiped well with a rag, then reinserted into the neck until it stops. If the lubricant level has dropped, you need to immediately find out the cause. It seems that there are no oil stains and smudges, but the grease goes away. The fact is that engine fluid can not only leak, but also burn out during engine operation. If you place the vehicle on an inspection pit, or drive onto an overpass, a visual inspection will help localize the malfunction.

Causes of a leak

In order to fix the problem, you need to find out why the oil is flowing. The reasons can be different:

Let us consider in more detail which nodes most often leak oil from the engine.

Crankshaft oil seals

If an oil puddle has formed under the car, you need to find out where the engine oil may come from. One of the most likely paths is crankshaft oil seals that are damaged due to the use of low-quality engine oil or have worn out. The wear-resistant rubber from which they are made is also subject to aging - due to high temperatures, as well as aggressive external influences. Overheating of the motor, contamination, frequent use of flushing, poor lubrication - all this gradually destroys the material of the oil seals.

To replace them, you will have to work hard - disconnect the gearbox, rear-drive propeller shaft (if any), starter, clutch and other components. After replacement, all this will need to be installed back. Often, together with the oil seals, the crankshaft bearings are changed - so that the whole economy cannot be disassembled twice.

Filter gasket

When the lubricant in the engine is changed, the oil filter is also replaced. Before installing it in place, be sure to lubricate the rubber gasket with oil. This helps to screw the cleaner more tightly to the engine body. If this is not done, which is sometimes inadvertently forgotten, the gasket will be deformed during twisting, which can lead to leakage of engine fluid. Eliminating such a malfunction is quite simple. In most cases, tightening the filter is sufficient.

Oil deflector caps

These parts have another name - valve seals. The valves, which are part of the timing mechanism, are located at the top of the cylinder head. To prevent oil from the intake and exhaust valves from entering the combustion chambers, oil scraper caps are used. They are made from special rubber, but over time it loses its quality. If at least one oil seal begins to leak, the lubricant enters the chambers, where it burns along with the fuel. Since the oil does not completely burn out, various types of deposits form in the engine, which accelerate its wear. Even if the lubricant mixture is very good, it may not be able to handle this amount of carbon deposits. This phenomenon is often observed in high-mileage motors. How to fix oil leaks? Only by disassembling the cylinder head block and replacing all the caps with new ones.

Piston rings

This is one of the most common causes of grease burnout. If the piston rings are worn out or cocked, due to the use of a poor-quality oil composition, the latter enters the combustion chambers.

The situation is very similar to a malfunction of the oil slingers in the valves. Only here the leakage of the lubricant takes place in a different way. The consequences are the same - gray smoke from the chimney, large overexpenditure of lubricant, loss of engine power. In this case, flushing the engine sometimes helps - it de-cakes the rings. If wear and tear - only motor overhaul will help, there are no other ways.

Consequences of oil leakage

If only there was a trouble with the leakage of the lubricating mixture, it is absolutely impossible to hesitate with the repair. The results can be devastating to the engine. For example, if you take damage to the BGC gasket, there are several unpleasant consequences at once, except for the loss of oil. If liquid from the cooling system gets into the crankcase of the engine, everything can end up with a water hammer and engine jamming. Here you won't be able to do a major overhaul - you will have to completely change the engine. The same can happen if you have damaged the crankcase - the engine fluid leaks out, but you drive without noticing it. As a result, the power plant will also fail.

Conclusion - monitor the oil level with a dipstick; it is required to check for leaks regularly. If the oil gauge on the dashboard is working properly, it should notify the problem in time. If not, you need to replace it with a new one.

Passing cars standing in the yard, it is very easy to identify an inattentive motorist - by the oil stains under the car. Leaking operating fluids are a sign of a neglected problem.

Breakdown diagnostics

Experienced motorists always inspect the garage floor or asphalt for such puddles before getting behind the wheel. If the search was successful, do not delay the technical inspection. However, in some cases, you can fix the problem yourself. How to assess the situation and how to proceed will be discussed in this article.

No one will be delighted with a viscous black puddle under their car. This is a clear sign that something is wrong. How to be? Should I go to the service station right away, or can the trip be delayed? We do not recommend delaying if you find a leak outside of a garage. If you have the time and desire to tinker with the car, then here's where to start.

First of all, if you find a drip on the floor, pay attention to the liquid itself. It may be dark brown and viscous - this is an engine leak. The transmission fluid has a pinkish or red tint, while the green or orange fluid is most likely antifreeze. Another sign of a leaking engine is the appearance of bluish smoke from under the hood.

But how do you root out the problem in the bud? This way you can avoid a lot of further complications. If oil leaks from the engine, it is fraught with damage to it or even a fire in the car. So where to start diagnostics? First, you need to find out the oil level with a dipstick. Lower the dipstick and compare the fluid level with the normal level, then add oil. Check the level every 30 minutes to find out the leak rate. This will help determine where exactly it comes from. For example, if the level drops quickly, the oil pan is most likely damaged.

A more technologically sophisticated way of tracking is adding a fluorescent dye to the oil. The engine should then run for ten minutes. After the plug, it will become clear where the oil may come from - under ultraviolet light, the leaks will glow brightest.

Another source of problems can be the oil line, which will start to flow when fluid is added. The way out is to replace the oil pipeline.

Why does engine oil leak?

When the fluid starts to leak, it is best to contact a service center. But before that, you can provide first aid to the car and determine a lot of points that will save time for the workshop workers and money for you.

So, what is the reason for such breakdowns and how to avoid them? Typically, the most leaking locations are:

  • Crankshaft oil seals;
  • Oil pan of the engine and gearbox;
  • Oil filter;
  • Place of fastening of the distributor;
  • Valve lid.

Engine age is a significant factor in leakage propensity. The longer the motor runs, the greater the damage to its parts, in particular the gasket and seal. Replacing them is the perfect solution.

It is much more difficult to eliminate the leakage due to shaft wear. The cause of the smudges is the groove made by the shaft in the oil seal. In this case, it will be necessary to change the entire shaft, and for this to disassemble the engine.

ADVICE! Oil seals, as a rule, wear out unevenly - the front is more intense than the rear. Therefore, it is better not to skimp and, if one of them is worn out, replace both during repairs.

Also, oil can leak due to poor crankcase ventilation. The task of the ventilation system is to free the crankcase from accumulated gases, relieve pressure. But over time, the system clogs up and pressure builds up in the crankcase. This is what pushes the oil out of the engine. Eliminating ventilation blockages is a mandatory procedure when repairing a leak.

A common cause of leaks is worn out engine pistons. In this case, even the ventilation system will not help.

The situation with the oil filter is simple - either tighten it or replace it.

Oil also frequently leaks out of the sump. To repair, you need to check the pallet for distortions, then fix them and seal the pallet. In addition, the valve cover can be a source of leakage. It should be cleaned, lubricated with sealant and reinstalled. To fix leaks in the place where the distributor is attached, unscrew the distributor, and coat the joints with sealant.

In order to protect the motor from damage, we advise you to install a crankcase protection - this will help to avoid such causes of leakage as penetration or deformation.

In general, this is the whole technique for repairing leaks. If the problem lies elsewhere, you can solve it either by replacing, or sealing, or simply tightening the fasteners.

The last, but not least, factor in the formation of leaks is the quality of the operating fluid. In some cases, it is useless and leads to breakdowns. Use modern oils from leading manufacturers, they are formulated for economical consumption and minimum evaporation.

Nevertheless, the situation with lubricating fluid cannot be called deplorable, because in conditions of healthy competition, manufacturers do not hack, and drivers choose the best option wisely.

How to prevent oil leakage?

In conclusion, I would like to say that regular engine diagnostics is one of the keys to its serviceability and durability. In addition to checking, one should not forget about practice - that is, winter-spring prevention.

Thanks to the lubricating fluid, the car will be able to maintain its performance as long as possible. Leaks are guaranteed to reduce both the durability of the vehicle and its comfort. In addition, such a problem can be called money down the drain, because oil is simply spent in emptiness.

The best proof of love for the car will be the replacement of all unstable, obsolete or wear parts of the engine.

You can even outline the following list so you don't forget:

  • Oil pan;
  • Oil seals (it is difficult and not necessary to change, but it is the law to check);
  • Valve cover gasket (replacement or sealing);
  • Gasket of the pallet and the upper cover of the gearbox;
  • Gasket between exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe.

After replacing and diagnosing all these elements, mark the event with the addition of new oil, and the machine will thank you with good work.

If you cannot find the time to complete all these procedures, then do not forget to insist on checking the details at the service station. The specialists will cope with their task and you will only have to enjoy the confident road. Enjoy your safe ride!

Engine oil leakage - causes and remedies

Changing the oil and oil filter are basic procedures every driver has to deal with. The lubrication system itself is quite simple, and there are no problems in its maintenance. But even with it, problems can arise that are noticeable when inspecting the engine. One such problem is oil leakage from under the oil filter. This problem can occur with both old and new motors. In this article, we will consider what is causing the oil to leak from under the oil filter.

Table of contents:

Why is oil leaking from under the filter on old engines

For older car engines, oil leakage from the filter can be considered normal. Often, smudges form at the junction of the filter due to the fact that the oil pump in such engines does not have a pressure reducing valve.

The task of the oil pump pressure reducing valve is to exclude the possibility of overpressure in the system. Its presence is especially important when operating a car at a negative ambient temperature. In the absence of a pressure reducing valve, the oil cannot pass through the filter due to its high density, which leads to oil squeezing out.

Modern engines have an overpressure relief system that eliminates the problem described above. But malfunctions that are relevant to modern motors can also concern old engines.

Why is oil leaking from under the filter on new engines

If your car's engine is new and it has an oil leakage problem, there could be a number of reasons. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Dirty filter.
    The most common cause is a dirty oil filter. If it becomes difficult for the oil to pass through the filter, oil slicker may occur. This is true for cars that do not have or do not have a bypass valve that does not work properly, which allows oil to enter the engine without filtration, in order to exclude oil starvation;
  • Wrong. Another common problem. If the driver or workshop technician made mistakes when installing the filter, it may start to leak. It is necessary to check how well the filter is screwed on, while it is important not to overtighten the filter element, which can cause rupture or deformation of the sealing elements;
  • The O-ring was not lubricated when installing the filter. This reason can also be attributed to incorrect installation of the filter. As you know, it is important to lubricate the O-ring when installing the filter. This is done so that the ring does not crack when the filter is twisted, and also so that it fits as tightly as possible and excludes the possibility of oil passing;

  • .
    If a cheap filter from an unknown manufacturer is installed, it is likely to be of poor quality. In such a filter, the sealing element may initially be damaged or there are cracks in the housing itself;
  • Problems with the threads on the union. If the thread on the fitting where the oil filter is screwed is defective or torn off, this will not allow the filter element to be pressed as tightly as possible during the installation process. Accordingly, the oil will be pushed out through the cracks formed. The solution to such a problem is to replace the nozzle or cut a new thread;
  • Oil selected incorrectly. When using a car, the requirements of the motor manufacturer must be followed. Having picked up too viscous or liquid oil, you may encounter the problem of its leakage in the area of ​​the sealing elements. It is also worth buying oil in proven places, since it is active, and the driver may not realize that he has poured low-quality oil into the engine;
  • . If in the engine than necessary, it can lead to its extrusion. In such a situation, you need to drain the excess oil to fix the problem;
  • Bypass valve problems. The bypass valve is needed to relieve oil pressure if it exceeds the established norms. Most often, the valve is located in the area of ​​the filter holder or on the oil pump itself. If the bypass valve wedges, it will not properly cope with the tasks assigned to it. In this case, you need to either clean the valve with gasoline, kerosene or special cleaning agents, or replace it with a new one;
  • Failure of the pressure reducing valve. Most often, the problem occurs due to damage or loosening of the spring located under the plug. You need to check this spring, which can be done if you remove it from the device. This spring must have sufficient elasticity, not have chips, scuffs, bends and other defects. The spring is changed if necessary.

In practice, the most common cause of oil leakage from under the filter is the poor quality of the filter itself or its incorrect installation. It is for this reason that you should pay primary attention when troubleshooting.

Many experienced motorists have one unusual habit - they always inspect the floor in the garage before setting off in their car. Is there oil leaking or suspicious stains on the floor? An engine oil leak is a serious problem that can lead to serious consequences, so the problem should be corrected as soon as possible. But in order to quickly and effectively eliminate oil leaks, you need to know about the factors that can provoke this malfunction. More details about why oil flows from the engine and how to deal with it, and will be discussed in this article.

The leakage of oil from the engine may be indicated not only by a characteristic puddle under the car, there are also other signs. For example, clutch slippage. When lubricant enters the surface of the exhaust pipe, blue smoke and a characteristic aroma are produced. If you smell an unpleasant smell from the engine on your way to work, be sure that oil is leaking from the engine.

Low oil level is the most obvious and at the same time commonplace sign of oil leakage, which for some reason many motorists ignore. If the fluid has completely drained out of the engine, then, of course, the dipstick will be dry, therefore it is recommended to always check the oil level before long trips (read also:). This procedure is simple and will take no more than a minute, but you can avoid serious engine damage.

On a note! Insufficient oil in the engine is indicated by a lighted icon on the dashboard. These icons are depicted as a red oil can. They light up when the engines are started, but go out after a few seconds.

Common Causes

Let's consider the most common causes of a malfunction:

  • damage to engine oil seals;
  • violation of the tightness of the filter element (accompanied by the appearance of a lubricant in the area of ​​the oil filter);
  • malfunction of the oil level sensor or leakage at the points of its attachment;
  • breakdown of the intake manifold, in particular, its control system;
  • use of low-quality or incorrect (non-conforming to manufacturer's requirements) engine oil;
  • overflow of lubricant;
  • long idle time of transport. If you do not operate the vehicle for a long time, then all the oil gradually flows into the oil pan, from where it will flow outward, since all oil seals will begin to crack due to idle time;
  • excessive amount of gases in the crankcase caused by insufficient ventilation. Due to the fact that more and more exhaust gases will pass through the worn piston holes, all of them, accumulating in the crankcase cavity, begin to squeeze out the lubricant;
  • damage to the cylinder head gasket (cylinder head). In any place, this gasket can break through, as a result of which oil will begin to flow from the engine. But not always, if the integrity of the cylinder head gasket is violated, the lubricant flows out. It can enter the cooling system. This can be determined by the changed color of the antifreeze - it becomes more turbid.

Common Causes of Engine Leaks

The main causes of oil leakage have been sorted out. Now you need to determine from which place the liquid flows.

How to find the leak

To determine the cause of the leak, it is necessary to identify the weak point in the engine. This is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort, time and patience. Of particular difficulty is the fact that it is impossible to inspect the engine from all sides to find a leak, so you need to resort to proven verification methods.

Tools and materials

To work you need the following tools:

  • special pumping mechanism for supplying compressed air;
  • Scotch;
  • polyethylene;
  • a little flour or powdered talcum powder;
  • UV lamp;
  • fluorescent pigment (special powder dye);
  • rag for wiping oil.

Once all the necessary tools are prepared, you can start working. Of course, not everyone has an UV lamp in their garage, so a blue flashlight can be used instead.

Getting started

To diagnose a car engine for oil leaks, there is no need to contact a specialist. All work can be done independently and even without garage conditions. The main thing is strict adherence to the instructions.

Table. How to find an engine oil leak.

Steps, photoDescription of actions
Step oneOpen the hood to check the engine oil level. To do this, unscrew the filler cap, wipe off the oil dipstick, and then insert it back to measure the liquid level. There are special marks on the dipstick that you need to focus on.
Step twoAdd some fluorescent dye to the crankcase and run the engine for 10-15 minutes. After that, turn off the light in the room and use an ultraviolet lamp to identify possible leaks.
Step threeCover the entire surface of the motor with a small layer of powder (talcum powder), then start the engine to warm it up well (If there is a leak, the applied talcum powder will allow you to see the oil flowing out.
Step fourInspect the oil line. To do this, you need to start the engine and observe the condition of the oil line. If there is a leak under load, the engines will spray oil. In this case, repair of the oil line or its complete replacement is required.
Step fiveThe place of leak does not have to be one, as oil can flow out in several places at once. As a rule, this is due to increased pressure in the engine crankcase. In such cases, a diagnosis is required at the service station.
Step sixSteam cleaning is another method for detecting leaks. To do this, wrap the wiring, sensors and all joints with polyethylene. Secure everything with tape or tape. Then apply a special degreasing agent to the surface of the motor and remove it after a certain amount of time using a steam cleaner. Compressed air is needed to dry all electrical components. On a clean engine, it is much easier to spot all sorts of leaks.

On a note! To obtain the most accurate data on the oil level in the engine, the check must be carried out on a well-heated car. The motor must run for at least 10 minutes. Only then is it recommended to measure the engine oil.

How to troubleshoot

After you have located the oil leak, you need to deal with this problem. Below are the methods for solving the most common breakdowns. In most cases, a standard set of tools that every motorist has, and a high-quality sealant will suffice for repairs.

The problem is in the oil seals

If damaged oil seals are the cause of engine oil leakage, then you can be sure that serious work awaits you ahead. As a rule, the front oil seal is subject to wear much more often, therefore it is often necessary to change it. When installing new parts, be sure to use a sealant, treating the surface of the shaft and gland with it. Experts recommend replacing all oil seals at once, and not just damaged ones. So get the complete kit. This will save time on further repairs.

Oil gauge

This device helps to identify oil leaks. But there are also cases when the oil sensor itself is the culprit for the leakage of the lubricant. There is no point in restoring it, so if the sensor malfunctions, it needs to be replaced.

Oil filter

One of the most common and at the same time simple reasons for oil leakage is considered to be a malfunction of the oil filter. In most cases, tighten the filter well to fix the problem. But if the matter is not in the junction itself, but in the filter element, then its replacement is required. This procedure is simple, since the oil filter is often in a conspicuous place. Unscrew it by hand or using a special tool, and then install a new part.

Why does oil squeeze out and flow from under the oil filter


Often, oil leaks are seen in the area of ​​the distributor, or rather, in the place of its attachment. In such cases, you need to remove the distributor cover and, having marked the location of the slider with chalk or a marker, unscrew the fasteners and remove the mechanism completely. Seal the joint and install the distributor back. Make sure the slider is in the same place as before removing the device.

Valve cover malfunction

Problems with the valve cover, and more specifically, with its gasket, often lead to engine oil leakage. To fix this problem, you need to remove the valve cover, clean its surface of oil with acetone, put a new gasket and reinstall the cover. for better contact, the valve cover gasket must be sealed with a sealant. After repairs, check the engine for serviceability by driving the car.

Oil pan

Crankcase leakage may be indicated by the presence of oil on the sump. To eliminate the malfunction, the installation of a pallet protection is required. Remove this element and carry out a visual inspection for mechanical damage. If the pallet is intact, then the problem is most likely in the gasket. Replace the gasket with sealant. But in order to prevent possible damage to the pallet in the future, you need to install special protection made of metal or durable plastic.

Ventilation problems

A ventilation system is designed to lower exhaust gases inside the crankcase, therefore, if the system wires are blocked, oil may leak from the engine. This is due to the high pressure that has arisen, under the influence of which the fluid is looking for possible ways out of the crankcase. In order to eliminate the leak in this case, it is initially necessary to restore the operation of the ventilation system.

On a note! The appearance of exhaust gases in the engine crankcase is possible even with a fully functional ventilation system. As a rule, an increase in working pressure in such cases is associated with a malfunction of the piston system.

Incorrectly selected oil

Leaks can also occur as a result of an incorrectly selected lubricant. Some motorists ignore the recommendations from manufacturers regarding the choice of lubricants. In fact, the oil should be selected taking into account some features, for example, the basis of the composition, the presence of additives, viscosity, etc. It is not recommended to artificially upgrade the quality of engine oil, especially if your car is over 10 years old.

Choose the right engine oil

Poor attachment

Failure to tighten fasteners often results in unplanned oil leaks from the engine. To avoid such troubles, after repairing the engine, all elements must be clamped using a torque wrench - a tool that shows the clamping force of fasteners. Often, due to inexperience or carelessness when tightening, bolts and studs break off. In this case, oil leakage is inevitable. Therefore, if you notice a torn thread in the mounting bolts, then try to replace the damaged elements as soon as possible.

Consequences of untimely repairs

If everything is clear with the reasons for the leak and how to fix the problem, now it is worthwhile to deal with the possible consequences. What are the risks of untimely repairs? Everyone knows that without lubricant, the engine will not be able to work normally. It will overheat quickly, causing many of its elements to fail. First of all, damage will affect the piston group and the crankshaft, which will lead to the ingress of metal chips into the oil residues. This will only aggravate the situation - the integrity of the sealing elements and various oil seals will be violated.

An increase in engine temperature can also lead to deformation of the cylinder head, which will entail more serious financial losses. While it is relatively cheap to replace damaged pistons, repairing an engine with a deformed cylinder head will be much more expensive (in most cases it will be cheaper to buy a new engine).

As a conclusion

An engine oil leak is a serious symptom that cannot be ignored. Even a slight delay in repairs jeopardizes the functioning of the entire engine. On the other hand, timely attention to the problem that has arisen will help to avoid long and expensive repairs.

We hope our article helped you identify and fix oil leaks. Share your stories in the comments, ask questions. Not a nail, not a rod for you, dear motorists!

Video - Engine oil flows from the VAZ-2113 engine

During the operation of the vehicle, many motorists notice oil leakage from under the oil filter. This problem can be relevant both for owners of fairly old cars with high mileage, and for relatively new ones.

In the first case, oil flows in the area of ​​the oil filter due to the fact that it may not have a pressure reducing valve, which does not allow overpressure in the system. Most often, the problem manifests itself after a cold start in winter, when the oil thickens in the crankcase of the power unit. The thick lubricant simply does not have time to pass through the filter, as a result of which the oil is squeezed out.

As for modern motors, leaks for this reason are not normally allowed, since the presence of an overpressure relief valve in the design of modern systems excludes this possibility. For this reason, oil leakage from under the oil filter housing is a malfunction and becomes a reason for diagnosing the power unit.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons why oil is leaking from the oil filter, what to do if oil is leaking from under the oil filter cap or housing, and how to fix it.

Read in this article

Why does oil flow from under the oil filter

To begin with, the list of reasons why oil squeezes out in the area of ​​the oil filter is quite wide. Most often, the culprit is the owner himself, who has not changed the oil filter for a long time.

  • Contamination of the oil filter under certain conditions can lead to the fact that the throughput is greatly reduced, the lubricant practically does not pass through the filter media. At the same time, to protect against engine oil starvation, the filter design usually has a special bypass valve (allows oil to bypass the filter element), but the possibility of failures during its operation cannot be ruled out.

If the purity and "freshness" of the filter is beyond doubt, then mistakes could have been made during its installation. If a leak manifests itself immediately after replacing the filter, it is quite possible that the filter itself is not tightened enough or the housing is not twisted (in the case of a collapsible design). This indicates the need for a tie. This procedure is carried out by hand or using a special plastic key-puller.

A prerequisite can be considered the absence of force when tightening, since the constriction leads to ruptures of the sealing gum and deformation of the sealing ring. If this happens, the filter must be replaced with a new one or the problem must be solved by replacing the damaged seal.

We add that very often during installation, car owners and mechanics forget to lubricate the above sealing rubber ring on the oil filter housing with engine oil. This leads to the fact that after twisting the filter, its loose fit is possible, the seal can be deformed or placed at an angle.

In any case, the oil filter must be removed, check the integrity of the seal, lubricate the rubber band and install the filter element in place, taking into account the peculiarities of its installation. It should also be remembered that a defective oil filter may come across on sale. In such a situation, the body itself may be defective, on which there are cracks, the seal may be made of low-quality rubber, the valve in the filter does not work, etc.

  • Excessive engine oil pressure is the second most common cause of oil leaks in the area of ​​the oil filter. An increase in pressure in the lubrication system can occur for various reasons, ranging from significant thickening of the lubricant in combination with an excess of the oil level and ending with certain mechanical failures.

Let's start with the bypass valve. The specified valve is required to relieve oil pressure in case of exceeding the specified value. The valve can be located in the area of ​​the filter holder, as well as on the oil pump itself (depending on the design features). To check, you need to get to the valve and assess its performance.

Jamming in the closed position will result in the element not working. In this case, the device must be cleaned and washed. Suitable for cleaning are gasoline, carburetor flushing fluid, kerosene, etc. Note that, as practice shows, it is better to replace a jammed valve when possible, especially given its relatively affordable price.

  • Another reason for leaks associated with the oil filter is the problem with the threads on the fitting where the filter is screwed. If the threads are stripped or damaged, then the filter housing cannot be tightened properly during installation, as a result of which the oil will be squeezed out. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the union or cut a new thread.

It is also worth highlighting that if, that is, it becomes too liquid or viscous, then leaks often occur in the area of ​​gaskets and seals. The oil filter is no exception. The lubricant should be selected in accordance with the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer, and also take into account the peculiarities and operating conditions.

Note that if the driver constantly uses the same type of oil, the filter is not contaminated, no significant changes in weather conditions have occurred, and there are no obvious ICE malfunctions, then there may be a fact of pouring fake engine oil into the engine. It turns out that a poor-quality lubricant simply does not have the declared properties, as a result of which leaks appear.

The way out in such a situation is obvious - an immediate replacement of the filter and lubricant is necessary, and an additional one may also be required. Finally, we add that the blockage of the pipes of the crankcase ventilation system leads to the fact that gases accumulate inside the internal combustion engine, pressure grows inside the engine and the oil is squeezed out through the gaskets and seals. The specified crankcase ventilation system must be checked during the diagnostic process, and also periodically cleaned for preventive purposes.

How to fix a leak from under the oil filter

So, in most cases, it is enough to fill in high-quality oil, taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations and seasonality, change or correctly install the oil filter.

With basic skills, it is quite possible to cope with cleaning the crankcase ventilation system. This means that practically every driver in garage conditions can eliminate oil leaks with his own hands in most cases.

As for more complex malfunctions, these include a failed pressure reducing valve and damaged threads on the fitting for securing the oil filter. In practice, the problem with the valve is more common, so let's focus on checking it separately.

The main task is to check the valve spring, which is located under the plug. It is she who is responsible for the operation of the device; the general performance will depend on the state of the spring. The specified spring must be removed from the seat for inspection. The presence of scoring, creases, bends and other defects is not allowed. Also, the spring should be tight, not weakened.

If the spring can be easily stretched by hand, this indicates a weakening of this element. Also, the overall length of the spring should not be increased, indicating an extension. Decrease in length is an indication that part of the spring has broken off. In a similar situation, debris must also be removed from the valve seat. The discovery of any defects in the spring is the reason for its replacement.

Let's summarize

A decrease in compression in the cylinders will indicate a possible breakthrough of gases from the combustion chamber and an increase in pressure in the engine crankcase. The readings on the liquid pressure gauge will help you more quickly identify pressure deviations in the lubrication system, if any.

Finally, we add that if the oil squeezes out from under the oil filter during starts or the lubricant is constantly flowing, while the engine is working properly and the pressure in the lubrication system is normal, and the filter itself is correctly installed and securely fixed, then the reason may be the low quality of the filter itself. In this case, before an in-depth check of the internal combustion engine, it is better to start by changing the filter to a proven product from a well-known manufacturer.

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