Home Salon Presentation on the theme "The project on the theme:" Cars - old and modern "". Presentation on the theme "cars of the future" Presentation on the theme of unusual cars

Presentation on the theme "The project on the theme:" Cars - old and modern "". Presentation on the theme "cars of the future" Presentation on the theme of unusual cars

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Automotive pioneer Karl Friedrich Benz - German mechanic and entrepreneur, pioneer of automotive engineering, officially recognized as one of the creators of the first car. Born November 26, 1844 in Ladenburg. Graduated from the "Higher Polytechnic School" in Karlsruhe. He worked as a photographer, watchmaker, laborer, draftsman and mechanic. In 1871 he decided to found a company for the construction of internal combustion engines, developed by him. In 1879, Benz tried to patent his motor, but it turned out that a similar engine had already been patented in the UK. Nevertheless, he received a patent, however, only for the fuel supply system used in his engine. In 1883, Benz founded the Benz & Company Reinische Gasmotorfabrik in Mannheim and began experimenting with building a motor carriage in his home workshop.

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The first car In 1885, the first example of a 3-wheeled car with a single-cylinder engine appeared. It was an open carriage weighing 250 kilograms on bicycle-type wheels, with spokes, and the front wheel is much smaller than the two rear ones. The single-cylinder four-stroke engine developed 0.85 horsepower and 200 rpm. The engine was located in the back, under the seat. Its engine power was enough to accelerate the car to 15 kilometers per hour. On July 3, 1886, Benz decided to drive his car for the first time to the streets of Mingheim, his hometown. Then the crackle of the engine and the very sight of the outlandish carriage frightened everyone. Benz built three of these machines in total. Two of them disappeared, and one is in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, and it is perfectly preserved, you can still ride it.

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On January 29, 1886, the inventor received the German Imperial patent for a "gas-powered carriage" called "Motorvagen". In 1893, Benz began producing the 4-wheeled Victoria with a three-horsepower engine, and in 1894 the Velo model went into production. By the beginning of 1901, Benz's company had become one of the largest in the industry. In recognition of the merits of the engineer, the Higher Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe awarded him an honorary doctorate. In Russia, the first Mercedes-Benz car with a capacity of 1.5 liters with two seats appeared in 1894. First sold in 1895 in St. Petersburg. Subsequently, the first car of the Benz brand became the prototype of the first Russian serial car of the Petrol and Gas Engine Factory of the industrialist Yakovlev in St. Petersburg. Mercedes Benz

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Description of the main properties of the vehicle Reliability is a property of the vehicle, in which it is able to perform the specified functions, keeping in time the values ​​of the established performance indicators within the specified limits corresponding to the specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation. Efficiency is a property of a car, in which it is able to perform specified functions, while maintaining the values ​​of specified parameters within the limits established by regulatory and technical documentation. Reliability - the property of a car to continuously maintain performance for some time or some operating time.

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Classification of cars A car is a self-propelled vehicle, presented for the transportation of goods, people and for performing special tasks. Passenger cars are designed to carry from one to seven passengers. Buses are designed for mass transportation of passengers. Buses, depending on the destination, are intercity or city. Tourist buses form a separate group. Depending on passenger compatibility, buses are divided into buses of small, medium and large compatibility. Trucks can have a platform and can be used as universal vehicles for the transportation of various goods and can be specialized, with bodies adapted to transport individual loads. In addition to the body type, trucks are classified according to their carrying capacity and maneuverability. Special vehicles are designed to perform one task. These include: firefighters, sanitary, aerial platforms, watering, auto repair shops. * Vehicle classification can be seen on the diagram

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Classification of vehicles Automobiles Transport Special Passenger Cargo Cars Buses

PURPOSE: To continue to expand the horizons of children, to educate observation skills, To give children knowledge about the variety of vehicles, about their appearance and purpose, To clarify the idea of ​​special-purpose vehicles, to explain the importance of some special-purpose vehicles; To foster respect for the work of people working in the field of transport; Be able to guess transport riddles.

The red car rushes along the road, it needs to appear in place as soon as possible, there the fire must be extinguished the avalanche - everyone calls the red fire engine. "01" - these two digits are often typed, which means they are not always cautious!

Step aside! Make way! Make way! An ambulance is flying to the rescue. The sentry's order: “Stop! No move! Only for "Ambulance" Green light! " Somewhere there was a big trouble, an ambulance is rushing there.

Wants to join the police, the one who fights. The one who yells and pesters everyone. the one who scratches and spits, takes everything away and hits the little ones.

04 - phone, he will always help you. Call the "emergency" and meet the rescuers. If the house smells of gas, call for help right away! After all, the rescuers squad to help you, of course, is glad.

A fuel truck is a car with a barrel, Only he is not a coward at all. It goes around pits, bumps, In it gasoline is a dangerous cargo.

This is me - the milk tanker, I brought you milk! Traveled very far - Drink, kids, milk! Milked a herd in the village - You need a lot of milk! Maybe next time I’ll bring Curd Cheese for you.

I will tell you, I will not be mistaken: they carry different types of goods by FURY - Vegetables and fruits, equipment, food, Jeans, jackets, blankets and bicycles.

What were you carrying, timber truck? - I was carrying logs from the forest! - Why, timber truck? - To make a house of logs grow!

The snowblower has no time to doze in winter. The blizzard will pour snow everywhere, to clear the sidewalks. Snowdrifts, snow drifts, this car is on the shoulder. There is no more snow on the tracks, but I want to play snowballs.

The heat outside is just like at the equator - cold winter reigns inside the refrigerator. The driver is hot in the driver's cabin, he dreams of getting into the back of the car: the driver wants to stay in the refrigerator, to cool down at least a little from the hellish heat!

Blue car with a white stripe, It delivers mail in summer and winter. There are a lot of magazines, letters and newspapers in it, and she's lucky you ardent greetings

Under the window - the noise of wheels, in the yard - a garbage truck! He will collect various rubbish so that it is clean for us.

This is a brave all-terrain vehicle, He will go everywhere, everywhere: Through swamps, over mountains, Through ravines, through forests. This is a strong car, And a big cabin in it, He walks on tracks, Loudly he starts the engine, He walks, he walks everywhere, On land and on water!

tow truck

This tractor is very strong, not afraid of pits and bumps. Today he helped us get home without roads.

skid steer loader

Construction machinery

Who boldly rakes the heaps over the torn up earth? This little bulldozer evens everything with its nose!

Here is an asphalt roller For road construction. To smooth out wrinkles Better not to find a car!

Dump truck, dump truck! Tell me where you have been! - I took the sand to the river for a whole day! And there will be a beach on the river. He guys will be yours.

Why is the excavator good? He has a huge bucket. He does not know fatigue, He digs for himself all day

It's time for us to get acquainted with the crane this time. He easily lifts loads very high! Without it, a high-rise building cannot be built for anything!

Who does not know tiredness? Who levels the road to everyone. This is a grader - he, moreover, Ahead with a large bucket.

truck crane

asphalt paver

concrete truck

pipe carrier

Cars and cars are hurrying along the roads. And in the back - important, urgent goods: Cement and iron, raisins and watermelons. The job of chauffeurs is difficult and complex. But how people need it everywhere! There are many machines in the world, Special and large ones, Everyone needs these machines And you can't do without them ...

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Rationale for the choice of topic

The theme "Cars - Old and Modern" was chosen by me because I love different cars. Cars are very important for a person, since in the modern world, a person himself can no longer cope with the rhythm of high speeds. Cars play an important role in everyday life - these are taxis, ambulances, fire trucks, rescue vehicles and many others.

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Purpose of the research: to study the history of automobiles. Research objectives: 1) Collect information about the development of the car; 2) Carry out the classification of cars; 3) Conduct a survey among class students; 4) Draw conclusions on the research topic.

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Automobile Automobiles have been around for over a hundred years. The word "car" consists of two words: the Greek "auto" means "itself", and the Latin "mobile" means moving. " All together it translates as "self-propelled". The very, very first car was designed by the Frenchman Nicolas Cugno in 1770. Karl Benz's car, 1885. The first production car with an internal combustion engine.

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Car classification

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What does a car consist of?

The body is the main part of the car. The engine is the heart of the car. The most important part of the car. Thanks to him, the car moves. The chassis is the base of the machine. Salon - passengers and cargo are accommodated here. Trunk - to accommodate luggage.

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The development of the automotive industry has led to an increase in the speed of movement, an increase in the number of cars on the roads. More and more accidents happened. In 1909, uniform rules were adopted for all countries, the first road signs were introduced, and the duties of drivers and pedestrians were established. In 1914, the first traffic light appeared. Also, one of the most important areas was to increase the safety of the car itself. This is how bumpers, belts, airbags and various systems appeared.

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Poll Investigating this topic, I conducted a survey among classmates, in which the following questions were proposed: What brands of cars do you like? Why do you need a car in the first place? What should be the car of the future?

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What car brands do you like? Why do you need a car in the first place? What should be the car of the future?

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According to the survey results, the modern generation of students chooses safety as the main quality, and they believe that the car is necessary for business travel around the city, and not for entertainment. The environmental friendliness of the car is considered an important factor, since a clean environment is important for the guys. Summarizing the collected material, I want to note the important contribution of cars and the automotive industry to modern history and human life. The founder of the automotive industry, Mercedes Benz, was recognized as the best car brand.

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This work: - Allowed me to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of the car; - gave advanced knowledge on the creation and emergence of new car brands; - I think that my project will be useful to those who are not familiar with the development of the automotive industry and will allow you to learn a lot about the history of the car.

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The consultants working in car dealerships describe the models of cars in some detail and in detail, and in this one can feel their knowledge of the business and the full characteristics of cars. To achieve such a high level, you need to constantly read car reviews, study special literature and information about new cars. In this process, the main thing is that consultants do not use many technical terms, because you cannot show the client your superiority over him.
When communicating with potential buyers of a car, a manager should not make gross mistakes and belittle customers. A huge typical mistake car sellers make is their assessment of the purchasing power of customers, which is based on the demeanor and appearance of the latter. Car dealership managers must show visitors any car that the client asks about, the consultant should not, by his behavior, make it clear to the visitor that the car may not be affordable for him, this even applies to working with the most expensive cars.
Today, there are many credit programs in domestic countries, so many car dealership clients opt for cars that cost much more than they can afford, so when a car dealership manager tries to decide for a client the acceptability of the cost of the car being purchased, it will be generally unreasonable.
In most cases, consultants are limited to demonstrating only the car that the visitor wanted to know about. Some car dealerships even offer potential buyers to get into the car, but this is done only in those places where customers have low expectations and demand exceeds supply.
The car for sale should be shown in action, for this you need to turn on the ignition, so that you can press all the buttons and so that all the lights come on. To this end, many car dealerships offer the popular test drive service. If this service is not offered for certain models, the manager can take the buyer for a ride through the nearby streets or the backyard of the car dealership.
In order for the buyer to feel comfortable in the car (albeit a stranger for now), it is imperative to adjust the mirrors and the seat for him.
At the present time, credit systems contribute to the rapid development of the car sales industry. Therefore, when the consultant of the car dealership starts to demonstrate the car, the visitors of the car dealership forget about their other needs and decide to buy a car that may not even be affordable for them. In such cases, emotions prevail over the mind of the buyers and the manager must be able to use such moments.
Inexperienced or lazy car dealership managers cannot captivate buyers, they do not offer visitors to show the car, they do not take the initiative and do not dare to help the client choose a model. Therefore, the consultants of car dealerships should think for the visitor, guess his innermost desires, offer different versions of the car, willingly share their own experience.
During the presentation of the machine, the seller must pay attention to the buyer's requirements. Often, inexperienced managers do not ask any questions at a car dealership, so they create the impression that they are afraid to invade the personal space of buyers and ask something. The seller of the car must master that it is the question that is the real tool for selling, and it is precisely the correctly asked questions that most often lead customers to a purchase, and even faster than the most complete and wonderful information about the car.
In some cases, managers can get so carried away by stories about the car that they simply do not have time to talk to the visitor, since other customers are waiting for them at the car dealership. Therefore, in such cases, it would be better to ask clarifying questions after the presentation of the car. If the questions of how the most powerful tool for selling cars are not used to the full, then the manager loses his potential buyers.
In other words, often visitors to car dealerships who have money leave with nothing and the fault is the manager who did not want to understand the client and satisfy his desires. Therefore, the sales volumes of car dealerships turn out to be too low and the reason for this is that sellers do not ask customers questions.

Councils for the sale of a car.

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